My blog friend Jenna sent this to me when I was pregnant with Harper. SO FUN!

Today is going to be a day of links - I have been bombarded with e-mails and prayer requests lately. Because the little girl above keeps me VERY busy - it's almost impossible for me to reply to many ( if any) of the e-mails but I'm reading them! And when you send me prayer requests - I stop and pray right then for each one - because I do KNOW that prayer is so powerful. I want to link to as many as I can but understand I can't put all requests on here because it would overwhelm me and I would need to hire a secretary. And well - you know we are in a recession so hiring assistants or buying diapers - I have to choose. ha!
I know right now it seems like we are overwhelmed with bad news or things that need prayer and God WANTS US to ask Him for things SO that he can answer. But it's also SO important to spend just as much time THANKING Him for the good that we each have been given. And Praise Him for who He is not just for what He is doing or for what we hope He will do for us.
It's amazing how much your perspective will change when you start to be thankful for what you DO have instead of sad/mad/angry/bitter about what you DON'T have (I speak from experience).
1. laurensblog.greenfamily.net - Pray for this couple - they were pregnant with quads and as of today have lost them all.
2. andiegrace.blogspot.com - This little girl was just born on the 19th and now is going to require heart surgery.
3. dynamicmikelsduo.blogspot.com - This little 4 year old was just diagnosed with leukemia for the 2nd time.
4. Remember I had you pray for Cora's family? They found out she had cancer and 3 weeks later she died - she was 10 months old? They are raising money to build a playground in her memory and there are a ton of vendors on ETSY who are giving part of their profits to this. You know how much I love etsy - there is a ton of cute stuff that will help build this fund - go check it out here.
5. addieand alex.blogspot.com - this family is a March of Dimes ambassador family for Alabama - go here to see how you can help support them.
6. Also - I'm still trying to get names on the prayer blog. I've continued to get praises as well!!! Please keep all of these women in your prayer. We want the baby boom to continue!!!!! (and we'd like to see some engagements from the single girls soon too - this takes time but there are mr. rights out there for each of you!)
AHHHH!! I haven't even read your post yet, but oh my goodness...FIRST commenter!! Halleluiah!! :) Okay, now I'm off to read!
Love you,
Jess :)
Love the pictures! I see a little of Scott in her today. SK loved her mat too. I just put it up last week. She is too mobile now.
Kelly- I just love you! Thanks for the reminders to be lifting up others in prayer and will definitely add these to my prayers!!!! SUCH cute pics!!!!!!!! :O)
Where do you get those net like hats with the big flowers?? I have checked out the other sites you have gotten stuff from and haven't seen those. As a mom of 2 girls, I feel like we need some around here=)
Oh, Kel...you are just to stinkin' sweet! What a generous, thoughtful, beautiful inside and out person you are. Yes, I could go on and on, but you know how much I love you and how blessed I feel that you have become such a dear friend in my life. :) Not to mention, you have one of the most, MOST precious little girls in this whole entire world!! I just can't wait to squeeze her to pieces and give her tons of hugs and kisses!! :)
Thank you, again, for all you do for US!! You don't have to, but you do and that makes all the difference in the world!
Love you, sister!
Jess :)
P.S. If I wouldn't have been in a such a frantic hurry to post...I would've caught that I hit the 'i' on the keyboard instead of the 'j' when typing Hallelujah!!! Oh well...oops...teachers make mistakes, too!! ;)
LOVE the blogger onesie, too cute!!
Her onesie is too cute!!!! The look on her face says yep I know I'm rocking this shirt..lol
Amen to the single girls getting engaged!! I am praying that I can send you my praise very soon. Kelly, you know who I am praying for to ask me to marry him!!! I am thinking a Spring engagement will be nice and then a Fall wedding. Hey, I believe in being specific in my prayer requests!! I am praying for all of the other single girls on your prayer list as well. I am so happy for you, Scott and Harper. She had me on my knees in prayer and my heart rejoices in her healing. :-)
your baby girl it's so cute:) love the hats and everything she wears... when i was reading your q&a post i found very insteresting the queston #7 about you getting to be so famous in the blog world and you know what? you really have a talent writing, the way you write makes it very interesting to read.... i hope you consider one day to write a book because you are good at it and now i am sure that you have so much to share with the whole world after your experiences! May God continue to bless you and use you for his purposes, you have a beautiful family:)
Thank you for the links, I will be visiting them.
