Saturday, January 24, 2009


If you read this blog - you know that I'm a TV ADDICT!!!!! Especially this time of year - I have so many shows my DVR is on overdrive. I realized today that I haven't seen TV in 9 days - and I have to tell you - I couldn't care less. I just realized that Miss America was tonight. I wish I was at home holding my princess and explaining to her which girl was wearing too much lipstick and which dress was tacky and picking our favorite states together. But there will be time for all that.

For now - my reality is staring at this precious face as often as I can
They put her on her tummy this morning and she really liked it - all her vitals went way up so they dialed back her oxygen to 42%. She had another great day! They have put her on her back again but she'll be on her tummy later tonight. It will help to break up the pneumonia that's left.
Really - is ANYTHING sweeter than this?
Oh I can't wait to hold this precious thing in my arms!!!!
We had a huge group of visitors today - thank you to all of you for visiting!!!!! It brings a huge lift when we are able to see friends and family (and blog friends) and it touches me to think you would take time out to come and visit us!!!!
I forgot to tell ya'll that I got to change her diaper yesterday!!!! I was absolutely scared to death but the sweet nurse helped me! I've never been so excited!
I got a wonderful fruit bouquet from some praying friends in New Hampshire today! Thank you SO much!
We were so thankful today that Laurie and Steve came and spent the day with us. It just felt so wonderful to have them with us and to visit. We got away from the hospital and ate at Cheesecake Factory!
Laurie and Steve have been a wonderful support system to us. Laurie has fielded a million phone calls and e-mails - I tease her that she is my administrative assistant.
We got back to the RM House tonight and this was in the mail! My sorority at OBU had made this big poster and signed it for us. SOOOOO cute! It just thrilled me to death. I have a onesie at home that says "Future tri chi" that I can't wait to put Harper in. It has a matching pink and green tutu!! If any of you tri chis read this - thank you!!! I can't wait for Harper to be in the pledge class of 2028!

We are living the fact that God's mercies are new every morning! We have had a hard week this past week but I think it's also been one of the best weeks because we have witnessed God's hand in every moment. I know some of you who are reading this may not have had prayers answered. You may think God has forgotten you. I just want you to know that God is good and perfect and He loves you. He has a plan that may not be what you planned - but I pray that you will one day find that His plan was best. We just have to trust Him to work everything out for the good.

I can't say enough how much I love you all!

post signature


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Laurie said...

Ohhh it was so fun to be with ya'll today!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love the TRI-Chi sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How Sweet!
Much Love.

Jill said...

so happy that today was another good day. i love her new bow...she is such a doll!

Natalie said...

She is absolutely precious, precious, precious!!

We are rejoicing in God's miracles ~ and still praying for your sweet daughter and all the other babies and families in the NICU.

Sending sunshine your way (because it finally got back to NORMAL Tampa weather here)!


Jenn said...

Her sweet little head of hair is PRECIOUS!!! You'll need to change that cute blondie on your blog header to a little brunette :)

We are continuing to pray!
Blessings to you all!

The O'Brien's said...

Praise Jesus!

Jennifer said...

Those pictures of Harper are sooooo sweet! It looks like you had a really good day today! I'm so glad so many friends were able to visit you. I'm sure that helps the time pass. The Tri Chi poster is sooo sweet! I love it! Did you know today was bid day? 18 more years and you will be down there on bid day with Harper!! Hope you have a great day tomorrow! We are still praying for you and your sweet girl!

Heather said...

We love YOU so much and I will just sob my eyes out when I read your blog (someday soon!) and see a picture of you holding your girl!!!! God IS good...even when it is hard to trust Him or even when He seems to be absent or silent. I am so thankful for Him working and moving in all of our lives!

Jill said...

Oh Harper looks so sweet doing her tummy time! What a sweetie!!! We are so thankful that God has put his hand over you guys this week!!! How sweet were those Tri Chi's....I love it!!!!

We will continue to pray for you guys!!! xp sweet harper!!!

The Writer Chic said...

Thank God for Edible Arrangements, Cheesecake Factory, good friends, and tummy sleeping!!! Praying for you hourly!

Gracie Beth said...

I love her little pink bow!

Melissa said...

You are so inspiring and uplifting. It's awesome to see that even through such a trial and difficult time you are still full of faith and hope and thankfulness. You are a blessing to all who know you in the "real" world and the bloggy world.

I'm so happy to see that Harper is getting better and stronger each day.
She is so beautiful.

Still praying.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

What a sweet little girl! I stumbled upon your blog through another one. My heart goes out to you. {hugs}

Christina said...

Praying for Baby Harper and the entire family! So, so excited to see that God is answering all of our prayers and Harper is improving little by little every day!!

Lauren said...

I love those pictures! So sweet... Those rolls on her arm! Precious! So glad she continues to do well!

Still praying...

Lauren said...

Kelly- Thank God for friends and family and prayer warriors! Harper is such a fighter :) We love you all :) :)

Anonymous said...

So happy to hear that your sweet girl continues to improve! God bless you all!

Anonymous said...

Harper is beautiful! I am so glad that you got to change her diaper. It is the first of many, many diaper changes in your future. I am so glad that she likes being on her tummy! My youngest loves to be on her tummy. Praying that tonight and tomorrow are an even better day then today.

Melissa said...

She looks Just like you Kelly! I am so happy she is getting better!! Praise God!

Amber B. said...

Glad she had another good day! She seems to get cuter and cuter. :-)

Gina said...

Oh Harper.......her hair is beautiful! AAAWWWWWW. I am just chomping at the bit to see you holding her..shreiks of joy will be heard far and wide. Oh's coming soon.....and let me just say...she is just amazing....I cam't wait for tomorrows post already.

Jen and Jared said...

The pictures of Harper are precious!!! Glad to know things are improving and we are continuing to pray for that sweet baby girl.

Jen Averitt

Jenna said...

