Saturday, May 02, 2009

All About the Girl


I just made it through all 257 kitchens and can I just say that there are some AMAZING kitchens out there. I'm glad I'm not building a house right now because I would be overwhelmed. One minute you have me convinced I want black cabinets and then I'm loving the white again. I hope ya'll had as much fun touring as I did.
And just so you get more of a heads up this time - this Friday will be living rooms - so get your pictures ready!
And since I haven't posted any Harper pics in a few days - today will be overload. :-)
How cute are these socks??? I HEART trumpette socks. She has a set and wears them every day and I was in a store recently and saw these little princess crown ones ( a box of several colors) and later found them on ebay brand new for 1/3 the price! Yeay me! They are the only socks I can get her to keep on her feet more than 10 minutes.

Here we were dressed up for the doctor on Friday. My poor little sweetie has HORRIBLE excema. It has bothered me so badly and I finally took her in. We are going to try a few things to hopefully help her. It just makes me sad. If your child ever had that - what worked best? I actually haven't been putting head bands on her lately because I don't want to aggravate it on her head. Just slip them on for quick pictures now and then! (Oh and neither Scott or I have food allergies and pretty sure it's not dairy or eggs because both things make me gag. I might have one piece of cheese a day and that's it).
Harper's new favorite thing to do is to lay and hold her feet. She can even put them in her mouth - she may be a gymnast! I think it's adorable.
She is getting sweeter every day. She hasn't been crying as much and is starting to get more of a personality. I love her so much sometimes I feel like my heart could just break. I even love her even though she is getting up EVERY TWO HOURS during the night. I'm pretty much a zombie these days because I have been getting no sleep.........but how could you care when you look at that sweet face?? I'll sleep when she goes to college. Maybe she'll sleep through the night by then.
For some reasons she always takes long naps on Saturdays. I guess she is just worn out by the weekend. Or maybe it's the fact that it's springtime in the south and it rains every single weekend. I left her with daddy today for a little while so I could do some shopping. I found a dress to wear next Sunday for Mother's Day/Baby dedication and it's not black! ha! Now I just need to find a way to get tan, thin arms and legs by next Sunday because it's sleeveless. Any miracle cures out there? I was thrilled this morning when I finally weighed a little less than I did pre-pregnancy! (and no - still haven't started the Shred. Scott's talking about getting P90X after seeing the infomercials and turning our garage into a gym. Anyone tried it? (Let me clarify - I have NO intention of trying P90X - I would love to have be all athletic and trim - but my exercise plan right now is lifting and carrying a baby and breast feeding and hopefully if the weather will cooperate - pushing a stroller and MAYBE Shred). (But Scott really is trying to get in shape - and he's much more committed than I'll ever be)
Harper took a 4 hour nap and she was SO happy when she woke up. This is her right after she woke up. I just don't think I can take the sweetness!!!
Here we are - me and the love of my life. I can't tell you how thankful I am for her.

Well - I've got to go lay out Sunday clothes, pack the diaper bag and get ready for bed. I have a feeling someone will be waking up soon. And again. And again. And again.


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roadrunner201 said...

Jude will not keep socks on long either, so praise God that it's spring!

About the eczema, do you use ANYTHING on her that has a fragrance? My dear friend can not use any regular baby wash or lotions on her son because it triggers his eczema. Same for laundry detergent. She uses Burt's Bee stuff on the baby and All Free Clear on the laundry.

Anonymous said...

All three of my sons had eczema when they were young. The good news is they outgrew it by the time they were two. I found that I could not use ANY johnsons products or anything scented. Before they were a year old I washed them in Cetaphil (you can get it in the face wash section at walmart). Then for lotion I used Baby exzema cream by Gentle Naturals very liberally. It's real greasy but it was the only thing that worked for me. I tried everything aquafor, etc and this was all that did it for us. You can sometimes find it at walmart but always at walgreens. It's with the baby section at walgreens in a green box and if they have it at walmart it's in the section where they have baby lotions in the big people soap isles by the pharmacy. Be sure to open the box before you purchase it though b/c there is a $1.00 off coupon inside the box! When mine got over a year I could use Aveeno products and it didn't bother them. Also, if you're not using dreft or method baby detergeant if you have a frontload washer that was also a kicker for me too. That's all I could use. Hope that helps!

noahandlylasmommi said...

I love reading your blog. I can tell you are just a sweet, genuine person. You Southern girls usually are though ;) Harper is so sweet. She is growing so fast. Hope you can find a solution for the eczema! Have a great Sunday!

Becky said...

My daughter was exclusive BF and didn't sleep all night until she was nine months...Hang in there:) It gets easier when mommy get sleep!

Jill Sloothaak said...

Every two hours!!! Oh, Kelly....she is a true diva, isn't she??? :) Someday you'll look back and miss those middle of the night feedings when you had nothing to do except enjoy the quiet and take in every ounce of sweetness in Harper!
My little guy has terrible excema changes make it flare up, but we use Aveeno bath wash and lotion daily, and only use detergents free of dyes and pefumes. None of those great baby smells, but at least he isn't itchy all over! Good luck finding what works for Harper!

Anonymous said...

she's such a sweet little girl, you must be so overwhelmed with love and thankfulness!

Laura said...

Try cortaid. My son also has eczema and we love this product. It works great. Aveeno also makes an eczema cream which works great. Good Luck.

The Straka's said...

My son has eczema that's sent us to a dermatologist for all of his's what we do. Warm bath every night to soak the pores (5-10 min), lotion immediately afterwards with Vanicream (sold over the counter but behind the pharmacy), and prescription cortizones. The BEST thing I ever did was go to the dermatologist with him. It was also suggested he get as much vitamin D from the sun as possible-so take LOTS of walks and let her sunbathe in the window!! Good luck!!!

Jessica K. said...

I hope you guys have a wonderful baby dedication!!

About the eczema. I know everybody loves a good smelling baby, but bathing them dayly actually harms them. I know I dont have kids but I have been around babies ever since I was 12. I spent 4 weeks watching a midwife and she told me a lot of interesting stuff. Almost everyone bathes their child one time a day in the states. In Europe its different. The pediatrician actually tells you to only bathe them once a week. I doubt many ppl really do that but it would be best. Even adults shouldnt shower dayly. Now I think that is gross, I take a shower every day and would NEVER go without. But thinking of the tender baby skin I really think its best to not bathe them everyday. (every 2-3 days would be good) It dries the skin and takes away the stuff everyone produces to protect the skin. So by bathing them dayly you take away the selfprotection and normal babylotions cant replace it.

So many thats something you could try. You dont have to go buy an expensive lotion first, just try to reduce the bathing and see if that help her!
I hope I didnt write the same stuff as everyone else!! I hope this will help!!

Have a great sunday!!

jensoup said...

My kids had horrible excema-1 ended up with an RX version of cortizone.Heat makes it worse-so sorry this will be the start of the bad season.Eucerin CREAM not lotion is WONDERFUL-it comes in a tub and is a liitle pricey ,but a little goes a long way.Use it 2-3 x's per day. You can use over the counter hydracortizone on the bad patches. Also stop using most baby products-they trick you into thinking there good for babies skin-there not ! Fragrance is the worst thing for it. Use shampoo,body wash,body lotion,LAUNDRY soap all with no fragrance and dont use fabric softner. Hope this helps-I know it can be no fun.

katie19861986 said...

My son has eczema really bad. Here are few things that I found helpful. Do not use baby wash and if you must use the Soothing Aveeno with oatmeal. When things get really intense I put oatmeal in an old sock, tie it closed with a rubberband, and once the oatmeal is squishy rub it all over baby's skin. We do Eucerin(the cream in the tub) at night and at every diaper change we use Aveeno. When it is really bad the Dr gave us a steriod cream to use. I don't like to use it though because it thins the blood and causes the skin to thin. Using sensative laundry soap helps a lot as well. That stuff is super expensive so I actually make my own laundry soap. Use soft clothing and blankets.

My son happens to have a milk protien allergy but the crazy thing is that I didn't think I was eating any dairy. Milk protien is in almost everything from crackers, soups, granola bars, pancake mixes, and a whole lot of other things. Neither me, my husband, my daughter, or our families have any food allergies either. Just something to consider.

Heather said...

She seriously gets cuter every single day!!! Avery Kate has two sets of Trumpette socks waiting in her closet....they are ADORABLE!
My niece and nephew have/had excema and I know it is ROUGH! Can't wait to see pics from next Sunday....what a special day!
Love ya!
OH- and I say if you are having to get up with her every two need to schedule in an extra Sonic trip during the've earned "two a day" for this season of life!!! :) (That's what I am telling myself in this last month of pregnancy!!!ha!)

Danielle @ Living Out Loud said...

