I really miss church. I haven't been in 5 weeks now and I miss it so much. I'm hoping by the next week or so I will get to go. I'm just so scared to go and bring home any germs and right now I know I need to be with Harper. But OH I miss my church. I spent some time this morning just thanking God for our miracle and crying. I think God kept me from realizing how close we came to losing her but when I think about it - I'm just so amazed at what God did.
I also want to tell you that Harper is doing so much better. She has been such a good baby lately. She is sleeping a lot more and crying a lot less. She came home from the hospital on two reflux medicines so that's under control but I have adjusted my diet some and I think she just needed to adjust to being home. We are blessed!

The prayer blog has been updated but I hate to do this - if you e-mailed me in the last month (since Harper has been born) and asked to be added - even if I responded to you- can you e-mail me one more time and put "prayer blog" in the subject line? I'll get you added this week. I've just been buried in e-mail and can't seem to get dug out so I want to start fresh on that because it's important to me that you all get on that list so we can be praying.
Also - who is an Amazing Race fan???? A new season starts tonight and I'm so excited! That is one of my other favorite shows! They end the season in Maui, Hawaii (one of my favorite places). I'm sure it will be a good season. That is the reality show I would most want to be on. I'm curious - What reality show would you want to be on if you had to pick (and please tell me it's nothing from VH1 or MTV. ha!) (The VH1 reality shows are the WORST)!
P.S. Please keep this family in your prayers - go and read about their baby and pray for them.
I missed church this morning because of a runny nose, so I can't imagine how you feel after 5 Sundays!
Can't wait to throw my name in the hat for the yummy treats!
Have a great Sunday!
I love Amazing Race too... :) My hubby and I have it set up on the DVR so it can record for a little bit then we will start to watch it so we can go right through the commercials. :) I would love to be on that reality show with him just to see if we could do it. :) hehe Harper looks like she is doing just great!!
She is SUCH a doll! I think she looks like Scott... does other people think so?? =)
Have a great night!
PS - what are you thinking about American Idol???
I went to church today after 3 weeks of missing it w/ a sick baby and then a sick me..was nice to be back.
I'll be back for chocolate later!!
My family always says that me and my hubby should be on Amazing Race, and although I love him, I would worry that we would fight too much. I think he drives too slow, and it would be so much pressure. And I could never do Survivor. I love my reality shows but I am not sure if there is one that I would do!
I love the amazing race, I am so excited for it to start! I also agree that this would be my one show I would want to be on! I would love to travel and see everything!! It would be amazing!
I know how you feel. My son was and still is sick a lot, and I've had to miss church. It's amazing how you miss it so much! My favorite part is the praise and worship. :) Have a great evening, BTW, Harper is such a doll!
Millie and Colin-HLHS
Hi Kelly-
Praising God for Harper and her miracle healing. Glad you are home. Is Dawson home with you now?
I'd be on Survivor..only because I would HATE HATE HATE every minute of it (I'm a priss and have to shower and shave and be clean) and I hate bugs, and I am afraid of bad water and icky food. It would challenge me so much to be there. I'd have to REALLY depend on God every minute of every day. Plus, to be away from my husband and kids...icky!
Hugs from Michigan
Oh, I had forgotten that AR starts tonight!! YAY! The DVR has been set for days, but I'm so glad you reminded me!
I would love to go on AR but I don't think I have the patience. Plus I don't do well when I don't sleep. LOL
My husband and brother would be a great team. They're cute, funny, patient, and good with directions.
I can't say I blame you for missing church, you don't want to bring any germs home! I love the amazing race, and have missed the last few seasons. I always thought that would be fun to go on with my husband.
I am so excited for the Amazing Race! I have been anxiously awaiting this season and cannot wait to see the teams this go-around.
And chocolate is just what I need right now...nursing school is kicking my rear!
Little Harper is just so beautiful! I have been following your journey with her and God has just been so faithful. I love checking in daily to see the new pics. I am so happy for you and your family!
Well, I would NOT be interested in being on Flavor of Love thats for sure. If I was a star it would be Dancing with the Stars...I want to be able to move gracefully like that. When we had Lilly, we didn't get out of the house for 8 weeks--not to church, a restaurant,the mall, nada!! I was one day away from going crazy!!! Heard Brayden gets to go home tomorrow..praises just keep on coming. Oh yeah, my favorite reality show is American Idol.
That first picture is birth annoucement worthy!!! It is just precious!!
Harper is gorgeous and I thank God for her health also.
I LOVE the Amazing Race. I'm anxious to watch tonight.
Today was the first Sunday in three weeks that my husband and I were able to attend church. We have both been sick and not able to stop coughing long enough to attend. We loved being back and feel so much better. Here's hoping you get back soon.
Take care this week!
Karen Needham
Mine is Amazing Race too! Love that show!
HI Kelly: I have been following your post(s) and think you are amazing!!! (I got on by another post I was visiting :) ANYWAYS since you have everything with HARPERS name on it - which is absolutley adorable.. I wondered if you would be interested in her name for her room? I sell uppercase living and you can personalize anything with it..ex walls-glass- wood etc. here is my web site if you are interested... www.amy.stamm@insightbb.com dont know if you have ever heard of it or not-- just leave me a note and I would be glad to send you a catalog or give you my UL website-thanks! Keep Posting those darling pic. thanks! AMY from INDIANA
I wanted to let you know that you are an inspiration to all who read your blog. Your little Harper really made me start praying again. (I have not been praying much in the last few years) I prayed every night for your little one when you were in the hospital and I keep your family in my prayers daily.
As my husband and I go through infertility treatments--I decided that you have met soooo many good friends, why not start a blog as well. So here I am being so thankful that I have found your blog and your sweet little girl.
Thanks for all you have done with the birth of your miracle baby. She looks sooooo sweet.
i'm not sure i could do the amazing race, but i'd like to try. after having kids germs kind of freak me out and going all over the world would probably make me scared of picking up some strange virus :)
it's not on anymore, but i used to watch The Mole...do you remember that show? i would like that one because it would be fun to try and figure out all those clues. (when i was little i used to play detective :))
OOOOHHHH, I LOVE Amazing Race!!! I want to be on that show for three reasons - to show that Christians aren't all hypocrits (although I do think alot of that is editing!!), to show that there ARE married couples in the world who can do it without biting each others heads off and just to be with my man for all of that time!!! Although when we saw them jumping off of the bridge in the preview we did have a serious "discussion" over who woulda been the one jumping!
