Sunday, January 18, 2009

Sunday NIght

Here are a few more pics of our girl and we wanted to give another quick update
We don't know who she looks like - we think maybe Scott with my coloring!

We got a good update today. Luckily I didn't know this until later today - but our nurse told my parents that she went home last night worried Harper wouldn't make it through the night. She's given us very grim updates but today she actually smiled (she's a really nice nurse - just serious) and said she was doing much better. Her heart rate has gone down and her blood pressure has gone up - two HUGE praises! They are worried about her heart but they can't look at it until she is off the lung machines. So we are praying her heart is fine. I woke up this morning just feeling sick and Scott and I cried and pleaded with God to save our baby and tonight we are leaving the hospital feeling so hopeful. We feel SO covered in prayer. Our pastor called us several times today and prayed with us and we know our church has been praying for us as well as all of you!
We had a lot of visitors today again. One of them was this sweet 14 year old girl MacKenzie and her mom. MacKenzie reads my blog and wanted to come and give Harper this precious pearl bracelet. What a sweet blessing!
Laurie and Steve came today and brought us so many blessings from our Sunday School class. It meant so much to have them here. My brother and sister-in-law just got here from Dallas and we were so happy to see them.

Thank you again for your prayers - they are working!!!!!!! We have no doubt that Harper is a direct result of God hearing prayers! I am very limited to computer use so I am sorry again for not responding to so many of you - just know you have blessed us incredibly!

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Jessica said...

You are a complete stranger to me but my heart aches for you and your family!!! Reading all of your updates makes me feel almost guilty for having a healthy baby 4 months ago... I hope you don't mind but I post a prayer request for you on my blog ( We are praying for your precious baby and YOU! God has a plan...sometimes it is hard to b elieve it... BTW you looked awesome during your delivery! i looked like a truck hit me!

Tim said...

Kelly and Scott that is such great news!! We continue to lift Harper us into His hands. We know he will heal her so that she can go home soon.

Love and Prayers,


Cyndi said...

Still praying for Harper and you all. You look great and Harper is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Praying so for your precious little one!
Luke 4:18-19 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are bruised, To preach the acceptable year of the Lord.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Tirzah said...

She is so beautiful! Tubes and all, she is clearly gorgeous :) I prayed for Harper at Mass today; glad to hear she is doing better. Keep fighting, baby girl!

Amanda said...

I, too, am glad I didn't know the nurses dire thoughts last night. I have been pretty consumed with thoughts and prayers for Harper and Brayden. SO glad that both babies are proving their amazing strength. And really happy you are able to touch her!! That's powerful!

Please don't apologize for the limited posts and internet access. Yes, we are all excited to hear the latest news. But let the proud Granddad or other friends and family keep us up to date if you need to spend the extra time with Harper, Scott or just taking time for yourself.

The Gilliland Family said...

She is just beautiful! You and your family are in our prayers! Found your blog link thru another. God is good!

Kathy said...

I feel it inside...Harper is doing better.

Don't worry about writing, we all understand. But I imagine it makes you feel good inside, to let us all have an update.

We will continue to pray.

Kathy :)

p.s. you look sooo good for just having a baby!!!! Just take good care of yourself. Harper will need a strong healthy mommy!!

Anonymous said...

I am praying for Harper and your family! May God bless Harper and all of you!

Anonymous said...

Thoughts of hope and love are with you and your beautiful baby girl. Your blog is amazing, the fact you can come and update everyone just a little is amazing. Harper is a precious gift and I hope so very much she is home with you soon. Your love shines through each and every word and Harper's pictures are so lovely to share. God Bless you all.

all i need is love... said...

Harper is absolutely beautiful. She is such a trooper and I know she'll be in your arms soon enough.

With love and prayers,

caknitter said...

That is great news! Your little Angel is being watched over.

Leah said...

She's a beauty, and what a fighter! I love the big chunker babies (my daughter was 9lbs 3oz when she was born 6.5 years ago). Many well wishes to Harper as she recovers. I can't begin to imagine how hard this must be on all of you. I hope the time passes quickly and you can have Harper at home and in your arms where she belongs. BIG HUGS

Anonymous said...

She is such a cutie pie! I found your blog through one of my friends asking for a prayer. I've been thinking about you all since I heard about Harper. I am so glad to hear you had a good update! I hope you continue to get them every day until it is time to bring her home :)

Molly W. said...

Just found your blog and am praying for your sweet baby girl.

Janet said...

Oh Kelly! She is the most beautiful little girl - and she is covered in prayers and so much love. Thinking about and praying for you all the time. Just take one step at a time ...

Anonymous said...