Gasp! Is there a picture of Harper wearing somethiing without her name or initial on it?! Ha! She is such a cutie and I'm happy to see pics of her again!

As for the eczema, are you still nursing her? If so, I'd recommend that you try to eliminate all dairy (which I found nearly impossible to do!) and see if it makes a difference. It might not, but I've had many friends say that their baby's eczema completley cleared up after they switched to formula.

My son and daugher both have skin problems. The doctor was quick to prescribe me a steroid cream, but I never used it because I didn't like the idea of the steroids getting into the bloodstream (which they do). However, I did use an over-the-counter cortisone cream on the really bad areas. They have so little amount of steroid, I thought they would be safe enough to use.

I also stopped using the regular baby products because they are really drying to the skin. I switched to organic products and started using a cleanser and cream called "Cerave". It's not on the grocery store shelves, but you can purchase it from the pharmacy inside of Walgreens or I get it at my local grocery store pharmacy. It works very well. Cetpahil and Aquaphor work pretty well too, but I hate how greasy Aquaphor is.

And I also switched to an organic laundry detergent.

And I did the cool mist humidifior in the bedrooms (helps wit the drying).

All of these things helped, but none of them completely cured it. They both still have the skin rash (it's like eczema, but more) and it gets better over time. Sometimes I really notice it, other times I don't.

I figure it that's the only thing I have to worry about, then it's not worth worrying about too much :)

I hope these tips help! Good Luck!

Jennifer said...

First, let me tell you what a blessing you are! I started reading your blog a short time ago, and so much of your story is similar to mine. We had so much trouble getting pregnant! Four years worth of trying, doctors, IUI, next step IVF. We decided IVF didn't feel right for us, and while we loved the idea of adoption (even before we had trouble conceiving we had thought about adopting one day), it just didn't feel like where we were being led. We stopped "trying", and a year later, I was pregnant. We had so much trouble during pregnancy. Threatened miscarriage, Trisomy 18 scare, blood clotting,... After her birth she had liver problems. At 3weeks she had a biopsy at Children's Mercy Hospital and at 5 months was diagnosed with Alpha 1 Antitrypsin deficiency. Simply put, her liver and lungs have to be monitored closely. She is now 9 months old, doing great, and has a very promising future.

Thank you so much for your encouragement and prayers for those looking for spouses, those waiting for babies, and the families stuggling with sick little ones.

ANYWAY, my little Kate also struggled with some skin issues at about the age Harper is now. We started using All Free and Clear detergent and Aveeno soap, lotions, and shampoo. She cleared up and hasn't really had any trouble since.

God Bless You!

Danielle @ Living Out Loud said...

Gasp! Is there a picture of Harper wearing somethiing without her name or initial on it?! Ha! She is such a cutie and I'm happy to see pics of her again!

As for the eczema, are you still nursing her? If so, I'd recommend that you try to eliminate all dairy (which I found nearly impossible to do!) and see if it makes a difference. It might not, but I've had many friends say that their baby's eczema completley cleared up after they switched to formula. And I believe my son's skin is worse when he eats a lot of dairy. He doesn't drink regular milk (he is 4), he drinks Almond Milk for that reason. Just a thought.

My son and daugher both have skin problems. The doctor was quick to prescribe me a steroid cream, but I never used it because I didn't like the idea of the steroids getting into the bloodstream (which they do). However, I did use an over-the-counter cortisone cream on the really bad areas. They have so little amount of steroid, I thought they would be safe enough to use.

I also stopped using the regular baby products (especially Johhnson & Johnson) because they are really drying to the skin (they have all kinds of perfumes and are mineral oil based). I switched to organic products and started using a cleanser and cream called "Cerave". It's not on the grocery store shelves, but you can purchase it from the pharmacy inside of Walgreens or I get it at my local grocery store pharmacy. It works very well. Cetpahil and Aquaphor work pretty well too, but I hate how greasy Aquaphor is. The main things is not to use any other kind of soap on the skin and as messy as it is, I lube them both up immediately after every bath (which we only do every other night for the skin drying issues)!

And I also switched to an organic laundry detergent.

And I did the cool mist humidifior in the bedrooms (helps wit the drying).

All of these things helped, but none of them completely cured it. They both still have the skin rash (it's like eczema, but more) and it gets better over time. Sometimes I really notice it, other times I don't.

I figure it that's the only thing I have to worry about, then it's not worth worrying about too much :)

I hope these tips help! Good Luck!

Love the home tour... I'm having so much fun looking around!

Ana said...

Hey Kelly,

My boys have had some mild eczema. Aquaphor and Eucerin (the thick cream in the tub) have both worked well. Eucerin is a little less messy. I think the key is to reapply throughout the day.

When it first got really bad, (at about 6-9 months old) I took our oldest to the dermatologist and got a prescription ointment. I've also used the 1/2 or 1 % over the counter hydrocortisone cream. Just check with your pedi or dermatologist to see if and what strength you can use for Harper. Also, you only want to use them for about 1 week at a time (they contain steroids and can thin the skin out over time). These creams worked great! Then I would just use the aquaphor or eucerin.

I've also heard that tea tree oil can work well, but have not tried it.

Some other suggestions:
*Use a fragance free baby soap for sensitive skin.
*Use a laundry detergent that is free of fragance and dyes such as All or Cheer Clear and free. Also use fragrance free (bounce makes some) dryer sheets if you use fabric softener.

Hope this helps!

P.S. I just bought the Shred video yesterday and did Level 1 this a.m. It's great! It kicked my butt and only took 20 min. But don't be too hard on yourself if you can't find the time or energy to get it done. Our 3rd just turned 7 months, and this is the first time I worked out (besides going for a walk) since he was born. :)

Becki Francy said...

my man has excema....what works? 1% hydrocortozone cream with Aloe....don't put on the face more than twice a day, and be careful - but it works MIRACLES! Good can buy it at Walgreens

Kim said...

She is just so cute! My son has excema and has since he was born. We had to veer away from all of the baby washes and start using a sensitive skin soap. He desn't smell as sweet but there's no rash so it's a fair trade off. We also put lotion on daily to help keep it from flaring up. That was a process. It took several different tries with a ton of different lotions before we finally found one that worked for him. We use Cetaphil. Also beware of sunscreens. Preston's skin doesn't seem to agree with the generic brands. Go figure he needs the more expensive one! lol. Good luck! said...

sorry to hear about Harper's eczema. When you bathe her, do not use soap. Instead, use Cetaphil, which is a cleanser (it just doesn't produce bubbles like soap). When she gets out of the bath, put tons of Cetaphil all over her boday, and apply it every hour or two throughout the day. It will work wonders but needs to applied constantly. Hope she starts to get better soon - I know from experience how painful eczema can be.

Ellen said...

I had so much fun looking at kitchens. If you aren't sure what color cabinets to get, go to IKEA. They have great kitchens. You can get black and then after a few years just switch the fronts. Easy Peasy.

Kelli said...

I am sure you have heard the same thing a thousand times but.... my daughter Caroline had excema... and our new routine changed her skin DRAMATICALLY. We only used soap to wash her every other day (she still got a bath, but wasn't irritated with the soap - we now bathe her every day, but the doctor suggested that when she was little), we used Aveeno baby sensitive for babies with excema, we used either Aveeno unscented lotion or triple cream lotion - under her chin (not the diaper cream), and Aveeno hydrocortisone. I also stopped using scented drier sheets for our clothes, no drier sheets for hers and I always put a blanket on our shoulder or someone else's so she didn't get her face irritated by perfumes or detergents! I hope it helps!!! Caroline is mostly excema free now!

mommyto3 said...

Two of my kids have exzema and Aquafour was the best product I used. I also washed their clothes in Dreft and used Aveeno body/hair wash. My daughter had a really bad spot on her face near her ear. It went away by about 18 months. Today at age three she doesn't have any flareups but does tend to have dry skin. Good for her though b/c she loves lotion:) I just finished day 3 of The Shred. It's hard but I feel like it's working! I feel like I can do anything for 20 minutes! Happy Sunday!

Sierra said...

For the eczema, I used Arbonne Conditioning Oil. It lasts forever, and i used it on my adult eczema, so I dont' see why it wouldn't work for her. And as far as P90X...we have it, and it will KICK his butt. We're really bad at being disciplined, but it definitely works and is HARD (maybe an indication that works? lol). Good luck!

Kim said...

For a quick tan Jergen's Natural Glow lotion is great! But, even better is the Wal-Mart brand. It works great! If I remember correctly, you tan easily like me (you have olive skin?)...I put it on one day and the next day people ask if I've been tanning. The best thing is it does not streak or turn you orange. Just a nice natural looking light tan.
Try it! Oh, one last thing-get the medium tone...the light tone doesn't do much.
P.S. AS ALWAYS Harper looks adorable! I love her socks...those socks have become my standard baby gift!

natalie said...

