I'm coming to you live from our home in Arkansas!!!!! Praise the LORD!

This is Harper's doctor - Dr. Gomez. He is AMAZING! Seriously - he saved her life (with a little help from the GREAT
PHYSICIAN!) He was the best doctor a family could ever wish for - God sent us to him - I have no doubt!

As soon as we got the word "go" - we gave Harper a bath and fancied her up. This is her in little slip - look how she is smiling - she knows when she looks good!

Do you have any idea how much I LOVE having a girl??????

I love this picture!

Our family of three - ready to start our new life together!

Harper and her
My mam-ma (who Harper's middle name is named after) made me this cape and I came home from the hospital in it and we put Harper in it today. It was special to have something my mam-ma had made to pass on to my sweet girl.

Harper is saying "step on it" ...... "I'm ready to see my room"
(all you Texas girls quit getting excited - Harper IS NOT doing the hook em horns sign - although it looks a lot like it - we'll have to have a heart to heart talk). ha!
We got home tonight around 6 and I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to be home. I can't wait until tomorrow when I can get up and stay in my pj's and not worry about nurses and doctors coming in and out of our room at all hours of the day. I feel like I can finally relax. We are ready to start our new life.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 574 Newer› Newest»OH Kelly!! What wonderful news!! And yes, there is no place like home!!
Yeah!! I know that you are thrilled. Now the fun begins and you will enjoy every moment of it. I have been following Harper's story since the beginning. Have a great "first night home" as a mommy.
I'm sooo happy for you!!!
You are going to LOVE being a mom to that sweet baby girl!
What an amazing testimony you now have...and what an amazing witness you've been to God's wonder!
Oh and your girl is truly beautiful!
congratulations!!! home sweet home! i can't wait to see pictures of Harper in her room!
glad ya'll are home!!
Congratulations! This is such wonderful news! I just happened along your blog from JMom and have been reading it daily and praying for Harper and the other little babies in the NICU, but have never commented before. I'm so glad that you are at home! I have 2 boys of my own and I've always said that I couldn't have a girl because I would be BROKE!!! ;-)
Praise the Lord!!! Enjoy that sweet baby girl. I look forward to pictures of ya'll raising that girl.
Lisa Q
Praise the Lord! We are so excited to see how the Lord has worked in your lives and we can't wait to see the might works He will continue to do through Harper!
I am so glad you are home. Enjoy your day tomorrow!!!!!
Amen. What a sweet outfit. Congratulations!
Kelly, how WONDERFUL that you got to come home!!!! YEA!!! Praise the Lord...He is so good!!!! I know you are enjoying that precious little sunshine so much. Enjoy your time tomorrow morning in your pj's! :)
Yea! So glad you are home! The pictures are so cute! Harper is so cute and "posing" just right! Easier said than done but just take a deep breath and enjoy everything! Those first few days at home are amazing -- alot of work but so great!
Oh how ive waited for this post!!! How we all have waited for this post! Enjoy your day home...and yes, you deserve many days in your pjs!
I am so proud for your family. It is amazing how God works such miracles. Harper is truely an Angel. I will continue to pray for her health and your family. Your adventure has begun.
God Bless
Congratulations and enjoy!!!!
Paying for a great first night.
Karen Needham
OH FINALLY!!!!!! I am so happy for you all!!!!!
Congratulations, Home Sweet Home! God is good. Wishing you a wonderful night. Your little darling looks so sweet, you can tell she loves to be dressed up as much as you love to dress her up. Hope all goes well. God Bless.
Yay! Hope your first night goes good! Oh, and those 4am feedings. lol! She is beautiful!
Isn't she a beauty! Glad ya'll made it home safely. Have a good night sleep in your own beds! Yay for Harper being healed!!!
Yay! Was thinking of y'all today as I knew it was her first car trip! Glad you made it home and had the CUTEST little bug with you!
I am thrilled to know Harper is home doing well!! She is SO pretty! Love the dress and the cape! I love it all!! This is going to be one well dressed little girl!! I look forward to seeing many more pictures of this beauty as she grows big and tall!! Praising the Lord for your safe return home!! Welcome Home Harper girl!
Kelly, that is just the best news ever. God has truly blessed your family - and no doubt it was through the prayers of many! Congratulations!
Congratulations! How exciting!
I am so glad you got to bring your baby home. She is so precious. We will continue to pray that she stays healthy.
