We have had an eventful weekend around here. I hope ya'll have had a great Easter!

Friday we got a visit from Granddaddy. He was in town to pick up a pastor from India from the airport. I felt so bad because Harper screamed so hard every time he tried to hold her and then when I would take her back she would immediately stop and coo. Secretly of course it delights me that she wants her momma ......but this is not helpful when Momma needs to get a break.
(Harper DOES love you granddaddy!!! Don't worry - she'll be thrilled to see you soon!)

My sweet little girl
(We've had to start wearing constant bibs because we have a heavy drooler on our hands)

Saturday we got a treat because our friends Hillary and Josh drove up to see us. Hillary has been dying to hold Harper. I love this picture - the way Harper is checking them out. We love ya'll!!!

A picture of the girls

Here is Harper today on Easter Sunday

A close up of the dress. This sweet lady who reads my blog e-mailed me and said she had made this dress (and bloomers and bonnet) and had prayed over the dress while she made it and when I said Easter would be Harper's first Sunday to church - she knew it belonged to her. I can't get over such a precious gift. This dress is a heirloom. The bunny's tails are pearls! She has an
etsy shop where she makes more smocked dresses. If there is anything I love more than monograms - it's smocked dresses.

She also made a little slip to go under the dress with Harper's monogram and a verse that says "Children are a gift from God". Oh - so sweet!

Here is our family before church - we took several pictures and Harper was not really co-operating in any of them but I still wanted a picture of our family. Today did not start off great - it is in the 40's and POURING down rain. Trying to get all of us ready and everything ready for church and a few other obstacles and then fighting the Easter crowd .....I felt like Satan was really fighting me to give up and stay home. But we went and I had prayed so hard for Harper to do good. She made it through almost the WHOLE service. Fell asleep in my arms. We had a wonderful evangelist, Junior Hill, preach this morning and there were almost 40-50 people saved! I took Harper out towards the end of the service and fed her and changed her and we walked around. We got to visit a lot of people but by that time - she had HAD it and she was screaming her head off starting with when our pastor came to see us. ha! I was so glad for everyone to see the baby they had prayed for and they could also see her lungs work just fine now! ha!

Nearly every Easter we eat Easter lunch with Laurie and Steve. We had planned to go out to eat and then decided it would be easier to just get food and eat it at their house. So we had traditional KFC for Easter lunch! And can I tell you - it was wonderful!!! We had so much fun with them. And we put Harper in this little swing and she went right to sleep and slept for about 2 hours. (They are letting us borrow the swing - thank you - we will take anything to try!!!)

Sarah Kate and Emily looked so cute today in their little smocked dresses. I wish we had gotten a picture of all 3 girls but it just didn't work.......but we will have many more chances down the road for that.

Emily entertained us - she put on a show and danced for us. It was the funniest thing I have ever seen - I was crying I was laughing so hard. She is a born entertainer.

Aunt Kelly had to jump in and dance with Emily - and Uncle Scott nearly died of embarrasment. You know I love to dance!

Steve gave us a buffet of ice cream for dessert along with the best brownies!! YUMMY!

