Monday, February 02, 2009

Baths, Hats and Magazines

Today has been a very busy day! We started with Harper getting a bath. You can tell how much she loved it! ha! They are getting us prepared to go home soon so we have had people in and out all day - a hearing test, speech therapists, physical therapists, etc. She got her oxygen out today and if all is still okay - shortly she gets to take all of her monitors off!!! We still have to work on feedings and she has to have an MRI and a few other things done but maybe by the end of this week - we will be heading towards Arkansas!!!!

Look at this SIGN that a blogger made me!!!! We are going to put it in her nursery but I had to hang it on her crib. It just absolutely tickled me!!! We got so many cute things in the mail today. I want to show off everything but this post would be WAY too long! We are SO grateful for each and every thing. Hopefully you will each hear from me SOON!
Could you just die with her in this hat???? This was made by the sweet girl who wrote me that she accepted Christ because of Harper's story - that makes the hats extra special to me.
(if you want a hat like this - e-mail me and I'll give you contact info)
I wanted you to know about Serious.Life Magazine. They just put out the February issue today, and I am in their Featured Blog Directory. They published one of my favorite posts and some of our photos too. It’s a very high quality magazine… you’ll really like it. (Check out pages 11, 87 & 88)!

The magazine includes a lot of great content from bloggers you’ll appreciate, as well as great features, photos and other content. The magazine is owned and published by a family who have seven kids, three adopted and one who has Leukemia ( (Please go there and read about Abby and be praying for her - she is very sick and could use a lot of prayer warriors like all of ya'll who prayed for Harper)!!! The magazine gives away a bunch of ads to charities and ministries. Besides great articles on interesting people, there is a lot about family, adoption, personal finance, spiritual life, humor… all sorts of “life” topics.

Again, the subscription is free, and I know you’ll enjoy the magazine, so take a minute to check it out and sign up to get future issues. Who knows, you’ll probably end up being in it too!

We just want to thank you for continuing to pray for our family!
May God bless you abundantly for how you have blessed us!

P.S. Please pray for this fellow blogger - she lost her baby at 38 weeks due to a cord issue. You can imagine how hard this must be. I don't understand - but we can pray for her comfort.
post signature


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Candace said...

I just love all the pink and brown! Harper is just beautiful!!!

Kristi said...

Oh, I'm the second comment!!! :) You guys must be so excited about possibly going home this week. We are keeping our fingers crossed. Thanks for being so good about keeping up updated!

becky said...

yay harper!! you look sensational in your new hat! almost want one for myself. you are a precious thing with precious parents. i am so glad you are getting better!! time to go home sister. i know you don't understand that the hospital isn't your home. our ally claire didn't get it. but once she was home, she never wanted to go back! may our mighty God continue to bless you little one!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful family photo!

Praying the three of you get to go home soon!



The B's said...

Oh Kelly!!!! I am so happy for you guys! Harper is TOOOOOOOO CUTE in that first picture with the brown hat and pink flower. I LOVE IT! IT IS MY FAVORITE BY FAR!!! Before Emma went to bed tonight we had to look at "Baby Harper"!!!

Much Love,
The Branum's

Anonymous said...

She is just beautiful! You are such a cute family!

Betsy said...

I'm so glad that it is almost time to go home!! YAY!!!

I love the cute little FUTURE MISS ARKANSAS sign!! She is definitely on her way. She looks adorable in that hat.

I've never heard of that magazine before, but I will check it out! Congratulations on getting your name in it. :)

lizziefitz said...

Kelly, Harper looks adorable in her new hat! I love reading every detail of her healing. You three make such a gorgeous family. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers. Warmly, Elizabeth PS I so get the being nervous about being at home with out medical staff. I will pray extra hard for strength, confidence and faith for you.:)

Mrs. Southern said...

I pray Harper gets to go home this weekend! She has so many cute clothes that she needs to start wearing! That sign and hat are just amazing! You all are in my prayers and I think about Harper and check your blog everyday!

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that you are coming home soon...yea!! Can't wait to meet Harper and give you a hug. I also want to say she is one of the most beautiful babies I have ever seen and I bet she is even more beautiful in person. Praying you home :)

Cindy McCorkle

Anonymous said...

Harper looks just like her daddy!!! Beautiful baby and beautiful family. :)

Ter said...

pink/brown is my new favorite color combo... I love it! :)

Glad things are going great! :)

Karyn said...

May Abundant Blessings continue your way. Harper looks better everyday.
Love the Miss America sign.

Stephanie said...


The Wisers said...

Harper is so beautiful! Reading your blog today made me cry....Harper is an example of Christ's love for us...her little nose, beautiful eyes...she's perfect!

Another happy day...PRAISE GOD!
<>< Melanie W.

Kristy said...

Miss Harper in that hat is just too cute for words!! I absolutely love the last picture, too. You guys are so sweet!

Leigh Ann said...

I can't believe she is a newborn, she is so cute in that hat. I hope the rest of the week goes well for you three. I noticed you guys in the magazine earlier today, I thought about submitting about two friends that just adopted from Asian countries. Great magazine from people with a great heart.

LuAnn said...

