Sunday, March 08, 2009

Shopping and Organization

How was your weekend?
Ours was pretty good. Harper had kind of a yucky day yesterday and as expected - Dawson has been super depressed. I think between missing running in the woods with his friends to coming home to find mommy holding a baby all day has made him very sad.
But the good news is Harper took to her swing yesterday and took a nap in it! yeay! I took Dawson on a walk today and played with him and he really perked up. He still doesn't act jealous of Harper - in fact I always take her to the living room to feed her during the night and he got up each time and sat next to us on the couch. So it's going pretty well so far!
Scott and I took turns getting out today! He went to church and this afternoon - I got to get out to my THREE favorite spots - TJ, Wally world and Tar-jay! I was super excited because I found three cute dresses at T.J. Maxx and they were all less than $20. And they can be worn in cold or hot weather with a little layering! yeay! I'll show you pics if they work out! A new Target just opened in our town this week and it was a MAD house. (recession, what?) We got coupons in the mail so I had to use them! :-) I also ran by Sephora to get some eye shadow - it was a good thing I was in a hurry because I could stay in there FOREVER sampling make-up. It was such a nice spring day today and it felt wonderful to be out and about!!!

So I have several projects around the house that I'm going to try and tackle when Harper sleeps. I'm pretty picky about how my house looks and I keep it very neat but don't open the closets. YIKES! They have gotten out of control. So I've made a list and I plan to tackle closets, drawers and the garage one by one.

I'm not proud - this is our pantry BEFORE. I decided last night to tackle this first.
And this is after - much better. The other side of our pantry that you can't see holds all of my serving dishes, crystal, etc. It needs help desperately. Our closet is the worst though. I'm going to show you befores and afters as I tackle these jobs. It will give me a little accountability.

What do you need to organize? Or do you just have it together better than me? It's spring and I feel the need to get super organized. Maybe it's the "mom" factor. ha!

P.S. I've been posting a lot of prayer requests lately and I think I need to give a shout out to some praises! If you look over on the Prayer Blog - we have 27 praises on there!!!! (2 not listed yet ) TWENTY-SEVEN in less than 4 months - I think we need to give God a lot of praise on that and keep the prayers coming!

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Gracie Beth said...

I am glad that Dawson is not jealous of Harper! I am also glad that you go to get out of the house on such a lovely day!

Laura Marchant said...

Can you come over and organize me too?

Martha said...

I love Harper's outfits and bows! She looks beautiful! Good job on the pantry! I will be linking, if thats ok with you! :) Blessings


Cary Hairbows said...

Hi Kelly!

Glad you got out today and enjoyed yourself. Harper looks so cute, I want to kiss that tummy!!

I need to organize our master bedroom walk-in closet. It haunts me--need to make a bunch of trips to Goodwill to purge an array of sizes for both of us. Our garage is on the list, too (I detest a messy garage). This weekend I spent an entire day reorganizing my bow/ribbon area in the house. It was liberating!! :o)

I hope you have a good week. Hugs to sweet little four legged boy, too.


Kendra said...

Your pantry looks awesome! Want to come tackle mine next? I have a lot of organizing to do... I am 6 months pregnant so I have the nesting urge like crazy..

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

You have a new baby, which is a great excuse to not have to have everything organized. But I am like you; my pantry has to stay organized. It drives me crazy when it is not! However, our guest bedroom/catch all room is never organized and for some reason it is always on the "To-Do" list that never gets done. :)

Perfectly Imperfect said...

Oh girl.. I am so OCD about so much, but please do not open my kitchen cabinets!!

In my defense I am almost NEVER in the kitchen, but still. Embarrassing.

the n said...

Sounds like you had a great day!! I am having a free earring giveaway on my blog and you definitely deserve them! :)

Earring Giveaway!

PletcherFamily said...

I really love her bows. They are the best!
I love to be organized, but with three kids (the two youngest 2 1/2) I find less and less time to have the house look like I want. I am jealous of your pantry - it looks great!
I am ready to spring clean. If spring would only get here. :)

Conny said...

