Monday, March 30, 2009


Will you find 9 minutes out of your day and just watch this?

I told you I love Louie Giglio - pretty cool, huh?

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... said...

Very awesome!

cheryl said...

Hi Kelly...
I posted this segment on my blog last summer when my father was in and out of ICU for 4 long and hard months. Long story, but to the point, he eviscerated (belly popped open in his lap!) a week following intestinal surgery. He wasn't healing b/c he'd been so sick for so long, had MRSA and VRE! I had the nurses bring in their laptop, log into my blog and let him SEE THIS! He eventually got better and is doing GREAT at home all healed up!! He's 80 years old!! So thankful that this video helped my Dad have pull him through so he could see his first and second great grandbabies be born very soon! God is soooo AMAZING!!
Thanks for posting this for more to see!

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

Thanks Kelly!! I really needed to hear this, with everything that is going on, it is a nice reminder for me!!

Crystal said...

I am in tears...

Thank you Kelly, that was amazing... and brought so much more peace to me about Bentley.. just UH-MAZING!!

You're the best!!

Elaine at Matters of the Heart) said...

I have seen this before, it is amazing. Thank you for sharing it.

Jennifer said...

I saw this recently. It is AMAZING!!!

Sarah said...

We watched this last summer in our adult Sunday school classes...amazing! God is a marvelous designer!

K said...

That was amazing. Thank you for sharing this Kelly, I needed to see this tonight!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Louie is an amazing speaker!! I heard him speak 3 1/2 years ago, when he was touring with Chris Tomlin. I want to go to his new church in Atlanta and hear him preach there. I feel a road trip coming on!! Thanks for sharing. Love & blessings from NC!

Lindsee Lou said...

I first saw this a little less than a year ago and it still simply blows me away. I actually told somebody about it on Sunday! We serve an amazing God who is truly in every single detail of our lives.

Stephanie said...


I literally have felt so lost.. so unsure of my purpose.. watching this.. I cried.. I am a child of god.. but still I feel lost.. just as I wrote tonight..

Thank you for this post..

You are an awesome women..

Stephanie in mo

Shawn said...

I've read this but have never heard is spoken makes a greater impact when told by Louie!

Thanks for sharing such an incredible "story"!

Semi-Organized Mom said...


I saw Louie Giglio live in the Indescribable tour. Awesome!! I love it, love it love it!

Candy said...

Kelly, thanks for sharing this with us! Very powerful story that I will indeed pass on.

Heather Bug said...

Kelly, I just saw your last post with the video "I will Rise"'s my favorite Chris Tomlin song. It's so beautiful. I saw him in concert last Thursday and he had just found out that day that his grandfather had died. Before he died, he asked Chris to play that song at his funeral. He had a hard time getting through that song and Israel (the guy that played before he came out) came out and helped him get through was a blessing to watch. I got it on video but haven't posted it yet. Anyway, I think it's neat that Louie Giglio encouraged him to write that song for a funeral. I don't know much about him...I'll be sure and watch the youtube video tomorrow when I have more time. I am up WAY too late because I took a late nap.

Heather Bug said...

Okay, so I had to go ahead and watch it after reading your comments....WOW!!! I can't wait to show my family this video...SO cool!!! I think I now love Louie Giglio, too! :)

Alyssa said...

Wow, I needed this. Amazing!

Randy and Lindsay said...

We just watched this in our Sunday school's SO awesome! I had chills!!!!!!!!!!

Lana said...

All I can say is WOW! This is amazing. What a way to start my day! Thank you for posting this!

Unknown said...

Kelly - I'd seen this video before when someone emailed it to me a while ago.

If you ever wondered how absolutely critical this 'laminin' is to the way our bodies and cells function, here's an eye opener.....remember the Williams family on your prayer list? Their baby Jonah has a rare genetic skin disorder, and one of the main causes for the blistering and failure for skin to grow properly.... lack of or defective LAMININ!

Katie said...

Oh my goodness, that is so wild! I love it!

(When I fist saw the title of your post and started watching the video, I kept thinking "What in the hee-haw is 'laminin'?" Haha!)

Thanks for posting this!