Kelly- She just cuter everyday!! And that hat is too much. I am so excited for the three of you. How great to know you will be home soon. I hope this blog will continue with Harper and her precious little life. I love coming here everyday.
Hugs to you!!!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Oh my goodness...she looks adorable in that hat.

I am thrilled that you guys are heading home soon. I know you're a little nervous, but excited too!

Still praying, Kelly!

Stephanie said...

Congratulations on going home soon!! What a relief that must be. Harper just couldn't be any cuter. She is a very, very pretty baby! You look much more rested and happy now that Harper is doing better. Good luck with all the testing.
Stephanie in UT

Anonymous said...

I love the photos today!! Such a cute girl in a cute hat. You have got one precious little baby girl!! Hope everything this week goes great and that you all are home soon. (I'm from South Dakota, so I say you all, not ya'll! :))

Unknown said...

That hat is a killer-ADORABLE!! You all look just like a sweet happy family :) AMEN!


soo cute! i'm so happy that things are going great, PRAISE GOD.

Heather said...

OH my!!! That picture of her in the hat is my favorite one yet!!! She is just so beautiful! Can't wait til you come home!!!

Em said...

Getting ready to go home?! That is AWESOME!!

Elaina Weaver said...

That hat is beyond cute!!!! And the story behind makes it even better. I know it is something you will cherish forever. And I love her future Miss Arkansas sign. I went to high school with our current Miss Arkansas so when Harper gets a little older, I'll hook the two of them up. :)

Immeasurably More Mama said...

LOVE the hat! Everything sounds good and like you'll be making a trip home soon...yeah! What a great magazine...thanks for sharing it with us.

The Dyess Family said...

Harper is so beautiful! I think she looks alot like hr mommy! We arr still praying for y'all and all of the other sick babies!

Val, Brax and Harper said...

harper has such a pretty little mouth... and eyes... and nose!
welcome to motherhood, kelly... you have definitely earned your stripes. you are a wonderful mother, and you're only 2 weeks in!

julie & joe said...

The Miss AR sign is cute and the hat is adorable. I am so glad she likes hats! I hope you get to head home later this week. How exciting!!!

capperson said...

I love that hat on her. Its gorgeous. She already has such a little personality and she is gorgeous. I also read the section in that magazine about you and it made me want to cry because though I'm only 17 i'm afraid I may never have kids because I have endometresosis. Your story has given me hope and I believe that miracles can happen. I believe that with God anything is possible and I thank you for that. You have also made me even more of a believer and I also thank you for that.

Heather said...

I mean, she is so stinkin' cute!! Seriously, I mean gorgeous! Yeah, future Miss Arkansas for sure. I will be praying that you guys get to go home this week and that she gets to come off all the monitors!
So excited for you guys!! Praise His name!!

Editor said...

she is BEAUTIFUL!! praying that you guys will get to take haper home will all do wonderful at home! i LOVE the brown hat with the is so cute! continued prayers for the three of you!

Erin said...

What a cute family picture at the end!! Checked out the magazine! Its great!!!

Glad to see Harper is doing so great!!

Anonymous said...

Hello, we have been praying for Harper. I just love the hat. Her face is gorgeous!! I just had to tell you, but I guess you already knew!!

Laura in NC

Katie said...

OH! She just looks like one of those little painted baby dolls! She is so pretty she doesn't even look real! (And I'm not just saying that 'cause you told us not to tell you if we thought she was ugly!!! haha!!) Y'all are SUCH a cute family...and even better on the inside where it counts! I can't wait to see Harper in her nursery! We're still saying prayers for her daily! Hugs & kisses to the "Future Miss Arkansas"!

Jaymie said...

So glad she is doing so well! Just wanted to let you know that not only is my family praying for her, we added her name to the prayer list at church! God Bless, hope to hear more good news from you soon!

Amanda Ledford said...

How absolutely adorable is she in the precious hat! I know you will be home by the weekend!

Niki said...

I love the pink and brown hat and Future Miss Arkansas sign! Ya'll are a beautiful family and I will continue to pray for ya'll! May God continue to bless your family!

Melanie said...

I am so glad that she is on the road to recovery!!!! She sure is a cutie!!!! And the sign, it fits her so well :)

Roxanne said...

She is beautiful! I'm so glad that things are looking up.

60 toes said...

I have been following your blog for some time now, I followed the link from Alycia.

I think Harper is the cutest little girl I have ever seen. She has the sweetest face, EVER. I have three girls of own, I know a cute baby when I see one.

You have blessed me with your faith and transparency.

Harper is a special little girl to have such and amazing Mama! :)

God Bless your sweet little family.

Anonymous said...

What great news Kelly. We know you must be SO anxious to get Harper home and settled into a more homey atmosphere and routine! God has been so good and she is such a miracle. The real miracle is the number of lives changed by the power and grace of our God through this series of events.
We love the picture of "your family", the three of you together. And what can we say about Harper.... those beautiful eyes, perfect lips and rosy cheeks are just lovely. Her eyes are so bright and she looks so alert! Thank You again, God, for perfect healing!!
Richard and Brenda

Jill said...

so so happy that you guys may get to go home soon! that hat will be a special reminder of the work that God has done through miss harper!

