We've had a pretty quiet weekend here at our house. Harper slept most of yesterday. She took a 2 hour nap in the morning and a 3 hour nap in the afternoon. So I got a lot done. I thought that would mean she would sleep good last night but no such luck. For the past week - she has been waking up every 2 hours. As you can imagine - I'm feeling fresh as a daisy. ha!

Here she is before church this morning. We got to church a little late so all the back pews were taken. (ha!) So we moved up to the balcony. I have never sat in the balcony before so that was a new experience. Harper only made it about 15-20 minutes and she had had enough. So we went out and walked around a while and then she ate and fell asleep.

I had the good idea that since we was asleep in her car seat that she would probably stay asleep so we could go eat brunch at Copelands. Scott and I used to eat lunch there on Sundays almost every week so I have missed it. Well of course as soon as we ordered she was awake and not thrilled. So we shoved our food down and hurried home. Oh how life has changed. ha! At least they have a jazz band that plays on Sundays so her screams were drowned out by the music!

I have been needing a spring/summer wreath for my front door. I had been saving up to get one at a store I like but yesterday I ran a few errands while Scott stayed home with Harper and since she was sleeping so much he told me to stay gone longer if I wanted to so I stopped by a store that was having a good sale and found this wreath for about 1/3 of what I would have spent at the other store. I was so excited and I think it adds something to our front door!
We have a busy week planned. Harper's aunt and uncle are coming to visit next weekend along with her grandparents so I'll be getting things ready for their visit (i.e. cleaning the house) and it's going to be in the 70's and sunny every day this week so I have lots of walks planned and some yard work to be done. I just finished making a "to do" list for the week. I'm a MAJOR list maker. I constantly keep 2-3 notebooks with me so I can write down all my lists. I never seem to get much crossed off unfortunately. (BUT oh the happiness I feel when I do get things crossed off!)
Happy Sunday Kelly, Scott, Harper and Dawson!!! :]
Happy Sunday Harper, Scott, and Kelly. Good luck on all your list making!
I luv all your posts! Luv this one, too! Yes, eating out can be different w/ kids. In the first couple weeks, they sleep so much, but as they get older there are stages that change the experience. At Harper's age, she's awake more often during the day and too curious about exploring the world to be confined to a carrier or lap in a restaurant! Then when they're in a high chair and eating with you, it gets easier again--as far as the kiddo's happy attitude, but then Mom and Dad are still not enjoying their meals 100% due to feeding baby the mushy baby food at the same time! LOL But then they sit in the high chair (or big girl booster!) and feed themselves finger foods, and all can enjoy a nice meal together! Unless of course by that time you've added another baby to the bunch...HA! LOL Then you're back to square one! It's so great, though, that Harper's getting out w/ you and experiencing the jazz music! p.s. I'd truly love to know where you got that fab necklace, lookin' great!
I love to make lists too! And, I'm with you on the notebook thing. I have too many lists to keep track of!!!
Your baby girl is so precious - bless your little family!
I, too, love making lists and am joyful when I cross off tasks, or even finish a whole list!! Imagine that!
Oh, I love a list, too. I have several going right now as I get ready for Avery Kate! I am about to go brave Wal-Mart for groceries, but I know that will do me in for the rest of the night! MY POOR FEET! So swollen!
I'm a list maker too! I've graduated to list making in the note function of my iphone and its really bad because now I can quickly email the note to my husband. Poor guy doesn't get a break from my lists!
What a sweet picture of Harper. I hope you get some sleep and I love your new wreath. Hope you have a great week!
Everything is totally differnt with kids! When we do manage to eat out, we pick a place that has noise to begin with so Aaron's voice isn't noticed as much. He can get LOUD! He also likes to visit with anyone eating near us. It's fun but it is also a challenge. We try to keep him in church but the last few weeks it has been a wasted effort, he's just too loud for most of it. I did learn my lesson about wheeled toys, they take trips when paretns get distracted.
