Tuesday, February 03, 2009

He is the Healer

We started off with a little excitement today. Harper had to have a MRI so she and I got to ride on a hospital bed down to radiology (which is about 5 miles away from our room). Harper LOVED the ride - she smiled and laughed the whole way there.

Then I got to give her another bath. She HATED it - but she smells pretty and feels better.
Look at this mad little face
Since she lost all of her wires but the nose wire - we put her in a little gown and hat after her bath. Nothing better than a freshly washed baby in their pj's. :-)
I got a package from Leach Company here in OK - they sent me several wonderful things for Harper like a nursing pillow and this shopping cart cover. This will be wonderful because we have to be SO careful of germs. Harper won't even get her first trip to Wal-Mart for several months. We have to keep her at home for a while and we won't be able to have visitors. She can't be around anyone - especially children. We just can't take the chance of her getting sick.

If you could please continue to keep Harper in your prayers please - our doctor and a pediatric neurologist both came to meet with us today about her MRI separately. There is some small concern about a lining in her brain. They are not overly worried but of course my heart has been in my stomach most of the day. Harper is very alert and her motor skills are all good. A physical therapist met with her and thought she looked great. But of course I can't help but be worried that something is wrong with her brain. They want us to come back in a few months to evaluate her development. We are trusting that God who formed her in my womb and knew her before she was conceived will allow her to be well.
We have this awesome CD and Harper has listened to it over and over. There is a verse inside the cover that I love and I'm praying this for Harper tonight:
The Lord your God is with you,
He is Mighty to save.
He will take great delight in you,
He will quiet you with his love,
He will rejoice over you with singing.
Zephaniah 3:17


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Buttercup said...

Continuing prayers for adorable Harper.

Her Preppiness said...

Our prayers are with you and your family. I know that Harper will be just fine.

FROGGITY! said...

She's so beautiful! All clean and pretty.

He is indeed the healer. She's proof positive of that! :) We will be praying! God bless!

Unknown said...

She's so cute!

Lianna Knight said...

She is just so perfect!! God is good :)

Melissa Echols said...

Hey Kelly!
You don't know me, but I feel like I know you so well! I found your blog through a friend, and I haven't been able to stop reading your posts. Your story is so uplifting and you are such a great ministry to other people. Since reading your blog, I have become more faithful and closer to God. I have always been a Christian, but through your posts about being a strong woman in God, I have taken the challenge today to work harder on my relationship with him.

I will be praying for Harper and of course you and Scott. You are such amazing parents, and I wish you the best in everything. Harper is absolutely beautiful, and I can't wait for ya'll to get to taker her home! God Bless

Kelli said...

Harper is in the best of hands, the GREAT physician. He will continue to heal her. Praying for peace and comfort for you all.

Anonymous said...

She has such a beautiful little face! {{hugs}}

I know the fear of worrying about neuro developments, as we are meeting every two weeks with a developmental therapist just to make sure our 6mo daughter doesn't start showing signs of neuro degradation (part of her disease).

Hang in there -- mommy instincts are strong!

Lisa said...

Ok, that picture of you and her on the hospital bed freaked me out until I read on. Oh - I am so glad that you both are ok. I must say that Harper looks absolutely precious in her pj's and hat, but you are right... she looked UNHAPPY over her bath.

I will always continue to keep sweet Harper in my prayers. I am sure that all will be just fine with her brain, but I know that it is only natural for us Mommies to worry when it comes to our sweet babies!!


Unknown said...

Hugs to you and HARPER!

JennaDK said...

Harper is a doll!

Jamie said...

I will be praying for Harper and your entire family. She is so cute. I love her mad face. Are you from Oklahoma?????? I am so that is why I was wondering.


Jill said...

He is a mighty God, and has done so much for sweet harper already. I am so thankful for the progress she has made this far, and know that God will continue to have His hand on her...and ya'll.
Still praying~

mccoy5 said...

She is a doll! I will continue to keep y'all in my prayers ~Lisa

Anonymous said...

We are praying for that tube and for her MRI scans now and in the future! We can't wait to come by in a few months and see Harper through the bay window and John Michael can wave at her! She is SO cute and precious. I know you love her more and more every passing day.

Lynn and Jim said...

I have been following over the past several week but haven't commented yet. You and your family have been in my prayers all of this time. I am so happy to see you spending time with her and she loving her time with you. I will continue to pray and am constantly inspired by your faith and the goodness of our God.
Continued blessings and miracles!

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Love that verse...it's the second time I have read it today...and I'm about to read it a third time, as I pray it over my youngest son (it's his bedtime prayer verse!). Love that Harper is able to wear her precious pj's. Praying for complete healing...

i ramble as i wonder... said...

She absolutely just melts my heart. What a beautiufl, beautiful gift she is!! Praying, praying, praying for continued recovery and for strength as you continue on the path that the Holy One has designed. Trust in his faithfulness and perfect timing.

Ashley in NE

This Little Hen said...

Our healer is amazing... and creates beauty everyday. Look at those CHEEKS!!!

Amanda Ledford said...

She is just so sweet! I just love her!!! :-)
I am praying for her and I know that everything is going to be ok.

Stephanie said...

She's so darling Kelly, I just love those little eyes and cheeks! I will continue to pray for Harper and also for you and Scott...praying for you to live in peace and trust over the next few months as you wait for another check of her brain. God brought her this far and He holds her in the palm of His hand...no better place to be! Love you girl!

Anonymous said...

Praying for Harper is part of my daily walk...and will continue to be. Thank you for the updates, Kelly!

taralynn819 said...