So happy for you guys to be home! Enjoy your pj day...those are my favorite kind of days, Kelly.
They didn't have those cute Mary Jane socks when my girls were babies...too bad...I'd have been all over them! SO cute.
Harper gets prettier every day. Blessings to you guys.
I'm so glad to hear Harper is home! I can't wait to see pictures of her in all of her dresses and in here pretty room!
Welcome home!! I'm so happy for you guys!
Praise the Lord!! Her dress and cape are absolutely precious!!
i am so happy for you guys, that is wonderful. praying for you
Congrats to you and your beautiful little girl! Both of my sons were born early (@29 weeks and @32 weeks, respectively); hooked up to ventilators, feeding tubes, etc.; in the NICU for weeks; and I SO remember finally feeling like I could relax when I got to take them home. Enjoy your PJs tomorrow!
K in Indiana
I am so happy she got to go home. I never thought I could be filled with joy for someone I have never met, but through all this and your writing I feel like I have known you forever or something and I will always keep yall close to my heart. I am so happy for yall. I also thought she looked gorgeous in her pretty little going home outfit :)
Praise God that you are finally home with your angel baby:) I have been praying for your family since MckMamma posted it on her blog. God is sooo GOOD!
P.S. I can not wait to hear the stories of Harper at home:) They are going to be sooo fun!
Lesley in Texas
I have tears of joy! I am so happy for all of you and thanking God for answering our prayers. Rest well...
Rogers, AR
Awesome news! She looks beautiful!
Simply amazing! It has been so amazing to watch Harper continue to grow stronger. I can't wait to continue reading about all of Miss Harper's adventures now that she is home! Welcome home, Harper! (And Mommy and Daddy too!)
amazing! Happy almost third week birthday at home - just where she belongs.
god is so good! kate
Oh, praise Him for He is good!
Enjoy these days with your new little one and by all means... STAY IN YOUR PJs AS LONG AS YOU WANT!!!
Praise God for He is soooo good!
I am praying that you both will have confidence and trust that God is watching over you as you transition to home! Love, Julie
What AMAZING news Kelly! I'm so thankful you're home!
Prais God!! Praise God!! Praise God!!! God is so good, all the time and I am so happy for your precious family! Harper looks GORGEOUS in her precious dress and hat!!! And, yes... I do understand completely how wonderful it is to have a little girl! My Gracie is 18 months old, and I never dreamed that I would be so blessed as well! I am the pink queen in my family, so my little girl was way too much fun! Wait til she gets enough hair for piggytails! God bless your sweet family!
Well prayers so work and what a testimony Harper is to that fact! She is absoutely adorable. I know how glad you are to have a girl I had a boy for 13 years and then I got my girl. So enjoy her and remember the sleepless nites don't last forever!!
Oh I love it! She is such a doll! I know there will be many dress up sessions to come :) I'm so happy for you all and getting to go HOME! Answer to prayers....so happy :)
Much love,
what an incredible blessing!!! i can't WAIT to see pictures of that baby girl in her gorgeous room! WELCOME HOME!!!!!
Congratulations! Welcome home!
Congrats! I am happy for you and your family! Best wishes to all of you! May God continue to bless you!
I know being from Arkansas, (and go HOGS and all) that pointing this out might not be very popular, but that does look like a HOOK EM' HORNS sign she's throwing up there with her left hand! LOL
Glad you guys are home. Harper is precious!
God is beyond awesome. So glad you are home. I am overjoyed.
God bless you alllll! we are so excited!!
JOY JOY JOY! The Lord is faithful! I am so happy for your family!! May God bless you all tremendously and keep precious Harper in the palm of His hand ALWAYS! :)
~ Laura in TX
Such a wonderful day! We are so happy for you and glad you are back home in AR!
Jen Averitt
YAHOO!!! I'm sooooo excited for you, if my boy's weren't sleeping I would probably yell! God is good! Enjoy lazing around in your PJ's and cuddling that baby girl!
Bec Harper
PRAISE GOD!! I am so glad that ya'll are home! I was in the hospital for a week, and it drove me insane! I can't imagine being there for 21 days! I have been praying like crazy for Harper, and am so glad to see that God has answered our prayers. And, I also read that there may be a problem with her brain. Look at what God just did to your girl.... He has that under control, too!! I will keep praying, and pray that if there is an issue, that He will heal Harper again. But, I bet everything will be fine and dandy when she is checked out in a few months! Once again I'm so glad you're home... my heart overflows with joy for you! :o) Your girl is precious beyond words!!
