I got to meet two blogger friends this morning! That was really fun but I forgot my camera - how could I do that??? So if they copy me on theirs - I'll have to share it and a little about them!
I just discovered that since I got Scott the NFL channel...........guess what we got along with it......a few more channels including LIFETIME MOVIE NETWORK!!!! Hello - heaven!You know I love Forever 21 and Sam Moon for cheap and trendy clothes and jewelry! (See dress above - love it!) and ring below!
But read these links below - they are companies owned by Christians. I knew Forever 21 had John 3:16 on all of their bags but I didn't know about Sam Moon. I'm more than happy to keep linking to them!
Sam Moon
Forever 21
I just found this website - Shabby Apple. It's like someone said "Hey - I think I'll make a web site and sell only clothes that Kelly would love." ha ha ha! They ONLY sell dresses. And they have dresses for women, little girls, and maternity. Precious little girl dresses.
Forever 21

Here are a few things to pray for today:
I have some a few real life friends who had babies this week and they need prayer:
- Amy and Wes Sweet - just had baby twin girls, Ruby and Molly. I have had you pray for them before. They were good weights for early twins (4-5 lbs) but they are in the NICU. They are doing well - but pray they come home soon and are healthy.
- My OBGYN's nurse who I adore, Amanda, had her baby Brody yesterday at 34 weeks and he is in the same NICU. That's all the details I have but I'm sure they could use a little prayer.
- http://www.littleoneapril.blogspot.com/ This girl found out her baby has Trisomy 13 and likely won't live and the heart rate is low so they are possibly going in today to look at taking the baby - she is 33 weeks. She is young and a single mom - she will need our prayers.
- There is a local girl here who is missing - most likely abducted by her mother over spring break. I used to go to church with her grandparents. Pray for her father who has custody of her. http://www.findbrookehanna.com/
I love to curl up on the couch and watch LMC movies all day!
I bet you think I am a stalker- twice now I have had the first comments.
Have a great day!
Kelly- you speak my language. Lifetime Movie Network is my best friend, but you could be my BFF too if you'd like, haha!!!! :o)
Hi Kelly. I really enjoy reading your blog, it never disappoints. I think you have the true meaning of life and love all figured out.
That purple dress is delicious!!!
And I did nothing but watch LMN when I was pregnant...I love me some Lifetime movies!
I wish little boy clothes we as stinkin cute as those sweet dresses!
We have LMN too (because of a sports channel upgrade) and it's heaven!!!
I love the Shabby Apple website...especially now that I will be shopping for MATERNITY clothes.......YAY!!!
I love Lifetime movies, but Josh hates them!!!! He calls it the wife beating channel.
I love that purple forever 21 dress! So cute!
And, I love Amanda, too. She assisted with my c-section and is so sweet. I LOVE the name she picked for her boy!:) I will for sure be praying for her!
I just got back in from shopping all morning and I love that dress from Forever 21!!! AHHHHH!! I think I am going to have to go back out, and I totally didn't know they were a Christian owned company, makes me want to give them my money even more!!
You inspired me to headbands on my baby and I bought some today. thanks for sharing all these tips and helping me swipe my visa card! HA!!
I will be praying for these families, thank you for letting us know.
I shopped at Sam Moon's when I was in Dallas years ago. It was awesome. We don't have one here. Love the purple dress. Thanks for all the tips on the websites. Have a great day and enjoy your movie channel. You can hold Harper and watch all the movies you want to. Sounds like fun!
Love & blessings from NC!
That is such a wonderful dress! I love purple!
That is a great shout out to Shabby Apple. They are based in my town and we all love them here in Utah!
Oh Kelly, how I love your blog! This girl needs help! I am SERIOUSLY fashion/accessory challenged! I am starting to branch out into the world of necklaces and such. Do you have any advice/suggestions about KEY pieces you have? Thanks! BTW Harper is BEAUTIFUL!
Our pastor in Danville had a baby with Trisomy 18, and she is now almost 10. She requires constant care, but God has blessed them beyond belief. I believe this young lady whose baby has Trisomy 13 will be blessed as well.
I love the purple dress and ring. Great finds!
Thanks so much for telling me about the Shabby Apple. I had never heard of it before, but I LOVE Anthropologie and it has the same kind of feel for a much more reasonable price!
Your blog is just so fun to read. It makes me happy to get updates from you everyday! Thanks so much.
I love, love, love Forever 21 also! I didn't realize they were a Christian company, but I am glad to hear that! That is such a cute purple dress!
