Huge "Dynasty" shoulder pads
One big belly

FANCY (oh my)
I want to tell you about two fun giveaways today. Pictured above is Lianna. She and her husband are SO cute. And they have been suffering through infertility. They need to do IVF but their insurance doesn't cover it. (One of the things that bothers me so much is that not only is infertility so emotionally difficult but it also is very rarely covered by insurance and it is SO expensive to treat and it can be a financial strain on couples who are already suffering enough). Lianna is doing several things to try and help raise the $10-15,000 they need and she is doing a COACH purse give away this week!!! You can increase your chances of winning by donating to her IVF fund. Go HERE and sign up!!!
And for all of you who have babies or want babies or are expecting babies ...... Brooke is doing a neat giveaway. You can win $25 worth of stuff at Noodles and Milk - and they have some CUTE stuff. Now that I think about ..........don't sign up .........I don't want to decrease my chances of winning! :-)
One more thing :
I don't know if you have seen this video "99 Balloons". It was made by a couple in my area- Matt and Ginny Mooney. Their son, Elliot, was born with Trisomy 18 and lived for 99 days. It is the most precious video I've ever seen in my life. I've probably watched it 1000 times and I cry a little harder each time. They are being featured on Oprah today so if you can - you need to watch (I don't watch Oprah anymore but I'll break my fast for them).
I had never heard of Trisomy 18 until I started reading blogs and since then I have seen so many families affected by this disease that takes babies from birth to one year. A sweet blogger I love to read, Annalee, had a nephew born this week who was just diagnosed with it. Please be in prayer for her sister and brother-in-law. They just had their home almost destroyed by Hurricane Ike and now this. I'm sure they feel a little like Job right now. I'm sure Job 1:21 sums up how they feel today.
Thanks for the links to the giveaways! That is the sweetest video I have seen and am a sobbing mess... Will be praying for Annalee's family and her precious nephew!!
You will think I'm crazy... well, I might be a little bit crazy. :) But I got to your blog through Begina Proctor's. I know you are now in the decorating part of planning Harper's room. I came across this idea from a friend of mine at work. They are neat sayings you can stick to the wall. It's called UpperCase Living (the website is below) So very pretty and not permanent if you decide you don't like it. Also, not expensive! Anyway - that's all. I love to read your blog!
Kelly, That video was amazing. It struck a chord with me because my daughter has a genetic disease called Hirschsprung's Disease. It's deadly if not treated. Thank you for sharing and I'll try to catch Oprah, I have no idea when it comes on and what channel but I'll take a look.
I sell Uppercase Living. My website is http://angelahanke.uppercaseliving.net/Home.m
You can view the catalog on-line and all the colors too. Personalization is very affordable, between $1-5 for each letter depending on the size. Please take a look you'll love it.
This is my first time watching Eliot's video and my eyes are flooded with tears. I will definitely be watching Oprah today...thanks for the heads up!
My prayer is that God will be glorified through these circumstances, that the level of faith demonstrated by his parents will inspire those watching, and that many will be drawn to Jesus.
I think the shoulder pads make Harper look smaller. :-)
I will check out your friends that are having the fertility problems - we too have had those same troubles so I can relate. I will pray that they raise the money they need, and that God will soon give them a "Harper" of their very own.
Hey Kelly! I've been reading your blog for awhile now, and I really enjoy it. I just wanted to say thanks for posting the video "99 Balloons." In reading your post I was so surprised to come across the names Matt and Ginny Mooney. Ginny was on staff at Kanakuk during the two years I worked there as a counselor. She was a great encourager to me during a tough time in my life. She and Matt and amazing people. Soon after camp, we lost touch. I was so shocked to hear such an unexpected update on their lives, but also so touched by their story. I'm so glad you took the time to post that video. Do you happen to know an address I could send a card to? Again - thanks for the wonderful blog today.
Thank you so much for sharing that video and offering the blog address where we could go and read about Baby Witt.. I just added it to my blog as well. Prayer is a powerful thing and prayers will be lifted up for this family. I am so glad to see you and sweet little Harper doing so well and girl you looked glam in that dress.. LOL
Have a blessed day and know you truly are making a difference in many peoples lives.
God bless and hugs,
Francine Howell
that video is so powerful. i have never seen that before. wow! I will have to post about that. it's so amazing. it's amazing to see how God works.
Just thought I'd drop by and see how things are going. I'm so glad to hear that you and Harper are both doing well and everything is moving right along. She'll be here before you know it!!
The video you shared is just precious and I have tears streaming down my face as I type. Such a beautiful, loving story! I'll be sure to tune in to Oprah to hear their story. God is definitely at work in their lives.
