Thursday, January 29, 2009

Another Great Day in the NICU

Here's our family of three (Harper Looks thrilled to be with us, huh? ha!) We had another good but busy day. I'm afraid I'm getting worse and worse at replying to (and reading) e-mails and you can see my blog post is coming extra late tonight. Now that our little pumpkin is awake and alert and feeding - we are trying to spend as much time with her as we can - plus we had a parenting class today. So if you don't hear from me - I love you and I'll try to get to you as soon as I can - but I am a momma now - and she takes first priority!!! (Can you blame me?)
Harper had a good day! She got all of the tubes out of her belly button. She was weaning off her pain meds so she got a little cranky today. We finally heard her cry! She sounds like a little lamb when she cries. It made us laugh. She was easily soothed with a little food or a paci.
This is our lactation specialist, Tina. (or as we like to call her - "Lac-tina". ha! She is SO nice - she helped us nurse this afternoon and Harper did pretty good. (She is not choking Harper - just burping her!) She was mad as a hornet at first and turned red and cried. We know we have to be patient. We bottle fed the rest of the day because she got so worked up - she was breathing a little hard and I want her to be able to breathe well so we will try again tomorrow!
Harper got moved to a cute pink crib today! She also got to wear clothes for the first time. Tomorrow I'm going to take her something cute to wear. This was me sad when she was throwing a fit. I wanted to scoop her up and kiss her all over. (I eventually did).
This sweet girl, Amy, came and saw me today and brought me the cutest note cards I've ever seen in my life that she made. SO thoughtful!!!! I got SOOOO many cute things in the mail today. I wish I could put them all on here but it might get out of control. I can't believe how nice all of you are. You REALLY don't need to send me things.........but I know it is all sent out of love and I can't express how much it has touched me.

Please pray for my friend Amy. She has a one year old girl and is expecting twin girls - Molly and Ruby. She is due the end ofApril but started having contractions and dilated today. They have given her medicine to stop it but I'm so worried. I've spent the last week looking at tiny babies and I'm praying her girls won't join that club.

P.S. Harper weighs 10 lbs and 9 oz! I love her so much!!!!

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Jennifer said...

What a memorable family pic! Still praying and praising!!

Lauren said...

Rejoicing with you and we completely understand, being a mommy comes first :) :)

Jill said...

I prayed all day that the nursing would go well. Isn't it funny how even those little fits are so adorable!!! Harper looks so good and so do you! YEA that she moved to a cute pink bed!!! It won't be long and she'll be sleeping in her precious bed at home!

have a lovely said...

precious precious precious little miracle...and what a doll baby girl to get a pink crib and all dolled up in cute clothes!!

Building Dave said...

I am so glad to see that all is well....I have been checking all day, but was hopeful that you had been busy with Ms Harper and not able to post! WONDERFUL...

I will continue to pray about the nursing...having nursed my own, I know its the milk that matters but it was an amazing experience to nurse them and if you want to do that, I am all for praying for it! You've got the right attitude, don't stress over it and it'll happen eventually.

I am just thrilled at how she is broke my heart that yall couldn't hold her...

God is good!!

Jill said...

harper looks precious in her little onesie. glad to hear you had a great day!
thanking God for His goodness~

Crazy About My Boys said...

Love the family picture! I am so excited you got to dress your little girl in clothes today and her pink crib is just so precious!

I look forward to your posts all day long. Thank you again for sharing your life with us. Enjoy your sweet baby. God bless you all.

April said...

I was just fixing to go to bed and thought I'd hit refresh one more time!! So glad I did! Can't wait to get back and check in on her new outfit and progress tomorrow! Praising Him with you!

Anonymous said...

Oh, she is just too cute! I love the pink crib!

Christy said...

I keep checking back every day for Praise reports and I am so thankful things are going well. Harper is adorable and your family picture...priceless!

Stephanie said...

OH MY GOODNESS! KELLY!!!!!!! She is soo adorable! We will keep on praying here in NH! Oh and we will add Amy to our list!

Stephanie and Dave Esposito

The Shupe's said...

Kelly you look so beautiful holding your sweet baby girl. I am so excited for you! I am praying daily for you.

Meredith - Mama of FOUR! said...

love it! you are inspirational! She is beautiful.

Anonymous said...

Love the family picture! Can't wait to see more.....Harper is just absolutely precious! We are still praying constantly for all of you!

Angela Rye

Kelly @ Sufficient Grace Ministries said...

Another day of rejoicing with happy for you.

Unknown said...


kate said...

she will be 1/2 happier in that pink crib..but the MOST happy in her crib in her brown suite in b-ville! I love her in ya'lls arms!
see you saturday!

that face I want to eat...she still weighs less than I did at birth....I'm so glad she is so healthy and most of all a spirit straight from God!

Martha said...

Hi Kelly!

I have been praying since I found out Harper was born. God is so good! Much Love & Blessings!

Harper is so cute! I like her pink bow!


Robin said...

She looks so precious in her sweet little clothes! I love the pink crib and very soon she will be in her adorable nursery! Thank you so much for sharing your sweet little doll baby with us!

Kara said...

Kelly she is SOOOOOOOOO beautiful and she absolutely deserves to be the center of all your attention! We are still praying!

Sarah said...

YAY! So excited for the progress that she has made, we are still praying for you all!

Danielle said...

Love all the pictures of you guys interacting with Sweet Harper. I am so excited that she is still doing so well and improving. Can't wait to see her in her DARLING outfit. Keep loving on that "Chunky Monkey" I can't believe she's already gained almost a pound.

Shannon Willcutt said...

I just e-mailed you and said you'd still be wading through e-mails and comments from these 2 weeks when Harper is 25 years old :) I was checking for a Harper update and realized the Arkansas VS Alabama basketball game was on, and told my husband that must be the reason you are late posting :) He said to tell you "pig sooey"...I guess that is like "ROLL TIDE" maybe??

Anyway...she is just precious, and I know ya'll are loving having your hands on her!!