My little girl didn't have excema too bad, but I've heard that the Arbonne baby line is really fantastic and it's all natural.

Natalie said...

For my daughter's excema we used rx strength hydrocortisone cream from our doctors office. i'll also use aquaphor if i can't find the rx lotion.

She's getting so big!!

Jennifer said...

Definately the Aquaphor! If it gets really bad your doctor can prescribe some medicine without steriods in it that can help too. But for now just lather on the Aquaphor!

Julie H. Schaal said...

i love the pic of harper doing pilates :)

nikki said...

I have two girls both had skin problems and both have allergy and now take shots Eucerin Really helped with my girls but a water softener Really does help a lot we have Rain soft

Triple J's Girl said...

I haven't read through all the comments, so someone may have already mentioned this. But my 9 month old has really bad excema as well and we only use Aveeno. We use the bath wash for excema as well as the excema cream. The dr said absolutely do not use any of the Johnson's baby lotion because it will dry her out more. We try to limit the baths to every other day because that will dry her out as well, unless of course she just gets really dirty. (Which I can't stand! :)

Shalane said...

I hope sweet Harper starts to feel better soon! Excema is no fun for a pretty little girl!

Anonymous said...

Adorable pictures, Kelly!! What a baby doll she is. :) I haven't read through the other responses and you may have already heard my 2 cents on eczema. My daughter, Susannah, has had it since she was 6 months and she's 4 now. We've done all the regular stuff like no bubble baths, lukewarm water, etc. The cetaphil CREAM works really well on her - not the pump lotion, but the thick cream. We lather her up with that every night. We have had her tested for all allergies (she has a severe peanut allergy - food allergies and eczema do sometimes go hand it hand but don't worry yourself about that). But it was helpful to do the allergy testing because we found out that her environmental allergy triggers like oak were most prevalent between Dec and May. So we know to be on the lookout and extra diligent during those months and give her Children's Zyrtek as needed. For her, the environmental allergens cause bad eczema in addition to sneezing, etc. And we pretty much just have to keep a prescription steroid on hand at all times and we use it sparingly on her flare ups. I really, really doubt it's anything you're eating that's causing it so don't make yourself crazy trying to figure that out (because I did - ha!). Email me if you have questions -


Maranda said...

My daughter has eczema frequently and her's is because of a reaction when she eats acidic foods...tomatoes mainly. Her doctor prescribed the "eczema triple threat" for her...we start with Elidel(or hydrocortizone cream will work also) and let it soak it for a few minutes. Then, cover the area with a Lubriderm type lotion (any non-scented lotion will work) and let that soak in. After those steps cover the area with Vaseline. We do this at night right before Paige goes to bed. At first we had to do it every night until the eczema cleared up. Now we do it every other night to keep the eczema at bay.

As for P90X, my husband does it every morning and LOVES it. It's quite a commitment but he's seen results and he hasn't followed the nutrition plan.

Kat and Crew said...

Harper is BEAUTIFUL!!!
My youngest son, 11months, has also had trouble with excema on his limbs and tummy. This is going to sound CRAZY (the exact words from my doc) but IT has worked wonders...My doc called it WET DRESSINGS--when the excema is bad my doc had me dip my sons cotton pjs in warm water-ring them out-put them on him and then put another pj set over that-dry ofcourse. You want to make sure her room is fairly warm. We did it for 5 nights along with tons of lotion and I was AMAZED!! Now when it starts coming back one night does the trick. Ask your doc about it! Also, I have kids that DO NOT SLEEP well. And when the excema is at it's worst they wake up more. I was baffled how well my baby slept during the wet dressings. They likely itch and itch and it wakes them up. GOOD LUCK with what ever you try. Hope it works for that cutie!!
if you have any questions feel free to contact me. or

mrs boo radley said...

Not sure if you've ever checked this website out (link below), but it rates products and ingredients and tells you if certain chemicals are skin irritants, etc.

You be surprised at how many "natural" products actually get awful ratings! Just because something is natural doesn't mean it's helpful...or even safe.

Things like California Baby unscented shampoo and body wash get excellent ratings because the components of it are less toxic. I see that this product has been mentioned above--perhaps you could try it out!

Katie said...

About the eczema, our youngest two both have it, but only in certain places - arms, hands, & face. The hubs and I have no food allergies either. We've been told our area has excessive amounts of chlorine in our water which could be a factor. Our ped. suggested not using any type of baby wash or lotion. i.e.Johnson's. Can you imagine? I was devastated to have our third and final baby not smelling like a sweet little baby, but we took his advice and haven't had a hint of an issue since then. He suggested bathing them with regular Dove bodywash in the white bottle and using Vaseline Total Mositure conditioning lotion(light yellow bottle) after baths. I was leary, but amazed after just two baths at the results. Our youngest was about two months when I began, but be careful with the bodywash. Since it's adult strength, it doesn't have the same "tear-free" elements and can really burn their eyes. Since she's into splashing now at 7 months, I usually drain all the water before soaping her up. This seems to help. I can still use baby shampoo! She still smells wonderful.....most of the time! Good luck! Hope this helps.

Katie Snow

P.S.He also said not to bathe them every day.

Unknown said...

Love, love, love the picture of Harper playing with her feet!

Have a great week!

Jennifer said...

cetaphil face cleanser to wash with is a miracle cure for excema! it's sold with the face care products not the bar soap/bath gel! that and eucerin lotion have worked wonders! excema is caused by dry patches so anything and everythig with scent on her little skin will aggravate it even the super gentle baby soaps and lotions! good luck!

Brittany said...

Ok, I don't want to burden you with more advice. Really, I don't. I know that every mom has a different experience because every child is, of course, different.

My son had TERRIBLE eczema. We went back and forth to the doctor. I tried every cream out there! My dad, a compounding pharmacist, even tried his hand at making some magic eczema potions! ha! NOTHING worked. Sure, it would be better, but it would always come right back. With no help from our pediatrician(he refused to say food allergy), we finally took him to be allergy tested. Yep, he's allergic to milk and eggs! I was shocked because I, too, don't eat eggs or drink milk. Since I was nursing, so I began cutting out ALL milk products (cheese, yogurt) and eggs (salad dressings, baked goods). I began reading the ingredients of my meals/snacks. I was amazed...milk, eggs,and soy was in everything!!! It was crazy. Before this, I maybe glanced at a food label once or twice. I cut out ALL milk and eggs (even the tiniest ingredient) - PRESTO - a new baby with beautiful skin and NO ECZEMA!
I share my story only to keep you informed. I pray that no other sweet baby or toddler has to deal with food allergies. Just be aware of all makes a difference!! :)

My son, Layton is precious with or without eczema and so is Harper!!

Tammy said...

I have followed your blog but never commented. You have so many comments and I didn't read them all but I wanted to let you know about food allergies. I thought my son had excema too and we tried all the things the doctor suggested. Turns out he had a dairy allergy (I was breast feeding) so I had to quit eating dairy uhgggg! But it worked and his face cleared up. He is also severely allergic to peanuts. His face started turning bright red on his cheeks and chin and we thought he was reacting to suckers or other things but we found out what it was at 18 months when he ate a peanutbutter girlscout cookie. Just look into it, if she has blow outs that's also a sign it may be a food allergy.

LYNDEE said...

let me just tell u my husband and i are doin p90x and girl its so worth it we have never looked bettter nad weve only been doin it for 2 weks u might consider it but yr husband would devinitely like it. ill warn u its not easy

denise said...

My son has eczema and my favorite product is Aveeno body wash and lotion.

Mab said...

Harper gets cuter and cuter every post!
It is amazing isn't it how much we can love our children....I could have never imagined the awesome love I have for my two gals. Being a mom is the BEST!!!

Michelle said...

We used Aveeno Baby cream for the excema. It worked great for us!

Cheri said...

Kelly, we dealt with eczema with our boys and it was so frustrating. Through much trial and error and doctor visits, we realized it was, in fact, food allergies. Our skin is our largest elimination organ of our body. Anything we eat/drink/ingest that doesn't set well with us, our body will try to eliminate - either through urination, defecation, or through the skin.

Creams, soaps, infrequent bathing all help the reaction but don't find the cause. Since you are exclusively breastfeeding, it may be pretty easy for you. I had to keep a pad of paper near me and I had 4 columns. One was time of day. Two was what I ate/drank. Three was what my child acted like/felt - were they happy, screaming, etc. And four was - what did they look like? (Skin, eyes - dark circles, glossed over, etc.)

