This morning we made our first trip to the pediatrician. This was Harper all dressed up and ready to go. I was so glad my mom was here to help me take her. It was my first time trying to get me and her all ready to go somewhere and of course it came a huge rainstorm right when I needed to get her out of the car at the doctor.
Harper did SO good at the doctor - she was so calm and the doctor thought she looked great! We were glad to get a good report!
(Several of you have e-mailed me wanting to know where to get this cute hat - if I didn't answer you - Veronica has a blog now - so you can go here to get the info!)Here we are waiting on the doctor to come in. She was in the 90th percentile on weight and height! Big girl!!!!!
Nonny left this afternoon to go home. Harper was very sad. We have had her with us for the last almost 4 weeks and we have been so glad! But don't worry - she and Granddaddy are coming back on Friday.
Harper got her first valentines card today from her Papaw and JiJi. They also sent candy for her parents. Yeay for that! :-)
I have been so sad today to hear about sweet little Cora. She was 10 months old and diagnosed less than 3 weeks ago with cancer. She went to be with Jesus yesterday. My heart hurts so bad for her family. I can only imagine how they must feel because we got close to losing Harper. It makes me feel bad that my little girl was healed and is healthy today and they lost their precious daughter. I don't understand a lot of "whys" in this world. I'm thankful that her family has a strong faith. Will you please pray for them? They will need a lot of prayers the next coming days, weeks and years. I know God has not promised a life of happiness - He knew we would have sorrow - but He has promised that He will never leave us nor forsake us. Have hope in that!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
Harper looks like a sweet little Valentine in her pink! I'm so glad she got a good report from the pedi!
I heard about Cora from Angie's blog. It just breaks my heart. Her family is in my prayers.
She looks so cute!
Harper looks precious as always. I'm glad she got a good report at the doctor! Hope you have a good week with your mom gone.
I'm so sad to hear about baby Cora. I can't even imagine the grief.
Harper is just precious.
Praying for sweet baby Cora's family, my heart aches for them. I can not even imagine.
Harper looks beautiful, happy and healthy. So does her momma.
Glad to see you both doing so well.
Love, Gina
Harper is such a little fashion statement and could not be any cuter. Seriously. I just love the little outfits you put on her. So so sweet. I still think she looks like a 3 month old. My son was close to 10lbs when he was born and also did not really look like a typical newborn. I am so glad she is doing so well. God Bless your precious family.
Harper looks adorable. Love the sweater (and hat) :)
So glad to hear she got a good report at the Dr. YaY!!!
I too was heartbroken to hear of Cora. Her family is in my prayers.
How long does Scott get to stay home with you? :)
Oh look at that sweet girl! Glad to hear she is doing so well!
Hey, you might think I sound pitiful, but I really do sit around all afternoon after school, and sit here and watch the computer to see if you have posted. It makes me feel good to see that Harper is Okay!!!! God bless!!
I bet she was the superstar of the doc's office today. She gets more beautiful every day! Sad news about little Cora. We'll put her on our prayer list.
that harper just melts my heart! s he is just precious! my sofie is still not on the preemie growth chart yet and she is almost 13 months old, so harper is doing really great! oh and so precious!
i am heart broken over little sudden, so tragic. i am learning so much through all the loss in blogland and the lord is moving in me for a new direction. who knew??
oh, I have been so heart broken about Cora. I am praying for her family.
What a big and beautiful baby! She must be getting excited about Valentines day!
Three generations of sweet women! Love how Harper 'shared' her candy with you!
Harper looks fabulous!
I love the way Harper is looking at your in the picture at the doctor's office. She loves her momma!
Praying for Cora's family. I can't even imagine how much pain they must be experiencing.
I'm glad to hear of Harper's continued progress!
Kelly...I am so happy you have your little girl home and healthy. I found your blog through "bring the rain," and have been so touched by your story. my family has been praying for yours the past few weeks. you actually live in the same area (I believe) as my great aunt. she is in rogers. thank you for mentioning Cora. they are another family we have been praying for and i have had such a heavy heart since she went to be w/ the Lord...your words were an encouragment to me. i pray Harper continues to be strong and healthy..
Praying for Cora's family!!
Harper is so adorable in her little pink sweater and pink and brown hat. I really hope I have a little girl someday so I can dress her in cute, pink clothes! :-) Of course, I want a boy or two, too. I'm so glad she's home and doing well!
Little Harper is such a DIVA already! So happy to hear her first Dr. appt was a positive one. I too had a BIG baby! she was 10 lbs, 6 3/4 ounces when born. Peoples eyes about pop out of their head when i tell them i literally gave birth to a SACK of potatoes!! ;) We love big babies!!!