Julie said...

Love the family pic of the three of you! So sweet and very pretty!
So thrilled for you all to be making plans to GO HOME!!!!!!!!!!!
YEA!!!!!!!!!!! God is GOOD!
Still praying!!!
Congrats too on the magazine! Very exciting!!!
Julie D. from NC

petrii said...

I absolutely heart that hat, and the story behind is miraculous!!!!!

Ya'll are so cute in this pic!!

Still praying!!!

Have a Blessed evening,

Jess :) said...

Oh, seriously! You're just killing me with all of these preciously adorable pictures! You have NO idea how badly I want to be there with you to keep you company and just hug and squeeze Harper! I just LOVE her!!

Oh, and already read your featured post and it truly made me even more blessed and honored to be your friend and your faithful prayer warrior. You are such a sweetheart and I thank the Lord each and every day for you and your wonderful family!

Love you lots,
Jess :)

Annette said...

What a beautiful family the three of you make!!! I just love the hat with the big pink flower..... She is just precious.. Can't wait to hear when you have taken little Harper home..
Still Praying!!!!

Amy said...

God continues to show His true grace! Thanks for the the pink and brown hat and the sign on her crib...can't wait to see what the future holds for this sweet one. My D-Man (3 1/2) continues to pray for sweet Harper every single night. It's wonderful for me to see my son at such a young age speak those sweet prayer words to our Lord. I know that Harper will be saying sweet prayers too someday.

Megan said...

That was a great article! And beautiful pictures of miss Harper!

Charity said...

oh my world! that picture of Harper in the brown and pink flower hat, too cute for words!!!!!!

she is BEAUTIFUL!!
SOOOOO excited you may get to go home soon! i can't wait to hear daily updates about life with Harper at home!!

Amanda-The Family News! said...

How beautiful!!!! My little girl will be a future Miss South Carolina!!! YAY Harper for Miss Arkansas...
I hope you all are getting to go home soon!!!

Anonymous said...

She just gets cuter by the day! I'm glad she is doing so well and will continue to pray for you and your family!

Sandra said...

She is just a living doll! She takes after her mommy and daddy :-) That hat is just too cute - and I love the sign! xoxo

Carol said...

That girl can sure rock a hat!! She is beautiful and I just love seeing all this good news about Harper. I was looking at some pics the other day of when you were first able to hold her and feed her and my husband looked over my shoulder with tears in eyes...he said that woman is smiling so big she is just glowing and looks HAPPY. Your inner beauty shines through the outer beauty. God bless.

Lori said...

Oh, you're sweet. I think I can speak for all of us here that comment on this sweet blog that praying and loving your family is our pleasure. We love you!!

P.S. If I could paint a cool sign like that, I would make one to say...


Angela said... guys are famous! Like I said yesterday, you all have such a testimony. I am so glad she is off oxygen and you guys may be heading home this week!

She will love her room and all her "harper" stuff! :)

Anonymous said...

Holy moley Harper looks A-dorable in that hat. So excited that you guys will be able to go home soon. Still praying. It's so great to see God working this out for His glory in so many ways.

Kathy said...

I know you are so busy right now and it must be hard to make time to blog. Thank you for the time that you take to share your life. You have such a precious little family. Harper is absolutely beautiful!!!!

Tammy said...

That hat is just too cute!! She looks so beautiful and the fact that she could be so upset about the bath is a good thing! It shows that she is a girl who already knows what she likes and doesn't like. LOL
I will continue to lift Harper and both of you up in prayer.
Love, Tammy in Alabama

The Walkers said...

I keep checking everyday to see her progress and follow how you guys are doing. She is beautiful and God is SO GOOD!!!! Keep growing baby girl!

Tina said...

Its such a blessing to watch God work in your lives and others... You all look fantastic Congrats on almost going home....

WHo made the hat I want one! can you send me her info...

Kelli said...

HOME!! Pack your bags and take that sweet baby home.
Will keep you in my prayers!

Kathy said...

Now that is a beautiful family!!

Kathy :)

Allikaye's Mama said...

Oh! That picture in her brown hat is beautiful! How are you going to have enough frames to put all these pictures in!

creative gal said...


Stephanie said...

I just love that hat..she is absolutely adorable in it!!!!

So excited for you all. Can't wait for Harper to get to head home!!!Yay!!

As always keeping you all in my prayers!

Hillary said...

When Sweet H is in the Miss Arkansas her Aunt H will be there to cheer her on in the front row!!!!!!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE her little hat!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah, she's so gorgeous! I am so happy that Harper is doing so well. I'm amazed by God's grace and the work He has done through your little girl. What wonderful stories you will have to tell her!

Alison said...


Thank you for the daily updates. Harper is beautiful and she is looking more and more like her mama!

God bless you all!

Holli said...

I just can not get over how beautiful this baby girl is! With eyes and lips like hers she is for sure "future Miss Arkansas!" God is so good and I know he will continue to bless you all!

Angie said...

congrats, I am so glad that you all will be going home soon!! I love that sign it's so cute!!

Davis Family said...