Scott and Kelly,
Your Harper is just precious!
Please know that me and my church family continue to keep you and your families in our prayers here in Bucharest... God bless and keep you all...
The Bliznik Family

jill said...

kelly & scott -

harper is beautiful! i can't sleep tonight for praying for you and your sweet girl. there are LOTS of prayers (and tears!) for you in texas! we're praying for God to put His healing hand on sweet harper's heart. and we're praying this verse too:

Psalm 121

1 I lift up my eyes to the hills—
where does my help come from?
2 My help comes from the LORD,
the Maker of heaven and earth.

lots and LOTS of love from texas!
jill, derrell & sophie

Melanie said...

I just came across your blog this weekend!!! You all have been on my mind and in my prayers since.
She is so beautiful and I am still praying!!!

BethanyM said...


I have been praying for Harper, Scott and you and will continue to do so. I heard about Harper through MckMama. I am also praying for Brayden, Jenna and Chris.

It is awesome to watch God at work as he heals these babies and provides comfort to their families! I love seeing how God uses these challenges to bring glory to Himself and bring non-believers and those who falter closer to Him.

What a wonderful, powerful, loving God we serve!

Rune said...

She is so beautiful. We pray for her everyday.

God bless you.


Irene said...

Joining in prayer. God is all mighty and loving. Take heart.

Heather said...

I have been "lurking" on your blog for some time, and never left a comment. I just want you to know that the Lord woke me up and has kept me up to pray for your sweet girl. I am pleading with Him for her full recovery, and asking for your continued peace. I cannot wait to read that she is off of the machines, and you are holding her in your arms. Till then, may He hold you and her in His. ~Heather

Anonymous said...

Our God is an Awesome God and I am continuing to pray that he rains down healing power and love upon Harper! I praise Him for all He has done so far! May you continue to feel His presence in tangible ways and see His healing hands touch your precious Harper.


P. said...

God help you in this dificult hour. One day you will remember it as past and everything will be ok.
May Our Lady go near your baby and give her a kiss and everything will be all right.

creative gal said...


Kris said...

Hi Kelly,
I just wanted to tell you today was the first day I have read your blog. Today I just celebrated my daughters 17th Bday. When she was 13 she had to undergo an emergency heart transplant. She was born healthy and never had any medical problems. She has a rare disease called Giant Cell Myocarditis. She was life flighted to Louisville and on the ride over she flatlined 3 times! She was in a drug induced coma for 7 days. 7 days I did not know if she would live or die. But God knew. She is truly a miracle and even to this day people say that she won't live for very long. I tell them that only God determines that. It has been almost 4 years since the transplant. God does answer prayers and God does perform miracles. Hold onto your faith. He will give you hope everyday and it will be a beautiful journey. God Bless you and your family and I will pray for you every day.

Becky said...

All those wires bring so many memories back. Kelly, I don't know about your NICU, but in ours, each infant had a primary nurse assigned to them each shift. I want you to know that if there are ever 'nurse issues', do not hesitate to ask for a different one. My daughter and son in law did have to request that one particular nurse not be assigned to any of the boys. Rest sweet Kelly. Rest when you can and get strong. Harper is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

She is Beautfil and still preying for Harper

Kari Lynn said...

Great news! Harper is beautiful!

petrii said...

Harper is just so beautiful!!! We are continuing to pray. Thank you for the updates.

Much love and Blessings to you dear one,

Anonymous said...

I couldn't lay her at the cross, so I lifted her to His throne room just like I did my own grand daughter when she was diagnosed with a genetic abnormality. God is so good and He loves her even more than we can imagine. He will give you peace and strength just rest in Him.

Melanie said...


Anonymous said...

Harper is just beautiful! Sending you prayers from Brisbane, Australia.

Sara said...

What a gorgeous little girl! I participated in your bloggy baby shower & have been lurking ever since. You, Harper & your family are indeed in my prayers. No mother should have to go through what you are. *hugs*

Unknown said...

She IS big! She is a gorgeous punkin'! I am still praying for all of you.
P.S.: In the photo with your blogging friend Caroline, I swear she's been watching Big Mama's scarf tying video! :)

Staci said...

Beautiful baby girl! I am praying for her and you both. God Bless.

Kathi said...

I loved the comment about singing songs about Jesus. The one that comes to mind this morning for Harper is "Jesus Loves Me. Little ones to Him belong, they are weak be He is strong."

Our God is an awesome God! He will provide!

Anonymous said...

Praying for you and Harper!!!!!!!!


Ordinarylife said...

Praying for you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Please be assured that there are many in Charleston, SC, praying for baby Harper and for all of you. Our Sunday School classes at our church lifted you to our Lord yesterday. Thank you for keeping us updated during these difficult days. We pray that little Harper will soon be home in her beautiful room with her Mom and Dad.

Immeasurably More Mama said...