OP SuZ Q said...

THank You Kelly - absolutely amazing!! :) I've never heard of this guy - he seems GREAT!!!

Momma to 3 said...

My son heard about this is science class. He came home telling me about it, and admittingly half listening. He asked me to watch the video, again reluctantly. IT WAS AWESOME! Watching this made me so thankful his goes to a Christian private school, otherwise he would have NEVER talked about this and class. It was great for a 10 year old to hear in science class! LOVE IT! Thanks for sharing on your blog.

Becky said...

So interesting. I love Louie and have seen/heard him everywhere recently.

Lindsey said...

I can't even begin to tell you how many times I've been privelaged enough to hear Louie, and this is MY FAVORITE!

Billie said...

girl...the first time I saw this was live at a Tomlin concert that he came and did this too. Only it was more about 20 minutes. And heart about stopped! We ripped it and showed it at church. Awesome!

hgodwin said...

Thanks Kelly! This just started my day off right! :)

Cabra said...


I am a fellow blogger and I hope this email doesn't go straight to your junk mail. I feel like if this is something you believe in your blog could do a lot of good today. Have you hard of the "red letter project" that's going on today? You send a red envelope to Obama today and right a message on the back that says "This envelope represents one child who died in abortion. It is empty because that life was unable to offer anything to the world. Responsibility begins with conception."

Here are some links. There are lots of internet posts and videos on YouTube. You just reach so many people every day that I thought you might be able to get that many more red envelopes out in today's mail.

I got my envelopes at Wal-Mart with a $2 pack of invitations.


AKK said...

Thank you, Kelly. I needed to hear this on this very morning!

Fran said...

I've seen this before, but will watch it again. It simply blows me away. Our God is a beautiful detailed God and I'm so grateful.

love ya girl. hope you and that beautiful baby have a great day!
Need a babysitter?? I can be there in about 6 hours. ;)


King J's Queen said...

God is so evident in the little things. Microscopic things.

I'd read about it before, but the refresher was good. Each of us wears the cross of Jesus every day of our lives.

Jennifer said...

Josh and I saw him and Chris Tomlin together in Little Rock two years ago (GREAT PAIR) and did this same message!! It pretty much left me speakless. It's really sooo amazing!

Holly said...

Thanks Kelly! I had received an email about Lamanin before, but this is such a powerful message. Thank you!

Ace said...

I mentioned Harper briefly in my blog post today. I'd be honored for you to stop by!

Vicki said...

First, I must say that this is a first comment for me. I have read for quite a while now, prayed for Harper and watched as the miracle unfolded. Praise God! I enjoy seeing pictures of her, her clothes, her bows and all of the wonderful changes in her daily life. But...I have to say that this post was...let me just say that I almost did not take 9 minutes of my day, but I did and WOW!

Melissa said...

Thanks Kelly, that was amazing I got chills. You are amazing as well! I will never forget that video and it will remind me day after day that Jesus lives within me and I can get through anything if I just have hope and faith. God Bless you Kelly.

Jennifer said...

Louie is Awesome. I attended 722 at Northpoint Church every tuesday for about a year and a half when Louie was leading it. He is such a man of GOD! I got to hear him speak on a tour with Chris Tomlin and Matt Redman a couple of years ago and there was a very intimate meet and greet sort of thing before and Louie prayed over each one there. That is an experience I will never forget as long as I live. My baby girl's middle name is Tomlyn after Chris Tomlin. She was almost named Crowder, we had free tickets to see him when I was 8 1/2 months pregnant and thought I was going to go into labor in the Late June Georgia heat. If I had not already invested in monogrammed items Crowder may have stuck. (ha!)

Brittany said...

Thank you for posting this. I am so glad that I took the time to watch it. I'm sending people over to watch it! I really needed to hear that this morning!

The Prosper Russells said...

I love him!! I used to go to a camp at Bayloe called Super Summer and he was the speaker one year for the whole week - it was AWESOME!

Let'sMakeADifference said...

thanks for the great video!! I plan on showing it to my biology class tomorrow!!

Brittney said...

LOVE him! I live in Atlanta and have been so fortunate to be able to see him speak at 7:22 until he left a few years ago. Such an inspiration with a special talent.