I am SPRING CLEANING & blogging about it to keep me accountable too!! Happy Organizing!

Anonymous said...

oh, i soooooo need to be organizing some closets and drawers. we are having weekend visitors on friday, hope this will give me the push that i need to get things straight. so glad that harper is liking her swing. i'm trying to talk my sister into getting one for her newborn. he is just not that into naps and i think a swing would help. hope you girls have a great week.

Unknown said...

I am in an organizing mode as well. I took pictures and posted them a week ago last Friday of my linen closet and laundry area, but I still have to do the work. It may be after Spring Break though, because I have decided to paint the linen closet when I empty it out (it hasn't had a fresh coat of paint in a long time). I am going to post afters when I finish as well.

Beth said...

My 7 year old's (whose name is Dawson...ha!) room is AWFUL! But right now he's sharing it with our exchange student from Colombia, so it's a little crowded in there. When the exchange student leaves in May, his room is getting a MAJOR overhaul.

Good luck with your organizing! I just did all our closets and such. The book "Coach Mom" got be motivated to do it. It's a Christian book, you should read would love it! And the chapters are super short so you don't have to take much time out to read it.

Jill said...

I've been in a spring cleaning mood, as well! I need to organize every closet in the house...big time! My husband is working on the attic and garage...thank goodness! :)

Love the pics of Harper. :)

Girl with the Curlz said...

Oh your pantry looks great! I love to organize but have also gotten behind. I did organize my craft supplies this weekend which made me feel so good. My next project really needs to be my home office. Where does all the paper come from. It is crazy. I try to file things as they come in the mail but I swear I can't keep up some weeks and before I know it there are piles on my desk again. Do you have any good tips on organizing paper, bills and just paper things you need to save?

Oh and little Harper looks so cute sleeping in her swing.

Hope you have a wonderful week.


Angela said...

I feel the same way about my closet. I am due with my little girl in about 2 weeks and I have been working on my closet a little everyday....I don't know how it gets so bad! I told little Miss Ava to hold on to coming until mommy gets her closet done...ha!

Megan said...

We have been cleaning/organizing around here too! Your did a great job with the pantry! As always, Harper looks gorgeous!

jdavissquared said...

I've been reading your blog since about the time that Harper was born and thought it was time I say hi. I'm so happy that she is home and doing so well! She's just darling. Thanks for sharing your story and your faith!
Your pantry looks awesome! Keep tackling those closets! My husband and I recently did a full re-organization of the house and it feels awesome. so worth the effort!
Have a great week!

Jen said...

My New Year's resolution this year was to organize my closets and our basement. My daughter's 1st birthday was yesterday and we had a huge party so that gave me LOTS of motivation to clean our basement. I am still trying to tackle closets, but I got a bunch of great organizational items at the Container Store and Target. I can't wait to find the time to get started :-) Your pantry looks great!

Sarah said...

Your pantry looks wonderful! In my house, everything needs to be organized! I am trying to get everything put together so we can take our tax stuff in...keep up with the laundry...working on bow orders...things are out of control!

The biggest thing would be the toys. Anybody else feeling this? Josh and I need to go through them and get rid of A LOT! My kids have too much...thank you, grandparents! lol!

Harper is as cute as ever! Glad that you had a wonderful weekend!

Jenny said...

My closets are in horrible shape!! Actually with the sun shining through the windows, my house looks pretty filthy..uggh...looks like I have a lot of work ahead of me!!
I love sephoras. I "had to"(smiles)buy makeup last week. I bought the most divine lip gloss that has a built in light on the tip and a mirror on the fantastic is that??
I have a quick Canada working moms(outside of the home) get a year's paid maternity long are you off of work for?

Newlywed Next Door said...

I love organizing! The pantry looks great!
Hey - I have a question I really want you to answer... and this post made me think of it... I've seen in your pics that you do a great job of layering -- adorable tops/dresses with long-sleeved shirts unders them. What long-sleeved shirts are they? Where do/did you buy them?
Thanks!!! :-)

Erin said...