We're going to keep praying until Harper is home with you and Scott where she belongs! Thanks for another update, Kelly! Harper is beautiful and so blessed to have you and Scott for parents.

ocean mommy said...

Oh Kelly..that sweet little nose and the way she is holding that little hand is just precious! She is such a gift! I know you totally get that, but she is just precious!

We are still praying, and anticipating God's hand today. I'm so thankful that your Christian family is showering you with the Love of Jesus. Do you know what a blessing it is for us to be praying for you and Scott and Harper?(and those grandparents too!) It is...thank you for letting us do this for you...

Do NOT apologize for not checking e-mail, or updating more...God is bring you all to mind and we are just rest and get your strength back..Harper is going to need you healthy and strong! Those all nighters can wear you out!

Much love, and a whole lot of prayer..

Kristi said...

Know that Montgomery, Alabama is praying for you and her! Prayers are the most sustainable thing in this world!

Girl Raised in the South said...

Still praying for this precious little girl. She's beautiful. I know it must be hard to see her with tubes, etc. Thank you for the update, I'll keep praying for all of you.

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is beautiful!!! You look really good yourself. Know that I'm still praying for you, Harper and Scott. I will wake up in the middle of the night to feed my 6 month old and pray for Harper the entire time. Keep your eyes on the Lord and your hope in Him.
Much love,

Anonymous said...

Kelly and Scott,

Harper is BEAUTIFUL!!! I know you cannot wait to hold her in your arms. Thank you so much for keeping us updated. Praise God that He hears our prayers and answers them! I will continue to pray for your sweet family.

Amy in TN

Scherr Family said...

Harper is precious. Our Lord is watching over her. I haven't stopped praying for her and you and your family. I know God hears our prayers. He will take care of her.

Not too shabby said...

Praising the Lord in advance for the complete healing He is going to do! Praying everyday for your sweet baby girl! What a beautiful child of God she is. Remember that "When we are weak, He is strong".

Stacey said...

I heard about Harper through "2 Jayhawks waiting for a baby." I just wanted to let you know that I am praying too.

luv_mypony said...

Kelly Im sending prayers from Virginia (go Hokies, LOL). Your little (?9+lbs!) Harper is just adorable, I Know she will pull through. God wouldnt put all of you through this if he didnt think you could handle it. It shows you have great strenght of faith and trust with god. Blessing to you and your family.

I will Send Harper a VA Tech outfit when she gets from the hospital soon!!

Erica said...

PRAISE GOD, the Ultimate Healer! We are rejoicing with you for the all the miracles along the way. We will not stop praying.

Buttercup said...

Continuing prayers for Harper!

Amber Schmidt said...

Our God is still a God of miracles. Our daughter was born with a major heart defect- AV Canal along with about 17 other issues. She has had two open heart surgeries and 13 other surgeries. In her two years she has lived almost 1/3 of her life in a hospital room.

There is no logical reason why my daughter is still alive. She is a living miracle and I BELIEVE that Harper is too!!!

I am praying and thinking of the entire family!

Amber Schmidt

Melissa said...

Kelly, praying for you is all I can really say!!! We lost our daughter last year and I am so burdened and compassionate about praying for babies and their families now that are in the shoes where we've been. I am a PK as well, and we had the support of our church family and many people came to Nashville, where we had to stay for several months, that we had never even met. I say all that because when I read your profile and blog for the first time last week, I so could feel your pain and thought how much I could relate to you. It won't be easy, you're right, but you DO have a God on your side bigger than any heart problem! You know He is the great healer, and that is what we will pray over Harper....a great healing. I read your dad's blog as have a wonderful family. May God Bless you all. I know you're real busy, but if you ever want to stop by my blog, it's and

In His Love,
Melissa Wilhoit

Anonymous said...

She is just beautiful! You have all been in my prayers since she was born, and I know with so many praying for Harper, God will work miracles with her and for her. I pray that you wake up to wonderful news this morning. God bless you all.

Katie said...

Kelly, she's wonderful! Look at those tee tiny toes! Since Friday night, my heart and mind have been consumed with thoughts and prayers for y'all. Thank you so much, Kelly, for letting so many of us be a part of your little lady's life. She is a blessed child! Please know how truly loved y'all are and that prayers of healing (and of PRAISE) are coming all the time! said...

I have been following your blog for awhile now, and I want you to know that my family has been praying for you and sweet Harper all weekend. We know God is in control and is hearing these prayers. Thanks for the pictures of your beautiful daughter...she's precious!

April said...

What a little doll, Kelly! Keep hanging in there...our prayers continue!

Angela said...

She is absolutely beautiful.
praying everyday.

Amy H said...