Again this confirms that we are cut from the same cloth.. I LOVE LIST! I need to know 2 very important things:
1) Do you use a certain type of notebook or just one you think is cute?
2) If you do something that is NOT on your list do you write it down the list then mark it off???
I DO:) Happy Sunday!
i really like your wreath! it looks like made of natural plants... is it natural? very pretty!
I LOVEE The wreath! soo pretty. happy sunday! enjoy your day
I LOVE lists too. I have notebooks everywhere for all the different lists I make. There is just nothing like crossing an item off. And after having little ones, you really need lists to remember anything.
It sounds like Harper is right on time for her 3 month growth spurt. It still amazes me that even though children are all so different, they still are so much alike. Hopefully, she will slow down the night wakings soon.
A fellow notebook carrying-list maker!
I am lost without my notebook and pen!
Your wreath is beautiful! I love finding a unexpected great deal!
Harper looks beautiful as always. I've missed a lot of church on account of my little one recently, but all too soon the baby year will be behind us and we can catch up on our preaching then!
Hi Kelly,
I just have to tell you how much I love your blog. I started following it shortly after Harper was born. My daughter was born just 3 days after Harper and it has been so fun to compare them and their accomplishments. I have been praying for you and your family and I am so glad that Harper is doing so well. Our God is a good God, is he not?
I hope you have a wonderful week - and I love your new wreath, it is so springy!
Love the wreath! I need to find one for our front door!!
I am a "lister", too. I find that if I don't make a list of things to do I don't get anything done. And sometimes I'll put things like 'take shower' or 'make tomorrow's list' on it just so I'll have something to mark off!
Hi Kelly,
My baby girl, Kate, who is 10 months has gone through spells where she will wake up A LOT during the night. These spells normally last between 1-2 weeks, but the good thing is, is that after that she accomplishes a big milestone....sitting up, crawling, and now she has taken her first steps. Hang in there, it won't be long till she sleeps better! :)
No offense to Bro. Phil, but I think Harper lasting only 15 minutes in "big church" means she is wanting to hear her Granddad preach!!!! She might last 25 minutes !!!!! har
We can't wait for the coming week-end!!
Harper's Nonny
Love, love, love sweet Harper's smocked dress. Having two girls, I am a sucker for all things smocked!
Have you tried giving Harper a bottle? With my first baby, I felt like I was constantly having to rush with everything and had to always leave "the activity" b/c I had to go and nurse. Now, with the third one, I make sure to have a bottle of breast milk with me at all times. And, if I go out with out him, I always leave milk with my husband or the sitter. If I know I am going to be gone through a feeding, I pump in the car. HA! Yes, I have mastered the technique of driving and pumping at the same time. :)
Hope you have a beautiful Sunday and a fabulous week!
Hey Kelly,
I started reading your blog when you were pregnant because I was constantly googling however many weeks I was to find out if I was too big. Ha! I know pretty funny... Anyhow, I came across your blog and have been following ever since. Our babies are about two weeks appart and I've enjoyed reading about someone who is going through the same things as me. You day today sounded EXACTLY like mine and it made me laugh. I sometimes don't know why I go to church since I end up walking the halls, but I love the worship and I love the fellowship. My son, Barclay, has been waking up every two hours also and it is exhausting. I just did a blog post about it actually. (http://helenjoygeorge.blogspot.com/2009/04/some-stuff-im-learning.html). Maybe it's a growth spurt? At least I know I'm not the only mom whos baby isn't sleeping through the night yet!
Thank you for your sweet blog, I love to read it.
Love Helen Joy George
Sounds like the 3 month growth spurt! My kids always sleep a lot during the day and eat every 2 hrs when they're spurting! She's totally normal! Look out for another at 4 mo and 6 mo!!! :) You're doing a great job. I've learned to not expect sleep, and then when I get it, I'm surprised and blessed!