Oh how i love target!!! And I am not organized ever and our house is never clean! I have a bunch of stuff I want to get done before it gets too nice out!! But with snow still on the ground I think I have plenty of time!

Wendy said...

Harper is such a cutie! I think the 'nesting' gets worse after baby is born because I have been on a continuous house clean-out/clean-up since Taylor was born last year. I gathered enough clutter that I'm actually having a garage sale soon. I figured I could at least make some money off all the clutter I don't want anymore. Good luck with your organization!

Jess :) said...

I'm so glad you were able to get out for a little while today!! It's always nice to take some breaks like that. :) Good for you! Also, can't wait to see the dresses you got. I love finding good deals!

Oh, and the pantry looks fabulous! Good work on that.

Sending love and hugs to all 3 (and Dawson) of you! ;)

Jess :)

Ashley said...

Hey! Thanks for your sweet comment on my blog! I hope you will continue to follow so we can become buds! I live in Centerton so we need to get some of the local blogger girls together to hang out! I would love that! I love that you are getting organized, sounds like me (during the nesting stage)- I will have to do a blog on my closet re-org.. it was so fun! And looks so much better! Have a good week!

Amber said...

Yeah, definitely don't have it all together! My closets are a disaster! I'm fairly organized in general, but clutter just has a way of overtaking and it's always a constant battle to keep up with the paper trail! I have some serious organizing to tackle this spring too!


my closet is color coded lol. i love organization :)

Sonya said...

I do much better when things are organized! I'm already making my spring/summer to do list that includes lots of organizing! I don't have much time during the school year to do it so I always look forward to summer vacation!

A Wedding Story said...

You are too cute! Love the organization.

Lissa said...

I love to organize.It's one of my favorite things to do!=] Glad to hear Dawson isn't jealous of Harper. Hope you had a great weekend!=]

Michelle said...

Way to go on organizing. I'm just about done organizing my entire house. It has taken many weekends to tackle it, plus the help of my mom. It's very difficult when you have kids. But it's a great feeling to have it almost finished. I usually tire to organize during the months of January, February & March, because I live in very cold climate. It keeps me busy when I can't be outside. Keep us posted on your progress! Love your blog.


Unknown said...

How long do you have to wait before you can start taking Harper places? (like to church, grocery shopping, etc.)

Candy said...

Kelly I love your blog. I have followed it since Harper was born. She is precious. I have 2 questions? Are you going to go back to work and where did/do you work? Also when will Harper be able to go out in to the world Church/shopping/out to eat?

Jennifer said...

I love reading your blog! I learn so much each and everytime I read it. I am due in 4 weeks with my first baby and have never been more nervous in my life!!!! You seem to ease my mind and my heart and remind me that God is in control. Thank you for that. Add me if you would like too it would bring a smile to my face

Madison Sanders said...

I love when I score a good deal.

Great job with the organizing!

Watkins Wackiness said...

okay- when you get finished organizing your house, you can bring sweet Harper (and dont forget Dawson) down here to Texarkana and get me organized!!! I can babysit Harper and Dawson can play will my Miss T. Actually, tonight i've been trying to organize my jewelry! This organizing thing doesn't go as fast as I would like it to!!

creative gal said...

I love to be organized!!

Jill said...

Love that sweet little princess in her swing! I'm not sure which of the many places in my house need the most help. I decided to simply switch the plates out on top of the amoir in my keeping room this afternoon and several hours and many "projects" later I think I am further in the hole than when I started. ha!

KE II said...

Harper is so sweet in her swing!! I am the worst at organising, I start off well, but get easily distracted and try to organise everything at once, instead of tackling one task at a time. Good job on the pantry, and I like the accountability factor, I should try that on my blog! My question, will it stay looking like that? Mine NEVER does;)

Paige said...