I had a big baby, too! Big babies are great sleepers. You are going to love that about her. :-)

I teach Sunday School to 2 year olds and we prayed for Harper yesterday morning. I hope those little voices praying for your baby was music to God's ears.

Still praying....stay strong!

Sae Sae said...

You are in our thoughts and prayers in SC! We found your blog through friends of friends and you are on our prayer list! Baby Harper is beautiful and strong!

Jennifer said...

Every little ounce of good news is a blessing. I log on several times throughout the day to check on Harper and to see if there are any updates. My heart goes out to your family & I pray that God continues to send you the comfort and peace you need to get through this difficult time. Harper is such a blessed little girl to have such loving parents who understand that God is the greatest physician. Keep your faith in Him and don't give up! Sending more prayers your way. May to day be filled with many many positive updates!!!!

Phillips Family said...

Still in prayer for your precious girl!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful baby girl. We are praying for Harper and I know God is answering our prayers. He is able to exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. God is working right now in ways we cannot imagine.


The McBrayer family said...

I commented yesterday- you don't know me! I found your blog through a friend- anyway- wanted you to know I'm still praying and have friends here in Atlanta that are also praying for your sweet baby. I layed in bed last night and prayed so hard for her, also got up first thing this morning to check and am SO glad to hear the good news that she is improving! She is beautiful! I will continue to pray all day!
Kelli in Atlanta

Jessi said...

Kelly, she is beautiful. I will pray for you, Scott and Harper and keep you and your family in my thoughts.

The Writer Chic said...

I agree -- I think maybe she looks like Scott. She's a doll, and she is a very-much-prayed-for child of God. We'll continue to lift her (and you) up in our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Harper is Beautiful! I have been reading your blog for sometime now and I am just heartbroken over all you and Scott have overcome and are now faced with. I know that God has Harper in his arms and what His plans for her are, that is so reassuring at this time! I just wanted to let you know that Harper and your family are in our thoughts and prayers and will continue to be!


كلاكيت تانى وتانى said...

i ll pray for her and for you every day and insallah she will be oky you are a very good women ang god will help you nermeen from egypt

Saskia said...

She's gorgeous!! Thank you for sharing the beautiful pictures.

I'm still sending lots of love and best wishes your way,
Saskia x

valerie said...

I'll say it again....Harper is absolutely beautiful. She has such beautiful full lips and a cute little nose & those chubby arms & legs....she's just perfect!
You all are constantly in my thoughts and prayers.
Take care!
Valerie (Oklahoma)

Gina said...

I found your blog several days ago, although now I can't remember how. We'll just say it was God, because ultimately it was! Your story has so spoke to me and I just wanted you to know that I am praying for you, your husband and Harper every time I open my laptop (and that is many times a day!!) May God continue to wash you and your family in his mercy, grace and everlasting peace.

Sandy said...

We continue to pray for your beautiful family!

Kim H. said...

We're still praying - I'm so glad to hear that the news today was hopeful! God indeed is good!

Mama Byrd said...

I emailed you directly but I wanted you to know Harper has a group of strangers on facebook praying for her, we are mothers and fathers from all over the world coming together to pray for her. The fact that she has brought so many strangers together in such a short time proves she is already doing what she was meant to do, Here is the link to Harpers facebook group, I hope to see many of your blog followers there with us.


ellieshine said...

your little girl is just precious - please know you are in my thoughts and prayers . . . .

ellie in australia :)

Becky said...

Our God is Mighty to Save!

Standing with you in prayer as you ride the NICU roller coaster

Meredith said...

Oh she is just beautiful! We will keep praying and our Sunday School class lifted you all up yesterday and will continue to do so this week. Praise God for he is good!

All Things Family said...

What a beautiful baby girl! I have no doubt she's the biggest baby in the NICU! 9lbs 12 oz...that's impressive! Will be praying for you guys...heard about you through several other blogs I you are very prayed for through this time!

Anonymous said...

I will pray specifically today that her lungs improve so that the doctors can get a good look at her heart.

Anonymous said...

prayers coming your way from Springfield, MO! What an absolutely beautiful baby girl! And so big! (my daughter was 9 lbs, 11 oz! Hooray for big babies!) Praying for healing over Harper's little body.

Stephanie said...

Oh Kelly..I am praying. Praying for Harper's healing and quick trip home! She is absolutely beautiful!!!!!

The Allens said...

Kelly, your daughter is gorgeous! Some day she will know how many prayers went up for her all over the place and how the Lord provided for her and her faithful family. You and Scott and your entire family are inspirations. Your daughter is, as well, and will continue to be throughout her blessed life.

Kristin said...

Kelly ~

Harper is just gorgeous! I'm still praying!!

Erin said...

Keep fighting sweet Harper. Everyone is praying for you!

Anonymous said...

