Who out there has a baby, knows a baby, wants a baby
Likes shoes?????
Likes shoes?????
(um.......I do!!!)

Next Friday - Gracious May is going to give away a pair of these cute shoes to one of my readers!!!!
All you have to do is go to www.graciousmay.com
and look at the shoes and then come back and tell me what pair is your favorite.
Next Friday - I will use the random number picker and pick one of you to get a pair.
(and if you don't win - you can always order your own - I also have a link on my left sidebar!)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 1206 Newer› Newest»My favorite would be the Sweet Jasmine in Heather Gray and Blue - Maryjane
But all of them are so cute. It was hard to pick just one pair!!!
No more babies for me, but have lots of friends that still are having little bitty feet, I like the Olive Elephant!
While they are all SOOOO CUTE, the baby I have in mind is a boy so I'd have to say my favorite is #028 Daschunds in Beige. PRECIOUS!!!!
My favorite pair are the Vintage Baby – Maryjanes, but they are all so adorable!
OH MY! OH MY! OH MY! I totally love the Daschunds in Beige - Baby Boy Shoe. I'm in love and Lil Bit must have these!!
Those are the cutest shoes I've ever seen! I love the olive elephants loafer. Adorable!
Love ALL the boys' ones! The robot loafers are DARLIN'!!! Love the button-loop design...
I love the organics baby loafer! Little house shoes for babies! I may have to get Payton a pair. :)
I do, too!! :-)How fun!
Love the "Dots on Gray Baby Loafer" baby boy shoes!
These are probably the cutest little girl shoes I have seen yet... and I have seen A LOT of little girl shoes.
My favs are the Roses are Red Green Damask - Maryjane. They are all so, so cute, though.
I love the coriander in pink mary janes. They are so adorable!
They are all soooo cute! Since I have a newborn baby boy, I would choose the corduroy baby loafers.
P.S. our babies were born just a few days apart with similar circumstances. He was 9lbs, but also had an infection at birth. While I was in the hospital and he was in the NICU I would read your blog on my husbands blackberry and feel so encouraged. We prayed for you guys every day! They also seem to have a lot in common now! I love reading your blog daily!
Too precious! My favorites are the Pale Pink on Green Damask.
I LOVE the Heather Gray Rosebuds - Maryjane!! Elle would look too cute in these!
Those are adorable! My favorite is the strawberry patch mary janes.
I think the Olive Elephant shoes are darling! We don't know what we're having and it looks like those could work for a boy or girl. So cute!
Oh wow! Can I say ALL of them? ha.
Violets are Blue - Brown Damask Maryjane
White Gardenia - Maryjane
Every Day Maryjanes - Custom Colors
But all time fav would be..
Violets are Blue - Brown Damask Maryjane
What precious shoes! My 3 month old MUST have the Pink Dots Maryjanes!
I love them ALL....ALL of them. I want them ALL! HAHAHA
IF I had to pick it would be #034 Vintage Baby – Maryjanes....but I could eat them up!
Oh, my husband is going to be so annoyed with you for telling me about that website! I'm due with a girl in two months, and have been going a little insane on the clothes and shoe buying, since my older child is a boy, and, let's face it, their stuff is just NOT as cute :)
I love, love love, the Violets are Blue Brown Damask Maryjanes. So ridiculously cute!
Oh, I would love a pair of these to put in my "baby stash" to use when God blesses us with our baby. I absolutely LOVE so many of these, and was drawn to the girls section. I think my favorite pair right now is Pale Pink on Green Damask - Maryjane. Those are just so cute and I love the combination of pink and lime green.
whale watchers in the boy section- b/c i have the perfect outfit that would go w/ the shoes!!
I love the Vintage Baby - maryjanes! They have every color in them and could be worn with so many outfits! I'm 7 weeks pregnant, so long ways away from finding out what we're having, but we're hoping for a girl (because my husband has a 9 year old son already)! Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the vintage baby maryjanes. I have her has one of my favs on etsy and plan to buy a pair when my adoptive daughter arrives!
Those are so cute! Emma says she would love to try and win some pink damask maryjanes!
