Yesterday was my BFF's birthday. I had her a present and planned to run it by her house yesterday and then I decided it was time for her and the girls to meet Harper. Laurie did get to see Harper in the hospital but that was when she was in a medical coma. Laurie is like my sister and it makes me sad that Harper is almost 3 months and Laurie hasn't held her yet. Laurie also has two sweet girls who I haven't seen in 3 months and I have missed them so much.
So I took Harper over. Laurie's parents, who I love, were here also. Nobody held her but I was glad for them to see her.
Best friends
and future BFF's - Harper and Sarah Kate (7 months apart).
Harper would not quit staring at Sarah Kate. She was completely enthralled by her. And Emily who is 3 fascinated her also. They are going to be so close growing up (I hope!)
Harper cried all the way home - I think she wanted more time with her friends! I can't wait until we can start spending time together (just a few more weeks!)
Do you have a best friend? And how important are your girlfriends to you????
(I have a lot of sweet girlfriends and I love them all and have never needed them more than now as I'm a new mom and SAHM!)

Great pictures- I am so thankful you are beginning to venture out- a little scary though.
Keep growing Harper- Praise God.
BFF are a great network of support.
Awww. sweet. I just did a post today about my best friend. Guess we think alike today tee hee~
Cute pictures!
Yes, friends are defintely a blessing!:)
Too cute. I do not know what I would do with out my best friend. She is the greatest.
My friends are my support system! They all have children and can so sympathize with everything I go through. Glad Harper got to mee your BFF and her future BFFS!
I know exactly how you feel! I used to be a teacher befor my baby was born six weeks ago, and now I don't know what to do with myself. I'm used to talking to people every day, and now, the conversation's a little one sided. I'm a SAHM too, and I'm living up to the name, but I'm loving every minute of it. Just talking my husband's ear off when he gets home every evening!!!
I have 3 little ones and it is soo hard to find friend time! Good to see Harper is meeting new little people, she will love the park!
Could you tell me the blog name to the give away you shared a couple weeks ago, it was something like (Thou art a King)???
Oh, my goodness, my girlfriends are as important as the air I breathe! I couldn't live without them, they are true treasures. Love 'em. Think I'll call one of them right now!
Glad Harper is able to get out and meet-n-greet!
It's wonderful to read about your special friendships. I am blessed to have 2 sisters and a group of girls from college (we call ourselves the Ya-yas - from the book 'Divine Secrets of the Ya-Ya Sisterhood'). They are literally so much a part of me that I'm sure I could actually function without them.
I meant to say I'm NOT sure I could function without them. HA!!!
My best friend has been on the mission field in South Asia for over a year now. We talk at least once a week. We were praising God just the other day that He had brought us together as best friends so many years ago! There is nothing like a Best Friend that is God sent!!!
you are so right!! best friends are a lifeline to a sahm!!! it is so important to be surrounded by friends who love you and know what you are going through. i couldn't survive the day without my bff's!
great idea for a post - thanks so much!!!
Can't imagine where I would be without my best friend. We met when I was a freshman in college. She is definitely a kindred soul. I just pray that The Lord will put us in the same city again!
Girlfriends are THE BEST! I live at least an hour from all of my BFFs from college, which makes me sad:(
Oh yes! Friends are the best!!!
I have the absolute best friends from highschool and even though we never get to see eachother anymore (we literally live all over the country and world) they mean the world to me. I know if I ever need anything they are there for me. Friends are the greatest ever!
I'm sure Laurie was so excited to see you and Harper.
I remember the last few weeks of keeping Emma Claire away from others was the hardest. We had to wait three months too and the last month seemed so much longer than the other two! It's so worth it, but so hard to be disconnected from everyone! It makes you appreciate your connections so much more!
My BFF and I had baby girls 8 weeks a part! Of course, we deemed them BFF's while we were still pregnant! Her daugter is 6 months and mine is almost 4 months... We have so enjoyed having girls together! We have "play dates" at least once a week and shop or have lunch with the babies. They are finally getting to the point where they are noticing each other and its TOO sweet!
Harper is a doll baby, as usual!