Love your blog, so glad I found it!
How cute is that hat?? And yes bloggers do love Harper.. and her momma too!!!
WOW! i am ninth! i am usually in the 100s-200-300s!
Harper, uggg to cute!
I will be praying for those familys..
oh well. now 12th!
I LOVE the blogger onesie and the little gal sporting it! :) SO CUTE!
And thank you for sharing the info of the other families we can be praying for. Its so important to bind together as followers of Christ during the good times and the bad times.
Amen girl on being thankful! I have written about that on my blog recently and just feel the need to thank Him in every situation! Praying for these families!
Kelly - Harper is sooo cute!! I love coming in here and seeing her pictures. Your blog alawys put me ina good mood. You always have her in something cute. Your post today in great and really touching. I have been praying every night and thanking God for the things that he has blessed my hubby and I with, to watch over and bless others (the prayer/love list), and that hopefully someone that doesn't know him will. I have never been happier and I know that God will bless my hubby and i with a child when he feels the time is right. Hope to be sending you a praise soon!!! I will be checking out these links when I get home tonight.
That picture is PRECIOUS! And we love our mat too. It's my saving grace in the early evening fussy hours!
Harper pictures are darling ...she likes to play mom.
So nice of you to recognize all of these people that need our prayers.
My poor youngest is crying right now, but he has GOT to nap...poor guy. I'll give him a few more minutes and see what happens.
Have a lovely day friend.
Hi Kelly! Harper is getting so big and she gets cuter every day!!! I will check out the links you posts and keep all of these families in my prayers. Hope you have a lovely afternoon, sweet friend. xx Nina
That flower is as big as her head...haaaa! I LOVE IT! Bless her!
I'm not sure if I've introduced myself...I tend to lurk here. Love hereing about your little Harper and getting to know you as well.
Reason I don't comment everytime I come...I figure you got your hands full and 100 other people said what I would have.
So I'm stopping to say:
I think it is FABULOUS of you to link us to others in need of prayer. Noteworthy to give props to you for standing back and saying "Look here! These have worthy things to say..."
You are a gentle and loving woman with a caring heart. Thank you for sharing.
Love the monkey playset.
And YES bloggers DO love you Harper. ;)
She's so stinkin' CUTE!!!
Thanks for all the links. I'll hop over and check them all out.
Yes, bloggers do love that sweet face. Love the onesie!
I just read Lauren's blog...so heartbreaking.
The blogger onesie is precious but not near as precious as Miss Harper!
Thank you for the prayer requests. My heart aches for the family who has lost 4 little people. Three years ago we were there - going to visit our hospitalized daughter while they awaited the boys. Praying for that magical 24th week when they would at least be considered viable. I will be especially remembering them as they process their grief and loss.
Harper is a charmer! Now does that rhyme or what?
Oh my word that onesie on Harper is so true. So sweet. Praying for all these families. Prayer can do wonderful things!
love love love to pray for these fams. i have been up with the mac's for a while...praying ever so hard for them now.
i am heading on over to others to offer prayers...thank you for offering this for us!
That onesie is so fun!
I just love your blog so much! I am from Louisiana but my husband and I are in Pennsylvania now while he finishes med. school- we are having our first little nugget baby in April and so I have loved going back and reading your archives like a giant stalker. You come across as so approachable and accepting of people yet you are so good at pointing people towards Truth and Jesus! So, thanks for taking time to blog...I love it!
She is precious! My little boy (10 months old) was looking at your blog and talking up a storm to little miss Harper. I think he has a crush! :o)
Great post! Harper's onsie is the cutest! It's the truth though! will be praying also for the other links... God Bless
Such a pretty hat for such a sweet baby girl! I love her onesie!!
Praying for the families mentioned.
kelly - okay, I don't even really know how in the world that i got to your blog but somehow i ended up here and was just reading your story. i have to say, wow!!! what a journey the last month has been for you! my husband and i had a miscarriage in 2006 also, and due to some medical circumstances couldn't try again until december 2007. Our little girl, masyn, was born in november 2008 and is the love of our life. harper (adorable by the way) reminds me of her... i am in love with big 'ol flower bows myself. they are just adorable!