Kelly, I'm so glad that they were able to wean her off some of the no time she will be getting of the nitric too! Love you guys! Go Harper, Go!

Ruthie said...

I am just loving the bows in her hair!!! I could just stare at her picutes all day. She is so gorgeous; those sweet baby lips, little nose, ears, eyes - and seriously, seeing her on her tummy like that! - precious. My sweet baby boy is almost 5 months old and I just love the newborn phase... that he is quickly leaving. Continuing to pray for your family, all the other babes and medical staff. So thankful the Lord continues to bless you and Scott with visable love and support. Those are HIS arms around you Kelly, all your family members, friends, and visitors; messangers of your loving Father! Oh, and I know it doesn't really matter, but I know what it's like to be post-partum and I just wanted to let you know how beautiful you look too! Scott's such a blessed man to have his two beautiful girls!


laura said...

Kelly, you are such an encouragement to me and so many...I am praying for you and sweet Harper. So glad you got to get away with your bestie and have some yummy cheesecake! Harper is just beautiful!

Michelle said...

Harper is such a baby doll! I can really tell you had a good day today! I'm still praying! It won't be long before she comes home!

Karen Needham said...

Wow! Harper's dark hair is just gorgeous and she looks better in each picture that you post.

Rest well!

Karen Needham

Kristin said...

Oh, isn't she just the sweetest, most precious little thing ever!!
How exciting to get to change her diapers! I can't wait until you are holding her in your arms!

JennaDK said...

You look amazing Kelly! I'm still praying here in Florida for sweet Harper! She looks gorgeous! How exciting to finally be able to change her diaper. I changed my nieces first diaper when she was born 2 years ago and I was scared to death too! I can't get over how big Harper is! But she definitely has your eyes.

Megan {The Brick Bungalow} said...

She's getting prettier every day! I can't wait for you to hold her too. :)

MaierHousehold said...

First of beautiful is your little girl?

Praise be to God that Harper is continuing to improve daily! He truly is an AWESOME GOD!

Still praying in Texas.....

Megan said...

Hi Kelly,

I have been checking your blog since your precious baby girl was born. I have fallen in love with your heart. I've backed up to read a little more about you. Not stalkerish - I promise! :) You are such a blessing to SO many. I have been struggling with infertility for almost 3 years now. (Not many people know this...and it is hard to carry that burden alone.) As I read your posts regarding your struggles, it encouraged me and convicted me. Your faith never wavered, your hope remained in Him, and your heart is pure. I thank God for Harper's continued improvement, and I thank God for allowing me to find your blog. Much love and prayers to you and your family.

Love, Megan

Amanda said...

Kelly your ability to continue to look beyond all that has turned your world upside down right now and continue to witness and share your faith is awe inspiring. You rock! God is doing truly amazing things in your little baby's life!

My daughter always did better on her tummy, too. So glad you got away for some non-hospital cafeteria food. Cheesecake Factory was one of my husband and my favorite indulgent escapes during our NICU days too.

Praise God for more continued healing on Harper's lungs, for friends who can step in and help field emails and phone calls and for women of faith who can share it with the blogging world.

C♥ said...

We are all still praying, everyday more than the last!!!

We love you!!!

Jacquie said...

I was SO glad we got to go today!! It was good seeing you and your family (I've missed seeing your mom!). I'm so grateful for my BFF, Jodi... I just know how much it means to you having Laurie there for you as you go through this.

I thanked God all the way home for His goodness and His healing hand. Take care of yourself.

Still praying...

Oh! PS - I LOVE that you got to change your first diaper!!

sheabetmc said...

I have been reading this blog and God's work is truly amazing. My husband and I lost her first born child in November. I undertand your emotions now...they can be so overwhelming. Please remember to stay strong and always turn over you fears to God. I will leave you with one of my favorite verses...Hope you like it too...Joshua 1:9.

I will continue to think and pray for you and your family.

Bethany McNease
Sumrall, MS

Anonymous said...

What a little doll she is with that pink bow. Glad to hear that today was another good one. You are all still in my prayers.

Katie said...

God is SO good! How beautiful sweet Harper is! You look fantastic! Glad you continue to have visitors and encouragement! Continuing to pray. Can't wait to see pictures of you holding that sweet baby girl in your arms!

Katie said...

Kelly, she really and truly does get more beautiful every single day! And she has a PINK bow in today! The little picture of her hand is just perfection. Her hair looks really dark, is it? I'm so thankful and happy to hear that she had a good day today. Lots of love and continued prayers!

Heather and Travis said...

Your faith is absolutely amazing! I found your blog a little over a week ago and I haven't been able to stop reading. (I think your button is on every blog in America. Ha!) You are encouraging and inspiring so many people.

Harper is absolutely precious! I know that God will continue to do good things and Harper will continue to be healed. I pray each night for you and your precious family.

My husband and I were in a similar situation just this past August. Our daughter and first born came into this world fifteen weeks too early. We spent many, many nights in the NICU and were very, very afraid. Thankfully we are now home and all is well. God is so amazing!

Continue to enjoy your little one!

ocean mommy said...


she is looking more beautiful everyday...just like her mommy...
Praying for you right now that you will sleep well tonight!!!


Jenny said...

We were fortunate enough over 9 years ago to have God answer our prayers and heal our son. I know what it's like to want to hold your new baby so bad. Can't wait to see pics of you holding that beautiful baby girl of yours.
Continuing to pray!

Brandy said...

So happy to hear she had another good day!!! I hope it won't be much longer til you are holding her in your arms!!

The Wisers said...

She is so sweet! So beautiful!

Praying daily.......
<>< Melanie W.

Erin said...

Yippy for more pictures and yippy for you getting a chance to change her diaper! What a big step!! I love the pictures of her on her belly and her sweet little fingers!

What a beautiful little girl!!!