Little Chirpy Bird On Blue - Maryjane
Too adorable! Win or not, I know what I need to order for friends "Welcome" Baskets after they have their babies!
Kelly- My nephew is due ONE MONTH from today and I know he would look too cute with the corduroy baby loafer from Gracious May! Too adorable for words! How many pairs does Harper have???
Come check out my blog. I'm doing a giveaway too but it's a little different to try and help busy Mom's! Feel free to comment and let me know if you come from Kelly's Korner!
I love the baby boy elephant ones, and the little loafers are adorable!
Thank you for finding super cute boy shoes!!! Love the Whale watcher for my new little boy!
There are so many cute paris!!!! I really liek the Brown Damask Maryjane!!! :)
I love the vintage baby mary janes.
I love the Little Lion Shoes!!!!!! So precious!!!!!!!
These are all so cute. I think my favorites are the ORGANICS - Rosebud Maryjane. They were just so simple and sweet.
Wow - I love this site!! I loved this pair when I saw them on your blog: Pale Pink on Green Damask - Maryjane. I'm so glad my little girl can still wear them this summer :-)
Loving the Brown Demask! I'm a vintage girl!!
Okay, my "little" guy is now 17 months, so these probably wouldn't work for him.
But I HAD to take a look.
And when I say the Organics - Boy loafer - I instantly thought of Stellan and MckMomma. So, if I win, Baby Stellan is getting the new kicks!
The "Violets are blue damask" are my VERY favorite! Great giveaway!
Pale pink and green damask!! But they are all cute! oh. My. Word. Cute.
Love, Love, Love the Vintage Baby booties! Super cuteness!
They are all adorable! I love the linen flowers mary janes! So cute!
my favorite is the "Linen Flowers - MaryJane". My 11 week old daughter, Natalie, thinks they are pretty sweet too :)
My favorite are Voliets are blue-brown damask maryjanes. But I love them all!! I just know my little girl would love them too :)
Those are super Cute!!!
I love the mary jane linen girl ones!
I like them all! They're so dainty and adorable. But if I have to pick a fav it would be strawberry patch. Simple and girly!
I love the chocolate and strawberries. Too cute. Baby #3 is a girl so I am crossing my fingers.
Oh my goodness I have a boy and let me tell you it is soooooooo hard to find cute shoes for him. I love the lion ones. If I don't win I think I am going to still have to go over and purchase those cute things.
OOOOOOOOOH my gosh!!! Those are the cutest things ever!! I am in heaven. Where did you find this site?
My favorite would have to be the Ruby Red Slippers - Damask Maryjane. So cute.
I have never commented before but have been following for awhile now. I love your blog!
Anyways thanks for the cute site.
I love them all, but one of my favorites is Linen Flowers! Too cute!!
Hi Kelly,
This is a very cute site. You always find such great things. I love the vintage baby maryjanes for my sister's baby little girl and the little chirpy bird on blue maryjane for my twin sister's baby boy. Have a great time picking the winner.
Sooo cute! I could spend a lot of money on those. My baby girl actually just turned 2, so I would order the Cherry Blossom Mary Janes or ones that came in the toddler sizes.
Too cute! I love them. It was a hard choice but, I think my favorite is the Violets are Blue - Brown Damask Maryjane. Thabk you
Oh my, those are darling indeed!! I love the pale pink on green damask maryjane's for my miracle baby that I'm praying for in faith!
All were so cute and hard to choose from but I think I like the paisley on cream one for girls and the lion one for the boys! Cute stuff!
I love the Linen Flowers - Maryjane! So cute:) Thanks for the giveaway!
I love, love, love Violets are Blue. So delicate and cute. Of course I would take one of each if I could!
My son would look even more precious (if that's possible) in the Safari Lion for Boys shoes.
These are CUTE!!! I like the chocolate damask, the cherry blossom, or the linen flowers!
I am behind on blog reading this week...but happy late b-day to Scott!! :)
I am in love with these shoes! Oh so precious. My faves are the
Sweet Jasmine in Heather Gray and Blue - Maryjane. Good luck everyone. :)
I love the Safari Lions for boys! It is so hard to find cute stuff for little boys. I am so jealous of all Harper's precious clothes!
