Sunday, December 07, 2008

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Warning: The baby Scott is holding is a DOLL - not Harper. She is still growing in my belly for hopefully at least 4-5 more weeks!!!!

I wanted to take pictures in our last night of child birth classes but my camera died after this one shot and plus everyone in there looked at me like I was completely crazy when I whipped out my camera.
1. Obviously they don't blog
2. It's not every day I get to see my husband holding a baby doll and changing her diaper and giving her a sponge bath! ha!
I was very pleasantly surprised when they had each of us fill out these sheets with all kinds of household and baby chores and we had to rank who we thought should handle those (a 1 for me, a 10 for Scott and 5 was a shared task). I figured Scott would put 1 on anything but I loved that he put 5 on almost everything including getting up with the baby at night. I can't wait to see him in action as a dad!
I got a wonderful surprise on Saturday because I got two packages from who I lovingly refer to as "sweet Caroline". She sent Harper a pearl bracelet and I loved it so much because she included a card with this verse "Again the kingdom of Heaven is like a merchant seeking fine pearls" Matthew 13:15 and went to talk about how she hoped pearls would be special to Harper as a symbol of God perfecting her and forming her to make her unique. She also sent me this neat Japanese doll that she got for me in Japan this summer. She told me her mom had one and she loved to look at it as a little girl. This is special to me because honest to goodness - when I think of what I want Harper to be when she grows up - if she could be just like Caroline - I would be thrilled. I want her to be pretty and kind but I want her to be Godly beyond her age and have a heart for missions. I pray every day that God would do something special with Harper - whether it be teaching Sunday School, singing in the choir or going on the mission field.

We went on the tour of homes today and it was so great! I met two ladies at two different homes who both read my blog. That was fun - one of them I know has a blog - (Hey Lindsey!) and the other works with my friend Kelli! ( You can't take pictures in the homes - I wish - because some of the ones we went to were amazing. One of the homes had a little girl (about 9) named HARPER!!!! Of course I loved her room!)

Also - my friend Caryn has been trying to have a baby for a couple of years and has been down the fertility drug route and she just found out she's pregnant!! I had put her on the prayer blog so now I'm moving her to a PRAISE!!! I'm so excited for her. And so excited that I see God moving and I hope all of you who are on the prayer blog or who are waiting will be encouraged that you are not far! I know this is such a hard time of year. Last year I found out I wasn't pregnant on Christmas morning (Merry Christmas to me!) and it was very difficult but I keep thinking lately about what a difference a year can make. I hope you will focus on the fact that this time next year - things could be SO much better. God will not leave you in this valley forever - you are on a journey - you aren't stuck here - you are just passing through!!!!

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Katie said...

What a cute picture! hehe! He looks like a pro! ;o)

It's funny that you mention how you thought everyone was looking at you funny when you whipped out your camera. I always am taking pictures, and I know folks are looking at me like I am crazy!

Laurin Pearce said...

Such sweet gifts to receive in the mail and how cute is the baby doll in your hubby's hand! Of course non-bloggers would look at you a little strange! LOL! The verse included in the card touch my soul!

TheDPGang said...

Oh my stars...I logged on and saw Scott w/ a baby! I got excited for a minute and thought Harper was here....what a nut! Of course, you told us you were going to the class. Scott does look like a pro and it is such a cute, cute picture. Love the verse on the card ~ very sweet.

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Oh, I'm so glad you got that picture of Scott before your camera died! And night time relief every now and then will do wonders for you!!! (: Way to go Scott!

Caroline is so kind and thoughtful. That pearl bracelet will look absolultely precious on Harper's wrist.

Dale Bader said...

I love your new blog look!
Scott looks like such a professional with that baby. Your time is right around the corner...
The bracelet is beautiful!
Have a great week.

The Garners said...

When I first opened your blog my heart stopped for a split second when I saw Scott holding that "baby"--I thought you'd gone into labor today and this was your post!!!!!!!!! Hopefully H will wait just a little bit longer! :) I laughed when I read that people in the class thought the camera idea was crazy...definitely not bloggers, they're missing out.

The gifts from Caroline are so neat--she sounds like such a very sweet person!

Jenna said...

Love the picture of Scott! Harper is so blessed to have such a good daddy!