So happy to hear that you and the family are home! It is wonderful to bring your baby home for the first time. I hope you two have a wonderful day tomorrow just relaxing.
I love the socks. My mom bought my first daughter a pair similar to the ones Harper is wearing and now my second daughter is wearing them. They are my favorite!
Congratulations! God is so very good!
Congratulations! I am so happy for your family of three. I have been waiting for this great news. God is good!
I am so happy for all of you. I know Harper will love her bed and her room! Cant wait to see her in all the pics. She is so gorgeous. God is good. Thankful for all God has blessed you with!
SO glad that you are home! She looks beautiful, and y'all look so happy!
God bless!
Yes kelly, God is so good. God bless everyone of you and I'm so happy to see you are at home. Enjoy every precious moment with Harper because it goes by so fast. My daughter will be induced on Feb 23 at UAB. We know there is a problem with the baby's heart, just don't know how bad. We have felt prayers all around already, I would appreciate you remembering us too. I am expecting a miracle but whatever the Lord does, will be his will. Again, Welcome Home!!! Debbie
YAY!! Glad to hear this amazing news! You are going to be such a wonderful mommy. It is such a blessing.
God is good.. I am so happy for you all. Harper is so precious, I just love that little hat she had on.
It has been so beautiful to watch this blessing unfold. Praise the lord..
Kelly, Congrats! I am so happy for you and your family! Harper is beautiful!
Christa - magnolia, texas
I'm so so excited for you all Kelly.... the best is yet to come!!! We love you!!!!! :)
What awesome news. Congratulations.
WONDERFUL!!! You have no idea how happy I am for the three of you! Praise the Lord!
I am so happy for you. With love and prayers...
Oh I'm so so so so so happy for you guys! That girl has already got spunk and personality!! I can't wait to watch her grow. You make sure and treasure every moment with that sweet girl, and enjoy your time at HOME!!!!!
What a beautiful picture of the three of you. So glad Miss Harper is at home. Enjoy your pj day. I almost made you a cape like the one Harper is wearing. The first few months fly by so fast. Before you know it she will be walking. Enjoy every minute!!! Keeping you in my heart in GA.
That's great. Nothing feels as good as going home. I know you are so excited to have Harper at home. Dawson's life is about to completely change. Congrats on being home and I hope you, Scott, and Harper get some sleep tonight.
Erin from Danville
I am so happy for you! My son, Avery, wants to be Harper's boyfriend! :)
Such wonderful news!!! I am so happy for yall - Harper is just a doll!!!
SO SO SO GREAT!!!!! 'Welcome home sweet girl' xoxox LOVE that last pic!!!! X
welcome, welcome, welcome home!!! the body of Christ is an amazing thing...i have never met you all, but am honored to pray for you, and am overjoyed that today Harper is home and happy and healthy. praise God!!
Praise the Lord! What an awesome God we serve! Blessings to all three of you as you settle back into your home and into a new routine. She's just precious!
Kelly, YEA!!! Praise the Lord!!! I am so happy for you three! What good rest you all will finally have safe and sound in your house! Welcome Home Harper!
We are still praying for you!!!
simply simply a. m. a. z. i. n. g. So glad you are home. That last picture made me laugh out loud! Enjoy!
Praise the Lord for answered prayers. Have a restful night and a blessed day tomorrow.
sooooo happy for yall!!
Rejoicing with you!! Enjoy your pj day tomorrow!
Congratulations on being home with your sweet Harper! She is truly a special girl you have there. I've been following this since you had her. I haven't posted but tonight I found it appropriate now that you are home. God is GOOD!
I'm so excited for your family!
Best wishes. I'm praying.
<3 HEE
So glad you guys are in the comfort of your own home. I know Nonny is glad......let the spoilin begin!
Praise the Lord that is the best news I've heard all day! Happy Homecoming! Jesus bless y'all.
There is truly no place like home!!! Yay for sleeping in your own bed. How wonderful will that be???
Harper looks so precious!!
How exciting!...And the fun begins!!!
Oh and she looked nothing less than precious in her outfit!
She looks great, really beautiful in her going home outfit! Enjoy your 1st 24 hours, they are always the sweetest when bring your baby home! At least I think so, I had to leave 3, of my six babies at the hospital. So when they did come home, the 1st 24 hours where the best. We were all together.
God Bless and enjoy!
