Sunday, February 22, 2009

The Girl Knows How to Work It

We were lucky to have Harper's Papaw and JiJi here this weekend. They loved holding Harper all weekend and we loved being able to do a few other things while they helped!
HOWEVER - I have figured something out about my sweet girl. She knows how to work it. Friday - she spent the ENTIRE day screaming at the top of her lungs. I finally spent about 90 minutes dancing around the living room holding her and dancing to Phil Wickham and David Crowder (she seemed to like Phil better - not sure how I feel about that) and that calmed her down a little. But on Saturday - when she was with her grandparents - she was an ANGEL. Didn't cry once - just smiled and slept almost all day. WHAT? She did the same thing when my parents were here last week. She is totally working the grandparents. She is going to have herself a car AND a pony by the time she is 14 if she keeps this up (and not from us).

Saturday morning - I left Scott and his parents in charge of Harper and I went to help with a baby shower. We had my favorite petit fours!

Our Sunday School class is having a small baby boom. In about 6 months time, there are going to be 8 new babies (3 are here, 5 more to come). They are going to have to start expanding the children's buildings.
Vonda is the expectant mother in the middle in the black and white. The hostesses were Jeanine, Mary Avery, Kacy, Erin, (Vonda), Lisa, Monica, Michelle, ME, and Berkli.
Vonda is having a little boy named Brandon. She had a huge shower and got a ton of nice things. It was fun to see this big table of blue things since I've been looking at so much pink for the last few months.
Speaking of is the little grandparent charmer herself.
All fixed up and nowhere to go.
Since I had free arms yesterday - I made us dinner and cooked Paula Deen's chocolate pecan pie. So many of you have asked if I will be updating my recipe blog. I will - I promise - but since I haven't been cooking lately - I'm out of the loop. But more things to come. Start with this!


  • 1 (9-inch) unbaked pie shell
  • 2 cups pecan halves
  • 3 large eggs, beaten
  • 3 tablespoons butter, melted
  • 1/2 cup dark corn syrup
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 3 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped


Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F.

Cover bottom of pie crust with pecans.

In a medium bowl, whisk together the eggs and melted butter. Add the corn syrup, sugar, and the chopped chocolate. Stir until all ingredients are combined. Pour mixture into the pie shell over the pecans and place on a heavy-duty cookie sheet.

Bake for 10 minutes. Lower the oven temperature to 350 degrees F and continue to bake for an additional 25 minutes or until pie is set. Remove from oven and cool on a wire rack.

post signature


CathyBB said...

Kelly that reminds me, I made your Butterfinger cake for my husband's birthday a few weeks ago and everyone LOVED it, so THANK YOU for sharing your recipes!

And for the record, I love your "dressed up and nowhere to go" photos. =)

Suburban prep said...

Oh pecan pie and chocolate at that. I am never going to get rid of this extra weight.

Lexie said...

too funny!!

When I had my darling girl, there were a bunch of us friends at church expecting within 5 months of each other. It was a blast!!

I HAVE to try that recipe, sounds devine!

Gracie Beth said...

I am so impressed that with Harper you still find the time to cook pies!

The Wisers said...

Thank you for sharing your life!

Harper is so beautiful!

Jenny said...

Wow...that pie looks delicious!!! Harper looks so precious in that hat! So sweet and so content!!! I know you are enjoying every moment with that doll!

julie & joe said...

I love chocolate pecan pie! My aunt makes the best.

I'm glad you got to escape for a bit.

Harper looks so cute with the bows!

Katie said...

That is too funny how she has been "charming" the grandparents! :o) I have the feeling, though, they would be charmed by her even if she was screaming at the top of her lungs with them, too!

That pie sounds DEEEE-vine!

Lauren said...

Harper is smart, is she not??? haha!!!! So glad the grandparents are loving her and she's loving them!!! And I'm soooooo loving the pics of her Kelly :o)

Becky said...

It was like that when my daughter was pregnant too - actually another little boy was born the same day as their three. There were about 7 - all boys but one!

Nice to see you are getting out again. Were you able to go to church today? I know you have been missing that!

Jill said...

Kelly, you look really good! Harper is beautiful! I too love all her dressed up pictures! Her hats, flowers and bows are adorable! I think it is so cute how she already knows how to work the grandparents over! Smart girl!
The pie looks very tasty!

