Tuesday, March 10, 2009

My little flower

Harper was pretty happy this morning so we had a little photo session. Her little face has gotten a lot better so I didn't retouch these pictures for the first time in 2 weeks. YEAY!

Harper is getting so fun - she just smiles at us when we talk to her and she's starting to make a lot of sounds that sound like she wants to talk. She will imitate sounds we make.
We just know she will be talking in full sentences at 3 months. ha ha ha!

These pictures are maybe my favorite ever
I got the tutu in the mail from this sweet blogger yesterday and couldn't wait to put it on her!!! Isn't this adorable?????
She took a nap in her crib for the first time today!
I was supposed to go to a shower for my friend Ginger tonight. She is expecting Cade in a few weeks. I was in charge of punch so I made this. I'm so sad to miss but the time change has really affected Harper. She normally goes to sleep at 6:30 but she has been REALLY unhappy and not going to sleep until 8 or 9. It makes Scott real nervous to keep her when she's screaming so I decided it just wasn't worth it to try. I SO hated to miss.

I think tomorrow will be a post on recession fashion - how to dress for $30 or less. Do ya'll have tips? Save them for tomorrow and maybe I'll do Mr. Linky and you can share how to look cute for less.

Also check out the new Serious Life Magazine! Lots of great articles on fellow bloggers like MckMama and Steece's Pieces and maybe someone else you know (pg 134-137) (I had the wrong pages here earlier) oops!
Serious.Life Magazine

Pray for Emily - she just delivered at 28 weeks - pray for her and baby Ellie.

post signature


Julie said...

So adorable! Love the tutu! Looking forward to your tips on dressing for $30 or less! God Bless!

Julie in VA

Claire said...

What gorgeous pictures! Love Harper in that tutu! :-)


Martha said...

Adorable! Harper looks so cute with her headband and tutu! Very CUte! Martha

Lisa said...

The pictures are sooo cute. I would like to send you something in the mail Kelly. Will you email me your address?




Nancy said...

Love, love, love the tutu! She gets cuter everyday :)

Anonymous said...

Harper looks like a future ballerina! I love the tutu, SOOO CUTE!!

Kari said...

I love those pics!! I am happy to hear that her little face is clearing up! But, my little Audrey's face is breaking out!! :(
I LOOOOVE that tutu!! Oh how I want one for Audrey!

Lilly, Reid, Matt, and Sara said...

Love the tutu and HUGE flower.

Anonymous said...

That tutu is too cute for words! Please do Mr. Linky for the tips for looking great for under $30 - that would be great!

Sarah said...

Adorable...as always!!! I LOVE big flowers! DH is always telling me to "go smaller." No way!!!

Jen said...

Oh my... Harper is getting more and more adorable with every post. I love the pink tutu!

I also love the idea of a link for looking good for under $30. Thanks for the tips, they will be greatly appreciated.

Jennifer said...

Oh she's just to cute! Miss Harper certainly looks like her daddy in the first picture! Thanks for sharing her with all of us!

Kelli said...

Goodwill has become my favorite Stomping ground. I have name brand clothes, even boutique. Some even have the tags still on them. It's worth a try.

Carri said...

Oh my! Harper looks EXTRA adorable in the tutu and headband! I love it!

Paula said...

Harper is the cutest. I love your idea about the recession fashion. I definitely need some budget ideas! Can't wait to see it :)

~EMILY~ said...

What cute pictures. So what program do you use to touch up pics? I have that need to be touched up and and don't have a good one to use. I like to take out marks on me that i hate and i love to have color accent in some pics.

Jess :) said...

I saw those pics on Facebook and was in love, as well!! SO adorably cute! Love it!! I really love the first one, too...because those eyes just captivate you! Such a sweetie pie!

Can't wait for the fashion tips! :) Have a great night and I truly hope you did go back and, at least, watch Melissa on Dancing last night!!!!!

Love ya,
Jess :)

Staci said...

I'm glad you got the tutu! I thought the hot pink was totally her. Thanks for posting pics of her in it. It was so fun to make and I am now making one for my baby in the same color.

Looking forward to tomorrows post on thrifty dressing. You always look so stylish and put together!

Lisa said...

Well, now those flower pics are just about the cutest thing I've seen! She is adorable. Thanks for sharing them.


E said...

She is a cutie!

dave and jenn said...

Hey Kelly! I have a few posts on one of my blogs about dressing for less...

Enjoy! :-)


PS: Love the tutu!

Erin Nusbaum said...

Accessories! They make the outfit! Even if you have a $10 sweater from Walmart, putting a chunk beaded necklace with it totally makes it outstanding!

Shaina N said...

Loving the tutu! Yay that she took a nap in her crib!