It didn't take long to realize the problem foods. Thing is, they weren't immediate reactions. If I ate eggs for breakfast, Ryan might not break out until the next day, but the food diary definitely help me not only determine what was causing much of the eczema but also the behavior issues!! The "colic", the screaming, the tummy pain - all what I was eating/drinking. UGH, I felt so bad, but I also felt empowered. It isn't something you have to live with, so be excited about that!!

Keeping the food diary also helped me watch my calories since I'm a stress eater, and when the boys would be screaming/not sleeping - I would eat! lol

Good luck and hope you figure it out soon. It truly may be something as simple as caffeine, citrus (I saw that you don't ingest much dairy, but you might try absolutely none at all for a week and see if it helps). If it does, I can guarantee you'll be happy to avoid whatever it is that is affecting her skin (and I'm positive affecting her crying AND her lack of restful sleep.)

Take care,


P.S. The book that CHANGED our lives was this one: IS THIS YOUR CHILD - DISCOVERING AND TREATING UNRECOGNIZED ALLERGIES by Dr. Doris Rapp. Her website is You can probably find that book at the library and you will find yourself devouring it!!

Rebekah said...

Love, Love, Love P90x! It is great and you see and feel results. Not sure if I would stick to it if I did it on my own but I love the class and I am not an excercise person.

Cheri said...

Oh, forgot to add: I could not wear anything scented - no perfume, no hand cream. We had to use only unscented detergent, unscented fabric softener and unscented fabric sheets (and still do to this day 20 years later!!).

When I took the boys to the church nursery with beautiful glowing skin, they would leave all red and broken out from the "little old ladies" and their perfume-laden clothes. UGH UGH UGH. Finally started taking tons of unscented blankets and requested the caregivers cover up with these blankets before holding the boys or we wouldn't be coming back. As soon as they did that, voila! No more skin reactions after church.

Do you notice Harper breaks out more around others who hold her (unfamiliar clothes/textures/detergents?)

We had so much going on with this that I created an allergy and asthma page that lists some symptoms for you if you want to check it out:

Jenna said...

Awwwww! A Harper over-load post is my favorite kind!

I think those last two pictures are my VERY favorite you have posted! Serious LOVE. :-)

Kate said...

Harper just gets sweeter and sweeter! Love your blog!!

Anonymous said...

Both of my children suffered with Excema and my husband still has it from time to time. He is British...and you can get this lotion over the counter called E45 Cream. They have a baby and a junior version, too. It is absolutely THE BEST stuff in the world. (Actually created for Excema!) I do not have an unopened spare tube...and am not sure if you can find a place to order it in America...but will look for you. If not, I will have a friend send some over ASAP and somehow get it to you. It is truly the best! I have a few British shops here in Atlanta, and will see if anyone stocks it...though I don't remember seeing it before. I'll be in touch!
Valerie King :)

Jennifer, Chris, Owen, and Samuel said...

My son was never officially diagnosed with ecezma but had red, splotchy skin on his back and tummy. It sounds crazy, but I stopped using baby baths and lotions while he was an infant. I used Cetaphil cleansing lotion at bathtime followed by Aquaphor on the splotches and Cetaphil cream all over. It cleared up quickly. Even now as a toddler he can only tolerated Ivory or Dove soap and Cetaphil cream. Good luck!

nate and britt morgan said...

My daughter had pretty severe eczema and we ended up using only Mustela products and hydrocortisone on specific spots. We used it until she was about 4 years old. She had super sensitive skin. I used it on my 2 other kids also, just because I love the scent and the way it makes their skin feel.

Jennifer said...

My daughter had horrible Ezcema as a baby and still gets pretty bad flair-ups as the weather gets warmer. We even ended up having to take her to a pediatric dermatologist because nothing worked. They recommended CeraVe (you can find it at CVS or RiteAid/Eckerd). It is in the lotion aisle. At CVS it is by the specialty lotions. This stuff is AMAZING! It is definitely more expensive then other things but it lasts forever and it WORKS! And it is safe to use on infants :) I would suggest stop using any baby bath soap on Harper becuase it is probably drying her skin out even more. CeraVe make a cleanser that we use to bathe my daughter with and then we use the Cream (not lotion) to lather her up before bedtime and when she gets up in the morning. This stuff is not slimy like Aquaphor, it makes their skin super soft and it works but you just have to apply it at least twice a day if not more. Hope this helps....

The Bowden's said...

My daughter has eczema and I use All Free & Clear detergent, Dove soap, Eucerin lotion and she uses an Elidel prescription cream. Every once she can use a little bubble bath or something else but we usually pay the price a few days later. These items used together take care of the problem every time.

Katie said...

Kelly, I love reading your blog! My daughter has eczema, too. We thought we might have to go to soy formula, but luckily we haven't had to do that. Per our doc's instructions, we now use Dove unscented body wash to bathe her, we put hydrocortizone cream on the really bad patches, and Vaseline clinical strength (unscented) lotion (by all the other Vaseline brand lotions in the store) all over her body twice a day. It has worked perfectly! We miss the Baby Magic smell after bath time, but our little girl is so much more comfortable. Good luck!

lovinsanta said...

I am going with the Aquaphor as a lot of comments said...both my kids had eczema(sp?) bad and do still have problems occasionally in the winter, and I just get the Aquaphor out and all is better.

Good luck...I think it bothers us as mothers worse then the kiddos.

amber leann said...

We use Cethaphil soap (in the lotion section at walmart) but not the antibacterial kind. We also don't bathe our son everyday, as gross as that sounds. It gets better during the summer, but stays horrible during the winter. We were given prescription steriods but I don't use it, b/c I just don't like that idea at such a young age.

ABL mom of 3 said...


My Beth had horrible excema as a baby and the doctor told us to only bathe her every 3rd day. It did clear up, but I loved the smell of her freshly cleaned, so it made me sad.

Also, last year before we went on vacation, I got a spray tan at a salon. It was $40 and wonderful. So, if you have that in your area, it is a good thing for spring time whiteness.

I love Harper's little tongue! She is a doll.


Brooke said...

The thing that works best for my little boy is lotioning him up after bath time with Aveeno baby lotion and spot treating the eczema with Cortizone ointment (not cream). Good luck!!

Melissa Orsak said...

Kelly, We had issues with eczema, so much so that my son would bleed. The only thing we found even prescription wise was an over the counter lotion from Target called California Baby, you can ordered offline, too. It made his skin baby soft again! With it on her head, we used for Owen olive oil, it sounds weired but it works almost instantly.

Colby said...

AVEENO baby worked great for all three of my kiddos. I hope she gets some relief soon.


michaelandshanna said...

I went through the same thing with my little one, Kate. We had a very bad scare when she was about 6 months, she had a bump on her arm, JXG. It all turned out ok, praise God, but she has succcchhhh sensitive skin. She had the excema all over her back, arms, and legs. My doctor told us to switch to Dove sensitive soap and use Eucerin sensitive repair lotion on her (found at Walmart). We did this, and we noticed a HUGE change in about a week. We don't have to use the lotion nightly now, but we still use the Dove body wash. Hope this helps! :)

Jordan said...

Hi Kelly,
My son had horrible excema as well. I totally understand that it bothers you. Of course I just love him to pieces, but during that time I was afraid other people would just look at his cheeks and think "not cute". Anyway, it did get better with age. Unfortunately, that was really the only true help. We too tried every product under the sun! Cortizone 10 helped to initially decrease the flare up and then I've used CeraVe CREAM (not lotion) from CVS in combination with Arbonne Cuticle Oil! (it may not be called cuticle oil, but it's the only oil they still make I think... I also used it on my belly during pregnancy) That combination has helped tremendiously for his elbow and knee creases and the cortizone, cream and TIME helped his face! Neither my husband or I had/have food allergies and/or excema either. It's so sad for them, but unless it's bothering her I would just try to leave it alone! Carter's healed up by probably 5 months... (I know not easy to wait) Good luck and let me know what you find works well.

Andrea said...

I would guess that Harper is waking up a lot at night because she is going through a growth spurt. It happened every few months with my daughter until she was almost 1. By then though she was only waking up once or twice for a bottle and then she'd go right back to sleep. I have no tips for the excema. My cousins had it and really the only things that helped a bit were non scented baby soaps, bathing every other day, and unscented lotions right after the bath since baths dry the skin out even more.

Hope that helps.

Sunny said...

2 of my kiddos have eczema and changing their diets made eczema go away for one and almost gone for the other. Eczema is often the result of a food allergy. I would try removing dairy, or wheat, and stop any solids if you have already started them. Wait until 8 months to do anymore solids. It will take at least 2 weeks to get the dairy out of her system. If you are feeding formula, there are soy formulas but soy isnt a great option. If you are nursing, try an elimination diet. go 2 weeks with no dairy and be a nazi about it. If eczema gets better but is not gone, stay off dairy and try removing wheat as well. I know this is not fun, but if her outside looks like that, imagine what her insides (tummy) looks like. It will be inflamed too. :( Feel free to email me if you want more info.