Just a few more pics of my princess in her dress

Here she is in her little Easter bonnet
One more thing......after we got home today, I was changing clothes and had laid Harper on our bed. I put her on her tummy and she ROLLED OVER!!!!!! I was so excited. She did it 3 more times until I got out the video camera and then OF COURSE - she would not do it again. I have tried SO MANY times to catch her laughing on film but she freezes up every time I grab the camera. UGH! But I wanted to write it on here and not forget.
Easter Sunday 2009 - it's been a big day!
Also - 2 quick personal prayer requests:
- I had my hair done on Saturday (don't ask Scott how awful those 3 hours were for him) and my hair dresser who has done my hair for about 14 years now told me they just found out her husband has leukemia. He is pretty much living in the hospital right now. Please pray for him. His name is Patrick and here is his caring bridge site.
- Scott's mom's first cousin is a judge in Texarkana. They recently found out he had cancer and he had surgery two weeks ago to remove it. Since then he has coded twice and they had to do more surgery today and he is not doing well at all. Please pray for him. Here is his caring bridge site.
I am the first to comment! Yeah for me! Glad your day went well! God Bless!
Harper looks so adorable! I'm so glad everything went great for ya'll today. Happy Easter!
So cute, love all the pictures!! I don't feel so bad posting so many now!! :) Blessings to your family this Easter sunday!!
Happy Easter to you all! Looks like ya'll had a blast. Poor grand-daddy, but she is definitely a momma's girl. I love that dress, it is adorable.
That video of you dancing won't play :( LOL! I wanted to see it..
What a wonderful weekend Kelly and memorable first Easter for Miss Harper and you all :o)
Happy Easter to Harper! She looks like a little doll all dressed up in her Easter outfit. Glad to hear you had a good day with her!
She was so darling in her dress! And her slip! And her bonnet! I'm glad y'all had a great Easter and that she did well for you at church. What a big day for your family!
Sounds like you guys had a pretty good day. I am happy that Harper behaved herself for the most part. I love her dress. Way to go Harper on rolling over!!
Lovin' your black dress :) Can Harper get any cuter-blessings to you all this Easter! We (actually God lol) hatched 12 baby chicks yesterday-just in time for Easter!
i LOVE Harper's smocked bunny dress...and what a neat story! (and a neat lady!!) Your hair looks awesome! So glad you guys had a great Easter Sunday.
I can't believe that next Easter I will have my own little princess to dress up!
Her little dress is so cute!
Happy Eater! Love Harper's outfit. Precious.
She's beautiful as always! I live in texarkana and our church is also praying for judge hudson! Small world again! Thanks for posting this request.
I'm so glad you guys had such a great Easter weekend! Miss Harper looked absolutely precious (no surprise there!) and you guys are just a cute little family!!
Oh what a big day indeed! One filled with MUCH sweetness and cuteness! I LOVED all of these pictures, and I am SO glad ya'll had a Happy Easter!!
Harper looks so cute in her Easter outfit!
Such a beautiful dress and how very thoughtful of her! Glad you had a wonderful day. Happy Easter!!!
I love that dress! She is beautiful and you and Scott make such a cute couple.
Happy Easter~
I've been reading your blog since Harper was born, but this is my first post since my 8 mo. baby girl is actually napping in her crib and not in my lap. We have a few of those smocked dresses also.. precious!
What a blessing you are! (BTW- I have a childhood friend back home in MS with a baby girl named Harper, also. She is enduring heart issues and will have to have her 2nd heart surgery within the next year.)
I LOVE Junior Hill! What a wonderful man of God.
Have a blessed Easter!
haha! I loved this post. You seem to have such a joy-filled life!
Every little girl needs a smocked dress for her first Easter and what a special one you have! It looks like you all had a really nice day!
Oh my word! LOVE her sweet Easter dress, bonnet & bloomers-absolutely precious!!! Happy Easter to y'all-I know this Easter has bound to be your most special ever.
I am LOVING that dress and bloomers! Too sweet! I am so glad she is doing so well and got to make her debut today! I know you are happy to get out and about!
Oh that dress is just beautiful and so special with her monogram and verse on it. How wonderful for her to send that to you. Harper looked precious! I'm so glad you were able to enjoy the service today. My Lily actually stayed in the nursery today, so I had a good day at church too. Praise the Lord! Glad to hear your Easter was a good one. Your family picture was beautiful!
Wow...you had a day!! Harper looked precious as always. What a beautiful dress! But I'm sure it was really different from any Easter you've had before. A baby changes everything! ;)
I love Junior Hill. He used to preach revivals at my church! He is truly annointed by God. I'm not surprised that so many got saved today. THAT is a great Easter!!
What a cute dress! I am glad you had a great Easter!
As I was getting ready for church this morning I said a little prayer that Harper would be good in church today. I'm so glad you had a good day.
Hey Kelly! Looks like your Easter was wonderful. Harper looks adorable in her smocked dress and bonnet. I saw the pic of you wearing that adorable dress from forever 21 that you posted. I tried to order it after I saw it on your blog, but it was sold out. :(