I'm so glad Harper is finally home and yall can begin your life as a family. God is so good. I love all the pics. She is a doll and such a gift. God Bless.
She's a doll! I'm so happy for you guys and you make a beautiful family!
So happy and excited for you! She looks so adorable and I'm sure she will love her beautiful room!
Congrats! Enjoy every cry, rock, and late-night feeding. Sadly, this is a short time in your life. A time that I already miss! Enjoy it!
Oh God is so good! I am so happy to hear that you are home! Enjoy your new life with your sweet Harper!
you guys SO deserve this!! sending much love from maryland, with a huge smile on my face and tears in my eyes. she is just a doll baby, i love all the girly-ness!!!! :)
tara from maryland
Wonderful news! I am very happy for you all!
It's about time Harper slept in her ADORABLE nursery! ; )
I know you will treasure being home with your new little family! CONGRATS and praise the LORD!
oh, i forgot this earlier, and i hate to break it to you...but i think she's doing the "hook 'em" in that last picture :)
You are so right GOD IS GOOD ! He has blessed you so much, over & over and Im so excited for you! I have been there, 19 years ago.. I know what this day feels like! Mine was in the NICU for 3 months!
Im doing the happy dance for Harper, she is beautiful and you have a great lookin family :)
Take Care !
God has been good to you! I rejoice with your family!
Let the fun begin!!
Home Sweet Home, there is no place like it! Congratulations on the big step and enjoy your pj day tomorrow. :-)
God is so GOOD! I am so THRILLED to hear that ya'll have made it home safely. I love all of ya'll so much. I'll come by sometime tomorrow to check on all of ya'll again. Here's to ya'll having a GREAT 1st night home with our Girl. Love, Randee
Oh Kelly I am so happy for you all. What a joy tomorrow will be- first day at home. I have been following the blog and praying since the day Harper was born (thanks to Big Mama). I am so amazed at how many times God has used a baby to heal lives. I know what a blessing she must be to you - but she's been a blessing here as well. My 8-year old daughter has been on her knees and asking about little Harper almost daily. She has been the subject of some tender moments at our home as well. Thank you for sharing all that you have. Enjoy your day tomorrow and love on that family of yours!
I couldn't be happier that you're home!!!
Oh sweet Kelly! She just looks adorable adn I am so thankful that you guys are settled in back at home! I laughed OUT LOUD about Harper saying "Step on it...I;m ready to see my room"...so funny! Gode Bless and take care. We want to see you guys soon!
So so so so so happy for you guys!!! I hope you all get lots of rest at home together!!!
Congrats!!! :) :)
PRAISE JESUS! I have been praying for this day for the longest time! I came across your blog from a friend on scrapbook.com. I am so happy your sweet baby is home! Praying God will continue to heal her and I know she will be an amazing daughter! =) God Bless You All!
So happy to hear you are home, we have been praying and are praising God with you!
Soooo, you are home home, not Arkansas Children's Hospital home? Does that make sense? Whoaaaa!! She must be the cutest baby girl ever... well maybe 2nd to mine, but mine is 7 years old now, so Harper can grab that title! :) Congratulations on sleeping in your own bed!!!!
Fantastic News! Praise God!
Welcome Home!!
I am so happy for you all. Many Blessings to you and yours.
Harper makes the goofiest little faces! ENJOY TOMORROW! And everyday thereafter...
Praise God!!!! What a blessing to be in your home with your precious baby girl!!! Have a great morning with her tomorrow...lots of snuggling time to make up! It was so nice to meet you and Scott on Tuesday and I look forward to keeping in touch through blog land!
Amazing!! I am so excited for you all!! God is GREAT!!
I have been following your blog since I read about your baby on Angie Smith's blog, and have been praying for her daily. It is so wonderful that you are able to have her at home, and that you can be cozy in your own house. God Bless all of you!
congratulations!! enjoy your time at home with your sweet girl. how happy :)
Congrats on being home!!!
Praise the Lord! She is absolutely adorable! A true blessing from God...enjoy your "girly girl!"
Congratulations!!! I've been waiting to see this entry all day!! May your first night home be restful!!
So excited for you, Scott and Miss Harper! Nothing feels as good as being at home in your own home! Enjoy it!
Welcome Home to you, hubby, and miracle baby!!
How exciting! Oh how we prayed for Harper and we always will- she's just part of our daily routine now! How wonderful to be home. I can't wait to see pictures of her in her in her little perfect room! Congratulations!!
