Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Welcome to my Crib

Look who is afraid this is where we are going to start making him sleep? ha!

Scott put the crib together tonight. He was going to do it last night but we had a double date with two of our favorite people -
Do you not just LOVE "Biggest Loser"?????

I am having a crazy busy work week. I worked a little over 11 straight hours today and when I left it was too late to go to choir practice and I was too tired anyway. But I have so many great things coming up in the next few days - I'm having dinner with Julie tomorrow night, my mom is coming to spend the night Friday night and this weekend - Scott and I are taking a little getaway (a mini babymoon) to Tulsa to celebrate our 5 year anniversary (two weeks early) and go to Babies R Us to pick out a stroller, pack and play and look at other baby stuff. I can't wait to get away for a night with my favorite person! And we are finally going to eat at the Melting Pot. I've been wanting to eat there forever!!! Have you ever been to one? And did you like it?


Mike, Kacy & Wells said...

Dawson looks WAY to comfortable in the crib. Props to Scott for getting his part of the room done!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Your weekend plans sound fun! We went to a Melting Pot about a month ago for a date was wonderful!!!

The crib looks terrific!

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

It's good, but on the pricey side. Really really fun, though. And I watched like a hawk when she made the cheese fondue for the apples/bread and I make it sometimes (meaning holidays) at home now. Mmmm.

Kelli said...

I have heard that the Melting Pot is super yummy! And I just love The Biggest Loser. I had no idea there was so much scheming that went on in it. I still think I would have eaten the cupcakes! :)

Angie said...

Your dog looks so sweet in your crib! Have fun this weekend, it sounds like fun, I always loved picking out baby stuff!!

Tracy's Porch said...

I just recently went to the Melting Pot for a Girl's Night Out and LOVED it! So YUMMY!

My hubby and I had date night with Jillian and Bob also :-)

Love the crib and Dawson is way too cute sitting in there.

Anonymous said...

You're going to LOVE the melting pot! I've been there a few times, and let me just warn you: go there super hungry because no matter what, you're going to be rolling out of that place like a roly poly! It is awesome! The cheese fondue and the dessert fondue are my absolute favorites! It's so good, but it's SO much food!! In fact, if you wanted to, the cheese fondue, salad and dessert fondue are another fun way to have a dinner there. Or you could add the fourth course with meat. :) Enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

I am so jealous...I have only been to The Melting Pot once in Memphis but I loved it. I keep wanting to go back but Lance isn't interested. I think it is because his mom always made he and his dad and his brothers have fondue and she never made enough food and he has memories of being a growing, hungry boy with a growling tummy. He would NOT leave this place hungry! I agree with the above posts...must have the cheese fondue...great with apples and bread. And the dessert fondue is yummy, too, although by the time I got to that, I could barely breathe.

Raquel said...

oh I love the melting pot! we went there for our anniversary, the hubs and I thought the next time we went we would just have the cheese and the dessert not the meat one it was kind of weird to us becasue we werent sure how well we were cooking everything. the dessert is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO yummy!

the crib is adorable! and yes i love the biggest loser, i would want to be on bob's team though =)

Lindsey said...

Crib looks great. Dawson looks adorable in the crib. I hope his leg is OK...I saw it was wrapped with bandage.

Laurie said...

That is so cute of Dawson in the crib. Harper will think that is a funny picture in a couple of years!

Jamie said...

Hi Kelly--I must tell you that The Melting Pot was not only really dissappointing, but disgusting to me as a pregnant woman. Did you know you have to cook the plate of raw meat yourself??? I don't know about you but 1) if I am paying alot of money to eat out, i do not want to cook my own food and 2) when i am pregnant, the last thing I want is a plate of raw chicken, beef, and lamb in front of me.

The desserts are really good, but if I am paying $100+ for a meal, the only work I want to do is to lift my fork to my mouth!

Sorry to be a Debbie Downer about it, but mamas have to look out for each other :)

Jennifer said...

The dessert fondue is fabulous! I like the other fondues........cheese, the main meal, etc. But there is nothing like the dessert fondue. LOL

Happy Anniversary! Have fun!