What a great Easter post with pictures.
I wanted to let you know I have gone to both CB sites and added them to my prayer list.
Girl, I have been craving KFC so I'm jealous that you had it today! I'm sorry that Harper cries so much-- it must make it hard on you to do anything. She's a cutie though
Ya know Kelly Harper may be teething. That may be part of the reason why she does not want to take a pacifier. My son cut two teeth before he turned four month (rare, but possible). He started working on those teeth at about two months. He stop taking a pacifier at about that time. They say that the pressure from the sucking pacifier can hurt their gums. After that I never got him to take a pacifier again and now he's 8 months. She's adorable and I love seeing pictures. Glad you had a good weekend.
Happy Easter to you and your family! It looks like Harper's first Easter was a good one. (: I prayed this morning that she would be a peaceful presence in your worship service!
I LOVE the heirloom Easter dress...SO PRECIOUS!!! If I had a little girl, she would be wearing smocked dresses, too. (:
Thank you for sharing your Easter. Little Harper, Sarah Kate and Emily look so cute in their Easter- best.
So glad you were able to go to church today. The smocked dress is precious.
Sounds like you had a beautiful despite the yucky weather. By the way, where is your home church?
Hi Kelly,
I'm going to send you an e-mail.. I wanted to see if you'd ask your prayer warriors on your blog to pray for my best friend's daughter who is suffereing from some medical issues. she stops breathing in her sleep at night.. it's very scary for my friend. there are doing an MRI because they think there may be a tumor on her brain.. she is 3 years old.
I'll e-mil you her picture and info!
Harper is beautiful! Happy Easter!!
Okay...*perfect* first Easter dress! And an embroidered slip???? And my favorite part...pearl bunny tails. How could she not be a perfect angel in that outfit, I'd like to know! I'm SO happy that she had a good morning service. (Even if she would have gotten ornery, I'm sure everyone would have still just been thankful for her!!) And I'm glad you posted a picture of her like that at the top all worked up...hehe! She's precious!
So glad you had a wonderful Easter!
i notice you always style your hair the same exact way with tucking hair behind your one ear. i think your hair is pretty, and would look nice styled some different ways, like wearing it up, or just down without that piece always stuck behind your ear. try it! you are due for a change!
I loved all the pics Kelly! Perfect choice for Harper's Easter Sunday dress...adorable :)
Happy First Easter with that beautiful baby girl! You have an adorable family!
I keep hoping you will respond to my comment so I can send you a necklace I have saved for you. I have been following your blog since Harper was born. Being a grandmother of 10 children, I realize how blessed I have been to have not had to be tested the way your family was. I am so impressed with your strength in God and your faith. I have a little sideline jewelry business and I know you get tons of things for the baby but I wanted you to have something for you from me in appreciation of the reinforcement of my faith that has been inspired by your journey. I think we know loads of the same people but from different directions. My daughter is a Razorback alumni as well and still has loads of friends in NW Arkansas. I am in Fort Smith. Here is my email lkbeshears@sbcglobal.net
See you made it I knew you could. I feel your pain with Harper crying when Grandpop holds her...Emma cries terrible when Dad holds her and I know it hurts his feelings. I've started standing behind my husband when he holds Emma and smiling at her so she knows she's in safe hands with her daddy seems to be working:) P.S. is that good ole' Vermont Made Ben and Jerry's icecream I see?? That stuff is the best!! HAPPY EASTER FROM THE WESTOVER's in VT!!
Harper is the cutest little bunny! I know you enjoy every moment with her in your life. She's one of the best gifts!!
Hi Kelly
Happy Easter! Harper looks adorable. I am so pleased to hear you had a blessed day. I went to Easter service yesterday and was hoping you can point me in the right direction. I want to purchse a Bible, but I want a "user friendly" Bible- if there is such a thing. I'd like one that has some explaination or footnotes to help me with any difficult passages- I hope you can recommend something or like I said at least point me in the right direction- Happy Resurection Day!
Happy Easter! It looks like you had a great day! I noticed that you had Ben & Jerry's Ice Cream! That just warms my heart being from Vermont and all. My husband and I live just 15 minutes away from the factory. I hope you enjoyed it.
<3 HEE
P.S. Harper looked so beautiful in her Easter Sunday getup! You are so blessed to have such a beautiful family!
Love the new blog look, your blog always looks great!
I am SO with you on the smocked dresses...it just doesn't get much cuter than that! Harper just looked beautiful her first Easter Sunday!
I LOVED seeing you all yesterday! And it felt so great to hold that little love! She's a keeper!
EMILY IS HILARIOUS!! I laughed until I cried as well! Her Egyptian moves are the best. I am going to post pictures tomorrow.
I love the bonnett!! I am glad that her first Easter was so special!!
She looks so darling in her little Easter outfit. But, then again, when does she not?! Glad y'all had a great weekend and that she was good for you for church!
