Today is Scott's birthday!!!
Dawson. Harper, and I love you very much!
Dawson. Harper, and I love you very much!

Since it's Scott's birthday - I thought I would share you with you the first moment he FINALLY got to hold his daughter after 12 days! Ignore our babbling ................. It's always great when you hold your child for the first time........but after waiting almost 2's unbelievable. I stayed up late last night looking at video we took in the hospital. When she opened her eyes at 10 days and we finally really SAW our daughter - it was something I'll never forget. I cried all over again at the sweetest gift we've been given.
(I think I fixed the video so it's not private anymore - but let me know if you still can't see it)
Happy Birthday to your man!!
The video is marked private and wouldn't open.
Dying to see it. :)
Happy Birthday to Scott! The video says it is private but I love Harper's outfit!
Hi Kelly :) Same comment, couldn't open your video, but excited to see it! Happy Birthday to Scott today! I bet he can't wait to get home to his favorite girls :)
I don't think the video is going to work!!
Happy Birthday, Harper's Daddy!!
Sniff... cant see the video...
but Happy Birthday to your hubby!!! What a good wife to get him the NFL Channel... you know how to make a man happy!:-)
What a great gift!! You are the best!! Darling picture!! xoxo
Yep, no video.
But I'm loving Harper's tights!
precious precious video!! =)
I LOVE her little outfit! Happy Birthday to your husband!
that is just the sweetest video ever! i can't wait to see Josh's face when he holds Shelby for the very 1st time! Happy Birthday Scott! You're a great wife for gettin the NFL channel. i dunno if i could do that! haha...
Happy Birthday to your husband. What a sweet, sweet video!
Kelly, that was precious. There is a song by John Mayer called Daughters. It melted my heart the first time I heard it, being a daughter and having a daughter. I think you and Scott would enjoy it. Hope you guys have a Blessed Day!
She's just beautiful. I can't imagine having to wait so many days to hold your own baby. We had to wait an hour while our baby went to the NICU and I was hysterical during that hour. Of course, I didn't know if my baby had lived or died and no one would tell me so it was very very scary. But to have to wait that long? Kudos to you for holding it together so well!
Happy birthday to your husband!
That is the sweetest thing ever! How sweet! I love it! Praise God!
Oh boy NFL channel now I know my hubby would love that for his birthday hmmmmm, Father's Day is coming up. HAPPY B-Day from your Blogger friend in VT!!
Happy Birthday Scott! I've always said we love Harper's pictures everyday...but now we get video! WOW! It's so much fun to see and hear her! Thanks for sharing her life with us!
Happy Birthday to your husband!! I hope he has a wonderful day!
I love Harper's toes in the first picture, and Kelly, Kelly, Kelly! That video is the best! I could not quit cracking up at that concentration on her face!! She was really checking him out in full detail! That is just so precious! And that was the first time he got to hold her and they really got to see each other good? I love it! Super, super sweet video...thank you for sharing that with all of us...Harper and her Daddy! :o)
Awww...Scott shares his birthday with my son! He is 4 today! Children are such a blessing and I have really enjoyed keeping up with Harper. She is a doll and I look forward to watching her grow up!
How precious and wonderful! Happy Birthday Scott. We love you!
SOOO Precious! Such a beautiful family moment!
Ohhh happy Birthday to daddy!
The toes in that little picture are the most precious!
Happy Birthday Scott!
Such an adorable video (and the one from your post yesterday too!) It is fun to see Harper "in action" and hear your voice :)
Hope you all have a wonderful day!
That made me cry. What a miracle! You all are so special to so many of us and I will never forget the journey of prayer God took all of us on. That video is God's Glory Displayed!
Happy Birthday Scott!! Have a great day AND I would love to have the NFL channel myself. lol I love football. :)
Happy Birthday to Harper's Daddy! That was such a sweet video!
Fun stuff...Raegen and I enjoyed watching the vid.
Happy Birthday, Scott! I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day!! You're one lucky guy to get to have Kel, Harper and Dawson in your life!!
Jess :)
Happy Birthday Scott!!! That is the sweetest video ever - there is nothing that makes me tear up more than Daddys and their babies!! So thanks for making this emontional preggo woman even more this morning =)!
I LOVE Harper's outfit!! We did not have baby legs when Claire was born so I can't wait to get some for Bree!!!!
Happy Birthday Scott! I know it is a very special birthday because of your adorable baby girl.
The video is awesome!
Yay for cute videos of that sweet baby! She is so adorable! Happy Birthday Scott! You sure are one blessed man!
