We had a very busy day today. This is a collage of pictures of all the people who came to visit us today. We spent another day being completely overwhelmed by the kindness and generosity of both our friends and church members and loved ones and some of you bloggers who have come by to see me. Scott and I spent a long time talking tonight about how the last three days have completely changed our life. Not just because we have had to go through a trial but through it - God has shown us the importance of giving and compassion.
We have been blessed a million times over by the outpouring of love and e-mails and gifts and visits and phone calls and prayers from so many people. But at the same time - Harper is in the NICU with 40 other babies and we see so many families so much less fortunate than us - most of them with no visitors and probably a good portion of those babies have no one to pray over them. We know that we have had over 100,000 visitors to this blog a DAY and people who have their churches, Bible Studies, etc praying for us. Things that just blow our mind. We can't get over the stories we hear of all the people who are praying for our little baby. And we believe with everything in us that she WILL be healed. Because we know that God has the opportunity to show His power and love in that healing. And to NOT answer would be to have the chance to have people lose faith in the power of prayer.
But we want to ask you two things - please pray for all babies who are in NICU's right now and for their families. It's a hard and scary place and the majority of parents probably don't have the hope and faith that we do. Also - we have learned how much it can mean to people just to love on them - give to them, call them, visit them - when they are in a crisis. Scott and I have a huge burden to pay it forward to others when we get Harper home. If Harper being sick makes us love and appreciate others and to spend our life looking for ways to help others - then we are thankful for that and we hope we can encourage you to do the same. You never know when it will be your turn to be on the recieving end. It's extremely humbling.Update on my girl:
We were able to meet with Harper's doctor today for the first time since she has been there. It was a very good meeting. He gave us a lot of details. It was very difficult for me to sit and listen to him talk about how sick my little baby is. Our families felt it was very positive but it was just scary for me. Basically it is a long and gradual process. They believe she got an infection which has caused the problems with her lungs. They think her heart and brain are both good. Very, very slowly - they are trying to get her off the oxygen that is supporting her lungs. They think ECMO is a final resort. We will most likely be here for weeks. Her numbers seem to improve little by little and we do have a lot of hope. She is critical but stable.
A lot of you ask how I am doing. It's hard. I'm very swollen and in a lot of pain but it's getting better every day. I have a hard time doing the things I should like resting, eating, Pumping on a schedule - because I'm so focused on everything else. I'm trying hard to slow down and focus on what I need to get well so I can be the best mom for Harper I can be.
We love each of you who visit this blog DEARLY!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 593 Newer› Newest»Stay strong. We are still praying for Harper, and you are right the NICU is a very scary place. We love your updates and your faith is amazing. Please continue to be strong for your little girl.
Keeping the Prayers strong
You do need to take care of yourself in order to be healthy and ready when that little one comes home :)
prayers from Prattville, AL!
Kelly you are in our prayers! I know that the Lord will heal Harper and she will soon be in your arms staring at her mama! We will be praying for all those babies in NICU!!
You are such a great mommy! My prayers overflow for your family.
You and your family and all sick children are in my prayers. Miracles do happen everyday!!!
You look so good and we are so happy for all the progress Harper is making. Your words are so very encouraging for me... who has questioned this process. I love how you see God at work!!!
I am learning so much (after 19 years) about having a great faith!!
We love you and will continue to pray for/with you for Harper and all those precious sick babies!!
I am so thrilled to hear that Harper continues to do better and better each day. God is answering prayer! I also am praying for all babies in NICUs around the world. It is so wonderful to know so many are caring for you! I hope you know how much you mean to so many in the blogging world and that you yourself have touched so many lives through this outlet. Thank you Kelly!!
Still praying, so hard, for all of you!
That's so great that you got to touch her! Thanks for the update-I just linked over here through several blogs I read, so I don't know you, but I keep praying for you and your little girl. I'll also pray for all of the babies in NICU and their caregivers!
Oh, Kelly...I've been checking your blog all day for an update. So glad to hear that you had some positive news, and am still praying for those lungs to be fully operational.
Hang in there, sweet friend. I know your heart must be very distracted, but you're absolutely right about being loved and cared for in BIG ways.
Praying for you guys!
Love and blessings,
What a blessing and encouragement you are to so many people. God is using you to bring glory to Him in the midst of your trial. We will be praying for the other babies, families and hospital staff in the NICU. Thank you for allowing us to go on this journey with you. It's wonderful to see what happens when the Lord's people unite. Much love from California.
Praying for sweet Harper and for you. I am so thankful for the hope that we have.
I will keep praying! It has been so neat to see how many people in the Body of Christ have rallied together to pray for a family that we don't even know.
Faithfully praying for Harper and your family and all NICU babies and their families. Hang in there, you'll be rewarded with a beautiful little girl at home sooner than you know it!
In Him,
I am so glad that the report on Harper is good. Each day I'm sure she'll just keep getting better. The NICU is a scary place, but I know that Harper feels safe and secure with so much love surrounding her. You look wonderful after giving birth! Please keep us updated and let locals (like me) know what you need. And get some rest!
I saw your button on another blog I read. I immediately added it to mine. Harper and your family have been/will be in my thoughts and prayers.
You and your family are such an inspiration to others. Miss Harper is so lucky to have such a wonderful mommy and daddy! God is GOOD!
I'm still praying all day for little Harper and for you guys. I'm so glad you got a good report today! Take care of yourself!
hello, I am new to your blog, but I am so moved by you and your family.
You are in our thoughts and prayers. God bless!
Oh Kelly, I prayed for your pumping today, for your peace that God will make the way smooth before Harper to full recovery and to Mama doing just what she SO desires to do--just hold her and feed her in the comfort of her room at home. Praying for that to be soon.
There's a lot in what you have written here that has stirred my heart to thinking that even after Harper is miraculously recovered, I daresay, your family will continue to visit families in NICU and love on them...it may even be a ministry bigger than you ever dreamed. Harper is an inspiration and beautiful, so beautiful, Kelly!
Bless her and bless you. Stay on top of your pain meds, eat good food, and rest. Keep your feet up when you can to relieve the swelling. I've traveled this road too, and now my perfectly healthy, beautiful, smart 10 1/2 year old daughter is asleep down the hall. God is faithful and good.
Praying for Harper and all of the babies and families in the ICU. Please take care of yourself and rest as much as you can.
Keep us all updated. I know we think about and pray for you all lots and lots through out the day.
I love you and Scott and Beautiful Baby Harper. I am thinking about you EVERY second!!!!!!!!!!!
Continuing to pray for Harper and all of those precious babies in the NICU.
Also praying that you get some rest!! You need to take some time for yourself. I know it must be the most difficult thing to do but you need to.
Love you and wish I could be there with you!!
so glad to see an update before going to bed. Praying for the day you can pick her up!
Stay strong Kelly. I am praying constantly for your family and for the healing of sweet Harper. I will share more with you later, but I want you to know that Harper has touched my life in her first 3 days more than you can imagine. Praying constantly, Lea Ann
Praying for you and your little angel. I will keep praying for her recovery and that she will be well soon.