Take care!

Shannon Willcutt

Jessi said...

Kelly I am a new reader...(the last month) but I am just so happy that God keeps answering your prayers for Harper. I think of your family everyday and wish you the best!

PreppyGirl said...

What a beautiful happy family! So good to see Harper's doing well!

Anonymous said...

I am so happy for your family. What a wonderful mom you have already become. I can't wait to see her in some of her cute little outfits! Still praying, especially that you will be able to take her home soon and that nursing will go well for you.

Ter said...

Glad to hear the good news keeps on coming...

and kelly, you are too cute even when you are pouting!! you make the rest of us look bad! ;)

Jamie said...

Love your family-of-three photo!!! And anyone who has kids will completely understand your difficulty in replying to e-mails...not to be discouraging, but I think it gets more and more difficult the more active the kids become! :) But that's okay!

H's pink bed is so fun! I can't believe she's 10#9oz...I was wondering if she'd lose weight at first being so sick...guess not!!! That's great! I hope you didn't buy too many newborn sized things--sounds like she'll be busting out of those in no time! :) I think she has changed already--even in just a few short days. There was one picture where I could REALLY see her looking like you!

I'm praying for your friend Amy--how scary. I can't imagine having contractions right now--how much of a panic I would be in!

My Mom has been calling in to check on Harper because they don't have power due to all the crazy ice. She started crying today when I told her that yesterday was wonderful--you got to hold her and she took TWO bottles in a row! Mom said she needed to hear some good news and that was wonderful--she said to tell you & your family that she's still thinking about y'all and praying for you regularly!

Did your Dad and in-laws make it back there safely? Harper sounds like she's doing GREAT--it makes me so happy to see these wonderful posts! Won't be long before she can go to your house and meet Dawson...if he hasn't decided to move to Flippin, that is! :)

Ruthie said...

Loving her in her clothes! Can't wait to see what you pick out for her tomorrow. Sophia was so excited to see you holding her. She didn't quite get why Mommy kept crying everytime I told her about it... :) So thankful for you all! Stay patient with the nursing. I gave up with Soph after she was about a 4 weeks old. Wish I'd tried harder. With my current baby, Riley, I stuck it out (I had much more support though, great lac. consultant, etc...) and it still took time, and I cried a lot and wanted to throw in the towel, but it was so worth it. Of course I know Harper will have extra challanges, but I will pray that the two of you can get the hang of it. Just try not to get too frustrated, and know that it doesn't come easy to anyone! At least no one I know! Anyways, I just know how challanging it can be and I want to encourage you and let you know I'm praying. I can't believe she weighs almost 11 lbs! She is so beautiful. Keep soaking up all the holding and cuddling.

Ruthie :)

Anonymous said...

I just love seeing all these great updates! I wish I could just *squish* those cute little baby cheeks of Harper's. She is a doll baby. I can't stop thanking God for being such a great God and witnessing this miracle. He is so amazing!

The pink crib is adorable! How cute is that!


i cant wait to see the " harper dresses" & i must say. i have nieces and nephews.. but I'm going to say that HARPER IS THE CUTEST BABY ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH! :) PRAISE GOD FOR HER. praying for you always.

Laura Marchant said...

You are a mom now and everyone understands that! Enjoy her...the blog world will continue to be here and praying .

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

You're absolutely right that being a mom takes priority over everything else these days!

Harper is beautiful, Kelly! I'm LOVING that you're getting to dress her up.

Hey...I just want to encourage you with the breastfeeding. It's not easy.

Still praying for you guys and hoping you get to head home soon. For now though it sounds like you're in a good place. I heard that NWA really got hit hard with ice.

Emily said...

How ADORABLE! What a precious baby! She is looking so good. Praise God! xoxo Emily

Michelle said...

A PINK CRIB!Perfect for your little baby doll! SO happy for you! Still praying! said...

She is so amazing! God bless the 3 of your!

katie lake said...

Oh My Goodness she's so cute! I can't wait to see what you pick out for her first outfit!

Angela said...

What a cute family! Praise God! My best friend found out she is pregnant today and has had great trouble in the past! She has already lost two...if you could please pray! GOD IS STILL IN THE BUSINESS OF MIRACLES!! I am so happy for ya'll. God is so good!
I can't wait to see the cute outfit tomorrow...I hope it is one with her name on it! :)

Anonymous said...

What a sweet family! Harper is a big girl. She is just precious!! I love the little pink bow in her hair..Too cute!!

Heather said...

She looks so adorable in her clothes! Still loving the bow in her hair, and again you look just fabulous! So glad you are able to hold your sweet baby now and kiss her! So happy to keep hearing the good news and still praying for you guys and what a beautiful family you have! praying for your friend Amy too! YAY for Harper!!!

Carol said...

I checked one more time before I headed to bed. So thrilled to see another great update about Harper! I love your 1st family picture together, you'll have to frame that one!
Love & Hugs,
Carol ~ in Tulsa

TriciaNae said...

love it! i'm so happy to see the good posts...and so happy for your family. that sweet girl of your's is just TOO cute!!

Whitney Vanderbilt said...

Love the family portrait... You have such a sweet family! I am sure everyone understand you are busy. We all know Harper is # 1 and she rightfully should be! Every picture gets cuter and cuter :) She is such a beautiful baby. It is apparent how much you and Scott love her... You both are glowing!

Anonymous said...

So happy for the wonderful progress Harper is making! What a little doll she is! I'll be praying for your friend Amy, too. God Bless!


I love when God shows off his miericals. I could not be any happier for your sweet baby girl harper, here on my blog the circle of life we have been praying for harper and are so glad to see her eating and healthy.

God bless and keep up with athat girl she is a blessing michelle

Jennifer said...

Harper is soooooo cute! Glad she got to move to a big girl bed & wear real clothes today. Can't wait to see more pictures & read another great update tomorrow. Continuing to pray for all of you!

Greenville, SC

Stephanie said...