Funny.. I was just recently reconnected with my high school BFF on Facebook. She came over one night last week and we chatted for hours... Then she popped in last night, bringing her youngest son with her. Our boys hit it off immediately! It was great. I think it's so much fun to reconnect with old friends and see our children playing together like we did as kids. :0)
I actually made a post about my best friends the other day- good friends are such a blessing from God. Glad you got to go have time with yours.
Oh I don't know what I would do without my girlfriends and best friends. They are a shoulder to lean on anytime I need them. I am so blessed with all of my friends. Me and my best friend have been friends since 1st grade and even though we live 2 hours apart, every time we are together nothing has changed. I love having my girlfriends to lean on and tell anything to. Plus its so much fun to have a girls night every now and then and catch up. Harper is getting cuter by the minute.
Aw, how sweet! So glad they were all able to meet. I feel like my friend relationships have evolved a lot over the years in that I don't really have one best friend anymore--well, that's not true--I do, she just lives 1,200 miles away from me and I haven't seen her in almost 1 whole year, but, she's my best friend, my soul sister is what I call her. Girlfriends are so important. I've already told her that she'll have to take like 2 months off work when I'm pregnant because she HAS to be here when I have children and she'll have to stay with me for a while to help me out... Sigh... So glad you have Laurie!
My BFF and I have been friends for 20 years now - all through junior high and high school and real life. Between us we have 8 children and helped each other through miscarriage and infertility and when she was pregnant with identical twins the TTS (twin to twin transfusion syndrome) that threatened to take their lives (they are both healthy and happy now). It is funny though that we have never managed to be pregnant together. Oh well... BFF's are very important and I thank God every day that I have her.
I'm so glad you got to have a little social time with Harper! I'm sure you'll be having plenty of play dates this spring and summer! It's going to be such a fun summer for you! Life just gives you so much to look forward to when you have a baby!
I've had so many precious friends over the years and I love blogging because it's rekindled some of those friendships. My old college roomates live hundreds of miles away, but I feel like they're neighbors because of blogging! Love that!
AMEN!!! I honestly do not know what I would do without my galz :)! Meag and Lauren are so good for my soul.
Love the picture of the four of sweet!
girlfriends are the best! i'm so lucky to have the best friends in the world, still, from elementary school til now! At least 2 of them are also your blog followers and 1 of them (Megan Marshall) came to see you when you were at Children's! Harper is perhaps one of the cutest baby girls i've ever seen (and i'm not just saying that!) her face is just perfect! i love reading your blog every day!
I did a blog post on this very topic that says it all for me!
Nothing like girlfriends!
My SAHM-era friends are near and dear to my heart! Even though many miles now separate us now, our hearts are permanently connected from the joys and trials we intimately shared. Our children also have close ties that remain tight across the miles. This group of moms are a part of my "forever friends" and I am sooo blessed by their support and love - especially when we were all at home with our babies full time. God knows what we need!!
Kelly, I see that you are treasuring these moments and I encourage you to continue to do so. Though there are moments of frustration, the memories are so, so sweet!
Heidi Tracht
mom of Tanner (11) and Tyler (9)
The girls all look so cute together!
I do have a best fried and her youngest daughter and my Emma Kate are just 5 months apart. I cant wait to see them playing together when the girls are a little older and I hope she finds the friend in Kaylee that I have found in Bridget.
I'm so glad Harper got to meet her friends finally! How fun for you girls! My best friend means the world to me. She keeps me grounded. And her kids are like my own. I don't know what I'd do without them! Can'ta wait to hear about all the future play dates.
So glad that you got to take Harper out - I am sure it felt good to show her off and spend time with Laurie!! =)
I could not live without girlfriends!! I am lucky enough to have 2 sisters that are best friends as well!!
My biggest regret is that because I grew up outside of the US, and my classmates were very transient, I have no one with whom I can share a lot of memories.
Currently I have two close friends. One is totally wild and crazy - very opposite from me. The other is very wise. I am quite serious and my two friends are not. I need some levity in my life at times!
Glad you got Harper out. It is good for both of you. And your friend. As long as there are no illness symptoms in the past 10 days, it should be a go!
They are going to have so much fun growing up together!! My best friend doesn't have any kids and doesn't plan to, and that makes me so sad at what we're missing out on (having kids grow up together).
I think Laurie is very happy that she got to see Harper!
What a neat surprise.
I am also thankful for my girlfriends, they have been there for me when i needed them the most.