I've found your blog from many mutual friends in Little Rock that are praying diligently for you and your sweet baby girl. As a mom, you are demonstrating so much strength, endurance, and love through such a hard time which is only a testament to the grace of our Lord. I have added you and precious Harper to the prayer list in my Bible Study, so you can add about 50 more people to the running tally of those praying for God's healing!! I look forward to watching God reveal Himself through this experience.
Many blessings,
We've prayed every day for your little girl in anticipation of our own little one coming in March. You and your family have been an inspiration and we will continue to pray for a full and speedy recovery for you and your baby.
Sending prayers Harper's way and to the other families. In the midst of all of this, you're still thinking of others. You are truly an inspiration and God is using you to reach out and speak to others. You are doing your job here in our Earth, and He will bless you and your family. Keep praying and praying. She's a beautiful little girl, and you'll get to hold her in your arms before you know it!
~Praying for you in Georgia
Our family is lifting yours up and all the other babies too. Our now 2 yo spent a lot of time in the NICU and the experience left home changed forever. We randomly visit the NICU now and take gifts, food for the parents and doctors. It really makes a difference in their day.
Praying for your sweet girl.
kelly, your sweet baby harper looks just like you. she is absolutly gorgeous. you look beautiful after all you've been through. we will continue to pray for harper as well as you and scott. blessing, amy
Still praying! Looks like you are able to get a little closer to her, which is good! She is such a beautiful baby--nice and chubby, just like a baby should be! How wonderful it will be for you to hug her and squeeze her soon!!! :-) Hang in there.
You are such a wonderful person! I hope you know that, here you are going through what I as a parent can't even imagine and you are thinking of others! You are such a great witness! Thank you for just being you. My prayers are with you. Harper is just beautiful!!!
My little girl and I pray for Harper every night. I think of your little girl often during my day. Know that we all continue to lift all of you up in our prayers, as well as those others bunked up with Harper.
Thank you for continuing to share God's incredible blessings with all of us. How important to share that though these are times as parents that we certainly don't sign up for, God loves us so. What a wonderful testimony for you to share with others on God's true love and the power of prayer.
Praying for you, Harper, & the NICU babies.
May God bless you.
I have so much I want to say, but I just can't get past that gorgeous picture of you and your girl. SO SWEET, and you both are just beautiful.
Ya'll just amaze me, and I am so thankful to know you. Praying so much for all of you, sweet friend. Love ya'll!
Lifting you up in prayer! Harper has already touched the lives of so many at three days old. God has big plans for her life.
I will also pray for the other precious gifts in the NICU and their families as well.
God is good!
Your family is constantly on my mind and my prayers are going up for sweet Harper and all of you just as often.
Kelly, I found you from angie's bring the rain blog. we are praying here in louisiana for you, your family, and harper. I know this is a very scary time for you but isn't it wonderful to serve a God who controls all things? Please do me a favor and TRY to REST! You need to be the best mommy you can be. Like Roxanne said in the last comment, stay on top of your pain meds! I'm an L&D nurse so I know. Take them and try to rest as much as you can. You need it. Take care and God Bless and thanks for the update!
Thanks so much for updating us. Stay strong! We are praying constantly....I was walking through Wal-Mart tonight just thinking about little Harper. I have such great feeling about her outcome.
Do try to get rest, and take care of yourself. You have a great husband and family there to take care of things--let them...
Tell Harper we said 'hi'! And that we are praying for her daily, as well as all the little guys fighting in NICUs everywhere.
AnnieH in KY
We're continuing to pray for you and your sweet family.
Kelly, I tried to get into the prayer blog and couldn't. Wanted you to know that I am still praying for you and Harper! She is a beautiful baby girl.
So happy to hear that precious Harper is improving little by little! She is such a beautiful baby girl! I will continue to pray for her healing, as well as for the healing of all of the other babies in the NICU. I am also praying for strength for you as well as your entire family. It is very important for all of you to take care of yourselves and hopefully you are able to get some rest.
Stacie in Los Angeles
Kelly, your kindness and strength never ceases to amaze me. Look at you smiling in all those pictures in the collage at the top of this blog. God is good and he shows it through your spirit.
You and Harper are in our thoughts and prayers. Sending a big hug your way!
I am glad things are slowly, but surely looking up. Thank you so much for sharing these moments with all of us. I am about to start a job as a pediatric nurse and this has given me a good idea of what parents go through and what is running through their heads at times. You continue to be in my thoughts and prayers.
We are praying for:
healing for Harper
wisdom for the medical staff caring for her
strength for her parents (y'all!)
peace for your entire family
and that God will continue to put people in front of you to be just the blessing you need, right when you need it.
God is good and He is in control!
Everytime I read a post from you or one of your family members, it just warms my heart to know that friends and strangers a like are loving on you guys. It's exactly what the body of Christ should do for one another.
So thankful that Harper is improving with each passing day. Praying you get to hold her very soon.
Take care of yourself...I can't even imagine how exhausted you must be. Praying God gives you physical strength through the days ahead.
Praying without ceasing for Harper, as well as the other NICU babies and their families.
Oh Kelly,
I've only visited your blog and never commented but I just wanted to tell you I am on my knees before Almighty Jesus...
Jehovah Rafa--God the Healer
My heart aches for you...I had a daughter that was minimally sick and I couldn't even leave her under the bili lights without freaking out...so, your strength and that precious smile on your face speak volumes and volumes!!!
Hang in there, sweet girl and Harper will see a not only her mama and daddy but role models to lead her into a lifelong relationship with Jesus!
Much love from Georgia!
Tiffani Long
I am praying HARD for Harper!!!
Harper is so beautiful! Your faith is inspiring and you are being prayed for constantly. Your story has reached a lot of people. Eyes will be on Harper for a very long time!! Sweet Baby Girl! :)
Praying that you will be able to get enough rest and that sweet baby Harper will grow stronger every day. God is good.
Regina in TN
I've shared your story with my three year old and she wants to check on baby Harper ALL THE TIME! There's power in the prayers of innocent children FOR children, I'm convinced.
Know you're being covered from our home in Mississippi.
I just can't help but offer huge praise on you as a mom for Harper. There's no doubt that you are a fantastic mother already! Look at everything you're doing for her already! The swelling and pain will go away, but the endurance that you're displaying will take you far.
As a side note, when my first child was born (that three year old I mentioned earlier) one of my most exciting moments was getting home, getting into a routine and realizing I could see my veins in my hands and feet again. The swelling had gone down! I wouldn't be a marshmallow lady forever!! :) I was never more excited to see my veins!
PS: I don't have the "audience" you do reading my blog every day, but I do have some mighty prayer warriors who check in daily. I am just so consumed with you and your blessing baby, I had to share your story. I hope you don't mind.
Still praying in Canada!
Our hearts and prayers are with you and your family. We were in the same place here in Houston 12 years ago(premature baby). You'll find many opportunities to witness as there are so many without hope in ICU waiting rooms. God's grace is sufficient. Rest when you can, to help keep your milk supply up. Harper is going to need it.
We are still praying hard for You, your family and of course Harper, It is wonderful that she is improving. God is so amazing. Take care of yourself!
I've been checking in every day multiple times for updates. She is in good hands, now you need to take care of yourself.
Still praying that she continues to grow stronger each day. She is beautiful!!!btw.