I recently adopted Ephesians 3:20 as my mantra for the journey through having a baby. My husband and I had a miscarriage in November, and are now 6 weeks pregnant with our second. I have Ephesians in the signature of my email, and there is a really cool experience I had today that involves it. If you're interested in reading it, you can go to my blog... it's the Speechless entry.


Also, I don't know if you still have a list of expectant mommies, but you can add me to the November list! We're keeping it hush-hush until we have our ultrasound in 5 weeks... but we're super excited!

I loooove your blog, and keep you and your family in my prayers daily!

Donna said...

Oh, Harper in the tutu and big flower! Carman Miranda couldn't have done it better. The picture of Harper in Serious Life is one of my favorites. Congrats on the article. Looking forward to the fashion ideas.
Keeping you in my heart in GA.

Laura Marchant said...

How cute! You remind me of myself when I first had BG. We had photosessions like you wouldn't believe. She use to be an apple, a pumpkin...oh the scenes I would set up.

Jennifer said...

Harper looks so content in her crib! Yay!!! I bet you will feel like you can do a lot more around the house while she sleeps in there all safe and sound!

I had to hunt you down in the magazine! I think you are pages 134-137, instead of 184-187!!:)

Anonymous said...

Love the tutu, Harper. Love it!

Stephanie said...

Oh I LOVE that tutu!!!! I've been looking for one for Allie's first birthday pics so I'm going to go and check her out. I love those pics!!!!! She's adorable

Southern said...

I'm so envious of all her PRECIOUS bows!!! My daughter has always had a ton of hair and they never looked 'right' on her but Harper is just too adorable!! Love the tutu too!!

That's great that she's napping in her crib! The day my daughter turned 12 weeks old an evening nap in her crib turned into her first night in her crib. :o)

Anonymous said...

I've lurked here forever, Kelly. I thought today was just as good as any to finally comment. Especially after I saw that precious baby decked out in all her tutu and floral glory. I'm not a cannibal, but good grief, I could just eat her! I'm so very happy for you and this little future Tri Chi! ;) Reading these posts makes me remember those first few days with my babies. Oh, Kelly, savor every single second. Even the ones that don't seem like ones you'd particularly want to savor.


Amy Ables Lawson

Katy said...

Baby Harper is a doll. As I was updating my blog tonight I was looking at the praying for Harper button. God is so good. We have all watched God at work in Harper's situation. She is beautiful!!

Piper's Minion said...

her Tutu is the cutest thing ever! I love tutu's. I have a tip for her little face. I use it on my Daughter when her face gets all red and broken out, clear Desitin. I know it sounds crazy but, it really works. I put it on when I notice she's starting to get broken out and it works GREAT!!!!!!

Kendra said...

She is just too adorable!!!

Ok, I think I am stupid...what am I supposed to be seeing on those pages in the magazine??

The Anglin Family said...

She is sooo precious! I'll admit, yesterday I went to WalMart and bought a cute dress and totally sported it today and I thought about you!

Martha Jones said...

Hi Kelly~
I just wanted to let you know that I have so enjoyed reading your blog. Harper is just precious! I gave you an award on my blog, because your positive attitude and your unending faith are awesome. Thank you for being such a blessing. I have also added your recipe blog to my blog!

The Lewis Family said...

Harper is ABSOLUTELY adorable! I have been following your blog ever since I received an e-mail asking for prayers for Miss Harper and your family. I must say that you are truly an amazing individual and I really enjoy reading your blogs! I am excited to see what kind of tips you have on how to shop on the cheap! I LOVE Old Navy, Wally-World and Target! You can't go wrong!!

Daniela Valdez said...

I'm so glad your baby looks so healthy and happy! She's gorgeous!

CMC said...

Harper looks adorable in her tutu and flower headband - I love that look! I'll be looking forward to seeing your recession fashion tips - if you have any geared towards maternity, I'd love to hear them. I still have a trimester left and everything is getting snug, but who wants to spend a fortune on clothes you'll only wear for another 10-12 weeks?!

And I'm so glad you heard about Emily and Ellie (I'm a friend of Emily's) - thank you so much for praying for them and for linking to her blog. God can do so many amazing things! Praise Him for that!

Missy said...

I've been reading your blog for months, but just started my own recently. I absolutely love hearing your updates on your beautiful daughter...she is definitely a gift from God! Just thought I'd say hello!

Jenny @ flutterbyechronicles said...

Harper in that flower hat is the cutest thing.

Saying a prayer for Ellie.

Laura said...

Gosh, Kelly, when I saw that pic of Harper in her crib, I thought I was staring at my own Baby Girl from nearly 4 years ago!! Alise use to sleep just like that and I loved it! So sweet!

Susie said...

Please share with us which touch-up program you use to touch up pics.

Janetta Gray said...