My whole house needs to be organized! I am overwhelmed at the thought of it all though! You are inspiring me however, so I will attempt to tackle it!
Harper is looking always and I am glad Dawson is back home. He will probably become her fiercest protector in the days/weeks/years to come!


Always a Southern Girl said...

I have been getting organized around our house too. I think it's that's spring is coming. I have organized my pantry, all my kitchen cabinets and drawers. It's a wonderful feeling!

becca said...

I have a lot of projects on the horizon. But they are all hinging on book cases I ordered. I need all the books in this house (a ridiculous amount thanks to David) in ONE place. If I can do that, the rest of the problem areas will fix themselves.... except for the garage, but that isn't something I can tackle on my own.

Rachel said...

I love Target and TJ Maxx!! I need to go out and visit both of mine this week!

Anna said...

Harper just gets more adorable every day! I love her outfits and bows! So sweet! I am newly married, and we are both finishing college in a seriously TINY apartment. I am organizing all the time!!! :) Glad you guys got to get out today!

Anna - TX

Megan @ Hold it Up to the Light said...

I know how you organized mom is a happy mom (at least that's my motto!).

Tomorrow I have to clean out a big closet and bedroom in my basement....HUGE job. My little sister is moving in with us for a while and it will be her room.

(easier said than done), but Go EASY girl....You have a NEWBORN!

Like my Mama always said....

"Cleaning the house while children are growing is like shoveling the snow while it's still snowing"

the day's said...

how ironic...i just spent the last hour organizing two of my three bathrooms! thanks for your sweet kiddo comments. it is hard to believe, but harper is becoming prettier by the day!! god bless....

Laurie said...

I love the ice cream shirt! I am so inspired by your pantry!!!!!!!!! Good to have Scott at church!


I am the same way! Overall, my house stays pretty clean, but I have a small house and all my junk gets thrown into closets too! I can't wait until I have a couple days off and I can get some things clean! I LOVE to spring clean!

Lea Ann said...

I need to get organized too! Maybe if I post about it, I will actually do it!

julie & joe said...

I'm cleaning out right now. My closet is usually the worst. I need to clean and organize dresser drawers.

Kristi said...

Hi Kelly, I have been following and commenting on your blog for a while now! :) Don't worry about your puppy. As a veterinarian, I can tell you that dogs really crave routine. When you get back on that routine for him, he will adjust fine. I'm loving watching Harper growing up!

Amy said...

I cleaned out the both kid's closets and my linen closet this weekend. Must be Spring cleaning time!!

erin said...

So good to see a healthy Harper!!! She is just precious and I look forward to seeing her new outfits. So glad to hear you are nursing her. Isn't it the best thing ever!! As far as organizing goes, I need everything organized! A house with 4 boys dosen't stay organized for long!1 Have a fantastic week.

love and blessings from ga~ erin

Tara G. said...

We moved from our 2300 sq ft house to a rental while we're here in CA for the year which is about 1700 sq ft and we added a child. I'm not a pack rat anyway- who wants to move it all every few years (or after a year in this case!)- but we've still been selling things on Craig's List to be able to contain ourselves here without things piling up. And I find particular comfort in Rubbermaid tubs.

We've Got Scents said...

So thankful Harper has decided the swing is a 'good thing'! Very excited both you and Scott got out for a bit and oh the organization. Desperately need to tackle the pantry like you did. Yours looks great! I do have it on my 'list' so hope to get to that very soon.
Hopefully Dawson will decide he is happy at home. We have an adopted grand-dog, a lab who was our son's and we were keeping her while they moved, yea right...Maddie is still here 18+ months later. She likes the country life for sure!
Hope you and your precious family have a wonderfully blessed week.
Take GOOD care of yourself,
Matthew 21:22

Katy said...

As always - I just love the pix of H! So adorable!

Glad that the transition home with the dog is going well. I remember that with my first and it was not easy. My dog was my life before kids!

Great attack on the pantry. Great inspiration and GREAT accountability! Can't wait to see the next cleaning/organizing miracle you perform. And when you are done, of course you know you want to come to IA!