I just found out about your story from a friend last night and I'm so moved by your faith. As a Christian woman, it's amazing to see how strong you are in a time like this...I could only hope to be the same way. I have a one year old son and to think of all you are going through is incredible. You have my daily prayers and yearning that you will be holding a very healthy baby soon. You are an inspiration and you have a gorgeous new baby.
I'm so glad you finally got to meet with the doctor. The report today does sound good. I can't tell you how many times per day God brings you to my mind and I pray and then check the blog for updates! I am anxiously awaiting the day you get to hold her and nurse her and take her home! I am praying to that end and believing God for it to happen soon!
Healing thoughts and prayes for Harper & All those little babies.
Take care hon.
She is just beyond beautiful... we are continuing to pray that she will be completely restored to full health. God has used your family in so many ways but one way in particular for me has been to remind me that this is the way the body of Christ is supposed to be. I am anxiously awaiting more updates and especially a picture of that sweet baby in your arms.
Oh, Kelly, we love you too!! Sight unseen, the body of Christ, demonstrated so abundantly because of sweet Harper. And oh girl, is that baby ever GORGEOUS!?! Thanks for sharing her with us and for inviting us into this journey with you and Scott. I'm glad to know a new way to pray for you. Get that rest! :)
Praying for Harper all the time. The NICU is a very scary place, my little one who is 13 months old was there for 2 weeks after she was born. What ever you do do not let it scare you. Ask questions and ask untill you get an answer or untill you understand. Meet with the doctors often so you all stay on the right page about your daughter's treatment. Also don't get scared if she has a slip up...she is in the best place she could be and god is watching over that angel Harper!!
Take care, and get some rest and pump pump,cause she is going to need it.
Just came across your blog the day you went into labor. I to struggled with getting pregnant and now know we can't. Your faith is so strong...keep that!! I to have a strong faith and KNOW there is a reason we go through trials. The NICU is not for the weak...stay strong and be there for each other. My sister was there and we have had 3 friends that have a GREAT outcomes while being in the NICU!!! I will continue to keep you all in my thoughts and prayers!!
God Bless!!
I don't even know how I came across your blog, but it seems to jump out at me from countless other blogs. My fourth baby, Elisabeth, was born still on Nov. 3. I include you in my prayers and thoughts as we both struggle in our own way.
Continuing to lift you up in prayer, and will certainly lift all of the other NICU babies/families as well. God is good. May you feel safe under His wings.
I do believe God is going to use her story to strengthen our faith and show us that with Him, all things are possible. I have been praying non-stop for her and have been praying for the other families too. You are such a strong woman and you have given so many others hope through prayer and now it's our turn to give it back to you. I pray that Harper is well soon and that you take care of yourself and that God gives you the strength that you need. God is using your family and all of us who believe in Him to do amazing things! I will continue to pray for you, Scott, Harper, your family and all the other families in NICU.
My 1 year old saw me looking at Harper's photo on the computer and she pointed and said "baby!" and gave a big smile! I told her we need to pray for baby Harper and we both put our hands together and said lots of get well prayers for your beautiful little girl!
Continually praying for your baby girl and you!
God is wonderful and answers our prayers.
I'm fairly new to your blog but want you to know that I'm praying for you and that beautiful new baby of yours. Please take care of yourself even though I know that your needs are not your first priority!!
It is so good to see pics of you both. Still praying and now adding those other babies and families to my list! Take care of you!
What an awesome update!! You look amazing Kelly! We're praying for Harper (and all of you!) down here in LA! Thanks for sharing this journey wit us and giving us this testimony of your neverending faith in our Lord Jesus.
We are still praying HARD in Chicago!!
Glad you were able to meet with the dr. I have been praying for you guys all day! Please know if you need a place to worship, my church Southern Hills Baptist Church which is 4 miles away, would love to be your home away from home. Continue to pray!
Glad to see an update! I'm glad that her heart and brain look good and she is stable. It will be so hard, but try to let your body heal and get some rest. We are all saying streams of prayers for you!
Oh my word! I LOVE the picture of you and Harper! Made me cry! I am glad to hear that her heart and brain are good. Now I will continue to pray for her to heal from the pnemonia! I believe that God is not only teaching you something through this experience but He sure is teaching me a few things! And maybe you are there as well to be a witness to those other famiies in the NICU.
Take a break dear and rest. I can tell you now that Harper will be a handfull and probably srong-willed...because she is a fighter! So focus on you...that does NOT make you a bad mom for resting...it makes you a better mom. Harper is TRULY blessed to have you and Scott as parents and those great set of grandparents there pooring out love and support to her!
You are CONSTANTLY in my thoughts and I stop to pray right then...To God be the glory for the great things He has done...and WILL do in Harper's life!!!
God Bless!
Kelly, Scott and little Harper, I have watched and read your blog routinely over the last few months and pray for you continuosly throughout the day. Not only praying for you, but the nurses the doctors and everyone else who comes in contact with you. Praying that their words are encouraging and that their wisdom is great. My husband and I have four children; our first child was in the NICU for a week. To me it seemed like forever and his condition was very treatable. He is now almost 12 but I remember how difficult it was to leave him there at night. I know you want nothing more than to hold your precious little girl, and I have complete faith and confidence that you will and that her life will bring so much glory to our ultimate physician, our Lord and Saviour. Your thoughts and concerns for those suffering the pain of having to see a child of theirs in the NICU fills me with a desire to help ease that burden some in our home town. Please know that there are prayers being lifted daily from a family in Beaumont, Texas on your precious family's behalf. I look forward to seeing new pictures of sweet little Harper and her return to Arkansas.
I love your "parent" nametag in your picture with Harper ... she is such a cute "little" girl!!
Continuing to pray for Harper & all her roomies!
you truly are an inspiration. I have been a wife for 7 years, a mom for almost 4 and a christian for as long as i can remember and i feel like you are teaching me sooo much about all of the above! Thank you for not only your faith, but for explaining your feelings and what you are praying for. you feelings make you seem human and how you are dealing with everything is such a testiment to people everywhere! you truly are an amazing person and i have never even met you. Thank you and my prayers are with you.
I'm working in a NICU right now taking care of about 40 babies, and you've really impressed upon me the power of praying for my patients. Alot of times, I just get frustrated b/c their moms are crack addicts or teenagers and just don't care about them, but those are the ones who need my prayer the most. Thanks for this reminder. As I pray for your baby, I'll remember each of my babies, too.
I KNOW how scary the NICU is and how heart wrenching the roller coaster ride is with the steps forward and back. Know that in EVERYTHING God gets the glory, as long as you give it to Him. We're still praying for Harper and for you. Hang in there.
We are praying for you guys and so thankful for the update. We will keep Harper lifted up as well as her mom and dad. Take care of yourselves too...she is a big baby girl isn't she? :) I love that she is almost as big as the bed they have her in! Precious to see though!
Praying hard for yall!
Praying for you all and Harper, and noting how important it is to reach out to those in crisis. Thank you!
Thanks for the update! Take care of yourself. We are still prayer for Harper and your family. This is going to be a great testimony!
I found your story through another blog. It has really touched my heart. I went through something very similiar. My son was a very large baby, rushed to ICU. Fortunately my hospital had a NICU. But I didn't get to see him for the first 12 hours as I also lost a lot of blood and was ordered to stay in bed. A nurse took a polaroid of him....the first time I saw him. I still look at that photo everyday...it's in my undie drawer! Big babies have their own special needs. My son also had fluid in his lungs and they told me initially that he would not live. They thought he had heart problems, but it was just the fluid in his lungs. I was also a week overdue. He will turn 12 on February 12th.