Thinking about you tonight!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I have been keeping up with all of your blog posts regarding harper, and it is wonderful to see God's great hand at work on your little girl. She is a true blessing to everyone in the world witnessing this first hand and through your blog. You, your family, and baby Harper are still in my prayers.

God bless you all!

Your strength is amazing and a true encouragement.
Thank you for that.


Just His Best said...

I just came across your blog and wanted you to know Harper will be in my prayers!

Betsy said...

Harper is just changing and growing every day. She is so beautiful! I bet she loved being on her tummy for a while. I know I would get tired of being in the same position all the time! I'm glad you got to change her diaper.

I know it was so great to get out with Laurie and Steve and just enjoy their fellowship for a while.

I am praying every day!!

Love you,

momofonefornow said...

I love her little bow. What a cutie. I can't wait to see what next week will bring!!!

Jordan said...

I love how she is snuggling with her little lamb! So precious! Still praying for Harper and all the other babies in the NICU =]

Yocumotion said...

She is BEAUTIFUL! James (my 4month old) and I pray for her each night!!You make me cry every night and WOW God is good!

Heather said...

Love those little chubby hands! And that head of hair in the back, she is so adorable and beautiful. Your nurses have put some really cute bows in her hair! I can't wait to see her all dressed up and you holding her. Amen on God's mercies, you are so full of wisdom and everything within you just spew's God's love. Still praying and I am praying that everyday the next you will get to hold her and be able to do all the mommy things that you have waited so long for!
Blessings and much love from TX!

Amber said...

I found your blog the day Harper was born and I'm already addicted! My family remembers your sweet family every day in our prayers. Thanks for the updates - I look forward to them each day! God is so good!!

Momofgirls said...

I am so glad that lil precious had a great day! It is so great to see you and your husband looking sooo good and rested in all the pictures! How thankful for the answered prayers..keep going Harper!! I can't wait to see her in all her cute dresses looking prissy!!

The Walkie Talkie said...

That tri-chi sign is the best! Think of all the women in that social club you are impacting through sharing Harper's journey! And seeing her on her belly- what a cozy shot! What a treat to have Laurie and Steve for the day! And thanks for the ending...your words are so true....We do have to trust that God WILL WORK EVERYTHING FOR THE GOOD. Just as He promises in His rich word! Prayers and love, Jenny Beth

Anonymous said...

Kelly, I love that in the picture at the cheesecake factory you still have your sticker on :) Harper is adorable!!! (not just saying that either!!! :) Still praying for you!

Valerie said...

I was hoping to see a post from you before I went to bed. I am hooked. Between Harper and Brayden I'm addicted to the computer and google reader. Thank you for posting updates. Really, it does my heart good. :)

Blessings to you.

Mandy said...

I love sleeping baby pictures. Precious. Love the bow, too!

Young Momma said...

I've been lurking around your site and your blog and family are beautiful. Your faith in God has moved me so much. :)

C.Thompson said...

So glad that you guys had a good day. Harper just looks adorable with her little pink bow. So glad that she is getting better and better.

Gail said...

You have ministered and encouraged me tonight with your words. I had just finished a pity party for unanswered prayers when I decided to check on our sweet Harper and your words pierced my heart.

"I know some of you who are reading this may not have had prayers answered. You may think God has forgotten you. I just want you to know that God is good and perfect and He loves you. He has a plan that may not be what you planned - but I pray that you will one day find that His plan was best. We just have to trust Him to work everything out for the good."

Thank you

Tracy said...

Glad she is doing so well today. She looks so cute laying on her tummy. I know that feeling of excitement when you get to change that first actually feel like you got to mother her! What a wonderful feeling...I am so glad that you were able to do that. How nice that you were able to get away and go out to eat with some friends.

Still in our prayers,

Immeasurably More Mama said...

LOVE the pictures of Harper snuggling her sheep! She has such beautiful dark hair!!! Your sweet girl will be in your arms soon and this wait will just make that moment even sweeter. Still praying!

Amy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelly Bennett said...

thank you for reminding me that God has a plan... I am thinking of you all and praying here too :)

Anonymous said...

Kelly, was sharing your story with a friend today at a birthday party. Come to find out, she's been checking out your blog for months b/c of all the cute baby "stuff" you have for Harper. Just amazed at how well-known you are ;). What is even more amazing is your testimony of faith and love for our wonderful Jesus. I have been so blessed this week to be a prayer warrior for you and Harper. It has truly been an honor to be one of thousands praying for you. God is so good and I am so thankful that He is healing Harper day by day. I am so anxious for Harper to open her eyes and see you. That is one of my fondest moments..when I first looked in my daughter's eyes. I'm praying it will be soon for you.

Joyce said...

She looks so sweet laying on her tummy! (I think they always look more comfortable that way.) Apparently she felt better on her tummy, too.

Taylor had the same cheesecake yesterday that you had today! It was soooo good! I'm glad you were able to get out and have some yourself.

I will continue to pray for improvement every day!

Ash and Toby said...

She is the most precious little one!! Love the picture of her and the little lamb!

Still praying!

Anonymous said...

My 2 1/2 year old daughter and I are praying for your sweet baby every day!! May God continue to bless you and your family as you bless ours with your journey of faith!! Praying in Tennessee.

Shelly said...

Yay! I've been waiting all day for the update! So glad it's been a good day for little Harper. And good for you and Scott to get away from the hospital for a little bit. That's got to be so hard to do, yet so needed too. So thankful that you've got great friends helping take care of you guys!

I love, love, love the picture of Harper laying there on her tummy with her little blankie...oh my heart melted.

So glad our God is strong and mighty and that His mercies are new everyday!

Amy said...

I found your blog the day you went in to have Harper. In just a few short days I have cried and sung praises with you. My prayer is that God will continue to heal Harper and continue to work through you to bless people through your blog. I prayer that your day to hold that precious Harper comes soon!

Debbie said...