Harper's outfit is PERFECT!!!!! Not only do I love pale pink smocked dresses...but also bonnets!!!! I never see anyone put their baby in one! I hope I have a girl next time so I can dress her in bonnets!
Hmmm...is that the same purple dress you saw at Forever 21? :-)
YAY for swings!! It is the ONLY thing that put our baby to sleep for several months.
We live in Texarkana and have been praying for the judge since we heard about it at church last week. Thanks for sharing!!!
Harper looked so adorable in all of her Easter stuff... she is such a doll. You are definitely blessed. :)
So glad that you guys had a wonderful Easter! Harper looks so precious in that dress! It was worth the wait to see the pics of her in that dress, too cute, and the pearls just make it cuter!! Have a wonderful week!
Happy Easter! I TOTALLY AGREE ABOUT THE SMOCKED DRESSES - THEY ARE MY FAVORITES! So glad that church went well for you all today & that Harper is out and about! We'll add your friends and family to our prayer list.
First off, I LOVE your new header and everything else. The dress you chose is beautiful with the smocking & the embroidery. The hair band is adorable. Thanks for keeping us updated.
What a perfect Easter Sunday!! And that dress is simply gorgeous.
I'll be praying for Scott's relative and your hairdresser's husband.
God Bless all of your family as you celebrate Easter with a precious baby girl.
Sounds like you've had a busy but wonderfully blessed weekend. So very thankful for many answered prayers for your family.
Little Harper's Easter outfit is absolutely beautiful.
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22
That dress is just amazing! Happy Easter!!!
I am so glad that you had such a good Easter day.
Harper looks adorable in her Easter and bonnet and I absolutely LOVE the pic of her in the bunny ears in your last post.
So precious!!!
What a wonderful day. It looks like you all had a great time.
Harper's dress is gorgeous!
KELLY! Really??? You TORTURE me with the picture of BLUE BELL ice cream! Born and raised TX gal- now transplanted in WA! Good golly miss molly! ((drooling))
I am so happy that you have had a wonderful weekend with your sweet Harper. God Bless You All!!!
She is absolutely adorable! The esater dress is just too cute. I love reading your blog!
Such adorable pic's of Harper as always! I love the pink and brown outfit on her; those are one of my favorite color combos. Her Easter and bonnet is really cute on her too. You definitely are blessed:o)
Wow, it sounds like y'all had a revival on Resurrection Sunday! What better day.
I'm so glad everything went well at church! Happy Easter!
Harper looks so precious in her Easter outfit. Glad you had such a good day. Prayers for your hairdresser's husband and Scott's cousin for complete recoveries.
Kelly and Scott, I have been following your blog since Harper was born. And she is adorible. I look forward to your daily blogs. Your are an insperation to several people. I just read yesterdays and wanted to pass along some information. I work for the American Cancer Society's Hope Lodge, in Michigan. The Hope Lodge is a facility for patients to stay for free during any type of cancer treatments. Surgery, Chemo, Radiation. There are 28 in the US. Wanted to pass this along for you to see if there is one by you or one by your loved ones. They are wonderful facilities and it gives the families some extra financial freedom needed during this difficult time.
Thanks Chris
Hi Kelly ~ I'm glad you had a wonderful Easter! Harper looks so darn adorable! I absolutely love the picture with her bonnet on!
And yes, those swings are a lifesaver!
Have a great week!
That dress and slip are so very precious. Harper is a living testimony and I read your blog daily but rarely comment. I also check up on prayer requests you have listed and pray for them. So happy you had a good Easter. God bless you.
So glad you got to go to Easter service with Harper, that little cutie. Smocked dresses are so adorable, my 26 year old niece wore them a bunch when she was little. Glad they are still popular!
Harper looks so precious in her special dress. I'm glad you enjoyed your Easter Sunday.
Kelly, What a great Easter you had. I just love Harper's dress. Girls are so fun to dress up - boys too of course :-)
Hope you have a great day!
Harper is too cute!!
Just an idea...we tried this with our youngest. Just pull the video camera out at random times, but don't try too hard to get her to do things while it's in plain view. Hopefully, she'll get used to the idea of the camera being around.
Good luck!
Stacey in missippi
Harper looks so pretty for Easter. I just love her bonnet. You have such a darling little one. Everytime I see her picture, I just can't help byt smile and think about my Grace who is now 4. I sure do miss that age. Enjoy every moment. They grow up too fast.
I love the blog make-over!!!!! Harper looked great in her Easter duds. I would love to see 40-50 people get saved in a single service. God answered a paryer for me this Easter. My boyfriend's father has been out of church for almost 4 years. He came with us yesterday, and I can't tell you how great it was to have him there. I am so thankful. Hopefully he will go again next Sunday! Have a great week!
Love the new blog look!
And Harper's Easter outfit! The bonnet is so cute!
We've had Junior Hill at our church too... he's great!