Annie said...

I love all Harper's pictures. She is so precious, God bless she.

Since last week I have been organizing all my closets. I use storage bins for everything, every time I open my closets it looks organized.

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Great job on your pantry!

Melissa Stover said...

do you still prefer dresses while breastfeeding? it's so hard for me to find something to wear right now because i always need easy access.

Kelly said...

Your pantry looks GREAT and I too share the love for Target! That store is dangerous for me! I have to be careful not to buy everything in sight because I LOVE it all! :)

Lauren said...

So glad you got to get out and as usual, Harper looks precious. YAY for getting organized, always feels good :o)

beckylbranch said...

Look at you go super mom! That is so great about the prayer blog...just amazing what God can do! I am a neat freak too, and through years of training I have "sort of" gotten Terence to be that way as well. I love to organize, it some weird way it is therapudic to me!

Roan said...

Organizing is one of my hobbies! I am also making a list of all of my current "junky" areas, and I plan to tackle that list one item at a time. My biggest project is our storage room in our basement. I plan to post before and after pictures of it. We are tackling it the last week in March when my husband is off for a week.
Happy organizing!

Karie said...

Just wondering if ya would come on over and organize my closets. Harper is looking as cute as ever. So glad Dawson is behaving with Harper. Have a great week

Anonymous said...

That is so encouraging that there have been so many praises!! Great job on the pantry!!! I LOVE organizing stuff. It is such a great stress reliever for me. I did our pantry a couple of weeks on the agenda is our office! I can't wait to see the dresses you got! :)

Mary Avery said...

I finally got to tackle my pantry too last week! Since my in-laws were in town it gave me time to do some things and that was on the top of my list. It was out of control! I'm glad Harper liked the swing.

Kari said...

Also three of my favorite stores!! I could fill every closet with those cute kids clothes from TJ MAXX!!
And, no, since Little Miss Audrey came along, I have not kept my home in its usual semi-organized, pretty clean manner.
I want to start organizing..over my kitchen. My husband is an avid couponer..and he gets food and supplies for free or next to nothing, so he stocks up. My kitchen OVERFLOWETH with stuff. {not complaining...this is a good problem to have!! ;) } then I want to move onto Charlotte's toys...then to all the closets! WHEW. I am tired just thinking about all that work!!
I am glad you are able to get some stuff done, though! Cannot wait to see the rest!

Jacquie said...

1. Yay! for the swing and for naps!!!

2. I was kinda worried about Dawson. I hope he perks up real soon. It's so sweet that he wants to be near you and Harper.

3. A new Target????

4. It would be easier to list the areas of my house that DON'T need an overhaul.

5. I'm making a big trip to your neck of the woods this weekend. Melody hooked us (Kayla really) up with a stylist in Rogers - she's got an appt. there Friday.

6. 27 praises!! Praise the Lord. I'm praying!!

Kristi said...

Yeah!! Good for you getting all of that done! I organized my spices Thurs. and scrubbed my stovetop and front of my microwave today. It was gross!! I have lots of organizing I need to do...

Michelle said...

I wish we had Target's in Canada but sadly we don't.

I'm so glad you got out for a while and have found some time to start the never ending job of organizing.

Anonymous said...

We cleaned our kitchen yesterday and pretty much just put like things together then labeled everything so there's no doubt where everything goes!
Know that you're in my thoughts and prayers so very much!
John 14:1-3 Let not your heart be troubled: ye believe in God, believe also in me. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also.
Prayer Bears
My email address

DivaDesirae said...

Hey i see that you love shopping.
Well i am addicted to coupons, and i am sure that you with a new baby would love to save money!
Check out my blog for my amazing deals!!
Let me know if i can teach ya anything!

Kari Lynn said...

Girl, you don't know how lucky you are. A Target, TJ and a Sephora all in one town! I have to drive an hour and half to have that convience.