I am so glad to see that things are getting better and better everyday. Praise the Lord!! My daughter will be delivering in Feb. We know that theres a problem with our precious Nathan's heart. We have already been praying for him and I am expecting a miracle. I don't know how people make it without our Lord and Savior. Keep the faith and we will too. Debbie

Robin said...

I have been praying for you guys daily. I just love Harper's little bows and I think that everybody in "blogdom" would agree that Harper is "our Little Miss America!" Thank you for sharing with us and may God just continue to pour out His blessings on you and your beautiful family. Your Blog updates are a part of my daily reading ritual now. Please know taht you have friends in California that are praying for you!

Preppy Pink Crocodile said...

Congrats!! So exciting that you were able to change her diaper and see her in a new position. She is adorable- love the pink bow today! Again, thank you so much for sharing your story with the blog world. Y'all are in my prayers!!

Unknown said...

Praise God for another great day! So glad you are blessed with friends and family to support you during this time. Thanks you for allowing us to pray and walk this journey with you. Still praying..

Anonymous said...

~I LOVE the picture of her cuddling her little stuffed animal!! I also love how some of the patches she has on look like hearts!Its like she's saying "I love you Mommy and Daddy!" :)

Unknown said...

She is so beautiful! Loving that pink bow! Still praying!
42% yay!

Aubs said...

Kelly...she is so beautiful! What a blessing to have been able to spend time away from the hospital with great friends.

Great to hear that Harper had another GREAT day! You will be home soon cuddling w/ her and catching up on all of your dvr'ed shows!! Continuing to pray...for healing for Harper, strength and peace for all of you and for the medical staff and other NICU babies. Keep smiling and letting God's light shine!

Me said...

Just stumbled across your blog for the first time and I'm sitting here in my PJ's in tears. We were blessed with our first child (a little girl!) 4 months ago. As a new mommy, I find my days extremely rewarding and challenging at the same time. And then I come across a story like yours and I am instantly humbled and reminded of how blessed we are. God is good and I truly believe Harper will be ok. I will go kiss our little girl asleep in her crib right now, and tell her about Harper. Hang in there, I so wish I could come sit at your side and hold your hand.

E said...

God is good and He does know best.

Hugs to you.

Val said...

I love each and every one of your posts - keep them coming - Harper is in my prayers all day every day!

becca said...

Love the Tri Chi sign! We watched a bit of "Countdown to the Crown" and then Miss America tonight. The whole fam was into it. We haven't watched it much in the past... I'm totally out of the loop. It was good, Miss Arkansas got to the top 12, but we didn't get to see her talent :(
I get so excited every time you have a new post. I am so happy she is doing better and better. Have they said when you can hold her? Do they do 'kangaroo care' at all?

Taylor said...

Yay for Cheesecake Factory!!! I'm so glad she had another good day! Still thinking about you guys!

Anonymous said...

kelly you are just so inspiring and have a remarkable outlook thru this little valley. Harper is so beautiful!! i am praying everyday that you are a moment closer to holding your angel baby. stay strong and keep that beautiful smile of yours going. harper will need to see that glow on her mama's face when she opens her peepers. :) praying day & night here in maryland! -tara

Just Terrific said...

Oh, Kelly! I haven't said anything on here for a few days. But, I check several times each day on all of you and have been so moved by how well things are going. I pray for you constantly. Praise the Lord for His wonderful love and mercy! Sweetie Harper is a doll! I love the pics of her on her little tummy! How precious!

Love and prayers,
Sinking Spring, OH

Amy said...

My family and I are rejoicing in all the miracles that God has given! Our sweet little boy, D-Man (who is 3 1/2), has been praying daily for "Baby Harper." When I ask him each day who we need to pray for, he says "Baby Harper" and he asks God to help make her better. I know that God is hearing all of those prayers. God bless...keep us posted and we'll keep the prayers flowing!

Mochamama said...

I'm so glad today was a good day for you guys. Harper is beautiful! You are all in my prayers.

Jessica said...

Yippee!! Harper is such a good baby. I can't wait until you can hold her- what a glorious day that will be! : )

Anonymous said...

She is sooo going to be a future Miss Arkansas. That little pink bow in her dark hair...sweet!My youngest Madison was so exicited to watch the pagent. She even wet so far to get dressed up for it... Oh the fun you will have ahead of you. Dont worry about the diaper changing, you will be a pro before you know it~

michelle said...

Praise the Lord she does better every day!! Yall are still in our prayers and I also had the cheesecake factory today!!! :)

Jill said...

You will be holding that sweet baby girl very soon...I just know it! Happy to hear you guys were able to get away for a bit with friends.

Praying without ceasing...


Gibbons said...

I know you don't know me but I read to see how your baby girl is doing (thanks to Brooke Hill:)everyday. I am always anxious to get on here to see how she is! Glad to see she is gettin better and I love the little pink bow in her hair! Stay strong!! and most importantly Take care:)

Keely said...

Kelly,in these pictures of Harper I really think she looks like you. Love the little bow, she's just precious. Just think what a testimony this blog will be to her someday-about the love of Jesus and the faith of all of those who love her! I pray for you all every day- I pray that with each breath sweet Harper takes, she just gets stronger and stronger.

Sarah said...

So happy to hear she is doing better everyday! Praise God!

Oh, and in those pics she looks sooo much like you! Seriously!
She is just precious.:)

Mark and Mandi said...

Kelly, I don't know if you actually get to read all your comments but I just had to write after an entire week of constantly checking your blog to see how Harper has been doing. My little girl is 8 weeks old and every night right before her last feeding we come and look online to see how Harper's day has gone! Your strenght has been an inspiration to me and your little Harper is so blessed to have you both as parents! My prayers continue to be with Harper and with your family. May God continue to heal her! Lots of love and prayers from Texas...

Colette said...

YAY Harper Girl for more improvement!

It's crazy how quickly babies can change in a week, I remember thinking in her first photos she didn't have much hair but now she does! And it's dark! Very dark!