Jenna said...

Well between the petifours, the pecan pie, and the sweetie pie, I am about to go into sugar overload just reading this. LOVE it!

And I am cracking up at Harper and her charming skillz. She is so smart to learn this important life lesson so early - it will serve her well. :-)

Glad you got to get out and have some fun baby showering! You look so great and all your friends are too cute. What a fun group to share motherhood with!

Kari said...

So funny!! My little ones know how to work it, as well. But my problem is with daddy!!! I get the fussy, cranky babies, and he gets the angels!!! Ah well. BTW I have the very same pink outfit for little Audrey!! Only it's a tad too big for now. She is still wearing preemies!! btw..Harper is gorgeous!!!!

Chari said...

Baby showers are so much fun!
Love pink!
Does she have some colic? My baby had colic from Day 1, had an episode almost everyday til about 7 weeks when I found Colic Calm. It works wonders! You can only get it online.

Anonymous said...

The babies TOTALLY know what they are doing--SO SNEAKY!

capperson said...

Those petit fours are so cute!!
Did you make them yourself?

Rachel said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Little April said...

Oh that is so funny my son does the same thing, all though now that he is two it has gotten worse. He them so wrapped in thinking he is the most perfect child to ever exsist, that they will do anything he ask! Just wait this is only the begining lol! I love your blog, Harper is a cutie, my girlfriend named he daughter Harper also, I think it is such a swet name and so different:)

Rachel said...

That pie looks fabulous! I'll have to try it some time.

Do you have one of those stability balls? I would set my rear end on that thing and bounce for a while to calm my oldest down. Some days it would be the only thing that would work when she refused to fall asleep or calm down.

Hang in there!

His Doorkeeper said...

Her Nonny would take her screaming all day or not!!!!

Anonymous said...

How many girls have gotten pregnant who were/are listed on the prayer blog?

Rachel said...

Did you make or buy the petit fours? If you made them, you have to post the recipe! :)

I am loving your blog and have been praying for Harper since I found out what was going on a couple of days after she was born. PRAISE JESUS for her amazing recovery!

Lana said...

Harper is such a pretty little girl! I love the hat! Yumm...the pie looks delicious!

ashleydiggs said...

Oh girl, that next to last picture of Ms. H is adorable!! Talk about a sweet little face! And I totally understand about her working the grandparents! Didn't you notice a difference in your parents after she was born!?

Meredith - Mama of FOUR! said...

Ok, so seriously, my mouth is watering at the thought of those tasty desserts. Yummy. Harper is a charm. So sweet. Don't you just love mommyhood? Sweatpants, screaming fits, nursing pads, and all?

~Mrs. Guru~ said...

Harper is so beautiful!

Em said...

Where do you get all of your fabulous petit fours or do you make them?

Monica said...

We had a baby boom in my Sunday School class the year I had my twins, too. Including my girls, I think there were 10 babies born in about a six months time as well. It was so much fun to have so many friends experiencing first-time pregnancy right along with me.

Your chocolate pecan pie looks so yummy!! It sounds a lot like Derby Pie.

nanny said...

She is definitely a charmer! Precious!

Daddy Dale and Mommy Jen said...

Harper is getting more precious in every picture. The chocolate pecan pie sounds delicious! I know what you mean about staying busy and not able to keep up!

Heather said...

Love me some Paula Deen. Sounds like you had fun at the shower! Thanks for sharing!

Unknown said...

Hi Kelly,

I've been following your blog for a while now and wanted to say hi! I'm about to put several of your suggested recipes to work as we are also having a baby boom in our Sunday school class here in Fort Worth.

Harper is seriously such a doll. Praying for you guys!


Lazy Mom Leslie said...

Oh! My mouth is watering! So happy that you are getting out of the house.

Erin Wright said...

Hey Kelly! I am from SC and somehow just came across your blog right after Harper was born...and have been praying for her and your family ever since...What a miracle she is! She is beautiful...keep the pictures coming!!

Tristan said...

How do you make a petit four?

SWEET pics of Miss Harper!!

laura said...

Love Phil Wickham! The shower looks lovely, how fun to celebrate the upcoming babies and return to your healthy little girl at home! I just can't get enough of the adorable hats and bows. She is beautiful, Kelly!