We are so blessed Kelly!
Great picture of you and your BFF and the girls! I'll bet they will be great friends growing up. I actually have two people I would call my BFFs - one I have known since I was 3 years old - she still lives in Scotland and we will be traveling there this September to attend her wedding which is very exciting, and my other is a girl I met at University. Both are so very special to me and an ocean divides us, but we are never too far away that we are not always there for each other.
I know exactly what you mean. I couldn't survive without my best friends. I met one of my best friends when we were in Kindergarten together! We've been like sisters ever since.
I am so happy that you got to see Emily and SK! I'm sure they were excited to see you!!!
I have four very sweet bestfriends. one i met in the womb ( my twin sister) one i met in the first grade, and two i met in middle school! i love them all so much, they have made a huge difference in my life, and they love they lord just like me :)
Aww, so sweet! I have a best friend who's like a sister to me. Aren't girlfriends the best?!?
Yes, I do have a best friend and even though now she is a long distance best friend I am glad she is in my life.
As for here I am making new friends and coming to terms they will be the ones HERE for me when I need them and not my true best friend.
My best friend was there during my whole pregnancy with my son. When my daughter was born 500 miles away she got on an airplane when she learned my daughter was named after her (my best friend) and flew to see us/her.
Love your blog....Spring, TX (but my son was born at St. Francis in Tulsa as we lived in Tahlequah, OK at that time)
This is a very timely post for me! Last week we lost our home and all worldly posessions to a very rapidly burning fire. Since then I've heard from so very many people that I went to shool with, it just amazes me. People I haven't seen in years, all praying for us and sending toys and clothes to my girls.
Thanks for sharing!
I posted on my best friends today too!! We just arrived home from Taiwan with our 2 adopted daughters and my friend's have been so great to me!!
I couldn't function without my best friends!
I'm glad Sarah Kate got to meet Harper!
My twin sister Melissa, which lives in your neighborhood is my best friend even though we live so far away she always she there for me and my family. I have enjoyed reading through your journey and you have a very special girl in your life and enjoy every moment with that beautiful Harper. Take care and god bless. Amie Hansen
Having true friends is the greatest blessing in the world! My BFF is coming to visit this weekend!
I've been following your blog for a while now and am enamored with Harper. She has to be one of the most beautiful babies that I have ever seen. You must feel so blessed to have that adorable little girl in your life.
I hope that one day when I have a child she is as amazingly beautiful as Harper.
Cute pics!! I think girfriends are very important!! I don't know what I would do without mine. My Best Friend is moving away in 2 weeks and I am VERY sad:( But she's only 4 hours away so we will be visiting eachother VERY often!
Friends are such blessings!
But I don't understand, why didn't they hold Harper? Isn't she old enough at this point?
I'm very fortunate to have many wonderful friends, and specifically one bff. We speak daily and it's such a comfort thing. We can talk about ANYTHING....most of our conversations are on the phone, and generally when we are talking one of us has to leave a moment to either quickly help blow our kids' nose or wipe their butts....but then we are right back into the conversation.
My friends are everything to me!!
What a sweet post, my baby;s birthday was yesterday! We just moved to TX last year and I am missing my friends so much back home, it's tough starting over and making new friends. Talk about a clean slate, huh?
So happy for you to get to spend some time with them yesterday!
My mom and my sister are my bff's. They are always there for me and listen to me, give great advice and most importantly, they pray non-stop for me.
I have lots of very close friends I can tell anything too - but the person I feel most comfortable talking to is my cousin - who I've always considered one of my BFF's, but the older we get - the more I realize she's probably 'the one'!
And our daughters are 4 days apart - so they too are very close! Having a BFF you can tell ANYTHING to is the most amazing thing & I hope my daughter & her daughter experience the same thing w/each other - b/c BFF's that are family - ROCK! :)
This is my BFF Brittney:
And her daughters are my daughters. We are so blessed by great girlfriends, aren't we??!!
Hey SIL reads your blog and told me a bit about your story. I don't know if you'll get as far as reading this but I thought I'd try.
I thought maybe you might like to see a worship dance I recently took part in at my church with my little girl.
I've heard what a miracle your baby girl is and I thought this might touch your heart.
As much as our children are our pearl, we are also God's.
