Our wonderful Sunday School class is making meals this week and next. I've made a ton of meals over the last few years but you don't realize what a blessing it is until it's your turn. Especially when you have a high maintenance child that wants to be held 24/7 which makes cooking pretty much impossible.
Here is another family I would like to ask you to pray for. There are so many needs out there - please keep them in your prayers.
And praise - baby Brayden came home from the NICU today after 34 days! Can't wait for he and Harper to meet after they both get off of house arrest.
Happy 1st month Birthday! I hope you take a photo each month to see how much she changes.
Happy 1 month birthday sweet Harper!!
So happy for you. She's a doll. It only gets better.
And I saw on an earlier post that someone said they hoped this didn't turn into a "baby blog." Don't worry about people like that. You have every right to talk about your little miracle as much as you want - here or elsewhere. Keep posting pics and testifying about what God's done in your life and the life of this precious little girl.
Happy one month Harper!!! She is so stinkin' adorable.
I'm glad to hear you are getting meals, I know it is a huge blessing. I have been in the position where I have been teh one recieving the dinners and lunches from church family .. just another way to be reminded of Gods love.
I am so happy to see her looking so good! God is so good. My two friends who have struggled getting pregnant find out they are both expecting this month! Please pray for them because they both have lost babies once they are pregnant! I have gotten so many wonderful ideas from your blog for my little girl who is due next month...you should see her Easter dress. I think if we lived in the same town we would be fast friends..ha! I am so happy for you and continue to pray! Harper is precious and will have such a testimony!
Happy One month to my beautiful niece!
Happy 1 Month birthday Harper!!! I love that sign, it is so cute!!
Have a great week Kelly
Oh my she is getting big already. God is wonderful in the families he gives us. I am so glad that you will have one less thing to worry about this week with meals. What a blessing. Don't worry this period will pass and you will miss her needing you to hold her all the time. My youngest was that way and I miss her needing me so much now that she is almost 3!
Happy 1 Month Harper! What a miracle you are - a true testament to God's Goodness.
Happy 1 month Harper!
Happy one month!!!! Harper is beautiful!!!!!
Congrats!! Harper is so beautiful!! Enjoy every minute time flies by so fast. I am so happy for both you and Scott and your families.Just to let you know your story has really encouraged me to reaffirm my relationship with God and find a church for me and my daughter. It really shows that God does work miracles,and to realize all the blessing he has placed in my life.Thank You and God Bless.
Love, Rachel Abate
Happy one month Harper. Kelly she is so cute!!! We love all the pictures. What a neat plaque Kaye made for you. I am keeping all these ideas in mind for when God blesses us with our baby:-)
Happy 1 month Harper!!! A friend of mine took a picture each month with a sign like that of her two kids and it's so fun to go back and look, and then to compare the two!! A great idea!! Enjoy your dinners while you've got them!
Happy happy happy one month birthday Baby Harper! She is sooooo beautiful! and she is looking so vibrant and even more adorable every day! Thanks for sharing her with us!
She gets more beautiful every day. Happy 1 month!
Happy One Month Birthday, Harper! She is precious, Kelly. I know you are so proud!
She is just too precious...treasure her always!
Scott and Kelly - I don't comment every day, but you can bet I read every single post. Harper is beautiful. She looks so much older than 1 month...I think she's an old soul in so many ways. She's got a lot of wisdom in those beautiful eyes. Happy one month to your sweet girl. And I SO AGREE about the Sunday School meals. I felt the same way. They were invaluable to me and my family when we had a newborn.
So...I know I'm your 1000th email, but seriously Harper is AMAZING!!! I know what you feel like. My baby boy went through and is still going through so much. But...seriously...did you get a chance to watch the Bachelor??? I'm so excited..and shocked!!! yay!!! Check out my blog at http://thehaymanfamily.blogspot.com
Thanks to you, I'm getting my blog on blogher. You're such an inspiration. Nicole
Yay for Harper!! Such a beautiful baby girl and a wonderful testimony to the Lord!
Happy one month birthday you pretty girl!!!! You've come a long way baby in one short month.
Happy one month Miss Harper!!
Happy 1 month Birthday, Doll!