OOOHHHH....so cute!!! I love all of them! I havent even thought of buying my little guy shoes yet but now I am hooked! I love them all but I think that I would pick the olive elephants...LOVE THEM!!! Thanks for sending me to this site!
My favorite is Sweet Jasmine in Heather Gray and Blue - Maryjane
Have a nice weekend.
hey kelly. i found your blog just a couple days ago and have basically been hooked on it, as well a lot of your other friends. its so fun to read all the mom stories. im a new mom as well with a 5 month old little girl named Kennedy. well just this morning i looked at these shoes, so im so excited you are giving a pair away. they are so very adorable! my favorite are those green damask with the pink flower. too cute!
I love the safari lion for my precious boy! Hard to find cute shoes for baby boys!
I have looked at this website before because these shoes are so cute. My baby girl would love to wear a pair of these. My favorites are the vintage baby ones. It was hard because I like them all!!!
They are all so cute!! But I think the Green Damask Maryjane's are my favorite
I L.O.V.E. the cherry blossom Mary Jane's in Red
These shoes are just too precious! Our first granddaughter is due on May 12th. I love all the shoes, but I guess my favorite is the vintage baby - maryjanes on page 2. Thanks for introducing us to these adorables shoes.
These are the cutest shoes i've ever seen in my life!
my favorites are the : Violets are Blue - Brown Damask Maryjane. darling!
I love the organics baby loafer. Too bad they don't come in adult sizes. =(
I like the polka dot Maryjanes. So cute!
Oh my goodness! How adorable are those!
It is hard to pick, but I think the heather gray with pink rosebud are my favorite :)
We just got our tax return back today, I wonder if the hubs will mind if I do a little shopping...hehe
I love the organic loafers! SO cute!
I love the Olive Elephant! They are too cute! Can't wait to see who wins and Happy Friday!!
I love the sweet jasmine in heather gray and blue!! So cute!! thanks for sharing this website and crossing my fingers out of the thousands that will leave a comment! :)
Cherry blossom all the way! How cute are they...ALL of them:)
Love the Safari Lion or Olive Elephant!! However, I would really love to just have Jen pick out what she would like for Baby Stellan...so, hopefully ~ if I win, she can choose a pair!!! :)
Love you
I love the pink dots maryjanes...too cute!!!
I have a friend who just had a baby girl, Selah! I would love the strawberry patch ones in pale pink!
If I WIN.........I'd like to donate the Olive Elephants to baby Stellan!! He is in my heart and prayers......and I'd do anything to make him better and put a smile on his families face.....Not that shoes matter, but come on, everybody loves SHOES!!
I love the Vintage Baby Maryjanes!!!
So precious!
Oh my soo cute~!!
#040 Daschunds in Pink – Maryjane
size 5
They are all precious! I think the chocolate strawberry maryjane is my favorite.
I love the brown damask and pink dots. (I'm a sucker for pink!!!) SO cute. Really hard to pick a favorite!
they are all just precious! Addelyn would look adorable in the Chocolate Damask Maryjanes! They will go with everything!
My favorite is the Olive Elephants Loafer. So cute.
I love the Rosebud Maryjanes! They are so cute!
I love the vintage baby mary janes! They are all adorable, though. So sweet!!!!
Oh my word! These are quite possibly the cutest shoes I've seen! My personal faves are Violets are Blue - Brown Damask Maryjane. Those are so sweet!
Expecting a baby boy in July. I like the whale watcher for little boys.
I love the #029 Corduroy Baby Loafer. How adorable are these shoes?!
I would love a pair of the Safari Lion-- baby boy shoe or the Organics--simple baby loafer!!
Ocean Breeze - Blue Damask Canvas Maryjane are my favorites--especially because my older daughter (3-year-old) can fit into them TOO!!! woo hoo, I might have to order some :)
I'm loving these! My favorite is the strawberry patch mary janes.
I don't have a baby. But I just found out earlier this week that I'm going to be an Aunt to another little nephew. My SIL is due in August and found out Monday that they are having another boy. This will make nephew #4 for me. My favorite is Daschunds in Beige - Baby Boy Shoe.