In His Army said...

Sounds like so much fun! Have a great weekend...

The Garners said...

Sounds like a really fun weekend coming up!

After April 2009, I hope to train with Bob!!! I do love that you have a person/team that you're cheering for this season? Of course I like the couple with the three boys and one little boy's name is Rhett!

Sharmin said...

Have a fun weekend.
I'm waiting on Jillian to show up at my door and kick my butt into shape. It just makes me want to buy a treadmill....and use it to walk on, not as a big clothes hanger.

Jill said...

I wanted to go to the Melting Pot in Destin this year and never got around to it...let me know how you like it. If it's good, I'll hit the one in Memphis! :)

The crib is cute...your nursery is really coming together!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

love the biggest loser!! the nursery is looking adorable... i can't wait till you show us the bedding.

Scrapper Mom said...

I love the Biggest Loser, and I watched it too. The crib is so cute. Can't wait to see the bedding on it. Did you get a chance to look at the blankie on my site. (It was Sunday's post I believe).

Have fun on your weekend getaway!

anna said...

hey kelly! i have been reading your blog for awhile now, and i thought i would finally comment. all it took was for you to say "melting pot"!! i l.o.v.e. that restaurant!! i got engaged at one!!! and then on our honeymoon we went to one. and then on our first valentine's day, we went to one. and i am waiting to go back to one, but it probably won't be for awhile. i have four month old twin boys now...and life is...oh, so different now. but i love it! congratulations on little harper!! what a miracle! have a great day! (i'm ashley's-raising allikaye-cousin, the one she visited in nebraska!)

Robyn Beele said...

I LOVE the Biggest Loser! The best show ever! That is so nice you are getting to take a babymoon. We need to do that also. The fact you get to pick out baby things makes it even better!

Lianna Knight said...

Too cute!!! I love the pic of your puppy in the crib...and his face is priceless!!!

The melting pot is AWESOME! Come VERY will be extremely full when you leave. And plan on being there for several hours. It takes a while to heat the fondue...but it's worth the wait!

Hillary said...

LOVE the crib and LOVE the biggest loser!! Woohoo!!!

Jessica said...

I love Mr. Dawson!!! : )

"J" said...

Awwwwwwwww have fun!!!! I've been wanting to eat at the Melting Pot too!!! So let us know how it goes!!!! Have fun!!!!

Sunk Costs said...

Oh Kelly. Y'all are in for a culinary treat. The Melting Pot will not let you down. Just don't make the rookie mistake of filling up on salad and bread cubes and veggies and all that nonsense. Let Scott eat all that nonsense with the cheese. It is delicious, but you'll be sorry later. Of course, for Harper's sake, have a few, and eat a fair bit of the proteins, but listen very carefully to what I am about to say. You must save a substantial portion of your stomach room for that tearfully good, slap your mama chocolate fondue. No matter which flavor you choose, you will not be sorry. Peanut butter, marshmallow, white chocolate, whatever snazzy Halloween special they're serving up. It's all good. I can't talk to you about babies with any authority, but when it comes to fondue, I know of what I speak.

The Allens said...

Your get-away sounds great! Enjoy!

Mary Kate said...

cute crib!!! i have always wanted to eat at the melting pot, & didn't realize there was one in tulsa!! we go there alot & we will have to try it out sometime!! have a good weekend!!

Nicole said...

Girl you better be careful working so much. I am sure you have a lot of people telling you that.

I can't wait to hear about the melting pot. My mom ate there on Monday... Congrats on the 5 years.

I love you white crib. I can't wait to see it with the bedding.

CAC said...

love, love, love biggest loser. i have been crying through it though with all these families. I am not a heba fan! anyway, melting pot is GREAT. the second tuesday of every month they do half price girls night, so you get the whole deal for about $30 i think. anyway, the cheese, the dessert, it's all amazing. wear stretchy pants. :)

Jenna said...

I've always wanted to eat at a Melting Pot! You have to tell me how it was! You're going to have so much fun at Babies R Us! We spent two hours there!