Everything. That is what I need to organize. I got hit hard with some depression and just let it all go. It is such a good feeling when it's all done and straight. Look forward to pics and advice.

Oh ya, Harper is adorable, as always!

Janet said...

Good for you! You'll be really chuffed when all is done! I have awarded you "The True Friendship Award"! Thank you for being an inspiration and for making my days complete! I really am fond of your little family of four!

Brandy said...

Oh, yes my closets are out of control! But so far I have gotten mine and both kids done and I feel sooooo much better. There is just something about opening the door and seeing everything!

Melissa said...

Glad everything is going well with Dawson and Harper!

Our closets and the unfinished part of the basement are a HUGE mess! Thank goodness for doors to hide these areas from guests!

Bri said...

Pantry looks great! I am inspired and hoping that I will get those kinds of things done during my maternity leave :o)

Rachel said...

I love to organize my closets. My husband is in the military and we move quite often. That helps us get/stay organized because if we are over our allotted move weight, we have to pay for it out of our pockets! Yikes!

Beth Roberts said...

I THOUGHT that was you at Target yesterday!!! We (my hubby, little girl, and I) were in the men's section and you were in the baby section....I kept looking at you thinking you were Kelly, but then I was second guessing myself!!! It WAS a madhouse in there...and all of the stuff that they sent coupons for was sold out. :(

Brandi said...

I love TJ Maxx. I found a cute dress this weekend at Kmart for $14I could believe it. I need to organized my whole house. It is a wreck we are in the process of moving so everything is everywhere and I can't stand it. 27 praises WOW. I will keep praying for the others to get there praises too.

Lindsey Lou said... husband and I just had a baby in August, and we were worried at how our hairy son, Aggie would take to him. Aggie is 5 years old and very set in his ways. When we got home from the hospital with our little bundle of joy, Aggie just ignored the baby. He would sit with me as I fed the baby. Then, we Parker started getting on the floor to play, about 4 months, Aggie started paying more attention to him. Now, in the mornings, Aggie and Parker like to get on our bed and romp around. Give both of them a little time and I am sure they will become the best of friends. I know that Parker and Aggie are. Parker can even spot Aggie out of other dogs. They love each other. Check out my family blog. There are pics of them playing. P.S. - Ya'll are still in our prayers!!!!

Jennifer said...

I'm on an organizing kick,too! Pantry, garage, file cabinet (boo!) and my closet. I knew it was time when Josh asked me if I needed help with my closet! At least we have each have our own walk-in closet or he might leave me! Haha! I did organize his closet last week so I should get a pat on the back for that!

Anonymous said...

We've been spring cleaning for the last 3 weeks. We finally finished this weekend and did a big garage sale. It feels so good to have a home that looks good.

Good luck with the tasks.

Vanessa said...

I am in love with organizing! Your pantry looks great! I need to get my garage organized, but that's just not a fun one for me.

Ellen G said...

My whole house is in desperate need of organizing!! We have a whole room that is a "junk room". I am currently reading "It's All Too Much" by Peter Walsh for incouragement and ideas to handle it all!

Vaughn Mathis said...

I am so glad everything is working out so well for you! I love your blog and can definately relate! I'll be reading it often!

Jenna said...

My closet and car just saw your beautifully organized pantry and they have both put in a request for some cleanage. Looks great!

So glad Scott got to go to church and you were to visit the Shopping Trinity. Can't wait to see your cute dresses!!

Hope ya'll are having a GREAT Monday!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

Your pantry looks great! I need to tackle cleaning out some closets! I feel like I am Monica from Friends. My closets are an absolute mess!

Brandi said...

I am feeling the organization bug too...and the cleaning bug. I want to tackle some painting in the next few weeks. I have to wait til it stops snowing now so I can open the windows when I start.

Great tackle!

Beverly Wooley said...

Kelly - I think the only thing Dawson's depressed about is his fresh super short haircut. I got mine cut in a new short spikey "do" last month and wanted to hide for two weeks 'til it grew out a little. ROFL

Lindsey said...