SO CUTE! I love the pink dots maryjane!
safari lion!
I love the Linen Flowers Mary Jane! My daughter has a lot that would go with them for this summer!
who can resist cute shoes...and even for boys..yea! my favorite are #027 Olive Elephants - Baby Boy Loafer thanks!
These shoes are SO cute!! I have a girl coming in about a month... and the strawberry patch shoes would be perfect for her to wear with her "coming home" outfit! SO cute!! It is so fun to look at little girl things!! I have 3 boys... so the more pink, ruffles, and ribbon... the better!!
I love the Pale Pink on Green Damask - Maryjanes for a friend of mine. So cute.
Ahhh Kelly!! They are all so cute! If I had to pick, I would pick Sweet Jasmine in Heather Gray and Blue - Maryjane.
These are too cute! It's tough to pick my favorite but I would say probably the polka dotted rose maryjane.
The vintage baby - mary janes are too cute!!!!
My favorite was the Safari Lion.
Oh how can someone choose just one!! They are all so stinkin' cute. I guess my fav would be the Chocolate brown ones with the pink flower on the first page. My kids are too big for them, but my best friend just had her first baby girl. After a divorce, two miscarriages and fertility issues, Baby Claire is being very much celebrated!
A Canadian Fan who checks your site every day!
I LOVE THESE!!!! They are precious!! My favorites are Linen Flowers MaryJanes and Little Chirpy Bird on Blue MaryJanes...I have to have a pair of these for my little girl!!
They are all so cute! I think my favorite would have to be the pale pink on green damask maryjane. They would be perfect with spring outfits.
Oh goodness, they're all so gorgeous!! I guess, if I had to pick one, I would choose the polka dotted rose mary jane shoes.
I love all of these shoes, so adorable. My favorite is the lion ones.
The heather gray rosebuds are so cute. My 3rd little girl would love those!
I like the organics simple baby loafer...they are too cute...and unisex! I am expecting my 1st baby this September and we don't know what we are having so these are perfect. Thanks for sharing :)
I love the sweet jasmine in heather gray and blue! But all of them are gorgeous! (As is your daughter, by the way!)
I vote for the polkadot rose maryjane. They are all so sweet, thx for sharing the website, and for sharing your heart. I check on you and Harper every day and it gives me hope that I will have a baby girl someday...
I like the linen flower maryjanes. They are all adorable!
oh those are precious and unique! I wish my daughter could still fit into baby shoes! I am having a boy in June, so my favorite boy shoes are the dachsund shoes and the robot shoes! Addorable. And not too expensive!
I LOVE LOVE LOVE the vintage baby maryjanes! My baby girl, Avery Kate, would look so cute in them! I'm having a hard time finding shoes for her because her feet are so skinny, but these look like they might fit!! :)
I have never seen such cute shoes!! I love them all but my favorite is Pale Pink on green damask-maryjane. I am wanting this shoes for my new niece. Thanks so much Brittany M in Utah.
They are all so cute, but my favorites are the chocolate damask mary janes. I think they'd be adorable on our little girl due May 23rd! :)
Oh, these are soooo cute!! My baby did not call, but she did e-mail and said she definitely needs these!! We think our favorite style is the 039 Linen Flower Mary Janes. What a fun giveaway! Thanks :).
Dachshunds in size 5 would be adorable on my little guy (and we just happen to have a mini Dachshund as a pet!)!!!
I love the polka dot rose Mary Janes! Geez - that was hard to pick. They're all so cute and my little girl is a size five so she'll still be able to fit in a pair!!
my favorite is the rosebud maryjane. so cute!
hard choice because they are all adorable. but chocolate & strawberries are probably my favorite!
Wow, those are so cute!
I would have to say I love the Linen flowers, maryjane. They are just to die for!
I'm hard pressed to decide between the Strawberry Patch and the Cherry Blossoms Mary Janes! These are so cute!
I do love them all! But Violets are blue are probably my favorite! (And we almost named our baby girl Violet!)
I am love with the courdoury ones for the little boys!
I LOVE the linen flowers-mary janes! How sweet! Thanks for showing me this website...I can't wait to order some!