This is my first time reading your blog and I just wanted say that your family is beautiful and Harper is precious. We are praying for you guys and SO excited that you guys maybe coming home soon.

Many Blessings,

The Davis Family

Laura said...

She is so beautiful...what a precious family picture! Praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Harper is absolutely beautiful! The knit hat is darling! I think pink and brown are her colors! Sounds like things are going well and we are praying you can go home at the end of the week! Still praying in Syracuse.....

Lipstick said...

I am so happy for y'all! Harper is absolutely beautiful! What a gracious God we have!

Laurie said...

I want to hold her so bad that I hurt! CUTE sign and hat! The magazine article is GREAT!

Lauren said...

Kelly- Harper out does herself with her cuteness each day. She's a picture of perfection :) :)

Tristan said...

I love baby precious is she!!

I am so glad the Lord has blessed you with this miracle!

Colleen said...

I know you can't wait to get back home and have Harper all to yourselves. She looks so pretty in the hat! Pink and brown are certainly her colors!

Anonymous said...

I found your site tonight thru another blog. The link stuck out because I have a Harper too. She's 2 and a half.

I showed my Harper pictures of your beautiful daughter and told her she had the same name and she was sick. My daughter replied, "I want to save her mommy."

I haven't really prayed in a long time. Tonight I showed my little girl how to speak with Jesus so she can help save your little Harper.

We will keep praying.

Glitter & Bliss said...

She is a complete doll!!! I just want to cry every time I see her. She is precious!!! Love those full lips.

Shelley said...

Love the family picture! And the hat is just too cute for words. It's so exciting to hear how close she is to going home!

Kayla said...

OMG! She is ADORABLE!!! Yall are just the cutest family EVER!!!!

Anonymous said...

She is precious...and a fighter.

Alli said...

Harper is getting cuter and cuter by the minute!!!
So happy she is getting better. God is sssoooo good!

the said...

I continue to pray for your sweet little Harper , she is so precious there in that little hat.
You have been so blessed with prayers from so many, that things can only get better!
Thank you for sharing your day to day life with her, I sure enjoy reading about your Miracle!

Alison said...

she is just too cute! congrats on all the good news and progress.

Jennifer said...

That is the cutest hat on the cutest, sweetest little girl! I just want to squeeze her! I'm so glad Harper is continuing to improve daily. Sounds like you guys are just about ready to head this way! I'm praying it will be very, very soon!

Sapphire said...

I love love love that hat!! Harper is so dang cute, I could just squeeze her! I am so glad she is doing well.

Tessa said...

she is so cute with that little hat on, that first pic just makes you wanna cry for them. they always hate them baths, its like she saying put some clothes on me mommy im cold

We've Got Scents said...

Harper looks great, as do her wonderful parents! So thankful for all of the great news for your family and will certainly be praying for those who are hurting; praying for their peace of mind and comfort.
Blessings always,
Matthew 21:22

Anonymous said...

Kelly, She really is a beautiful baby. I have 3 grandaughters so I know a beautiful girl! I am so glad Harper is doing so well and thank you for giving God the glory. You must be a really special family for Him to trust you with this trial.

Anonymous said...

She is gorgeous!!!!!! Great family pic, too!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful family picture! Harper is a beautiful testimony to the Lord's amazing grace and power!

Jennifer T said...

baby harper is an amazing baby! she is soooo beautiful! i, again, am so glad to hear the positive updates! all of these prayers have worked and are still working! yay =) hope you all have a wonderful week!

The Walkie Talkie said...

What a beautiful family! Great to hear talk of "going home!" And the hat is TOO cute...she is looking at the camera like "What's the big deal?" YOU, Harper, are a BIG DEAL! Love, Jenny Beth Walker

Gina Dayton said...

Hi Kelly,
I've been following your blog for sometime. Driving to work, a song came on the radio that reminded me of you and your new family. It's called Taking you Home. It's by Don Henley. It's super sweet.


Kristen said...

Going home soon! Now that will be a GREAT day!! She is just a beautiful little girl. I wouldn't be surprised at all to see her up on a stage as Miss A! Cute hat and a great article. I'm so happy for you.

Andrea @ Mommy said...

What a great update! I'm so excited for you and the possibility of making it home soon! And, I love the hat too - very special!!!

Will continue these prayers until Harper is in her bedroom with all of her clothes and bows!

Kristin said...

What a special hat! That's something she can keep forever. My adoption story has always been such a blessing to me because of all the people who loved me and wanted the best for me when I was a baby. I imagine Harper will feel the same way when she grows up as she looks back on all the people who loved her and prayed for her and wanted the very best for her. I always felt my story was a perfect example of God's plan and Harper's story glorifies Him in the same way. I know I have been deeply blessed at how this story has unfolded. To read about you going home with her soon...that is just wonderful!!

Faith said...

Love the hat, love the sign and love that precious baby and how well she is doing!!

Praying for that precious family that lost their son. May God be with them and bring comfort to their hearts.

In This Wonderful Life said...

I love a lot of things on this post ! the family picture of sweet. So glad Harper is doing better all the time!! That sign is soo cute and the hat is SOOO adorable!!! I love it. Sad news for the blogger that lost her baby. I sent her a comment.