I Praise God several times a day for Harper. I smile everytime I think of your story, I cannot wait for the first time you get to hold her and we get to hear about it and see pictures!

Courtney said...

Oh, the picture with her arm around her little lamb lovey is so precious!

So glad she is doing better. Last Sunday Harper was on my mind all through the church service. I prayed and prayed all through the service for her. Here we are one week later and I'm praising God for the improvements that she has made. I know it won't be long until you are at home with her. You'll soon be able to snuggle with that sweet girl and kiss all those adorable baby chubbles. :)
Still praying in East Tennessee.

All About the Armes' said...

Hi, I found your blog through a friend who has been praying for Harper & your family. I, too, have been & will continue to pray for Harper, your family, & all of the other NICU babies. You are such an inspiration and reading your blog has changed my life in incredible ways.

Praise God for His great miracles!! It's amazing how His biggest miracles come in the smallest packages. Harper is so adorable, and I love her name! :o)



wendy said...

I am so happy to see all the progress sweet baby Harper is making! I know it won't be long before you will get to sit and wrap your arms around her just as God has! I continue to pray and again she is so beautiful!

Alicia said...

She is absolutely adorable! I am so happy to hear she is doing so much better. I of course will continue to pray for her & you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, she looks just wonderful today! And she is totally rocking the pink bow now. So sweet! My babies always liked being on thier tummies better too. God bless you!

KLC said...

she is so cute with her little bow, how can you not just want to pick her up and cuddle all day long?! will continue to pray for your family... I can't wait for the day you get to post pictures of her at your house!! Your family is adorable and you continue to inspire me. Thank you for reminding daily me how good God really is.

Nona Talley said...

Kelly, I have never met you or seen Scott in many years, but Scott and I are cousins on the McMahen side...his mom's grandmother Nobie and my grandfather George were brother and sister. My daughter Ellen found your blog several months ago and shared it with day I saw Judy in a picture...what a small world! We've been praying for ya'll through all of this...just wanted you to know! Can you believe how people are praying for Harper and your family from all over the world?!!! What a wonderful testimony Harper's birth has been! I hope to meet you and see Scott again, and of course, meet little Harper! I'm praying for your family and I know that God's hand is on your precious baby. Tell your sweet mom-in-law, Judy, that we need to catch up on some visiting! Take care of yourself and get some rest!

God Bless You,
Nona Talley
Nashville, AR

cbryant81 said...

I found your blog through a friends blog and wanted you to know that we are praying for your Sweet lil Harper and family in Alabama. I couldn't help but stop to pray as i read your story. In Gods Love~Christie

Christy said...

I have been reading your blog for only a few weeks but it has certainly blessed me beyond measure! I am praying for you and know Harper will be home with you before long!

Jeremiah said...

Hey y'all! So glad to hear that lil' Harper is doing so much better! We can't wait, as I am sure you can't, for you all to get home! There is nothing like snuggling with them in your bed when you first bring them home!! Praise God that you have such a strong support and family to be there with you through this time! God bless you all and thank you for updating your blog so frequently, it is hard to wait sometimes:)

In His Army said...

Praise be to God for another wonderful day of answered prayers! That little girl gets prettier and prettier! How wonderful to have Steve and Laurie there for the day--what precious friends. Praying for continued improvement...we are still standing in agreement with all of those offering prayer on your behalf, and praying that little princess home!

Colleen said...

Kelly, I am so very happy for you and Scott. Precious little Harper is getting stronger every day and I can't wait for your post that tells us you are all going home! You and I will probably never meet but I want you to know that your precious baby has touched my heart.


A happy heart at home said...

So very happy that Harper's doing better!


(Sue L. on facebook)

Heathahlee said...

Oh, Kelly, after reading the past few days I am overwhelmed at God's goodness! The lady who accepted Christ because of Harper...that precious little girl is already a missionary and she's only a week old! : )

By the way, seeing her on her tummy and getting a really good look at her face, I think she looks like you! Both beautiful girls! Still praying for you all!

Katie said...

Your little girl must be getting stronger every day! Yea, God! She is adorable.

Linkis Family Love said...

She looks so beautiful on her tummy! I love your photos. Do you scrapbook...because you know Harper will never remember any of this (thanks be to God), but one day you can show her, and tell her all about the abundant love she brought forth from so many, and from so far. She is truly an angel from God, here on Earth!
Love ya Harper!
Kelli <><<

The Garners said...

What a great day! I was on OBU's campus today and thought of you (we stopped there on our way home from TX). I'm thrilled to hear of H's continued recovery and to know that y'all are doing well. You will be home with her very soon!!! The pictures of her are so sweet!!!

Jill said...

One of my best friends delivered a baby the same day that Harper was born. 4 days after the delivery Jackson was air vac'd to Childrens in Little Rock. He is also beginning to make progress. I just wanted you to know that we have been praying for both Baby Harper and Baby Jackson at our church, my school, my blog, message boards, etc. She is precious and I absolutely love the bows! I have two boys, so no bows for me. I love the pic of Harper holding the little lamb, so precious. God is so AMAZING! You are an amazing mommy with an amazing faith!

Jenna said...

I just adore all of the pictures. Harper is such a beauty, and I love seeing the smiles that sweet friends bring out!! So glad ya'll had another great day. Continuing to pray pray pray for all of you! Love ya'll!!

Always A New Day said...

I can across your blog through a friend, and I can't stop praying for your little angel. I have a 3 month old son, and I know the love you have for your sweet one. Being a new mom makes my prayers for you even stronger! Also, I have a nephew who went through many of the same things as Harper. He will be 16 on Monday, and he is so wonderful. God is sooooo good, and he will continue to wrap his arms around your sweet baby girl. I can't wait to read she is coming home! You are in my every prayer....

Crystal Chilek said...