She is just beautiful.
God is performing a miracle right now. With all the prayers for Harper, I couldn't imagine it being any different.

She will make it through this. She is strong!

Marla said...

I found you thru Kappa Prep....and I've kept you in my prayers. She is such a beautiful girl. We will all continue to push good thought your way!

Anonymous said...

I just read about your sweet baby through Angie's website and am praying for all of you. Harper is GORGEOUS! We'll be keeping all of your family in our prayers. God bless all of you with comfort, strength, and most of all peace, during this difficult time! God has great plans for all of you! (Jer. 29:11)

Pam L. in Maryland

Michelle said...

Praise God for the good news! I will continue to pray for your family.

Gracie said...

Harper is beautiful! (ofcourse you know that=])
Isaiah 43:1b "Fear not: for I have redeemed thee. I have called thee by name; thou art mine." We know that Harper was formed by the very same hands that shaped the Universe and placed each star in the sky. We also know that God has an awesome plan for her life. We are praying for you here in Alabama =)

The Van Ordens said...

We are on our knees praying! Please Lord hear our prayers! Hang in there!

Gracie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I am so thankful to hear such good news...praise be to our Lord! You are all still on my heart and in my prayers. Harper is just beautiful!

Anonymous said...

Kelly and Scott-

Your daughter is beautiful. She reminds me of my children. Both of my babies were "big" (over 8 pounds) and I loved it. I just love seeing healthy babies and I am speaking those words over Harper. I praise God that she is a happy and healthy baby. I praise God that one day you will be able to tell others how God healed Harper.
I also praise God that people who do not believe in Jesus as Lord and Savior will be able to read this blog and see that Christians love and pray for each other, not the way so many people in the world see us. Thank you for being a light to so many.


Jennifer said...

Harper is absolutely beautiful!!! Keeping Harper and your sweet family in my prayers!

Kelli said...

She is so precious! Keep taking care of yourself mama! Harper is going to need you rested, healed and strong for when you go home. I prayed for Harper as I rocked my sweet baby girl to sleep last night. You will be rocking her so soon!

Anonymous said...

She is sooo pretty and her feet and hands are beautiful too!!! ha Still praying for you several times a day! God is good

Georgia Girl said...

Keep bringing the good news! Harper is a little fighter also...Prayers are still with you and your family!

Kelly said...

Harper looks gorgeous! I'm glad she's perking up; we'll keep praying for your family. Take care of yourself, too.

Jon and Steph said...

It was so wonderful to see your update today and know that things are getting better for Harper, thanks for keeping us posted! We're continuing to pray for baby Harper, you and your family!

Anonymous said...

Prayers for all of you from Alabama. Your sweet baby girl is BEAUTIFUL!!! We will continue to pray here for complete healing.

The Sheppard Family

Bethany said...

Still praying for your sweet girl. I pray also for you both. What a struggle. Praying for protection against the enemy.

Anonymous said...

Praise Jesus for her progress! Still prayin' down here in Georgia. So glad she is getting better. I hope that you get to hug and kiss your sweet baby girl very soon.
love~ Erin Woodall

michele said...

What a beautiful baby girl! Just wanted to stop by and let you know we're still praying for you in Pearland, Texas. I came across these song lyrics today, and I thought I'd post them for you.

"I promise to pray for you, to lift you up before the Lord. I promise to always speak your name before His throne. That new life in Him you'd find, that He'd give you peace of mind. I promise to pray for you, God's love to embrace you."

I promise to pray for sweet little Harper. I pray that God will watch over her and your family and friends. I pray that he will heal her little body and give her a strong healthy heart, so she can go home with you all soon.

God bless,
Pearland, Texas

Patsy said...

THoughts and prayers continue to flow your way. Take care of yourselves and try and rest. God is making this child better and He will continue to watch over her and protect her. God bless ya'll!!

Betsy said...

Harper is just beautiful, Kelly. I think she looks just like you, but it is still hard to tell. I am so glad you are receiving better news. I know you are just hanging on every word the doctors and nurses say. We are praying every minute.

And, you look so good. I would be a wreck after having given birth and going through this emotional trauma!!

Love you, sweet friend!!

Betsy said...

Harper is just beautiful, Kelly. I think she looks just like you, but it is still hard to tell. I am so glad you are receiving better news. I know you are just hanging on every word the doctors and nurses say. We are praying every minute.

And, you look so good. I would be a wreck after having given birth and going through this emotional trauma!!

Love you, sweet friend!!

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful! I am still praying for her and your family!

Heather in North Carolina

Anonymous said...

Still praying for Harper and all of your family. Stay strong in the Lord!
Kelli in SC

Jennifer said...

Praying for little Harper. Believing in her COMPLETE earthly healing.

Stephanie @ My Answered Prayer said...