Kelly I'm just so thrilled with you over Harper's progress! I just kept looking at her beautiful pictures last night, she looks so great without all those tubes and wires hooked up to her! I know you must be over the moon now that you can hold her and nurse her and love her tangibly. God is so good! So joyful with you guys....praying for a great couple of days and a release next week! Enjoy your baby girl and don't worry about your blog! We want you to soak up every minute with her!!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

She's a beauty!

10 lbs. 9 oz. WOW!!! She is doing really well!

I'm so glad to finally see a picture of the three of you together!

Laura said...

She is beautiful!!! God is SO good!

Sarah Joy said...

I have followed your blog since Harper was born - another blog I read linked to yours asking for prayers for your baby girl. I've never posted ... until now. I am in tears. What a joyous day! I've told a few people about your story, and they always ask how I know you. I smile and say, I don't. I just read her blog. :)

How wonderful is our God to have touched so many lives through such a precious little girl. Stay strong Harper, home is in sight!!

God Bless.

Stephanie said...

Gotta love the family photo.. Made me laugh..

God is sooooo good........................

Amen.. Amen

Kristen said...

A cute family picture and a pink crib! Life is good! I'm so happy for you!

Anna said...

Precious! You must be so happy!

Erica said...

Amazing! She looks wonderful. She's soo beautiful. It's amazing how much more like a person they become with clothes and no tubes!

I want the pink crib in my NICU! That'd be so sweet!

We are all so happy for you and the answered prayers! Such an amazing little lady you have!

Leza said...

Kelly I was anticipating your update today that I checked it while at work and then again while waiting in line at the supermarket. I am sooo excited that you got to put clothes on her, change her, move her to a cute bed, and nurse her. I prayed that it would work out for you with the nursing. She is definately a "healthy size" baby for sure. She looks just perfect. You look GREAT too! Take all the time you need to be with your beautiful family and we will all be waiting for matter how long in between updates.

God Bless

Sarah said...

Praise Jesus for His continued blessings. Real clothes...real crib...good day! :) Do not worry about not updating. You just hold that baby girl of your's and stare into her precious face!

Katy said...

That little toot, I love seein her get all worked up. She was putting on a show for her mommy and daddy. Such sweet photos, and I'm lovin her pink crib!!! Fun!! I bet you just love and squeeze on that little angel, I know I would.

Jaclyn said...

She is SO CUTE!!! I love her little pink crib.

Ms. Salti said...

Yay, Harper! I'm so proud of her! Hang in there, you'll get to take her home in no time! Keep the cute pics coming!

Annie said...

YAY! Clothes - how fun! I loved dressing Lizzie up when she was born - PINK still rules her closet! LOL She is just so beautiful, Kelly! It makes my heart leap that you can finally hold her, & kiss her & love on her! Dont worry about all of us, you just be mommy & soak it all in!! :) It all goes so quickly just kick back & hold her in your arms & stare at her all day long :) Praying for your friend!!!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures. She is a cutie. The pink crib is cute too. Hope she continues to do well.

E said...

Priase GOD!

Tales From My Empty Nest said...

What a precious family!!! You just need Dawson in the picture. Love the pink crib. What a girlie girl!!! Don't get discouraged about breastfeeding. It is not easy at first, but well worth the effort. I nursed my girls until they were a year old. I know all the grandparents are so thrilled to be coming back to see that darling Harper with her eyes open. Praise God for this miracle child!! I hope that you will be able to get her home soon. She has made such remarkable progress.
Love & blessings in NC!

Andrea @ Mommy said...

Yeah!!! And, a pink bed too :-)

I am so glad to witness a miracle like this! God is good and I am thrilled with all that He has done!!!

But...will continue to pray and read for updates because she needs to be home in that cute bedroom of hers :-)

Michael, Karen and Morgan said...

Praise God!! Harper is beautiful!

Melissa said...

Oh how precious to see your daughter in your arms! I am so happy for y'all! Praying for her to remain strong and continue to grow more and more healthy everyday! Enjoy her every moment, they are a gift of pure joy from God.

Anonymous said...

You need to spend as much time with your precious daughter as possible. If that means less time on here or emailing, then that's the way it has to be! She needs you right now!
Always here praying!
Romans 5:1-2 Therefore being justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ: By whom also we have access by faith into this grace wherein we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God.
Prayer Bears
My email address

Jennifer said...

YAY!!! You spend time with that precious girl, Mama. We're all just fine and SO happy that you are too busy to update us!

-Jennifer in OR

Kristin said...

I bet her cry was the best sound ever! I just had to post about Harper on my blog today. I'm just so happy for y'all!

Jon and Steph said...

Yay, I am so happy to hear that Harper is getting better and better everyday! She's so precious...
Continuing to pray for you all!

LKB said...

So glad to see the family all together for their first of many photo ops. I'm glad you finally don't have time to keep your posts updated, it means that Harper has turned the corner and is taking it all! God bless you all.

Coco said...

My Lord! My babies didn't weigh that much until they were a month old!!
My 3 year old has been praying for "cousin Harper" all week long. I've had to explain to him that we don't know Harper but we will continue to lift her up. Enjoy your chunky monkey. Gorgeous baby.

Anonymous said...

Yayyy! What a sweet little girlie you have! Continuing to praise Him for Harper's wonderful progress! Hang in there with the nursing - even babies (like my own!) who didn't have nearly so "exciting" a start as Harper have a hard time getting the nursing act together! Big hugs to "Lactina" (hee!) My LC was a lifeline for me! Praying that it all continues to go smoothly!Blessings to you all!

Rachel Spence said...

YAY!! Another great day for sweet Harper! I am so glad she continues to do well. She'll get the nursing--just takes a bit especially what she's been through. 10lbs 9oz!!!! Oh my stars that rocks the house! And Kelly!!! Beautiful! Still praying for her and all the other NICU babies. :)

Patti said...

Harper looks exactly like you in the picture with the lactation consultant, wow!!! We are overwhelmed with happiness at her progress. Way to put on the weight too Harper, hang in there little girl!!