My thoughts and prayers are with all of your requests.
I'm a newer reader, but will definitely be sticking around! LOVE that dress!
Hey girl....love the dresses! I am really needing a fun ring or two...so I am going to check out Sam Moon.
I meant to tell you when you posted about the NFL network that since we got it...Todd watches it 24/7....that was a GREAT gift for Scott...esp. with the draft coming up and everything.
Love ya friend!
Oh my! Thank you so much for the Shabby Apple link and the discount! Yes they are a bit more expensive but all classics and very easy to alter for a girl like me who is loosing baby weight. Love it!
I love that purple dress! So cute!
I love that dress! Nice to know the owners are Christians!
Oooh...I'm so glad you mentioned the Shabby Apple website. I've never seen it before, and now I'm already makin' a list - Haha! I love the "Daisy" dress and the "Nantucket" one. And the little girl "Gumball" dress is TOO CUTE! And did you see they are looking for the next "Picture Princess" between ages 0-8 to model the clothing (and receive the whole wardrobe free)? Little Miss Harper might just be one of their next little models... ;o)
I was reading your prayer requests and I hate that there is a baby with Trisomy 13 and a girl that is missing. Terrible, just so terrible. This makes me very appreciative for my life, loved ones and their health and well being.
Thank you for posting about the other prayer request as well.
Love LMN too.. Hubby doesn't care too much for that channel though. lol. Love the purple dress and the ring, too cute! Hope you have a wonderful Sunday!
Girlfriend.....I LOVE Lifetime Movie Network........it is so addictive though.........but I love love love it. Did I mention that I love it?
Now who do you think has been in more Lifetime movies...Jaclyn Smith or Lindsey Wagner? Or hey, might be Judith Light....
Can you tell I watch a lot?
Hi Mrs. Stamps! I've been reading your blog since right before Harper was born... Her amazing story has really touched me and I'm sooo glad she's healthy and happy! She is seriously like the cutest baby I have ever seen! Anyways, I know that you have places where you buy her clothes and bows and stuff, but I just wanted to give you my Etsy shop address in case you have the time to look at it. I absolutely DO NOT want to pressure you into looking at it or anything, but I'm just trying to get my shop name out there! Thanks, and may God shower you and your family with many, many blessings! Jordan-- http://sissymissy.etsy.com
love these links! who knew about Forever 21?! Cool!
I gotta tell ya. I love seeing Harper blossom and grow. I remember about those days when my girl would really be giggling and cooing and I just didn't want to tear myself away from her! (she is now 5 1/2 and just lost her first tooth! ACK!
I LOVE those polka dot boots from Shabby Apple. Too cute!!!
Cute dresses! and I love big funky rings!
Although Forever 21 claims to be a Christian company, over the past several years there have been an increasing number of lawsuits against them. They employ women in sweatshops that are underpaid and forced to work overtime in unsanitary conditions. I would encourage you to do a little bit of research on this company before you endorse them. Here's a link to one article: http://www.corpwatch.org/article.php?id=792
~A Concerned College Student
Wow Kelly, you and I seem to have a lot in common. I LOVE, HEART, LOVE the lifetime Movie Network. One of my favorite things to do is to curl up on the sofa and watch a great lifetime movie. That is my down time and I am sooo much a night owl that it's great cause movies are on all night. I also heart forever 21 (my 15yr old loves this store too, which is truly why I heart it cause they are cheap, lol)and Sam Moon. I live in Baton Rouge and we don't have one but when we go to Dallas I stop in. Oh and I also LOVE Harper, she is the cutest thing EVER! Sorry for the long comment.
I'm sure you will enjoy the movie channel:) Glad you got that as well with your package!
Will certainly pray for these family's you've mentioned.
Thanks for the link for coupons and another I have enjoyed also is:
Take care, enjoy your weekend, blessings always,
Matthew 21:22
Kelly I love your blog and seeing all the cute pics of sweet Harper. I am also on your prayer blog, waiting for my own little one, so thank-you for that ministry! I have a prayer request if you could add it to your list: my best friend Erin has been having preterm labor the last 2 days. So far they have been able to stop it, but it keeps coming back. Please pray for her - she is only 28 weeks along with her little boy Aaden. Thanks!