Woo hoo! Welcome home! Love the Trumpettes! ;)
I have been following your blog-so happy for you and so happy that you are home and enjoying your new family circle. God is good and rich in abundance.
From North Carolina
Congratulations on being home. What a wonderful feeling that must be. Harper looked so precious in her outfit. I can't believe how "smiley" that sweet baby is. God Bless you all...Enjoy being home and your sweet blessing from above...
God is good! Harper looks just as happy as you guys to be heading home. I know she'll enjoy sleeping in her own crib. ;)
Praise God!!!! I have been waiting for this post ALL day!!! I am SO thrilled that Harper is finally home! Oh I am just so happy for you! Little girls are so much fun to dress up! Enjoy your sweet baby girl and congrats on finally having her home where she belongs!
Hugs and prayers,
Heather~ On the Homefront
So glad to hear you're home!!! Harper is such a miracle. I've been blog stalking for quite some time and was so devastated when I read about Harper's birth.
But, oh how God is good.
In the last picture where Harper is saying "step on it" if you look at her left hand it looks like she's saying "ROCK ON!"
Can't wait to watch this little princess grow!!
PB&J (peace, blessings and joy)
You are so blessed to have such a beautiful baby girl! I am jealous! I love my 3 boys, but to have a girl to dress up with pretty bows and lavish dresses, oh goodness, we would so be in the poor house! God definitely knows what he is doing! LOL
Life with Harper at home will be wonderful. Follow your mommy instincts, and I'm sure you will be just fine.
I am SO HAPPY for you....this is a miracle that we have witnessed. GOD IS SO GOOD!! Harper is beautiful!!!!!!
I have been following this incredible journey of yours and to open your blog and read "There's no place like home" just gives me a sure sense of peace. Praise God! Harper is such a total doll and she's one lucky baby girl to be blessed with such wonderful parents.
I'm so happy for you all. I know walking into your home, the freshness, the smell, WITH your new family of three...nothing could be better.
I can't wait to continue reading. You are an amazing person...truly inspirational.
That's wonderful that you are home!! Make sure you soak everything up, b/c time flies!! I can't believe we've been home from the hospital for 5 days now!
Praise the Lord! I am so excited to read the wonderful news tonight! I hope you can find time to continue your daily blogging! I love reading about Harper and your sweet family!
Praise God! Harper is BEAUTIFUL! Enjoy your day in your pjs Kelly!
So so so so so happy to hear you are finally home.
I have prayed so hard for so long....Wa Hoo...!!!!
Where is our little buddy Dawson?
I am so happy to hear that you are home!! God is so good and I can imagine how happy you are to be home and relax. So excited for you guys! She looks tiny in her car seat! Praise His wonderful name! Oh I can't wait to read more and see more pics of her in her cute outfits!!
This is SO WONDERFUL! Your post has me giggling and tearing up at the same time! CONGRATULATIONS on being HOME! There's no place like home! Welcome home, Harper! : ))
Enjoy your day tomorrow!
She is just the cutest thing ever in her sweet little outfit! You will certainly remember this day forever. I am so happy for the 3 of you! God Bless you!
I am so happy that y'all are home.
I know that you can't wait to sleep in your own bed tonight. Harper looks so beautiful all dressed up! I love the family photo of all 3 of y'all. Enjoy your time being home! Will keep y'all in my prayers.
Love, Tammy in Alabama
I'm so thankful that you all are home!! God answers prayers!!!! I prayed for you everyday.Please keep us updated with your blog!! God bless your family!....Prayers from Covington,Tennessee
Yea!! So happy to hear that y'all are finally home! So many answered prayers tonight :o) You enjoy that sweet, precious little baby girl. She's absolutely adorable!
I am very happy to hear you are home! God is always good! :) Kelly, I made Harper a little present, where can I send it too? Martha
I have been following your blog since the time little Harper was born and I cannot tell you how happy I am that she is home. I am just so thankful!
I saw a post on another blog about another beautiful little girl that REALLY needs everyone prayers. Her name is Cora and my heart aches for her. http://themcclenahans.blogspot.com/
Perhaps everyone that prayed so hard for Harper can also pray for this sweet girl.
Again, I am so happy for you!!!
I'm so happy for you. We take so much for granted when we have healthy newborns. Have a beautiful life with your precious baby girl and cherish every moment. I know from experience that it really does go fast - next thing you know she'll be asking for the keys to the car. eek.