Enjoy your sweet daughter!

Em said...

Continuing to pray for Harper and for you. I just love that shopping cart cover!

Shawn said...

We are continuing to pray for Harper, you and your family, the nurses and doctors and the other sweet babies in the NICU.

My little 9 year old still prays for "Mommy's computer friends little baby". I believe there's nothing sweeter to God than hearing the innocent requests from the mouth of a child!

PreppyGirl said...

How beautiful she is!! Following your story truly has helped my faith in God grow! Thank you for sharing your story again. It's truly a blessing.

Wifer said...

Oy she is beautiful. Still praying:-)

Jennifer said...

My goodness she is a beauty. I can't help but assume she is going to be all healed (brain concern). I will keep praying just the same though. Keep up the beautiful smile on your face, Kelly. Your husband is lucky to have two beautiful girls!

Karen said...

Well, girl, that's my verse to memorize over the next 12 days so I'll be happy to pray it over Harper. (perhaps it'll stick in my brain better.) I love the thought of Him delighting over us.

praying for you all tonight...

Jen said...

HE IS THE HEALER....She is going to be just fine....I know!!!


Love and Prayers,

Morris Family said...

She is just beautiful!!! Prayers are still with you all!!

In This Wonderful Life said...

I am still Praying for Little Miss Arkansas!!! She is such a strong fighter. All of you are!! xoxo

Marla Taviano said...

Praying for your beautiful girl!

Anonymous said...

Still praying for Harper. Loved the latest pics even the one where she is mad! Too cute!

Teresa said...

Hi Kelly, your posts brighten my day to see God's healing hand at work! Little Harper is absolutely adorable and she is such a blessing! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family!

Unknown said...

Oh she is just precious! I am praying for her continued healing. Much love! Amy


Minnesota Girl said...

My prayers continue to be with you, Kelly, Scott and baby Harper! Keep smiling and know that we're all thinking about you and praying =)

emilyb said...

I have been following your blog and my prayers are with precious little Harper-what a doll baby she is!!! Her face is just darling- God has blessed ya'll beyond words with this little baby. I have 2 boys, a 4 yr. old and a 3 mo. old and they are our biggest blessings. We are originally from Atlanta but my husband was transferred with his job to Manhattan so we live in New Jersey. May God continue to bless ya'll and little Harper- what a miracle she is. I look foward to each update.

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

I think Harper gets cuter every day, Kelly!

Will continue to pray for her complete healing.

Jen and Jared said...

She is so beautiful! And I love the shopping buggy covers - they are super handy! :) Can't wait to see pictures of her in her nursery at home! We are continuing to pray for Harper and your family.

Jen Averitt

Lori said...

I'm so glad you got a picture of your "hospital bed ride" with Harper. I bet that WAS fun, her first big exploration :) I'll keep praying hard for little Harper. I know it will be a while before you don't worry about her. And you only thought you worried about things before!!

Kristi said...

I will continue to pray for Harper's healing and for your nerves.

I have twin daughters that just turned 8 months yesterday. We have had to avoid all germs this winter too. The doctor told us to not take them anywhere except grandparents houses and that is only if there is no one sick and no kids around. We have been inside since the beginning of November and have to continue until the end of March. Yes, it gets a little lonely and stir crazy but their health is first priority for sure. Hang in there.

Alyce said...

she is so gorgeous kelly. God has been so good to you all. We will keep praying for her and you all. May God heal whatever they find on the MRI.

Tammy said...

My prayers will continue to include Harper as well as you and your husband. You continue to trust our heavenly Father, because there is nothing that He can't do. He has given Harper to you and He is able to make her healthy or He will give y'all the strength to endure whatever comes your way in the future.
She looks so beautiful in her pjs and cap!
Love, Tammy in Alabama

Kyle and Shalen said...

She is such a pretty baby girl!
I claimed that same verse for my baby girl back before she was born (she is 14 months old now). That verse encompasses so much that I believe about our God. It has brought me much joy and peace to claim it and pray it over my baby girl. Also, I play that CD for her everynight as she goes to sleep. She probably has those songs stuck in her head! I hope she does!

Nana said...

The look on YOUR face says it all.
You are gleaming. I pray she will be whole. She is beautiful.

momofonefornow said...

She is beautiful! Absolutely amazingly beautiful!

I will continue to pray for her health.

LisaShaw said...

She is looking more and more beautiful each and every day. Praise the LORD!

Lindsay said...

Kelly, I've been prayerfully reading your blog every day. Praising the Lord for the progress that Harper has made while continuing to pray for her complete healing.

Tiffany said...

Of course we will pray!!! Nothing is to big or to small for our Great God. We are also praying that the Lord will give you a peace that surpasses all understanding. Enjoy all these wonderful moments with your princess...she is just perfect!
Tiffany (California)

Rhonda said...

I will keep her in my prayers...
I am sitting myself with our little foster baby that we are adopting in Childrens with a Line infection and possibly Pneumonia....

Anonymous said...

Kelly, little Harper is just a beauty!! She looks so contented in her little pj's. Just a word of encouragement. There is no place you and Scott and Harper will go that God has not already been. We find comfort in the fact that He has walked every path,traversed every narrow and rough place and His presence goes BEFORE us, not following behind us.
God richly bless you for your ministry of faith to so many.
We continue to pray for Harper and you and Scott. You are never far from our thoughts and prayers.
Richard and Brenda Sessions

Jess :) said...