Harper looks so grown up--like a little lady. :)
I love how alert she is (she doesn't want to miss a THING).
Happy ONE Month Birthday Harper! You are such a precious little girl!!!!
Love & Hugs from Mississippi! :)
God is good! Thank you for being an inspiration to us all, Stamps family. Your faith is in inspiration to us all!
She is soooooooooo beautiful and healthy. Praise God.
I can't believe it's been a month already!!! and she's growing so!
Happy 1 Month to Harper!! She is adorable, so glad she's doing well :)
Happy Birthday Harper!
Kelly, Harper has some of the best facial expressions I've ever seen.
Can't believe a month has passed already! Your little monkey is adorable! I love seeing her precious face!
One month old already!!! wow! Give her hugs for us! She looks so sweet. Thanks for sharing these precious milestones with us. :)
Happy one month Harper!! The sign is so cute!
Been following your blog for months, Was heartbroken after she was born. Sooo Thankful that she is doing well. She is absolutely BEAUTIFUL.
A month? How can it be a month!
You just keep loving each minute with your little monkey and eating food brought to your door! I wonder if I can ask for a meal train for my next birthday?
We might just have to hit Crackel Barrel when I visit...:)
always, kate
Your Harper is Beautiful. And in response to the high maintance part..... Woo. I have a 6 week old girl. I think it is just having a girl. My boy was nothing like my girl. Bryston is 3 and 1/2, I just thought he was high maitence. Until Meri Grace. She has this cry that she uses when it takes you longer than one minute to get her. My husband ask me if something was wrong with her. "Yeah" I said. "She's a girl!" So much fun to look forward to."
I have followed baby harper and baby brayden as they have been given there miracle of life and I am so glad that we have a god that is so amazing. I know I'm just a woman that follows your blog but I tell you... it is like being a part of the blog family...
We all love you here in missouri!!
Yay! Happy one month Harper!! I love seeing her at home!! She is so beautiful!!
Hugs and prayers,
Heather~ On the Homefront
Happy birthday Harper!!! She is SUCH a cutie! I love the tile, too. Glad you guys are doing well!
Happy 1 month!!! Man time goes so fast. In just the blink of an eye she will be 1 year. She is just so stinking cute. I am cracking up that you said she is on house arrest. Let's hope this is the only time she is. ha ha!! J/K. I also love the Tri Chi outfit. CUTE CUTE!! Glad you are home and doing good!
I love the blog world because it allows us to pray for one another....even when we have never met. Thanks for linking to their site.
Happy one month!
Hi! I’m Mike Gatten, inventor of Miracle Blanket, and your blog was just brought to my attention. I noticed your mention of the Miracle Blanket and I wanted to say a HUGE thank you! As a matter of fact, we can’t thank you and others enough for helping us spread the word. We really want to help other parents avoid the all-too-common problem of sleep deprivation with a newborn, but we have found that getting the word out is incredibly difficult. People just don’t believe us when we tell them it might be “this easy.” The fact is, advertising doesn’t work for a product like ours, so we rely solely on word-of-mouth from parents and professionals who have been so great as to give us a try and then tell everyone about their experience.
To show my personal gratitude I want to thank you with a free Miracle Blanket! If you don’t need it for yourself you might give it as a gift or maybe a giveaway on your blog.
Please call Susan in Marketing and she will send you a free Miracle Blanket of your choice – really! (214) 675.0539.
And again, thank you so very much!
Happy 1 Month, Harper. You are such a beautiful child with gorgeous big eyes.
I started reading your blog and praying for your baby after a few prayer requests were mentioned on some other's blogs. I've been lurking ever since but thought I'd comment tonight.
Praise God for his blessings on little Harper's health and life. She is quite a cutie.
I'm sorry she has been fussy and wanting to be held 24/7. My son was the exact same way and nine months later he is still so high maintenance. I would have lost my sanity without my baby wrap...called a Sleep Wrap. If you don't have a sling/wrap/carrier, I'm telling you, they are a life saver. And my little boy loved it and still does.
Take care of yourself and enjoy every minute with Harper.
PS- I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE all the goodies she has gotten. That girl won't go a minute being out of style until she's about 68.