Oh my gosh...we had the SAME restaurant experience at PF Chang's just the other night! We ate in shifts and we were wolfing it down..haha! I am also a list-maker. Obsessive. We did church for the first time today...it makes for a "fun" experience! :o)
Harper is so darling! Her eyes are so pretty! Praying for extra energy for you this week and also praying that Harper would get back to her two clock-work wake-up times in the night. When our three were babies it seemed that sometimes when they were going through growth spurts, they would wake up more often in the night. Blessings and prayers sent your way this week!
Harper looks like her daddy in the top picture :) Very cute...and I love that dress!
You and Harper are adorable! Love your outfit! AND your hair. :) Most of all I love your smile when you're holding your sweet baby. The time will fly by. My youngest will be 1 in 3 weeks! Then on to a new stage! Enjoy each one! (I have to keep telling myself that too!) When you get to a point when Harper can be with a sitter, schedule regular date nights. A MUST!! :)
Take care!
I am a list maker as well! ;-)
I just had my baby March 31st and it is funny how life changes! ;-)
I wonder if we will ever eat out again...ha@
Harper looks just precious!
I bet you are excited about the whole fam coming this weekend!!! Lots of arms to hold Harper! :)
Aw, that first picture is darling!
Those little tiny babies sure can make a HUGE difference in your plans, can't they? Luckily, this season passes fairly quickly and you jump right into the next learning experience. That lasts around 18-20 years. Ha!!
Such a gorgeous baby!!!
Just remembering how things were when I started following your blog.
I just have to smile when I see Harper all dolled up for church!
Praise God from Who ALL blessings flow!
Still praying for Stellan and others too. Thanks for sharing their needs on your space.
I just can't believe we have not ran into each other as we usually go to Copelands every Sunday =)!! Harper is a doll in that dress!!!!
Sounds like Miss H is going through a growth spurt! I promise she'll start sleeping longer stretches.
PS - I'm trying to convince my husband that baby #2 needs to be named Harper!!
Children do change our lives! But only for the better. I have a great chicken casserole recipe that will feed a crowd if you want I will email it to you, just let me know. Have a great week!
If I do something not on one of my lists, I write it down so I can cross it off. I like to feel like I accomplished something!
When you have a baby and you go somewhere, it's like there is an egg timer ticking in your head....counting he precious seconds until the inevitable eruption of cries. Now I have 2 egg timers!!!! My little one (3 weeks older than Harper) started getting really restless about 3 weeks ago...I'm thinking teething??
PS...I'm guessing you were saving up to go to Signed Sealed Delivered. I love their stuff, but it isn't cheap!!!
Very pretty wreath and I LOOOVE your necklace! I'm a list maker too...HobLob has the cutest little spiral bound journals that are a perfect fit for my purse {plus they're durable and come in tons of cute prints!}.
I love your wreath!
Love the wreath, and you and Harper look fabulous at church! You actually DO look fresh as a daisy!
TIP FOR DINING OUT WITH BABY: My sister has a little girl Harper's age. When they go out to eat, while ordering their food they request the waitress to also bring the check and a few to-go boxes with the meal. This way if the baby starts crying, they can toss their food in a box, the ticket already paid, and they can hurry out the door without any extra wait.
She gets cuter with every picture you take! I love your turquoise necklace with that black top. I need your fashion tips on the latest blog I posted, you are my fashion inspiration!
HI Kelly,
Another blogger sugested a bottle and it is what I did when I was nursing. And I always had a bottle with water in it. Sometimes they are just thirsty. I agree with Nonny. Harper wants to hear Grandpa. If his preaching is as good as his blogs he is certainly a treasure for the church. Wish I could hear him. And the wreath on
your door looks great.
Keeping you in my heaert in GA.
Oh, gosh, I miss going out to eat without kids. Now that I have two, it is WONDERFUL when my parents watch the kids and we can go out!