Ummm, yeah, NOT me!!!
I would want to be on the Apprentice, just so I could learn some of "The Don's" business secrets...lol!
That picture of Harper today is just precious! I have just recently started reading your blog. My girlfriend asked for prayer for Harper on her blog when Harper was 3 days old with a link to your blog. I started reading your blog and saw how open you are with your testimony. It really has helped me through a time when my husband has been unemployed. You inspired me to tell my story of our struggle and trusting in God during times of adversity. So I've started a blog now. I don't know if it will touch anyone else, but I feel like I have to put myself out there. Show God's blessings that He has given us.
Anyway...I love Amazing Race too! My husband and I went out after the last season to buy a video camera so we can do an application video for the Race! We haven't done it yet, but we will!
I've been reading each post for over a month now without commenting, but that top photo of Harper is so stunning I had to tell you!! You've got to frame that one. She is definitely a keeper! My favorite reality show is the one that plays out in my own life every day - hee hee :)
Kelly- I've been following your blog ever since Harper was born:) We have been and will continue to pray like crazy for Harper. My daughter, Avery, is 11 weeks old today so ya'lls story nailed me in the heart! Anyway, Avery has that same tummy time mat from Boppy and she HATED it when she was Harper's age (ha...they're only a few weeks apart). It wasn't until about 7 or 8 weeks that she actually would hang out and enjoy it. Just thought you'd like to know that tummy time does get better!!!
Harper really is such a beautiful little baby! She photographs very well! I'm so glad to read that she's doing great! I hated reading about a sick baby!
Well...I'd be on The Biggest Loser, just so I could shed some dang pounds! I hope that Bob would be my trainer :)
But, I would love to be on The Amazing Race for selfish reasons. How amazing would it be to have the opportunity to travel around the world? AMAZING! Plus, doing it with a loved one would make it even more wonderful.
As for you precious baby girl, I am so excited to see how she grows and changes. From the sweet pictures that you have posted, it seems that she has a wonderful disposition. She's always so alert! And those eyes...Scott had better be ready to beat the boys down! They are going to flock to Harper!
Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!
I don't watch a whole lot of reality TV, but the show I've always wanted to be on is "Don't Forget The Lyrics". I know it's not a reality show, but I love music and know the words to A LOT of songs...I think I'd do well on it.
Praise God For Harper's Health!!!!
I'd love to do Amazing Race with my best traveling partner - my hubby but probably should do Biggest Loser instead.:)
Harper is beautiful. My daughter was a crier too (8 yrs later - still is).
Harper is such a doll!
Oooo, my hubs and I LOVE Amazing Race! During episodes, we've many-a-time discussed what our strategy would be. We're big fans!
I can understand your longing to go to church...but you're right about needing to be with Harper and keeping her healthy. She truly is a miracle!
Enjoy the TV tonight! :-)
Hi Kelly,
I finally joined the world of blogging!! I am still trying to figure all this out. It will take some time I am sure. Harper is so adorable. I am so happy she is home and doing so well. I pray for her everyday. As for reality TV I don't really watch it but if I could I would love to be on Criminal Minds or CSI New York.
Linda (Illinois)
Our church has the sermon online, so if I can't be there due to sick kids, etc. I can listen to it online. Maybe yours does, too? It may be nice for Harper to listen to as she eats or you two have time together? Just a thought. All three of you are such a blessing! :)
I totally understand the missing church feeling. I too stayed home today with a sick child. It always feels like something is missing when you are out. But, oh, the joy of going back. You'll get there soon enough.
Hey, I just wanted to tell you that I love to read your blog and get updates on your life and Harper! She is so precious and such a gift from God!
If I had to pick a reality TV show it would be the Amazing race!
We went to Maui on our honeymoon and cant wait to go back!
Harper is just beautiful!
I am so glad she is better. I had a fussy baby for 5 months, and it is no fun!
I would love to be on Dancing with the Stars....but it is a pipe dream because I'm a terrible dancer!
The first picture of Harper made me melt. Love those baby lips!
I'm not outdoorsy enough for The Amazing Race or Survivor. Battling the sales is more my style! What Not to Wear is my dream show.. I mean who wouldn't want to meet Stacy and Clinton AND get $5000 to shop with?!?!
Harper is such a doll! So excited we get to see her grow up!
What a great giveaway! You had better believe I'll be entering tomorrow!
The idea of being on Survivor is fun to think about, but I'd never make it!
I have to admit when I saw the tv listings I was saying woohoo about Amazing RAce. If I had the chance to go on one show it would be the Biggest Loser.
I am so happy that Harper is out of the hospital and doing great. She is a miracle!
Kelly, That first picture of Harper is a keeper! I would blow that up and frame it for sure. She is gorgeous in all her pictures but that one just captures a something so special:)
I'd love to be on American Idol ... only as a judge though :) I love to sing.. but don't have an ... angelic voice by any stretch of the imagination :D
My babies never liked tummy time either!!
She's absolutely perfect. Isn't God amazing!?
I think I would have to go on The Amazing Race... I couldn't do the hot/cold of Survivor (or the nasty eating challenges!) and I'm not extremely talented, so I couldn't do American Idol or So You Think You Can Dance...
Maybe if they created a show for people who could carry a tune and dance okayish... I could maybe win that one!
Harper is precious! I know what you mean about missing church... We skipped all of November and most of December!
I missed church today because I have the flu. It's really hard to miss because I sing in our praise band and I hate to let them down! I'm so glad that Harper is doing better. She has been in my prayers.
I would go on American Idol ONLY if I could be in the top 10!
I found your blog the day that Harper was born and have been following every since. You've got one stylish little girl. ;)
I hope that you'll start updating your recipe blog too. I made the enchiladas tonight and loved every bite! Blessings to you!
Harper is just so beautiful! The first picture is my favorite. Just do tummy time a little bit at a time. It takes awhile but she will eventually love it. I am so happy she is home where she belongs.