Happy 1 month birthday!
Awww! Sweet baby girl! Happy 1 month!
Happy 1 month to Harper! What a blessing. She is Adorable!
She is beautiful as always!!
Happy 1 month birthday to Harper, and happy 48th birthday to me! :)
When I think of where we were a month ago tonight, I have to say "How Great Is Our God" !!
Not being biased, mind you, but Harper is a sharp looking newborn!!!!
Love you Harper....your Nonny
Happy 1 mo Birthday beautiful Harper! I am so happy that she is doing well and things are going well for you Kelly! Praise God! Thank you for the beautiful pics of Harper! Have a great week!
Seriously??? Its been a month???
Every time y'all pop into my head I ask God to just sweetly bless you. And, I think that baby girl is beautiful! Hold her all you can. My baby is 8 and it breaks my heart that I can't just hold him.
Love you all,
Happy One Month Birthday!!
Looking more adorable each day.
Harper is so stinkin cute. I can't believe she is one month, she looks so healthy and stylish. May God continue to bless your family.
Happy One Month Harper! What a month it has been too! So happy you are at HOME to celebrate! And so nice that your friends are bringing meals in - I know I was so grateful for member from our church who brought meals in after I had my babies! What a great help that is!!
Happy Month Day sweet Harper and if I didn't already say it, welcome home!!!!
kelly to see harper sitting there fills my heart with such thanksgiving to the wonderful things that God has done for her, for her whole loving family. thank-you for giving us the opportunity to stay in prayer for her.
to see her sweet photos you can feel what a complete blessing she is!
happy one month harper!!
Happy one month birthday little princess!
Happy one month birthday!!! Her socks in the first picture are too cute!!
Happy One Month to not only Harper, but you both too! :)
She is just sa-dang-cute!!
Congratulations on 1 month Harper!!!! You are looking beautiful and full of spunk. I am enjoying all the pics of you as your mommy posts. What a miracle.
Thank you Kelly for sharing Gods message and meaning in your lives. It has inspired and moved me watching how Gods is at work.
Please know that the routines and transition to mommyhood seems to get much easier after 6 weeks to 2 months. It takes a while and B-Feeding adds more sacrifice to it, but it is so worth it all.
happy one month sweet harper!!! so glad your home and happy with your wonderful momma!! xoxo
Harper is looking more like her Mother every day! Happy 1 Month Birthday!
Enjoy those great meals, as your family is so very deserving.
So very thankful little Brayden is home. More answered prayers I am so grateful for.
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22
Where did the first month go??? You are almost out of the fog...I saw by 8 weeks things get so much better!!!
She is adorable! Glad you liked the tile Kaye made. It's one of my fav gifts to give.
Happy 1 month Birthday Harper, she is such a cutie!! So glad that things are going better and y'all seem to be doing great!! Blessings!
She is a little doll. I am so glad she is as healthy as she is! I've been prayin' ever since the day she was born.
Oh...and I saw your fb status. I am totally with you..I hope Melissa wins!
Happy 1 month to sweet baby Harper--beautiful baby that has been through soooo much! Amen! Your mom "hit the nail on the head", How Great is our God!! Amazing how much has happened in a month!
I agree with Sara Madeline's mother--don't even think twice about what that person said about this becoming a "baby blog". She is yours & Scott's miracle baby and you can talk about her, show all the photos that you want--I love to read your blogs and enjoy the photos. I pray that you're able to get some needed rest! God bless you, always!!
Love in Christ,
Lynn in TX
Happy 1 month birthday, sweet little monkey girl!! I love you so incredibly much and continue to pray for you and your mommy and daddy daily! :) You're each so very special to me and I'm so glad that we've become lifelong friends! :)
Sending lots of love and HUGE hugs your way!
Love you,
Jess :)
Happy 1st month birthday Harper! :D
I could EAT HER UP (and I will in April when I get to see her)! :)
Happy one month!! I love her little shoes. All dressed up and nowhere to go...Hang in there, you are doing awesome!!!
I just started making bows and I have a fun give away...check out my blog!
Has it been one month already?!?
"Happy One Month, Sweet Harper Girl!"