Kelli said...

Our care group at church watched this. Very powerful!!

doo-dah said...

WOW is right, thank you so much for the post Kelly.

Beth said...

I saw this at a worship team retreat last year- AH-MAZING!!! In fact, I just ordered two of Louie Giglio's videos yesterday and can't wait for them to get here! Just those visual pictures of how great and awesome God is are really an encouragement when I'm feeling down.

Totally off the subject, but I have to mention that I LOVE all of Harper's zebra print stuff! I'm a zebra-print fanatic! My guest room is decorated with hot pink and zebra and all of my friends make fun of me!

Cathy said...

I am LOVING Laminin!

cbryant81 said...

This gave me chills! Absolutly amazing!!! I Loved it!

Jenn said...

Thank you for posting this. One word- WOW!

Anneliese said...

Thank you for sharing Kelly!

Pastor Steve said...

Kelly - Little known fact from our seminary days. Louie Giglio was in my preaching class our last semester at Southwestern. It's obvious who benefited the most from the class.

Amber said...

Thank you Kelly...I had heard about Laminin but never seen the video. I needed that! I am going to post it to my blog, too.

Thank you for the light you have been to my life & so many others!

Anonymous said...

Thank you!!!!!!

Sharon said...

I have watched this several times.. It is amazing.

Anonymous said...

Kelly -
Thank you for sharing this video and this man...I've never heard of him before this, its obvious - he is being used of God in a mighty way. I can't wait to hear more of his messages now - What a great reminder of the power of Christ...thank you for sharing today!!!

allison @ designing woman said...

VERY cool!

Brittany said...

I love this! So cool!

Chari said...

I had to post this on my blog as well.

Green Mountain Living said...

Thank you

Ash and Toby said...

WOW!!!! That's AWESOME!!! Thanks for sharing!

Gave me goose bumps!!

Krista said...

I've seen this video clip before...but let me tell you, it never gets old! We serve an amazing, creative, Creator!

Robyn said...

in tears...thanks...awesome

Alyssa said...

i just had to post again and say this really is the most amazing thing!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much for sharing! I love this! I'm sharing it with all my family. God has blessed us so often and so much, now it's my turn to share that and if it has to be through Louie Giglio, thank the Lord!

Ryan's Mommy and Daddy said...

I saw this (whole) video when I was five months pregnant. (My husband and I had tried for two years to get pregnant and then did IVF.) He talks early in the video about how it's a miracle that anyone can get pregnant. He had a micro picture of a 6 day old embryo and then a five month old fetus. I cried tears of happiness when I saw this.

My precious boy turns a year old in one week.

Sassafras said...

i saw this LIVE in nashville when he came with Chris Tomlin.

it was absolutely amazing.

i cried. in awe. of our marvelous CREATOR.

Kristin said...

Whoa! At first, I was watching and I was like, okay, what's going to happen? Then when I saw that picture, I about jumped out of my chair! How amazing!! Thanks for sharing that.

Faith said...


All About the Armes' said...

I get chills every single time I see this. AWESOME! :o)

April Bryant said...

Absolutly AMAZING!

Unknown said...

I was there one night at 7:22 (when he was a part of that) in college when he gave this message - so AMAZING! Have you read his book i am not but i know I AM. It's incredible!

All About Me said...

whoa...very emotional and amazing! Thanks for sharing kelly!

Kim said...

I needed that today. Thank you Kelly.

Erin McGraw said...

I got goosebumps watching this. Thanks so much. What a great time to post this with Easter approaching.

Rathi said...

At first, I was also wondering what laminin was. I even stopped the video and googled it, what an absolute amazing video. And I could not have seen it a a better time.. In the 2ww,trying to keep the hope up.. but this video was great.. Thanks for sharing! Also, anyone going thru infertility, should go to Suzanne's blog, Steece's Pieces.. Her post today was about infertility and it's just amazing how a simple blog post can speak to so many people!! So glad i checked my blogs today!! Happy Tuesday!

Mich said...

Thank you for sharing. I had heard this before, but really needed to be reminded of it this week.