It is eye opening to see what goes on everyday. Someone grab her a little pocket notebook and please write down every glass of water and what you eat throughout the day. You must take care of yourself in order to take care of Harper. If you don't write it down, you won't realize how little you are eating and drinking.
I am praying for you and I know your baby girl will be just fine!
Twelve years from now you will look back on this with much gratitude for those that are caring for your most precious gift.
Keep us posted.
Hang in there Harper! We're all rooting for you!!!!!
Praise God Kelly!!! We will keep up the prayers!! God is good!!
Glad to see you looking so good.
hi kelly, i am so glad to hear that sweet harper is improving. i'm also so thankful that you have such an amazing support system! that was so important to us last year when we were in thr nicu. i left the hospital the day after my c-section so i was still in a lot of pain and i finally realized that i needed to rest so that i could be a healthy mom when we got to go home. it is really hard to do that when you just want to be with your baby! i remember all the time in the pump room too. after a few days when i didn't need so much help getting around, i think those times in the pump room helped me to just be quiet and alone for a few minutes to pray, rest and just gather my thoughts. i'm praying for you, harper and your whole family!
Your strength is just shining, although there is such a thing as "new Mommy glow"!!! Thank you for the updates and please know that we are going to continue to pray!
What a sweet update! We'll keep praying for Harper and for all the little precious babies who are sick right now. Harper is a beautiful baby! She just skipped right past that funny looking newborn stage and was born cute. Can't wait to see her in all of the adorable outfits you have lined up for her at home.
I am so glad you were able to post tonight!! I have been checking, and checking and, ok, checking so much that I could go to your blog in my sleep!! Just know that our prayers will NOT stop and I will add prayers for all little ones in the NICU and their parents!!
Thank you for being a blessing to others as you are going through this with Harper!! I can only imagine that other people who are at the hospital and don't have a personal relationship with the Lord...are all like, "What in the world...there is just something about that couple that is amazing!" You are showing God's grace and love through your actions and outpouring of love to everyone!!
Keep on fighting! You are awesome and you look just beautiful with your little girl!!
Love you so much,
Jess :)
P.S. I found the coolest thing on the Internet tonight and am asking a friend to help me with something! I'll post it on my blog and then I'm going to see if Ang will post it on hers...since she has many more followers than I do!!I think you will really love it!!
Good night and Sweet Dreams!
Praying for you sweet girl and precious Harper. Thank you so much for the update :) We love ya'll.
Stay strong Kelly. I am praying for you and your beautiful family daily. I am so glad that you all are together and are supporting each other as well as all of those other sweet families who have babies in the NICU. Harper is only three days old and already she has ministered to so many people. What a precious little angel she is and you are the BEST mother that you can be! May God continue to bless you richly and abundantly.
Thank you for updating all of us out here in the blogging world! I continue to pray for Harper's healing and for strength and peace for you and your family. My son Ryder was in the NICU and I remember seeing all the babies that never had any visitors and it was so sad :( Harper is so blessed to have such a wonderful mommy looking over her and calling all the prayer warriors out for her. Sending hugs and prayers your way,
We are still praying for Harper. I have prayed continually that the other children in not just her NICU, but in those all over the world, experience benefit from the blessings being poured out over her. I am so amazed to see God work, and how he has blessed your family. It has been a gigantic affirmation of faith. God is glorious!
Praying for you guys and all the other babies and families in the NICU. What a needful ministry. Keep your faith strong...God is faithful to His own!
Thank you for your update. You are looking well. I'm sure you don't feel like it, and I know that whenever someone says that to me, I am shocked, especially in the middle of such an event.
I am glad that things are looking positive and that Harper is being taken good care of. I hope the infection goes away. Was it the anemic fluid that caused it? I have heard of that happening before. I hope they will be able to rid of the infections and that it does not have any lasting effect.
Harper is a beautiful girl.
Your sweet spirit is amazing. God bless you. :)
When I was a little girl I had a plaque in my room that my mom had made for me in the Smoky Mountains. It said "Kelly's Korner". We are praying for your baby in Alabama - and for the doctors and nurses caring for her. I must say, you look remarkably beautiful for someone who has been through the emotional agony you have. It had to be that Christian Heart showing through your smile.
it's been 5 months since my stay with hubby in ICU...i am, well let's jiust say that I did not take of myself...pleeeeeese do as much for you as you can...I'm crying alot these days....flashbacks and all...
you are in our prayers...Harper looks strong and like a fighter!!
Kelly, thanks so much for updating. We are so grateful to know how Harper is doing. Make sure you get enough rest to heal and make a quick recovery. Drink LOTS of water...pumping is rough. And use that Lanolin cream. Ouch!
Oh such great news! Do they think she got this infection during the difficult delivery...or what must have been difficult due to her size?
We will keep praying...for all the babies. I have something to send you when I search your blog for an address...but if you are there for weeks I may just send to the hospital. Post some contact info if that is acceptable at the hospital.
Take care-
Robyn, TX
Kelly, I have been praying for baby Harper, and for your family. I know it must be hard, but try to take care of yourself through this too! I will continue my prayers for Harper, and also pray for all the sweet babies in the NICU with her!! I was so happy to see a picture of you with her! :)
You have such an amazing faith and it shines brightly through this blog post. May God continue to put His loving arms around Harper, you, Scott & the rest of your family. I'm praying for all of you multiple times a day. Take care of yourself! I await the next update!
Jennifer H.
Greenville, SC
Thank you for the reminder to pray for those other families. When I was pregnant I had to have emergency surgery to stop my pre-term labor, and was on bed rest the rest of my pregnancy. Had it not been for the prayers of so many people in my family and church I don't know how I would have made it. I just can't imagine going through something as hard as having a baby in NICU without Jesus. They are in my prayers, indeed.
Thanks for the updates. We're still praying for you in Southern California.
Please take care of yourself. I am praying for you to have peace and comfort. Also praying for sweet baby Harper. and your hubby. God is in control. It's so wonderful when we can rest in that knowledge. It gives us as believers a Peace that Passes all Understanding.
Praying Hard in Chicago
We will continue to pray! Please let us know i there is anything you need!
Your love for our Lord and your Faith is astounding to say the least. Please know your family as well as all families with babies in all NICU's are being prayed for at this very moment.
Please know your family is in my constant thoughts and prayers.
Praying for peace of mind and healing for you.
With HIS Incredible Love,
Matthew 21:22
Thank you for the update, Kelly! I am continuing to pray for Harper and I will also be praying for the other babies and their families in the NICU. You and Scott are such an awesome light for our Savior in such a scary place for these families around you.
We are praying for you in Houston, TX. God Bless you & your beautiful baby girl. Before you know it, you all will be home as a family. I also pray for the other babies that are with Harper, may they be reached by the thousands who read your blog & all these prayers heard by God for all of them.