She is such a doll and such a testimony to God's grace.
Happy one month birthday you darling little girl!!!!! I am loving seeing you in all your cute clothes!
Thank you for being so faithful to pass on the prayer requests of others in need. It is such a privilege to be able to take part in the miracles God's doing all over the country by praying for these families.
Hi Kelly, Harper is so beautiful. I think she has your eyes. When will we see pics of Harper and Dawson? Could you pray for our little Bichon, Bijou, tomorrow? She's having dental surgery and is 16.5 years old. She's been having collapsing episodes and we are so worried about the surgery. Thank you.
Yippee! Happy One Month Sweet Harper. The first few months my son, Riley, was born, I actually cooked a lot of meals - while nursing him! That was always tricky and I always hoped no neighbors could see in the window! :) So glad you have the blessing of meals being brought over. I'd bring you one if I lived near you!
Just remember, it's okay to feel overwhelmed and wish for the days when she'll sleep through the night, etc... That doesn't mean you're a bad mom. AND - remember that all things come in seasons, and the newborn season has so many sleep-depriving challanges, but it doesn't last forever! (and it's fun to savor all the newborn cuddles you won't get once she's on the move!!!) God is with you in these "normal" moments, just like He was in those scary first few weeks. Keep on Keeping On Momma! You're doing an awesome job and your baby is so beautiful.
Happy One Month Birthday, Sweet Harper! You look beautiful!!
I'm LOVING seeing you at home with your Mommy and Daddy, in your cute little outfits, healthy and happy!
I look forward to watching you grow up!
Oh, Kelly! What a doll! Happy one month, Harper!! The meals are a wonderful blessing aren't they?
She is so beautiful Kelly. Happy first month Harper! :)
Happy one month, Harper!!! YAY!!
Kelly, we don't know each other, but we are facebook "friends". I saw your name the other morning (I think around 3:30 or so) on friends that were online. I was up nursing my 2 month baby boy. I thought about saying "hello", but felt kind of weird about it. Anyway, just wanted you to know that you are not alone during those sleepless nights. :)
Have a great rest of the week! Blessings!!
Ashley McWhorter
she's so cute! time flies by. mine will be 2 months wednesday.
She is so adorable!!! Can't believe she's already one months old, but so thankful she pulled through. :) Glad to hear that Brayden is finally out of the NICU! I know God was hearing LOTS of prayers for Harper and Brayden. Such strong kids! Hope you have a great week and you can get some sleep. :)
I can't believe it's been a month. Happy one month to your precious girl!
Happy 1 month, Harper!
Can't believe she's a month already! Thanking the Lord again and again that she's doing so well!
Know that I'm here praying right now!
Isaiah 26:4 Trust ye in the LORD for ever: for in the LORD JEHOVAH is everlasting strength.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Happy One Month Birthday, Sweet Girl! You are such a blessing!!!
Hurray!!! What an awesome milestone!!! Hapy 1st Month! :)
Happy 1 month! She gets prettier every time you post a picture.
I don't think you can know how much meals help after a baby until you are in that situation. My friend came over after I had Ashley (c-section) and cooked for us. It was the best gift!
Happy 1st month! I'm so excited for you guys.
What a beautiful plaque!
Happy 1 month Birthday Harper!!
Hope you are doing well, Kelly. She is just beautiful and everyone seems so happy to be home and falling into a routine!
Have a great week!
Happy One Month, Harper!! You're such a pretty baby! Your Aunt Hillary LOVES you a lot and can't wait to see you soon!! Be good for your momma!!
I just keep telling your Dad how GORGEOUS Harper is!! It's so hard to believe she is a MONTH old.
Our church family has brought us meals on a few occasions, and it meant SO much to me and my family.
(I LOVED Amazing Race the other night. Laughed until I busted a gut on the cheese thing!!)
PS. That plaque is precious.
She is beautiful! I love her little lips!! Happy 1 month birthday, Harper!! Your blog is so fun too read!
WOW!! YOU'VE COME A LONG WAY BABY!! Happy one month Harper. I did alot of praying for you the past 30 days. WELL WORTH IT:) GOD IS GREAT!!!
Happy 1 month Harper!! She is just precious! I just can't say that enough!