Okay...I came on expecting to see a picture of the little angel and there were pictures of someone else's little girls. Hmm, You've got us spoiled. Though I find the information useful and appreciate it all, can you delight us with a picture of Harper? Please. :o)
I always love reading your blog. I know how prayer works and I wanted to share a blog of a friend of mine who needs prayers. She has had some answered because she is pregnant. It took her a long time but going through invetro it worked after a while. I am just praying that the eggs is in place and are doing great! She deserves it! here is her blog to read more about her...it is really an intersting story. http://www.ryanandkellykey.blogspot.com/
Keep the blogs coming...:)
Shabby Apple's dresses are TOO CUTE! Love them. Thanks for the tip.
i loved learning that about the Moon family, too! they've been honored here by Dallas Baptist University, too. and i think one of them spoke at my husband's master's commencement at DBU few years ago?
Love the dresses you posted! You have the cutest taste!
Lifetime Movie Network!!! I am so jealous!
That first dress is amazing, I will be checking out those websites! Summer is right around the corner!
I will be in prayer for those requests, for sure! Thank you for sharing them.
Also, love those dresses and the ring. Oh yeah, they are sweet!! Plus, LMN is fantabulous!! Yes, it's a word...I made it one!!! ;)
Anyways, just got home from hanging out with my best friend from high school. She came down from the Cities with her 8 month old, who I adore. Go figure, right?!? Anyways, I probably should've just stayed at her grandma's with her since it's April 4 and we are in the middle of a BLIZZARD!! What is up with that, I ask?!?! Crazy...8-12+ inches are expected. We'll just say, the roads are awful and I'm glad I made it home safely.
Now, the question is...will I still have nursery duty in the morning at church?!?! That remains to be determined ~ they haven't called if off yet, but I'd be shocked if we'd have it. Actually, I'd be shocked if I could even get out of my apartment!! :)
Okay, I'm off to bed, just thought I'd blab a little!
Love and Hugs to ALL of you!
Oh how I miss cable TV!!!
I had no idea Forever21 was owned by Christians!! YAY! Because I LLLLOOOVe their clothes. Oh I could live in that store! And, I love the other site, too! Those dresses are adorable!
i loveeeeee forever21! its the greatest store ever created. we sadly dont have one close so i shop online. i cant wait til you get harper's surpise. i'm sending it out on monday :) let me know when you get it please.
I love forever 21!!! When I visit my parents and in-laws in Springdale I try to make a side trip to the one at both malls if possible. You never know what one store is going to have. Thats what I love about shopping. Sam moon is also a favorite as well.
Thanks for sharing.
Also my thoughts will be with those you mentioned. You're a great lady for taking the time to post about those who are in need of prayer and encouraging.
Continuing to lift up prayers to the only One who hears!
Psalms 27:7-8 Hear, O LORD, when I cry with my voice: have mercy also upon me, and answer me. When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, LORD, will I seek.
Prayer Bears
My email address
I love that purple dress! Thanks for the links (and the link about the Christian owned businesses is great!). I ordered some rings online from Forever 21. My ring size has not waivered in over 20 years, but only one of the rings fit me. Have you noticed that they are not true to size? I wish I had that store near me to do a return. I think I might try to Sam Moon adjustable rings. Very cool! Thanks for keeping up on top of the fashion world, Kelly. LOL. ;) We don't have those stores near me, so thank you for enlightening me!
Will pray for those you mentioned who are struggling.
It always makes me feel better to shop somewhere that is Christian based. Maybe that is why I love Chic-fil-a so much! Ha! I also love Premier Jewelry because a lot of their profits go to support missions!
Love the purple and black dresses! Forever 21 just opened up a few months ago at a local mall and I LOVE them.
I will be praying tonight for all those that need our help.
Kelly, be honest: do you think everyone can rock the ruffles? Or should some of us use caution? I just can't seem to make them work! And its sad because I think they are so stinkin cute!
Thank you for sharing about Forever 21. I love their clothes and so do my sisters but because I wear an XL in most everything, I couldn't fit into any of their clothes. I'm so happy to find out they are putting in a plus size (not that I think XL is plus size by any means) into their stores. I'm also shocked and amazed that there is another store other than Chick-fil-a that is owned by Christians. They are few and far between! I'll definitely keep shopping there! Thanks!
That is so great that you found Shabby Apple. It is owned by a few of my friends from my church in Columbus, Ohio (or at least they started there).
It is a company owned by LDS (mormon) women who wanted to have a great place for modest dresses. They are super hard to find - especially during summer!
Enjoy the site! My friend Pilar modeled for it!
Ooh, I love retailmenot! :)
I think your hip-mama style is great, and Harper is a doll! :)
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