I love your wreath!! I totally want to get something like that. Do you mind if I ask where you bought it? Is it real? It looks real. :)
looove your necklace, loooove the use of lists (i have 4 columns on one sheet: work/DG/errands/gifts to buy), and I only wish I was close to come hold baby H while you got your things done! oR at least bring you a Rt44!
happy sunday! kate
Kelly, I wanted to tell you I've had Harper's little badge on my blog for some time now....found it in my blog travels. My youngest daughter now 33 was born with a very rare muscle disease, still no prognosis, but she's a true miracle from God as is your little Harper. Will continue to hold her and you in my prayers!!
Sounds like she may be going through a growth spurt.
It gets better I promise :)
I would put ds in a sling while were eating he liked the body contact....made it hard to eat but hey he was quiet ;)
We didn't eat out until our youngest was 4.5 years old! Before that buffett's were our best friend.
Love the wreath!
I too am a list maker & feel so accomplished when I mark off the things on my list.
One of the growth spurts with infants usually occurs at 3 months. Hopefully she will be back on a longer sleeping schedule in 5 or 6 days. Love reading about Harper!
She is so cute. Glad you had a pretty laid back weekend.
The wreath is very pretty and I am a list maker myself. If I don't right stuff down it is forgotten in 5 minutes.
I'm a list maker too!! :) When I was in college, my roommates would tease me all the time about it and then put goofy stuff on my list when i wasn't looking..ha! Now it's my husband who teases me. :)Off to do more things on my list..hehe..have a great week!
Many Blessings,
I would be lost without my list. I have an excel spreadsheet that I combine all my lists into one. LOL My son thinks I'm crazy.
I saw you at church this morning - we were also in the balcony. I was going to come talk to you if you made it through service :) Maybe next week
I am a list person too. I laugh and say my lists have lists. I was on spring break this week, so I feel like I have gotten a lot done on my lists. I hope you have a wonderful week and that you and Harper can enjoy the beautiful weather. Love 7 blesings from NC!
My life is a list!! Let's hear it for the list girls. Harper will be one soon!!!
I bet she is going through a growth spurt. Lauren used to wakeup more often to eat during those times.
I'm a list maker, too. I have so many details floating around in my head that I have to write them down or I will be a crazy person and lose track of everything.
I love your new wreath! It looks so pretty. :)
Have a great week!
That little Harpter is looking more and more like her mama every day! I'm so proud of you going to church!! I made it to church today but was to afraid to take my Little Miss Emma. Sometimes I have the energy, sometimes I don't...But we have to keep trying.
She is seriously getting cuter by the day!!
I also sent you my address in an email.. I hope you got it?!
I love making lists.. and I am a sucker for buying cute notepads that are made for lists! I love the wreath. Where did you find it?
Hope you have a great week. So much fun when family is coming to visit!
LOVE your wreath! Where did you get it?
hey. i live in NWA too and would love to know where you got the wreath. can you post it or email me amoncrief90@hotmail.com
thanks so much!
girl, i am a pro list-maker too! it's so frustrating that not everything gets crossed off, though. i sometimes pray that i'll at least complete one whole list before i die! :0)
i'm notorious for starting projects but not having the stamina/focus to finish them. i like to call myself "visionary"! haha!
LOVE that wreath...i need to find a cute one for my hospital room door when Baby Boy arrives on May 8!
You can always just take the food home and eat it there. Yup...little ones turn your life upside down!
Continuing to lift up prayers!
Psalms 119:49-50 Remember the word unto thy servant, upon which thou hast caused me to hope. This is my comfort in my affliction: for thy word hath quickened me.
Prayer BearsMy email address
Hi Kelly,
I just wanted you to know that I have totally fallen in love with Harper. I think she is just the darn cutest girl ever! I think my husband is actually tired of hearing me say, "hey, come look at the cutest baby ever!" Our youngest is 15 and we don't have any babies around here so I love checking in daily to see what cool things Harper is up too or what cute outfit she has on. You have the cutest family. Love it!
I absolutely LOVE that necklace!
what a cute pic of harper! good luck with crossing things off your list with it being so nice out...thats when i get distracted and dont get much done!