What a fun trip for you, Harper and your friend! I definitely LOVE my girl friends and value those relationships!!! What is SAHM? I'm going to "browse" your blog and see if this is a term you've used before and I missed it...
cute pics, my best friend and I had our babies 1 day apart... talk about labor of love! However it was her 2nd and my first. And on the 31st of March she gave birth to her McKee... however I still have 1. I wish I was with her now, I HATE being this far away from her!! Friends are awesome!
I am so glad that you were able to take Harper out to see your best friend. What a sweet picture!
There is nothing like having good girl friends! So glad that you were able to get out with Harper and have a visit.
My bff just visited last week (pics on my blog). We've been besties for 14 years and never an argument! Not THAT'S hard to find!
Aww, so precious! That is so great you got to be able to take her out and to meet her future BFF's!
My BFF April is has been SUCH a blessing to me--we met in college, (we were suitmates) and just clicked! Although we're both married now and live in two different states (ohio and indiana) we still talk pretty much every week, sometimes multiple times and try to get together regularly. She's a post partum nurse and was SUCH a BIG help after I had my little guy, Luke--she came and stayed with us for the first 4 days after we left the hospital--I had a c-section so it was kind of hard to...move! But she was SO WILLING to do ANYTHING for us...and obviously her knowledge of post-partum things came in VERY handy. She is so self-less and I love her SO much! And now I am SO excited that SHE'S pregnant with a little GIRL! (due in July). I am also SO happy that you got to take Harper out--how fun!
Such a cute picture!!
I have the 3 very best friends in teh sisters!!! We can't go an hour without talking, texting or emailing. I love them dearly.
Love, love the Blog Kelly.
Cute pic! Yes, you are right BFF's are amazing and your girlfriends are an amazing support system. My BFF lives in another city but we talk on FB and by phone all the time. She has 2 sweet kids (5 and 1yr) that I love to spoil since I don't have kids yet (I keep praying that I will soon). Spoiling them and seeing how happy my BFF is makes me happy and helps with the process.
Haper is soooo cute!!
My mom is my absolute #1 best friend and Steph is my other best friend and we've been best friends since we first met in 8th grade!! Now almost 12 years later she is still my best friend and Grace's "Aunt Stephie!!" I have 3 other really good girlfriends and we try to have regular girls' nights and I so so so look forward to them because it's so refreshing!!!
I can't believe Harper is already so big and she is just absolutely adorable!!
I'm so happy for you! Spending time with your REAL BFF is a life saver. I have a perfect best friend, and she even inspired me to begin my own blog, but here's hers.
My BFF now lives in Seattle and I, in San Diego. We met in college and our kids grew up together. We remain close friends despite the physical distance. I miss her madly.
I've been doubly (is that a word?!?) blessed because I have two wonderful sisters who double as my best friend AND I also have amazing friends who feel more like sisters.
I only have one younger brother and always wanted a sister, so my girlfriends are quite precious to me! I'm so thankful for all of my friends -the ones who I grew up with & the ones I met later in life and know I will grow old with! They are each so important to me! And YES! We need them more once we become a mommy!
My friends are truly like my family! I love them dearly and can't imagine them not in my life! Truly one of God's greatest gifts!
I love my best friend, she's like my sister. And now that we're both moms... her friendship is even more precious!
Friends, like the right pair of shoes, are a necessity for a SAHM!! God is so good to give us the gift of friends!
Harper will love having friends, too.
I don't have a sister, so my best girlfriends are like the sisters I never had. I have 2 from childhood that we've been through everything together. I thank God everyday for them. What a special bond!
Glad they got to meet Harper!
So happy you got to get out!! My best friend actually lives in Little Rock (well Maumelle to be exact). I HATE that she lives so far now, but we manage to see eachother every few months. It's hard b/c our girls are close in age too! Maybe one day we will live closer again. At least I have lots of others friends here in the Big D. So important to have that support when your staying home!!
My BFF was my college roommate. She's in PA, I'm in CA. That time difference makes it hard to get the right time to chat. Just recently, she and her husband were interviewing with Family Life and we have a possible military move to Little Rock. I can't tell you how giddy we were to think of the possibility that we'd not only be in the same state, but in the same suburbia. God has different plans for them right now and we're still waiting. At least we're in the same country right now!
I'm so glad you were able to bring her to see your best friend!