Megan L Hutchings said...

It looks like Dawson has found himself a home away from home ;)!

I am so excited you are going to get away for awhile. You will LOVE the Melting Pot and you will LOVE Babies R Us ;)!

Have fun!

Amanda Ledford said...

I LOVE the crib and that picture is seriously the cutest thing ever! I love the look on his face! I have not been to the melting pot, but we are getting one soon and I can't wait! Have fun at BRU! I can't wait to see what you pick out!

Brandi said...

Love the crib! Such a cute picture!

I love love love the Biggest Loser!! Awesome show! I usually run on Tuesday nights but my hubby records it for me and when I get home I usually catch him watching it too! :D

Never been to the Melting Pot but I hear it is fabulous!

Christine said...

Hi Kelly,

I've been reading your blog for awhile now, and I have to admit that you were my inspiration to start one of my own!

I have to tell you...the Melting Pot is awesome!!! We have one here in KC on the Country Club Plaza. I've been there 3 times, and I have to admit my favorite things to eat there are the cheese and chocolate fondues!! Have a great time!!

Allikaye's Mama said...

Oh love the melting pot! That is our special place for anniversarys too! I'm sure Harper and you will love it...oh and Scott too!!:0)

Gennae H. said...

I have also wanted to eat at the Melting Pot for a really long time! My sister went last spring and said that she got really hot at the table because they had to cook their own food. You already have a built in heater so maybe dress in layers so you can start shedding clothes if you get too hot!

Laura said...

OMGosh, me and my man LOVE the Melting Pot!! It is awesome. We don't have one where we live, so any and every chance we get, we go. We usually go for special occassions like our anniversary because it is pricey. I think we usually get something called "The Big Night Out" which is all 4-courses and it's a cool $100 bill. But it is wonderful! You MUST try the chocolate turtle fondue for dessert - yes! Save room for dessert! Oh, I wish I was going with ya'll!

MMM said...

We did the same thing to Daisy--but I didn't snap a picture. Happy Early Anniversary!

Erin said...

The Melting Pot is delicious! For a better value, I'd recommend just sticking with the cheese and chocolate fondues, but since you're celebrating 5 years of wedded bliss, I say go all out and enjoy it! The one time I had all of the courses, I spent 3 hours there. But I've never felt so satisfied after a meal. Mmm...good stuff!

Jennifer said...

The crib looks great! Sounds like you have a fun weekend planned! I have always wanted to try the Melting Pot. I've heard only good things about it!

Anonymous said...

Ooo we have a Melting Pot out here in So.Cal! It is AMAZING =) My hubby took me there for my birthday / engagement celebration last year! Prepare to be stuffed!

We decided next time....we're strictly going for dessert!! You'll see what I mean after you go!

Enjoy! It's the best!

Becky said...

I heart the Melting Pot! Yes, it's pricey, but it's so worth it! I recommend the swiss cheese (with apples, bread, veggies) fondue to start, then the coq au vin fondue with the surf and turf, then dark chocolate with Bailey's for your dessert fondue. Have a great time!!!

Julia said...

I love the Biggest Loser...but WHY OH WHY did my husband make me watch an hour of City Slickers instead? WHY OH WHY did I let him? It must be love! I'll have to catch up online. I've never been to The Melting Pot but my Sis-in-Law loves it.

Rebecca Jo said...

It looks like Dawson EXPECTS this to be his new bed!!!!!

And I too LOVE the Biggest Loser. Every time I watch it, I get all pumped to loose weight - then it goes off & I go grab a snack ;-)

Anonymous said...

I hope you guys have a wonderful get-away! Enjoy every minute you have together...I think it took 2 weeks for us to be able to have a full conversation after Kaleb was born! (and it was mostly about him!)

Kim H. said...

The Melting Pot here in Houston is a fun date night place, but not somewhere I'd go all the time. ENJOY the getaway!

The Savvy Mama said...