Bless her little tummy-time hatin' heart!!! It looks like she was trying to like it in the first picture on the boppy!
But that little homegirl still manages to look adorable - even while voicing her concerns. :-) I just love the little zip up sweater.
And that first picture? Oh, be still my heart.
She looks like her pretty momma!!
We finally made it back to church service this week after several weeks of just Sunday School. We are in the process of adjusting Aaron to church from the nursery. It is a challenge but he really enjoys music so he sits for that and he is really interested in the pipe organ he knows the organist very well and she is wonderful to let him check things out after the service each time.
I didn't even realize The Amazing Race was on until a few hours ago! I end up missing most of the fall seasons because they are late with football. I agree that this would be the reality show I would want to be on! Especially after seeing the episode with the safari a couple of years ago. Harper looks adorable as always!
I'd like to be on The Biggest Loser. Not because I need to lose any weight but just to learn to exercise and eat properly. I'd love to have the TIME to exercise!
Thanks for your sweet email earlier today about maternity clothes. I look forward to your updates every day!
An Amazing Race fan here! One possibility for church - change immediately when you get home. A lot of preemie parents (I know Harper was no preemie) have other children and that is one thing that they have them do when returning from school. Keep the Purell handy. Hand washing is really what matters almost more than anything.
Harper is a cutie and it's so good to hear she is doing well. As far as chocolate and the Amazing Race - LOVE them both! Amazing Race is THE show I would most definitely try out for, I think it would be such a blast!
So glad to hear that Harper is doing so much better. If the reflux continues to be an issue, consider trying a baby hammock for sleeping such as the Amby Baby Hammock (www.ambybaby.com). They work wonders for reflux babies and babies with other sleep difficulties. We used one for our son and it was WONDERFUL!! You can find them on e-bay as well. Continuing prayers for Harper and your whole family.
I am so glad you all are doing so well now!!!! I am so happy for you and I can't wait to see some more pics from this week! :-)
The Amazing Race is really awesome for the experience. I definately wouldn't be able to "survive" on survivor. Big Brother would be kinda fun to be on.
Sometimes I feel like I'm dating my TV :)
Harper is SO CUTE!!! I'm so glad she's doing so well!
harper is just precious, kelly. it's so fun getting to know you over this blog. my hubby laughs at me b/c i talk about you and a few others as if you're close friends. i'm so thankful to have the blessing of you and your story in my life.
oh and what tv show? biggest loser...i'm thinking only gillian or bob could motivate me to reeeeally workout! though i'd probably keel over the first day!
I am so excited about the Amazing Race...definitely one of my top reality shows that I like.
Harper is so beautiful! God is good!
when you mentioned that harper wouldn't be able to be around people for a while the first thing i thought about was how much you would miss church. it's hard when you can't get out.
my baby had reflux and i let her sleep on her boppy pillow to prop her up. that seemed to help. i swaddled her in the miracle blanket then put her on the boppy.
All of Harper's pictures are adorable, but I am in love with that first one on this post!!!!!
I would have to pick Dancing with the Stars for my reality show choice. I can't dance, but they look like they are having so much fun!
We love the Amazing Race too. Would go on the family edition in a heartbeat, but would have to drop out if faced with a disgusting food challenge! Give us heights and adventure - not a belly ache. We also love Survivor and American Idol. I do not allow our TV to ever land on MTV. That is pure trash television!
I've never watched Amazing Race. But I love Survivor and pretty much any other reality show. I think it would be interesting to be on Wife Swap. Don't tell my husband...he'd hate it! ;-)
Glad Harper is doing better, she sure is a honey!
I love Amazing Race and I'm watching it right now. I would love to be on this show. I also get hooked on Big Brother. I don't know if I could do that show, too many wackos and to live with them for that long. I think I would be voted out quickly.
So glad to hear everyone is adjusting at the Stamps house. When you think about it... Harper has to get used to all of you as well as y'all getting used to her. But, soon you won't remember what y'all ever did before her!!
You know I'm an Amazing Race fan. I could NEVER be on that show... too many heights and rotten things to eat. Plus, I don't like to fly!
I guess if I HAD to be on a reality TV show, I'd want to be on Biggest Loser. Tyler does, however, want to be on BIG BROTHER, bad!! You have to be 21 and he's almost 20, so we'll see how that goes.
Oh! Allikaye had that same Boppy tummy time pad! Memories! My hubby and I actually tried out for the Amazing Race...didn't make it, obviously, but want to try again when the girlie is older! I love that show!!!
It's such a blessing to see sweet Harper! I check for updates daily so I can see her sweet smiling healthy face! :) Yum can't wait to try and win chocolate!!! And I love watching Supernanny but hope to NEVER be on it! hehe :)
SO glad Harper is feeling better and crying less. She is such a cutie!
Honey, I missed at least that much church when I had my baby girl. I know it's tough not being able to go and worship, but you'll be back before you know it.
I just want to eat Harper up...she is seriously such a gorgeous baby.
I LOVE Amazing Race...it just started here a few minutes ago - so excited! I'd love to be on The Biggest Loser - not that I'd really qualify, but I'd be able to lose the weight that I need to in like 3 or 4 weeks, which would be so awesome! :) Plus I just love Bob and Jillian.
I would LOVE to be on Extreme Makeover home edition as someone who is helping to build- I don't need a new house. I would love to be involved in that wonderful madness!
I would love to be on the Amazing Race too! I actually keep waiting to see if they have the applications posted for next season yet online. My sister and I plan to try out. I really think it would be great if we could get on.
Oh my goodness, did you see them bungee jump tonight? I don't know if I would have it in me to do that!
I am so glad that Harper is doing so much better. What a sweet baby. Thank you for sharing updates and photos of her.
I would love to do the Biggest Loser if they did not make you get 1/2 naked to do the weigh in. I need to lose about 40 lbs and I need a good kick in the butt! HA! HA!
Definitely Amazing Race!!!
I would like most to be on Amazing Race too. Although I'd be afraid my husband and I would be like that couple that Dr. Phil did an intervention with. Remember that? Oh my, we do not handle stressful situations the same ... makes for a little too much conflict. :) I really wish my parents would do it. They are world travelers, super fit, and have such a beautiful relationship. They are in their 60's, but I think they could be real contenders. :)
I like chocolate right before that special time AND whenever it's in my presence.