I wanted to say how wonderful it is for babies to be around and look at other babies and older kids (especially toddlers & preschoolers). I was just reading about this. Babies are attracted to other babies & young kids' facial features & high-pitched voices and they do learn & take in a great deal from those interactions. So once Harper is in the clear in terms of cold season, you will love watching her enjoy other babies & kids. Playgrounds are good for this, too! She can sit in her stroller & watch the kids play. So fun. So happy to see you're all doing well. Doing a great job, mama!
Precious pictures! I am so thankful for great girlfriends who are real and authentic. Glad you got to enjoy your best friend yesterday. Harper is darling!
Girlfriends are so wonderful - every single one of them. There are so many types - the ones who have grown up with you, the ones who met you while you were in your awkward stages and the ones that you met after you had grown up...they are all so special!!
I am sure that Harper is going to have lots of wonderful girls in her life and she is going to bring so much happiness into their lives!!
I forgot to tell you that the sonogram technicians were wrong the first time!!!! They had told us it was a girl and you said I would love having a daughter (I totally would have!!!!) Well, turns out we are having a beautiful little boy which is fine but I sure will miss shopping on Etsy! There isn't as many adorable boy things on there! :(
Hey Kelly! My name is Stacey and I'm from south jersey! I stumbled on your blog a few months before your precious little girl was born and we were praying for you all! I've been so blessed by reading your blog and its been a great joy to see how God has been working! I Love my girlfriends and absolutely treasure the time I have to spend with them, When I became a stay at home Mommy I never knew how much I needed them/how much it helps to have other mommy's a friends to go through the day to day things with! I've been blessed to be a part of an amazing ministry at our church called MOPS and I've been co-coordinator this year and it's been awesome to have these great friends and meet new ones! I feel so blessed to have the friends i do and Also to see these Mommy's lives change for Christ! I'm sorry I got long winded but thanks for ready!! Sending blessings!
I do have a best friend! We have been friends for years... since like the 7th or 8th grade, but we have been bff's since the year after highschool. She is the only girl I know that if I tell her the silliest thing in my head, she will say... ME TOO!!! We are kindred spirits and sisters for life! This is my best friend... Terah!!! Here is a post that I had on my blog for any old New Kid's on the Block fans! If you have a second to check it out, it is hilarious!!!
I was blessed to be born with my BFF! We are like two peas in a pod. Twin and I have a lot of girlfriends and are very close to them but the bond we share is unexplainable.
I as so happy Harper got to get out. I am sure she was crying for her new BFF!!
Have a great day.
Yes BBF are great. I would say that my twin sister Amie is my best friend and I have several close friends here in Arkansas as well. It is funny that you had a blog about friends I was going to email you later about friends. So look for my email! Melissa
I actually just posted birthday greetings to my best friend on my blog yesterday! A girl's gotta have friends, that is for sure!!!!
I think you've already figured out how close Jodi and I are... and can see the similarities in your relationship with Laurie. I can't imagine my life without Jodi. She's been there through so much of my "stuff"... since the 8th grade. They used to call us "Laverne and Shirley" in high school... I think she was Laverne! Ha. We tend to think of ourselves more like Lucy and Ethel now.
You are blessed ... and it will be so fun for your kids to grow up together. My boys and Jessica are more like siblings ... well, except for when Jess and Kale tried to "go together" twice! That was harder on me and Jo than it was on them, I think!
So glad Harper is almost ready to be out in the "real world".
My best friend, Monica, and I met almost 30 years ago... and we both just blogged about our friendship. How it's good to know and be known. I don't know what I'd do without her.
What a beautiful picture of you and your besties. What a blessing. :)
Yes, we have to make up for lost time! I can't wait. I may drive you nuts. I love you and my beautiful niece. I think I will cry when I hold her.
My best friend Deana and I just got to spend this past weekend together after 4 years of not seeing each other. We have talked over these years but it's just not the same. We laughed so hard all weekend that my jaw hurt.
I am so lucky to have her as my BFF....
I didn't have a true BFF until I started staying at home. I have been blessed to have many good friends and my very best BFF!
I am so happy for you that you got to meet up with your BFF and show Harper off a little!