Hope you are feeling good! love!

Sue said...

I just love the hat...but the one in it is even more precious!!! She looks healthier and healthier everyday!!

Dana said...

So precious!! She really is a beautiful baby and we are thrilled that she is doing so well!

Anonymous said...

Good job, Harper! You look adorable in that hat! (Well, you look adorable in every picture, hat or not...) So glad to hear the good news and that going home is going to be a reality very soon! Prayers have continued throughout, even though I didn't comment every night. Looks like everyone's prayers are being answered each day! Hope this good news continues for the rest of a very long, wonderful life!
Lake Saint Louis, MO

Anonymous said...

Oh that blog they printed in the magazine is WONDERFUL!! And your future Miss America is looking more beautiful everyday! I can't tell you enough how inspiring your blog is. I'm so happy for you and your family. I can't stop telling everybody about your blog, friends, family and strangers!!! :)

Tiffany said...

God is so good!!! What a wonderful week this has been for you and your family. How exciting to think that the princess finally gets to go home. I will be praying that the adjustment of being out of the hospital and the car ride home will go smoothly. You both are just fabulous parents. We are all so proud of how you handled this whole situation. You all never waivered as you rested in Him.
Tiffany (California)

Holly said...

She is SO beautiful Kelly. Thank you, Jesus, for blessing the Stamps!!

We are continuing to pray. Keep on livin' out loud, friend. I pray daily for you to be able to feed her with no problems once you get home.

Jessica said...

I have been following your story since Harper was born and I am so excited when you post with such good news!! I have shared your story with my friends and pray group and they all are rejoicing with me. Thank you for including the prayer request for Cynthiaa. Know that I will pass on her story and prayer request too. We will be covering Cynthiaa and her family in prayer too.

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I've been quietly checking in on your gorgeous girl's progress, and I'm so pleased to see she's doing well, and blossoming. She truly is a beautiful, beautiful baby. I am praying that she continues on this path, and that you all get to go home real soon. Naomi

Anonymous said...

Harper is the most stunning and gorgious little girl. I am a blogger who has been reading your blog for awhile and have actually started a letter to the 3 of you to let you know the amazing impact you have had on mine and my families life....You are an amazing family with something very special watching over you...I am actually in New Zealand and have the letter and a gift for Harper and one for the both of you that I would love to send you. I don't know if you are able to email me an address that I could send something to. With all our love, Debbie & Family

Lynn said...

What a miracle that they're talking about your going home! Thank you, Lord!
Comforting words! Praying so right now!
1 Corinthians 15:54-57 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The sting of death is sin; and the strength of sin is the law. But thanks be to God, which giveth us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.
Prayer Bears
My email address

CMC said...

I LOVE that little brown and pink hat! SO adorable :)

Praying that you will all be able to go home soon!

Jenn said...

That hat is the cutest!! I am glad they are preparing yall to go home!

Casey (@ Chaos and Cardboard) said...

That picture of Harper in the hat is just BEAUTIFUL! I am praying that your transition to home is quick and easy.

Michelle said...

That hat is too much!!! My daughter-in-law has three weeks left. We don't know what we are having but I sure do want to buy some pink! I cannot get over how healthy Harper looks in all of her pictures. Even the ones with all the lines and cords. Her skin is gorgeous. May the Lord continue to showeer His blessings.

Lisa~A Cottage To Me said...

What a beautiful family picture! The news sounds so encouraging and soon you'll be home as a family. Bet Dawson can't wait, ha,ha!

Rachel H. said...

Beautiful family and such a cute sign! And ADORABLE hat!

JenniferBuchanan said...

I promise that Harper gets prettier with each day! I just want to love on her and let her know how her "little story" has changed my heart. She looks great and so healthy! Yeah for good clean lungs:)

Anonymous said...

What a story! WOW, amazing. I loved how you stopped the tv, stopped the internet and just spent time with your husband and God. That comment spoke wonders to me. So often we get so wrapped up in outside things and forget about our one true father. Kelly, I don't know you personally, but your blog is truly a blessing!

I am glad that Harper is doing well. I can't wait for you to bring her back to AR...HOG Country! WOO PIG!

Carol said...

She is absolutely gorgeous in that hat! I love it!!

I'm praising God for the miracle He has shown you.


Anonymous said...

Love,love,love the pictures today! Your family pic at the bottom of your post is the best. Still praying for a smooth next couple of days as you move closer to being discharged. Harper is just beautiful!
P.S. Praying for the fellow blogger who lost her baby. All we can do now is pray that God's glory and comfort shine through the midst of this.

The Allens said...

I went to the magazine link and rad your blog post from when you announced your pregnancy. It ws one of the most touching and inspirational things I have read. My sister-in-law has been struggling to get pregnant for several years now (she has had two miscarriages) and your faith can be an inspiration to her and so many like her. You are wonderful for always shining the Light of the Lord in ALL times.

Sara Allen

Christy said...

So excited for you guys. Can you believe that finally she is going to be off all the monitors? WOw, that is so awesome! Much love and prayer for you guys.
good luck miss Arkansas! :)
that was too cute!

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Neal said...