About little Angel Cora- my heart too has been heavy about this ALL day.. it hurts so to even hear about it, let alone to go thru it. I CANNOT IMAGINE! But SO happy that they Have their faith in Jesus- i cant imagine going thru something like that without the hope of Jesus! And we on earth may never understand, HE has a great plan in all he does- the BEST part is, little Cora will be waiting for her parents with open arms in heaven with a NEW completely healed body!
Kelly, i hope your week is fabulous- i'm so happy you can be bonding with your little princess in your own home. It makes things even more special!
HUGS!- Kat
She looks so cute in her little outfit.
I love her facial expresions :)
Im glad Harper is doing well! She is so cute! I have been praying since I found out about Harper!
I read about baby Cora yesterday. I've been praying for Cora's family.
Harper looks so healthy in the pictures!!!
Hard to think that she was sick, bless her cotton socks!
Kelly, her outfits are ADORABLE!!!
Little Harper is so precious! I haven't heard about Cora yet, but I'll read the blog. I'll be praying for her family
Harper is just gorgeous dahling! Glad to hear there was a good report from the doctor! 90th percentile in height and weight! WOW! I've been reading about Cora and praying for them as well! Heartbreaking!
what a V-day card! Also I was looking for you e-mail on your blog and didn't find it... we sent a gift to Harper while she was in the hospital and I just wanted to make sure you got it.. since we are out of state there was some mix up with delivery and I just wanted to check!!!
What a gorgeous girl in her sweet hat and sweater! I have a feeling she will be the best-dressed baby around. :) So glad to hear of a good report from the pediatrician. I remember well that overwhelming feeling of trying to get myself and my newborn baby out of the house -- it used to take me half an hour to get out the door to go grocery shopping!
I, too, am heartbroken about precious Cora. Her parents are in my prayers, I can only imagine the devastation they're experiencing.
She's a beautiful baby! I know you will be glad to get your other baby home too! Sounds like Dawson may be a country boy :) How long will you be on maternity leave? Is Scott still home with you? Hugs
So glad that Harper's visit to the pediatrician went well and she looks so cute.
So sad about Cora. Prayers are with her family.
I just love seeing pictures of a big, healthy, beautiful Harper. I know you are so proud and happy!
Harper looks lovely as usual (so does her momma)! I am so sad to hear about baby Cora, it just breaks my heart!
Harper is absolutely beautiful --as are her Mommy and her Nonny. I know that you hated to see your mom go back home today. I remember when my mom went back home after helping me with my first baby -- I stood in the driveway and just cried because I felt like I didn't have a clue of what to do all by myself with this beautiful little creature! lol
I am so thankful for the wonderful reports on Harper! She could not be any more adorable!
I did not know about the baby Cora that you mentioned. What a sad, sad thing and I will definitely be praying for that family.
Fran came across Cora's parent's blog last week and asked me to post so we could ask for prayer. Oh, how sad. I can not imagine thinking your child has an ear infection one day and finding out it is cancer the next. There are just no words.
Harper is so sweet. I just love seeing pictures of her. Enjoy :o)
As I have said before... you look amazing!
And so do you mommy! Harper is a sweetie pea! I just want to reach through the computer and pinch those adorable cheeks!
Glad to hear all went well... it's so reassuring when we get good reports from the ped. !
God Bless,
So thankful for a great report!!
I know you are going to miss your mom.....aren't they the best when new babies come....just fills your heart to see your own mom with your baby!! Sweet times!!
You look great!!
I can remember my first visit to the pediatrician. It was so overwhelming. So glad your mom could go with you!!! It is so amazing to see how far Harper has come. Praise God!
She is just precious in her sweet little hat!
My heart is heavy for Baby Cora's family. I just can't imagine. Praying for God to give them strength to take the next step.
Hooray for the BEST little valentine ever-- Harper! And, my husband has agreed to loving the name Harper for OUR first little girl... so your precious little one has already inspired others in her sweet little life. I am so excited that you got to take her to the DR today... what little joys. :)
She is so beautiful! I'm so happy she is doing so well :)
So glad you got a good report at the dr. I remember how nervous I was before Emerson's 1st appointment! It was also so hard to get us both ready.
When my mom left us for the first time I cried for 2 hours -- I didn't think I could take care of her by myself!
I am so happy for y'all and so sad for Cora's family. I love what you wrote....I often wonder "why." I just think you put it perfectly into words. Thank you.
That little sweater dress is darling, I had in for my daughter but took it back after admitting to myself that *gasp* she does have too many clothes. :)
I too have been praying for Cora's family. What a tragic story. What a hope we have in Jesus though, I can't even imagine....
So cute! That hat is gorgeous-but I don't think any of my boys would wear it...
Harper is adorable as always!!
I recognize that doctor's office...we were there today too =)!
I will pray for Cora's family.