MLP said...

OH Harper is just too ADORABLE!!! Your blog just makes me smile! Thank you for sharing your precious life with us...God is so good and you can see how ya'll are using this to show that to everyone!!!

Kelli said...

Such a great blog! Love all the pics of sweet Harper and I'm SO happy to see that she's doing well...thanks for sharing with us!!!

The Golf Widow said...

Love the pink crib!
Wow, she has almost gained a pound...Enjoy all the baby chub!!!Thrilled she is doing so well.Oh and the stick on bow is just too cute!

Mrs. Not-so-Domesticated said...

She's just too cute! Glad to hear she's feeding well and just be patient with the nursing, it will come. I'm so happy to see her doing so well!

Samantha said...

She is precious! Her onesie is cute, cute, cute too!
What a beautiful family picture, so cute!

Joyce said...

What a lovely family photo. Oh, little baby girls are just the best thing ever. Thank you for sharing. I think of your family every day and consider it a privilege to watch your story unfold and see all these many prayers answered in such a visible way.

Blessings, Joyce

Katie said...

Oh, Kelly! I don't think there is a soul out there who would fault you for putting mamahood as your first priority! :o) That sweet Harper face would get all of our attention, too! She looks so TINY, Kelly, in that pink crib (even though she is 10 lbs plus)!! I think she looks like day, you'll have to post a baby picture of yourself and Scott so we can see the lineup!

I will praying for your friend Amy and her babies, and for Harper's nursing. Take care, Kelly! Kiss Harper!

Jessica said...

Harper is a DOLL! I just want squeeze her. Praise God for His answers to our prayers.

Anonymous said...

Oh, I am just so excited for you to be able to hold your precious baby in your arms and feed her!!! My twins (who spent a long time in the NICU when they were born) saw your picture on our computer this morning and asked about Harper. They know that Mommy is praying for you!

Rune said...

Harper is so beautiful:)
We still pray.

Love and blesses from Norway

Anonymous said...

I made it in the first 100 comments - yessss! ;) And my baby is 7 months and I still find some of his fits too adorable. I'm am so SO happy for you and amazed at how well Harper is doing. Even tho I don't know you in person, I feel like I have seen a miracle in watching her go from the brink of death to an alert baby who's making huge strides to get better. Can't wait to read the update of when you get to take her home and begin your life as a family of three!

Always a Southern Girl said...

So glad things are still going well. Still praying and praising!!

myhouseof6 said...

Amazing! Harper is as pretty as her mama!! I can't wait until you can snuggle her in your own home!!

Becky said...

I don't recall any pink cribs in our NICU. My son in law would have thrown a royal fit if he would have come in only to find the boys in a pink crib! (No blue ones either) When you said she threw a fit I had to chuckle. Whenever I would go visit, a nurse would ask me which one I wanted to hold. I would tell her it really didn't matter and they always gave me the one 'misbehavin'
the most. She is so dog-gone cute!

Betsy said...

Being a mommy is totally your first priority from now on to forever!! All mommies understand! Welcome to the club! :)

Poor little Harper...I bet it's hard trying to adjust to everything after being so sick. Bless her heart.

Have a good day today...I'm so glad she's getting better and better!!!

Anonymous said...

There is no reason for an apology for not posting!! I am probably speaking for everyone when I say that. How WONDERFUL that Harper is doing so well. I am going to pray today that she gets better with nursing. What a sweet bonding time nursing is. Especially when you have had to wait so long to hold and nurse Harper.

She is simply beautiful. I think I have told you this every time I comment, but my oh my she is precioius. She seems to be so alert in the pictures. I know you must be so thankful for each day!!!

PTL for how well he is doing and I continue to pray each day. I look forward to your posts daily, but last night when it wasn't there late, I was excited because I knew that meant you were with your precius Harper.

God Bless Y'all,

Anonymous said...

Sorry. I accidentally pasted your blog address in my name above. That tells you I have been pasting your addy in my blog. Been getting all the prayers I can for you!!

Anonymous said...

I previously posted a comment about having a son 7 years ago that had a whole in each lung when born and was hooked up to everything Harper was. I had pumped and pumped as I am sure you have and when I finally got to nurse him my milk supply was so big from pumping that my son would get the milk to fast and was frustrating to him so hang in there there will be a ajustment period for your supply. By the way she is so stinkin cute. Just love her and enjoy her they grow up so fast.

Sandy said...

What a beautiful family!

Rachel said...

Rachel Mom of 8. I am so happy for your blessings. I cried when I was reading your story. Good tears.
We have a 13 year old Down syndrome boy "Scott". We were in the hospital for his first 2 months. He ended up having heart surgery at 1 month. God is SOOOO good! Scott is a healthy growing teen. Your story brought back so many memories. You are in my thoughts and prayers daily!
My husband went to school with Cheridyth Zachary. This is how I came to hear about your lovely family.
God Bless and Keep you!

Kelly said...

She is so beautiful, and it is wonderful to see you enjoying the "normal" new mommy stuff with her. Praise God!

She is so stinkin' cute in that bow and her onesie! My 10 and 11 year old daughters check in with me every evening and they just oohed and ahhed over her bow. When we got to the flower headband my 10 year old was speechless- she loved it:-)

Enjoy your day loving on that sweet thing, and I pray the nursing goes well today.

Anonymous said...

How wonderful that Harper can act like a newborn now, getting all mad and red in the face. I bet she was still just adorable! Our prayers continue for her, she's truly a miracle!

Ang said...

Yeah Harper

Lane Gunter said...

I stumbled across your blog last night and I've been reading and reading all of your updates. I just wanted to let you know that I said a little prayer for you, your husband and your precious baby! I'm a first time mom of a 4 month old baby boy. I'm so happy that she's improving so well. I will continue to keep you all in my prayers.

Lane Gunter

PS- I LOVE the name Harper!!! :)

McMemo said...