I am praying for you as you get into a routine; no doubt you three are still recovering from the last month's unexpected events. Nothing a little pecan pie can't help, ha! Seriously though, I am praying for rest and joy during this special time. :)

Donna said...

Bless Paula Deen and her butter! Have you tried her cream cheese brownies? To die for. Babies do better with grandparents because we are calmer. A new mother gets all wound up because the baby is screaming and she can't make her stop. Grandparents take it more in stride. We have been there, so this is old hat to us. But then again, the kids do know which side their bread is buttered on. I think it's in the DNA coding.Miss Harper is absolutely beautiful in the pictures today. You would never know she had been sick. Praise be. Keeping you in my heart in GA.

Jordan said...

Love her smile in the picture of her in the all pink outfit. You can definately tell that she knows how to work it! =]

Stacy D said...

I was looking for a dessert to make tonight... nothing special... just wanted something yummy. A friend of mine makes a chocolate pecan pie too that is AWESOME. So I am so glad I stumbled across this recipe when I came to check your blog today... my chocolate pecan pie is currently in the oven baking!!:)

Sue said...

Kelly...just discovered your blog. Your layout is just beautiful as is your heart. I love all the photos of your sweet angel. I have one of my own.. I suffered the fertility problems, she was born a little early with RDS and had to be on a ventilator. We walked the floors with her for 3 months. Now she is a beautiful, healthy 16 year old. God is faithful!! I am going to tell her story on my blog later this week. I am new at blogging and would love for you to visit.
Blessings- LillySue

AKat said...

That pie looks amazing!!! I can't wait to try it soon. Harper is as cute as a button!

Sarah said...

Glad to read that you had a fun weekend! Yeah for the grandparents being there this weekend and giving you some free time! lol at Harper "working it" already. :) They figure that out early, don't they?

Megan {The Brick Bungalow} said...

I love the picture of Harper without the hat on... her face is just so precious and you can see the shape of her face and all of her little hair! Is she the first granddaughter? My baby will be the first on both sides, so we're expecting a bunch of spoiling! :)

Tara G. said...

My Granny and PawPaw were each known to slip a few dollars into our hands as we left their home (we lived out of state) and were instructed to keep that a secret. Of course, we never fessed up that the other had already donated to our little piggy banks (they probably knew)! I was the first grandchild on both sides, and what a great place to be in the birth order! Ha! And, by the way, they did buy me a horse! My Granny died a year ago in April. I received the original photo of her and PawPaw in their eloping outfits and just a few weeks ago decided to get a new frame. I took it out at the store to see exactly how it was mounted and discovered a personal note to me she had written because she knew I had always loved that picture- I was CRYING in the craft store. Anyway, sweet memories to be made between the spoilers and the spoil-ee! :)

Lucky in Love said...

That girl is smart!!

Those petit fours look fabulous!!

Young Momma said...

I love the pic of her with out the had. That little smirk just goes with the story of charming away her grandparents!! lol Too cute!

beckylbranch said...

She is such a cutie patootie! She is getting so big already! said...

I HAD to comment on this post because it made me laughed when you talked about dancing around to Phil Whickam and David Crowder. My son is 6 months old and I am pretty sure he is going to know every Phil Whickam song by heart, he really seems to like his album. I think he has good taste.

AND, when daddy is watching him he WILL NOT sleep at all - just wants to be up hanging out with him.

Have enjoyed your blog and been praying for you and your family. Thanks for sharing.

the n said...

So jealous of the petit fours!

Harper looks just as gorgeous as ever!

McFarland Family said...

Oh Honey It has just begun with the grandparents:) My kids are SPOILED ROTTEN by both sets! My daughter is 5 and she knows how to work it with her Nana:) I am embaressed to say but I over heard her tell a friend "My Nana gets me whatever I want" Oh yes she did. Needless to say I had a lOOOOOOOOOng talk with my daughter and Nana...which my mom

Lynette said...

My oldest was the same way. She cried a lot but loved it when I danced around with her. Between all the dacing and nursing, I lost the baby weight fast! I am glad you had a nice visit with your in-laws. That pie looks great, we love Paula in our house!

bethany said...