Praise God! Harper is going to have an amazing testimony. It bring my heart such joy to see God working out his plan. To God be the Glory for ever and ever. Still praying.

Annie said...

i swear she gets prettier every day!!!

Jess :) said...

What a beautiful little girl Harper is!! :) And what an amazing support system she has! Isn't it just so awesome how all of God's people come together and stick together through everything and anything?! Truly marvelous! :)

I'll keep praying that you will have your little girl home as healthy as can be and as soon as possible!

Love you all,
Jess :)

Kathy said...

So great! Sooo wonderful.

I remember when we thought we were going to lose my oldest son before he was born due to his heart and heart rate. GOD SHOWED HIMSELF BIG, and reminded me that He is control and that my son was His.

We now have a beautiful, smart, loving 4 year old who continues to show us how big our God is in His life.

So excited to see the same amazing God, show Himself big in Miss Harper's life..

Love and blessings...

The Pelhams said...

WOW Kelly, her color looks the best that I have seen it, i thought she looked a little pale in some of the other pics, but she has great color in these pictures!! We are still praying for you! I have family that live in Tulsa and they are praying for you guys too. We live in Iowa and I have your button on my blog!!

Trudy said...

I'm so happy your sweet girl is doing better. I love your last paragraph, so thoughtful and insightful of you to write that. No wonder so many love you. Continued prayers for a speedy recovery. I'll have to check back to see Harper in all her bows and dresses. said...

yum, the fruit basket and cheese cake looked wonderful.
Glad you got to get out and relax for a bit.
Your baby is so pretty,. looks like she has a head full of hair.

suzspeaks said...

I'm so glad today was good! I LOVE the picture of her on her tummy!!!

Heather said...

My sorority is pink and green, too!! :) I'm praying for Kayleigh and your family!!

Mandy Gramkow said...

Stumbled along your glad I did, so I can also be a prayer warrior! Our daughter Ellie was born at 28 wks gestation (sept 3) and we were in the NICU for 71 days. Sure a long and stressful time, but God is good and she's now home and 9 lbs.! So please know that we know some of the similar things you're going through and are praying, praying, praying! NICU babies have a special place in my heart after Ellie's experience!

Lea Ann said...

So glad to hear about another good day! She is so beautiful and I just know that she will be healed soon. God is good!

Tristan said...

MY HEART...Harper is so PRECIOUS!!!!
That little nose..and those cheeks!! dvr is the same way :)

You look great :)

tickledpink said...

I love her pink bow! She is so beautiful! I'm glad you got a chance to get out, and spend time with your friends. Y'all are in my prayers!

Ashley said...

Don't worry about missing Miss blog has a recap on it that you can read anytime! :o) Praying for your sweet baby girl!

The Adoption Journey of Baby King said...

I came across your blog a few days ago. I keep coming back to check on her updates.

She is adorable. I love the pink bow. Prayers to you and your family.

Tessa said...

such a good day for you all that great! i was in tulsa today and i really wanted to stop by but the kids where tired after a birthday party we went to but i was praying for you guys so i am very glad she had a good day. i am hoping to come up there soon i just live near bartlesville so i am not that far, hope to see you soon. keep up the good work baby harper.

Kayce said...

Oh how I wish I lived closer and could come visit y'all and shower you with more gifts. Sounds like Harper is doing wonderful. Such great news! She is perfect!

Carol Kennon said...

Wow, Harper really looks like her mommy in these pictures. What a beautiful little girl. So thankful that today has brought more good news. Still praying for all of your family and the babies and families in the NICU.

antibloggedy said...

I love love love that picture of Harper with the lamb in her arms, it looks so sweet. I am happy for her progress and inspired by your positive outlook. Harper is lucky to have such wonderful people supporting her and especially you. I am praying for the best for you and your family!

angela said...

Kelly, my family and I are praying for you here in Kansas. Your daughter is a delicious little muffin and you all have SO MUCH joy ahead of you. My second baby (first girl) was born at 33 weeks, and I know how hard the hospital stay can be. You are truly AMAZING to blog / photograph / bear witness through it all. May the Lord bless you a hundredfold for the blessings you're pouring out on us. You and your husband take good care of yourselves and rest up! You'll all be home watching LOTS of TV before you know it. :> PS: The new season of Lost rocks!

Lissa said...

I'm so glad Harper had a good day! She is beautiful!I'm praying for you all daily!=] What an AWESOME God we serve!

angie said...

It is so amazing to read your updates and see the evidence of your love for our sweet Savior. Harper is so blessed to have a family that will teach her that she is loved by The King and that her life touched so many the second she entered this world.
Thank you for being so very real to us and for taking time out of your days to keep us updated.
I continue to be on my knees for Harper and for you and your family.
Blessings, Angie

Heidi said...

Okay - I just had to giggle because I'm sitting here reading your post while I watch the replay of Miss America since I couldn't watch the initial airing. I'm glad to know I'm not the only adult female obsessed with watching, picking favorites, and predicting! lol I hope you and your sweet girl have many years of doing just that together. It looks like she's on her way to doing just that!

Grow, rest, and heal, Harper!

Anonymous said...

Kelly, as I check your blog a hundred times a day, I am so thankful for the updates of what God is doing in and through Harper's life already. However, there is one entry that I am waiting for like nothing else...the one where Harper's beautiful eyes open for that first time and set upon the one that loves her with the fiercest passion that only her mother can love her with! It will be a rebirth in a way - Harper's time to open up, begin engaging in the world around her, and reciprocating the love to you that you have lavished on her! What a moment it will be that will be followed with so many more like it, full of such joy, such love, such gratitude, and such an amazing portrayal of what God's love is for us! It's coming soon!
Rebecca from Portland, OR

Mandy said...

Wow, is Harper ever gorgeous! What a beautiful little girl! God is so good. Continuing to pray up here in BC. :)

Anonymous said...