Seriously, Kel...I can't get enough of your absolutely precious, adorable, beautiful, gorgeous, and yes I could go on and on, little girl!!! She melts my heart each and every time I see her! I just want to keep adding her pictures to my blog because I just LOVE her so much!
Thanks for the update! Glad to hear that all went well. I have definitely been keeping Cora's family in my prayers and will continue! In fact, there are just so many other families who are struggling right's just such a blessing that Harper was healed. Praise be to God, once again and ALWAYS!!
Love you lots,
Jess :)
Honestly, Harper is beautiful! But of course she would be - I mean look at her Mommy! Your prayer request for Cora is so sweet. And you are exactly right about her family needing it and about God not leaving or forsaking us. You have such a heart for all people. xoxo
She looks precious!!! I'm glad her pedi visit went well.
Oh she looks sooooo cute! Big girls are the best--she is cute as a button. It is so hard to get into a groove of getting ready and getting the baby ready, isn't it? My friend always says, "It's not that taking care of a baby is rocket science, it just makes EVERYTHING ELSE IN LIFE impossible!" I read about little Cora. Praying for their family now.
I'm so sorry for this other family's loss. I just can't imagine how hard this must be. I will be praying for them.
On a happier note, I'm glad Harper is doing so well. She looks like she is strong and healthy in the pics.Hope things go well for you while your mom is away!
Forget about the hat, where is that adorable sweater from?? Is it handmade?
I have a 3 1/2 month-old daughter and I have a hard time even visiting the blogs of those with sick children. I feel like I can do is assume my baby will be OK, otherwise I will go bananas. But I do pray for those families. And I did, for Harper, and I will keep doing so. She is so precious.
Oh! She IS So beautiful!! I love the picture where you are holding her...she is staring up at her mama!!!
It's so good to hear that you got a great report!
I'm sure you're happy about it but I'm betting that you can't keep Nonny away now :) You're stuck with her now that Harpers around!
I heard about Cora also and have had her on my mind all day today. My heart just breaks for her and her family. I have her in my prayers.
Harper is a serious DOLL!!!
And already been praying for sweet Cora's family :)
I remember the frenzy of trying to get myself and a newborn out the door! It gets easier. (:
Harper's outfit is adorable!
Your mom looks like a PRO holding her! I hated it when my mom had to leave. I cried like a baby!
I, too, have been praying for Cora and her family and will continue to lift up her parents and loved ones. So sad.
Harper looks so sweet with her little hat!! Happy to read about a good report.
And we will be praying for baby Cora's family. God has blessed my husband and I with two perfect children and I often wonder why we've been so blessed when other children and their families suffer so greatly. It is a mystery, as Christ loves us all. But like you said, we can have hope that He will be there for us during the storms of life and that we will live with Him in eternity.
Great dr. report! Harper looks so cute. I'm sure grandma has her's what grandmas are for I have been told.
It's so great to hear that her first pediatrician appointment went well! And she is just beautiful in that hat!!! I love it!
So sad to read about Cora. I will pray for her family and definitely give my son extra kisses. Our time with our children is so precious.
Kelly I just wanted to tell you that I have been following your story and your beautiful Harper for some time now. You are always so eloquent and steadfast in your faith. God has put you in my life as a woman of beauty, both inside and out. Harper is very lucky to have a mom like you!I want to let you know that I will continue to pray for you and your little family. Take care my cyber friend!
Love Harper's quite stylish clothing :)
Oh how precious could Harper get??? I have been praying for Harper since I read about her on bring the rain. Then my Friend asked me for prayers for her dear friend Jess and Joel and Their beautiful girl Cora. I thought God would have a miracle in store for her too and he did for Harper. But we do not know God's plans. My heart hurts so bad for my friend and her family. But I feel secure in knowing that they do know Jesus and that they know that one day they will be united again with Cora. THanks for praying for them in their time of neeed. They are a beautiful family with a beautiful message of faith, hope and love. Hopefully one day they will find peace and understanding. They are planning a playground in honor of their daughter. I could think of nothing beter to honor Cora's legacy.
Hi Kelly! Your sweet girl is just too precious! I'm so so glad it went well at the Dr -- I have a picture of my sweet baby girl in almost the EXACT same hat (same colors and everything) :-) we must have the same taste! (her pic is here on my blog!)
Praying that you will continue enjoying so much sweet time with your sweet girl! :-)
Harper is so adorable!!! And the way she is looking at you -- priceless!!
I read about the loss of Cora this morning, but I didn't realize that she was diagnosed just three weeks ago. This is so sad. Will be praying for her sweet parents.
Have a Blessed week,
Harper looks so precious in that outfit. I want one for myself1!! Glad to hear she is doing so good.
