Thursday, February 26, 2009

Too Hot to handle

Yesterday Harper and I went on our first walk.
Go ahead and add that to the list of things Harper doesn't like. Don't all babies like walks in the stroller?????
We walked for about 20 minutes and for the last 10 minutes she was screaming her head off. I think half of the problem was I had her bundled up like there was a snowstorm outside and it was in the 70's and she got hot. She is very hot natured. If I put her on her bouncy seat and cover her up - she always kicks her covers off. She can't stand to be hot or to have a dirty diaper.
I think she gets that from her Aunt Laurie. (not that Laurie has dirty diapers but she doesn't like to be hot or dirty). (Now that I think about it - who does?)
So today we went to the doctor for the RSV shot. She wore one of my favorite outfits - "Daddy's little monkey". My BFF Laurie got that for her.
How cute are the socks and the pants? The monkey on her pants match the painting in her nursery. ha!
She was really good at the doctor. She screamed when she got the shot but calmed down quickly. They DID have to weigh her and my big girl weighs 11 pounds now!!! She really is a chunky monkey! I was sitting in the waiting room and a lady came in with her daughter and looked at me and said "So I read your blog........" ha! I told Scott I better start acting nice wherever I go because you never know who is watching. ha!
This sweet girl, Jessica, reads my blog and always send me the nicest comments and e-mails. Who would know I would have a friend in South Dakota?!? She sent Harper this today! I cried when I opened it Jessica!!!
Just FYI - 1 Peter 2:9 says "But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light." Aren't you glad to be called out of the darkness into the light??? Oh, I am.
And last but CERTAINLY not least - before Harper was born - I ordered some girl scout cookies and today my friend Jennie brought them over to me. SAMOAS!!! The best kind ever. I had to immediately hide them because I could eat them all in one setting and I will NEVER lose this baby weight. What is your favorite kind of girl scout cookie??? And how many boxes do you normally buy a year???

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Cabra said...

I bundled my baby up the first time we went a walk and he did the exact same thing! He was so hot!! Everyone is always telling you to bundle up newborns so that's what you do! My favorite girl scout cookie is the Thin Mint. I just bought the Thin Mint ice cream yesterday! yummy!!!!

Jenn said...

Love the monkey outfit! She is SO cute. I love SAMOAS they are the best.

ilovepink said...

I love the outfit. I bought it for Baby M. I didn't see the socks though! I call her my little monkey too! She is over 9 lbs now. Our girls are just healthy! Harper is beautiful. I am so glad she is healthy. Samoas are my favorite too. Have you tried the ice cream by Edys? Yum!

Stephanie said...


I am so craving girl scout cookies now!! I ordered some as well, but haven't received them yet. I am a thin mint girl, but Travis loves samoas, so I always get him some :) How funny that Harper didn't love her first stroller ride! I'm sure that will change as she gets older and yes, as she's able to shed a little more clothing! I'm such a bundler like you though, it drives me crazy to see babies who are underdressed for the weather! I always tell Travis I think they are going to get phnemonia!! It's because my mom is a nurse and she raised me to always have a hat on a baby's head :) Anyway, it just blesses my heart to see you and Harper doing so well. I can' t tell you how heartbroken I was in those first few days after she was born. You were heavy on my heart and in my prayers. Our God is so good to show us His might in such a big way! Hope you have a great day today!

Sarah said...

Did you know Edy's makes Samoa ice cream? They do, if you'd be interested.

My favorite is Tagalongs. I even eat oreos with peanut butter when it's cookie off season. It's not the same but close enough to make do. I can eat a whole box of Tagalongs in a sitting. Pretty easy since there's only 12 in a box.

I was a Girl Scout so I have most of the cookies per box numbers memorized. I even have an ordering system so I get about the same number of cookies per type. Strange I know. Girl Scout cookies are serious business.

Allison said...

Oh my goodness, if it is possible, Miss Harper get's cuter with each passing day. I love all you photo opps with her during the day! She is too precious for words!

lizziefitz said...

Kelly, I thought is was totally normal to order a dozen boxes from the sweet neighbor girl? come to find out normal is actually one or two? Who knew? SAMOAS BABY!!! Harper looks so precious in her stroller. I remember going for long walks and then carring a crying baby in one hand while pushing the empty stroller with the other hand all the way home?

Heidi said...

I just love coming to your page daily. My kids have seen me looking and have asked who the baby is that I keep looking at. I explained her story and they have prayed for her as well. It is amazing to see how far she has come. It brings a smile to my face, soothing to the heart and solidifies my faith in God to see his power through her.

Unknown said...

I always try to not buy any Girl Scout cookies -but then they set up outside the grocery store and I give in and buy one or ten boxes. . .

Bethany said...

My youngest daughter could not stand her carseat or stroller either. It was very strange because, like you, I thought all babies loved the car/carseat. Nope, not mine! Or yours. :)

I love the outfit. She is such a doll.

I'm having a giveaway on my blog. Come see! :)

Jill said...

I posted a comment, but not sure which post it was under. It wasn't showing up here. So here I go again. I am a fellow blogger and so happy your baby is doing so well. I have a prayer request. It's for a family I don't know, but they need all the prayers they can get. blogsite address is Gracie Girl needs a second heart transplant after first attempt failed. You seem to reach so many people I thought all your fellow bloggers could add Gracie in prayers. Thank you!!

Anonymous said...

Harper is SOOO cute. Glad to hear that she took a nap today.

I LOVE the thin mints and the Samoas (as do 2 of my kids), the lemon ones aren't too bad. This year, I am a bit embarrassed to say, but I think we bought about 30 boxes, mostly from 2 of our neighbors and then 4 from a girl scout who rides the bus my husband drives. Gotta support the Girl Scouts.

Darla said...

After she outgrows that outfit, hang it on a hanger on the nursery wall so you can see just how little she once friend has 2 outfits from her children hanging on her laundry room wall and they are now 21 and 11 years old! Great blessings to you!

Alesha @ Full Time Mama said...

Harper looks adorable as always!
Samoas are my favorites too!!! We are expecting to get ours tomorrow @ church (woo hoo!) and we ordered (do I have to say?? lol) 5 or 6 boxes! I can't remember exactly how many, but I fear they'll be gone before the week is up.

O.M.G. said...

you get tons of comments. i hope you read this because i wanted to tell you that you have just about THE CUTEST blog and baby that i've seen. i love seeing your smiling face. you look so happy. i'm so glad your baby is better. i read the week after she was born but haven't caught up on how things changed...for the best, i see! i'm just glad she's safe and well and home with you. there are too many sad baby stories/blogs out there! yours makes me happy!

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