I've been following your blog since Harper was born and praying for you and your family. There is another family who is also in desparate need of prayer and I was hoping maybe you would help get the word out to your prayer warriors out there!! They had quadruplets a few weeks ago and a few of the babies are VERY sick. The link is

Anonymous said...

Woohoo for changing a diaper! Oh how I hope you can actually hold her soon!!!!!!!!!! that has to be the worst...not being able to hold your precious, adorable daughter!
The Lord is the only true source of strength! Turn to Him always! Praying!
2 Corinthians 12:8-10 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Anonymous said...

Still praying for Harper..all the way from Tokyo. I check your blog several times a day. You are truly blessed to have such loving people in your lives. Soon you and your husband will be holding her! Can't wait to see those pictures! :)

Jenny said...

oh those pics are SO sweet!!! still praying!

Kendra said...

Love the Tri-chi sign! How sweet!!!! Praying!!!!

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that Harper is doing so well! I still can't believe the timing of my first visit to your blog (while you were in labor)! I have been following and praying every morning since! God is so good! What an incredible journey this has been for you and sweet Harper! I am hooked! Hope you don't mind a new bloggy friend!

Blessings and prayers!

Rebecca (Ramblings by Reba) said...

HOORAY for tummy time! I'm glad it went well. :)

Jill said...

I am greatful for another mircle day made possible by Gods loving hand. I have been having my own set of trials and your last paragraph toucheed my heart and brought tears to my eyes. With all you are going through you still worry about others. You will be richly blessed for having that heart of gold.

Becky said...

And a pink bow today! You are right. Sometimes we cannot hear God's voice. Sometimes it appears He is not answering. Sometimes we have to simply trust His heart. His heart always knows what is best for us, even when we don't understand. And those mercies..... I excitedly check Harper's updates each day. Again Kelly, those NICU days can be so very precious and it appears you are finding that out.

Angie said...

Oh so thankful for this wonderful report and continued healing. Such sweet, sweet pictures. I continue to pray for shower upon shower of blessing.

Kathi said...

I was touched to see the photo of Harper with her little lamb. The Lord is her shepherd and your's too. He will continue to provide!

Unknown said...

Oh, I'm so happy for you! Praying God's many blessings on you and your family. And how 'bout someone receiving Christ after reading about this?! Praise God!
HUGE (((hugs)))

Nati @ I will praise Him said...

Still praying for you and sweet Harper!!!!

lizziefitz said...

Kelly, You renew my faith in Jesus with each blog entry. I pray for Harper all through out each day. I feel refreshed in her healing. God bless you, Scott and Harper!

Susan said...

God is so good! Keeping your family in my prayers.

Lori said...

Keeping all of you in our prayers! Love the pictures. Harper is such a beautiful girl. I love coming and reading the update each day. Our God is an awesome God!


MiMi said...

Oh, Kelly, Harper is just getting more beautiful by the day! I love the precious little photos of those sweet hands! And the one with her little arm around the "lovie"-- so sweet!

I know that you can't wait to get to hold her and I pray that will come very, very soon!

Rejoicing with you on the great miracles God has already worked!

Anonymous said...

Love the updates, pics and details! It's the first of many, many diapers ~~~ yea!!!

I look forward to reading the Harper-update once a day, and it is so very exciting to see how much she is improving and how much you are are being loved and supported. If I lived closer I'd be there to give you a huge (((hug))). Until tomorrow, J

duchess said...

Wonderful news again. Thank God for good friends.
My babies preferred their tummies as well - how cute are they when they're like that. Just wait til she starts sticking that little bottom up - too adorable.

Jennifer said...

So grateful for your good news!! I love coming and reading your updates. Praying that today and this upcoming week is full of more blessings and good health for baby Harper!

Naz said...

You have such a beautiful daughter. I pray that she gets stronger every day. God bless you and your family.

JenB said...

Yay for friends, family, sisters, cheesecake, and pink bows! So happy Harper is continuing to improve. What an awesome testimony you already have.

Chickie said...

Congraulations on your sweet baby girl! I am praying for her and your family! God bless!


petrii said...

I know I repeat myself in practically every comment -- but Harper is just the most precious thing. How exciting that she is down to 44% oxygen!!!!! Our God is sooooooooooooo good!!!!! I woke up the other day and felt the Lamentations verse on my heart as well. His mercies are truly new every morning, GREAT is His faithfulness!!!!!

Blessings and much love going out to you and many prayers going up,


Kel-Bell said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kel-Bell said...

Harper is such a sweetheart! You are right- God does have a plan. You are in my thoughts. God Bless You and your wonderful family.

Making A Modern Family said...

Hi! I'm a new reader and just wanted to come out of lurking to tell you that your hope and faith are very inspiring. Harper is so lucky to have you as a mama and I hope you get to bring her home very soon. She is precious!

Stephanie said...

Hi Kelly!

I hope you enjoyed the fruit basket! I've always loved getting gifts from Edible Arrangements! Dave (my husband) and I thought that you might be sick of hospital food! I hate hate hate hospital food! So...enjoy :D! We are still praying here in NH...and will keep praying until you say to stop! :o)

Stephanie and David Esposito

jpark said...

I am praying for Harper! I found your blog through a friend of a friend. Last night, I couldn't sleep and spent hours reading it! Then as I was catching up, I realized your friend, Megan, is my friend Megan from high school!

Anonymous said...

Your spirit through this has been so inspiring to me. And, in answer to your question, no, there isn't anything sweeter than that little hand!

The Fabulous Side of Me said...

What great news! And Harper is getting more adorable each day. You look great by the way.

Katy said...

First of all, that little sweetheart is so beautiful. I know you are so ready to hold that sweet child and you will get to VERY VERY soon.
Second, You look ASWESOME!
Third, Thankful that she's still doing well and thankful for the updates.

Anonymous said...

so glad that she is having a good day. improvements sound as though they are coming more and more often. how great is our Lord! also glad that you are getting out and doing for yourself, harper will sense your renewed spirit! many prayers to you.
~the graves family

Kelly Carr said...