I will keep praying, as always! In fact, I will pray for you, Scott and Harper everyday, for the rest of my life here on this Earth! :) You are such a special part of my life and I wouldn't have it any other way!!

I'm also praying for my sis right now, who just went in for a C-section after being in labor for 36 hours and being 10 days late. So, if you're up for praying for her, that would be awesome.

Love you,
Jess :)

Kathryn said...

What a beautiful verse. I have been following your journey and praying for Harper and your family. Your strength continues to amaze me...and I know it's all because of Him.

I will continue to think of you all and check in. And I agree you have a future Miss Arkansas on your hands! :-)

Stephanie said...

Such adorable pictures of the beautiful little girl!!

Of course I will continue to keep her in my prayers! She's got a permanent place in my heart now! :)

Cathy said...

Harper is not leaving my prayers!

E said...

"Savior, He can move the mountains. Our God is mighty to save, He is mighty to save. Forever, author of salvation. He rose and conquered the grave, Jesus conquered the grave"

SF said...

Kelly, I pray this exact verse over my children most nights! It is a wonderful verse.
Yes, there is nothing better than a clean baby (or child!) in their pj's.

Sweet Harper will continue to be in my prayers. Keep trusting Him. He will deliver and enable you for all the many years ahead! :)

Misty Rice said...

This has been the first time I have actually seen her shave spot. And just how cute are you with your big smile. She has a cute pouty face already. Anything slightly off or different with your baby is always scary for the parents. My little Morgan is 9.5 months old now and she still has a heart murmur. I hate the sound of that. We go back in April for her 1 year check up to the specialist to see the status on it, but the constantly tell us to not worry that it is probably innocent and may always be there her whole life. But I still worry. To think that her little heart is not perfect? :(

Constantly praying for you guys.

And love the cart with the side pillows. I have a cute regular one, but there were times those pillows would have come in great hand for she would lean over and even fall sleep. Lucky you.

God Bless.

Unknown said...

I am so glad to see everyone doing so well! What a cute lil Miss Arkansas!

Anonymous said...

I have the utmost faith in God to keep Harper safe and healthy. He has brought her so far and will not let her fall. I hope all these prayers help to ease your worries a bit. If not, hug her close and enjoy your wonderful gift--you'll feel better!

Betsy said...

Try not to worry! Harper is in God's hands. He is watching over her. Bless ya'll's hearts. It is just a scary time right now...but things are getting better each day! Those praise songs are great. I love how they get Bible verses stuck in your head and heart all day!

I hope you can go home soon!

The Hall's said...


I have read your blog for a long time now but never commented. I have cried and prayed over little Harper. She is precious and God has used her in a wonderful way. I have 4 daughters and our 2nd daughter was born with a lot of complications. We were told when she was born that she might not make it. She in now 7 years old. She does have many many challenges but God has allowed me to keep her for this long and I am thankful for every minute. I decided to comment today because I wanted to tell you that as hard as it may seem if Harper is not completely healthy God has a plan for her. It took me a while to see beyond wanting so badly for my child to be "normal" to realize that it was all part of His plan and our daughter is so special and touches everyone she meets. I just felt the need to share this with you. You are a strong person and that is evident and you have continued to give Him the praise through it all so find in comfort in the fact that if there is a problem He will give you the strength to handle it!

Channa, Oh its the Coachs Wife said...

I have just recently started following your blog and I wanted to let you know that you have several more people in Texas praying for your family, and most importantly Harper!! Your family is truly inspirational. And I look forward to continuing to read about Harpers progress and looking forward to her full and healthy recovery!
In Christ,
Channa N.

Anonymous said...

He truly IS the healer!

Holly said...

Hi Kelly,

I wanted to tell you that we are praying. I feel confident that she is JUST fine!!

Love you,

Sarah said...

You're right...there is nothing better than a fresh smelling baby in new pj's. :) However, getting to see that her mama gave her the bath is high up on the list, too! Will continue to pray for Harper and the new info. from the MRI.

Pierce Family Happenings said...

What precious pics of Miss Harper today-I am a sucker for a sweet baby in a gown! We are praying for complete healing for Harper and a peace for her family. Don't you just love that CD? I think I have shared with you before that my youngest DD listens to it every night while she sleeps in her CD player. So we listen to it too, in our monitor. And we love it.
Still praying-
Anne in TN

Shelly said...

The mad face is just too darn cute!

Still prayin'

Sara said...

My daughter and I love to listen to this CD! So many sweet memories of rocking to these songs. Praying for Harper tonight.


harper your so cute, even when your mad :) and kelly you look adorable riding on that hospital bed. still praying!!

Kayla said...

That beautiful baby is still in my prayers!

Tara G. said...

Will be praying and looking forward seeing a bloggy fashion show over the next few months!

susanv said...

I will continue to pray for your sweet baby girl. You can be 100% assured that Harper will turn out exactly the way God planned. It may or may not be what you had planned, but God's plan is always perfect. I know you know that but I hope this reminder will bring you peace. I'm a worrier too and when my son (now 9 months old) was going through some "big head" issues that caused our pediatrician some concerns, I clung to that promise.

Rachel Spence said...

Harper is just such a sweet girl! I will continue to pray for her. I can't wait for the day when you can get her home and have her all to yourselves. It is so much fun!!!

Laura Marchant said...

Still praying for the beautiful baby girl!

Jessica said...