Glad Dawson is home and your family is complete!!! Harper just keeps getting cuter and cuter....if that's possible;)

We are going on a cruise to the Bahamas. The girls are not going....I'm so very apprehensive about it all. My little sister is going to keep them. It's going to be an adventure. Harper Jane has never even spent the night away from me.

Chari said...

I'm glad to hear the swing helps with the naps now!! I tell ya, I would not be able to live without mine!
I looooooooooove to organize AND de-junk. I started an organizing spree when I was pregnant. I went through all the drawers and closets and simplified everything. I'm pretty proud of myself I've kept it organized well. It always makes me feel less stressed :-D

Becki Francy said...

You are amazing- I have posted a couple of times, but urgently need a prayer sent out and the bigger the better. I also sent you an e-mail. Precious friend of mine had two babies die after birth (at separate times) and yesterday after being chosen and given a baby after birth...the birthmom changed her mind. This family has had such faith through amazing circumstances...but desperately needs some huge prayers....if you could post, or just read...I don't know, anything is btw - we are in Tulsa - where Ms. Harper was! If that helps!

Unknown said...

Oh Kelly how i wish i had the same will power you have of organization! It seems with my full time job and going to school in the evenings i never find the time. .... but i might take up that idea you have of cleaning one room a day :)
Harper is getting so beautiful everyday!

texasinafrica said...

I love (and I use that word in every sense) my can organizer from the Container Store. It is worth the overpriced mail order, let me tell you. The cans roll forward, you can see what you have available, and it's super-easy to categorize stuff. It also makes me more aware of when something's been in there for a little bit too long. It changed the nature of my pantry forever.

asplashofsunshine said...

ORGANIZED???? I wish I was organized. I gave up on that a while ago. Then again, I think all moms have to be organized in one way or another. I am now wondering... are you advertising yourself to come organize homes? YOU'RE HIRED!

Mary said...

What a fun afternoon!! It's so great to be able to do that and have your husband spend one on one time with Harper. I know it helps them understand what it's like for us-and the little girl/daddy combo is just so darn cute :)

Linda said...

From what I can tell I think we were twins separated at described my house. I have been tackling the closets,cabinets and drawers too. The rest of my house is very neat with no clutter.

Meg said...

Hey Kelly, Harper and Dawson:

I have been following your blog since you had Harper (she is beautiful BTW).

As far as Dawson is concerned, I think that as along as you continue to make the effort like you are (such as feeding Harper in the living room so you two can hang out and playing with him when you get the chance) he will adjust to this new life. I'm not even married but constantly worry about how I will juggle my dogs with a baby.

Spring cleaning, kudos for you! I have decided that my project which will start next week when I get home from visiting my parents will be switching my rooms around. I am going to take all my living room furniture and move it to the study and all my study furniture and move it to the living room. I never spend any time in the living room because I spend so much time studying and then the only time I watch tv is in bed late at night, so I figure the flip will be very practical. I will need to buy a couch to put in the livingroom for my big dog, but I'll go second hand on that one.

:) I'll post a before and after on my blog, come on over and visit.

Creekmore's said...

If you want to look. I recently did a post about how I organize my pantry. It think this will get you there:
And don't stress yourself out about the house! Every new mom has an excuss for a messy house!

Jenny said...

I also need to organize my closets. I do it once a year, however this year I'd like to paint them to freshen them up some.

Tessa said...

I am a fairly new reader and I am so happy for your family. It is so cool to see people praising Jesus through all of their highs and lows! Keep it up :)

Anyways, I have had a bug to get organized lately too, but feel like I don't have enough room for all of my "stuff", so I've decided to purge things I haven't touched in over a year! I was really nervous at first, but you know what, it made me feel soooo much better!!

shannonmichaelis said...

I just started reading your blog and have been struggling for 15 months to get pregnant with baby #2. Amazing ministry you have here - I just wrote about my testimony and struggles a few weeks back. Love your little blessing that the Lord provided you with. Praise God for Harper!