Happy Birthday Scott!
Thank you for sharing that video- that was just TOO precious! It brought tears to my eyes!
She is such a cutie pie!!! XOXOXO
What a sweet post and way to go on scoring a big one for your hubby! I love that picture of Harper and her outfit, so cute! You can never go wrong on something sports for hubby! hope to see the video soon!!
What an awesome gift!!! I wish they made an all SEC football channel. Happy Bday Scott!
awwww - she's a cutie! Love the fact she's basically naked, but she's still got the accessories going on with her bow! Her little eyes are beautiful!
Happy Birthday Scott! Hope you have a great day with your two girls! :-)
LOVE both videos (yesterday and today)! She is just too precious!
Happy birthday to Scott! Harper is too cute in that video. Have a good week.
What a gorgeous picture!!
I clicked on it, to enlarge it...and all I could do, was stare at her TOES!!
Oh how I would nibble on them!! :)
My babies are 18 months now...they grow too fast!! Nibble away, cause soon it won't be "cool"!!
Cheers! And Happy birthday Dawson!!
Happy Birthday!! I absolutely love Harper's face in the pic for daddy. And her outfit!
Happy Birthday, Scott! Kelly, I love the video. It's so sweet! Brought tears to my eyes.
What a sweet video! Happy birthday Scott!
I can't see the video and it makes me sad. :(
Would love to see it!
Happy Birthday to your hubby! The video was just beautiful! I was in tears!
Sweet video! It's so beautiful to watch daddy's fall in love with their little ones.
Oh my goodness! That is the sweetest little video. Made me cry all over again! Such a sweet girl. Reminds me so much of my baby when she was that age.
Oh my word that was so sweet. LOVED the video. LOVED hearing your sweet accent. LOVED Harper gazing at her Daddy. Life is so special..thank you for reminding me again! Have a great day!
Harper is so adorably chunky! Thank you for sharing this sweet video with us! Praise the Lord for He is good!
Oh my, you guys are the cutest lil family ever! I am sooo happy Harper is happy and healthy! What great parents she has. And can I just say, I adore your accents!!
Happy Birthday to daddy!
Mandy @
Happy Birthday, Scott! That's such a great gift idea!:)
The video is SOOOOO precious! I love how she was really looking him over and taking it all in! Isn't it the best thing to watch your husband with your child?!
Hello Kelly! This is the first time I have ever written on your blog. I was on maternity leave the same time you were. Your daughter is 4 days older than my son. I started reading your blog when I was at home with my son. We would pray for Harper and your family everyday. I'm so glad that she is healthy and doing great!! You have such a wonderful family. That video brought tears to my eyes. Happy Birthday to your husband! I hope yall have a wonderful day!! Oh and I thanks for sharing your recipes too! :)
Two pretty ladies and the football channel...LUCKY MAN!
Happy Birthday!
Kelly, thanks for sharing that video, it was precious.
Oh my goodness she is absolutely precious!! What a sweet video! Oh yeah...and Happy Birthday to Scott!
Happy Birthday Scott! What a precious moment between a father and daughter. Thank you so much for sharing it with us!
Happy Birthday to the Daddy! The video was so sweet! I can't wait for my hubby to hold our little girl for the first time! Any day now! When I got pregnant after losing our boy last year I thought it was so perfect that our baby was due around my hubby's b-day. Well, guess what...if she does not come by next tues they are inducing on Jarred's 30th birthday. I thought how cool, God even cares about the little details. Jarred wants nothing more than to share his special day with his new best girl. Please pray for us....a healthy baby and healthy mom!
What a sweet baby! My goodness, Harper has changed so much since then.
Happy Birthday, Scott!
Happy Birthday to Daddy. That video is so cute. Looking at it made me realize that I should take more videos of my kids, they just grow up way too fast. Have a great day!!
Happy Birthday to Scott. What an awesome birthday present! :)
I remember Matt's first time holding Coen and mine. It's unexplainable. loved the video- thanks for sharing.
How sweet is that! Man she really looks alot like him!!!! I have not noticed it before until this video!!
Happy Birthday Scott! Thank you for sharing such a precious moment and for reminding us of God's blessings.
Happy Birthday to Scott!
That video was so sweet. Thanks so much for sharing! :)
I love how you talk, lol!
Happy Birthday Scott! The video is so precious. It brought tears to my eyes. Harper is so blessed with the greatest parents. God bless!