I have been praying for you guys all weekend! God is answering prayers...It is awesome to see all these posts and to see how many lives you have touched. Know you have at least 3 people in Arkadoo praying for you.

P.S. She's beautiful!

Barrett said...

I have been following your blog for a while but have never commented. Little Miss Harper sure is beautiful! She is going to look perfect with that crown one day! I had an almost 10 pound girl twelve years ago and remember how she filled out that bassinet so much better that those skinny babies. I am praying for your family and for Harper. You are ministering to so many out there.... the Lord works in mysterious ways.

Anonymous said...

Oh, she looks just like a little baby doll! She is absolutely adorable.

Continuing to pray!

Mallory said...

Harper is beautiful! Still praying for you all :)

Wendy said...

I have been praying for sweet Harper all weekend and will continue to do so until she is healthy and home!

Anonymous said...

Kelly-- I just came upon your blog. We are praying for Baby Harper and for you guys! I just know that all will go well. She is a beautiful baby! Please know that we are lifting you guys in prayer!
Robyn McLamb
Clayton, NC

Unknown said...

She is gorgeous! We're still here and still praying for you and your family! Keep focusing on the positive and the day you'll be able to take that precious little one home with you! BTW - you look wonderful - I know it really doesn't matter in the scope of things, but you do.

Jilliebean said...

I can't believe how big she is! You gave birth to a 3 month old! She is absolutely beautiful Kelly. Lots of prayers are being sent your way.

Anita Pope said...

Kelly she is BEAUTIFUL!!! Still praying for you, your family and little Miss Harper!!

Ang said...

Oh such good news, thank you for the update! Prayers from Tampa, FL

Our life with 2 P's said...

Harper is such a blessing to your family. Our family and friends are praying for her. God is watching over this sweet angel.

Doodle Bugs said...

She is so beautiful Kelly.

And it looks like you have a huge support team at the hospital, at home and online. Be strong and enjoy the first few days of your beautiful little Harper.

Still praying hard for you guys!

Stephanie said...

Kelly I am glad that you have been receiving good news. God Bless you, your family, especially Harper. We are still praying in NH!!!!!

<3 Stephanie and David!

Rebecca Jo said...

Harper is beautiful - as we knew she would be...

And how sweet & good are the people of God giving you comfort? It never feel old, does it?

Know we are still praying hard for Harper's health & for strength for your family!

To The Moon and Back said...

Kelly, Harper is beautiful! God bless your little girl. My thoughts & prayers are with you.


Amy S said...


Rachel said...

She is beautiful!! We are still praying!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am praying for you guys. I know how hard it is to have your daughter in the hospital. Harper is in my thoughts and prayers and I'm glad she seems to be getting better.

Unknown said...

kelly~ i just can't get over how beautiful that precious baby girl is.

keep those wonderful updates coming. God is so good!! still praying in AL. said...

I'm glad I found your blog so I could join in the prayers for Harper. I'm in awe of your strength and faith!! God Bless you and your Adorable little girl.

Michele, Cologne, Germany

Anonymous said...

She is so beautiful! I have been praying for her!

Cami @ Creating Myself said...

Just wanted to add my prayers for Harper to everyone else's! God bless that sweet, sweet baby.

Sarah said...

Kelly ~ You look fantastic!!! Harper is gorgeous!!! I am so thankful for the latest reports. The prayers continue,

Katy said...

Very happy to hear more good news. I stayed up late last night and prayed for her again. That baby us so very precious, may the Lord put his loving hands on her and help heal her every day. What a precious gift she is. I cannot wait until you can hold her and kiss her sweet cheeks.

Free Art Printables said...

Still praying! She's beautiful!

Suz said...

She is absolutely gorgeous! Your faith is amazing! Keep relying on Christ! I'm still praying!!!

Wifer said...

Still praying and Lord she is beautiful!
Love ya

Kelli said...

I think it's wonderful and speaks volumes of your character that you continue to give us updates. God WILL get you and Harper through this time. You are and will continue to be in my prayers.

Jennifer said...

She is absolutely precious! I am still praying and I hope you get to hold her soon!

Michelle said...

You baby is beautiful. Prayers continue for you.

Get better soon Harper.

That is so awesome that so many are stopping by with well wishes.

Gennae H. said...

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Matthew 11:28

I'm not sure if someone else has shared this verse with you but God showed me this verse a couple of weeks ago as we are going through a tough time.

Harper is adorable! Congratulations! I hope you are taking care of yourself! I'll keep praying for Harper, you & Scott.

Ashley said...

I am praying for Harper right now. I believe in miracles. My brother and daughter are both proof that prayer works. I know Harper will be a blessing to so many as she grows up.

Anonymous said...