I love Harper! Please keep the MOmmy blog going. ;)
I love Amazing Race and it is the one show I would go on! I would love to be on there with one of my brothers! I am really upset thought because I didn't realize it started TONIGHT until I just read it on your blog AN HOUR TOO LATE! UGH! Glad to hear she is adjusting now!
Harper is such a beautiful baby. I am so glad she is home with you all where she belongs. :o) As I was taking a shower this morning, I remembered that the only way we were able to quiet our 3rd child down in the middle of the night was to put her in the shower with Daddy. She LOVED a warm shower! She had some tummy issues, but the minute the warm spray hit her belly she was completely relaxed. There were nights where my husband took 3 showers! We laugh about it now as we remember those times...it actually was a special time for daddy since I was nursing and was usually the one who calmed the baby. And it was a nice break for me too. :o) Just another suggestion. :o)
Reading your blog is my favorite part of the day ♥ and I LOVE the daily pics especially todays :) my brother and I definitely want to be on AR (we are very confident we CAN win) and even though I am 5'7" and tip the scales at barely 125 I would LOVE to have Jillian around for 3 months to whip my bootie into shape and change me eating habits!! How about a Biggest Loser spin-off for those of us who just need to be pushed hard back into shape!!
Love Chocolate ALL the time!!! Is there a "wrong" time?!
If I had to pick, considering I am officially anti-reality show, I would choose to have a "Queer Eye for the Straight GIRL" premier just for me . . . as it is the only "reality" show I have ever watched, ahem, other than the one Oprah did last year where everyone did stuff for charity . . . loved that one too!
Best wishes for Miss Harper - she's a beauty!!!
I would love to have the body to be on America's Next Top Model. Thankfully, I don't have to be on The Biggest Loser! I would love to have the talent to be on American Idol. I would probably to the best on So You Think You Can Dance! (Amazing Race! Good choice!)
Your Harper is absolutely gorgeous. My refluxing twin didn't like tummy time either. Wait a while until the reflux is better under control to do lots of the tummy time... that position can hurt.
And your remark about realizing after the fact what God has done... I can so relate. I had a high risk pg, but God was SO good to insulate me from fear. It really wasn't until 5 or 6 months after having the twins that I started to realize how scary thing actually had been. God is good. All the time!
I haven't been to church since I had Blair in October. My hubby works on Sundays a lot (farmer), so I have to be home with Blair. I'm like you -- I don't like to go anywhere where there are lots of people. I had to go to a funeral today, and I thought I needed to take a shower when I got home after hugging all those folks!
I love the Amazing Race too. I think it would be the reality show I most would want to be on. My sister and I wanted to apply, but she wasn't old enough. Now I have Blair, so I don't guess I'll be doing that for a while if at all! It seems like there are some good groups this time!
So glad to hear that Harper is getting easier already! You're going to have so much fun!
i had no idea that you were going to write about missing church today when i tell you this! but, how ironic is this?
today i was the teacher in greyson's toddler class. so as we were driving to church this morning, i too was thinking i love being with greyson and his friends helping, but i hate missing the service during church.
guess what or who my next thought was? YOU! :) i immediately thought you know i wonder how long ( because of germs) kelly and scott won't be able to go to church. i wonder how much she is missing her church family, and that closeness to Jesus we feel on a sunday morning.
isn't that neat?
reality shows? i love watching them, but have never had the desire to be on one. Super nanny, Jon & Kate plus 8, and the bachelor are my favs. i haven't watched mtv or vh1 since high school (1994), i feel so old! :)
chocolate? late at night before bed!
have a wonderful week! -tara
That is seriously about how much my 3 daughters liked tummy time too. I'm so glad to hear that things are going better!! I pray for you and your little family all the time. And when you feel good about taking Harper to church is the right time to do it, don't ever do things you feel unsure about. That's the BEAUTIFUL thing about being a mom, what you feel right for your child, IS the right thing to do, even if others disagree. Hang in there, life will only get sweeter!
SO glad Harper is sleeping more for you. It just takes time to get things worked out. After all you guys are getting to know each other and she is getting used to her new home. Isn't it amazing to think about. Sleeping on the boppy after nursing....WOW can I tell you how many times that happened with my past 3 children in their first 3 months...LOTS!!!! TAke it when you can get it and that is almost always a perfect time!
I think I would like to be on Next Food Network Star. It would be scary, but the one I am best suited for. If not that maybe just a gameshow like Deal or No Deal or Who Wants to be a Millionaire. Goofy Girl!!
I know how hard it is to miss church, it just fills our cup! I almost missed today because I was a little bit under the weather and I would have missed the biggest blessing ever! Celia Whitler was singing at our church. Head over to my blog at hargrovescrambledeggs.blogspot.com
to see.
Kelly it is hard to miss church. But I will tell you the health of that sweet angel is so important as you know it. I promise time will fly by before you know it. I was able to listen to ours via podcast and it still isn't the same.
We had to wait 5months before we could take the twins to nursing room. It was so hard. But God will fill your cup because you desire it so.
SURVIVOR!!!! We are huge survivor fans! The Amazing Race would be next, it would be great cause I could be on it with my hubby! Your Harper is gorgeous and growing so fast! It won't be long and it'll be spring time and getting her out will be easier! God bless!
Hi Kelly! I'm a new "commenter," but not too new to your blog. I jumped over to it from Angie Smith's when Harper was born. I have been praying for your sweet family and have enjoyed keeping up with you. She really is a beautiful baby! You are blessed! I have also enjoyed your recipe blog and have even tried a few-- the red velvet balls and surprise cupcakes were HUGE hits at a Kelly's Kids party I hosted. THanks for sharing!!
If I could be on a reality show it would be The BIggest Loser. I have some leftover weight from four years of infertility treatments (the hormones killed me) and then carrying twins. They are four now, so I'm starting to get a little too comfortable with my extra rolls!
Anyway.. thanks for allowing me to follow your sweet family!