We are stilling praying for you, scott and Harper!!! Can't wait to see pictures of her, back in Arkansas, in her adorable nursery!! :)

Anonymous said...

I do not usually comment on blogs at all, but I just have to tell you what a beautiful baby Harper is! She has the most beautiful eyes and lips and she is just breathtaking! I have 4 grandaughters so I am familiar with beautiful baby girls, but Harper is an exception! Beautiful!
May God continue to bless you and your beautiful family.

Karah said...

Harper is just BEAUTIFUL! What a beautiful family you are of three now. Praise Jesus for all of his good work. I have become so much closer to God through your experience. Thank you so much for sharing your life :) Hope you have a happy week.

Karah in TX

Chris said...

my first time here and i like your site. i grabbed your button and put it on my site!


Donna said...

I have been reading since day 1 and am just so happy for you. Harper is so beautiful and you are just so blessed. Thank you for sharing your inspiring story. Love to you dear Kelly.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Harper! She looks sooo cute and she has such a mature look about her. I'll tell you this, ya'll better get some clothes on that girl or she is going to be running around town naked (while she's little). It will be hard to keep them on her. I'm very happy for you both and wish you all the best the Lord will give.

mrsrubly said...

kelly, harper is so beautiful! i bet when you are around her you just want to give her baby squezzes as i call em'! i am so happy that all the monitors are coming off and ya'll might be home next week!
PS i just love that hat! it fits her! LOL bonny in Katy TX

Kim said...

Oh my! I have never seen anything so precious as Harper in that hat! She is BEAUTIFUL!

The Proctors said...

I can't say this enough...Harper is just beautiful!! That hat is precious.

Rebekah said...

Yay!!! Harper I am so glad you are doing so well! You are beautiful! I must say that hat is about the cutest thing EVER!

Georgia Girl said...

So glad to hear about all the GREAT news on Harper...Awhh she just makes me melt inside...such a beautiful little girl. I have you all on my hearts for her recovery and am tickled to hear you all are getting all prepared to go home...Little Miss Arkansas is just so adorable!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

Oh my goodness, isn't she just the sweetest thing! I love the pink and brown hat, it's just too cute! =) Kelly, hope you are doing well; I'll keep praying!

Candice said...

That hat and sign are both just precious...and absolutely perfect for beautiful little Harper. Congratulations on the start of a great week! I'll be praying that it only gets better!

Elise said...

I am so happy to hear how well your little Harper is doing!! God is great!!
She is a beautiful baby!!

Jenn said...

The hat and sign are adorable!! Too bad they don't make onesies with shoulder pads... I think that would really complete her outfit!Harper is BEAUTIFUL!

Thank you thank you thank you for sharing your story!!!

purejoy said...

ummm so totally precious!! i don't think i've commented yet, but i've been following harper and have been praying for y'all.
so awesome to hear you might be going home soon. and i'm so excited to hear that the precious hat is from a new believer!!
thanks for sharing and i'll keep following!

The Allens said...

I LOVE the hat! And you are looking good, Kelly!

Krista said...

Thanks for keeping us all posted on how Harper is doing, and for bringing our attention to other babies/mommies needing our prayers as well! God is so sovereign!
I want to send a little something to you guys, but wanted to make sure that the previous address you posted is still correct! let me know! thanks!

Hana said...

I am so happy that she will be going home soon! What a blessing! Praise Jesus!! He is ALWAYS faithful!

The Shabby Princess said...

Harper is soooo stinkin' cute! She willfor sure be Miss Arkansas. So excited that she's improving. God is good!

Anonymous said...

She is absolutely beautiful!!! I love the hat. It is amazing. I would love to buy one for my little girl.

Nicole said...

Kelly, I have something that I would like to send you, Scott & Harper. What is the best address now? You can email me at dmmatteson (at) verizon (dot) net. Thanks! Nicole

Anonymous said...

Hi! I ran across your blog and my prayers are with you! My little Miss Sophie Clare is 2 months old, she was 5 weeks early and had to stay in the NICU. It was a hard and trying time, but with God's help I feel I handled it with grace! Harper is beautiful! I know that she is such a joy in your life!

CAMoore said...

Great update! I now think she has your hubby's eyes! She is a doll in that hat! PRESH!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the darling hat. And the future Miss Arkansas sign is just too cute!! I am praying for y'all!!

Carmen said...

I'm a blog addict and I've been checking your blog and praying for you all. I'd love to send you something. I wrote down the hospital address, but now that you're heading home, I was wondering if I could get your home address. You can email me at
I have an etsy store, it's I have all the makings for Harper's Hair Bow Holder and I'm dying to send it to you! When you have time, just email me your address. Thanks, Carmen
ps. I love all the foo foo bow and hats you have for her!!
pss. Praise God that she is healthy and ready to go home!

Jules said...

Uh oh you have a feisty one on your hands! Seriously she looks fantastic.
and do the pink and brown hats come in big girl sizes?....

Heather said...

Yay, Harper!! I'm so glad she is doing well. The picture of her in that hat is just ADORABLE!

A Little Water said...


so happy to hear about Harpers improvements! she is so cute in her pink & brown hat, and what a great story. we're praying you guys can come home soon. blessings to you today.

in Him,

Melissa said...