I am new to your blog and blogging world! I am glad to find you especially during your stent in the NICU.

I just wanted to let you know that our son, Owen, was in the NICU 3 years ago. It was 15 days until I got to hold him for the first time. Hang in there. each day is one day closer to holding that precious baby girl. I will be praying that it happens very soon.

Hugs from Indiana,

Jennifer said...

I have been pryaing for you and your family since I found your wonderful blog! I am sure you get tons of messages just like this one but I wanted to let you know it touches close to my heart. I am due April 16th with my first baby and you have given me so much inspiration through your words during this hard time in your life. I have been so affraid this whole pregnancy that something will happen to either me or my baby and now I really feel like we can make it through anything! Thank you!
Jennifer Harrison

Anonymous said...

Kelly Sweetheart,

We share your joy for all the good reports you are getting about Harper. All news indicates that things are definitely moving in the right direction and that Harper is indeed getting better and making progress every day. As we read your blog from all over our country, we are witness to God's love and mercy first hand. Thank you for sharing your life, your story, your faith, your family and your beautiful miracle girl with us.

Hope you are finding time to rest and heal your own body, Kelly. I hope you are feeling better each day.

Still sending constant prayers your way from Virginia Beach. Your story has strengthened and renewed my own faith in God and human nature.

Take care of each other.

The Duffy Family, Virginia Beach

Tammy said...

Harper's color looks so good. I continue to pray for you guys daily. I also am anxious for you to be able to hold her in your arms.
Tammy in Alabama

Rune said...

i am so glad to hear that she had a good day:)

We still pray:)

God bless you all.

Wib og Rune from Norway

Lorri said...

What wonderful news and such delightful photos (love the bow!) God has been so gracious and merciful to your family and your baby and it's a joy to watch. Thank you for sharing your story...your story, His glory! Love, Lorri Steer

Karin said...

My heart aches for you when I think about how much you want to hold that sweet baby. Praying, praying, praying that it is soon. Do I see the telltale beginnings of some curly hair? Looks like it to me!

I had a very difficult delivery with my first baby- so much so that the delivery room was completely silent as I struggled to push the baby out (OP brow. Have mercy!). I could tell that the doctor and many nurses were thinking my baby might not survive. So when I finally brought my baby home, and ever since, I have been so very conscious of what a gift she is. I was grateful for every last poopy diaper. In a sense, even though my child's birth was marked by grief and pain, I always feel as if it was a gift to remind me always of just how very much we loved and wanted her. Almost seven years later, I still never take anything for granted. I suspect neither will you.

Anonymous said...

Harper gets prettier and prettier each day - she is truly a princess! I hope that she continues to do so well each day. You are all in my thoughts and prayers each day!

Jennifer (Locust, NC)

mommyof2sons said...

The pictures are wonderful. She is so precious! I am praying for all of you!!

Heather said...

She gets more beautiful every day :) I am so thrilled that she is doing well and will continue to pray for her improvement as well as her other 'buddies' in the NICU.

Julia said...

It just warms my heart to see your blog every day and see the outpouring of love people have shown you guys! I am still praying for Harper's health and that she'll be home soon!

Tomorrrow is the big day for Hayden and I...we finally get to meet Asher!!! Please pray for a healthy baby boy for us!


Jane said...

hello, my name is Jane-Jane, and I am a tv addict.(i don't say this to offend anyone...but I DO watch WAY to much tv and it does control my life on a weekly basis.)

so with that said, there's nothing like a child to break one away from their addictions/obsessions.

God has blessed Harper, as well as your family.

still praying in SC!

An iMperfect wIfe said...

Thank you for taking time out of your day to update us continuously. We are still praying for Harper daily.


Kellianne said...


Glad to hear the good news of God. Harper is so precious and I know her health is being restored every day with the fingerprints of God. Thank you for sharing your story.

Still praying,

Anonymous said...

Harper is getting prettier each time we see her. I am so glad to see God's hand at work in her and through her. I pray she continues to get better and stronger. Many blessings to you and your family. I pray peace and strength to you and your husband.
God has used you guys to show the true meaning of God's love. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Missy - Picayune, Ms.

McMemo said...

You are such a joy. I just started following your blog and can't wait to see that little girl with a bow head and in your arms! Love the joy you have for your little girl!! Keeping you in our prayers


Anonymous said...

You have got the cutiest chunkiest little thing!
She is SO cute...with the pink bow and holding her blankie.
GOD Bless you guys!

leigh anna said...

yay for tummy time!
and yay for god continuing to reveal himself every day!! :)

Cori said...

I'm so glad that Harper had another good day. YAY!

Here's to many more days of hair bows (until she's a 4 year old and won't wear them anymore ;))!

Samantha said...

She looks absolutely beautiful, seems she's getting more and more adorable with every picture taken!!

Sounds like it was a good day, praying for many, many more of those!
Sam x

Marla Taviano said...

I can't wait for you to hold her for the first time!! Can you even
IMAGINE?!? Wooohoooo!!!

Tinsley Family said...

found your site form Bring the rain.. just thinking of you guys sending prayers and well wishes to you always. Get well soon sweet Harper.

MegMotherofDragons said...

She is so precious! And beautiful! I love seeing that she is getting better every day. And I love seeing prayer in the works. God is great!
You all will continue to be in my prayers for many more good days to come.

Anonymous said...

continuing to pray in texas!

Mandi @ Sweetly Home said...

Oh Kelly! I'm so glad that Haper is doing better. That bow in her hair is the sweetest. I can't wait for the day when we can read abotu when you get to hold your sweet daughter. Thanks for the updates. Still prayin'!

Megan said...

Thankful that so many people have you in their prayers! Harper is such a blessing--cannot wait until she can be home in her nursery!

Rachel said...

We love Harper!!!!

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