And that Caroline - she is the best!! I LOVE the gifts...they are just perfect! I want to grow up to be just like Caroline, too! :-)

Heather said...

I am not surprised at all about Scott's willingness to hubby was the same way and it is a BLESSING!
I love what you wrote at the end of the post...I wrote something very similar to post for tomorrow...great minds, huh? More like a Great God!
Love you friend!

Anonymous said...

Hey Kelly! I just wanted to know if you got all those cake balls ready in time. Haha. I was sending prayers and good thoughts your way, hoping you didn't get too stressed out. :)

Well I Do Declare said...

I nearly had a heart attack when i saw that picture of Scott! I obviously wasn't looking closely enough, bc I though "Harper has come early"!!!

Amanda Ledford said...

Must say that I thought the same thing!!!! Haha!

Thank you so much for all the encouragement and prayers for all of us still waiting! You are the best!!! :-)

Kristy said...

Just like everyone else... I thought Harper was here when I glanced at the picture! I am getting excited to see pictures of her!

Erin said...

Kelly -
What a great way to think of it, we are not stuck here for ever! We are on a journey and we are just passing through! Perfectly put! God works his magic and knows where he wants to take us! I can not wait to see Harper in this blog world!

The Schulers!!

Kaitlyn said...

What a great post-- I love what you wrote at the end. I truly needed to hear that!

Kendra said...

That IS encouraging! Congrats Caryn!!!
Love the pic =-)

Jill said...

Caroline is such a her! Such a special gift.

Thanks for the encouraging words for all of us still waiting and I'm praising Him for answering our prayers in regards to Caryn!! He is such a good God!


Laura Ann said...

Sounds like the classes went great for you guys and Scott will be a HUGE help. Be so thankful that you have a husband that is willing to help, because you will need it. There is nothing that my husband is not willing to do & it just makes our relationship and his relationship with Emma so much better. The load in our house is split very equally and I love it that way. Curtis would get up with me when I nursed Emma at night, just to talk to me so I was not alone. I am confident Scott will be a very hands on and involved father and that is WONDERFUL.

Oh, I attempted to make the cake balls this evening and I must admit they are yummy, but OH SO UGLY! My husband was laughing the entire time at what they looked like. Any advice you can offer? I would love to make them for Christmas, but I think they will all be left on the platter if they look like they do tonight.

When you get a chance can you email me an address where I can send you something I could not pass up for MISS HARPER.

Have a great week. Get some are so close to having that baby girl in your arms.

Caryn C. Foresee said...

Kelly, you are so wonderful. I am so glad that women who go through this struggle are able to look to you for strength and inspiration. You have no idea, but you have definately helped me get through the past few months. So lucky to have met you.

Ali said...

I enjoy reading your blog daily! We have never meet but I am a arkansan who recently moved to Texas with my husband couple of years ago. Your post today was so inspiring and uplifting. I was recently diagnosed with Chrons Disease and you reminded me to so remember how I am not going to be in the difficult place for long, that god is taking me on a journey with him and hopefully this time next year I will too be much healthier and happier. Thank you for your inspriation!

Pam said...

Hi Kelly,
I thought of you today on the tour of homes when I saw the Harper room! Did you see that house? It was so cute! I like the new blog look.

C♥ said...

I found you through 'blog-surfing'.

I am pregnant with a boy (my first too) due in February.

So excited for you!!!

I back tracked and read all the way to when you announced you were pregnant.

That's awesome!!! Can't wait to keep following you!!!

Jacquie said...

"Obviously they don't blog"... and I'm thinking... obviously they don't know who YOU are in the blog world. Ha!! Too funny. They'd be asking for autographs if they did.

Scott looks SO natural with that fake baby!

Stephanie said...

Good word Kelly! A year can make quite a difference, can't it? Love the picture of Scott and the doll...I can't wait to show that to Travis and fill him in on what he has to look forward to in birthing classes!! I also would have loved to know what people thought when you got your camera out, because I so would have done the same thing!!

Jennifer said...

You know if I were to ever have a baby girl, (NOT that we're trying!!) I too would want her to be like Caroline. But I would also be thrilled if she were at all like you! I've so enjoyed reading both of your blogs over the past 4-5 months. You're both such a blessing to me!

Scott looks like such a natural!!

Claire said...

Hi Kelly and Harper (and Scott and Dawson),

I just came across your blog and had to read all the way back to who knows when...