Holly Knowlton
Gadsden, AL
I love the Amazing Race....it's my favorite reality show ever! Although, TOP CHEF and DEADLIEST CATCH are close runner's up!! Along then with SURVIVOR, HELL's KITCHEN, and ICE ROAD TRUCKERS!! That should be enough....don't ya think? The pics of Harper are simply adorable...and the changing table is phenominal!!! Can I hire him???
Have a wonderful week and hopefully you'll get back to church soon!
Kelly I have been out of church for about 2 yrs. me and my daughter only get to go on Sunday night for 40 minutes-- due to her my daughters situation--so I do know what you are going through. Just know that God is right there with you. Remember we are the church and where ever we are we can have church. Just put you some music or sermons on and you will have it going on.
Glad you guys had a great valentine's day! I made some adorable cookies for my family and used your royal icing recipe. Glad she is sleeping better for you! Harper is precious and has such a beautiful face!
I promise I've been keeping up, it's just been so hard to get time to then leave a comment because I've been soooooo busy with my brand new nephew. Seriously, sister, I totally know what you mean when you say, "I only have 7 minutes to post!" and you aren't even exaggerating! I know the feeling, only my nephew...isn't even my own little one! :) Anyways, so glad to hear that Harper is doing better. She is absolutely gorgeous. Breathtaking. Beautiful. Yes, I could go on, but I think you know what I mean! :)
Can't wait for the chocolate yumminess to begin! It would be so awesome to win a whole basket of goodies!
Well, I better run...my sister is taking off her steri-strips and Jorgen is wanting Auntie to hold him. I only have 2 more days with him so time is precious!
Love you so much!
Jess :)
So happy that Harper is doing better and it sounds like mommy is too! You've all been in our prayers and are truly a testimant to God's grace and miracles!
Thanks for sharing your life with all of us in blog land!
Does your church broadcast or offer CD's of the sermon? That might get you by until your return. Or even have someone deliver the bulletin.
Enjoy your little miracle!
I feel for you, not being able to go to church. I would miss mine, as well.
The first pic of Harper is so good...she is so pretty, Kelly. You guys did good. :)
She is truly God's little miracle.
I hope that you will be able to go to church next week. It makes me sad that you cannot go, but I totally understand why you cannot take Harper because my cousin got RSV from the nursery at church when she was a newborn. I am also loving the tummy time pictures!
Harper is looking so beautiful. I just had my baby on tuesday and have been having fun catching up on your blog. She has such a pretty smile. I hope that you are able to go to church next week.
I love the Amazing Race! I just watched it and I think it is going to be a great season!
Harper looks beautiful, even when she is crying!! (not really, sweet thing).
I hope you can go to church soon...
I LOVE The Amazing Race. Its the best.
I like American Idol sometimes. Its according about the season/contestants.
Your baby girl is so cute!
SO GLAD TO HEAR HARPER IS DOING GREAT! I was feeling your pain and praying for you as well. Harper just get more beautiful every day if that is possible. God Bless you Kelly! Your faith is so incredible. God is so good.
Oh I just love the pictures you post! Charlotte didn't like tummy time that much either, but eventually she got used to it. Audrey on the other hand HATES being on her back, already! Only a week old, and she LOVES being on her belly!!
I joke with my husband about being on the Amazing Race. But I don't think I would do it if given the opportunity! He would love it, but I am not that adventurous! But, I guess that would be about the only one I would do...most of the others are about dating or it's survivor..and I DEF. couldn't do either of those!! haha
So glad that Harper is doing better and getting over all her fussiness! I know that is hard on Harper and mommy! I am a reality tv junkie! My all time favorite is Big Brother. Can't imagine being on it, but I love watching it! I did watch Amazing Race tonight and those challenges were unbelievable! I was exhausted just from watching them! My 2 year old son has lots of resp problems so we have to miss out on church a lot, so I know how hard it is. We went this morning and of course he got sick in the middle of church and we had to get up. Can't win for losing.
Hi Kelly. I just recently started reading your blog when Angie (Audrey Caroline) linked to your blog when Harper was born. I have loved keeping up with your little girl-I am so glad she is better!
I just had a baby girl 8 months ago. Before she was born, I was on bed rest for 3 1/2 months, and 2 months after she was born, she was in the hospital for a week. I totally understand missing church so much. Some things that helped me: does your church put the service on tape/cd? I loved listening, even if I couldn't be there. Also, on Sunday mornings on a cable channel we get, Beth Moore (if you've never heard of her, check her out, she's awesome) has a show and it is just wonderful and uplifting. Hang in there, and I promise the first time you get to go back to church will be so worth it. Everyone will love seeing your beautiful little girl, and you will have so much fun showing her off that you won't stop smiling for days :). Been there, done that :)....and I still don't get tired of showing her off! I start thinking about what she's wearing to church next Sunday on Monday! Okay, sorry this is so long. Keep blogging, because I love reading!
I am so glad to hear that Harper is doing better. I am sure that a lot of it was just getting adjusted to being home and the general quiet of a house versus a hospital.
She is so precious!
I LOVE the Amazing Race!!! I think it is probably close to the only reality show that I would be a part of. My husband and I actually downloaded the application and filled it out several years ago, but never sent it in because the months of filming were going to require that we be gone for Thanksgiving and Christmas. If we were selected it would have probably required me to practically quit my job too. It just wasn't the right time. And then...we got pregnant. So, now we just watch and dream about the possibility of doing something like that in the future.
How is Mr. Dawson doing these days? I am expecting in a few weeks and wondering how my first babies (shih tzus) are going to adjust to our new little one.
You know, I was going to send you an email about reflux and maybe that is why she was crying so much! Poor lil punkin! My niece was born premature - but 8 lbs (oops she was a chunk- hee hee hee)- she had some minor problems at birth- nothing like lil Harper- but nonetheless had acid reflux. It took awhile to adjust her meds and formula but she soon found relief and that calmed her down so much. THe specialist my sister brought her to told us that at 6 months she'd be considerably better and I swear to you--- it was like 6 months to the day- she had no more reflux!
I'm so glad she isn't crying as much and you know, it might just have been something as simple as getting into a routine at home and just adapting to her new surroundings.
She really is so beautiful! That first picture is just precious!
Love to all of you!