Happy Birthday to Scott! That video was so neat to see! I can't imagine how awesome it was to hold her for the first time after waiting so long! She has him wrapped around her finger already! So special!
That video is so sweet! Happy Birthday Scott!
I'm with Midwest Mommy, I love your accent! One of my best friends is from Texas (now lives in Ohio, where I live), and I just adore how she speaks!!! :) Harper is such a doll and I loved that video! As did Sophia (4yrs.) and Riley (7mos.)!!! Happy Birthday to Scott.
Aww... Happy Birthday to Scott! Cute picture!
Oh I love your sweet accent! Happy Birthday Scott! I was watching Toddlers & Tiara's this morning and one of the moms looks like you... it's Meadow's mom...
Happy Birthday MR. KELLY LOL! Harper's outfit is a KILL! LOVE IT!
Happy birthday to your hubby! And congrats to you on your new job! ;^) I'm so happy for you- you're going to love it! The video is precious- thank you for sharing that with us.
Happy Birthday Scott!
I cannot imagine what you guys went through. And, I cannot imagine having to wait 10 days before you got to hold your baby. What that must have been like for you guys, I will never fully understand. But, praise be to God that Harper is well, and home..and you can hold her all you want!
I hope you all have a wonderful day!
That video makes ME cry! So sweet!
I love Harper's bare feet picture today!
I recognized those nurses from when my babies were in the EOPC in november.
Happy Birthday to your husband, and i love that video of harper, her "concerned" face had me giggling, too cute
Way to go Kelly on the NFL channel!!! =)
so I will tell you that my co-worker & I watched the videos of Harper today and we both cried... at work! So touching!!
Anyways! Happy Wednesday to you all!
Blessings from Seattle,
Got me crying at work. How precious! Happy Birthday Scott!!
SOOOO Sweet! Happy Birthday Scott!!
I pulled your blog up at work and I don't have sound on my computer but I still watched the video and was amazed at how Harper looked at her daddy the whole time. It was obvious to me that she knew his voice. How precious! Happy Birthday, Scott!
Hey! I tagged you for a word game ;)
Happy Birthday to your honey! Oh how mine would love the NFL network. ha.
That video brought tears to my eyes. Bentley is sitting in my lap and her little eyes were glued to the screen. She got upset when it was over. Too too cute!!
Whew, that was a tear jerker! What a special moment! I can't wait to meet my girl! What an incredible blessing to hold your sweet girl! And to see the man you love all google eyes over his daughter! So sweet! Happy Bday to Scott! *Congrats on staying home with Harper! What a blessing!
Oh that was so precious! I love the little look on her face! You are so blessed; she is beautiful.
Happy Birthday to Scott!!! Harper is her little feet! Hope you guys have a great day celebrating. And what a great gift..I would die for that FOOTBALL!
That video was so sweet! Happy birthday to Scott!
What a beautiful moment! You can't help but cry when you see the love! I'm pretty sure Harper is in love with her Daddy! My 2 year old daughter watched the video with me. Now, she keeps say, "Look at baby!" So, we will have to watch it a few more times.
How sweet! Just precious! And Happy Birthday to Scott!
Very very sweet!!!!
I love that she just stared him down!
PS: How come the fat rolls on my legs aren't quite as cute???????
The video is PRECIOUS!! Isn't it aweful to wait to hold your baby?? Or having to ASK if it's okay? I think that was the hardest part of Owen needing open heart surgery. WAITING.
Thanks for sharing!!
Such sweetness...
thanks for sharing!
This is the first time I have commented. I have been stalking since right before you had sweet Harper. I just had to comment today. The video reminded me of the first time my baby girls daddy was able to hold her for the first time. It almost brought tears to my eyes. Harper is just so precious.
Happy Birthday Scott!
Oh Kelly, you may have gotten wife of the year with the gift of the NFL channel! A guy's dream; football on tv, 24/7!
The video is DARLING and you sound so cute!
Happy Birthday, Scott. Hope you have a GREAT day and that video is PRECIOUS!!!!!! LOve it!!! :O)
Happy Birthday to Scott!! Thank ya'll for sharing a beautiful moment with so many! =) Great present from you to him, Kelly!
It may be my computer (work) but it's not opening for me at the moment. Hopefully later or I'll have to wait until I get home.
Love the outfit and those sweet "piggies" showing! :-)
God bless & have a great birthday to Scott!
Could anything be sweet?? I think not. Happy Birthday to Scott!
I wish I could meet you one day!
Blessings to you guys!
Can I have an address where I could mail something to Harper? What size is she in now?