Jennie said...

My husband is actually doing P90X! He just finished his 6th week and is doing really well. He started a blog to keep himself honest and motivated. You all can check it out at It is definitely worth the money if you think your husband will stick with it. There are lots of youtube videos, as well, of people with great results! Hope this helps! Also, Harper is looking adorable as always. :)

Jennifer said...

P90X is extremely intense but the results are awesome. After I had my second child I knew I had to do something to get my body back into shape. Running was just doing the trick so I started P90X and my husband and I love it.Good Luck to you and your husband.

Amanda Sanford said...

Please add this link to your blog if you choose, and pray for my friend NO MATTER WHAT!

Patti said...

My son had horrible eczema as a baby and we realized that two things were affecting him. One was dairy, which you say isn't an issue, and the other was SLS. It is an known irritant in so many products. It's in soap, cleaners and detergents and even toothpaste.

We had to remove all traces of SLS (Sodium Laurel or Laureth Sulfate) from our house and then after his skin healed up then he seemed to be able to tolerate occasional contact with SLS. We had to change our soaps and shampoos and household cleaners and laundry detergent and toothpaste. We went hard core until his skin was cleared up which took not too long and then gave him a few months for his skin to really heal and rejuvinate and then started to introduce small doses to see how he tolerated it and now he seems to be okay.

If you google eczema and SLS there will be tons of info. to look at and peruse.

2 Little Irish Boys said...

No baths! I am a firm believer in allowing babies oils from their skin to thrive. I would bathe my baby every couple of days!!
Also, I took a cute pic of my baby when he started holding on the his feet.....get down on the floor, take pic where all you see is the her little bottom and hands grabbing her feet. Very Cute!!

Laurie said...

We've fought eczema with our oldest son since he was an infant (he's 12 now). The best combination we have ever found is Derma-Smoothe (RX) followed by CerVe (over the counter but not the easiest to find).

Anonymous said...

My nephew has terrible eczema and sees a specialist. What finally worked for him (he's 5) - one-quarter cup of bleach in his bathwater everyday and then vaseline on his skin. Cheap and easy and it has tremendously changed his life! My own children have mild eczema and we just use vaseline after every bath - it's basically the same as aquaphor at much, much cheaper. Best of luck to you. Be diligent! Keep a good routine and never forget that vaseline!

Wiggle Worm Worthy said...

Hey...Just wanted to give my advice w/ the excema. My little boy had it really bad! At one point, his face looked like he had been burned it was so bad. After trying numerous cortizone creams, aqua phor and others, I found this baby wash that finally seemed to control his break outs. It is called Naturally (something). It is in a mint green bottle and has tigger and pooh on the label. You can find it at WalMart and Target. I used the excema wash and cream. Unfortunately we couldnt use any of the good smelling Johnson and Johnson stuff. Now we use Aveeno Soothing Creamy Wash and Cream. They are in the baby section too. I even use these to wash his hair or he breaks out. It also gets better by the time they reach 6 mos usually. Hope this helps. I can send a pic of the products if you want to try them. Just send me a message on my blog.
Good luck!

Joan said...

If it has not already been mentioned. Try 100% pure Shea Butter. You can get it in its true form 100% natural no chemicals or anything, from L'Occitane.

Anonymous said...

Aquaphor is great stuff. She is a little beauty.

Haley said...

My little girl had eczema pretty bad as an infant. We started using all natural products (i.e. burt's bees, california baby, etc) and it cleared her up pronto. I also started using only natural products to clean the house and to wash clothes. Big fan of Method products and Mrs. Meyers cleaning products. Hope it helps... I know how it feels to see all those red splotches all over your beautiful baby girl.
Oh and her skin stays clear now about 99% of the time now. Just the occasional flare up that is related to something she's eating, just can't figure out what.

The VanBruwaene's said...

my daughter has horrible excema and we have tried everything and honestly the best (even better than prescription) Baby Aveno daily moisture Cream. hope it helps

Missy said...

For my son's eczema, we tried everything. The best solution for us was to get to a dermatologist. We got a steriod cream to get rid of it all once and for all THEN we used simple adult daily Aveeno (no special scent) to keep him hydrated. It kept it at bay 80% of the time. THEN we cut out dairy and it was 100% gone.
He was not allergic to dairy, but it increases the body's histamine reponse, so removing it calmed things down.

lots of love said...

my daughter had awful eczema & we got a prescription called desonade & it worked great. we also got a stronger one just for her legs but desonade is safe for the face. we also only use unscented aveeno baby lotion on her & unscented johnsons baby wash & it helps as well. our pedi said nighttime is the worst for that =( poor harper. hope she gets better from it soon! love the new pics!

The Mills said...

For my daughter's sensitive skin: she only gets a bath every other day and we use Bag Balm instead of lotion. (You can find it behind the pharmacy counter at Target.) Also, our doctor told us to use cortisone cream on the stubborn patches.

Hope this helps!

Mathis Family said...

Love your blog and being able to keep up with your little beauty.
I saw you were asking about excema and I wanted to share our experience.
Our daughter (10months) has atypical excema, which means it is on the straight part of her arms and legs and on her face, much like your Harper. Our pediatrician gave us a prescription for a steroid, but I was very hesitant to put her on such a strong medication when she was so young. I immediately stopped using fabric softener (we already used a scent free, sensitive skin detergent) and switched her off of all petroleum based products (Aquaphor, Johnson and Johnson's, etc) and now only use Arbonne Baby Care exclusively. I noticed in the picture you posted sometime back that you were using that on Harper and that is really what is working the best for us. Piper's, my girl, excema cleared up relatively quick after making those changes.
Just my thoughts!

rmfox said...

We were fortunate to not have eczema but I worked in a Peds office and Aquaphor seems to be the choice. Also, free and clear laundry detergent, double rinsing clothes/linens and no fabric softener. Good Luck Angie

Aunt Theresa said...

Wow. you get tons of advice.
don't know if you'll get to this one but.....
i'm 34 and i've lived with exzema on and off all my life. it seems to have remained dormant since i hit my 30's.
-keep it moist for her
-my health secret and i believe has really helped my skin is(also good for if you are trying to conceive...i've been trying for 11 years though but they say it has helped soften the scar tissue around my ovaries and with spotting) cod liver oil. my sisters all give it to their babies and children...i take it to...this is the best kind.. (course you'll want liquid form for children) i take liquid get used to it. ha!
-coconut oil is very good for the skin also...even if you just put some in warm water...

Bre said...

Gorgeous family,Kelly!! I am loving your blog, I'm a follower now. SO, SO Glad baby Harper is healthy! I'm going to go read up on her and you.

Melissa @ The Littlest Lobo said...

Glad you are back from your blogging sabbatical. I have to unplug every so often, too.

Definitely ask your doctor about a food allergy. My 8 1/2 month old son is still suffering from acne. I just figured out 2 weeks ago that it a milk allergy/sensitivity. He has been on formula since birth so it never occurred to me that it could be a food allergy, but after switching to soy formula we've seen an improvement. I'm actually going to switch to a soy free formula since soy is closely linked to milk. Don't discount a food allergy. I wish I had made the connection earlier. It is so heartbreaking than to see your sweet baby's face all broken out. We use 1% hydrocortisone cream, cetaphil face soap & lotion & california baby calendula cream (at target with baby stuff). He also has a dry cough & his eyes (rims & surrounding skin) turn red when he eats. Just some symptoms to watch out for that I dismissed as tiredness.

I know a lot of people swear by Babywise, but I did not like it. We did The Bby Sleep Solution by Suzy Giordano & it is awesome. Camden was sleeping through the night by 9 weeks. Now he sleeps from 7pm-9am, and naps from 11-1 & 4-5, at a minimum, sometimes longer. Also, the Happiest Baby on the Block has some great tips for soothing a screaming baby. Really worked for us.

Shred is awesome. I did it for two days but then was traveling a bunch and got sick. But I really like it and plan to start it back again. You will definitely be sore for the first few days!

Love all the Harper pictures. So glad I finally found some boy themed trumpette socks! They are the best!

momof3girls said...

Harper is a cutie! and you look great for a zombie!

Sandy said...

Hey I didnt read all of the comments above and I have never commented on your blog..but your baby is a doll and I think you are doing a great job as a new mommy :) Our friends little girl also has excema and their doctor prescribed a steroid cream that works great, so you might want to ask your doctor about that. I also have used Jergens lotions that have a little bit of sunless tanner in them and over 3-4 days it looks like you have a great tan! Hopefully that helps and good luck with everything!