Take care, Kelly!!
Matt is actually a friend of my husbands. It is so heart wrenching to watch 99 balloons. I cry every time just the thought of what they went thru!!! May God get praise on Oprah!!!
Thank you so much for sharing that video. I'm sitting her bawling, but it's a good cry. That family is just so amazing. I'm going to Tivo Oprah right this second!
Thanks so much for the info!
The 99 Balloons video made me cry so much...it is truely amazing to see what a sweet life Elliott had, even if it was too short.
Thanks for sharing the beautiful video about Eliot. This couple was just blessed with a beautiful baby girl and they plan on telling her all about her courageous big brother!
What a precious video of Eliot! A true tribute to one of God's blessings.
You look absolutely beautiful in your dress ;). Pregnant belly and all!
I have also seen that video and it breaks my heart everytime I see it!
I know Matt and Ginny (small world, Matt and I used to work together) and their story is so precious! I am breaking my "Oprah boycott" to watch them today, too.
You look cute in your branson belle outfit!! :)
Hi Kelly,
That video really touches my heart. One of my best friends Melissa recently lost her son Jaxon to Trisomy 18. I was completely unaware of the disease and how it affects these infants. Anyways, I just wanted to comment on this and tell you that I have been following but never really comment. I get excited when I see what you've bought for Harper!! Just wait, little girls are so much fun! My daughter Kyndal makes everyday amazing!!
Hey Girl!! you are looking as cute as Ever!! It's going by so fast! Well, for me anyway. :) I also am breaking my Oprah fast for Matt and Ginny. :) Oprah is dead to me though. One girl wanted to know how to get in touch with them. Their blog about Eliot is mattandginny.blogspot.com and they have started a new blog that you can get to from there. Matt is a Ft. Smith boy!
OK just saw that you wrote on her blawg! :) You are quick my friend.
I just watched Eliot's segment on Oprah...it was AMAZING!
Thank you for sharing this video ~~ indescrible.
Blessings to you,
Thanks for sharing the video. I just sat in awe of God's strength showed through Eliot's mom and dad. What a testament to His power!
What a sweet, sad, touching video.
I write this through so many tears. The whole video I just held my belly where my sweet baby lives. What a wonderful faith they have! Thanks for sharing.
Girl you are looking HOTT in that outfit.
But serioulsy, you do still look great which proves my theory that you could wear anything and still mantain your gorgeousness. :) Hope singing went well tonight!!!
I just love the 99 balloons video. I found the Mooney's blog through another right after Eliot passed away and their story is just amazing. Such a precious, precious boy. Praying for Annalee, her famiily, & Baby Witt!
What shoulder pads?? Ha!
This was a such an emotional post. So many people going through such trials.
I (too) broke my Oprah fast to watch today. It looks like they'll be on this Friday as well.
What a sweet surprise! Thank you so much for including me on your blog. It really means the world to me and I honestly can't thank God enough for you and all your encouragement!
Many blessings to you, Scott, and sweet little Harper!
I found your blog on Lyndsau's and that video is so touching, I cried.
I saw this on Oprah yesterday...so touching and sad. Thanks for sharing!
I too cry each time I see that video....what a sweet family!
How do you know my friend Brooke? I thought it was funny to see you on her comments. (it's a small world in the blogging world) I met them when we lived in Louisville and before they had kids. She is such a sweetheart!
I think you look great!
I cry every time I see that video too. I have a friend that lost her little girl to T18 last December, Poppy Joy lived for 3 hours. Check out her blog she is truly amazing and is writing a book about it. www.poppyjoy.blogspot.com They also just adopted a little girl 6 months to the day of Poppy dying.
You look so adorable in your choir outfit!! So cute! T18 is just so sad. I can't imagine what the parents go through. I've seen this video before and I cried too! Very touching!
Thank you for sharing the video. I'm in tears right now. How easily we forget that each day is a gift from God.
You look fabulous!:)
I love the 99 balloons video. I watched it for the very first time the day before my 20 week ultrasound. While I was not able to sleep at all that night, it did remind me that God was in control of whatever happened the next day. I knew if he could have plans so great for little Eliot, he could for my baby,too! Thanks for sharing!I had no idea they lived up here!
i love your blog!! i must have missed something because it seems as though alot of people are boycotting Oprah...what is up with that??? I am confused
thanks for sharing witt's story too. i know so many prayer warriors read your blog and i appreciate you sharing his story more than i can say!
What a touching video!! I'm so glad that I watched this - it's so inspiring!
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