I love seeing her bright eyes open! What a huge blessing. Little Harper has such a look of determination-- I can just tell she will really make her mark on the world. Ten plus pounds of gutsy cutness. Give her a hug for me... You are a great mom!

Susan said...

Praise God! So happy for all of you and keeping you in my prayers. Harper is such a cutie!

Fran said...

YAY!!! Hallelujah! I think Harper looks fabulous and is the most beautiful chunky monkey I've ever seen!!! You look great too Kelly.

Thanks for the update. Praying always,

Melissa said...

Beautiful family pic! It's so great to see pictures of Harper awake! She's gorgeous!

Harper is a big girl! She weighs almost as much as I did when I was born (I was 11.5 lbs, my poor mother! haha!)

I will pray for you friend and her family, and of course you guys as well! :)

Colleen said...

Although I checked for an update several times yesterday, I knew you were busy being a mommy. We all know you are spending time with Harper and that is the most important! She looks so adorable in her outfit! You will have so much fun dressing her now. Little girls are so much fun because of all those adorable outfits! We had six grandsons in a row then BAM we are expecting our fifth and sixth granddaughters in March and May. Oh can I tell you they are spoiled rotten and I adore dressing them up. Take care and get as much rest as you can. You will be home soon and believe me, you will be really busy then!

Love Ya,

Rachel H. said...

Looks like a great day! Still thinking of and praying for you!

Mary said...

YEAH! God is good...All the time!!!

Deidre said...

Your first family picture! God is so good. I loved the previous pictures of her watching her daddy - just precious.

Still praying, Kelly!

Mandy said...

Wonderful news. Wonderful!!!

Karyn said...

Harper looks beautiful. You would never guess she has been in the NICU over a week.
I have four children and the first three took to nursing so easy, I even went two years with two of them. My fourth went to the NICU at five hours old and was so weak he could not latch on. I was devastated, but did not give up.
You need two things for successful nursing: a good milk supply and a healthy baby. Keep pumping and keep offering Harper the breast. When Henry (who loves looking at Harper's picture on the computer) was about Harper's age, he FINALLY got the hang of it.
You can go to and find out about breast pumps. Usually about $35 a month, with the double pump you can get 4-6 ozs in twenty minutes! Do not let people scare you with nipple confusion, etc. just keep trying (and praying.) Henry is just over a year and goes from breast, to bottle to cup.
Peace and joy!

Andrea said...

So happy for you & good days finally!!! We love the updates, but understand it is much more important for you to be with Harper!!! Here's to another great day!!! I hope the nursing goes better for you today!

Megan {The Brick Bungalow} said...

I think I can safely talk for everyone out here in Blogland that we completely understand you not getting back to emails and comments. You have a very important little, beautiful girl that needs and wants your attention. And of course, not to mention taking care of yourself and your hubby. I'm glad to hear that she's doing so well and that she's starting to breast feed. I look forward to that day when I can hold my baby and breast feed her too. Glad to hear she's a nice 10 lb girl! I love 'em when they're big (okay, I love all babies but I was a big girl, so I always like 'em that way!). She looks so good and healthy!!

Jennifer said...

LOVE the family photo, just precious!!! Hope you all have a wonderful day today!

Anonymous said...

What a great start to my morning! A wonderful update on Miss Harper. Who could ask for more... keep em' coming~

Anonymous said...

of course she was moved to a pink bed, I want you to know how glad I am that you aren't encouraging folks NOT to send your gifts, at a time like this people feel helpless and it really does more for the giver then the receiver when they can send you a little pick me up,

Meredith said...

Harper is a beautiful baby! AWW I absolutely cannot say that enough! She is just the cutest! I am praying for ya'll so much..praying she will get better and better every day!

Stephanie said...

Love to see a family pic!!!! Harper looks like she's doing wonderful and of course she is beautiful as always!!!!

Keeping all of you and your friend Amy in my prayers!

Stephanie said...

Keep up the great work, Kelli! Nursing a sick baby is always hard, but she'll get it eventually. My little girl was madder than ever too the first few times we tried. She doesn't want to work that hard - probably takes after her daddy! Anyways, Harper is so precious1 Still praying...and look forward to hearing when you can finally go home!

Rathi said...

Another wonderful update! Love the picture of the three of you. Can't wait to see her in her cute outfits!!! Praying that you guys get to go home soon!! Happy Friday and have a wonderful weekend!

Anonymous said...

Oh Kelly, she just gets more beautiful every day! I know you just absolutely adore her....I know I do! Praise God for this wonderful baby! Love you! Crystal Williams

Anonymous said...

You are such a good mommy! Harper is absolutely the cutest baby and I love seeing new pics of her everyday. It won't be long and you will be at home and she will get to wear her tutu!

Jess :) said...


I know Ang already said this, but I've been thinking it as well, so I'm just going to say it, "I so want to eat that little girl up!" Well, in the most loving and humanly way possible, that is!! Actually, is there a humanly way to "eat a child up?" Maybe not...but you know what I mean!! ;) She is absolutely an adorable little butterball and I love her to pieces!

Pictures are precious, once again! You just keep on spending as much time with her as you possibly can and don't worry about e-mails! We will all still love you!

Take care and we'll talk soon!!

Lots of LOVE, HUGS, and continued BLESSINGS being sent your way!
Jess :)

Crystal Oh said...

She is so beautiful! Still praying for her and mommy and daddy!

petrii said...

Harper is so beautiful!!! And ya'll together is just PRICELESS!!

Still praying for you all,

Ann said...

So glad to hear that Harper is continuing to improve. Prayers are lifted up daily for your sweet family. May God bless you.

Judy said...

Everyday just gets better and better! I can relate sooo much to your story. Every little change is worth praise. I remember when my little guy got to wear an outfit. You would have thought I won the lottery! Thinking of you in Columbus OH.

Jessi said...