Lord, we come to you in prayer. That you will bless this family with your heavenly powers and you will give each of them strength. Baby harper is so precious and I continue to pray for sweet homecoming of this beautiful baby girl. We ask you lord that you keep each and everyone one of these babies in the NICU in your thoughts and prayers.. Faith can be a hard thing to keep up when it seems the odds are against one. Thank you and bless this evening with glory and praise. In Jesus name, AMEN..
Everyone put there Praise Shield on ..
Haper is so blessed to have you and Scott as parents! It is amazing that as you endure this trial, you are so aware of the the other families and babies. You are such a blessing. I will continue to pray for Harper and for the other babies.
I have been visiting and visiting your blog to see if you have posted an update and I'm glad to see a new one again! I've been glued to your blog since Friday (when I first heard about Harper) and I've been praying. I think it's wonderful that so many people have came to visit you! I live in East TN, but if I lived in Oklahoma nearby I'd definitely come to say hi. I hope she continues to make progress but I hope it isn't slow progress! Wishing you all the best!
Kelly I love the picture of you leaning over your baby girl! You look SO happy and proud. One would never guess all that you are going through just by looking at that picture.
Great news about Harper. Thanks for updating us on you as well. Resting, eating and just taking care of you don't come very instincitvely in times like this. It's hard. I've been there, trust me. You ARE being the best mom for Harper that you can be. And you are doing an AMAZING job!!! Pumping isn't fun. I did it for 10 months for my little micro preemie. I always hated having to leave everybody and go pump. I felt like a child being sent to Time Out. But it was all worth it. I loved having something so powerful and wonderful that I was the only one who could provide that for Cadence. Not even the doctor's with all their years in school and experience could make this Liquid Gold for my baby girl. It helped me feel less helpless. I'm so proud of you for taking on the difficult task of pumping breast milk with all you have going on right now.
And most of all, thank you for asking for prayers for the other babies and their families. That was one of the hardest parts of having our daughter in the NICU was seeing these other babies fight for their lives and no one would come to visit them, read stories to them, sing to them or hold them. So sad. All are precious in His sight. Praying that you can be His light to everyone in the NICU and share His love.
Do you want some NICU Mommy advice?
Pumping- pump when Harper gets fed. When she comes home you will be on the same schedule. Set your alarm so you can get up in the middle of the night. If you can call the nurse then and get a report on her and go back to bed.
The rest and eating will come in time. Now that the doctor has talked to you. You are able to touch her and see her more. And once you are able to hold her life talk hold and you will start living a more normal life.
I think I finally was able to rest after Isabella had her surgery (she was a week old) so your day will come it just might take some time.
I am praying for you, Kelly. I have an idea of what you are going through. I agree with you about going through something to help others. My life has changed with Isabella and I hope I can help others, through prayer and advice. And I pray Isabella will be able to do the same with her condition.
Harper is beautiful and I am so glad you posted a picture of you and her together.
Take care of yourself.
You CAN do it Kelly! One day at a time!!!
I'm glad she is improving. Best wishes to you. :)
I too have never met your family, but have been thinking about you and praying for you since I saw your blog.
Through difficult times like these God changes us and stretches us and brings us into closer communion with him.
Be encouraged as you take this journey!
Harper is beautiful!!
With my prayers,
Sharon in Indonesia
Praise God! I check in everyday and I thank God for answering my prayers for little Harper!
It is funny that I found this blog and feel so close to your family...my husband even asks me if I have gotten on Kelly's Korner to get an update. :)
God is so good!
Thank you for the update! You, and your family are very special people! We Are, Still praying...
Oh, Kelly...I am just sitting here with tears streaming down my face at seeing you with your beautiful girl. I think what strikes me the most is the radiance of Jesus that is STILL in your face and your smile...and your faith that continues to lead your mind, your heart, and your decisions. (And I know, you're not perfect....and I'm sure you've had your moments...but the thing is: You know Him and trust Him so much that you just can't help but rest in Him...)
I have really been moved by it, because I have had some "Why, Lord?" conversations with God the last few days about all this with Harper. It is hard for my heart to understand...and it's just so much to work through. But even as I "wrestle" with Him over it...I cannot escape the love He has for you, and me, and especially sweet Harper...
I can't wait for the day that we can sit down at lunch with our babies and talk all about God's faithfulness, the mystery of His plan, and the miracles He has done on all of our behalfs. I am praying for sweet Harper continually and constantly...and praying for you and Scott as well. I will pray for your rest and His provision for every single thing you need.
It is so AWESOME to see God work in healing Harper!!! Thanks for allowing us to be a part of it!
I would so love to be in heaven and see how many hundreds of thousands of people from all over the world are praying for her!!!!
Our God is an awesome God, and He's showing it everyday. I know the road is long but the reward is great. We will pray for you and Harper continuously. Keep the updates coming. Debbie
You look amazing! That picture of you and Harper is precious! We're continuing to pray for you guys and will pray for all the other families in your situation. God bless you all!
Hang in there!!! NOTHING is impossible with OUR God.
Praying for yall and all of the other critical babies. What a witness to the power of Faith that yall are providing for the others there!!!
Take care of yourself and don't be afraid to say "no" when things seem to be overwhelming!! People will understand!!! Just keep updating when time allows....
Love and Prayers from Fayetteville,
Good to hear she is improving little by little. Remember by taking care of yourself, you're taking care of her. It's a lot of work to pump on a schedule, so don't forget to eat and drink a lot of water. Rest in the arms of the Father. Thank you for sharing your life with all of us.
We are praying for y'all along with our families in AL and other folks in Alabama too! PLEASE PLEASE take care of yourself by trying to rest and eat. It's hard but you've got to do it. I had so much fluid after the delivery and you've just got to put your feet up. By being able to pump you are giving Harper something that she cannot get anywhere else and it will help her to stay strong and healthy by getting those antibodies from you! I'm so glad you posted pictures! She is beautiful, like I knew she would be!
Still praying! Focus on healing you, mama. The docs & nurses and the Great Physician Himself are taking care of Miss Harper! It's all upside down and inside out, but you still just gave birth, so take it easy and take care of you! Many prayers, sweet mama!
Kelly, your blog is the first thing I check in the morning and the last thing at night. Know that we are praying for you and Harper from Kansas City.
So happy to hear this update! The picture of you with Harper is so so precious...I'm sure your arms are just aching to hold her.
I'll be continuing to pray and will most certainly lift those other sweet babies/families in prayer.
In Him,
You are so brave. My heart goes out to you and your daughter.
Continuing to pray for you all, Miss Harper, and those precious NICU babies. Thank you for your update...she looks so beautiful...did we really expect any less? ;) Please take care of yourself (easier said than done, I can't imagine being in your shoes right now)-praying that you are able to take some time to do the things you need for yourself these next few days. Thank you for letting us be apart of this miracle.
Anne in TN
i love u all & i dont even know u - i am praying, my Bible study will be praying & we all know God will hear ur precious girl!! she is soooo beautiful!!!!! *hugs*
Hang in there, Kelly! We are SO beyond happy with this report on Harper. We, of course, are praying, praying, praying...as hard as ever!
*heal not hear*
You are truly the most amazing person I know. I am so encouraged by your faith and love for others. It's a privilege to be your friend! That picture of you and Harper is gorgeous. She is just THE most beautiful baby. I am in constant prayer for her, you and Scott. I often wake at night thinking of her, so I just pray some more. I love you so much and want you to know I believe God will heal her and agree with you there are so many watching this miracle unfold. I just KNOW she will be healed. I hope you start feeling better soon and are able to get some rest. Love and hugs!