XOXOXO Taryn in NY
Hi, sweet mama!
ok.. i know what you mean about the church thing. It just is such a breath of fresh air to finish the week off! Listen, go to www.Newspring.cc and watch Perry Noble's sermons.. its in Anderson SC- he is a.m.a.z.i.n.g! We go there as often as we can, but i watch his sermons as much as possible- its updated every Tuesday with the new sermon, but you can catch up on all the older ones too!! I promise you - you'll get addicted ( you can watch while feeding your lil bug ;)
As for reality shows! LOVE real housewives on BRAVO! OC housewives are my FAVORITE!!
Hope your week rocks!
LOVE the Amazing Race- we are so excited for a new season starting up! Also, I so identify with what you said about God keeping you from knowing how close you came to losing Harper. We were in the same boat with our Eli- God's mercies brought us through that difficult time, and now we can look back and see His truly miraculous provision for our son. Praise Him!
Amazing Race.. I LOVE it. And, I joke that me and my husband need to go on it.
Girl, I know how much you must miss your church, but you'll be back there before you know it :o) Love you, my friend, and those pics are precious!!! :o)
I love the Amazing Race too! I would pick that as the show to go on, with my husband as my partner. We work really well together as a team (well obviously, since we are married lol) but that show looks like a ton of fun.
She looks so much more content in the pictures. I'm so happy for you guys getting back into a routine!
LOVE the Amazing Race! Every Sunday we have two other couples over to watch and we all pick our favourite teams!
Amazing Race is my very favorite!
Glad Harper is doing better and you're all getting some more rest! :)
Harper is so precious! Don't feel bad.. they never like tummy time. Every mom out there gets the same reaction!
I actually turned on Amazing Race tonight and realized I missed it by an hour... I saw them at the pit stop. BUMMER.
Come on... you don't like "from G's to Gents" or "My Boyfriend's a TOOL"?? I have to agree with you! Our favorite is Americas Next Top Model... seriously a great one!
Love the picture of Harper smiling on the tummy pillow!!!
She is gorgeous!!
I, too, love The Amazing Race, but I am much too high maintenance to go on any type of Survivor or Race kind of shows. I'd love to be on What Not To Wear because I consider myself to be highly fashion impaired. :)
I've missed church for weeks now, too, as I have been undergoing medical treatments. I listen to sermons online, but there is nothing like being with my hubby and little ones in our worshipping community.
Your Harper is gorgeous (as are you). Praying she will continue to do well for you and that you'll soon be able to all go to church together.
I finally joined the blog world. Your blog has been so much fun to read and in the past weeks such an inspiration. The pictures of Harper light up my day. Come and visit my blog when you have a chance. I know your time is very limited right now.
Poor pitiful Miss Harper!!!! How does she make it through the day??
Y'all are so blesed and Harper is a miracle. And gorgeous!
HGTV- one of those shows where a skilled designer redecorates a room in my home. Is that reality enough? I haven't seen many of these shows because we don't have a TV. But I can tell you plenty about Miss Pattycake or Thomas the Train!
I absolutely LOVE AR!!! Like you, that is the one reality show I would love to be on! I'm cheering for Margie and Luke (the mother/son team). Glad to know that Harper is adjusting. Will keep you in my prayers!
Love the Amazing Race! I already have a favorite couple! After seeing the bungee jumping from the bridge, I realized that I could NEVER be a contestant! I can't wait for Celebrity Apprentice! Harper is just beautiful...what a doll baby!
I think she was just having a hard time adjusting to being home.
And I think I'll leave the chocolates for someone else...I REALLY need to lose some more weight and the chocolate wouldn't help at all!
We sang this hymn in church today and it really touched my heart. Wanted to share it. Am here praying!
1. Speak, O Lord, Thy servant heareth,
To Thy Word I now give heed;
Life and spirit Thy Word beareth,
All Thy Word is true indeed.
Death's dread power in me is rife;
Jesus, may Thy Word of Life
Fill my soul with love's strong fervor
That I cling to Thee forever.
2. Oh, what blessing to be near Thee
And to hearken to Thy voice!
May I ever love and fear Thee
That Thy Word may be my choice!
Oft were hardened sinners, Lord,
Struck with terror by Thy Word;
But to him who for sin grieveth
Comfort sweet and hope it giveth.
3. Lord, Thy words are waters living
Where I quench my thirsty need;
Lord, Thy words are bread life-giving,
On Thy words my Soul doth feed.
Lord, Thy words shall be my light
Through death's vale and dreary night;
Yea, they are my sword prevailing
And my cup of joy unfailing.
4. Precious Jesus, I beseech Thee,
May Thy words take root in me;
May this gift from heaven enrich me
So that I bear fruit for Thee!
Take them never from my heart
Till I see Thee as Thou art,
When in heavenly bliss and glory
I shall greet Thee and adore Thee.
Prayer Bears
My email address
So happy to read that your sweet little girl is settling in.
And, so glad you got out for a Valentine's Day lunch. Aren't grandparents great?
Love, Joyce
I wish us Canadians could go on Amazing Race....it's my fave!
Loved it tonight!
Glad you got out for a date night!
Kelly, one thing I do when I take Benaiah out (for when you finally get to take her to church)...is that I put him in a bundle suit and leave him all bundled up. If someone picks him up, they aren't really touching anything that he'll stick in his mouth. I am not a super protective mom but it is flu season....and I don't stick him in the nursery. We are amazing race fans. Wish we could get it here. Ross and I said we'd win it hands down, for it is our life...running for planes, grabbing tickets, not knowing the language of the taxi driver, etc. We love it!
First time I am leaving a comment but I have been reading since a few days after sweet Harper was born. I have and will contiue to be parying for your precious family. She is a doll!
Those pictures are precious!
Amazing Race is my very favorite reality show as well! I LOVE it! I thought the 1st show was really funny...especially with the cheese rolling down the huge hill. Hilarious!
I'm sorry you keep having to miss church. I don't like that feeling either! Hopefully soon!
I am so glad that Harper is settling in. Those first few days at home are always the hardest!
Harper is beautiful! She has the most precious face and I love hearing about your days with her. I am a first time Meme and I love reading about her and I am sharing them with my daughter who is the first time mommy.
Kelly-Thank you for sharing your lives with us. It has been an honor to pray for your family. I love seeing GOd work in other people's lives.