She just gets more beautiful with each post! I can't wait for your fashion post. You have the best style--I'm excited about the advice!

Laura @ The Steen Style said...

That tutu is absolutely amazing!!! I wish I could wear one and not get laughed at. :) You have such a great blog and even though I don't know you in real life, I feel like I do in blog life. Keep up the great work!

Veronica said...

Harper is just adorable! Love the outfit!

Christy said...

I think she looks just like her daddy in the first picture for sure. Girlies are so fun!

mrs shortcake said...

look at that tutu! Your daughter breaks my heart with her cuteness - and her awesome wardrobe! ;) I don't know where to send this, but I was on the prayer blog - and I'm pregnant! Praise the Lord!

-Alexandra Hunt

Pamela said...

I love, love that tutu, it is just too too(I know pretty, bad huh!)

Emily said...

i'm with you, those pics have to be some of the cutest ever..shes absolutely precious.

the time change always is rough on my little girl especially when she was a tiny baby..soon Harper should settle back into some normalcy ..

redpoppy007@aol.com said...

She is starting to look alot more like her daddy.
Love the pictures!
Her bed looks so nice and soft and comfy, you did good on the nursery

Rathi said...

The bow and tutu are just too cute!!! Have a great rest of your week!

Meg said...

Harper is as cute as ever, possibly even cuter with the tutu and flower. That little girl is going to be spelling her name at 15 months with all the monogrammed stuff she has. :)

Joyce said...

She's always a doll, but you gotta love her in that tutu!!

Jenna said...

Seriously, I cannot get enough of that child. And these latest pictures have truly sent me over the edge with MASSIVE AMOUNTS OF JOY. :-) It just does not get any better than a tutu/flower hat combo.

Glad ya'll had a good day, sweet friend!

Our Complete Family said...

Hi Kelly!
I've been following your blog for awhile now as a lurker! I wanted to let you know how adorable Harper is and how happy I am for you and your sweet family! She is a very lucky girl to be a part of your family!
And, don't you just love dressing a girl? My son is 8 and he was fun to dress as a little baby but boy oh boy having a girl is a whole different ball game hun!
Happy day wishes to you and yours!
Hugs, Les

Kylie and crew. said...

Ok Kelly...Harper is so cute and we need to hear those cute coo's she is making. Time to post a video of that baby!!! I loved the tutu!

Candi said...

I love the bumpers on her crib. So cute!

Unknown said...

I have to tell you that your baby is truly adorable. I have four babies (ages 27, 24, 21 & 17) and I don't think any of them was as beautiful as your Harper. Just thought I would let you know that.

Just Believing said...

I love love LOVE your crib bedding? Where did you get it or have it made? Also I see your crib is white? Does the colors look good with the white ( couldnt tell from the picture) I am thinking white or black furniture ( ok I'm not pregnant yet but I already obsess over these details :) Maybe you could post about it one day :)

Kayla said...

OH my goodness! I love that second picture!! You seriously have to frame that one!!!! SOOOOOO cute :)

Anonymous said...

I like the first picture the best...the look on that precious face!
Continuing to pray!
2 Timothy 1:8-10 Be not thou therefore ashamed of the testimony of our Lord, nor of me his prisoner: but be thou partaker of the afflictions of the gospel according to the power of God; Who hath saved us, and called us with an holy calling, not according to our works, but according to his own purpose and grace, which was given us in Christ Jesus before the world began, But is now made manifest by the appearing of our Saviour Jesus Christ, who hath abolished death, and hath brought life and immortality to light through the gospel:
Prayer Bears
My email address

ktarbell43 said...

So adorable. She's too cute for words. I feel ya with the newborn rash thing. My son had it so bad that my husband referred to him as our little burn victim; our doctor said it was one of the worst cases he had ever seen. I loved when our son turned about 8 weeks. He came alive and really starting acting like his own little person. Enjoy every minute (I know you do) it goes so fast. My first baby is now 6 months and feel like it's all going way too fast. Keep posting pictures I need my daily fix.


Lianna Knight said...

Harper's headpiece in that photo is my ABSOLUTE favorite...so so so very cute!!!! She is a doll :)

Thank you again for posting about my giveaway...I have had several people leave comments that said they heard about it through you :)

Susan said...

I gave you an award! Check out my blog:)

Val, Brax and Harper said...

she is getting so big!!!! so what was the secret it getting her skin to heal up? it looks great! it's always different for everyone...
she is such a pretty girl... so kissable!
my plan for recession dressing--no more shopping :-( my husband says we're on a "spending freeze." uuggh.

Sarah said...

I love the tutu pics they are adorable

Brandi said...

I love Harpers tutu its too cute.

Lauren said...

Seriously Kelly, could she not get any cuter? I think you have a little ballerina on your hands 

Christy said...