What a nice low-key weekend Kelly, and as always, those pictures of Harper are ADORABLE!!! :O)
Hi Kelly. Harper is growing so quickly! Beautiful family:) I know you are busy as I am a SAHM of a 17 month old miracle of my own! I have not been able to comment in several weeks so I wanted to now. I can not get my computer to allow your email address to come through so I thought I would try this route. I am reaching out to you because I see how much you are a woman of Faith. My Mother has just been diagnosed with Cancer and we have found that it is already in the final stage and spread rapidly to her bone. She has it in areas including Spine, all Ribs, Hip, Breasts and several other areas. We will find through a biopsy today as to what kind of Cancer we are dealing with. We just lost my Father 15 months ago to Cancer so we are not ready to face this battle again. We do know that with God anything is possible and that he will see us through. Just asking if you could pray for her. Her name is Betty McGhee. I will be adding her details to my Daughter's blog and as soon as I do I will share that.
My Mother is one of these that does not even know how to turn on a computer, but when I came across your blog back when you were even just finding out about being pregnant I shared details with her and she prayed with me every night on the phone for Harper when she was in the NICU. I am sorry to ask for prayer like this through a comment, but I believe when God lays something heavy on your heart that you must obey and this is why I am reaching out to you. Thank you.
God bless
Yes, life has changed - it all revolves around feeding times - especially when you can't just grab a bottle!
The bow looks great on her! I can't believe how well it matches her dress.
I love lists! In fact, I have two of them sitting in front of me right now! And isn't it a great feeling when you can take all of the various lists and combine them into one list? LOL And then the list madness begins all over again!
Did you try the Babywise books and the PDF method? All of my friends that used the techniques it has worked for and my sis is about to have her baby and is going to use that as well. Just a thought to help Harper sleep through the night! Good luck! Beuatiful wreath too :-)
I love your wreath! Where did you get it? Let us know or email me at farmerjair@sbcglobal.net. Thanks:)
I LOVE all the pictures, but the one that sticks out best for me is #3. Picture #3 sums up the miracle that God has placed in your arms. Look at Harper lying prone and lifting her head. I mean REALLY! WOW!!! GO HARPER GIRLIE GOOOOOO!!!!!!! Love that picture of the girl jumping off the pediatric charts! Developmentally, she has scooted ahead of the charts, imo! Plus the drool---I am a sucker for baby drool and it will get me every time. Before bows, I was a pediatric nurse practitioner specializing in development. Your baby makes me proud, girl! Picture number 3, I say!
I remember when you posted this picture, and I just blurted out loud, "Our Lord is AWESOME!" Congrats on the upcoming dedication! Wish I could see her that day. HUGS!
Shannon A.
Well, shoot...posted on the wrong entry. Well, nice wreath, Kelly, LOLLL!
Did you get that cute bag (next to you in the picture from Copeland's?) at Sam Moon? I have the same one I use as a diaper bag for my daughter. It's too cute
Ooooo, me too! http://davidsonden.blogspot.com/2008/12/loris-lists.html
Oh the times I have walked out of a Sunday service! HAHA
I LOVE the wreath! Very different, but I love it!!
you look great! as does lil miss! that wreath is pretty!!
i'm a list maker too! :)
hope you have a great week and enjoy the pretty weather!
i love the wreath! i need a new one for spring/summer too!
You and I are so much alike. I am a huge list girl. I am highly motivated by getting something crossed off and I am constantly making lists as well.
If you get a minute (Hahaha!!!) tell us where you got the wreath? Love it!
Harper is an absolute doll! We have a little boy that is about to turn 2 and just found out we are having a girl at the beg of Sept! Love looking at all of Harper's precious dresses, etc! :)
Hello Kelly~I'll probably get lost in the crowd but, I had to tell you...I had been following your journey from the birth of sweet Harper. Well, my laptop crashed loosing all my bookmarks. I'd given up hope of finding your blog...until today. I saw your name on another blog. I started clicking here and there. I finally found you. I was sooo happy to open your blog to see your happy, healthy, precious little girl, HOME!!
Sweet wishes,
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