Kelly, I am not sure that you will ever get to this comment but I wanted to say Thank You! I am one of the ones on the Pray List for a Child. Right now we have so much we are lifting to God in prayers every night that it is comforting to know that there are people who we will never meet also praying for us. Thank you again!!
Channa Norman
What a cute shirt Harper has on...bloggers sure do love your little girl :)
That is so sweet of you to do prayer requests...you're such a wonderful person.
I love that onesie! She is SOOOO precious. Soon enough, she'll be grabbing on to those toys and pulling up. Believe me, it will happen before you know it. Treasure each moment. The first year just flies by and because they change so much, it's hard to remember everything. I so love Etsy, too. It's a fabulous and affordable place to get unique items which is so rare.
BTW, why does blogger comment area not allow the little thumbnail pic that ties to our wordpress blog? :(
Little Miss Harper is Blogger FAMOUS! Love the onesie, too cute!
Love the socks pulled up to the knees, too cute!
I love that onesie!! where did she get it from, do you know?
Anyhow, I absolutely agree with you in regards to THANKING Him, we so easily forget at times what He has already done for us and concentrate on what we are not receiving when we want it. I believe that everything happens for a reason and that we must trust Him for He has a bigger plan. I'm guilty of being angry though - I will admit and I went astray for a while, but I'm trying to find my way back. You're blog is truly inspiring, it's a living testament of just how strong belief and prayer is. I hope to one day be as blessed as you are in regards to believing so strongly.
You're daughter is adorable and I enjoy reading all about your every day life. My journey back to Him will begin each and every day with a prayer of thanks and a small prayer for even those I do not know through your blog but have come to love just as well.
look at miss harper! :)
kelly, i used to shop etsy for jewelry, and fun scrapbooking items. now i've ventured into baby girl dresses, bows, beanies, & flower hairbands. OMGoodness!!! a girl is gonna be sooooooo fun! :)
your pal in maryland!
Awwwwwwwwww! Well does that just make my heart swell or what?!? Harper, you are rockin the onesie, babygirl. And I have to say - no truer words were ever monogrammed. :-)
And thanks for all the links, sweet Kelly. I am heading their way now with prayers in tow.
Hope the Stamps are having a great night. Love ya'll!!
I had to share - my two year old just said her first (almost) complete sentence... "that baby cute!" I happen to agree totally! Lots of prayers going out RIGHT NOW.
Hi, I have been following your blog since Harper was in the hospital, your story has really made me think about life a lot. She is sooo cute and I love all the bows and shirts. I found your blog through my friend Faith and I love to read what is going on with Harper everyday.
What a sweetie pie, she gets cuter every day!! Thanks for sharing the pictures. Love & blessings from NC!
Harper is so beautiful! And the onesie is so true! Haha. I think it's amazing what prayer can do, and I think that is so great that you have posted specific blogs for us to pray for. Thanks for keeping us updated!
How beautiful your baby is...I love the hat with the big red flower!
You are right about being thankful for what you have instead of desiring things you don't. We should not build our treasures up here on this Earth, but wait with expectant hope for the life to come with our Savior and friend Jesus Christ in heaven's home!
Thank you for sharing!
Could Harper get any cuter?
She is adorable! Thanks so much for sharing these links. We will keep all of these families in our thoughts and prayers. We appreciate your sharing our story too as we are very proud and excited to share how the March of Dimes has impacted the lives of Addelynn and Alexander....
Hope that you get some rest this evening.
Kelli, I have been lurking and praying for you all! So glad to see sweet Harper looking so beautiful and happy! Enjoy each day!
Grace loves her hippo gym too...I have a video of her on my blog that is too cute...she is starting to be more animated.
Oh those mats are so much fun!!! Love it when they aren't mobile and you can put them down and they just stay there. Allie's on the move now so I spend my days chasing her all over the place!
Thanks for all the links..I'm going to check them out!
very appropriate onesie...bloggers do love Harper!
Miss H is the cutest thing EVER!!! My liitle girl loved her playmate. She played on it until she could move. I wanted to let you know that you are very special person for all that you do for each of your blooging friends. God Bless you!