I love reading your blog and love seeing all the cute pictures of Harper. So glad that you were able to get away for a little bit and enjoy some "girl time".
I have a few questions for you regarding your previous post but will email you directly.
Thanks for writing! I love reading your blog!

Laura White Photography said...

Okay, just so you know all kids do that thing were they make you insane and then are PERFECT for the grandparents. My boy do it all the time. I doesn't stop at any certain age and she knew instantly how to do it as soon as she came out. Get used to it Mommy... This is the way it's gonna be.
By the way... The first picture of Harper in this post makes me know by the look on her face that she's got you all wrapped around her little finger. She knows how to work it, I can see it in her eyes.
She is beautiful... Looks so big, not like a newborn at all.
Keep those blogs coming... I read them everyday.
God Bless.
Laura White

Nicole Rodriguez said...

So funny! I make Paula Dean's Chocolate Pecan Pie for the holidays! It's a fav in my family!!! And Harper is too cute!

The Laney Family said...

Kelly! She is a smart little cookie! haha! She knows who is going to butter her bread...haha! She is just so very beautiful. My husband and I pray for your family daily- crazy how you can start to love a family that you don't even know! The Lord is amazing- he lets us see a kindred spirit. So glad that life is getting back to more of a normal routine for you guys! Looking foward to some more pictures of your supermodel!

We've Got Scents said...

So thankful you got a break and glad your in-laws enjoyed a great weekend with Harper:) Her pictures are adorable. Thanks for sharing a great sounding recipe.
Blessings today and always,
Matthew 21:22

fmattso said...

Kelly I can't wait to try this recipe. My husbands favorite two things are pecan pie and chocolate! He is going to love this! Thanks!

Jacquie said...

I LOVE Harper's hats. She is already showing how smart she is... and she probably has both sets of grandparents thinking THEY are her favorite!!!

Can't wait for Amazing Race tonight.

Niki said...

Harper is already so SMART! I love all the cute outfits and hats you put her in! The chocolate pecan pie looks delicious! I made your red velvet cake ball recipe last week and they were amazing:)

Southern said...

I think it's something with Southern girls and knowing the right people to get on their good graces. :o) Our daughter does the SAME thing.

Shelley said...

My kids were both the same way. No one would believe me when I told them about all of the crying! It amazed me how quickly babies learn how to work people. That pie sounds divine! Pecan is my favorite kind of pie but I've never tried chocolate pecan.

Alison said...

Isn't it amazing how they can be perfect angels for the grandparents?! Harper looks so sweet! She really is adorable. :)

Annette said...

That's just the cutest thing!!! I'm sure the grandparents think so anyway. She is still just a beautiful as ever and already growing.

April said...

Harper just keeps getting more beautiful all the time!

Sandra said...

Harper is so beautiful. . . I know I keep making the same comment, but she is just amazingly gorgeous!! Just like you!!

Katy said...

That little Harper, such a charmer. She looks so sweet!
I love baby showers, they're my very favorite and those petit fours...YUM!!
That Paula Deen, she knows what to cook doesn't she.

Jamie said...

I love how she sleeps with her arms up--so cute! I don't think grandparents believe us when we tell them our kids cry.

The pie sounds great!

Mary said...

so cute, there have been studies done that children when around there parents lovvvee to test them, and they feel so comfortable with them that they know they can act up more around there parents bc they have to deal with it, lol. but once they get around other people they are angels!..weird how that works huh? hope yall have a nice night.

Kristen said...

My comment keeps disappearing, weird. Anyhow, I have to go help a 3 yr old, so yes my kids do the same thing and you inspired me to start a recipe blog and I linked you for your yummy chicken recipe...I can't remember what else! Darn blogger!

jsmith said...

Look at that little smirk on her face! Yup, she knows she is pulling one over on ya'll! Found your blog while Harper was still in the NICU. Have rejoiced with you over her healing. He is good!

Watkins Wackiness said...

HARPER IS BEAUTIFUL!!! And I can't wait for her to get big so her and Wells Murray can go on date!!! Kacy is my best friend in the world... and i think your two kiddos are going to be little charmers when they grow up (a lady and gentleman of course)!!! They are both precious!!!
I think I may make that chocolate pecan pie when my hubby comes home this weekend... looks YUMMY!! Paula is my hero!!

Erin McGraw said...