Harper is beautiful. Still praying for her and you and your family!

Katie said...

Praying for you durning this storm. I'm so sorry that you have to face this. I know your a believer, and sometimes we just don't understand why God allows this? My son had to go through a major surgery at 5mo and it was very hard for all of us. He is fine today but I remember what a trying time that it was. Just know that God is in control no matter what Dr's say. I will keep praying along with so many people. She is a beautiful baby. I know there are angels next to her at all times protecting her.
Katie <><

Diane said...

She is so beautiful! Praying!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

I am so glad to hear the news that Harper is improving! I think of her so many times during the day and lift her, you, Scott, and your family up in prayer.

She is so beautiful! I can't wait to see her dressed up in some of those adorable clothes she has waiting for her in her closet!

mommy4life said...

God hears your prayers!

Lara Jane said...

Prayers are still coming at you from Joplin! We Praise the Lord for Harper and the work He has begun in her and through her.

btw, You look amazing!

Anonymous said...

I don't know who Harper looks like either, I just know she's GORGEOUS!!! I will continue to pray specifically for her lungs and heart. I'm so glad she is doing better and that you and Scott have such great support. Your story has touched so many people, including myself. I know God has great plans for Harper and your family. I can't wait to see how He will use you all! Stay strong and know that there are so many people pulling for your little girl. Our God is listening...
Much love,
Amy Rincon in Houston

Blue-Eyed Bride said...

So glad to read that there have been improvements. We will continue to pray for you, Scott, and beautiful Harper.

Heather said...

I have been checking your blog all weekend for updates. I so glad she is doing better. Our family is praying for Harper and your family.

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Neal said...

Scott, Kelly & Harper - We have been praying for you during this entire thing!

I have been following your blog from Anna at Journey with the Jenks! On saturday morning, I checked your blog for an update on Baby Harper ... I immediately went and told my husband and we stopped and prayed for you immediately! Yesterday, he asked me how Harper was doing! I was so excited to check and see the good reports!!

Hang in there ... God has big plans for that little girl!! :)

Bryan and Susan Neal

Anonymous said...

What a little angel. God is great!

In our family, we always say "p'ing for you!" My grandparents used to be missionaries in Estonia, and were being watched by the government (they don't like Christians very much!).. their phones were all tapped, so p'ing was our code word for praying.

P'ing for you from Toronto, Ontario!

Kara said...

Still praying for your beautiful baby girl!

Kara in OK

Lisa said...

she's beautiful Kelly! I continue to pray...
~Lisa (from Dallas)

Marva said...

Praise the Lord! Still praying in Alabama......


Anonymous said...

Praying for her little heart & complete healing!

Just Terrific said...

Little Miss Harper is such a cutie! My goodness! I checked on her right before I went to bed and was thrilled to see new pics and an update! Praise the Lord for His love and mercy! I'm praying for Harper's healing......and for strength for her Mommy and Daddy, Grandmas and Grandpas. Love and prayers,

Sinking Spring, OH

Erin Southwell said...

Praying for you all!

"The Lord your God is with you, he is might to save. . . " Zephania 3:17

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Just want you to know that Harper is in my prayers. Am praying for you and your hubby as well. You are totally covered girlfriend. You've got such a beautiful little girl.

CyndiAKADisneyqueen said...

Harper is a beautiful blessed baby. Still praying for all of you.

Unknown said...

C'mon, baby girl! You can do it!

She looks wonderful, Kelly. We're praying.

Jenn said...

Your baby girl is so precious! She has such a presence of strength! Praise God for her good reports. Our family will continue to pray.

“The LORD bless you and keep you; The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace.” Numbers 6:24-26

Christy said...

Harper is BEAUTIFUL, brave and so loved!

Jennie said...

Kelly-- I too have stumbled upon your blog through a friend. Your family is in my heart and prayers.

Anonymous said...

We are praying and praying for you all. God is certainly able to make all grace abound to you... and He has and is.


JC said...

Harper is a beautiful baby. Congratulations. I hope the good reports keep coming.

Rebecca said...

Continuing to lift you all up in prayer!

Amanda said...

Harper is absolutely gorgeous. I can't imagine how badly you want to pick her up and squeeze her. I will keep praying, sister!

hsmomma said...

Glad to hear the update--still praying!

Anonymous said...

Your daughter is so beautiful and she is in my thoughts and prayers daily. What a miracle she is and she is such a fighter. Praise God that you and your husband know that you can lean on God through all of this! I can not wait until she is able to come home!

Abby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mrs. Southern said...

Harper is beautiful! I find myself checking your blog so much to check on her and get an update. Praying for her health and for you and your family.

Abby said...

Hi, Kelly!