Hi Kelly! I found your blog through BooMama's. Congrats on your baby girl!! I love the name that you have chosen for her. My husband and I always had a hard time picking out names! We have been married 5 years this month too ~ Saturday is our anniversary. Hope you enjoy your babymoon! :)

Anonymous said...

mmm...the Melting Pot is SO good! Have a great trip!

Kara said...

The crib looks so good against the dark walls! Really stands out! Your little Dawson looks mighty comfy in there! I have never been to the Melting Pot but the hubby and I were considering going to the one in Knoxville, but we found out we are getting one here in Chattanooga! You'll have to let us all know how it was! Happy Anniversary and ENJOY your time together! God Bless!

Kendra said...

I have a melting pot date on the books for Nov 8th! Too funny!! We have never tried it before, but always heard great things...looking forward to it even more now after reading all the comments.
Hope you guys have a great weekend!!!!

Carol said...

Hi Kelly!
I have been reading your blog for several weeks now. Your pregnancy is a few weeks ahead of my daughter~in~law's so I passed your blog address on to her. I'm glad to hear you and your hubby are taking a little trip to Tulsa. I have always wanted to eat at the Melting Pot, we live just a few miles from The Riverwalk and go there often to eat at Gina & Giuseppe's. Carol :0)

Jenna said...

Sounds like there is a lot of fun to be had this weekend!! Ya'll enjoy every minute!

The crib looks awesome!!! The brown and white is totally workin for ya! Love it.

Rebekah said...

I feel like we go to the Melting Pot for about every other special occasion! We LOVE it! Enjoy!

Rathi said...

Love the crib and sounds like you have a fun weekend planned.. I sent you an email about the thank you note!! Can't wait to read your post on sunday about your weekend! Hope it's a great one!

Carry Grace said...

Enjoy your trip! I think the white crib is perfect up against the dark wall. I do love the biggest loser!

The Shabby Princess said...

I've never been to The Melting Pot, but, always wanted to go. I LOVE Tulsa. Have so much fun!!

Heather said...

Dawson looks so funny in the crib! SOO excited for you and your hubby to get away this weekend- have a wonderful time!!!

Linda said...

Pretty crib. The first crib we bought was white and I loved it. Can't wait to see the finished room. Have a great weekend.

Staci said...

Yes, LOVE the Melting Pot. But I'm pretty sure Bob and Jillian wouldn't approve!

krislyn. said...

I am a HUGE fan of biggest loser! If I could have either of the trainers for just 10 minutes I'd be happy!

The Melting Pot is incredible .. If you like Chocolate and Carmel go for the Turtle Fondue Dessert .. The little tray of goodies they bring out is yummy else, especially the mini cheesecakes! =)

Enjoy!! I love reading the blog ..

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

I have been wanting to dine at the Melting Pot for the longest time. I hear that it is a wonderful and relaxing dining experience. Have fun on your Babymoon!

Anonymous said...

The Melting Pot is such a great way to celebrate an occassion or just to treat yourself. Enjoy!!!!

In This Wonderful Life said...

I live in Tulsa and love the melting pot here! The riverwalk is a lot of fun :)

Leigh Ann said...

I know he doesn't like it, but D looks awfully cute in that crib!!!

Have a GREAT babymoon. FUN!

Jacquie said...

Jillian and Bob were VERY busy Tuesday night!

Lauren @ Adventures of a Southern Newlywed said...

I hope you have a great babymoon! It will be so much fun to pick out baby items and then head out of town for a short getaway.

I love the Melting Pot, although my favorites are the cheese appetizers and the chocolate desserts. Usually my husband and I share a meat and feast on the appetizers and desserts. :)

I left you an award on my blog!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! We jut had our fifth this past June! I like the babymoon idea, will have to look into that too. I like the Melting Pot, but hate how my clothes smell afterward =)
It has helped me to bring a change of clothes if we all go out afterward. Smells get to me lately!! haha
Have fun!!!

Mochamama said...

The Melting Pot is amazing! It's one of our favorite restaurants. I hope you guys have a great time. God Bless!


Amanda said...

Love the crib! Love the Melting Pot! My favorite dessert is the white chocolate amaretto one. So yummy! Have fun!