I meant, could anything be sweeter!
Oh, how precious is that first moment. She is beautiful.
I have been following her and praying for her for months now. God is so GOOD! It has been a blessing to watch her grow and learn from you. Your faith and trust is admireable.
Great Bday gift! I may have to borrow that idea.
Brandi (Alabama)
Thank you for sharing that very precious moment between Harper and her Daddy.
How sweet! She was probably thinking "so that's the voice I've been hearing for 9 months". I can't believe she was grinning. So precious. Happy Birthday to your husband.
Happy Happy Birthday Scott!
You've got the ultimate wife there! I know it would be a big snow storm in Los Angeles before I got the soccer channel for my hubby (he's European).
Kelly, I sobbed watching this clip. There's definitely something amazing about that daddy/daughter relatioship.
You are so blessed to have them in your life.
Happy Birthday to Scott! What a great present you got him.
video works for me! OMG that is so sweet!!!! I could just eat her and her rolls up. I love how she just looks around and then stares at her Daddy. I could just stare at my little girl and her daddy all day. It's so cute! I also love Harper's bow. How in the world do you get it to stay? What is your secret?
I'm so glad she's well now. What a little blessing they are.
Lisa (from dallas)
video said "we're sorry, this video is no longer available." for me. Scott and David would get along very well :)
It is a precious time, that first moment. Loved the video. happy birthday to your honey!
And, miss diva looks so cute in that outfit!
Happy Birthday Scott!! What a precious video.. Thanks for sharing that with all of us!!! Hope ya'll have a wonderful day!
What a precious video. It was so adorable how she just stared at him!
Happy Birthday, Scott!!
happy birthday to scott! hope y'all have some yummy cake tonight!
What a precious moment...thanks for sharing it with ALL of us readers! :) Hope your hubby has a great day with his 2 girls! :)
Sweet, precious video. God proves his goodness over and over.
Happy Birthday, Scott.
Happy Birthday Scott!!!
Love the leggings!
Kelly, each time I hear your voice on video, it makes me stop...I think for just a split second that it is mine. I guess it is us both being southern gals, the accent sounds the same over video, but it is pretty crazy. I need put some video on our blog so you can hear and let me know what you think! Pam
Cute video~ You can see how Harper has changed already.
Happy Birthday Scott!
Happy Birthday to your sweet husband. Loved the video of him holding Harper for the first time. Hope you are continuing to feel better.
Happy Birthday to your Hubby!! Loved the video.. so sweet!!
Lots of things to say -
First, I don't think I've ever posted here before but I've had you in my favorites for a while.
Second, that baby girl of yours is just beautiful!
Third, you LOOK like an Arkansas girl! Is that strange? ;-) I mean it in the best way. I'm from Missouri and have family in Arkansas and always thought the Arkie girls had a certain look about them.
Fourth, regarding your photos on the wall below, don't you just LOVE those $3 frames from the WalMarts?! I love those. The black just ties everything together beautifully.
And finally, I love Matilda Jane clothing. I've been a fan of hers for years, since she was selling on ebay!
I know you won't believe this, but that was SUCH an emotional video for me to watch! Her connection with her Daddy as such a new baby was just so moving!!! She is truly precious... I just can't say it enough. (Although I hear it quite often here at work!!)
What a happy daddy and i must say...I can not get over the accents you guys have. LOL
How precious. It's so cute. Happy Birthday to Scott.
Oh my...that might be the sweetest thing I have seen in a while! Precious! :)
Thanks for sharing with us! How precious--and what a great moment that was! I can't believe how long she stared at your hubby! It probably seems like ages ago now, though. The time just flies by, doesn't it?
Happy Birthday to Scott!! Guess what? It's my birthday, too!! I haven't met very many people with the same birthday, so I'm excited that there's someone else out there who shares my birthday. Yea!! Hope it's a great one!
Happy Birthday Scott! Hope it is a good one :) I love all the pictures you take with her. That face is priceless! That is a great idea for a birthday gift. We dont have tv, but if we did then I would definitely get that for my hubby!
The video is so precious. I will never forget when I saw my hubby hold our daughter for the first time. You could just see him melt. It is such a wonderful thing.
Have a blessed day!
Kelly, that video is such a sweet precious video! I absolutely love that! What a precious moment to capture! Just adorable! Happy Birthday to Scott! Russell saw him at Rockfish today! :)
Happy Birthday to your husband!
Harper is seriously one of the most gorgeous babies I've ever seen. Even at 12 days old, she was so alert and happy!