I love the hat! So precious!!! She getting cuter everyday! She is just beautiful and I am so happy to hear that she is getting better and better everyday. I know you are so anxious to take her home. As an expecting mother of twins in March, it just does not seem real until you have them at home, in the beautiful nursery you have prepared for them. We are continuing to pray!!!!

Chic Runner said...

She is just darling! I'm so glad God continues to bless you and your family with such great reports and health! :) I will continue to keep praying for you.

Laura said...

Harper is so adorable!!! I just want to recommend that you get the contact details of an IBCLC - that's a board certified Lactation Consultant - so that you can have that person support you with nursing. Those letters are very important though - the board certified consultants are top notch!!!

All the best with your transition home - I also mentor breastfeeding mothers, so you can reach out to me with any questions or for support!

Anonymous said...

I'm so thankful that Harper is doing so good. Your little family looks so wonderful. Sweet Dawson will be so excited to see you guys when you get back to Arkansas. I know how Bichon would be, ha!!! And you guys being in that magazine is so cool. I'm just so thankful that Harper is doing better with each passing day, God is so good & has answered our prayers as we have cried out to him on little Harpers behalf. Best wishes as you make your trip toward home. I will still pray for you guys in the days ahead. I would love to be able to do something for you so don't hestite to ask. Maybe we could come & see you after you guys get home & feel up to vistor's, Karen Barnes= Jessica M's mommy

Unknown said...

Look at Miss Thang! Man! She is growing and changing
so quickly! She quickly outgrew that "infant" look and has the prettiest skin! I just want to kiss those rosebud lips!!!
I am so grateful for you that things are going so well for Harper!

Suzi K said...

Yay Harper!
We'll be praying that you'll be able to bring your sweet bundle of pink and brown home with you before the week is over! Also praying for a smooth transition!
She is such a beauty! Future Miss Arkansas for sure!


Dionna said...

She looks so precious in her little hat.

Kaylan said...

I am praising Him for how He has healed Harper!!! Thank you, Jesus, for your wonderful grace and mercy! She is absolutely beautiful!! I thought my boy was big, he was born on December 19 and was 9lbs 8oz...We are so happy she is going home soon, I know you are!! I can't wait for more updates!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

I was out of town and am just getting up to date on sweet Harper's status. Wow- lots of great progress was made over the weekend!! Woo-hoo!! She is so beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I just love reading your blog! I have been praying you and baby Harper nonstop. Your faith in Jesus has renewed mine. I feel like my heart is open again. Thank you for that.
On another note, I'm sure you'll be nervous bringing Harper home-I know I was bringing home my son. Something that may calm your nerves is called the Angel alert. You may already have one. It fits under the mattress and goes off if the baby should stop breathing. It may sound silly but, it might help you both close your eyes for a few minutes. Hope it helps. God bless you and your family.

Lazy Mom Leslie said...

So happy and thankful for all the Lord has blessed you with during the past two weeks! Still praying in Sugar Land!

Esther said...

Harper is so beautiful. So glad things are going so great for you! And I want a hat like that.

Anonymous said...

I love the hat! I'd love one for myself. Ha! J/K I wouldn't be nearly as cute!

Unknown said...

I love that hat! I am so glad she is doing so well. She has gorgeous eyes!

Crystal said...

I love reading your updates. I am glad Harper is doing so well! She is just so beautiful. She looks just like you mommy! Her hat is very cute as well. That is such a great photo!

Still praying here in Texas!

Anonymous said...

You are SO inspiring! I check to see how harper is doing every morning when i get to work. She is soooo gorgeous. She is very lucky to have such godly parents! I also check out your recipies too my husband loves them! hehe Anyway good luck when you get home you will do great so will dad!!! I know you will need to get setteled in but i am looking forward to some new ideas for dinner!!! =)
May God bless you!
Laura Jeffcoat
Lamesa TX

Teresa said...

She is ABSOLUTELY beautiful!! I LOVE that hat!! :) I must get one for my soon to be born second daughter... and maybe one for my first. Wouldn't it be cute if they had matching hats? Anyway, Harper looks so precious and I am so happy for your family!! :) God bless you!!

Laura Ann said...

Harper looks wonderful. I am loving that hat! Too cute. Still praying for all fo you and that sweet girl.

HIS Child said...

The last photo on this post is beautiful, and what I have prayed for. That you would be together as a family holding your precious girl in your arms. Praise His Glorious Name!

Love to all three of you.

Angela said...

She is so cute and I LOVE LOVE LOVE that hat! I bet you are excited to be going home soon! Did your area in Arkansas get damaged by the ice? Do they have power? You might just want to stay here for awhile!!!

Michelle said...

I'm so glad to hear Harper is doing well. We'll continue to keep you and your family in our thoughts and prayers.

Michele said...

Oh Kelly ~ I absolutely love that brown and pink hat...too cute! I'm so glad things are progressing beautifully with Harper maybe going home this week. That is wonderful news!


Anonymous said...

She is so cute. i love the brown hat with the pink bow. So cute. There are several girls praying for her here. And we are so excited the she is getting better. You guys will be in our prayers as you head home soon.