The Amazing Race is my favorite show. I love seeing how different people interact. Although I would love to go on the show, I don't think my husband and I would do good. We are both competitive and I have been known to mess up on directions before. I don't know if it would be good for our marriage. :)
Thank you again for sharing your life with us and I think Harper is just adroable! Oh, and for chocolate, I LOVE it. :) Even when I diet I allow myself to have some chocolate (hot cocoa, real chocolate, anything chocolate is good for me). :)
She is SO beautiful! I love her!
MAUI?????? I must go back soon!! I love Amazing Race but totally forgot to watch it last night!
For Disciple Now one year our Theme was The Amazing Race. This got most of our leadership team hook on the amazing race. I love the Bachelor also. But my all time fav is Jon & Kate plus 8.
So glad Harper is doing better! My oldest son was on a couple of reflux medicines when he was teeny, too! Probably the same ones as Harper!! They worked wonders! I hated putting him on meds, but he was like a different baby when he was on them!! :)
In real life....Amazing Race!
In my fantasy world....American Idol!! (I can't carry a tune in a bucket, but I do lots of practicing in the shower!!)
I love amazing race and i think that i would love to be on that reality show. Of course I started watching Real World on MTV YEARS ago (shame, shame)...but couldn't be on that one. I LOVE chocolate, and those are the best. I guess the best time to enjoy the treat is when the kids are asleep and my four year old can't get to them!! Sooooo glad that Harper is doing better, I started thinking I bet she was so cranky b/c she was getting some of those meds out of her system and she was used to being held all the time. She is ADORABLE...hope you can go to church soon, maybe you could go, sneak in the back and then leave before you got around too many germs! :)
It sounds like you had a really nice, romantic weekend ;)! The changing table your dad made is absolutely ADORABLE and it will be so beneficial over the years.
I am so happy that Harper is doing better! Praise God!
I have always wanted to be on Amazing Race since the show began and seriously considered it until I got cancer in my leg and that stopped that idea, so I guess I was on my own Amazing Race and God healed me, so, Amen. :)
Have a great week!
I am a big fan of The Amazing Race and the young man and his mom, who came in first last night, are from my town! I am the proud parent of two boys with Down syndrome and I am excited that this mom and son team is bringing awareness to the abilities of people with disabilities. I hope they win :)
Enjoy that sweet little girl!
Hi Kelly, My name is Terena and we are sisters in Christ. I wanted you to know we have been praying for your family for some time now. My husband was so excited when I told him Harper was coming home. God is sooo good. When you mentioned The Amazing Race, I knew we have a lot in common. WE LOVE THIS SHOW! We DVR it and dare our kids to interrupt ;) Last night was wonderful. I couldn't help but cry when the mom and her son came in first place. AWESOME!!!! I am so happy that the Lord has blessed you and your family and we will continue to pray for you all.
I got your message on my blog and yes I do live in Fayetteville. I'm so glad Harper is sleeping better and crying less...that is definitely a better combo. She probably just had some getting used to home for a little bit.
So, is she ever going to wear anything NOT adorable??? she has looked so sassy everyday since you got to put clothes on her. Hey what kind of mom and baby things are yall going to do after you can get her out of the house? I am having my baby in April and trying to figure out some things to do with him. I did Baby bookworms at the Fayetteville Public Library with my 3 year old when she was a baby, so i'm thinking about doing that, but wanted some more ideas. And maybe we can meet sometime (in a few months) and do something for the tinies.
what a snuggle bug!
We didn't go to church for 4 weeks after Brody was born and I was about to go crazy!! I know you miss your church family so much! Especially, after all they have done for you and Scott while Harper was sick.
You know me, I would LOVE to be on Biggest Loser, but I don't want to have to be fat to be on there. I wish they had BL Pregnancy Weight edition. I would have signed up for that this past fall!!:)
I would want to be on Big Brother. I would love all of the traveling in the Amazing Race but I don't think I could cut it with eating the wierd stuff and all of the pressure.
There is a website for parents with kids who have reflux. Anderson, our son did. It was awful! The website is www.infantreflux.org the message board is great! We tried Anderson on Zantac, Prevacid and none of them worked after a while they wore off. I adjusted my diet b/c of breastfeeding, and got rid of LACTOSE or milk, which was our enemy. Also try music, Anderson LOVED Mr. Sandman, the 1950's song, we listened to it, 100 times daily, but it helped. :) Good luck and I'm glad she's happier!
I love amazing race, but Survivor is my favorite!
When do I need chocolate? Is there ever a bad time? How about when your 10 month old is still getting up hungry in the middle of the night... Or when watching a good chick flick, or when playing cards with they hubby - I'm pretty sure thta chocolate is a staple... I think it's in the bible.
So glad that Harper is doing better and adjusting to life at home. Still praising the Lord that she is at HOME with y'all!
How funny was the cheese challenge on Amazing Race??? Chad and I were rolling on the floor laughing it was so funny!
Unfortunately, I don't think there are many reality shows I could handle. I am the biggest wimp and not a good traveler, so that does not make for a very good competitor ;-)
Glad to hear that Harper is adjusting to being home... I knew she would! You'll get back to church soon enough. HE knows why you're not there and what you're doing is the most important thing right now.
Aren't parents great when they take the kids so you can go out for Valentine's Day? This the first year in I don't know how long that my husband didn't have to work on Valentine's Day and it was nice to be able to go out to dinner with no kids. : )
And Amazing Race ROCKS! My husband always says he'd want to be on Big Brother, but I'd pick Amazing Race.
Chocolate chococalte...yum in any form, from mocha coffe to a yummy ice cream....my fav Peanut M M's.....my fav though Hot Chocolate, snuggled next to the fire.......
God bless you, I have been following your blog since a prayer request was out on a friends blog in California, Harper is beautiful...God is so Good!
Not liking tummy time may have to do with her belly hurting (or reflux). Have you tried putting her with a mirror she can see herself in?
I praise God for your little miracle also - thanks for sharing her with us.
I think I would want to be on the amazing race also! Did you see that bungee jumping they did last night?!? SO awesome! =]
I think I need chocolate the most during finals week, and also the week of track and cross-country districts!