Your strength is inspiring. Continue to take care of yourself, because you are right, Harper needs you to be the best you can be! Praying for you all!
It is funny how you mention the other NICU babies. Having my first baby in the NICU 13 years ago really opened my eyes! Not only are WE (all the teachers at Jourdanton elementary School) praying for baby HARPER, we are praying for ALL babies in the NICUs along with there caregivers. It is a tough place to be and all that we can offer are PRAYERS!
Like I said, my first baby was in he NICU 13 years ago and seeing what you are going thru makes it feel like it was yesterday. he was a full term baby with lungs that did not develop as they should have. he also contacted a major infection and was just a VERY sick baby. The good news is that he DID pull through and is almost 14!! Feel free to email me. There are so many things that "just come up" with being a new mom of a baby in the NICU. We love you guys!! TONS OF PRAYERS FOR HARPER AND HER NICU "friends" :)
Kelly, Harper is just an absolute dollbaby! She is beautiful and I think she looks like you, I love her lips! You look radiant and just so in love with her. So happy to hear the good news and that she is improving, what an encouragement to you and Scott. My prayer is that God heals her completely and surprises the doctors by her speedy recovery. God has chosen you to be Harper's parents for a reason and the love you show for the Lord and your faith and your encouragement to others is so evident and who knows who reads this blog that needs to hear the good news. Praise His name for the wonderful things He has done and the things He continues to do. Blessings to your sweet family! Keep believing and we are praying hard in TX!!
Thanks for taking time to give us an update. Thanks for the encouraging words on how others have helpsed you out. Glad to see your sweet smile together with that precious baby girl.
Praise be to God! I am so happy to read the doctors are thinking her heart and brain are fine!! THAT IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!
I will remain faithful in prayer for your sweet, beautiful girl. I will also pray for the other 40 babies and their families, may they see the light of Christ through your family and your faith.
I am praying you and Scott are able to get some rest =-)
Blessings and love,
I will pray for your baby and family. I was blessed with a healthy little girl, then had triplets - 2 boys and a girl. They were born premature at 35 weeks, and were all in the NICU. That was probably the hardest thing I've ever been through, so I truly feel for what you are going through. But now I look at my beautiful babies, my big girl will be 5 in March, and my babies are almost 3. You, too, will look back on this one day and know what a strong little girl you have to make it through such a tough start! Good luck to you. I know it is hard, but try to stay strong for your girl!
I do find myself reading this blog all the time, and praying so much-- at all hours--that your sweet little one would heal. She is just so beautiful, and I do love seeing her 9lbs and ready for a fight! Take care,
Last Sunday in church we learned about how God uses us in ways that he needs us to help spread His word and show people what He is all about. From the very beginning in your fertility struggles it seems as though the Lord has been using you in so many ways. He is not finished yet. He is still working through you and now through Harper too! I just keep thinking you are going to be on the news one of these days. It is truly amazing how fast and how far your story has spread. Stay strong and we will keep praying for you here in Dallas, TX.
Kelly - Harper and all of you are in our prayers. God is so good and we are all seeing Him at work in this situation. Thank you for sharing your life with us.
Prayers from Paris TX!!
Praying for you and your precious baby girl in Scottsboro, AL! God is so faithful. My niece was a very sick NICU baby.(I know how scary it can be) I watched God do a miracle in her life almost 9 years ago. We know that God is doing a miracle right now in sweet Harper. You baby will have a fantastic testimony of Gods Mercy!
I continue to pray for your family everyday! Even with all those tubes, you can see what a beautiful baby Harper is :)
God is good! We felt the same way you and Scott do about the other babies in the NICU. We visited our baby every day and we would see babies who hadn't been visited for weeks. It is depressing and at the same time it is a reminder of how blessed you are. I am praying daily for your family and baby Harper, but in that it has led me to pray for all the sick babies and their families. My girls are 7 months old and they spent 6 weeks in the NICU. I truely believe that God did that so my husband and I could appreciate our prayer warriors and grow closer to each other before we brought home 2 babies who would depend completely on us to raise them up in the Lord's path. Hang in there, but you have got to slow down and focus on yourself. You can't wear out and get sick, you have to be there to love on your sweet precious miracle. She is beautiful and big compared to my 2 and 3 pounds babies. Prayers are going up all over Benton, AR for you all.
She is absolutely gorgeous and just as precious as can be! Your family is continually in our prayers and God is Mighty! AMEN!
You have definately inspired me to look more at those around us who have no hope and love more. Thanks for the encouragement! You are an amazing woman and mama of God! :)
You are such an inspiring person, keep up your strength! Praying for that beautiful baby girl and your family. I am much like you, I see the others that are lost and instantly want to help them. Take care of yourself!
We love you all. We're thankful for each little step Harper makes toward recovery. In addition to praying for her health, I'm praying for your healing, too. I'm praying specifically tonight that you and Scott will be able to have a really good night's rest so that you can be strong for H tomorrow. It is extremely exhausting and overwhelming just to bring a newborn home and adjust there...I cannot even begin to imagine how draining it must be to be in the hospital, away from home, and facing the situation you are facing. Taking her back to your own house will seem like a piece of cake now--I can't wait for that day for you all--what a day of celebration that will be! (I hope she likes her monkey painting! :) )My heart's rejoicing in every little bit of improvement. God has big things planned for your baby girl--only three days old and what a testimony she has already! No doubt you and your family are a bright light to other families in that hospital right now. I pray that while Harper's lungs are healing, God will be glorified through your interaction with other families there. I don't know the child in the bed behind Harper in this picture, but I prayed for him(her) when I looked at the photo--I pray that his/her family feels the same peace tonight that you and Scott feel.
Thank you for taking the time to do an update, even though you are exhausted. Hundreds of people are on this journey with you...
Harper and all the babies in the NICU are in my prayers. Your strength is admirable, Harper is lucky to have such a strong mommy fighting for her. Take care of yourself... You look great. And, I must say the picture of you and Harper is so sweet. You all will be in my prayers until that sweet baby girl is at healthy and at home where she belongs!
First of all..You're daughter is absolutely beautiful! You don't know me, but I heard of your story through a friend. I wanted to let you know I am praying for your baby girl...We serve such an awesome God and your faith is such a testimony....Take care...
Harper is PRECIOUS...and very loved :) Praying hard for your family.
Praying that your pain goes away....But you look GREAT!
Kelly, I love your collage! How sweet! I know Harper will get better EVERY DAY! I am thinking about ya'll all the time! We are wanting to come and see you! We are praying and praying SO MUCH!!!!!
In church this weekend, our preacher said
"Pressure is what reveals the true you."
Immediately, you came to mind. I only recently started reading your blog and have been very consumed with your trials (I figure I am at least 30,000 out of the 100,000 hits you got today! I'm checking for updates an unhealthy number of times!!)
I pray for your baby girl and I hold mine a little tighter. Also, I type this as I am 27 weeks pregnant with a son. I find myself wondering ... Would my husband and I be as strong and faithful and hopeful as you and Scott have been. I hope so.