These are AMAZING! I love the vintage baby... or the violets are blue- pretty much all of them :)
LOVE the Sweet Jasmine in Heather Gray and Blue. Such a fun company!
For my little girl, I LOVE the cherry blossom mary jane! And for my little boy, I love the corduroy loafer (I think)!
These are SO cute!!
My favorite are the pale pink on green damask mary janes. They all are precious.
I love all of them!!! I like Linen Flowers - Maryjane.
They are so cute.
The Vintage Baby are absolutely adorable...
I love them all but Linen Flowers - Maryjane, is so cute!
These are adorable! My girls are 4and almost 2 so too old for these but I'm expecting a boy in May and love the Olive Elephant shoes! Girls are soooo fun to shop for, you're going to have so much fun with Harper!
Daschunds in Pink are so so so cute! They would look so cute on my 17mo baby girl.
Olive Elephants!! How do you even pick. I would buy one of each pair if I had the chance:)
I could buy a lot of those shoes! Love em! My favorite right now is the Vintage Baby – Maryjanes! So cute and would match some bows I have for my niece! Love em!
my best friend just found out she's having a BOY, in august. her husband was just hurt terribly bad at work and this is the little bit of light they needed in their lives. (one day i'll tell you the whole story) i love the lion pair and think they'd be a cute addition to a shower gift!
So many cute choices. My fave are Sweet Jasmine in Heather Gray and Blue - Maryjane
I love the pale pink on green damask.
So cute! My daughter would love them. She loves shoes.
Oh, who I am I kidding, she doesn't care. But, I do! :)
Pick me!
I love the curdoury loafer for boys...my 9 month old son would look adorable in these!!
I am loving the pale pink on green damask! TOO SWEET!!!
My favorite would be the Pale Pink on Green Damask - Maryjane. SOOO PRECIOUS!!
Linen Flowers--so cute!! They are all just precious!
These shoes are adorable! it was so hard to pick my favorite one! if i don't win i'm gonna have to buy a pair for my little girl! my fav (i think) is the strawberry patch-maryjane shoe :)
All the shoes are too cute!!! My favorite ones are the Whale Watchers. I have a 9 month old named Walker who would look so cute in them!! They remind me of the beach!!!
soooo cute! My favorite pair is the white gardenia mary janes b/c they will go with so much.
They are ALL way TOO adorable! I love the "Olive Elephants!" However...I say, if I win, lets send them to Stellan!!! Those shoes look right up MckMama's ally!
Ok, I seriously love them all! I'm having a boy in July and I think those little Olive Elephants are the cutest thing! Love your blog!! God Bless!
OH MY GOODNESS! Do you know how hard it is to find cute BOY stuff! These are too CUTE! I love the Dachsund Beige ones! I have got to have a pair!
Oh dear goodness, who can choose just one? These shoes are precious!! I could potentially get in trouble over these.
I guess my favorite would be:
Pale Pink on Green Damask - Maryjane.
Thanks for sharing!!
How WONDERFUL!! Our favorite shoes are the Safari Lion - Baby Boy Shoe. Our baby Max said he HAD to have them in size 5! ;)
Tabitha (tb0213@aol.com)
love, love, love the Daschunds in Beige - Baby Boy Shoe--perfect for my new baby Andrew!
love, love, love your blog too!
What a job! How can you pick just one??? I did it though, Olive Elephants.
Hello Kelly
I would love to give a little girl here in Crete Illinois the daschund's in pink...as they are just over the top...and I think even little girls should express themselves in their foot wear...thanks for the offering...and I Praise Him everyday for your family and how you use BloggyLand to be the gospel with skin on!!!
I would have to say I love Coriander in Pink - Maryjane - they are all so cute!!!
OMG. I am expecting a baby boy (EDD July 4th) and those Whale Watcher shoes are TO DIE FOR! Holy cow. Now this website is on my favorites for shopping. sheesh! Thanks a lot Kelly! ;)
Great giveaway. Hope you are having an amazing Friday.
These are to cute!! I love the Pale Pink on Green Damask -maryjanes. Those are too cute and green is my absolute favorite color!