I have a best friend, but we hardly talk anymore. It is really sad. She has a daughter 3 months younger than Charlotte. But, while we were pregnant, we found little time to spend together. The girls have only been together a handful of times in almost 2 years. It saddens me greatly. We live about 30 minutes apart from each other, but she works. So, it is hard to get together. I miss her a lot. But, {not that I am replacing her by ANY MEANS..} I am getting closer to a few women at the church we have attended for just over a year now. I am very excited to see what the Lord has instore for these new friendships!
I have some WONDERFUL friends...the best in the world...and you're one of them!! Thanks for ALWAYS making me smile!
Love the photo!! That's one to treasure. :)
My BFF is Terri and we have been friends for almost as long as I can remember. We met in middle school and were friends through high school. I graduated HS a year earlier than she did. When she graduated and started college, we were in some of the same classes. We were pretty much inseparable in those days. Time has passed and things have changed. I moved away, we've both married and now we're both blessed to have two daughters. We live 200 miles apart, but we're still there for one another all the time. A friend is a blessing, a true best friend is an addition to family. :)
I love girlfriends! They are the best. I have a few friends that no matter how long it's been since we've talked, we pick up right up where we left off. They live across the country so we don't get to see each other as much as we'd like. I also just love and am so thankful for my girlfriends here. We've all gone through motherhood together. Plus, because I live far away from my family, they have been my family.
So happy you have a healthy little girl to love. Harper is simply adorable!
This post kinda of made me sad. My best friend lives in TN and I in VA and we both have little girls that I know would love to play together! But everytime I go home I get to see her and she is coming up here in a couple of weeks!
I love reading your blog every day and watching Harper grow. It takes me back to a few months ago when my little girl was her age. (She's 9 months now.) When I saw the picture of you with your BFF, I wanted to make sure that I told you how thin and wonderful you are looking. Every girl likes to hear that, right?! You look fabu!!
Love this post. I miss my best friend miles away.
I read your blog on a daily basis since little Harper was born and in the NICU. I actually discovered it through another blog while "blog surfing." I wish everyday that I could be a SAHM but I am one of the privileged few who can take their child to work with them. I'm so thankful for the time I get with my daughter (who is almost 3. We are expecting again in September and we are all very excited.
Yes I have a best friend. The same one since I was 4, so the past 20 years we have been BFFs. We've gotten through the rough and great times together. Now we're both married and even though our lives are not what we thought they would be we are still super close. Even though we are several hundred miles apart we talk about every day and we see each other as often as we can even meeting in the middle.
I enjoy reading your blog and seeing those cute pictures of that adorable little girl.
So glad you and Harper got to be with your BFF!!
I do have a BFF, we've been friends for 26 years (and, just so ya know since I was 4). I am so blessed with her friendship - we have been through everything together and I love her to death! We can finish each other's sentences and know exactly what the other is thinking before they even think it - it's crazy!
Friendship is such a blessing!!
I've had 4 BFFs since high school...and we graduated 33 years ago! We went through college together, were in each other's weddings, and raised our children together. The best part? NOW! All of our grown children are getting married and what a blessing to see children grow up so magnificently in the Lord! (And PS: one of the BFF's sons married my daughter. Now THAT was an easy wedding...!)
I've never commented on your blog before, but I thought this was the PERFECT opportunity to. My friends are friends for eternity. We met in college and are still best friends. Every day they show me more about God. We are bonded spiritually which is a connection like none other.
I'm glad Harper got to meet her best friends.
I don't know what I would have done without my best friends this week. They drove over and hour to be at his visitation and funeral for me. We just don't know how much of a Godsend they are until times get tough.
so sweet that Harper has little girls to grow up with! i moved almost a year ago and left my sister and close friends behind. i pray every day the Lord will bring me new friends here, but also some young kids for my two to be-friend. old friends are the best! so great that you have that support!
Maybe Harper was so enthrawled (sp) with her new BFF Sarah Kate because she didn't know other "little" people existed. All she's seen has been grandparents and mom and dad.
She'll get the BIG picture on Easter Sunday. But I totally understand why you need to keep her at home for just a little bit longer.
Yes...I really have two best friends. One is my #1VBF---yes, we still say this after so many years. Tedra @ and I have been best friends since 3rd grade---that's a long time.
And of course my mom is also another BFF...Jill @ I just love my mom to pieces!!!
BFF's are the Best!!!
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