Anonymous said...

I have been following your blog throughout Harper's birth and pray for you all daily. Every time I see her eyes open and bright my breath catches with gratitude. What a beautiful baby. Thank you for sharing your story and for opening your heart to us.

And about that hat...does the maker make them in adult sizes?! Seriously, I'd buy one! Maybe she has a link or would take orders. They are adorable!

May God continue to bless your family.
Heather in Manhattan, KS

momeeof3 said...

That little MISS is SO cute!
Love the hat on her and her eyes are BEAUTIFUL!
We pray daily for you family that GOD would continue to do HIS work in little Harper.

Unknown said...


You need to frame that (very, very cute!) hat when Harper outgrows it to hang in her room. It will always serve as a reminder of all the things God can do. I just read the Serious Life post...and God is getting a LOT of glory through Harpers birth.

Harper is gorgeous! She looks like a 3 month old...such beautiful skin and so alert.

Rebecca said...

Yay! What a wonderful day - she is adorable! How exciting to be starting to plan to take her home - praying for you every day!

Kari Wright said...

Awww...look at Miss Harper in her hat-ADORABLE!!! I'm so happy for ya'll and I know you must be overwhelmed with excitement at the thought of coming home soon! It will truly be a memorable day!I will never forget the day we brought Grant home...I don't think I've ever smiled so big and cried so hard at the same time!

AnneGirl said...

What a precious baby you are Harper. And you are so very loved! Glad to hear she's continuing to make strides in the homeward direction. Hope you guys are enjoying spending your nights practicing with her!! It's amazing how you can live on little sleep when you have to, but also how quickly you loose that once they start to sleep thru the night. Keeping you in our thoughts!
~Annette & William

Sofia said...

Hi! I just came up with your website and I must say that Harper's story really made an impact on me. It made me cry! I hope everything is doing well. And, oh boy, is she a cutie! Totally Adorable! I'll be praying for you guys! <33

The Simmons Family said...

Don't all those wires and tubes drive you nuts? Everytime we go into ICU it's "hook em' up". Praying that you get to take Harper home soon and that she never has to go back to the hospital again!

Oh and can you ask Harper to say a little prayer for her friend Owen. He just turned one and would really love his new heart soon. Ya know.. when Harper isn't too busy being loved on! Seriously.. how could you not? She's adorable!


Danyele Easterhaus said...

that sweet harper rocks my face off..and the hat. oh the hat, it is so sweet and much sweeter with the story that goes along with it.

JAMIE said...

That is so exciting! I have been reading your blog daily, and praying for your little girl. Your Faith in God amazes and inspires me.

act679 said...

I got hooked reading your blog after seeing it on my friends page. Harper is absolutely gorgeous and I almost started crying when I was reading the story. You all are in my prayers and will be amazing parents! I've been having a really hard time with some stuff lately but this brings a lot of hope in my heart and strengthens my faith. Keep on posting these gorgeous pictures and keeping us updated.

Brooke said...

Wow! She looks beautiful in that hat. I love those pics! Keep it up Harper and you will be home before you know it!

Cary Hairbows said...

I don't think Harper could get any cuter! She is precious!!


Beth in NC said...

Hi Kelly. I found you through the Serious Life article. Harper is beautiful! I added her button to my page -- asking people to pray for her.

I am going to follow you so I can keep up with her.

God bless you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly and Scott,

Harper looks so pink and healthy! It's a joy to check your blog every day and see how well she is doing. What a beautiful baby!!

Lot's of prayers for continued good progress. Our God is amazing and He has touched so many through Harper.

Thank you for keeping us posted.

Margaret and Len Duffy, Virginia Beach

Anonymous said...

It's so fun to read each day and see Miss Harper and her hats. Praise God for the progress, healing and miracles. Maybe Harper needs some luggage for wardrobe and accessories LOL! I LOVE it!

nanny said...

Harper is so beautiful! Can't wait to see her as Miss Arkansas.(my state)

D said...

I would LOVE the info about that fabulous hat!! The pink flower on the brown is just perfect! Can you email me the info at

Thank u!! :)

p.s. Congrats on Miss Harper doing so well!

Jaime said...

I love the hat. So adorable. She is so precious!

The Crabtrees said...

Hi Kelly. I have a friend who goes to my church in Harrisonburg,VA and she mentioned Harper and your blog so I have been following sweet Harper's story day by day and praying for her.So thankful she didn't need the ECMO. She is beautiful! You are a beautiful family, and Harper looks like a fighter..beautiful and lot's of personality already, I can see it! Praise God for how He's protected and blessed. Sincerely, Carol

"J" said...

I love love love love love love love her CUTE black hat!!! I'm soooooooooooo glad she is doing better!!! Great pictures!!! =)

Yall are in my prayers!!!!!!

Crystal Chilek said...

Harper looks so great! I hope you get to come home soon! Still praying.

Natalie said...

You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. I don't personally know you but have learned your story through one of our mutual friends. Your family is precious and God is watching over you all.

I did want to see where you got that adorable hat that is brown with the pink flower? It is adorable!!!!

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