I just know that Harper is going to heal with God's touch.
Bless you all....and all the many babies in the NICU's tonight.
I understand the scariness and unsettling environment that is a NICU. My son was born 11 weeks early and spent 69 days in the NICU. It was the scariest time in my life, but I was so blessed to build some amazing lasting relationships. I too, had a c-section, spent 5 days in the hospital though, because of the seriousness of what happened. So I know all to well trying to rest and pump and yet, wanting to be their for your child.
i have been praying for you since I heard your story and I can't imagine how scary it must be. Hang in there!
Be Blessed.
My heart aches for you because I know that if I were in your shoes that it would all be so difficult for me too. I am strong in my faith, but it would all just be so hard for me to hear. I am sure you want nothing more then to pick up that precious girl of yours, sing lullabies to, smell her, kiss her and just hold her so tight and make everything all better. It pains me to know that there are 40 babies there in the NICU...it breaks my heart just thinking about it. The are so tiny and you have to turn it all over to God and allow for his all mighty healing powers to take place. I am sure alot of people with babies in the NICU have a hard time with that. I have just been so restless at night lately... I am so anxious to get up in the morning and hear good news about Harper and Brayden and my thoughts and prayers are with you both. Keeping you, all the families and those precious babies in my prayers!!
Stay strong and remember to take care of yourself.
Lisa (Ohio)
Prayers from TN!! Harper is beautiful!! My firstborn was also in the NICU and it is very hard. I held him for the first time 6 days after he was born. I can't even describe that moment, but I'm sure you'll do a great job of it. Can't wait to see that update!
Praying the reports get better everyday and for great doctors and nurses. Thanks for the updates!
Thank you for taking time to provide updates.
You are so correct when you asked us all to pray for the other babies and families too! When my son had brain surgery a year and half ago, the outpouring of love and prayers from everyone around us was soooo wonderful and made us feel a little guilty (there was soo much), but it also challenged us to share w/ the other families "living" at the hospital just like us, but never having visitors while our names kept being called out.
Pay it forward .. God IS pleased! Prayerfully someone else you come in contact with, who may not know His love will be able to see Him and experience God during this time.
Continuing to pray for Harper and for your healing and for your hubby while he is being strong for his girls.
Hello Kelly, I've had a full day but I couldn't go to sleep till I checked on Harper, you & Scott. I'm so thankful that everyday Harper is getting better. I will still pray for her. God has wonderful things planned for Harper's life & his glory will shine thru her for what all she has been thru. I'm also praying that you & Scott & all your loved ones that are in Tulsa with you that you guys will get the rest & sleep you need to carry on. Little Harbor was born at the same hospital that Harper was, 2 months & 3 days before Harper. And we have so much to be thankful for. We serve a might God that will take care of those who love him, so rest in his arms Kelly & know that you, Harper & Scott are so loved & prayed for, love & hugs from NWA. Karen Barnes= Jessica M's mommy
Wow, seeing her next to you gives you a good idea of how big she is. You just gave birth to a 3 month old! Bless your heart. She is absolutely beautiful. Still praying for you both.
My son also had an infection at birth. Doctors were very worried about him. But he is a healthy 4 year old boy now.
Praying for Harper's complete healing as well. Hang in there. :)
Kelly, you look SOO happy there with your baby girl!! I can't wait to see pictures of her in your arms! You need to take care of yourself and let God love on Ms. Harper for a while!
It's soo good to see that you and Scott have so much trust in the Lord! I just love that yall are looking at the positive side in all this...helping others! Yall are a true inspiration!!
Still praying for your beautiful family!!
Kelly - Thank you so much for the update! I hope that you can start getting the rest that you need so your body can heal! We are thinking about your baby Harper each and every night! I am one of those people that keeps hitting refresh on your blog and waits for updates! Your story has been amazing and Harper will be amazing to one day see this blog and all these random strangers that love and care about her!!
Thinking about you tonight!
I got here from a friend, to a friend, to a friend, and what do you know, full circle - I live in Tulsa.
Prayers are being said for you, your Harper, your family - the families you have met, the babies you are loving on that are their with Harper. May God's Grace wrap you up and comfort you and bring you a gorgeous ray of hope!
If you need anything while in Tulsa, recommendations etc, just post to my blog. Much love
I am so glad that your sweet baby is improving! What a blessing! I hope people have faith no matter what happens. I believe that outcome will be fabulous, and that Harper will come home. But in situations when we pray, and the outcome isn't favorable it doesn't mean that Heavenly Father doesn't love us, or isn't answering our prayer. The answer He has for us may be different than we would want. Understanding that is part of faith. I will keep praying for you all. Please take care!
Love from Utah,
Kelly, I've been following your blog for a few months now, after finding you on Jennifer's. Jennifer and I grew up together so that's how I know her. It was fun to follow your blog, as I was pregnant too, but almost 2 months ahead of you. As I've read all your postings these past few days, it makes me cry every time, as I cannot imagine what you and Scott are enduring with a new baby. I can't imagine how hard it would be for me to not be able to hold my little girl and be given such scary news. I had an emergency c-section and that was terrifying enough for me, not being able to hold her for a while, etc. You guys have so strengthened my faith these past few days in how faithful you are in the Lord through all of this and through this scary time and heartache that you are still glorifying God and praising him, when others may be cursing and questioning him. I thank you for this, as I have greatly needed something to push me in my walk. You guys are going to be amazing, Godly parents to Harper and I wish you the best!! It's amazing how tough, difficult times in our lives are the times at which we learn and grow the most and strengthen our relationship with the Lord. I have been praying for you and will continue, as you are in my thoughts throughout the day. Harper is a beautiful baby that I know, in time, will grow to be a healthy, vibrant little girl
Kelly, Thank you for being so faithful in updates, I check soo many times everyday for the latest. So glad to hear that Harper is slowly getting stronger, now you need to take care of you....for her! STill praying here in Mississippi! Vicki
You look so beautiful! Harper does have such a wonderful mother! I've never met you but have been enjoying your blog now for about 6 months and we are friends on facebook. Thank you for sharing your world with all of us. I can't tell you how much my heart is filled with joy for you, Scott, and Harper. I will continue to pray for you all.
To God be the glory for great things He has done.
~Julie from North Carolina
Praying for you. Our family spent a week in the ICU with our second, Keegan, for over a week. We remember. We are praying for you, your family and the other families that don't have faith.
Katie jean
Hang tough Kelly! Swollen or not, you look awesome for all you have been through. It brought tears to my eyes to see you with your precious baby girl. Can't wait until you can scoop her up and hold her! What a photo op that will be!
Praying, praying and praying for full healing for Harper and all those other sick babies out there! We too visited the NICU when our son was born and it is a very tough place to be. Keep the faith. God is with you every step of the way!
In HIS love,
Chele, KS
Just checking in on y'all before I go to bed and Praise God you have posted a positive update. I will continue to pray for "Sweet" Harper and for you and your husband.
Please do take time to take care of yourself...you need to be strong for when you can take Harper home.
Tammy from Alabama
Kelly, I am so happy that you got a good report from the doctor. I am still praying for Harper's healing everyday. Your daughter is beautiful!
Christa Magnolia, Texas
Take care and get some rest. I hope things continue to get better.