Just came across the picture of Dawson swimming near the 'park' and I have to say he is adorable! How can I convince my man that we need one of those?!?! Especially when we already have two cats...


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that child birth class was so successful and Scott looked so cute holding the doll! Thank you for your encouraging words. I had a tough week, and it is a nice reminder that I am just "passing through" this and that things will change! Thanks! :) ~Lacy

Brittani's Holding Little Hands said...

Precious Kelly,

I can hardly wait to see Scott with "the real Harper" in his arms! How blessed she is to have you both.

I cannot tell you how much I appreciate your constant encouragement. As I am believing God, He is faithful in surrounding me with others like you who are believing Him for me, too!

Just passing through,

Vashti said...

Kelly thankyou so much for the encouraging words....Last christmas day I also found out that I wasnt pregnant...I had bought the test because I was convinced i was and wanted to give my husband a positive test for his gift, woke up christmas day to find out that i wasnt! So thankyou for your words today. You are such a blessing!

Lianna Knight said...

Like always...thank you for your encouraging words Kelly. It is a rough time of year... I too found out, the day after Christmas, that our first IVF failed. It was not a fun Christmas. But I have hope this year that God has a plan for us...and it will be a glorious one!!

Julia said...

Sweet Caroline never ceases to amaze me! What a special gift. If Harper grows up to be like Caroline then I'll for sure have to make sure Asher meets her because that's the kind of girl I want him bringing home to Mama!

Were you allowed to take pictures of the tour of homes? Maybe not, but if so we'd love to see them!!!

The Allens said...

We start child birth classes the first week of January. I am excited about it. I am also very excited to see my husband as a father. I think it will be fantastic.

mrs shortcake said...

oh, that last phrase was EXACTLY what I needed to hear. I'm just passing through, I'm just passing through... thank you!

Olde Town Style Guide said...

He looks like a pro already!! He is going to be one blessed man with two beautiful girls in his life!!

I have no doubt that Harper is going to make a difference in this world. I'm sure God's plan for her is amazing and she is going to make you so proud!

Sarah said...

Oh, I keep getting teary when I think about last Christmas! Truly, what a difference a year can make! :)

Megan L Hutchings said...

That is such a cute picture of Scott and the doll ;)! I also think it is wonderful that he wants to share so many tasks with you. It truly makes a difference!!!

Unknown said...

Kelly~thank you for your words of encouragement. your strength and inspiration mean so much:) and thank you for reminding me that this valley is NOT forever!!

Anne said...

What an absolutely precious picture!!

Lindsay said...

It was sooo nice to finally meet you in person! Glad I said hi although I felt a little silly! Thanks for being so nice!

Jennifer said...

How cute is that picture!

I'm so glad Scott wants to help with everything! It is so great, especially in the middle of the night! Josh always goes and gets Brody out of his crib and brings him to me so I can nurse him, then, he takes him and puts him back in his crib. A lot of nights he will rock him for a little while before he lays him back down. It's so nice to have the help!

Christy said...

Hi Kelly - Lindsay is a GREAT friend of mine (one of my friends that got me into this whole blogging world!) and as soon as I read that you met someone that reads your blog, I knew it was her since I knew she'd be working one of the homes in B. County. I'll have to tell her how I introduced myself to you in Walmart! I don't think you were going to get to many of the homes, a lot of the ones South were pretty contemporary. My favorite was the home with the little girl Harper!

Julie said...

What a nice picture!!! He is holding that doll so protectively!!
Scott is going to be smitten with Harper!!

{K} said...

I'm so happy to hear about your friend Caryn! That's great news. She and her baby will be in my thoughts and prayers!!

Caroline said...

Oh love you friend! you are so sweet to me!

Tammy Lou said...

Did you get to see the Harper room today on the home tour. When my sister and I walked in I told her I would liked to have your seen your smile...The houses were beautiful...Thanks for a wonderful blog...

Jennifer Owens said...

I love the collage!! How fun to have watched you grow - I am so eager to see Harper! (o:

Thanks again for always being such an encouragement for where everyone is on our journeys.

R said...

husbands are the greatest...i never got up in the middle of the night for feedings! i love my man to pieces. (i didn't nurse.)

LOVE the pearls! no Southern girl's wardrobe is complete without them--even the littlest girls!! :0)