My name is Abby. I am April's Daughter. I just wanted to let you know that this home has been praying NONSTOP for Baby Harper. She is such a sweetie! I think she's so beautiful! I am so glad that she has been improving.

♥God is GOOD!♥

Abby said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
KellyB said...

Bless her sweet little heart!!

Anonymous said...

What a precious little darling! I just found you on Bless our Nest and wanted to say that Baby Harper is definitely in my prayers!

Dana said...

I have been checking in periodically with your blog for the past few months. I was actually thinking about you specifically on Friday though I couldn't have known what you were going through. My heart goes out to you and I am on my knees in prayer for you and your sweet, sweet daughter. May you and Harper one day look back on this time with awe and wonder at our mighty God!

God bless you!!!

Kelly | Fabulous K said...

she is so pretty!! :)

Jamie said...

She is absoluetly beautiful. Glad to hear a good report.

Stacie said...

harper is beautiful, with her ventilator, uvc, and every other electrode and sensor attached! i have worried over patients the same way harper's nurse is worried over your sweet baby. i am still praying for you and for harper and recovery for you both.

Wendy said...

I pray that the Lord showers down his love on Harper and your family during this time. I just know that Harper can't wait for her mommy to hold and snuggle her!

Faith said...

Praise Him for the ways He is continuing to work!!! So glad to hear these praise reports. Of course, we won't stop praying!!

Stephanie said...

Praise the Lord she is doing so well! I truly believe God will only continue healing her too. I will not cease praying until she is finally home with you where you can love on her all day long!

Wherever we go there we are said...

Dear little Harper, You are in my family's prayers. We have recently gone through a very difficult situation with our little boy as he had a stroke before he was born, spent 6 days in the NICU, and we were told he wouldn't make it. He is 2.5 weeks old and doing really well! We have a million follow-ups to drs, but are SO grateful God answered our prayers for him. Know that you are loved and we are asking God to spare your precious life and allow you to bring lots of joy and smiles to your mommy & daddy's faces over the years. Love, The N's p.s. Kelly & family if you need encouragement from a family that has gone through something similiar recently please feel free to contact me... it's hard but God is GOOD! -debi

The Flesher Family said...

I am an avid reader of AGD blog and now that I have found your precious blog I am hooked on yours as well. I will pray for sweet Harper and her heart. My prayers are for her to be better soon so you can hold that tiny precious in your loving arms. Lots of prayers in Dallas, Texas!

kasey said...

Beautiful baby girl and I love her name! Praying for her!

MiMI said...

Precious little Harper and your family are in our prayers. St. Francis is such an excellent hospital. I've been in it myself and my mother had her heart surgery there.

Your faith is an inspiration.

Tina:0) said...

I've been in a similar situation with my youngest daughter twice. She was about a month and a half old & crashed due to heart failure (she has tetralogy of fallot - a CHD that has required now 9 surgeries to correct). The second time she was closer to 4 months old she had a heart attack after her first open heart surgery. The nurses & all her docs thought that she wouldn't make it. She is now a vibrant, healthy, happy 2 year old!!!

Praying that Harper continues to astound the medical community with what God does in her life!

(PS - feel free to stop by Vaeh's blog if you get a chance... I'm sure you're busy:0)

Anonymous said...

Kelly we are all still praying. I am constantly checking for updates. It is such a roller coaster for you right now. It is hard seeing your babe with all of that equipment but she is going to pull through. God is an Awesome God and gives us the Miracles we need. Harper is proof of that. WE pray that she comes off the vent soon so they can see her heart is doing well. Also your nurses are your lifeline right now. They became our best friends and helped our girls fight to come home. We are all paying for you.

Alicia said...

She is absoulutely beautiful! Harper is still in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

Harper is such a miracle! She is so beautiful. I'm still praying - thanking God for taking care of her, and asking that He will continue to heal her!

Mrs. Dunbar said...

We are continuing to pray for you over here in Cali. Harper is a beautiful baby! So chunky already, that's the best kind.

elliotts said...

Harper is just gorgeous!! So many people are contunuing to keep Harper, you and your family in our hearts and thoughts...

The Savvy Mama said...

She's beautiful!!

We're praying!

Sue said...

My daughter got me to reading your blog and I have been following it for a few months now. You and your family are precious. This weekend I was out of town helping my daughter move into a new place. We were keeping up with Harper's progress via her blackberry and saying prayers for her thru out the weekend. Harper is beautiful! We just want you to know that we uplifting all of you in prayers!

Anonymous said...

A beautiful baby. We are praying for her in N Ireland.

SingerMamaMelody said...

I'm praying for your sweet Harper and for you too. I read about you on Bring the Rain...

Much Love,

SingerMamaMelody said...

I'm praying for your sweet Harper and for you too. I read about you on Bring the Rain...

Much Love,

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