Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Tailgate bunco

Tomorrow night is bunco night!!! Yeay! Our theme is tailgate and we are all supposed to wear jerseys, t-shirts, cheerleading uniforms. etc supporting our team! As tempting as it would be to put on a cheerleading skirt under my almost 7 month pregnant belly - I think I'll try to wear my razorback Jersey. If it's too small - I can always borrow Scott's. This was last year after we got creamed by Tennessee. You can tell by our faces how happy we were. I'm excited - we have about 20 girls coming for bunco so it will be so much fun!

Did you watch the debates last night? If you did - did you see the lead singer from Selah was there? (otherwise known as Angie Smith's husband)! I was so excited it was like seeing an actual friend on TV! Fast forward to the 5 minute mark and you can see him - sitting on the front row next to the guy who asks the question - he's got the hunter green shirt on!


In His Army said...

Mario & I were watching and I didn't know at that point to watch for him...Then when I came and got online and I looked on her blog and read that he was there!!! The funny thing was we were asking, "Who are the people in the audience and how were they selected." I wasn't sure, but was curious after he had asked, and I found out when I got to her blog!

Martha said...

Hey Kelly! I've been reading your blog regularly and I love it! What a great idea to do the "tailgate bunco!" I'll have to remember that if I host one at my house soon! And I did see Todd in the audience! That is so neat that he was selected to be there!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

I KNOW! It was SO exciting to see Todd (aka Angie Smith's husband) in the audience!

Amanda Ledford said...

I hope you have fun at bunco! That is a great theme! I did see Todd there! It awesome it to actually "know" someone there!

Sitesx6 said...

That is SOO FUNNY because I JUST KNEW that was Todd Smith from Selah..I KNEW IT..I kept telling my husband. Selah came to do a concert at our church a few years ago, and we were in the front row, so I got a good look at him......
It bugged me ALL NIGHT...wanting to know for sure that was him.
He looked very serious! :)
Thanks for letting me know I WAS RIGHT !

Kelly S.

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

It sounds like you will have such a fun evening!

petrii said...

I told my hubs, "Hey that looks just like the lead singer of Selah" one of his fav's. So I went into Ang's blog and couldn't believe it. I came running in (relatively speaking) and told my hubs ~~ so cool.

Have fun with Bunco,

Jamie said...

Love that picture of you guys. Hope you have fun tonight!

Yes, I saw him too. Not sure what was more exciting - hearing the candidates or anticipating Todd asking his question. :)

Alicia said...

Have a great time at Bunco! Thank you for stopping by my blog and giving me the site for the onesies! I really appreciated it. I will check back often to see how you are doing. Did I tell you, I love the name Harper. Way cute!

Megan L Hutchings said...

I am so glad that you are enjoying bunco ;)! It sounds like you have some great themes!!!

I saw Todd and kept hitting my husband telling him who he is!

mrs. jenkins said...

Yes! After reading Angie's post about it, I watched Inside Edition about the debates (I was at choir practice for the actual debate), and saw him in the picture right up front! i felt the same a friend was on t.v.! Fun, fun! You look great, by the way...just radiant!

Jenna said...

A tailgating theme at bunco is totally my scene! I love it! Ya'll have so much fun. :)

I loved watching Todd on the debates the other night. So neat. I SO wanted him to be able to ask his question!!

Julia said...

I totally saw Angie's husband but had no idea it was him! I have to admit I got bored of the debate and fell asleep after a half hour! Have fun doing Bunco!

Carrie said...

Hi Kelly!! I absolutely love your blog. This is my first comment to you but I have been a "lurker" for awhile. Congrats on the pregnancy!! You and your husband seem like warm and caring people and you so deserve little Harper. A tailgating themed Bunco night seems like such fun. I have been wanting to start a Bunco night for awhile now, only if I knew how to play. LOL!!

Angie said...

Thanks for doing this, I love looking at all the cute nurseries!

Anonymous said...

my friends and i play bunco once a month, sooo much fun! what kind of things do you do extra? im always looking for ideas?