Sweet baby Cora...what an angel you are. I feel such intense sadness for this family. Thank you for sharing their blog. Will pray for them, as I do for Harper.
Harper gets cuter every day. You have been blessed by a miracle. I loved when I could dress my little one in cute dresses and hats.. (she will be 12 in three weeks, and is not not a girly girl!)
I too read about Cora, and was sadden by the loss. I have read about far too many babies going Home in recent weeks, my heart breaks for all of the families.
I have not been here in a few weeks I guess. I was confident Harper would get well and go home. I had no idea it had already happened. She is so beautiful, I cried. I am so glad she is home and you can relax. The Lord is good and always faithful.
Kelly, Your blog is one of my absolute favorites and I hope that I can bring a little light to someone's life with mine just as you do to me and so many others.
I was amazed by God's ability to tie everyone in His amazing creation tonight when I read about Cora. I work with her aunt and am heartbroken for their family.
Thank you for using your blog to bring love, laughter and Christ to so many people's lives and for letting God use it as a way to bind us all together.
Glad you posted another update.
I know you're sad about your mom leaving, but you'll do great! Just have a little confidence. I know you loved that candy.
I'm starting to see some of Scott in her eyes, too. I saw some when she was first born, but it's hard to tell exzctly who they're really going to look like when they're that little. I do see some of you as well. Does she have your temperment or his?
Well, I hope you're having a good day!
Harper is just as beautiful as her mama.
She's beautiful! And beautifully accessorized! I'm so glad that she got a good report at the pediatrician.
When I was reading your post about Harper getting to go home we were visiting my parents. My 4 y.o., Sohphia, was SO excited that "Baby Harper is going home!" and she proceeded to go around the house and tell each person individually the good news! :) She is such a doll baby, so beautiful. Thankful you all got a great report from the ped today. I'll be praying as you adjust without your Mom's help. That's always a hard moment when you feel like you have to do it all on your own, but God is always with you and I have a feeling you'll be getting frequent help/visits from all the grandparents! And I know you have a great, supportive husband, which is truly one of the best blessings a wife/mommy can have. I'm so thankful for mine!
Ruthie :)
Scott, Kelly, Harper, and Dawson,
My husband and I live in Fayetteville and had a friend send us your blog. We rejoice with you and the health of this baby girl, she is beautiful. Your faith is one that I know our God rejoices over and you all are pleasing to him. Your family will forever change lives of those around them and I thank you for sharing your story and encouraging even us as a newlywed couple to keep our faith in the trials to come in life. Blessings Abundant!
Thanks for the link to get that sweet hat. She is going to be one busy lady filling all the orders.:)
Funny how you knew your Dr from grade school. When I was in labor with my first daughter, my husbands Ex-girl friend (from a different state and many years ago) was one of the nurses. Not quite the same warm ahhhhh moment as you but still a small world.
I am so glad Harper is doing so well. It's a relief to know that she looks good. I mean we all can tell she looks good, but when the doctor says so it means so much more.
Enjoy these moments they go by quickly.
She is so pretty and you dress her up so well.
I could never bring myself to putting the 'brain squeezers' on Isabella. They look like sweat bands to me. But Harper looks so adorable in them, maybe I will try some again on Izzy.
Love the hat too!! So cute and I love the outfit that she is, that is a great pink, so bright!! So happy to hear good news about Harper!
praying for Cora's Family and thanks for letting us bloggers know so we can pray for those that need prayers!
She is just beautiful! What a miracle. Will be praying for Cora's family.
Hi, Kelly~
Cora's family is close with a childhood friend of mine heart is so heavy for them. I found out today that a coworker's 11 year old daughter was diagnosed with cancer over the weekend, too. Feeling sad today... Am excited for you that you have a healthy baby girl & that you have such loving, supportive parents you can depend on.
PS~We had torrential rain this am, too!
Glad to see that ya'll are adjusting so well! Both you girls look gorgeous! Hope you got the gift certficate for dinner--I figured you could get it "to go". XOXO to all of you!
So glad Harpers appointment went well, we continue to pray for her.
My wifes parents go by Papaw and Gigi also. Just a different spelling on the Gigi part but Im sure sounds the same.
Everytime I visit seems I find we have more and more in common. Being PK's, having big babies, grandparents etc.
Have a great week.
Love and Prayers,
I too was saddened at the news of sweet Cora. Her poor parents.
I just found out today that I am having a little girl! So, I will be watching all of your pictures to get cute clothes ideas. Harper always looks so blasted cute!
So glad you have your sweetie at home...
Curious about baby Brayden - I think you and Jenna might go to same church? I remember you mentioning her baby Brayden having problems after being born just before Harper was born but haven't heard since then...thought you might update us since I know you must be in touch.