I've been following your blog for about a week or two now, and just have to tell you that you've been such an inspiration to me! You've trusted the Lord so much with the situation with Harper. It really helped me to put my own trials into perspective and I've realized that they're pretty trivial! I realize how much I have to be thankful for, and how much our God is in control of every little situation in life. As long as we rely on Him, he will never let us down. He has a reason for everything. Know that I'm praying for your precious, little Harper :-)
God bless

Kendra said...

I am praying, praying, praying. I joined with Angie Smith to pray her verse for Harper EVERY SINGLE DAY until Harper is HOME!! And now I will add this verse to my list and pray IT until Harper goes back in a few months for her follow up MRI.

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for a while now. Long before Harper was born, I have seen the hand of God working in your lives as I never have before. You guys are an absolute blessing to me. God has such big things in store for you guys, he is molding you into the people he wants for you to be. You are definetly taking so well to that mold, you guys are precious. I just want to say you have been such a blessing to me. God has revealed himself in yet another way through your story, even before Harper was conceived. You have traveled an amazing journey and arent you so excited to know that there is more on the horizon. May God continue to bless you and give you the peace, strength, and faith to carry on. Blessings.

Immeasurably More Mama said...

We're praying!
I LOVE that verse and claim it for D as well. We used that song for his 1st year video that we will share at his party this Sunday afternoon!

Anonymous said...

she looks so peaceful and sweet in her little gown! i will continue to pray for harper's test results. may God keep her and her momma & daddy in his safe loving arms. i pray you feel his comfort daily! i just love your little family. you guys have such an amazing story and such a strong love for the Lord! you are just so inspiring to me and my walk. i pray for christian friends like you guys one day, wish we lived closer! ;)
tara from maryland

Tara said...

Praying that verse with you! I just love your sweet girl and family! Blessings!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, Harper has come so far and I know there are nothing but wonderful things in her future. God will continue to heal your blessed baby and all will be well. Sending prayers from Danville.


Kandace said...

I came across your BLOG about two weeks ago and have been praying for your sweet little angel, Harper. I'm SO glad that she's doing so well. God is GOOD! I have a little something for Miss Harper...could you post your new mailing address now that ya'll have been moved to the Children's Hospital?...Thanks!

Blessings to all three of you,

Stephanie said...

Hi there! We are still praying here in NH! Good LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Stephanie and Dave Esposito

Charree said...

We are still praying for you.

I have this CD and it is so wonderful. I just put it on when I am around the house.

Rose said...

What a sweet baby! I am praying for her precious brain and for perfect development!

Taylor said...

I'm still praying for Harper, and hoping you guys get to go home soon!!

Karyn said...

Sometimes there is too much technology. At 17 weeks pregnant with my fourth child, a cyst was discovered in the back of my baby’s brain due to a level 2 sonogram prescribed because of my advanced maternal age. I was told if it did not dissolve, the spinal fluid forming in the brain would not get to his spine and he would never walk. The cyst is also a chromosome marker for heart defects. They took 141 pictures of his heart and said it was fine. I went back six weeks later for another level 2 sonogram and the cyst was gone and at 13 months he is perfect.
My point: if Harper had not gotten pneumonia, you never would have had the MRI and you would not be worrying about her brain. I am sure she shall be as smart as she is pretty!
Still praying in Florida for your family.

Mary said...

We will keep praying for her healing!! I know how it feels to get the, "Keep her away from people!" orders and it is so worth it--once they have been sick it is a scary scary world around us that could infect them. Thankfully God is of course on the throne and watching over Harper--from now on you get to help Him out with the job but HE LOVES HER SO MUCH!!

Isn't that a restful thought?

Donnetta said...

She may not like the bath, but I bet she felt great afterwards! :) She's beautiful, and I continue to pray!

Cindy Watson said...

From my pastor's blog today (Ronnie Floyd)...
"What we see as a set back is really a set-up for God to do something great through us!" I had to share...when I read it it...I thought of Harper and your family. Praying Daily...

Rogers, AR

Sonya said...

She is just adorable! I'm glad to see her down to just one wire. I know the Lord will continue to take care of her as He has done so far. She is always in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Still praying and believing that Harper will be healed to perfection! Even with her mad little chubby face she is still a doll. Just wanted you to know that I met with a friend in blogland today and we did lunch. You wanna know what we talked about?... you got it! Sweet little Miss Harper. Im spreading the word and asking for prayer. Take care~

Kelly Taylor said...

So thankful for more good news. Praying about the MRI. We have Faith that not only our God CAN heal this baby girl, but he WILL heal her. Every day I read your updates and just stare at the pictures of beautiful Harper. I stare in awe and amazement of the work God has done in this precious baby girl's life. I can't even imagine Harper's reaction one day many years from now when you tell her and explain the magnitude of God's presence all around the country just because of her, this wonderful, precious miracle. Harper has a mighty testimony and has touched so many people.
Thank you Jesus for allowing us to SEE miracles take place. We love you and praise you for all you've done in Harper, Kelly & Scott's lives. Lord we have Faith that you WILL heal Harper completely. Please be with this special family and continue to give them strength and assurance.

Melissa Stover said...

we love that cd! my baby hated her bath too until we could put her in water when her cord stump came off. now she's fine with it.

i'll be praying about your new concern.

Ashlee said...

Harper looks beautiful in her pjs! I'm so glad that y'all are almost home. I still think about you all the time -- of course that's one thing I CAN do when I'm at home with my baby girl that can't go anywhere or have visitors. We have a mega-size hand sanitizer in every room! We are waiting it out through March at least. We have fun though, and you will too! Keep trusting in God to take care of that little one! She will be fine. I hope we can get in touch soon!