Harper is just beautiful...and growing like a little weed already...whoa, 10.5 pounds. And I just LOVE the pink crib. ;-)

Keep trying with the nursing (try not to get too discouraged), she'll get it, it'll just take some patience (on both of your parts).

Even though things are going so well, know that I am still praying for your little princess. Have they noted that she's fully "out of the woods" yet? Can't wait for you guys to be able pack her up and take her home.

The Allens said...

Kelly, that is wonderful! Thank you so much for taking the time to update us! She's fabulous!

FROGGITY! said...

She's wonderful! What a blessing!!!

Anonymous said...


My first baby spent a week in NICU before coming home. She got used to the bottle, and we had a heck of a time getting her on the breast after that. The lactation nurses were so kind, and they would say things like "The most important success factor for breastfeeding is the committment of the mother to stick with it."
I know they meant to be encouraging, but when those words hit my heart it sounded like this: "It's your fault if this doesn't work." Ouch.

Later, I realized how true their words are. When we got our girl home, we did everything we could to get her on the breast and nursing well. I called a consultant every day, and even went in a few times for in-person help. We tried everything -- pumping before, pumping after, offering the breast during non-hungry times, using a funky plastic thing that goes on the breast, and even 'finger feeding' through a syringe and a little french wire taped to my husband's finger. If a lactation nurse suggested it, we tried it. Our nights were long and difficult. At the 3-week mark I was starting to have very negative, resentful feelings toward my baby. I decided I did not want feeding my child to be something I dreaded and hated. I wanted it to be a positive, loving, nurturing experience. Even my own mother started saying that maybe it just wasn't worth this, and began asking me why I was being so stubborn when our baby clearly had a mind of her own. On a particularly bad weekend, I made a decision -- if she was not nursing well on Monday morning, I would go for one more lactation consultation to be sure I had tried everything. After that, if she didn't accept breastfeeding, I was going to switch to bottle and not feel guilty or negative about it in any way. I would know I had done my best, but that nothing was worth bringing feelings of resentment and negativity between me and my baby. Well, that morning she latched for the first time. It was amazing. Then, a few hours later, another pretty good feeding. We had turned a corner. It not perfect, and there were still some rough spots in the weeks to come, but we had made it. I ended up nursing her exclusively to 7 months and well past her 1st birthday.
So, it really was my determination (and God's grace!) that allowed us to get through to a good breastfeeding relationship. I hope and pray that you and Harper have none of those struggles. But, if you do, here are some things to remember:
1. It is a partnership. It's not just you, but you and Harper. You are both novices, and you are both unique individuals. You have to figure it out together.
2. Listen to advice and get lots of help. This is not a time for modesty, privacy, or toughing it out alone.
3. Desipte getting lots of help and advice, remeber that you and Harper are a unique mommy-baby union, and what has worked for other moms and babies may not be right for the Kelly-Harper situation.
4. Be determined -- if this is something you want, be prepared to stick with it for a while.
5. Be flexible and forigiving -- I know there is a lot of pressure on moms to breastfeed, and some zealots out there who will make you feel like you are giving your child 'second best' if you use formula. Just remember that there are millions and millions of happy, healthy, well-adjusted people out there who never had a drop of breastmilk. If breastfeeding does not work for you and Harper, be flexible, do what works for you, and never feel guilty or inferior for bottle feeding your baby.

Thanks for sharing your and Harper's story. I've been kind of addicted to your updates this past week and have been praying for you all.
JL Hutson

Anonymous said...

Just so happy for all of you!

Continuing to pray for continued healing! She is just precious!

Mrs. H said...

She IS the prettiest baby! But I don't have to tell you already know it :)! God Bless you!

Anonymous said...

I'm sooo glad that you are to busy taking care of Harper to respond to emails and post as often. Welcome to Motherhood! :) So glad the she is doing so well. Harper is beautiful! Stil praying for y'all. Hope that she takes to nursing today. Take your time with it. You are both learning how it all works!

Kate said...


Harper is just a beauty, really! It looks like things are going really well, and for that we are all so truly thankful. For some reason, I have always skipped over a particular song on my Selah CD. The other day I was driving along lost in thought, and didnt' stop to press Skip. It caught my attention immediately! You and your precious family came to my mind as I listened to them sing "In Jesus name, we press on". You are such a testament to him! Keep pressing on! Grow Harper grow!

sweethomealagirl said...

I doubt there's a person around who'd be offended not to get a reply from you! That you are keeping us so updated each day is PLENTY! I'll be praying that nursing gets better & better - I bet it will, the more Harper realizes how much she loves her mommy :) Y'all are beautiful!

Hope said...

She's beautiful. I love the pic of the three of you, what an amazing family you have. ((Hugs))
I hope today is a great day.

Anonymous said...

Praise God! You guy will have an awsome testimony when this is over and you have her back home. It has been such a blessing to me to see God answer your and our prayers.

God bless and keep us updated.

Jeff in Alabama

Hopsy said...

What a darling photo of your family of three! Harper is so big!! I just love her pink crib too and am so thrilled all continues to go well! I cannot wait to see her darling outfit today!!

Jennifer said...

I am so glad that she is doing so well. I will pray that nursing gets easier.

zanesmommy said...

Being a former NICU mom and one that breast fed, with lots of help from lactation. I just want to tell you not to be discouraged and be continue to work at it. She will get it. It will be the best thing one she does. Continuing to pray. She is beautiful.

Christine in AZ

JenB said...

Harper is seriously beautiful. How awesome that you are holding her now! God is good!!

Juls said...

Harper is so beautiful, and I cant believe how well she is doing. She is a true God send, and was definately sent to you and your family for a reason. She has touched so many people, and will forever be in our hearts.

Keep up the great work Harper!!

Laurie said...

That precious little lamb! I love her. YES< she is your first priority. Glad ya'll are getting all this holding, feeding, bonding time. There is NOTHING better!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Linda said...

Happy to see her in the cute, little pink crib. She is a beautiful baby....praying for more great days.

Laurie said...