Hi Kelly,
Knowing how to work it with the grandparents will definitely be to your advantage in the long run. My parents and in-laws are always willing to take the kids for the weekend and they say "you have the nicest kids" and "they were perfect". Hang in there and know that those fits of crying will get shorter and farther apart.

Michele said...

Kelly!! Whenever I need a smile and warm fuzzy feeling inside, I just type in your blog and look at the photos of your little angel, and that does the trick!!! WOW she is precious! Thanks for admitting that you sometimes didn't feel being single in church was the easiest role... I'm having the same feelings right now, but I know that the Lord is faithful, and I am inspired by you to keep trying to use everything that does or doesn't happen all for His glory. Thanks so much for sharing with us : )

erin said...

Harper is getting so big already. When she cries you might want to try the 4 S's~ Swaddle, Shoosh, Sway, and Sing. It really works...or atleast it did with my babies. Or the grandparents could move in!!!
love and blessings from ga.~erin

Stephanie Wood Smith said...

All of the pictures you post of Harper are very "crisp" and detailed...what kind of camera do you use?

Kristin said...

That's girls used to do the same thing when they were with their grandparents! Harper looks just as precious as ever!

Lynn said...

Oh girl, that chocolate pecan pie looks yummy and I'm not a big pecan pie eater, but this looks delicious.
Again, love the pics of Miss Harper in her outfits, bows, hats--thank you for sharing.

Caroline said...

Harper....What a doll!
Harper-the grandparents charmer! AWWWW!!!!!!!! that recipe sounds delish!

Tracy said...

Such a delicious baby! My day brightens every time I click your blog and see that little pink girl!

Thanks for sharing her with all of us!

Traci said...

Hi Kelly! "Stumbled" upon your blog during Harper's NICU time. I don't believe it happened by chance...I believe it was to lift up your baby girl and cover her in prayer before an Almighty God who is faithful to hear our prayers. I am from Tulsa but currently live in Singapore. I enjoy reading your blog and peeking into your life. I have a blog as well to keep our friends and family up to date on our life in Singapore.
Wondered if you could share with us gals some tips for finding cute clothes at WAL-MART...I would never have guessed you shopped there...your clothes are cute!
You get so many responses don't know if you'll ever see this!
Enjoy your baby girl and just LOVE on her all you can...they grow so quickly! I have a 9 year old daughter and 2 year old son...and I love 'em so much I could eat 'em!!!

May the Lord Bless You and Keep You!!

HJW said...

Harper is such a doll...she looks cuter every time I see a new pic of her (if that's possible?). Isn't it amazing how those sweet little babies learn how to "work us" at such an early age :-)

Lea Ann said...

Harper gets prettier everyday!! Enjoyed your Q&A yesterday! Love checking in on your blog!!

Unknown said...

Girl, you truly are so blessed to have all of the grandparents so involved in your sweet babies life. Our we practically have to twist their arms to get them to give us some time. Their loss, my gain.

Jenny said...

Harper is so adorable! LOL about her working her Grandparents! They learn young don't they?

I nominated you for an award on my blog. Your love and trust of God has really moved me. Thank you.

The Zehrs said...

I have been following your blog and my family has been praying for your family. Your post today made me smile because our Sunday School had a baby boom, 7 babies in 6 months! It has been 11 years since that boom! The time passes so quickly but the bond you will share with all of these ladies will last a lifetime!

Becky said...

Truly dear this is just the beginning. Last Fall we were visiting my mother and went shopping to Walmart. My 4 year old saw some Mickey Mouse bubble bath and it was all she talked about for like the next two weeks. I told my mom she should get it for her for Christmas. When my girl opened the gift she acted like she had never seen it before. My mother must have thought I was insane! :)

The Pelhams said...

Just a question, are you watching what you eat? When she is screaming, it might be because she has a tummy ache/gas. Target brand gas drops have worked for us, but also look up foods that tend to affect baby with gas, there are quite a few! Some common ones are: caffeine,broccoli,lettuce,peppers,dairy, and yes even chocolate! Skin to skin contact is the best cure for gas, have your hubby take his shirt off and strip her down to her diaper and have him hold her close for about 15-20 minutes, even if she cries, and that will also help her if she is gassy, also bicycle her legs. I love checking for updates and seeing her adorable pictures!