OH MY WORD! she is too cute! that tutu is absolutely the epitome of GIRL! Let me also comment on your bedding... where did you get it? I love the pattern. It is so beautiful. I love the colors!
So glad she is doing well... just a quick question though... have you heard of baby wyse? It is great when it comes to the issue of babies sleeping. If you ever want to check it out hop over to my blog and in the side bar under blogs I read... click on chronicles of a baby wise mom. I always refer back to it... it helps with everything from sleep, naps, temper tantrums, whining, etc. love it... it has been such a help when I just don't know what to do anymore!

Lori said...

I think Harper will learn how to spell her name before she is 2 with all the "Harper" words around her.

Monica Curry said...

The "Cactus Cuties" are from my town, Lubbock Texas (on the front page of the magazine) I actually teach the cute blonde in the front. Small world. They are big time...I will have to read the WHOLE thing!!! I love your blog, your little angel is just that, an angel!!!

Unknown said...

it seems like Harper gets a lot more beautiful every single day! Oh Kelly you are so blessed!
I hope your having a great Wednesday.

Megan said...

I love the tutu! So precious.

Nichole Fisher said...

I love that monogrammed crib set!

The Family Lewis said...

I don't even know what to say about the tutu pics! I really don't think that I have ever seen a sweeter picture! :) Big Hugs Harper!

Stacie said...

LOVE the tutu pictures of harper. they are priceless. can't wait for your future shopping/clothing post!

Jennifer said...

I love Harper's bedding!

And of course I love the tutu pics!

Caroline said...


Lucky in Love said...

It just have to say...Harper's crib is gorgeous!

Krista said...

Look at that little cutie in her tutu! So precious!!! Thanks for posting the link to Emily & her baby Ellie! I'm following her story too. You're such an encouragment to so many women, Kelly! Thanks for the updates on little miss! she's a cutie!

oh! and I can't wait to read about dressing cute for $30! I have several outfits that were under $30, and at fashionable stores, like Ann Taylor Loft!

Mary said...

She is such a beauty! I think in the first picture she definately looks like your husband but in the other ones she definately looks like you. What do most people tell you? You get so many comments I don't have the time to read through them :)

C said...

Such a sweet girl! I know you probably get lots of unwanted advice, but this is too important for me to not say...she really shouldn't have a loose blanket in her crib with her as it's a suffocation risk. The same goes for the bumper even though it's so precious:) But it's really, really unsafe. The American Academy of Pediatrics says that cribs should not have bumpers on them at all, but if you must to be sure it's a tight bumper, not a plush one.
I so don't want to offend you in any way, because you are doing a great job! I've just done a lot of research on SIDS, both as a mom and for my degree in college, and those 2 things are so important in order to do all you can to prevent SIDS. I just couldn't live with myself if I didn't say something.
I absolutely love the tutu, by the way! Harper is so remarkably photogenic for a little baby!:)

Jacquie said...

I tried to comment last night ... my internet was VERY intermittent.

The tutu pictures are so cute, but my FAVE is the first one!!! Love the expression on H's face!!

Did you watch Biggest Loser last night??? What in the world?? That Filipe flipped! (And why didn't Jillian ever work him? They left that off.) And the booze and food? The Black Team shouldn't have won. Poor Blue Team!

Unknown said...

This is Kirsten Warren, Emily Wagner's sis-in-law, and I wanted to thank you for putting her blog info on your blog...she has received a ton of support from your followers/readers/friends, and for that I am SO GRATEFUL!! Your daughter is beautiful by the way:):) God bless, kirsten

Unknown said...

That tutu is just "tutu" much! So cute!

I saw your feature in the Serious Life magazing. Congrats! : )

Nicole Rodriguez said...

I would love to know where you got Harper's bedding from. I just found out that I am expecting again and I already have 2 boys, so of course I am so hoping for a girl! I really love her bedding!!! Hate to be a copy cat, but hey, if it's cute, it's cute, right!

The Mills said...

Hey Kelly! I have just recently started reading your blog! I have had so much fun going back and reading Harper's whole story! Wow! Glory to God!
You mentioned Harper's face in this recent post and I was curious if it was baby acne? My 10-week old suffered from what we thought was baby acne and it turned out that she was allergic to the dairy in MY diet. (Oh, how I miss ice cream! ha!) Have you done anything to help clear up Harper's skin or has it cleared up on its own? She looks great!!

Linda said...

How adorable. I love the pictures. She is precious!

The Walkers said...

Yay thanks for the punch receipe! I seriously just added "find punch receipe" to my to-do list for tomorrow because we have a work shower on Friday. One thing checked off before the day even begins- PTL!!!!!!!!!!!! And I hate you had to miss the shower. While I love the extra hour of sunshine, daylight savings was created by people WITHOUT small children! We have had a tough week also.