I really enjoy reading your blog, Kelly. And your story truly uplifts me. My heart goes out to all those families you listed.
However, if you know where the intelligent single men are hiding, let me know!! I can't seem to find any keepers here in Raleigh.
Harper's onesie looks so cute on her! I remember when you posted the pic of it the first time.. Too cute.. Praying for all the families you posted about! Have a great rest of your week!
That little face is just adorable. I will be praying for the families you lifted up.
Yes, Bloggers do love Sweetie Pie Harper! What a doll!!!
I love her adorable outfit... that is just too cute!
I have a three year old daughter named Harper and a two year old son named Hudson! I also have a three week old (Helena Jane) and love to read about your Harper (and try to type with one hand) while I'm nursing. My Harper was also a prolific crier (is that spelled right?) for the first 6 weeks or so of her life. It does stop. She is a delight now. Feisty, but delightful.
I came across a family who just lost both of their twin girls due to a lung disease. Please add this family to your prayer list:
Praying for these families...
Thankful for God's healing of Harper.
That blogger onsie is so cute!
However, I have to say my favorite thing about this post (and it is so selfish) is the part about the single girls waiting for an engagement. (Or date, or boyfriend for that matter.)
That is my season right now. Waiting. :)
It's a good season, but it does get hard at times.
You are so sweet Kelly!
I DO love Harper!!
Also totally praying for the requests.
Harper is so beautiful:)
I'll be praying for all of these people!
Thank you God for so many blessings yoyu have given my family. God continues to shower us with gifts, He has never let us down or deserted us. I pray for continued Faith in His love and guidance. PS This Blogger does love Harper:)
Looking at Harper now, no one would ever imagine how her life started out. She looks so healthy and beautiful!
Wow, I can't help but notice that all the babies we are asked to pray for are girls!
Your little girl is just precious! I love the big flower hat. :)
She is so cute - thanks for prayer blogs. I appreciate it!
Love the pics! Harper is too cute in that onesie!
Harper is so expressive! I just love her blogger onesie, too!
I love Harper's sweet little hat! Brody is sitting in my lap and when I pulled up your blog and he saw Harper he jumped towards the screen! He must think she is cute!!:) Shhhh...Don't tell Scott!
We still us our play gym daily. Now he can really play with all the attachments and he can make the music play for the little mirror on ours. He spends a good 20-30 mins every morning under it!
I love her hats :-D
Our play mat gets the most use out of all our stuff!
Will add to my prayer list!
Hey Kelly. I enjoy your blogs so much. Little Harper is so cute.
Love the onsie - so darn cute!
What a great idea to recognize those in need of prayer!
Us bloggers do love her! :)
Love y'all. Always praying~
miss Haper looks SO happy!! :) You girls are having fun! Thanks for the links, I will certainly pray for them!! xoxo
So glad things are continuin to go well at home! Harper looks adorable and she sure seesm to enjoy the monkey mat! I too always stop and say a prayer when I recieve a prayer request or stumble upon on in blodland!
What a little sweetheart! I just love her and all the adorable accessories you have for her! How fun!
I'm praying for those you listed...thank you for sharing!
thank you for keeping us updated on the people who need prayer...and harper is soooo precious, I could just squeeze that little girl :)
We loved the play mat in our house. Both of my girls loved it. Give Harper a few more months and she will be rolling all over that mat!
That first picture is SO CUTE! Your girl has some eyelashes!!!!
I will go to all your links and pray.
What a little sweetie!!
Could you ask everyone to pray for Brady? He is almost 2 and tonight starts his second round of cemo.
I have been reading and praying for your daughter, but have never posted. She is beautiful!!!!
Harper... sweet baby girl!!!! Such a beautiful girl! I am LOVING all the huge flower hats and hair bands you are putting on her. It's SO classic yet with a modern twist and is JUST PRECIOUS! <3
I have SO enjoyed reading your blogs, and the prayer lists. Prayer absolutely changes things! I know it is a blessing and an encouraging this for these families and women to know that they are being prayed for by people all over the nation that care, and that love the Lord. Thank you for sacrificing your time to keep us posted on these families. =) God Bless!
Thanks for the photos of your little beauty. I'm sure she brings you oceans of joy. And thank you for the links and info about the other families. I will visit them, too.
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