You have a precious, BIG, healthy, gorgeous piece of heaven....Im SOOO thrilled you have a miracle and agree...SO sad for Cora's family!! That one hit me like a ton of bricks..THREE WEEKS and she wes gone. I cant even wrap my brain around it!!
Seems like just yesterday I was taking Mary Erin to the doctor for her first check up. I've blinked and she is at my shoulders. I know you are going to savor every moment with Harper. Do! I feel like a first time mom all over again with Benaiah...I guess it is my age creeping up and knowing 5 is the end, but I nearly smother him every day!!!! I'll be praying for Cora's family. Kelly, sometimes I've had the same emotions as you b/c I watch friends struggle with infertility and I struggle with trying to NOT get pregnant and feel so bad for them, but God has a plan for each and we all have different crosses to bear. He'd didn't require that of you and God is God. We will cover this family with prayer.
Hi Kelly,
I first read about you, your husband, and Harper on Boo Mama's blog shortly after Harper was born and have checked in on ya'll everyday. Harper is such a pretty baby and I am so glad she is home and doing well. When you talked about baby Cora today, it reminded me of my husband. He is a cancer survior of eleven years and used to feel guilty when someone died of cancer.One day at church a very old lady(cancer survior) got up to give her testimony and she said the same thing. Why did others pass away and she continued to live year after year? It made her feel guilty, she said. Then one day she came across 2 Samuel 22:31. As for God, His way is perfect. My husband didn't feel guilty any more after that. The good Lord knows what's He's doing. I hope this will help you sort things out. I'm so glad I got to know you and your sweet baby on this blog. We will continue to pray for you in the days to come.
Love, Kathie
THANK YOU so much for posting about Cora-so many read your blog and the word is spreading from our Kansas to the world!
About Harper-okay, she is just too doggone adorable and she looks SO HEALTHY! Praise God!
Little Miss Harper is looking GOOD! So cute!!
It'll be nice having your Mom back ... we've missed her here!!
I've had Cora's family on my heart ALL day... and I've thought a lot of the same things you mentioned. I'm in prayer for them.
Kelly she is just SO precious!! I love to see what you are going to put her in next! :)
Oh Kelly,
Harper is absolutely beautiful!
I am so glad that y'all are home and getting to do all the normal "new" baby things! Continuing to pray for y'all.
Love, Tammy in Alabama
I'm happy your baby is home and healthy. Nothing could be better. I clicked over to see Cora's blog and am completley torn up. I feel at a loss for words. Thank you for posting her link. I'm glad I know to pray for them.
I praise Jesus everyday that Harper is healthy and home where she belongs!She really is beautiful.I have two little girls of my own.Maggie Anne is three and Avery Grace is 8 months.They are so much fun!Like you,my heart is absolutely broken for Cora's mommmy and Daddy.Wish there was something,anything I could do to lessen their pain.They will be in my thoughts and prayers for a long time to come.Enjoy your sweet little Valentine!Love~Tasha in Indiana
Harper is ADORABLE. She is a very pretty baby. So glad to hear about her good report. I will pray for this family that lost baby Cora. So sad. I can't begin to imagine their pain, today.
Harper is TOO cute. I have been praying daily for her ever since I came across your blog. I am so happy she doing great!
I am heart broken over sweet baby Cora. I went and read all the post about her. I have been so upset tonight. How sudden and awful. My prayers are with her family.
Yeah for Harper!!! Have fun tomorrow when it is just you and your girl...there is nothing like it!
I cannot stop thinking of Cora and her family. I have a lot of whys to, but it is in times like these that we live based on what we KNOW not on how we FEEL.
Take care,
What a glowing little set of, Nonny and baby Harper are all so precious.
I love her crying because Nonny is leaving....and I love that Nonny is coming back in a matter of days...can't keep her away too long, I'm certain.
And most precious is that sweet photo of Harper, laying in your arms, looking up at you. I bet she's in awe of her Mom.
Glad to hear these continued wonderful updates! Remember to rest when you can....
I feel behind...I didn't get to comment yesterday. That is CRAZY about Dr. Hinton. I mean what are the odds?
Then the pictures of Harper today- SO SWEET. Annie G needs that hat since she is still bald as a baby's bottom.
I remember getting out for Ben's first dr's appointment and thinking I might never get out again- ha! I did two weeks later. To go to Sonic, no less!
Praying for the adjustment of your mom not being there. I know you will do well! Hope you are physically on the mend.
And I will be praying for that sweet family. Thanks for sharing. You are so thoughtful to be thinking of others. I instantly thought of the verse, "In this world you will have trouble but I give you my peace." And it is "a peace that passes all understanding."
Sorry so long! Like you have time to be reading this!
I am lovin' that hat!
She looks so alert and happy, Kelly! I;m glad you guys are settling in and doing great! She is adorable.