Congratulations and God bless your family.
I found your blog right when Harper was born and have been following since. I have prayed for your little girl everyday! I'm so glad you get to have her home with you. Its amazes me what the power of a prayer can do!
and let the church say AMEN!!!!!
Praise God! So gald you are home! She is such a doll.
That is hilarious - she does look like she's doing the Texas sign...
but how beautiful is she... & she looks so relaxed all dressed up.. she's already a beauty queen.
The cape is just precious to have her wrapped in... family treasures are wonderful.
May God continue to bless you as you all still continue to touch so many!
That is wonderful and the Texas Longhorn was too funny - I totally thought that before I saw your comment about it. I grew up in Neosho, MO (outside of Joplin) so I know what being a Hog fan is - and now I live in Texas and I'm married to a huge Texas Longhorn fan - so my girls all know the longhorn sign!! They started at an early age too! :) So excited for you guys!
I've been following your blog since finding out about Harper. I hope it's ok. I'm so happy for you and your family that you are now finally home and I will continue praying for all of you.
She is absolutely gorgeous! Love the outfit!
Many blessings,
Anne in MO
Welcome home! God is so good! I can't thank you enough for allowing me to pray for your precious darling daughter. I will continue. I am still in awe for all God has done through your little one in her first twenty days. Happy 3 week birthday tomorrow! :)
God IS Good! SO glad ya'll are home. I am so thankful for the wonderful M.D.
Ohhh...enjoy your first night at home! :)
i wonder if i'll ever read one of your posts where i don't cry! :) i'm so so happy for all of you. God is good!
WELCOME HOME HARPER, KELLY, AND SCOTT!! I am so happy you are home safe and sound! Harper is such a little blessing. God is so, so good! You will be in my prayers as you begin your new life with your sweet baby daughter! :)
I am SO SO SO glad y'all are home! I can't wait to see little Miss Harper in her nursery!!!! So happy for you, Kelly! GOD IS SOOOO GOOD!
Yeah! Hook 'em Horns! Now I love Harper even more! ;)
How wonderful that you are all home now! Praying for God's continued blessings on your family.
How exciting!! Praise the Lord from Whom all blessings flow! I'm so glad you are home. Harper looks beautiful all dressed up. Blair wore those EXACT socks today to go see her pulmonologist! We go to the doctor dolled up, since that's the only place we go! I look forward to more pics and great updates from your home sweet home!
Love from GA,
PRAISE HIM!!!! Isn't she just the cutest little thing in the world in her car seat. I am so happy that tomorrow you can wake up and begin your life together with your new family! Mommyhood is the best job in the world and you are going to be great at it! Have a wonderful day with Harper tomorrow and enjoy every moment, because before you know it, she will be in Kindergarten!!
I'm overflowing with joy for you right now!! Our prayers have been answered!
Kelly - that post was the perfect ending to my day. Thank you! I am so excited for you all to be home together. You have waited so long for this to happen. God is good!
Congratulations on coming home! You are such an inspiration!
Enjoy your baby girl!
Yea! What a great feeling you all must have to get to go home with precious Harper. So happy for your whole family.
Welcome Home! You guys enjoy your first night home as a family of 3! Rest well and you stay in your pj's all day tomorrow!! Call if you need anything!
YAY!! I'm so thrilled that you are back to writing us from the comfort of your very own home!!! It's just brings such joy and thankfulness to me hearing that amazing news!! All Praises and Glory be to Him!!
Anyways, just wanted to say a quick hello to let you know that I think about ALL 3 of you constantly and love you guys so much!
Love always,
Jess :)
I'm so happy for you guys!!! There's definitely nothing better than being in your own home!! Harper looks like she has so much personality already!! And it definitely looks like she's doing the hook 'em horns sign.. You're going to have to talk to her!!
Congrats!!! Enjoy that baby girl SO much!!!
Thank you, dear God, for this miracle that you have performed right before our eyes. You are so very faithful to your children, and we are so very grateful to you!
Hook 'em, Harper! (I live in Austin!)
I completely agree. God is good.
Psalm 52: 8b I trust in the steadfast love of God forever and ever.
9 I will thank you forever,
because you have done it.
I will wait for your name, for it is good,
in the presence of the godly.
God is SO good! :-) I'm so thankful ya'll are home and she is doing so well! :-) She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL!