Shannon Willcutt said...

Harper is in our thoughts and prayers as they have been since she was born! We pray that all is well.

When you get that baby girl home, Kelly, you put on your p.j.s and just hibernate! This will be a special time for ya'll just to be together and sing and rock and plya and do all those wonderful baby things.



Katie said...

Your faith is beautiful. I am trusting, as well, that our amazing and gracious God will continue to heal your precious little love. Many prayers are being lifted for her.

Katie Snow
Millbrook, AL

Anonymous said...

Kelly,I'm sure that your dad has placed a hedge around her. Harper is fine. Don't let your heart worry. The Lord has made her hold. You know who wants to take your joy, make you worry. Don't let him, just tell him he's out of this picture. You know God doesn't half do anything.I beleive this and I claim this in Jesus name. Now enjoy, love her and trust. This is just the devils last pitch. This child has had the hand of God on her befor you even knew of her. Only 2 weeks old and look how many lives she has changed. God bless.

Tammy said...

I have been following your story, she is such a beautiful baby. Your family is in my prayers

petrii said...

I will be praying this verse over your sweet daughter.

Have a Blessed evening,

Anonymous said...

I will continue to pray for Harper. She is beyond precious, I couldn't stop smiling when I saw that adorable picture of her yesterday in her little brown and pink hat. Just gorgeous. Thank you for continuing to update each day, I check in daily to see how you guys are doing.

Kelli said...

Sweet baby girl! May God bless her with PERFECT health and a good follow up report in a few months!

Anonymous said...

Kelly - I had a similar result with the MRI thing. If you need to talk, email me at carpoolqueen@live.com.

Your Tri Chi sister - Susan

Mandy said...

Precious, just precious. :) I will definitely keep her in our prayers.

Meredith said...

Kelly, I love all the pictures, as always! We are still praying for sweet Harper! She is a little angel!

Deni said...

Praying! sounds like she is doing better though. I loooove that cart cover...so cute!

nancygrayce said...

Harper is already glorifying God with her life! I am confident she will be just fine! Still praying!

Sarah said...

we will continue to pray for your baby girl. It's all in God's hands he will protect harper and continue to heal her body.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

That is the cutest pic of little Harper! She is mad as a hornet! What a doll.

I will definitely keep you all in my prayers. Crazy how blogging makes you feel like you know someone so well! God Bless, and hope you and Scott are able to get some rest! xoxo

caknitter said...

Little Miss Harper is in my prayers.

The Fabulous Side of Me said...

I love checking in and reading the good news. Seriously, Harper has got to be the cutest baby I have seen (not including mine!). What a blessing she is. Still in our prayers!

Katie said...

Aww...she looks SO precious! Even when she is bawling! ;o) Isn't it so overwhelming to think about Him rejoicing "over you with singing"?!?! And Him delighting in us? And now that you have Harper, doesn't it blow your mind to think how He loves us and our children more than we do and more perfectly than we can imagine? We are blessed! I will definitely be praying about the results you got of Harper's MRI and that God will continue to protect her over the next few months as you take her home! Harper has become a daily fixture in our prayers around here, even at the dinner table when we are all together saying grace, she's always mentioned! :o) Lots of love and prayers to y'all!

Heather said...

Still praying for sweet Harper and the rest of her family.

We've Got Scents said...

Praying for your beautiful little one. Thanks for sharing such precious pictures.
With prayers without ceasing,
Matthew 21:22

Rathi said...

She is so precious in her outfit! Will keep praying for her and hope you guys get to go home soon!! Lots of hugs and prayers!!

Holly said...

We have this CD, too, and I love it! What a beautiful verse to pray over sweet Harper. Just so you know, my girls have become interested in Harper's progress, and pray for her every day, multiple times a day! We serve a God Who hears and answers prayer!!!

The Walkie Talkie said...

I laughed outloud at you and Harper on that hospital bed. Talk about a joy ride. Trusting the Lord with Harper and all the details! Love and Prayers, Jenny Beth

Kristin said...

I will definitely continue to pray for little Harper. I love her mad face....she's too cute even when she's mad! And so pretty when she's peacefully sleeping.

Anonymous said...

I understand how scary it is to hear that something could be wrong with your baby's brain. I heard the same about my daughter, and now she is a healthy happy 4 year old who has no problems keeping up with her brother and sister! I was fortunate because my husband knows firsthand the "workings" of the brain (he's a neurosurgeon @ St. Francis), and he often tells me of how amazing a child's brain and body can work and heal. Do not be worried, if the doctors were really concerned they would be doing more tests immediately. And even if they were, a child, especially one so covered in God's love, has an incredible ability to heal.
Harper is just beautiful, and I will continue to pray for her healing! I wish I could answer any questions you might have!

Unknown said...

your strength and faith is inspiring! We loved that CD too! I still have it in my car and my boys are 3 and 4 now. i will be praying too for harper and her continued healing!! y'all look great! i love her jammies!

Lisa said...

I will continue to pray for Harper and your family. Your faith is amazing--I can't wait to see pictures of Harper at home.

Rachel said...

still praying...and I l.o.v.e. that CD! It's a fav!

Jill said...

Harper looks so sweet sleeping. Such a beautiful beautiful little girl. We will keep praying for her and a peace of mind for you guys.

Unknown said...

Harper looks great! Thank you for sharing that verse. I have written it down to look at each day in my quiet time.

May God continue to bless little Harper and use her for the glory of his Kingdom.

Kebi Cedawna said...