*I feel like the blogging world has made me a better person and opened my eyes to people in need of prayers. I am still praying for your little girl.
Awe! May prayers are with you and wil all the NICU babies and their families! I know all too well what it's like to see your baby in a plastic hospital bed... my first born had jaundice so bad that she was in the hospital, I was a wreck... so I echo those who say to get your rest, Harper needs you to have it. Blessings to you and your cute little family
Christina in PA
Stay strong and take care of yourself! Feel encouraged and blessed that you have so many people praying for you. While Stuart and I are going through our 2nd invitro- God has touched us so much through our blog. The daily devotion we do everyday together...on Saturday- the day of our embryo transfer- the title was (Turning Trials into Triumphs)! Same for Harper's birth- He will turn this trial into a TRIUMPH!!!
We love you, Kelly. I'm so glad to see a picture of you and your girl! I can't wait for you and Scott to take her home! Praying for you always. always. always! Continue to stay strong!
It is so good to see that God is healing your little baby girl!! Prayers are so powerful! I will continue to keep Harper in my prayers along with all of the other babies that are struggling to stay alive in the NCIU!
I had never read your blog until the day you were delivering Harper. I am so glad I found it! You are a strong and inspirational person...keep up the updates!
I too have been in your shoes.Our youngest was a preemie and in the NICU.We were very blessed to be surrounded in prayer,family and friends.My heart broke for the babies who did not have that.I can not tell you how many infants went days without seeing their Mommy,For reasons unknown.Truly that broke my heart.Those weeks in the NICU were so difficult,take heart dear one,God heals!!!! Our baby boy is living proof of God's Miracles,he will be a year old next month!Praying for you and sweet Harper!
It is so sweet to see you with Harper. I love the picture. Thank you so much for the update...I just don't know how you are doing what you are doing. You are such a blessing and an inspiration. I cannot imagine what you are going through, and you are sharing it with the world. Your testimony is amazing...Harper has one special Mommy! Take care of yourself, as you need strength...both physically and mentally. Harper is just beautiful!!
Shannon Willcutt
Stay strong and I hope you get to feeling better! Your faith is so amazing and such a testimony!!!
I've been thinking of you all the entire weekend. Thanks for the faithful updates!!!
Sending prayers and hugs from Mississippi! :)
The most encouraging thing on this end is seeing your beautiful smile constantly. I am praying for you baby, and for the precious other babies in the NICU. You are so loved!
Praying y'all will be a light and hope to every single family in the NICU!
We are continuing to pray from Okinawa, Japan. You look beautiful with your sweet baby. I especially pray that you are able to find rest so that you can continue through this trial. Your faith is a sweet offering and I know God will continue to heal Harper. She is truly beautiful and before long you will have her at home, in the comforts and safety of your arms. Many prayers...
thank you so much for the update. hang in there. we all are continuing to pray for harper. i've placed this on my blog and asked my readers to pass it on, as so many others have done. i believe harper will be healed, and her story will touch many. what a strong little girl you have. god has blessed you!
Still praying for Harper and all her NICU friends. She and little Brayden have been on my mind all weekend!
My SIL follows your blog and sent out prayer requests for your family and Harper when you delivered. As I read your blog, I have been so moved by your faith and love for the LORD. I have been praying for you even though I don't know you, but in Christ we are sisters :-) God is in control. HE is the Great Physician. Your precious, beautiful baby is in His hands. You can rest in that. Take care of yourself too. I have shared your blog with others for them to pray. God IS amazing!
Kelly you and Harper both look so beautiful!! How wonderful to see you in the picture with that sweet baby. I will continue to pray for you here in AZ along with all the other babies with Harper. Please take care of yourself and get ready to take care of that sweet little chunky monkey!!
We're just gonna keep on praying and trusting God for your family!So glad to hear the good report!! Try to rest whenever you can, I've been so worried about you having to be this active after a difficult birth. We love you all!!
James & I are praying for Harper.. Wished I lived so much closer cuz i would definetly be there to see you & give you A HUGE hug!! Thanks for the updates!!
I'm believing God for A MIRACLE..
yours in prayer,
I will continue to pray for sweet Harper and you and scott as well. I wish that I lived closer so I could come and introduce myself and meet you in person. Just know here is a huge hug from me to you! I will keep checking and I thank God each day for helping me find your blog and all the wonderful things I have been blessed with.
Please try to rest. I am sure it is so hard, but Harper will need you to be strong when she is ready to take a big breath and come home.
We continue to pray for Harper and for you and your husband. My sweet little girl who is now four, has been praying for "All the babies" everynight when we say our prayers for sometime. It is so sweet how such a little baby can think about other babies. She has added Harper to her list. We all have. We will make sure that we think about all the families of the NICU babies as well.
I know you don't know me, but I found your blog awhile back and have followed your story ever since. I have prayed for Miss Harper & your family since before she was born & am continuing to do so! I am so happy to hear that her condition is improving little by little! I have faith that she WILL be healed! I believe what you said, that this is just another way God is proving his love & power...hopefully to reach someone who is lost! Your story is truely an inspiration & I look forward to watching Harper be healed & grow up into a beautiful woman just like her mom! Kelly, I'm also praying for a quick recovery for you after giving birth! Congrats to you & Scott on a beautiful daughter!
I have been in your shoes before. My son was in the NICU for a month. It was always so nice to have family and friends come visit :) Please take care of your self. I know that is easier said than done. But get your rest while you can. You are going to be on diaper duty and midnight feedings before you know it. So glad the Lord is answering our prayers. Please know I say a prayer for Harper and your whole family every day.
Hang in there and please take care of yourself, take naps, eat snacks...breastfeeding/pumping alone can wear a new mom down.
I'm glad to hear more positive news.
I have more friends that have posted your story and more and more people that are praying for you all.
Kelly, you do what you need to do for YOURSELF and your precious baby girl! Take care of yourself...rest, eat, drink and PUMP, because when Harper gets better, she's gonna need all that good mama's milk!
Thoughts and prayers continue for you, Harper, Scott, and all of those other babies in the NICU from our tiny little town in Alabama.
(mom to 4 babies that started their lives in NICU)
oddly it seems like it's been so much longer than 3 days. so much has happened in so little time. i hope you will take the time to let your body heal. i know how hard it is to want to do everything and it's even harder when your body can't keep up with it all. i'm still going through that.
i've continued to pray for you and harper and now i will add those other sweet babies to my list.
having a baby sure makes you have a heart for all children.
take care.
Sweet Kelly, I'm believing with you and Scott for Harper's total and complete healing. God has great things in store for sweet Harper, I just know it.
How wonderful it was to see you with your precious baby girl!
From one lactating mother to another - keep up with your pumping. She needs it now especially! And please, please, try to get rest!
The first thing I do in the morning is turn on the computer and check for an update on Harper!
Thank you for sharing your journey with all of us.
Love and prayers . . .
Dear Kelly, Scott and Harper,
Y'all are just the sweetest family. I am glad the good news keeps coming for Harper.
So sweet to see a picture of you with your beautiful baby :)
(and so glad that you are pumping - former NICU dietitian here)
But do take care of yourself too.
You and your family are so gracious. I have thought about you and your precious daughter all day. With each thought I say a prayer. I am anxiously waiting for each of your praise reports.
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