Michele said...

My daughter has HORRIBLE eczema. Use laundry detergent that is perfume free. Use Ivory soap. The best thing that has helped with here that is free of chemicals is Coconut Oil. It works WONDERS!!! Apply it day and night and that will help it get better faster. Hope this helps.

Unknown said...

I haven't read through the eczema suggestions so some of these might be repeats.

I have suffered for about 15 years. The first few I would wake up in the night bleeding from scratching in my sleep. I had it on my arms, breast, face and worst of all my eyelids. It was horrible. I saw about 4 different doctors and went for about 30 visits with no avail. In a happening that could only be described as a miracle of God I came upon a cream for psoriasis that works great called Lidex. Of course that's only for adults.

My daughter also has eczema so here are a few things that have worked for us. She is four so keep that in mind.

Limit her baths. In the winter Ellie's was so bad I went from daily bathing to giving her 3 a week and that help SO MUCH.

I used baby oil gel on her after he bath while she was still wet to seal in the moisture. I would also use creamy vaseling in between baths.

Moisture is the biggest key to preventing the eczema.

For breakouts Benedryl cream can help to calm the rash. If it's ok for babies.

Gel based soaps are very harsh as it baby shampoo. So I would switch to a creamy baby wash is that's what you're using.

We have no idea what we are allergic to and will probably never know. Hopefully since she is so small she will outgrow it.

anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,
I used to nanny for a little boy who had eczema and his mom use Mustella(sp). She would get it online or at specialty baby stores. I hope you find something that works for you.


Melissa, Multi-Tasking Mama said...

Such a sweet baby and I am enjoying the kitchen pictures as well. I didn't get mine up but will participate Friday with the living rooms.

Erica said...

My neice had the same thing really bad when she was first born and for the first few months. Turns out, she was allergic to the laundry detergent on "our" clothes. So, we had to be careful not to let her face touch our clothes when we held her and she cleared up and has been great and with beautiful skin ever since. We just held a burp diaper or blankie that had been washed in her baby detergent over our clothes so keep her from touching ours. She isn't allergic to the "grown-up" detergent anymore. She's now 6 yrs old and has gorgeous skin.
Good luck! Harper is beautiful!

Marci said...

We have found that oatmeal baths work wonders for my son's excema. He says that it feels really good. We also invested in Burt's Bees products which have have worked great too. They're all natural and don't seem to irritate his skin like other products have. Good luck!

Bethany said...

So darn cute! I've had excema since I was an infant, and we use hydrocortizone definitely helps!!

The Cates Fam said...


I came across your blog while Harper was sick and have enjoyed seeing her thrive!! I just wanted to comment on the excema/food allergy thing. My little girl (she is two now) struggled with the same thing. There really wasn't a lot we could do for the skin stuff on her head.

BUT, we found out that she was allergic to eggs. I didn't think that would have been an option because my husband and I don't have food allergies and I HATE eggs!! My doctor thought that Addison was probably more likely to have an allergy to eggs because I never ate them while I was pregnant! Who knew?!? When she would eat anything with egg, her face would break out. She has since grown out of the allergy.

Give that sweet baby a kiss!!!

OBU class of 2004

Erica Leigh said...

My daughter had excema also when she was about 3 months or so. My husband and I have no food allergies either. Our peditrician said that hers was just a baby case and that she would grow out of it and told us no scented baby wash or lotion and suggested Cetaphil for her wash(I use the cetaphil to wash her hair too) and Aquaphor and Eucerin for her lotions. He also gave us a precription for topicort, that we used for about a week. Oh, and a bath only every other day. After we started using that combo, it completely cleared up quickly. She is 13 months now and I still use that combo of wash and lotions.

Elizabeth said...

She is precious! Both me and my husband have been doing p90x - it is intense but it works! :)

Anonymous said...

My daughter has the same problem with her skin. The dermatolagist reccomended using Cetaphil cleanser instead of any other type of baby wash and using a lotion like Aquaphor of CerVe or Cetaphil... Just be careful because it's not tear free. Good luck.

happymama said...

My son had eczema really bad as a baby. It got so bad his skin broke open and bled. They had to give us a prescription for it to clear it up. After the initial bout went away I would use Cetaphil soap and lotion on him. Nothing with perfumes for soap, lotion or laundry washing soap. When he was tested for allergies the allergist said eczema is caused by an allergy to the dust mite and dust is everywhere! Once we started using the Cetaphil we didn't have to use the prescription again. She is a beautiful little girl, eczema or not!

Adrienne said...

I just had to comment! My Jonah has been up every 2 hrs at night to eat too lately!! I was so glad to read that someone else is experiencing this too. I think they're growth spurting. I'm gonna ask my dr today about it to make sure! said...

Love those pictures!!!!!!!!

xx said...

Looks like you have more eczema treatment advice than you probably bargained for! I hope you find something that works for Harper. My daughter Lauren had it too, and on her face of all places. The Aveeno products worked for us. I still use the Aveeno oatmeal bath powder and the Aveeno cream that comes in the smaller bottle with the navy blue lid. Lauren is 3 now and still has eczema patches come up every now and then, but it never gets too bad since I constantly use Aveeno. Aquafor is also good. I used it some, but wasn't crazy about the greasy effect. Good luck.

Natalie said...

My little girl, Rachel, has eczema too. We have to put Hydrocortizone cream all over her legs, shoulders, & backs. It looks so painful & she scratches it constantly. Hopefully they will both grow out of it.

Jenine said...

For our son's excema we use a cool mist humidifer in his room at night and we use Vanicream. You can find it at Walgreens and Target. It is a non-greasy cream with no additives. Phamacists use it to make compounds. Get the one with a pump. It's around $15. At Target it's behind the pharmacy counter (but you don't need an Rx). Our son also has steroid creams for outbreaks but if we are diligent with the Vanicream we don't have to use it much.

Robyn said...

wow kelly! you had more links than mckmama usually does on her not me mondays!!!

I didn't post b/c I had a mess going on in the kitchen...maybe i'll do 2 rooms next week.

that was a great idea..I loved seeing everyone's homes

Amy's Adventures said...

Arbonne's diaper creme also works great for eczema (

Amanda said...

My son is fair-skinned and has eczema. Vaseline is the best, and it is cheap! She's so beautiful...I honestly didn't even notice from the pics!

Erin said...

My daughter had eczema too. Our pediatrician told us to bathe her only every 3rd day in the winter and every other day in the summer. That really helped her skin.

Good luck!

Unknown said...

Harper is so adorable! Can you do a post sometime about where you get her cute headbands? LOVE the picture of her holding her feet!

Good luck getting into shape! My DD is 8 months and I struggle to fit working out into my day. I know it is possible, I just have to commit to doing it.

My pedi suggested otc hydrocortizone and baby oil for excema. My daughter just had a mild case but it cleared up really well and fast! I still put baby oil on her head once a week - kinda hard to shampoo out of hair, but it really works on cradle cap. The pedi also suggested dandruf shampoo but I haven't tried that. Also, we use only cetaphil lotion and soap products - no 'baby' stuff.

Courtney said...

Aquaphor for that consistent and it will work! KOby had it and the prescription stuff, didn't work!

Because of Love said...

Hi Kelly,

It has been awhile since I have commented because I know you get 100s of comments, plus you are so busy with Little Miss Harper, but I wanted to stop by and tell you how much I enjoy your blog.

Thank you so much for sharing with us!

Heather said...

My 15 month old also had horrible eczema. We too found it was because of good allergies. He's allergic to milk, soy, and peanuts. Within 2 days of completely eliminating those foods, the eczema cleared up. I tried many lotions and creams and the only one we found success with was cetaphil moisturizing cream in the big tub. California Baby makes a shampoo/baby wash for extra sensitive skin too - we like using that.

It's no fun for Mama, but you might try eliminating dairy (all of it) from your diet for a couple weeks and see if that helps her. She could have a sensitivity to it.

Good luck!

Brittany said...

i looked at all the kitchens, very cute ideas, i loved 8 and 222.

by the way- i know someone who has been trying for 2 years to get pregnant, finally decided to get off the drugs and see what happened- SHE IS DUE DEC 30TH!

Sarah said...