She is so incredibly precious. She's looking so big and healthy too, you and your family are truly blessed with such a sweet miracle. :)
I'll keep all of you in my prayers.

MaryBe said...

I love that mad face!! <3

Still praying for Harper

Becky said...

you don't know me but i've been stalking you for awhile now :)

my daughter, emma, was in NICU for 5 weeks when she was born (diaphragmatic hernia, needed surgery, etc), so i totally relate to a lot of your experiences.

my son, charlie, who is 2, LOVES singing the "mighty to save" worship song he hears on the radio and sings it all the time, and we claimed that verse as emma's verse when she was in NICU.

your post tonight made me cry. GOD IS MIGHTY TO SAVE, amen?

emma had multiple heart defects but a day after she was born, they "mysteriously" disappeared.

we both have miracle babies!!

her story is at watzpot.blogspot.com if you're interested, but i know you have no time, so go back and love on that beautiful little girl!


ps - if you ever need to chat about riding the emotional roller coaster of NICU, please feel free to contact me.

annalee said...

that sing over me cd is incredible, especially "you are good" by nichole nordeman. what powerful words. continuing to pray for you and your girl!

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

she is so pretty!! love her all snuggly in her PJs! Prayers for a perfectly normal MRI.

ilovepink said...

I need to check out that CD!!! We are still keeping Harper in our prayers! We are scheduled to have our next little girl on Friday!!

Ruby Red Slippers said...

Continuing to pray for your precious little girl!! God is the healer-AMEN!

Linkis Family Love said...

Harper-you look Great all clean and beautiful! Love the picture of you and mommy taking your ride for the MRI. Tell your mommy not to worry (even though MUCH easier said than done).
"The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer, petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds is Christ Jesus." -Philipians 4:5-7
Love you,
Kelli Liknis <><<

Jaime said...

She looks adorable in her jammies. So cute. I am still praying. I think about you all everyday. Praying everything gets better. When do they possibly think she can go home?

Amanda said...

I swear Scott & Kelly she gets prettier everytime I see her!

Still praying!

Fran said...

Hey Kelly!!!!
I am praying every day for that baby girl and her parents!!!! She is the most beautiful baby and I truly believe that God is healing her...one step at a time!!!!

So much love,

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

Harper gets more beautiful every day!!! I still pray for her daily. I know you all are so anxious to be going home soon.
Zephaniah 3:17 is a favorite verse of mine too. I want to get a copy of that CD. It would be great for my 3 year old pre-school class to listen to while they are resting.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly I am praying for you, your husband, and Harper.

I wanted to encourage you to read from Zephaniah 3:14 to 3:17. When I was going through the most horrific trial of my life, God showed me that passage of scripture. It is amazing and so powerful when you are going through a test or trial.

My blog quote comes from that passage. "Rejoice with all your heart....He is mighty to save." It is a wonderful promise from our God. Let not your hands hang limp.

Praising God for Harper's complete healing :o)

Jess the mom to lots

Kim said...

I haven't commented in a few days but wanted to says she is just precious! She will for sure be the best dressed baby on the block! You are always smiling so big! I know you are just in heaven! I'll be praying for Harper's brain lining.

Lissa said...

Sending prayers and hugs!

Lauren said...

God is awesome! Each new day is filled with praise :) :)

Esther said...

You continue to be in my prayers. I wish I could smell her fresh from a bath--nothing better!

MLP said...

Beautiful Girl...I will join your mommy in that prayer for you!!!

Carol said...

Hi Kelly,
Harper looks so pretty. God has performed great miracles & will continue to do so! My prayers continue!
Carol ~ in Tulsa

MapleCottage said...

Harper is just beautiful.. I love the picture of you and her, You look so happy to have her in your arms.. :) Prayers continuing

Laura said...

Praying...let Him quiet you tonight. He is singing over Harper.

Roxy said...

Just found you via Mighty M....
Wishing you all the best and will keep your little one in my prayers.
My you continue to have the amazing STRENGTH each day!

Trudy said...

She's just adorable and smiling already - what a smart girl. When we say our family prayers with the children we remember to add Harper to our list. So know that three sweet little girls in Central California are continuing to pray for your little miracle. Thanks for being so generous with her cute pictures and updates.

By God's Design said...

Read this entry and had to post. We have been there on the MRI! My 12-month old was born with no heartbeat for 9 minutes. Once they got him back, they were obviously concerned about his brain. Spent 6 weeks in the NICU learning to breathe, eat, and having MRIs and other tests. Our neurologist said the same thing about the lining of his brain (the outline looked abnormal in his case). But, after all he went through, he is 100% normal today!!! The newborn brain is so tough, so take comfort in that! Of course, we had to keep waiting to see how he would develop. The NICU PT also gave our son a great report, and we've hardly had a setback since then. It's been a long road, but you just celebrate every little step a long road. Having a sick infant is a difficult journey but incredibly worth it -- such a deeper bond you'll likely have with your precious girl! Praise God for Harper! Our story: www.thegiffens.blogspot.com

Rebecca said...

Praying with you!

I love the pajamas, she looks so peaceful and content!

Momofgirls said...

That girl has a very important future...God is doing a mighty work in her and He will continue. We will be praying for you all!

Kristen said...

I love it how babies get so mad at bath time that is just wears them out and puts them right to sleep! I am praying for Harper. I'm sure she will be fine. You're a mom now, let the worrying begin! (And it never seems to stop!)

Kristin Stegent said...

Praying for Harper...and her brain. And for your heart to be able to come up out of your stomach. You are a great Momma...and Harper is a very loved and special baby girl. I have posted her on my blog...I hope you don't mind. :) She's beautiful!