LYNDEE said...

its so funny u blogged about Harper knowing hoe to work it.... Cade is the same way and hes almost 2, it doesnt get any easier in that aspect, my mother watches him when im at work. He wil be an angel all day, but the minute i get there he starts fussing, and whining, i can totally relate.

Jennifer said...

This recipe sounds so yummy! I think I'll add it to my menu for the week. Thanks!

Cute pictures of Harper!

Joan said...

Hi Kelly,
I am a fairly new follower of your blog. I received an award and wanted to pass it on to you.

Hope you can stop by and get it =)


Katya said...

Kelly, Harper looks so beautyfull in all this pictures specially in the one she is awaked. With that face you can make sure she is going to get what she wants. Still praying for your family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly, I am a new reader of your blog. I also live in Arkansas, so I knew when I saw your recipes that they had to be good coming from a fellow Southern girl!! I tried the red velvet cake balls and I am hooked! Also wanted to tell you how cute Harper is. Aren't girls just so fun??

Stacia Howard said...

She is so beatuiful! Im so thankful God has worked in her life for the greater good of us all. Give her kisses for me!

Melanie said...

She is just cuter and cuter everyday!!!! Glad you had a nice outing!

I WILL be trying the pie!! We LOVE pecan pies, but with chocolate?!?! Oh my.....I bet it is WONDERFUL!

Katie Brown said...

Okay, you gotta try this one to quiet her: the hair dryer. She might be a little old for it, but we would keep a hair dryer plugged-in, in our half-bath, and when nothing would work, we'd take him in there witht the lights dimmed and turn it on, shut him right up. Don't know how it worked, but it did. We even did that at a photo shoot with Lisa MacSpadden, who is in your neck of the woods up there. She couldn't believe it. It's worth a shot!

Anonymous said...

You show pics of your adorable little sweetie with the cutest smile on her face and you really expect us to believe that she cried a whole day?! ;o)
Still praying in Seattle!
Psalms 31:1-3 In thee, O LORD, do I put my trust; let me never be ashamed: deliver me in thy righteousness. Bow down thine ear to me; deliver me speedily: be thou my strong rock, for an house of defence to save me. For thou art my rock and my fortress; therefore for thy name's sake lead me, and guide me.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Serena said...

Your Phil Wickham comment brought me out of lurkdom--have you listened to his brother Evan Wickham? I love Evan and his wife. (My church family has been friends with them for years.)

Sara Campbell said...

I think the picture of Harper (first one) is my favorite so far. What a doll!

Colleen said...

Just look at that girl! She is working it isn't she! Poor grandparents don't stand a chance.

Kelli said...

MMMM... Petit Fours! Those look delightful!!!!

InDeeds said...

She has good taste - my husband and I both love Phil Whickam's music!

Rebekah said...

How stinkin' cute is Harper??? That chocolate pecan pie looks so yummy... will try it for sure!!!

Jayme said...


Thanks for your sweet comment about Ellie on our blog! I've been meaning to leave you a comment for a while now. I have followed your story ever since Harper was born. I prayed for your sweet girl every night, and I am so happy that she is doing so well!! We had our little girl a few weeks early and she spent some time in the NICU. Not nearly as long as Harper did, but it was the hardest 2 days of my life. Your strength and courage through her hospital stay was so inspiring to me and helped me get through the tough memories I had of our experience. Thanks for sharing you story, and I look forward to keeping up with your precious girl. We no longer live in NWA, but I hope to move back some day and maybe our girls could meet each other(they are really close to the same age :)
Take Care,

Dancing Queen said...

ooh!! i love to paula ...and lOVE new recipes!! this is awesome!! thanks for sharing!

when you have a spare minute:) come by & see me sometime!!

lauren said...

hi there! just stopping by to let you know i tagged you on my blog!

Rachel H. said...

That chocolate pecan pie is to die for!! I Love it! And I love your petit fours! :)

Mama's the Boss said...


I am going to use your recipe blog to help when we have our little girl. She is due in April, so I am going to make casseroles and things toward the end of March for us to eat on. :) I got that idea from you.

Love your blog!

Megan L Hutchings said...

It sounds like Miss Harper is going to be one spoiled by love little gal :)! That smirk in her picture absolutely describes it all!!!