Hi Kelly,
Your little Harper is such a cutie!
You look so familiar to me, but I can't place it.
I know Joel McClenahan from Berean High School. I graduated with his sister. I saw you mentioned Cora. So very sad. I am praying for thier family.
I was just wondering if maybe you went to Berean also?
Melissa (Dixon) McCoy
I am so sad to hear of another baby gone too soon. And another cancer victim. As you may or may not know, I have lost a baby (26 weeks gestation) and I lost my husband to cancer. So both those kinds of losses hit me pretty hard.
she is so beautiful and she loves her mommy, just look how she is looking up at you in that picture!!!!!
Harper is looking so adorable in her mini- fashionista outfit! I love seeing her all dressed up and home and healthy!!
Your mom is wonderful and I'm so glad you have such great family around you! Harper is a lucky girl!
My prayers also are with sweet Cora's family. I read about her passing yesterday and am just heartbroken for them.
Harper looks just so adorable in her little pink outfit! I'm glad her first visit went so well. God works in mysterious ways...and I'm so glad Harper is home now where she belongs!
I will add Cora's family to my prayers...that's so very sad.
The Lord know the whys. He knows why He calls some Home and allows others more time here. In many ways Cora's the one who's blessed. She'll never have to know pain or suffering but has gone straight into the arms of Jesus! How could anyone not want that for her? She's perfectly happy and will never feel like she's missed out on anything, because she's perfect!
As for Harper doing well at the dr...hey, after all she's been through, that was a piece of cake!
Stopping by to let you know that I'm always here praying!
Romans 8:38-39 For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, Nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Kelly - I am from Montana and I have been following your blog since shortly after Harper was born. I have been praying for you and your family. I'm so glad that you are finally home with a beautiful baby. Enjoy every moment of it, it really does go fast.
Harper looks so healthy! I love how she is always looking right at you when you're holding her. I, too, am praying for Cora's family. I read their story last night and my heart sank.
Her sweater and hat are so cute!!!!
I can't order one, my boys who are 9 and 7 would not wear it I am sure.
I am glad she is doing well, she sounds like a normal little newborn who wants to eat all the time. your blog is enjoyable. I too am a total stranger and found you from Angie SMiths blog, I sure have prayed for you alot.
Look how cute she is with her little outfit & hat! Too cute!!
So glad that she received a good report from the doc. Each outing will get easier and easier! :)
Hooray for a good report from the doctor!!!
She looks so sweet in her pink sweater & brown hat!!
I love Harper's pretty pink sweater, what a great color on her! My little one was born premature and at her first appt. she wasn't even on the charts, lol.
I am very sorry to hear about Cora, her family is my prayers also.
Kelly, I could just stare at Harper all day..... She's soooooo doggone CUTE!!!!! :o)
So glad to hear that the first visit to the pediatrician went so well. The pediatrician is one of the most important relationships that you as a mom will have. Trust me!
I am heartbroken over Cora. I've been following her story since she was diagnosed via one of my Twitter friends. I can't even imagine the grief. They have been fervently in my prayers.
Yeaaayyy for PINK!! My twin girls have this same little sweater dresses! Love the good report! Praise God! Keep sharing!
I just LOVE that first picture of Harper :)! She looks so healthy and full of happiness!!!
Yea for a good report at the doctor! I think Miss Harper just gets more adorable with every picture you take! She is just beautiful!! I had started reading Cora's blog last week and my heart is just breaking for that family. I can not even imagine. I will definitely be praying for them!
Love seeing pictures of that darling girl. I could just die with her in that little outfit and hat. TOO cute. And I am SO glad for a good report at the doctor!!
I am definitely praying for Baby Cora's family - I will never understand the why's of situations like this, but I am glad we have a God who knows more than us.
Hope ya'll have a great Tuesday, my friend! Praying for ya'll, too!
She is so sweet, Kelly! (Of course!) Scott wanted me to tell you one of his high school friends is a pediatrician up your way. Scott always says this guys is one of the smartest people on the planet. His name is Dr. Jim Swindle if you need someone! (Would be really weird if he was your doc!)
Sounds like an eventful day, sorry it came a rainstorm as you were trying to get out of the car...that is never fun. Glad to hear she's doing well.
I am also sad about baby Cora and Tuesday Whitt as well. Both sweet little girls, may their families be surrounded by loving friends and family at this time.
Her outfit is so adorable! Love it =]
I really enjoy reading your blog and have been praying for you all since Harper entered the world. You have been truly blessed with an amazing and beautiful little girl. Enjoy every minute with her! God has given you an amazing gift.
Stacy K. (Cookeville, TN)
Oh, those pictures of Harper are just so cute that I could gobble her up!