Tessa said...

still have you three in our prayers

Megan said...

I love that verse. Continually praying for her.

Anonymous said...

i will always have harper and your family in my prayers... always.

she looks like such a little angel in her pjs!!!


Kristi said...

That is the life verse we picked for our little baby girl!

Anonymous said...

I love this verse!!! It is the verse my husband and I chose for our premature triplets almost four and a half years ago. The NICU ride and being housebound without visitors through the fall, winter and much of the spring were difficult, but God's unending faithfulness, peace and joy were exactly what we needed for each day! Today our kids are happy and healthy and keep me on my toes!!

Thanks for sharing your story!


Gail said...

I will be praying for Harper and the rest of your family. I know it is very hard for all of you. Daughters are very special.

Janet said...

Karyn has such a valid point!From your photographs, she looks unbelievably alert - those little eyes seem to look around and take in everything around her! She will be just fine - I know in my heart she will.
Sending love from South Africa!

Julie said...

Cling to that verse! He is with you!
~Julie from NC

A Little Water said...

Praying for you all! Isaiah 30:18a "Yet the LORD longs to be gracious to you;he rises to show you compassion."

Trusting Him,


Anonymous said...

Amen Amen Amen and Amen!! How far has this beautiful girl come! Our Heavenly Father sure is worthy of praise.

Brittany said...

You guys are having some great experiences while there! I mean a 5 mile hospital bed ride...now that must top the charts! HA! Toos sweet, and so is little Harper! I know it is sad but I always had trouble not laughing when my kids hated their baths so much! I will still continue to pray for you guys, and when I do make it back up to Bentonville, I hope to meet you and precious Harper! (hopefully by then she will be off of restiction!)

Jennifer said...

She looks so cute! Even when she is mad!:) I love the picture of you two riding on the hospital bed. I can just imagine you waving as you past by people along the way! Haha!! I'm praying tonight for Harper as I do every night! She is so blessed to have such wonderful parents!

Jessica said...

That is the gown and hat Harbor wore home from the hospital!!! : )

Jennifer said...

Hi Kelly, It's so great that you have good doctors working with you and it's really okay that they're watching her brain. We had so many concerns over our little guy before he was born and met regularly with several specialists. Every time we went in, we got more bad news. Nothing devastating, but always something new that also wasn't "right". We ended up with a guarantee that our baby would need surgery right away when he was born. But you know, we had people all over praying for him and now, almost 5 months later, he has still not needed surgery nor does it look like he will (and he has no special needs whatsoever). I share this because so much of your situation is still in your future while ours (hopefully) is in the past. I will tell you, that even though we rarely got good or reassuring news, I was so grateful for our wonderful doctors and the amazing medical advances that made it possible to discover our son's issues. They can't fix it if they don't know about it. I know it's so scary to think about issues with Harper's brain. I know it is. But now, if she does need help, they'll be right on it. What a blessing that is. I hope you can see it that way. (((hugs))) and prayers,
-Jennifer in OR

An iMperfect wIfe said...


Thanks for continuing to share your story. This is great!


Diana said...

When my daughter was born she had a startle response of sorts (for lack of a better term) that concerned one of the nurses and so they brought in a neuroligist and did an ultrasound on her brain. The doctor came back and said, "well we don't see anything definite, but that doesn't mean anything isn't wrong." I know the heart in the stomach feeling, and my little girl didn't have near as a tumultuous entrance into the world as Harper has, and she was my third, not my first, which is scary even when everything is perfect. So I pray God give you peace, and that just as you trusted Him with the big and definite concerns she's had so far, you can be just as confident He will tend to the possibles and maybes too. Hold to the assurances He's been giving you and you have shared here that she is going to be healthy and well. May nothing steal your joy of the healing and progress you see. Be blessed in Jesus' name!

Anonymous said...

Always here praying!
Psalms 18:2-6 The LORD is my rock, and my fortress, and my deliverer; my God, my strength, in whom I will trust; my buckler, and the horn of my salvation, and my high tower. I will call upon the LORD, who is worthy to be praised: so shall I be saved from mine enemies. The sorrows of death compassed me, and the floods of ungodly men made me afraid. The sorrows of hell compassed me about: the snares of death prevented me. In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried unto my God: he heard my voice out of his temple, and my cry came before him, even into his ears.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Jon and Steph said...

Continuing to pray for sweet baby Harper!

Char and Lois said...

Dear Kelly...
I know that you might not have the time but if you get a chance...go to www.james516ministries.blogspot.com and read the post of
Teaching of 08-07-08...as that day was all about the verse in Zephaniah and particularly about the last line....We are continuing in prayer for Harper and your family....In Christ alone,

Anonymous said...

I had to stay at home with my 3 1/2 year old for a few week (he had pneumonia... too) and this seeemed soooo long to me ! But avoiding bacterias and other viruses is the most important.
Keep praying for Harper, for You, and all the other babies and parents in NICU
from France !

Becky said...

Kelly - They may be afraid of RSV. It is something that we all get, but for preemies or babes with lung problems, it can be fatal. Our guys got a synagis shot. Many parents of babes at risk for RSV literally hibernate from October through April. My daughter was much more lenient with the boys than I would have been. You might make sure you have purell in each room - hand washing is really important. People may not understand your rules, you may need to really be tough, but ultimately, Harper and her health come first!

Andrea said...

I am continuing to pray for your sweet girl!!! I can't imagine how scared you must be right now, but hold fast to the Lord...He has brought her so far already!