That is SOOOOO sweet! Happy Birthday, Scott!!!
Happy Birthday Scott!! Love the video thank you for sharing your video.
So sweet! Isn't there something magical about watching your husband with your baby?!
Sweet video. She was really focusing on him!
BTW, the Kelly Jean video is too funny!
It's my birthday too - my 33rd! Happy birthday, Scott!
Harper's outfit today is outrageously cute. I was inspired by her Baby Legs yesterday to go try Annabeth's on her. They didn't fit yet. I'm so bummed because I bet it will be hot before they do! The video is precious. It looked like she smiled for a sec.
Happy Birthday Scott!!
I love your Southern accent! I wish I had one. =) Harper is so beautiful! Happy birthday to daddy!
How beautiful is that video!? Thanks for sharing such a special moment. Happy Birthday to Scott too!
That's funny- the NFL channel would be my worst nightmare. I hate football but watching you enjoy it makes me want to like it! Thankfully we have turned off the tv again for the time being, which always brings more peace into our family and more time to spend together!
Happy birthday Scott!!! What a blessed man you are, but I'm sure you know that. The video is beyond precious. Harper was really studying her Daddy.So alert after all she had been through. And I don't know what people are talking about with your "accent"..sounds normal to me (Macon, GA).LOL. Keep the videos coming. Everyone is surely enjoying them.
Keeping you in my heart in GA.
Happy Birthday to your Scott! My hubby would be in heaven if I got him the NFL channel!
The video is adorable.
Happy Birthday Scott! What a cute video or him and Harper.
Priceless video! It made my heart melt, so cute!
First of all- Harper is beautiful!!! And the video is adorable!!
I love your blog and read it all the time! Thanks for the fun reading!
Okay- I just checked out your recipe blog!- YUM!
How in the world do you eat all that delicious food and stay so cute with a great figure??
The video is precious, made me cry. First, are those Baby Legs? Second, I can tell you are a very hands on mom. My boy was born in December 7th, close to Harper and we just started Kindermusik classes today. Wonderful! I can't say enough about it. Opens Harlon's eyes to a who new world. When Harper is able check out a free class somewhere.
College Station, Texas
How sweet! Thanks for sharing a glimpse of that precious, precious time during those scary days in the hospital. I never cease to be amazed at all the miracles around us.
Happy Birthday Scott! That video is such a gift! You could just tell she wanted to smile at him the whole time! X.
Happy Birthday to Scott! I had tears in my eyes watching that video. I am so happy you have shared this miracle with us.
I loved your video! Harper was so sweet as she just gazed at her daddy.
My husband's birthday is today as well and I know he is thrilled to be a dad (and a great dad at that) to our two wonderful girls.
Wish him all the best from us!
I have been reading your blog since a friend introduced it to me when Harper was born. I can't wait to read it everyday. AND, today is my birthday, so you gave me a great gift by posting this video. I love it, especially since my baby boy is 5 months old and melts my heart everyday. His daddy is a proud one too!
Thank you again - Happy birthday to your hubby!!
Happy Birthday Daddy. What a sweet video, she looks so much older than 10 days.
That is just sweet! Happy Birthday to your hubby and now I know why she had a hard time sleeping when you first brought her home! All that noise in the NICU! How could anyone really rest in there?
Happy Birthday Harper's daddy! Sweet video!
Happy Birthday Harper's Daddy!! How sweet were those video's, Harper had such a clear face on that first one. You have come along way since she was born, I am so thankful that she is healthy and doing great! By the way, I love your accent and your decorating updates look great.
Happy Birthday to Scott!
Sweet sweet video.
Happy Birthday Scott! Loved the video. Harper is adorable, as always. Love & blessings from NC!
The video is precious. I love her outfit in the first pic!!
So beautiful! Lord bless you all!
Happy Birthday!!
Gosh, her toes are cute! How have you not just eaten them right off yet?!?!?
The ribbon is so cute... :) i love the video. Happy Birthday Scott :)
That is so sweet! I can't believe you made it through without crying. Although, my husband would also cry if I gave him the NFL channel!!
Happy Birthday, Scott! I love the video of you and your precious gift from God!
Enjoy the NFL channel!
Such a great video!! Happy b-day Scott, I hope you all have a wonderful day!
Happy Birthday Scott and again congratulations on your beautiful daughter. The video brought tears to my eyes...such a blessing.
Matthew 21:22
I watched this video, and it made me go over to my hubby, sitting on the couch, and plant a big, wet kiss on him! God bless daddies!!