I have two boys and consider myself a "boy" mom through and through. Girls kind of scare me a little with all their pink bows and frilly dresses, LOL. But I would take a doll like Harper in a heartbeat!!
That is so, so sad about Cora. This is the first time I had heard of her story. Which isn't surprising, seeing as the window of when she was diagnosed and passed away was so short. I just called my husband at work crying. It's just amazing to me how many stories there are like this yet how awesome our God is that He is given the glory in even tragic times like this.
My younger son Benjamin was diagnosed with Down syndrome after he was born, and for awhile, it felt like our world had ended. In his 9.5 months life, he has already had open-heart surgery and intestinal surgery. He has another surgery scheduled for later this year. But you know what? God has never left us. Not once. And He has taught us some very, very valuable lessons about compassion and tolerance and what *really* matters in life that I KNOW we never would have learned had I given birth to a healthy child.
God bless you as you continue to deal with all life has dealt you in the recent past. You are doing so well.
Kelly, so happy that Harper had a good report from her pediatrician! She looked adorable all dressed up to go to the dr. I know you will miss your mom being there to help out!
My heart is breaking for little Cora and her parents. They are in my prayers.
I LOVE the pics of Harper!! She is so beautiful!!
What kind of camera do you have???
I feel so sorry for Coras family. I read it when I got up and checked on Harper here and I was just couldnt believe it.. I will keep them in my thoughts and prayers!
I hope Harper is feeling fine!! She is such a princess!!
I am so glad her doctors visit went well, she looks like she wants to burst out and say something .That is truly remarkable about you and you doctor as childhood friends.
So great to see Harper doing so well! She's beautiful!
I am so sad about little Cora! Her family will be in my prayers!
I too, am praying for Cora's family. I just cried all day yesterday when I found this out.
Harper is such a beautiful baby. You guys are gonna have your hands full with a baby that pretty!
What a doll she is!! I think that you got the best valentine's present ever!!
I am trying to raise $$ for my IVF, check out my blog for a giveaway!!
So glad everything went well. She is your little miracle baby!
I think we are all deeply saddened for Cora's family. So heartbreaking. Yet, God is still good and still faithful!
Alex always wants to look at pictures of Harper and give her a daily kiss. It's a good thing that she's not coming out for awhile because I don't think Alex could refrain from kissing her precious face! She is so happy that she is home with her mommy Kelly and daddy Scott!
Harper is just a doll! I love seeing pictures of her and am so glad to hear that she's doing so well!
What a sweetheart!!!
I'm so happy Harper pulled through and is doing wonderful! Goad has really blessed your family! I'm so happy to have prayed for you through this trial!
Your daughter is a doll!! I am glad to see her doing well.
It is soooo sad about baby cora. My heart weeps for that family.
such sweet pictures! she is such a doll... I will be praying for Cara's family
Thank you for mentioning Cora and her family. Today is the funeral and I know our prayers make a difference :-)
Praying in Washington,
I am so happy Harper is home! She is looking SO adorable in her little hat. Every time I drove by St. Francis I though of you all and I still do even though you aren't there anymore!
i remember that first outing to the pediatrician like it was yesterday, instead of 8 1/2 years ago!! i packed everything but the kitchen sink in the diaper bag & stroller, just in case...all my babies were big too...I think they look healthier all filled out:)
so happy to hear she is thriving so well!
She is the cutest thing!
Oh, I am just so happy for you. Praise God from whom all blessings flow!!! I came over from Angie Smith's site when Harper was born and your family just captivated me. I had not been over in a while but have been thinking about Baby Harper often and praying that she was getting better. Now I can't hold back the tears as I see her in your arms. So glad you have her to hold!! Praise God indeed and may she never give you a scare like that again!!
She's so beautiful! I laughed out loud when I saw that you have a Nonny - ours is Nonnie and Grandaddy. We also have Papa and Gigi. Too funny.
So glad you got a good report from the first doctor vist. Harper look so sweet in her little sweater & hat. I'm sure Nonny will miss her while is gone. And Dawson won't even know what to think when he gets home, your Dad says the funniest things on his blog about life with the other dogs, ha!!!! Karen Barnes= Jessica M's mommy
She looks so adorable!! Those hats are amazing!!!
Kelly, Harper is just precious. I know you are enjoying having her home with you. You can play dress up all day. I'm sooo glad that her visit went well. Thanks for sharing Cora's story with us. I found a blog that is selling the most precious headbands and pins for her playground. You can visit the blog at she is donating 100 % of the money to help with the building of the playground for Cora. Have a wonderful day. I can't wait to see somemore pictures of Miss. Harper. Hugs, The Fletcher Five
Harper looks adorable. I am glad that her Dr appt went well.
I am SO sad for Cora's family also. I have been praying for them so much.