Sarah - Roots and Wings said...

wow! wow! wow! Thanks for pointing us back to what it's all about - a wonderful, powerful Savior who hold us together!!

Michelle said...


Anonymous said...

Wow. That just made my day. Thank you!

Heather said...

WOW..thanks for sharing Kelly!! Love all the new pics of sweet baby Harper.

Mama P said...

Um...B-to-the-L-to-the-O-W-N away! I am BLOWN AWAY after watching that!

Blessings to you!

Josh and Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Josh and Kate said...

My father in law has preached on this before. AWESOME video! Thanks for reminding me of this today. I needed it.

BTW, I can't believe how big Harper is getting! She's so adorable in all her pictures! I know you must love getting to dress her up! =)


Amber said...

Thank you for posting this. That is awesome!

lizziefitz said...

Christ is working through you Kelly. I could watch that clip daily and and never cease to be amazed by God's love for each of us.

Kristine said...

Wow girl...thanks for telling me about Louie Giglio!! I have never seen him before and that was inspirational!

I'm just figuring out my faith and finding my way now in my, ahem...30's. THIS is just what I needed today! Thank you so much!!

Tiffany said...

We watched this whole series in our Adult Sunday School class last year---LOVED it!

The Weatherly's said...

Amen for Laminin! Praise God!

Jennifer said...

I love Louie too, me goes to our church he is awesoem I love everything he does. Chris has a gift love him to. Come to Atlanta Louie and Chris are starting a Church would love to have yall.

~Amanda~ said...

I have seen this before and it's just awesome!!! God is awesome!!

Staci said...

I've posted this video before. It is absolutely amazing how much God is into the details our life!

I [heart] Louie :)

Deb said...

My boys and I often have discussions about how amazing God is with the way He designed things.

I sat my boys down this morning to watch this video...they were in awe.

Thanks for sharing, this was a wonderful way to begin our day.

Erin Marie said...

I LOVE this! I saw him on tour with Chris Tomlin and it was so moving to hear him speak. Thanks so much for sharing this! It's great to be reminded me of this!

mumameee said...

This dvd is awesome 'How great is our God' I am taking it to share at women's group in 3 weeks time & hope to blow them away!! X

Andrea said...

We went to see him as a family when he was here touring with Chris Tomlin. It was so refreshing to see that later, my oldest posted the picture of the laminin on his myspace page AND his facebook page telling his friends to 'check this out'.
*Remember* go see Dr. Laura speak on May 5th about stay at home moms at a local movie won't regret it!*******

Caroline said...

This really helps explain that he built us inside out. God is amazing!

Anonymous said...

I love this...thanks for posting it! We went to church in Georgia years ago where Louie would often speak. I have had so many A-HA moments from the Lord while listening to him over the years!

For Such A Time As This said...

We home school and several families from our group and our kids got together recently and viewed this entire 45 minute session. We had dinner, watched it, and discussed. It was awesome! Thanks for sharing.

Debby Vannoy said...

I have heard this before - but it is amazing!!! God is wonderful! He is in control of even the smallest details.

Thanks for the reminder.
-- Debby

Abby♥ said...

great video! The whole middle school at my school watched this a couple of months ago.

Shari said...

I am weeping as I write. Circumstances in our lives have been crippling spiritually and emotionally over the last month. I drug myself to church a month ago when I felt like life was literally careening out of control. I couldn't tell you what the message was about...but the one thing God seared on my heart, and the one thing I have been CLINGING to in the face of tragic death and loss...Col. 1:17 "He is before all things, AND IN HIM ALL THINGS HOLD TOGETHER." There are no words to tell you how POWERFULLY God used this video TODAY to speak to my broken heart. I am in awe of how God weaves the body of Christ together and pours out the ministry of His Holy spirit...humbled beyond words. Grace to you sweet sister for having ears to hear the voice of the Lord.

The Beauty Bargainista said...

I love listening to him too! Our church showed one of his sermons a few months back about the God of the stars and all things that are in outerspace and how they are linked to the Bible. It was amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing this Kelly! :)

Once Upon a Twig said...

Amazing! I saw this at the perfect time. Thank you!