I just recently found your blog and your daughter is absolutely adorable!! I'm so happy for your family that she is home and healthy!!
I would go on the Amazing Race in a heartbeat if I could. I would probably be eliminated first but that's OK. I would still get to meet Phil.
Hey Kelly, Harper is looking so cute in all her outfits! I love the OBU Tri-Chi one, too cute! I pray y'all are adjusting well and taking it one day at a time! :)
Well, I'm 8 days overdue and here in the UK there is no rush to induce, so I'm trusting God that our Baby Girl will arrive SOON. I'm miserable!!! I will see my midwife again on Wednesday and who knows what she will say. The usual timing is 14 days overdue before talk of induction. I really pray that I will not have to be induced. Anyway, not that you wanted to know all of that! Ha.
I wanted to let you know this is a great bow website that makes little snappies for infants hair: http://bows2cute.com/. She has had her stuff chosen to be sent for celebrity gift baskets. Def worth checking out the cute stuff and good prices!
Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!
I know we've never met and you don't know who I am - I found your blog through April's blog (To Live Is To Love) and I have been capivated by you and your family and your too BEAUTIFUL daughter!!! You are such a dear person and I love that you have such strong faith and I know that is why God reward you and Harper both! Not to sound weird but I prayed for Harper from the day I found your blog and I check on you guys daily - I love you all so very much and I am so glad your daughter is going to get to grow up and be your best friend like my Jennie is mine. I think I felt a connection because my Jennie was 9lb 7 oz at birth and there is nothing like a big beautiful daugter to love!!! Jennie will be 21 on March the 19th and I think back on my love for her and I see that kind of love between you and Harper and it makes me so happy!!!
Much love from NC!
Missing church is one of the hardest parts of life with a newborn. With Ben (our oldest) it was almost 3 months before we were all three at church at the same time, with Whitlee it was six weeks and with Annie Grace we were back at church in two. Of course, you have special circumstances. I have to say that God provided in neat ways during those times, so I will pray the same is true for you.
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the changing table...love the look, love that your dad made it, love it!
Jenny Beth Walker
Love Amazing Race! So glad it's back! :)
Glad to hear Harper is doing better! :)
I'm addicted to reality TV also! E! channel has a few that I watch..one being 'Girls' Next Door'. I don't know how "real" it is, but I am constantly curious about these women.
Yah for Harper being home and healthy. Now all of the real fun begins! Congratulations on a beautiful baby girl!
The Amazing Race would have to be my favorite show! The only problem is it always takes so long for us to get it here! Those M & M's look good! - just another thing we won't get here in Australia!!
Kelly - that picture of Harper is BEAUTIFUL...what a great one for birth announcements!!!
I know you are completely busy but I didn't know if you could give a quick summary of what is going on with that family and their precious baby.
Much Love and Many Prayers!
I was in the hospital for 6 weeks before Kate was born - and I missed church terribly! Then, going home and being confined there with a premie - it was so hard. You take for granted how much a part of you that it is!
I love your blog because it showcases not only the story of Harper, but also the faith of her mother who never lost hope. You and your family have touched more people than you will ever know. By the way, Harper is absolutely adorable!
Hi Kelly!! Not sure if you will get this or not, but could you please add me to the prayer blog? My husband and I have been trying to have a baby since May of last year. I bought a Clear Blue Easy Fertility moniter, and for the last 4 cycles, I haven't ovulated. So, I'm seeing a new Ob-Gyn, and we just started all of the fertility testing. Thanks so much! =)
Mmm...the best ones are the Triple Chocolate...just what I need! :-)
I like chocolate all the time. When I'm sad, lonely, mad, hungry, or happy. Chocolate is always a good companion.
I hate missing church too and when I don't go I don't feel normal. My church here in Vegas has podcasts you can download if you miss it or they also have online church which streams live. You should check it out! Their website is www.centralchristian.com
Ha- I feel the same way about Amazing Race. I would never want to be on a reality show....with the exception of Amazing Race. It just looks like so much fun. Though I was about to cry watching that bungee jump- holy moly that looked terrifying! And my cousin (who is closest in age to me so we were like siblings growing up) is deaf (and going blind too- talk about a raw deal!). It felt great to see the deaf guy and his mom come in first after seeing all that my cousin has dealt with in his life.
Miss Kelly- I so need chocolate-- why... well first off what girl doesn't? 2nd, it's the middle of winter up north and I am SICK of it. Yes, I should be thankful for the beauty that God provides day in and day out, but I am simply NOT getting enough sun light. Furthermore, because of this depression episode.. I've been spending lots of time with God praying for numberous families (you & esp. Jess & precious baby Cora) and I believe God wants me to have some Chocolate during my quiet time! LOL
Besides that I'm enjoying watching sweet Harper! I wish my bee bop was as lucky to have so many "name" clothes!
I know how you feel. My sweet baby girl is not aloud out in public due to the risk of RSV. I miss church so much. I love reading your blog, I'm so thankful that you give your readers the choice to read more about families that need prayer for their baby's. I have a hard time reading them and that gives me an option. Being that my water broke at 29 weeks with my first baby and that we lived in the NICU in LR, AR and my daughter (6 weeks) was a preemie as well. Needless to say my anxiety is sometimes hard to control. But God knows that these precious families are always on my mind. Keep writing. It's great to watch Harper grow since she is so close in age to mine.
I so need chocolate cause its pms time again and after 12 years almost trying to get pregnant my monthly visiter who is never welcome drives me to chocolate and I could really use some. {I'm also with the holy enough cold winter in the great white north!!}
{also wanted to tell you I'm so glad your beautiful Harper is home she is seriously so so pretty but so are you so its not hard to see why! You have an awesome blog! I have so enjoyed reading it over the last year through your journey to conceive, to the joy in learning you were finally pregnant and then the heartbreaking things you've had to get through to where you guys are now you are a wonderful family!!
Happy 1 month Harper! You're such a doll...and part of such a beautiful family!
I'm so happy for you - as I went thru years of infertility with no luck but God is in control. I play mother to my niece and nephew and 2 fur-babies.
My life is too busy for TV! But I sure could use some chocolate! I've so enjoyed reading about your wonderful blessing - in Harper.
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