Does the person that sent you and your mom the brown blankets with your names on them have a website? I loved the blankets!!
I'm so glad she is doing so well! Harper is such a doll! Praise the Lord, He is so good!
I'm so sorry to hear about Cora, how devastating. I will be praying for them. Thank you for the link to their blog.
Hugs & prayers,
hi kelly! harper looked darling on her little outing! :)
thank-you for sharing cora's story. i will faithfully keep her family in our prayers. my little boy greyson is four years old. his very best friend who is also four, has just been diagnosed with the same stage 4 neuroblastoma cancer. she has currently just finished her second round of cemo. if you'd like to keep them in your prayers too, her name is brooke. thank-you!
tara from maryland
Ok, I saw Dr. Hinton today and the other girl Amy in the picture called and told her so she looked at the blog. I tried to look and see if she left a comment..but there are just too many! She thought that was pretty funny (your post). We both agreed that Harper is just a doll. She had also heard about the post from many other people...including a couple more while I was there. Still praying.
Hi..I've been following your blog for a little while but never posted. Harper is absolutely beautiful and I am so happy that she is home and doing better. I can't even imagine what those first few weeks were like for y'all. I've been praying for your family daiy since I found your blog. I love the beautiful outfits she always has on - she is such a doll! It took us a couple of years to get pregnant as well and now we have a little girl, Brooklynn. I have loved every second of being her Mommy. They are such a blessing and so much fun! Can't wait to see more pics of your little miracle as she grows :)
I am so glad that Harper's first doctor's appointment went well! She is just so cute in all of those outfits!
Look at how adorable she looks in that outfit!!!! I could just eat her up!
I've been praying all day for Cora's family devastating, but hope they take comfort in the fact that Cora is in Jesus' arms now.
Harper looks like she's doing great! What a big girl!
My heart broke when I read about sweet Cora.
Glad Harper got such a good report.
I hated to hear about Cora too. My heart goes out to them.
Kelly! I have been following your blog and am SO excited to see Harper finally home! GOD IS GOOD!! XOXO
Still here, still praying!
John 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
Prayer Bears
My email address
Harper looks wonderful! I am soo happy for your family that this has all turned out so well.Prayers and huggs!
Please pray for me. I am having a really hard day dealing with Olivia diagnosis. I am just devastated and broken hearted today. I need your prayers.
I love the blog. Harper is the cutest little thing. I have had you guys in our prayers and we will continue to keep you guys in our prayers. Enjoy her they will grow fast Mine are 7 and 2 and it seems like yesterday.
Hi Kelly! Just wanted to pop in and say I'm still thinking/praying for you and Harper even though you are home and healthy now! How is your first weeke home going?
I am so glad that Harper is well , that must have been a terrible journey for you .
My Sophie was born sick , but things did not get as bad for us as it did for you , I am so happy you finally have a good outcome . Children are a precious gift .
Glad to hear that Harper's doctor visit went well. Those mom's leaving can be hard. I know that feeling all too well.
I know you guys are going to have such a sweet Valentine's Day this weekend. Your hubby now has 2 sweet girls to love on this year. :)
Hi there. I have been following your blog for a while now and I am sorry to hear about Cora. Thank you for posting that info on your blog. My heart has gone out to her family and friends. I have added it to my blog as well so that (hopefully) people will send some donations to her wonderful playground.
On a happier note...I am so glad to see that Harper is doing great. I know that you are having the best time. I just had my first born on Nov. 24th. We also had complications with my pregnancy so I understand your concerns. I know it will get better and better each and everyday because of your belief in God and his belief in you, Harper and your family. It is amazing.
Giminy crickets! What a truly adorable baby!!!
Hi Kelly,
I do not know you but have found your blog through others and just love reading about you and your family - Harper is precious! Thank you for sharing God's plan for your family. Your little girl is always dressed so cute! I love the hats! I ordered some crochet headbands after seeing her! :-)
She is so cute:)
I've loved reading your story. Thanks to our Lord for such a strong baby girl. You are blessed. I will continue reading to hear of how the newborn days are going! (My daughter is almost 7 months, so I know what you are going through!) Congrats! (btw, Loved the small world story!)
Thank you for your sweet words. Your family is in our daily prayers.
With hope
I am very sad to here about Cora. I will definitely be praying for her family tonight.
If you have a chair with arms and a boppy, you can nurse and type with both hands :) The arms of the chair make the boppy bend a bit with part of the boppy resting on the arm, and for non-big-boobed me, it helped get baby where baby needed to be :) I nursed in a nursing chair like that that in front of a desk with the first three, but got one of those cart thingies, kinda like the one in the hospital (off ebay) for my laptop so I didn't have to sit in front of a desk with Elijah.
And is that red sweater the one Amanda made you?
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