She looks so sweet in her new jammies all clean!!

Kim said...

Since you were dicussing the Cd I thought I would mention something. I am a lurker to your blog. I am expecting my first on July 1st! So excited that God has allowed me to carry his wonderful blessing. So, to my point. I ordered my baby these wonderful DVD's from Praise Baby. They play all sorts of christian music with the pictures on the TV being VERY colorful. A friend of mine has a little girl and she LOVES them! Just thought I would throw this out there. They are entertaining to me, so surely the aby will love them.

I pray for your sweet little Harper daily and hope God continues to bless your family. Everyday is another day God impresses us!!

Julie said...

Your precious baby Harper is beautiful. I will keep her and your family in my prayers. God Bless you all.

Anonymous said...

You are right- there is nothing more delicious than a baby after her bath! Harper is just precious. I will pray that her brain is just fine and that God gives you peace. My kids have never been through what Harper has and I can't tell you the sleep I've lost worrying about them!
You have been such a beautiful witness to Him through all of this. Thank you for sharing with all of us. It has been such an honor to pray for your family. I'll keep praying for Harper and for peace, comfort and strength for you and Scott, too.

Rach@In His Hands said...

What a precious girl in her little outfit!
The CD looks fantastic!
Praying with you....

Heidi @ Tayterjaq's Rebels said...

She is so cute. The shopping cart cover looks awesome.
Still praying for Harper in Maryland!

Abbie said...

I'm new to the blogging world and somehow stumbled across your blog. I LOVE reading it! I also have a daughter named Harper (4 months old!), and me and my Harper will be praying for you and your Harper!

The Allens said...

Harper is prayed for continually.

Danyele Easterhaus said...

he takes such great delight in harper and in you too! and i will continue to pray for harper...bless that sweet baby's heart! my preemie is one year old now, but use that cart cover...and in restaurants too for high chairs when the time comes. what a fab gift!

Bethany said...

She's so beautiful! I'm playing catch up here but I'm praying for all of you!

Rachel said...

Praying for Harper to continue to heal. Praying that all is well with her bran and that she continues to grow and develop without any delays. Praying for peace for your heart as you once again learn to rest in her creator.
Hugs and Prayers
Rachel in PA

Heather said...

Hi Kelly, I've been praying for you and little Harper. I just wanted to comment on Harpers hateful bathtime. From one mom to another. Perhaps she doesn't hate baths as much as you think. I think she's just cold. I would recommend you try using a cozy warm -right out of the dryer -flannel blanket to cover her with while you bathe her. Just uncover the areas you are washing and I think she'll be a much happier little girl. When I gave my children their sponge baths I would turn on the oven and leave the door open to warm up the room and they never hated bath time. I hope this helps :)

Anonymous said...

I own that CD and recommend it for adults too. Praying for Harper. : )


The Charm House said...

I cannot tell you how happy I am for all of you!! Harper is so beautiful... I just had my first Great niece this weekend, she is so precious. I thought of Harper constantly during the delivery and everytime I looked at Emma!!! We are so blessed. Praise God!
God is good ~ All the Time!
Love, Yvette

Kelly said...

Your trust and faith never cease to amaze me. I'll be praying for you, Scott, Harper and all your family as you continue this journey. You could write a very inspirational book about faith. It was all you had, and it was all you needed! We all need to lean on it a little more, don't we, and let our Sweet Lord show what he can do!

Love ya,
Kelly from Georgia

Jennifer said...

I've followed Harper's story since she was born and have kept ya'll in my prayers. In May, we too had a baby, who went straight to the NICU after he was born. Our story is different (he was born at 30weeks), but I've identified with much of your experience. The "Great Quarantine" awaits you. We are 9 months into ours and, while its not ideal to be shut up within your own home, it has had its blessings. Life has gotten simpler. We would still be busy maniacs had God not slowed us down for a purpose. I pray that you'll find the blessings, too, in your quarantine and then come away from it with a renewed perspective on friends, family, and what is truly necessary in our daily lives (and what is just fluff).
some things we've learned along the way: Insist on the Synages shots next winter(for RSV). Buy hand sanitizer in bulk and keep it at your front door. Get comfortable telling people "no," bc you'll be saying it often for the next year.
Best wishes for her continued good health.
memphis, tn

Kari Lynn said...

Still in my thoughts and prayers. She gets cuter everyday!

sarahross said...

Our prayers continue to be with you and Harper! Please also keep this sweet baby girl in your prayers:

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Kelly, she is absolutely adorable. I'll keep praying!

Beth said...

We'll continue to keep Harper in our prayers, Kelly! She looks perfect!!!!! *hugs*

Jennifer said...

Harper looks so cute in her new pj's. Nothing better after a good bath is to wrap them in their sweet pj's for a restful night (or hours)of sleep. :)

That shopping cart cover is neat! They didn't have such things when I had the boys but they did with Shelby. I STILL use it to this day and she is 5. I love that it is clean and safe for her. I like that this one has all sorts of pockets and goodies for you and for Harper! Adorable!!

Colleen said...

Harper is going to be just fine! God certainly hasn't brought her this far to turn back now.


Kellie DeLange said...

We're still praying for sweet Harper!!! She looks so snuggly in her pjs...Love it!

Lazy Mom Leslie said...

LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the picture of her in your arms going down the hall! He is mighty indeed!

Kristin said...

She is PERFECT, no matter what. You all remain in my thoughts and prayers. 2 Corinthians 5:7

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