Harper is throwing up the "Hook 'em" sign! It looks like you will have to have that heart to heart...I knew I loved that girl! Beauty & Brains! :-) HA!
Kelly!! Praise God! Seeing these picture have warmed my heart and I am so happy that you all are home safe and sound, the way it should be. Blessings to you as you begin your new lives together as a family of three. By the way, I love Harpers little hat! So precious!!!
WELCOME HOME!!!!! GO HOGS!! (you have to start teaching her woo pig sooie very soon)
Rejoicing with you!!!
He is Faithful and Good!!
Love and Prayers,
Today is an awesome day! It is Harper's first day at home and it is my baby boy's 10th birthday. February 5th is always a fave day of mine! Praise God you are finally home! What a relief for you all. Have fun getting settled in and starting your new life with your precious girl! I am so happy for you.
Chele, KS
I'm so thrilled you finally got to bring the sweet little girl home. She is a testament to the power of God and prayer. You are all truly blessed.
Oh, precious girl, welcome home. You're right. GOD IS GOOD!
GOD IS SO GOOD!!! enjoy every moment and take a few days in your pj's!
Hi, Kelly,
I've been following your story for the past month. I am so happy for you. You are going to be the BEST mother in the world. You inspire me to be a better mother to my two girls...I hope you have a great first weekend home with your BEAUTIFUL baby girl.
Just one more comment...you are beautiful and you're daughter is beautiful...but I must tell you I think she gets her looks from Scott :). She looks just like him to me!!! I'm sure he will love hearing that! Precious, precious baby (and mom and dad)..
Best Wishes,
Stephanie Gonzalez (Collierville, TN)
There is NOTHING like home! God is the God of Miracles!!!
I'm so glad your family is home safe and sound! What a fun momma and daddy you 2 will be!
I hope you stay in your PJs all weekend! I'm loving the bows you put in Harper's hair. It reminds me of the huge bows I put in my daughter's hair. My motto was: The bigger the better! ha... Harper is a lucky little lady and I know you will be a great mother!
I'll continue watching for updates on your little princess and life in your house!
By the way, I saw your recipe blog and printed them for future preparation. Wow... How lucky your hubby and daughter are to have you!! ...smile...
Congrats to you all..Enjoy EVERY Moment of her!!!
Congratulations on bringing your baby girl home!! Let the dress up begin:)
Cedar Park, TX
God is AMAZING!!!! You enjoy that beautiful little girl. Love the socks. My son had some that were tennis shoes.
Praise God!!! She is so sweet and adorable! I love her little dress and hat. I'm happy for you guys! Enjoy being at home!!!
Yay!!!!!!!!! So glad ya'll are home safe and sound! Congrats to that BEAUTIFUL family of 3!
YYYYAAAAAAYYYYYYYYY!!!!!! i cannot tell you how happy i was when i read this post! GOD IS GOOD!!! =) all of our many many prayers were answered! sooo happy for you guys!
congratulations!!! so happy that you are taking home a beautiful HEALTHY little girl! God is so good!
Awesome! So glad you guys are home. Enjoy it!
Congratulations! I am so glad that you are all home. Enjoy your sweet baby girl!
I'm sort've a new reader and I had no idea you guys where in Arkansas! No wonder Miss Harper is so strong she's an Arkansas Girl!
I'm so happy that God our prayers, He is amazing.
Praise the Lord, he is awsome!!!!
Yea!!!! I have so happy for you all. God is so good! He is the perfect healer! You will be a great mom and do just fine being at home with her.
I love your blog, but most of all your faith and love for the Lord. I hope one day I will get to meet you.
My Memaw made me a cape just like that. Must have been a popular pattern back then. Congrats on being home.She is a beautiful baby.
She is such a doll!!! Precious, precious! My daughter had those little Mary Jane socks and I LOVED them so much!!!
Congrats on being home.
Harper is the best dressed baby I've ever seen! She is absolutely adorable!
I love the socks/shoes! She is beautiful! Harper is a true example of God's power! He is good! You have a beautiful family!
Welcome home Harper!!
Praise God! We have been praying for your family for the past few weeks.
You have a living doll. LOVE her dress and all of her fab accessories! Future Miss Arkansas fo sho! ;-)
Enjoy it!
Melissa Roark
Indianapolis, IN
Praise the Lord, and welcome home Harper!
Aw Kelly! I've been praying for you ever since Angie tweeted about you when Harper was born. Praying you have a peaceful night and wonderful days to come!!
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