Emily just saw these pics and said, "YEAH MAMA, HARPER GOT A SISSY!!!" AWEEEE". Isn't that the pits that she would get so excited about that??

Jennifer said...

Harper looks a lot like you in the pic where you see her profile a little more! Beautiful!

She is so sweet...enjoy this fun time with your precious girl!

Amanda Spain said...

She is sooooo sooo precious! I love her head, it is just so round and sweet...and those cheeks are just soo round I want to eat em up! I love a chunky baby. Just want to squeeze them all over! Glad you guys are doing better!

Allison said...

I LOOOOOVE CHECKING IN AND READING GOOD NEWS!! I PRAISE GOD for all the wonderful news with Harper.

Last week at my ladies class I told some very precious ladies about your Harper. I barely made it thru the door yesterday before they were asking me of news. They have been on their knees all week for your precious baby. It brought me to tears to see how much they loved Harper too.

We are still praying and PRIAISING!!!!

Jill said...

Wow -- Harper looks like your brother, Chris, in the picture where 'Lac' Tina is burping her!

Kelly Taylor said...

Another wonderful update of praise! We're thankful for another post and pictures, but please don't think we all get upset when you don't post often. My goodness, you have to make up for lost time. I would be spending every waking second I was allowed with that precious gift. We don't blame you at all. Harper comes first...we can wait for all those wonderful photos and words of inspiration.

Ruth said...

What wonderful news! I can't wait to see the cute outfit you put her in today.

Lisa said...

Oh, she looks so pretty in her clothes and her little pink bow. By the way... I totally understand where you are coming from when it comes to her crying and not being too happy. You are right... you just want to scoop them up and make them all feel better. Glad to hear that things are going well with her. Are you still feeling under the weather or did that pass? Hope you all are doing well.


Amanda said...

Yeah for clothes and a pink crib and getting to try nursing! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Kelly, people who get aggravated at new moms (especially ones in your situation) for not being in touch either have no clue or are really selfish. Of all times in your life, this is when you have a free pass to hibernate joyfully with your family. Blessings to you!

Candice said...

She is such a beautiful baby! It is so wonderful to see her improving so rapidly! Praise God that He works miracles and that He hears every one of our prayers. I'm still praying for Harper's health and that feeding times go well. I'm so glad you're getting to spend so much time together!

The Shabby Princess said...

You three are such a sweet family! Harper looks so cute in her little onesie and bow. Awwww!

Lazy Mom Leslie said...

I am so thankful for answered prayers for you! Still praying here. If Harper doesn't take to breastfeeding, don't stress! My first breastfed like a chammp and wouldn't touch a bottle. I didn't produce enough for my second and ended up only bottle feeding him. Both are SO healthy and SO smart. Do what works for you and be proud!

Tammy said...

Oh Kelly,
I am so proud for y'all. She is beautiful and looks so healthy. Don't get discouraged about the breast can be a challenge in the most normal of circumstances. I will continue lifting Harper up in my prayers!
Love, Tammy from Alabama

Kara said...

What great pictures! We serve an amazing God don't we! Praising God for all the progress and still praying for you!

Megan L Hutchings said...

The first thing I noticed was that Harper had on the cutest clothes ;)! The little bow adds so much!!!

I am so happy for you and Scott that she is continuing to improve ;)!

Megan said...

She is doing so great! And SOOOOO beautiful! My little guy has been sick with RSV all week so I haven't been able to keep up with your blog, but I was so excited to read this and the previous post! And just keep on trying with the nursing! I had a baby that didn't have pnemonia at birth (still 9lbs 12oz though!) and nursing was really tough at first. Just keep with it! It's SO worth it! And pumping exclusively has great great benefits too if it comes to that! Don't be discouraged--it's hard for most everyone!

P.S. - You will have something in the mail coming from me, but it will probably be awhile because it's something to use in the future!

Momof4 said...

God Blee you all!! I am so glad she is a miracle baby!

Lea Ann said...

PTL! She is just beautiful and you guys are such an adorable family. Still praying and praising in Tennessee!

Heather said...

Your family pic is SO cute! Harper is looking great, but I don't need to tell you that!

We'll be praying for Amy!

Anonymous said...

At Bible study Thursday afternoon we had Harper on our PRAISE list!

Go be a momma and blog later. So happy for you all, Jill

Anonymous said...

She is just precious! I love hearing your updates on Harper, but was I think most of us are excited that you are holding and feeding her and don't have as much time to update!
So happy that she is doing so well!

Amy said...

Good Morning, Kelly, Scott and Harper -

I want to share a song with you guys that my husband found the other day that really reminds him of our daughter. It's called Cinderella and it's by Steven Curtis Chapman. Scott, it's a TOTAL daddy/daughter song. You and Harper will love it! Cherish every moment!


Amy said...

Good Morning, Kelly, Scott and Harper -

I want to share a song with you guys that my husband found the other day that really reminds him of our daughter. It's called Cinderella and it's by Steven Curtis Chapman. Scott, it's a TOTAL daddy/daughter song. You and Harper will love it! Cherish every moment!


Tessa said...

SHE IS SOOOO CUTE!!! i think when they get mad like that they are just cuter that ever. i just love babies. glad to hear she is doing well. hopefully you go home soon!!!

Kyndal said...

My keyboard has been busted, so I haven't commented, but it has been such a blessing to watch Harper improve bit by bit each day and to hear her momma repeatedly testify of her faith in the One who healed her! Thank you for living the way you do! Can't wait to see what's next!

The Walkie Talkie said...

Kelly, It is all about Harper! Totally understandable if the posts become fewer and somewhat far between. You have better things to do and I will take whatever Harper updates I can get. Thanks for sharing today! Looks like another memorable day. And I will be praying about the breast feeding. I personally am a breastfed disaster but it sounds like you have a good coach and you have the right perspective! So proud for you guys! Love and prayers, Jenny Beth

Anonymous said...

oh my WORD she is such a DOLL!!!!!!
i can't stand it.

you just keep enjoying every minute with your angel.