A very happy one month birtday Harper!
awww! Harper is a doll! she is so adorable, and i am very glad she has gotten better! HAPPY !ST MONTH HARPER! we love yoU!
A very happy and grateful one month!!!
That plaque is absolutely precious ;)!
Happy healthy one month birthday Fancy Harper!
Happy one month Harper!!!!! So happy yr home and doing so wonderful!!!!!!!!!!!!!
One month already! She is adorable!
Happy one month, Miss Harper! Keep taking those pics at the month marks, she will change sooo fast!! Lauren was a "high maintanance" baby too....ALWAYS wanted to be held...and at 9 months she still will crawl back to mom or dad to be held...I think it's just a way to assure her that you are always there for her! God Bless your little family!!
Hi Kelly,
I just wanted to recommend a book for you. It's called, "The Baby Whisperer" by Tracy Hogg. I can empathize with those first few weeks of your babies life. I know it might sound crazy to put your young baby on a schedule right now, but the sooner you read this book and start implementing her "EASY" plan the easier your life really will be and the happier your baby will be. My baby turns one this weekend, but the third week of her life was the most challenging of mine. She seemed to always be hungry and never wanted to sleep. What I realized after reading this book was that I was overfeeding her and misreading her cues for sleep. I really hope that this helps you. Best of Luck and Congrats on your baby girl. Do what you can to enjoy every minute...it goes so fast.
Jennifer Neal
Thank you for pointing me in the direction of the family's blog you mentioned in this post. My son, who is now 5 years old, also suffers from Chiari malformation. I've been reading your blog since Harper was born, but have not posted a comment before. Your daughter has been in my prayers daily.
Happy one month Harper!
I still cannot believe you gave birth, natrually, to an almost 10 pound baby! That totally awesome plaque reminded me!
Yayyy Baby Harper! You are rocking 1 month tude!! Here is to many many many more happy months!
She is just the cutest!
She is just getting cuter and sweeter all the time. The high maintenance stuff will get better. My most high maintenance baby turned out to be my easiest child.
Happy ONE Month Ms. Harper!!! Time has flown! It seems like just yesterday you were heading to the hospital! I have enjoyed following your blog while you were preggo those last couple months up until no!!! God Bless!
she is beautiful.
Harper gets prettier by the day! I love all the new pics each day. Her little expressions are too cute. One of my recent pics was the Valentine card pic. It would be fun to photograph her every so often with that same big flower head band just to compare and see how much she is growing. I know you're so busy and still adjusting to home life, but thanks for updating us every day. We love seeing how much has changed in this sweet family over the past month. God is SO good!
Precious girl! Little girlfriend is rockin the adorableness at one month. :-) LOVE her!
Happy 1 month sweet Harper. You are such a beautiful miracle!
What a blessing to have so many people bringing you meals during this rough time - God is so good!
Happy one month, hang in there with the needy baby, my first was the same way. She is now 6 and we made it through. It was tough at the time though so I am praying for rest for you! SHe is so sweet and cute, you dress her so cute!!
happy one month sweet baby girl!
Hi Kelly--it's a little late for your signups, but it will help the next person: check out this website. It's helpful for everybody to know what you like, allergies, what everybody else is bringing, etc. www.mealbaby.com
By the way, what a sweet little face. She's too sweet to ever cry, right? ha.
Melissa Brown
I cant believe it's already been one month. How exciting! She gets cuter every day.
Happy One Month! Wow, time really does fly!!
Happy One Month Birthday Harper! You truly are a blessing! :) Big Hugs from Ohio!
Happy 1 Month, Sweet Harper! What a beautiful baby girl. Praise the Lord!
She is so beautiful. There is so much to celebrate and we're glad you all can do it from home!
Praising God for your healthy and BEAUTIFUL daughter. Happy one month bday, Harper!
Aloha from Honolulu, Hawaii!
Happy ONE month beautiful Harper!!!
Happy 1 month birthday Ms. Harper! Time really flies and she's not even mine! Wow! Blessings to you, sweet child. Love the plaque, by the way!