Amen on the Trumpet socks, they truly are the only socks that will stay on my baby's feet as well. Makes me not mind paying twenty something a box...that and they are so stinkin' cute!
Have a good week.

~~~~~ The House of Big Cheese~~~~ said...

eurerin (sp) and Aquaphor

Kathryn said...

I LOVE you Kelly!!! So excited you're back! I am a pediatric nurse and mom of 2 and I can tell you that only giving her a bath 2-3 times weekly will definitely help. Although baths are soothing and calming, it's harsh on their skin.

Yankee in England said...

Hi Kelly I love keeping up with your blog! I have nominated you for an award on my blog. Thanks so much for sharing your life with us!

Bill said...

Some of the comments are correct. Eczema is caused by an autoimmune response in the body and can be triggered by certain foods. The health of the gut needs to be improved. Probiotics - beneficial bacteria - will work to help this. The beneficial bacteria in your body coordinates the 70% of your body's immune system found in your digestive tract. Since your baby is new to the world, their gut "flora" is just beginning to develop and may need help.

For my third baby, we gave her Nestle's Good Start formula - Their are also different probiotic powders out there that are designed for infants and can be added to any food or drink.

Lotions will alleviate some of the itchy symptoms but will not solve the problem. If you would like some more information, please let me know.

Kelly said...

My daughter is almost 6 and we've been fighting it since birth. She's been treated by the pediatrician, a dermatogolist and next on our list is an allergist now that she's old enough. We've tried everything ... I will say using Aveeno products helps but we've found nothing that completely gets rid of it. That's why we are going to the allergist to treat from the inside out instead of outside in. Good luck!

Fran said...

My 3rd son would only sleep in his swing or carseat the first few months of his life...whatever! But, yes...the time does go by and they manage to sleep. :) I promise you'll live through it.

She is just way too cute Kelly. I know you eat her up every single minute.


Michelle said...

Hi, Kelly! I always look forward to reading your blog. This is my first time commenting on your blog, but this is an area that I have to share with you. My 1 year old had bad eczema very early on. I changed her formula to soy and that helped tremendously. Come to find out she does have an allergy to milk and that's what was causing the eczema. Anyhow, we tried all sorts of stuff for the eczema, and the only thing that worked was a Rx hydrocortisone lotion, but we only used it when she really flared up and for a few days at a time. Hydrocortisone can cause white skin patches if used too much. I know you're breastfeeding, but the milk protien can be in anything that you eat that has anyform of milk/dairy in it as an ingredient (cream of chicken,mushroom,ice cream, whip cream, etc...)

Now, she rarely flares up, but that's because I know what she's allergic to and we steer away from them. Yes, my daughter is also allergic to eggs and some forms of wheat.It's really not as bad as it sounds. Funny thing is my husband and I never had any food allergies either.

I truly do pray that Harper does not have any of these allergies and that it is just the common baby eczema. Hope that I didn't scare you, just wanted to share that little bit of info just in case.


p.s. we do also still use Aveeno body wash and Eucerine lotion just to keep her skin moisturized.

Refections of a Stay at Home Mommy said...

I didn't read all the comments but I will warn you that Aquaphor WILL stain clothes. So be careful if you decide to try it. I would hate for all of Harper's cute clothes to have greasy stains on them! We use Gentle Naturals Eczema Cream & it really helps my boys. Even my grandparents use it in the winter when their hands get dry & cracked! It smells good & doesn't leave stains!

Alise Nettles said...

P90x ROCKS! You and your hubby should do it. You can put in as little or much effort as you want and you could do the whole thing with just resistance bands. I LOVE it!!! I admit I use my knees for the push-ups and only use bands instead of the actual pull-ups, but both my husband and I love it and have had FAST results! I also have been doing an hour of the eliptical each day too while Grady naps. It helped me look more like I did pre-baby (he's 9 months now) and you could do just the AB Ripper if you wanted, only 15 minutes a day.
Okay, enough I should be selling this thing! haha!

bellancharliesmama said...

my daughter has excema too. we made sure we only used products that only had natural products and no scent. we changed our laundry detergent, soap, shampoo, lotion, everything and her excema went away. good luck!

Wunderwoman said...

Kelly, Just wanted to say Thank you for having the show us your house Friday, I am always looking for ideas. Please don't ever stop blogging, I like keeping up with you and your family...feels like I have a friend in the south:)

Kim said...

My son didn't show dairy allergies with his skin but with his digestive tract. I had to cut out everything but rice products, fruits, veggies, and turkey until we figured out what was going on and got him back on track. It was only 6 months of my life and now sometimes I wish I had the same dedication to stay away from some of those foods! Anyway, dairy (casein, whey) is in A LOT more foods than you think they are. We also use Burt's Bees wash and Aveeno baby lotion for him.

As far as P90X, I have it and do it sometimes. I've gone through seasons where I try to be a die hard and then I've realized that if I can get down there and do it for an hour, great, if it's a half hour, great. Just doing something is better than nothing (I run or bike as well so that is just icing on the cake). However, you have to be already fit to not feel like you are literally dying when you start P90X. They have other programs that are similar but not so intense. I do enjoy the variety and the difficulty I just don't seem to have all the time necessary so I've been looking at the infomercials for 10 minute trainer which is the same guy/company that does P90X. You can do 10 minutes a day or more if you have time, it's just that each video is for a 10 minute segment. I'm still looking into it though, trying to decide if another video series is worth the money.

Sunshine T said...

P90X gives you the ultimate workout. You have to really be motivated to work out to this thing. You can definatly see results.

Laura said...

Aquaphor and also Aveeno oatmeal bath!

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

I have terrible excema and both my kids have had it. On the kids I use cortisone and vaseline. I would put in on right before bed under the pjs. Aquaphor's main ingredient in patrolium jelly....I found vaseline worked great. I know it sounds greasy, but after my kids wake up their skin is so smooth.

Anna said...

My eczema started as an infant, and at 23, it has yet to totally cease. The biggest trigger of my eczema is (and always has been) nickel and perfumed lotions and body washes. As a baby my mom had to sew cloth over the back of the snaps on my onesies to avoid any further developing irritation. As an adult, I have to avoid specific types of metal in my jewelry, and I even have to get my wedding band and engagement ring regularly re-plated since white gold has a nickel base. As for ointments and creams, I finally came to the conclusion that (after going through several prescription meds) the store brand of any hydrocordisone cream works best. Ointment works as well, but I prefer the cream. It has already been said, but Eucerine works really well, and I really like using Aveeno products. From what I've seen, the best solutions really depend person to person, as well as the severity of the eczema. Hope this helps!

Jenny said...

My son has eczema too! The doctor prescribed a heavy duty cortisone cream but we never used it. We kind of figured out our own little trick. We bathe him every other night, apply Gentle Naturals Eczema Cream (from Wal-Mart or Target..has Winnie the Pooh on the front) to his wet body and Aquaphor to his entire face. He has only had one break out in the last 8 months and it was under his arm. A little bit of cortisone cream cleared it right up and now you would never know that he has eczema because it is under control. If we miss one night of applying the cream or aquaphor, the eczema comes back.

Oh, both of these products are very greasy (that is what you want for eczema though) and will stain clothing. I always drape a towel or blanket over me before I pick my son up with all the greasy stuff on him.

Lollipoplin said...

spray tan for Sunday!

shannonfaery said...

Hey Kelly
Another Blogger has a baby with exzema and you should check out her post on a new all natural treatment she shows Before and After photos and it looks like it really works!!

Mama SeWELL said...

My son KC to has horrible eczema on his cheeks, butt, arms & legs. The Aquaphor did not work for him and I hated the grease slick it left behind. I also dont like using hydrocortizone constantly.I started using the Mustela line when he was a newborn becase I had very very sensitive skin as a kid and I wanted something hypo allergenic that wouldnt irritate him. I found they had a line of products out specifically for eczema prone skin, its called Mustela Stelatopia, there is a lotion, bath wash, soothing milk oil bath that you add in the bath, and a no rinse cleansing liquid. I swear by this stuff and have even loaned our stuff out for other family members to try when others wouldnt work. I only use the Mustela stuff for him, and it still leaves them smelling really good too! I find it in Bath & Body Works or online, Ive been getting it off ebay lately. Im leaving you the link for their website, check it out & let me know if you try it & it works for Miss Harper. She is so precious!! They are such a blessing!

Autumn Brown said...

You have no idea who I am but found your blog through a friend of mine and I prayed for baby Harper daily and what a little miracle she is. She is beautiful. I have kept up with your blog and love it. Feels like I have known you for years. God has sure blessed your family and you are an amazing person. As for the eczema my daughter is 9 but we found out that she is allergic to everything we had the allergy test done when she was 5 I use cetaphil soap and lotion and also there is a company called Jordan Essentials and they sell bath & body products. You can go online and see them. Their products are wonderful for adults, men & babies. They have a baby line that is great. None of their products have petrolatum or mineral oil in them and they do work wonders. If you look at most lotions on the walmart shelves or bath & body works they all have these ingredients in them. As for the P90X thing we have it and it is killer. Let me tell you I did the 55 minutes leg cd last week and couldn't hardly walk for 2 days. It does work if you do it like they say but you have to have at least 1 hour to 1 hour 15 minutes every day to do it and I don't always have that with a 9 and 5 year old and working 2 days a week. Would highly recommend it though not no hoax that is for sure.

