Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Party for 8

Today - my newly married friend Hillary was in town so we met her for lunch. It was a rush job because I had to get back at work but it was fun to see her. Here are Hillary and Katie and Katie's precious little boy Zach.
Me and Shannon
My favorite little girl in the world. We've been telling her "Aunt Kelly" is having a baby and today I pointed to my stomach and said "what is this?" and she said "That's the baby in your tummy!" I love to get her to say "Harper". I know she will be like a big sister to her all of her life!
Laurie and Sarah Kate - Harper's future BFF
(I hope they laugh as much as Laurie and I do)
This is funny. This lady I work with, Norma, had on this cute purple dress a few weeks ago and I asked her where she got it because I thought it would make a good maternity dress and she said "where else but Wal-Mart?" So I finally found it at my local store and decided I better get black to be different. (But I got purple accessories because Purple is the IN color for fall in case you didn't know). ha! I knew we would never wear them at the same time. But sure enough I came down the hall this morning and just broke out laughing. We had to show our co-workers our twinkie maternity dresses (only it's not maternity and she has grown children and is definitely not pregnant)! I made her pose for a picture.
P.S. I got these purple ballet flats at Forever 21 this week. I had to quit wearing heels because I'm waddling and my back hurts when I wear heels all day. But I hate flats and I didn't even own any so I got one little pair at Wal-Mart and this week I got these purple ones. Emily loved them today - she kept bending down to look at them at lunch. As soon as it cools off - I have boots that don't have heels that I can wear through the winter and I can pull off ballet flats the rest of the time hopefully.


Lea Liz said...

I love the wal-mart dress, Im goanna have to go look for one!!! You look great!

The Garners said...

Cute dress! I love your purple shoes, too!

Julia said...

Haha that's hilarious!!! I got some large shirts at Wal-Mart the other day so that I can wear them in a few weeks. They may not have maternity, but at least what they do have fits! :)

Megan said...

Cute dress! I saw it at WalMart this afternoon and almost tried it on...maybe I'll go back..for a different color, of course. Yes, I heard purple is in. Yaay, because it's my favorite!

R said...

love those shoes! i was at WM today, and i considered browsing the clothes, but my little girls were getting tired and i decided to spare them. :0)

Megan L Hutchings said...

I am so glad that you all got to enjoy lunch today ;)!

Wal-Mart has the best finds...seriously ;)! You look so adorable in your dress!!!

Unknown said...

I love the dress! I might have to go see if I can find one! Purple is my fav color!!!

Staci said...

I just got into ballet flats last season and I L-O-V-E them! They are the greatest teacher shoes and still cute :)

Anonymous said...

Weird question: was your friend Hillary able to get her braces off just for her wedding?

Lianna Knight said...

Thanks for the PURPLE tip...I'll have to remember that this season :)

The ballet shoes are too cute!

Laurie said...

Your shoes ARE really cute! My girls were having bad hair days today! Ha ha!

Ashlie said...

Your dress is adorable! I hope I look that cute when I get pregnant! Wal-Mart's clothes have definitely gotten cuter in the last couple years. I just got some super comfy separates from there a few weeks ago...2 skirts, 2 shirts, & 2 pairs of pants. They're all made from this really soft stretchy cotton but don't show all my lumps and bumps! Ha! And I love the purple shoes!

Jessica said...

LOVE Norma! Great lady! : )

The Shabby Princess said...

That dress is sooo cute! I'm currently in the market for a new cute wear-all dress. I'll have to check out my Wal-Mart. Thanks for sharing where you got it.

You have such great style!

Kristen said...

You are too stinkin' cute! And those shoes...I may be taking a trip to Forever 21 very soon!

Bella said...

I used to hate I'm totally obsessed and just love them and their comfort!!! I think they look cute!

Meredith said...

Kelly! I am so glad ya'll had such a great lunch w/ friends! The pic of Emily makes me think of how much she is growing up! WOW! I just LOVE your dress w/ the purple accessories! Accessories can just make an outfit! I am gonna have to find purple outfits/dresses when I go fall shopping!

Suz said...

Norma's the best! And you ladies look cute being twinkies! :)

Guy and Julie said...

I have the same dress in purple and have already worn the heck out of it!!

Gracie Beth said...

Those shoes are adorable!

Jennifer said...

Zach is so cute!! I just love him!

I think it is hilarious that you don't wear jeans, except the beloved maternity jeans, and that you didn't own flats! You're so girly! It cracks me up!

Heather Bug said...

I have a really cute dress that looks kind of like that from Wal-Mart that I wear with leggings. I just ordered my second pair of maternity jeans!!! HA! :) Love your fall cute! Hope your day has been wonderful!

Kara said...

One can only hope to be this adorable while pregnant Kelly! I know this sounds so cliche' but you really are GLOWING...and boy does your friend Laurie have some beautiful girls! God Bless!

MaierHousehold said...

Kelly, you look amazing! You have this natural GLOW about your self!

The Allens said...

I love the flats and I loved the little fall dresses.

Unknown said...

I love the dress but the shoes are so cute don't you just love forever 21!

Jenna said...

LOVE the black dress with the purple accesories! So fun! Glad ya'll had a good lunch. Those baby girls are so cute - can't wait to see Harper added to the bunch!

Rathi said...

Love the dress and the purple accessories.. Love the shoes! Have a great weekend and will email you soon!!

The Hickmans said...

Hey Girl! First of all, I LOVE your new blog look- your header is adorable!! I am so glad that you said purple was "in" this season, b/c I just bought two purple shirts!! Maybe I'll finally be with the season instead of one year behind! =) (Almost all of my clothes are hand-me-downs.;)

Shannon said...

I'm going to have to check out that dress. What brand is it? I was just at F21 and didn't see those shoes. They are cute!

Leigh Ann said...

You look darling as always! I'm ready to get some purple stuff. I heard it was all the rage, too.

In His Army said...

Like all your accessories--I love wearing ballet slippers because they are so comfortable!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Love, love, love the purple ballet flats!!! I had no idea that purple was the "in" color this season...better go get me some!

Oh, and some of us girls call it supper club, too! I was just trying to sound less southern. (:

Jacquie said...

Cute dress(es) and shoes. I love that Emily took such an interest in the shoes!

Mrs.Preppy said...

I will be purchasing that dress during lunch! Do you know what brand it is? I have been on the hunt for a dark purple maternity dress... this will be perfect!

Anonymous said...

yeh, can't find the dress on or local store...

Anonymous said...

I'm with everyone else...I love the WalMart dress!! I'm going to have to check to see if our store has it. I tried to look online, but they don't have my size listed : (

I'm loving all of Harper's clothes!!