Blessings and peace,
P.S. My daughter was colicy all day long(who says it's just at night??) and had reflux (they apparently can go hand-in-hand). I used to turn on the vacuum cleaner A LOT because it seemed to quiet her down ( or did it just drown out the crying?? KIDDING!!). I also had to hold her constantly. I barely used my stroller because I ended up holding her and pushing it everywhere with the other hand. UGH! Thank the good Lord that it ends at 3 months!!
Hi Kelly! I've been following you for a bit, ever since Harper was born (btw, she is SO ADORABLE. I mean I'm sure nobody has told you that yet. :) ). Last night my nephew was born at St. Francis, and as I went up to see him I walked right by the NICU and thought of you and your sweet baby, and gave thanks that she is so healthy and doesn't have to be there anymore! Just thought I would share!
P.S. Just realized my nephew, Dylan, was born exactly a month after Harper, and within minutes of the same time, too! Funny.
Kelly I am sooo happy for you. Harper is beautiful! I'm glad all is finally well!! Also, I hope you don't mind I tagged you on my blog. :) God bless!
Happy 1mth!!
Happy one month birthday Harper. Hey kelly has Dawson got to come home yet? How is he handling not beingthe baby anymore? Have a great day!
Hi kelly...
I just ran across your blog after seeing the "praying for Harper" icon on another blog. Being a mom myself as well as a strong christian I just had to see who Harper was. I was so intrigued I started from when she was born to todays blog. I could hardly read because of my own emotions. You see, 8 years and 6 months ago lived in little rock with my husband and was expecting our first child. I was huge but the dr. still didn't realize our baby weighed nearly 10 lbs. After 24 hours of labor at Baptist Hospital the nurses realized our baby was wrapped in his imbilical cord and was not receiving oxygen. Before we knew what was happening I was rushed to the OR and 16 minutes later he was delivered via c-section. Because of the difficult labor and loss of labor my precious son was placed in NICU for the next week. It was the most horrifying, scary time in my life but the Lord saved my precious child. And today he is a happy, healthy 8 year old. He is so full of energy I can barely keep up with him. I am so happy Harper Brown is thriving and is home...she is absolutely beautiful. Your precious family is in my prayers.
Happy 1 month Harper!!!
I saw your facebook status last night and I soooo agree. Jason has to pick Melissa!!!! :)
Happy Birthday Harper! Love the pictures! And your mommy is hilarious- house arrest! I know that must be what it feels like!
Love! Jenny Beth
Happy one month sweet Harper!!!
she is just gorgeous Kelly!!
love ya
I Could not help but smile when I saw this picture.
I swear she is just the cutest baby! Love the outfits you dress her in..
Happy 1st Month to Harper! What a cutie!
HAppy Happy 1 month birthday to Harper!!!
Happy 1 month Harper! She is absolutely adorable!
Happy one month. She is precious.
Happy 1 month Harper! Kelly--you might want to take her photo in the same spot next to the same stuffed animal every month for a year--the stuffed animal helps you see how much she's grown over time. Just a thought.
She's beautiful!!! Love the shirt!!
Happy one month birthday sweet baby girl! Has angel baby met Dawson yet? I can't wait to see that picture.
I know you spent so much time in the hospital but doesn't it just fly by!!! I can't believe she's a month already...so adorable!!!
Happy one month Harper!!!
Yea!!! I can not believe how fast a month hsa gone by! Happy 1 month Birthday Harper!!!!
aw happy one month birthday!! you have no idea how fast it goes - I can't believe mine turned 5 months just yesterday :-)
Well now look at that beautiful face! DO I SEE AN ANGEL?! YES INDEED!
Look at God. We went from seeing that precious sweetie on tubes in hospital photos that broke my heart but increased my faith to seeing her looking like this!
I'm so excited for Harper's future. Something GOOOOOOOOOOOD is going to happen in and through her life!
Happy 1 Month Birthday sweet Harper!
I have been following your blog since you had her... what a wonderful month you guys have had! Showered with love and prayers and affection! Take care!
Mom of four daughters
Sarah and
PS. Your Harper and My Sarah share a Birthday! My Sarah turned 5 this year and is doing great after being hospitalized when she was one month old with pnemonia so you have a lot to look forward to!
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