I am so glad your family has been able to help a lot and you are enjoying being a new mommy ;)!

Beth said...

Oh, Kelly...chocoalte pecan pie? I love pecan pie as it is....but with chocolate it must be heavenly! Harper is such a smiler. She and my grand-daughter, Grace are 6 days apart and I have been following your blog since that time. I sure know how yours and Scott's folks feel about Harper. Being a grandparent is the BEST!

Bumpkin on a Swing said...

This recipe is a Bumpkin favorite. It was nice to get the post. But now you listen, I know you don't want to be a mommy blogger only, but we want at least one picture of our girl in every post. It is wonderful to see the miracle, we have all prayed for. I Thank The Lord she keeps you up every night crying Kelly.

The Bumpkin

If you have the opportunity, between baby business, stop by the swing, I also have some good ole southern girl recipes to share. Smack your mamma good ones!

Danielle said...

I know what you mean about the grandparents charm! My little boy was (and still is) an absolute angel for my parents but as soon as he gets home, he lets loose! I like to think that he can be himself around me - thanks a lot! Enjoy every minute because the time flies by.

Ms. Elaine said...

Grandparents just have the touch! I can remember my first (now 35) crying and I can remember telling mom to take him because he did not cry when she held him. I think they sense that they are relaxed and comfortable and I think a new mom is not! It takes a while to get comfortable with a new baby! Happy Mothering

Vicki said...

Kelly, I have been reading your blog after I saw a 'pray for Harper" link on a friend's blog. You talked about what a small world it is finding out you went to school with your doctor. Not QUITE as impressive as that...but as I was looking at the baby shower pictures you posted, I recognized Berkli...she's from my hometown and we used to work at Dairy Queen together. How funny! Harper is gorgeous..praise God for her healing! I have 3 girls and am here to tell you...the fun is JUST beginning! lol God Bless, Vicki

The Allens said...

Kelly, thank you for taking the time to send me a thank you note for the grooming kit. I certainly didn't expect one - especially not so soon! You have a wonderful heart.

Anonymous said...

Will you please pray for this family. My sisters soon to be 4 year old neice was diagnosed with leukemia for the second time.

They could really use your prayers. Thank you so much!


Miss to Mrs said...

The look on her face says it all! She has it all figured out!

Alise Nettles said...

Besty Maddox is in my Sunday School class and asked us to pray for you and Harper when Harper was born. I have been doing so ever since and have enjoyed seeing your beautiful girl's progress and God's love through your blog/stories. A college friend of mine and his wife are expecting septuplets. They are 18 weeks along and all six babies are doing great! They have a blog and you should check them out . . . ! I know they could use a lot of prayer! You are a blessing!
Alise Nettles

Courtney said...

Hello! I just wanted to comment on how insanely precious your daughter is...she is beautiful! I have been following you since you had her and thought and prayed for you all alot. I am so glad to see everyone is doing so well now! I read you had a rough time getting pregnant and my husband and I are going through that there any advice you have to get through?

Ms. Salti said...

Ok Kelly, I've seen those petit fours all over your blog. I have to know... did you make them? If so, I need the recipe so I can make them for a bridal shower in a few weeks! Glad to see all is well with Harper, that little stinker!

Emory said...

I love the picture of Harper looking at the camera with her little smile. It is almost if she knows she is a little charmer!

Football and Fairytales said...

I just love your blog!! I have been keeping up with it for some time! Thanks for sharing your story and letting us all be a part. I do have a random'd you get your signature on your page?

Keri said... mom always said I did the SAME thing when I spent the day with grandma. She brought it up a lot when I was growing up...I know it really bugged her that I did that!

Katie and Justin Cox said...

Don't you love how kiddos can make you look like the biggest liar! There is something magical about those grandparents! Harper is lookin' good!

lizziefitz said...

Kelly, I made the choc pecan pie last night ,YUMMMY! I have to admit I may have added a bit more choc to mine:) Thanks for sharing the recipe. And as if there wasn't enough sugar ,I thought a drizzle of caramel over top might be delicious?

Joyce said...

Where did you get the super cute hats with the flowers on them?

Jamie said...

I love the smug little look on Harper's face in the grandparent charmer photo. She just gets more beautiful by the day!