God Bless,

Autumn Brown

Elizabeth said...

I don't know if this has been mentioned yet, but Renew cream by Melalucca helped my son't excema tremendously. He looked like your daughter with patches on his face and neck and renew cream helped right away. I did nothing else and within a week or two, it was gone. We call it the miracle cream cause it helps any skin irritation or ailment.

Hope it helps!

Amber Benge said...

Hi! My daughter had really bad eczema as a baby and then we eventually figured out she was allergic to cow's milk which caused the eczema. She was on soy formula, but I didn't even think about it being an actual allergy to milk so when I introduced solids to her, I just gave her the usual stuff. And as a toddler, she loved mac and cheese, all mushed up. Well, that was a big part of her skin problems. She was also allergic to poultry, so all the baby foods that contained chicken caused her eczema. We found that the oatmeal-based diaper creams were the best solution for her break outs. They soothed like nothing else, even better than the strong creams the doctor recommended!

Harper is beautiful! I'm so thankful that God gave you a sweet baby girl before this Mother's Day!!

Melissa said...

Hi Kelly,

I am not sure if you have mentioned it yet but is Harper sleeping in her crib yet? When we put Jett in his crib, that is when he started sleeping through the night. Just a may have already done this? Just a suggestion!
She is beautiful!!!!!!!!

The Pelhams said...

I have HORRIBLE eczema! Have had it most of my life and really bad when I was a baby. I found Gentle Naturals Baby Eczema Cream is the best stuff, it works fast and does not sting or smell bad. I have tried everything too! Mine is all year long too. The medicated stuff from the doc just dried my skin out so bad it made it crack and bleed, but not the Gentle Naturals! Target or Walmart, green box with baby Pooh and Piglet on it.

Emily said...

My 7 year old daughter has SEVERE ecxema. It's on her hands and they would crack and bleed. We recently went to a dermatologist. We were told to use only Cetaphil lotion and soap. A free and clear laundry detergent (no color and no scent) no fabric softener and no dryer sheets. Within 4 days her skin was healing and now this is our routine. You would never know she has it. Love your blog. God Bless!

Kendra said...

Awww... that smile in the swing after nap time is SO PRECIOUS!

Erin said...

Her sweet little smile just makes you want to melt! Sounds like you are on the downhill slope with the was about 3.5 months when Kinley broke most of her bad habits! Miracously she began sleep through the night too...we moved her to her crib just to try for one night and she slept through the entire night! PTL! Isn't it fun to see them develop. I could sit and watch Kinley all day kick around in the floor!

K does have a couple spots of excema on her cheeks and leg. Baby Aquaphor is the only thing that has worked for us. Hope you can find something that works.

Carrie said...

Where did your last post go "Worth the Wait". I saw it last night before I went to bed but didn't get a chance to read it disappeard!!!

Lakeshore Cottage Living said...

I just found your blog recently with the kitchens carnival and that was so neat...I wished I had found it in time to participate...maybe I'll do this Friday with living rooms...if I can get mine clean in time! My littlest one (just home from Russia) has skin trouble as well and we were told to use very mild soap like Aveeno and to just pat her dry after a bath...leaving some moisture and then apply the Aveen lotion right away to lock in some of the moisture from the doc also said not to bathe her too often, but just "rinse" her off...hard for me because I like a clean baby...but I am trying it..her skin has improved.

Your daughter is just beautiful..congratulations!

Oh-I saw in your "about me" that you went to OBU? My hubby went there...but we are I am sure much older than you! :)


Amber said...

I have never commented before but have followed for quite some time.
My son is now 19 months and has suffered from excema his entire life(it has gotten much better as he has grown). This is strange but after spending hundreds and hundreds of dollars on everything from Rx's to home-made cures, One night I prayed about what to do, went to Wal-mart and found it!!
It sounds to good to be true,but seriously it was almost completly gone in the morning!!
Cortizone-10 with the purple writing on the package. There are several kinds but it has to be the one with the purple!! I have told many friend's about this, they all agree this is the only thing that works!! I don't know why it works so good but it was a blessing!!
By the way you and your daughter are just to darn cute!!
Amber (Las Vegas)

rindie09 said...

I didn't read through all of the comments, but my middle son had eczema very badly. We finally found that doing short, warm baths (like 10 minutes) and then slathering on the original Eucerin cream (from the tub, not tube) worked best. We would do it several times a day when it was really bad. The water gets their skin very moist and opens their pores so that they really soak in the lotion.

I'm sure you're aware that it could be a sign of a food allergy. I nursed my son until he was 12 months and even after stopping dairy when he was done nursing, he still had eczema. So it wasn't an allergy...just thought I'd throw that in there b/c it doesn't necessarily mean a food reaction.

Sorry she's having to deal with this. It can be so frustrating! Good luck :)

Anna said...

I thought you had a pic on here of your new "cookie jar"...but now I don't see it!? My husband and I, along with our two kiddos, are ALL about eating animal cookies, alot. I liked the idea of the clear, decorative cookie jar! That way, we could keep them out, but they'd "look nice", too!

Amber Renee' said...

The Shred is hardcore. I did it yesterday and I am having a hardtime walking, but I think you will definately get results. The good thing: it's only 20 minutes!

Ashley said...

Hey Kelly, what happened to your poem in the previous post? I am in the beginning stages of infertility...the first round of clomid didn't work and the poem really conveyed how I feel! Thanks for being a great source of information!!

Evie's Story said...

Its been amazing to follow your little miracle!

Just wanted to share a story and see if perhaps the Lord would lay on your heart to participate...
We have a family we are friends with who have four small children. The mother has just been told that her cancer can no longer be treated and that she will not live until the end of summer. Wanted to do something for her for Mother's Day as she is a "single mom" while her husband is traveling with mine to China. Thought it would be special to "shower" her with e-mails and prayers and encouragement. Details on my blog if you feel led to share with your readers to participate as well.
Thank you for sharing beautiful Harper for us all to love!

Jamese said...

Try spray tan. It usually lasts about a week. I would recommed going somewhere, where they do it by hand! Harper is precious!

confessionsofafoodaholic said...

Lubriderm worked really well for my babies excema. Also have you tried not feeding Harper when she wakes up at night. Just patting her and see if she goes back to sleep. It may work. My first child did not sleep through the night until he was 7 months old. My second slept throught the night at 7 weeks. I think it is all due to the fact that I tried to get him to go back to sleep with out eating. Lessons learned after your first.

TDC said...

Sorry, couldn't resist, the talk of soap, the name Harper, and the adorable baby, all just drew me in! Our last name is Harper! Good luck with the Eczema, my wife has it too! I started making old fashioned lye soap and we have had great luck with it for her Eczema.

Anonymous said...

My daughter had excema so bad too! They gave me some type of oil and it worked! Hope sh egets better!!

momof3girls said...

Harper is such a cutie!!! I love little baby girls! I am a mom of 3 girls, and my youngest has eczema - ugh!! So very frustrating. We use Eucrin cream if the outbreak is not bad, but in the summer it seems as if the cholrine or sun aggrivates this condition so at those times we use a prescription called Elidel (But I believe you may have to be 1 years old to use this kind of RX) and give a dose of Ibprofin a day - this seems to help with inflamation of the eczema, and then the Eucrin cream over the Elidel. So much fun, I have heard on the positive side that alot of people out grow this condition. I am praying that my little one does! Good luck I hope you find what works for little Harper - unfortunately everyone is made different so it is just a matter of trial and error!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I had the same problem with my son recently. My doctor told me to try Triple Cream(which is from the makers of Triple Paste). It worked so well, we tried mixing it with cortizone cream and it worked too. I have only found it at Babies R us or Toys R Us. It is really good stuff. The doctor also told us to stop using fabric softner and dryer sheets on his clothes and it really did work. Hope that helps, cause it was a life saver for us.

Anonymous said...

P90X does work, my husband lost almost 40lbs in 2 1/2 months and it starting to get really toned. Kelly, they have like 5 10min workouts you can do that aren't just toning, it is nice, I love it. That is about all the time I have and it is helping lose that horrible baby weight I can't get rid of. It is really worth trying out.

Dawn said...

As Mother's Day approaches I wanted to throw out a suggestion for you. I got the idea from someone and was so glad I started it. Every year on Mother's Day I take a picture with Mackenzie. Eventually I will put them all in a photobook for her. Fun to see her changes as well as my changes. I will also post on my blog Sunday, I will have 3 pictures to post!! yeah!!

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