That video is so precious!!
Hey Girl. I loved the video... Brought tears to my eyes. That will be neat for Harper to watch when she's older.
I love the tights she's wearing in the first picture. SO cute. I only have boys... Makes me kinda jealous at all her cute clothes.
God Bless. Hope Scott enjoys his day.
Happy Birthday Scott!
Happy Birthday Scott! That video is just the sweetest. It brought tears to my eyes! :)
Soooo sweet - your post gave me the goose bumps. Kelly this is too funny - but Steven my husband has the same birthday as Scott!! Now they have something in common - Happy Birthday Scott. You are a good wife to get the NFL network!!! Anyways, congrats on staying home with Harper - I have to agree it's the best job in the world! Harper is one lucky little girl. I love reading how God continues to bless your family everyday. He is sooo good!!!
She has to be the most beautiful baby girl I've ever seen!!! Of course, you know this already. You are her very proud Mama!
We, Moms, can be a bit biased. I type all this with a great big wink and a smile. Why? I have the 3 most handsome boys I've ever seen. No, really I do!
So glad you guys are doing well.
I love that video...thanks for sharing it!!! What an amazing moment that was!
Happy Birthday Scott!
What a sweet video. She is such a cutie. You all are truly blessed.
I love that face...she really looked like she was trying to solve all the world's questions! ha.
Happy birthday to Harper's Daddy!
I'm going to have to start getting a tissue before i come to your blog. seeing harper just makes me cry!! hope your hubby had a great birthday & you guys have a great weekend.
There's nothing quite as sweet as daddy love! What a precious video. Happy birthday!
And one of life's greatest love affairs begins... Daddy's girls are the best! Girls' daddies rock too!
Happy Birthday!
I love that video!! It is precious! I also love chunky babies! My Sarah was by far my chunkiest and she and Haper share a birthdate! Too cute! Enjoy every minute! Before you know it you will be signing her up for Kindergarten!
Talk soon,
The video is so sweet. What a fantastic memory to have and share with the rest of us. Your accent, so beautiful. Makes me want to pack my bags and move back to Kentucky right now. Heavens I love the south!
Assuming Scott had a fantastic day!
Stopping by to let you know I'm praying!
1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.
Prayer Bears
My email address
What a wonderful video! Thank you for sharing. I hope your husband had a great day with his girls :)
That video is precious. The look on Harper's face is just so cute!
That is so sweet!!
Happy Birthday Scott! thanks Kelly for your kind words today...i really needed it:)
How precious! What an amazing thing -- I felt cheated out of the immediate-after-birth holding of my son because I had a c-section, but I did not have to wait twelve days, so I shouldn't be complaining.
She is a beautiful girl!
What a precious site to see her studying her daddy's face so intently. She's absolutely beautiful!!
You are so precious! Happy birthday Scott! I would LOVE to see the video, but there is just a blank space on my screen where the video should be...oh well! THANKS!
Hey there. I know you don't know me but I have been following your blog since Harper was born. I have loved watching Harper grow stronger every day and have prayed for y'all many times. I have meant to comment so many times, but just never got to it. I love reading your blog all the time. Y'all have been such an inspiration to so many people. I wanted to comment today cuz yesterday was my hubbie's birthday too. Small world. We have a blog too but not nearly as high tech as yours. haha. It's I loved the video of your husband holding him for the first time. I remember how it is to see your husband hold your little girl for the first time. We have a 16 month old. What an amazing ride you have ahead. Hope you enjoy it as much as I have. :) Oh, by the way.... sorry.... My name is Tiffany and we live in MS. Hope you have a blessed day.
You have the cutest voice Kelly. Here in CA we don't hear many Southern accents. What a smart girl you have, looking around and so alert at such a young age.
Happy (belated) birthday to Scott!
Thank you for sharing that special moment with us. It was totally precious how Harper could not take her eyes off of him. She was finally matching his voice to his face! So sweet!
Oh, that was so sweet! Thank you for sharing!
Happy belated Birthday. Harper is too precious, as always!
HAppy belated birthday to Scott!!!
Happy Belated Birthday to Scott!
Harper is so precious, you are so blessed to have such a beautiful angel!
I have been following your site for some time know, and I have to ask, how do you get those absolutely adorable head peices for Harper??
Do you make them yourself or are they available anywhere? I am just Dying to know so that all of the beautiful little girls I know can have the cutest bows and hats ever that Harper wears! Would really appreciate it!!
Kayla and Brien
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