Susan said...

I have been following Harper's progress and I am so impressed with your big, beautiful girl. GO HARPER!!

julie & joe said...

Harper is beautiful! I am so glad she is doing so well. Hopefully you will get to go home soon. Still praying for you.

Anonymous said...

Harper is so gorgeous! I love seeing her face without all those tubes!!

Kristine McKowen said...


Jessica said...

It's so awesome to read/see pics of the moments you're sharing with your angel!

It seemed for your friend AMY you had a link, but it didn't work when I clicked on her highlighted name in that paragraph you typed about her. Just wondering if you were trying to lead readers to a site for her?

Enjoy your weekend with your princess!

Jennifer said...

These pictures are just so sweet! It sounds like Harper had another great day! You are exactly right...she is your first priority! Do not feel like you have to give attention to everything around you! These first few weeks and months fly by way too fast and there is no reason for you to have to miss a second of time with your sweet girl! Enjoy her! I'm so excited for you and Scott. I know it is only going to get better from here!

Unknown said...

Such cute pics! She is so beautiful! So glad things are going well!

Cathi said...

Kelly and Scott,
You have a beautiful daughter. She looks alot like Kelly to me. God Bless You all! You are an inspiration to soo sooo many......may many more come to know our Lord and Saviour through Harper's illness. I am so happy to see that she is doing so much better. Love you all!!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer Owens said...

How exciting to see Harper in a cute outfit and all alert! What a answer to prayer! And she is so pretty - she's gonna look just like her momma!!! (o:

Joyce said...

You are definitely a momma first from here on out! Anyone who is a momma knows that.

I don't think I've ever seen a colored crib in any nursery, it's great. She does look great in real clothes-let the fun begin! Of course, it's not like she has anything to wear.

I will pray for your friend expecting the twins, I know that it is a scary time for her. I love the names she has chosen, my mom's name is Ruby.

I will continue to look for updates, but totally understand that they may be farther apart these days. Enjoy every minute with precious Harper. Looking forward to many more family pictures over the years.

Jenn said...

We have been without electricity since Tuesday morning and I have to tell you that seeing these pictures is so exciting!! Praise God!!! She is absolutely precious!

Anonymous said...

Harper is so beautiful, praise God for all he had done! I have been following your blog for a couple of weeks now, and am amazed at the special care Harper is recieving in the NICU. I'm currently a nursing student and am now leaning towards becoming a NICU nurse!

Cedar Park, TX

pinkmommy said...

Don't apologize to us girl, you just love on your baby! I know she will be one spoilt baby girl, and she should be! :)

Be patient with nursing. It takes a while for it to be completely natural. Like weeks. Don't be discouraged. Know that all nursing moms have been through it, and it is not easy...but SO worth it!

Shawna said...

Wonderful pictures, so nice to see that she is doing SO well!

Sending our love and prayers as she continues to get better!

Lisa said...

She is precious!! What great news that she might be home soon!!! My girls were both bigger too and I just love those little rolls... just kiss all over them!!
Good luck with nursing!

Kristin Stegent said...

Harper looks so cute in the girly pink crib! I am so glad that she is doing so well...and am praying nursing will go well! :)

Krystal said...

So thrilled for all of you! Yes, Praise God!

So, does Harper look like her momma? I don't know y'all, so I can't be sure, but I think she looks like Kelly, at least right now.

Again, thank You, God!!!

Cori said...

Is it just me, or does she get cuter every day?!? ;)
My youngest is a chub and I think it's so adorable. Harper reminds me a lot of my Em.

I'm so glad that she's progressing so well. Good luck with nursing! She'll get the hang of it.

TAFTY5 said...

Only Harper would have a pink crib!;0)
She is just darling!
Enjoy your time with her. There is nothing better than being a Mommy!

You look AWESOME!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

Harper is wearing clothes! Yeah! I love your first family photo! It makes me feel so happy and wonderful that Harper is doing so well...she is such a specialy little girl!

Carol said...

Kelly, I have really enjoyed finding your blog and being updated on Harper. She sure is a beautiful little girl! My first 2 babies (I have 4) were both preemies and spent time in the NICU. I totally understand wanting to spend as much time with them as you can! Especially when you haven't been able to. My second baby was born without an immune system and I got a cold when he was in isolation. It was heartbreaking for me not to be able to go in and touch him even if it was through gloves and a mask. I was worried when I read one of your earlier posts about getting a cold! Just make sure you are drinking your orange juice and resting when you can! Also make sure you're drinking enough water so you can keep your milk supply up. Harper needs as much mama's milk as she can get. :D You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Anonymous said...

I love the Stamps family picture you posted! Harper is just looking more and more beautiful with each passing day, and I know that you feel the same! :) Praying for y'all and also praying for Amy.

Kristen said...

I am a new reader and want you to know you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Your faith is inspirational.

Anonymous said...

She is so alert and absolutely beautiful! Congratulations on your little family! God is so good!

Madison Sanders said...

My mom and dad had to take a CPR class before they were allowed to take us home from the NICU. Is that what you had to take.

I'll be praying for you're friend. When my mom had us, her water broke really early. they tried to stop us from coming, but it didn't work. They have a lot more technology today, though.

e.m. said...

Yea!!! THANK YOU for posting these updates. I have been thinking of you all and have been a lurker but I just wanted to let you know (as if you need to be told again) Congratulations!

That Pink Girl said...

She looks just like her momma! We are so happy for y'all! Good is good and God is always good.

Unknown said...

these pictures are just so sweet! and Harper looks perfect. i can't wait for ya'll to take her home and we get to see all those cute outfits:)

will continue to pray for that precious baby and for your friend Amy and her babies.

MaryBe said...

Harper looks so beautiful, but so do you! How do you look so pretty, with all you have been through?? I wish you all could be home right now, resting and being pampered. Soon!

Kelli said...

You and Scott take care of that precious baby! Don't even think twice about updating us bloggers. We are rejoicing with you!

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