Girl, you and I are on the same wave length when it comes to clothes!!! Smocked Dresses and Monograms are my favorite things. I am hoping my three girls never stop loving monograms......I have a feeling that my days of smocked dresses are beginning to come to an end but I pray it'll last a while longer.
My girls wore outfits from a company called Potato Saks and if you don't know them you have to check it out. You'll love them! I will be posting pics of them on my blog later on today or tonight.
Have a blessed week!
In HIM -
OMG I HAD NO IDEA SCOTT IS REALATED TO Judge Hudson! His daughter & son and I went to school together. They were both younger but Sarah and I were good friends growing up. Small world. I had no idea he has cancer. I will pray! I"m from Texarkana so that's how i know them. To this day, pray for that family and all they've gone through over the years.
Love the new blog look!!! What a sweet little girl. Love her dress! Happy Easter!!
I've never commented before but followed you for a long time. I just have to say that the picture with the bonnet is one of the cutest I've ever seen!
Hi Kelly -precious pics was wondering if the purple dress was from F21? I could not find it online or in store, I started looking after you posted it last week...?! I follow your blog, never commented until now...take care.
Hi Kelly - I have been lurking on your blog since Harper was born. We go to church together but have never met. Wasn't Sundays service amazing! I have never been to Easter service like that - and I have been to many of them in my 30 years :) By the time the alter call was over, I was boo-hooing. Brother Hill was so in touch with God that he just knew how long the service needed to continue. I was in the back row of the balcony so I couldn't see all of the people coming down so when they started calling names, I was astonished. At any rate, hopefully we will meet soon.
Harper is such a beauty! LOVE the monogrammed slip and the sweet bonnet. Glad you had a nice Easter!
HEY KELLY - just wanted you to know how much I'm loving your BLOG! Wish we'd had this type of info when I was a young mom many moons ago! Don't know if you'll remember me - I work for Pastor McCarty with your CATHI!!! I especially loved how you and ASHLEY connected! I've passed your BLOG on to many of my young new MOMS! My love to you and you and LAURIE are just as gorgeous as always! My son & daughter-in-love attend FBC/B and so do my dear friends - all the LANEYs!!!
HARPER IS PRECIOUS - Congratulations to you and Scott! Much love and many blessings!
I love Harper's outfit, but she doesn't wear anything that I don't like. It was nice to see you in church with the whole family. I thought Harper did great in church and you looked like a mom that had it all together. I loved your bag!
Hi Kelly,
I was introduced to your blog a few days after Harper was born, by a friend of mine in NC. I joined the thousands, millions, that prayed for your precious one and I was completely touched watching the outpouring of support. She is so adorable. I have had to share with my friends so many of your cute pictures in her outfits:) She looks so special in her Easter dress. Hang in there with your new job.....I made the same "career change" when my daugher, Sophie, was born and it does take just a little adjusting. But, it won't take long to get into a wonderful groove. And I still love the pajama days:)
Harper looked just precious yesterday! I'm so glad you had such a great first day at church.
I love both of your dresses. I went to Forever 21 the day you posted the pic of the purple but they didn't have it. It's so cute though!
And I read this post yesterday, but didn't have time to comment. It was while you still had Kelly Jean linked! Ha! Let me tell you how hard that video makes me laugh. I watched it when I first started to read your blog and almost died.
And your dad looks a sweet as he can be in that first picture! Poor Harper!
Oh, I love that dress! It would actually match the little outfit my son wore! (If you have a chance, ck it out in the Easter post I just did!)
I don't comment often (found you thru MckMama when Harper was in the hospital) but I just want to say that I really enjoy reading your blog and seeing all of the pic of your little cutie!!
i am melting at the cuteness of harper's first easter dress. what a precious story. so glad you and your family had a wonderful easter together!
ps- i cannot stop laughing when i see the picture of the college girls with flowers on their heads. i mean that is true humor!
pps- isn't fabulous k the best?! your blog layout is totally you.
and thank you for sharing the prayer requests you do. what a blessing for each family to be covered in the prayers of so many you share their stories with. praying!
Praise God for all the Salvations at churh this Easter!
Harper and her outfit are simply adorable. You can almost see the love the seamstress put into that beautiful outfit. An heirloom for sure!
Harper looks beautiful in her Easter dress! So glad y'all were able to worship together and that she did well in church.
btw...I totally think you should do a re-run of the dancing video! That was so cute!!
Love the bib. Love the Easter dress. Love Hillary. Love you and Harper! She is beautiful, Kelly!
I was just catching up on the blog, as my internet has been down -- I had my 8 month old baby girl sitting on my lap and said "Look, there's baby Harper." She started squealing and waving at the screen and saying "Hi!" Love it:) I need to get it on video...so sweet that she loves Harper from afar:)
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