I love to see all the pictures of Harper. She is just beautiful!!
How cute!!!! I LOVE the vintage baby ones. I have triplets 2 boys and 1 baby girl. They would be adorable for her! Love reading your blog. =)
Thanks for the giveaway! I love the olive elephant ones.
Ooooh, I like the pink polka dotted rose bud mary janes:) Oh boy fingers crossed I get them. What's the occassion?
I have a good blog friend who is pregnant with her first girl. I'd love to win her those Chocolate and Strawberry Mary Janes. So girly!
I love the sweet jasmine in Heather Gray and Blue! Adorable!
I would have to say that I love the #039 Linen Flowers - Maryjane. They are the cutest and baby A would love them. Great giveaway!
Coriander in Pink - Maryjane for my sweet baby girl, Olive. Size 5.
Vintage Baby Maryjanes. Hands down. I can't wait until next Friday to find out the winner before buying my own!
Have you discovered the joy that is Robeez yet? They're my absolute favorite infant/toddler shoes.
I think the "strawberry patch maryjanes" are simply adorable!!
I am sooooooo ordering a pair... these are adorable! I love the pale pink on green damask style - maryjanes. I am having my first girl in about 6 weeks and these are precious! Thanks for letting us know about them!
Roses Are Red - Green Damask Maryjane are my favorite. What cute shoes!
PRECIOUS!! The Daschunds in beige are soooo cute. I have 2 little girls, but have a cousin that is expecting a little boy soon.
Love your blog! Look forward to it everyday!!
I would have to say I like the robot ones #030. These shoes are precious!
Linen Flowers - Maryjane. They're all neat!
My daughter is 16 months old and would LOVE the little pink dachshund mary janes...they are all so cute!
very cute!! cherry blossom mary jane.
my twin sister is pregnant! :)
My favorite is the Vintage baby - Maryjanes. I don't have any children yet but I have a friend with a little girl. I love these little shoes. Thanks for sharing!!
my favorite is Vintage Baby-Maryjanes! SOOOO CUTE!
Definatly the Strawberry patch maryjanes!
I love these shoes! If I ever have a little girl, I am in trouble! My little boy would look cute in the Safari Lion shoes or the Organic simple loafer...they are all cute!!
This was hard, they are all so cute... but my favorite is #032 Polka Dotted Rose – Maryjane!
so so cute! would LOVE to have a pair of these for a baby of my own (please God, PLEASE!) or a baby friend :)
I am loving the Paisley On Cream – Maryjane!!
I adore the little Chocolate Damask-Mary Jane. These would look so great on Little Miss Priss Kennedy!
These are two cute! My favorite are the linen flower mary janes!
I noticed your side bar yesterday and have been trying to decide which one to buy for my granddaughter. I wanted it to be a surprise in her cutely monogrammed Easter basket...can't decide between Violets are Blue or Linen Flowers. All of them are so cute! If I'm lucky I'll win a pair and buy a pair! Have a nice weekend.
Thanks for tuning me into this site!
My favorites (at this particular moment) are the ORGANICS - Cream Rose Maryjane.
Paisley on cream maryjanes! So sweet!
I like the #038 Little Chirpy Bird On Blue - Maryjane. So cute!!
They are all so precious! I like the Maryjane - Chocolate and Strawberries!
my favorite are the pale pink on green damask!!!!
I love the Corduroy Baby Loafer for my little boy. I loveee that they have boy shoes too!!! Yay for the boys not being left out!!
OK you know I have a boy...so beggers cant be choosers, so I love them all!!! (Cyler would probably need a size 4 in whatever one you pick for us!)
thanks in advance! hahaha
The Corduroy Baby Loafers are my favorite! My 5 month old son will adore them, I'm sure of it! lol
I'm loving the safari lion! So cute!
My boys (they would have to share) would look adorable in the
ORGANICS - Simple Baby Loafer
thats my favorite
I love them all! I think my favorite would have to be the vinage baby- maryjanes.
Hi Kelly!! My favorite is the Pale Pink on Green Damask -maryjane, also pictured on your post :)
Oh they are just too precious.
I like the Whale ones in the boys section.
love the olive elephants - thanks!
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