Thursday, October 30, 2008

Isn't She Lovely?

Tonight we went and had a 3D ultrasound done of Harper

We can m0ve ahead with all the dresses and bows because she is for sure a GIRL!!!!!

She was sleeping and had her hand up by her face most of the time. She was also holding one of her legs (I think she was practicing her toe touches for cheerleading!)
She was moving her mouth most of the time like she was trying to eat. She sucked on her hand for a while. Scott said he thinks she looks like me. I guess we'll find out when she gets here.
I just knew she would have a head full of hair but the tech said she thought she just had a little bit of fine hair.
It was just so amazing to see her moving inside there! She is head down so that is good news! And we heard her heart beat! I'm so thankful for a healthy little girl!

Isn't she lovely
Isn't she wonderful
Isn't she precious
I can't believe what God has done
through us he's given life to one
But isn't she lovely made from love


Kristy said...

How precious! I am so happy for you!

Jenna said...

BE STILL MY HEART! She is gorgeous and I agree with Scott - I can totally see her pretty mama all over her face!!!

Yay for 3D ultrasounds and a sweet, darling, healthy baby girl!!!!

Laura Ann said...

Congratulations ~ I know you and Scott had a wonderful day getting see Baby Harper. Those 3D ultrasounds are amazing, aren't they? Emma's nose looked huge in hers, however it came out very normal. It is fun to see them and talk about who you think they look like. When we saw Emma, we knew for sure she looked like her Daddy. It won't be long and she will be in your arms.

Puttin' On The GRITS said...

That adorable little nose she has came straight from her mama that's for sure!!!

Michelle said...

I read your blog a lot and I am really excited for you and your little baby Girl.

The 3-D ultrasound is very neat!Thanks for sharing that.


Faith said...

Wow, Kelly! That is absolutely amazing!! What a perfect little miracle God has given you. She is beautiful!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

What a special day for you and Scott! Those 3D photos are amazing!!! I cannot even imagine the emotions you must feel when you see your daughter resting safely inside your womb.

Spicy Magnolia said...

those pictures are amazing, Kelly!! What a fun day to share with your hubby! It's truly amazing how creative and awesome our God is! Most incredible and thanks for sharing!

Laurie said...

She IS lovely and Wonderful! THIS could be your best post ever! She looks perfect!

Jennifer said...

How beautiful! Don't you love the 3D ultrasound! We had one with Shelby and it was so neat to see her from a different vantage point. :)


Gracie Beth said...

congratulations! That is too cool

The B's said...

I remember our 3D ultrasound and looking at the pictures after our little one was born we realized how much they looked like "her"!

Harper is absolutely beautiful! I know you can't wait until you are holding her in your arms....what a wonderful feeling! :)

Betsy said...

Awwwww........she's already precious as can be!! And, it is weird, but I truly can tell that she looks like you!!! That is so amazing that you can see such a good picture of her already! I know your heart is just about to burst and you can hardly wait to really meet that little sweetheart. And I LOVE that Stevie Wonder song!! It is so true!

Anonymous said...

How sweet! The 3-D ultrasound is so cool!

Staci said...

Awww...she really is a miracle!! Can't wait for her to get her :)

Allikaye's Mama said...

Yay! That is so fun that you were able to get a video and pictures of that sweet girl! Those are priceless!! Yay!

Julia said...

That is so special. I am so moved by how God has blessed you and Scott. My prayers are with you for the next few weeks!

We've Got Scents said...

Thanks for sharing a wonderful story. So very thankful for you and Scott. She is precious. I continue to pray for your family,
Matthew 21:22

{K} said...

Aw, that is so cool! I wish I could get a 3D scan. She looks so sweet. I'm really excited for you and your husband. Maybe our little girls can meet one day...

Natasha said...

That was awesome Kelly! Thank you for sharing the 3D pictures. God is so good!

Natalie said...

That is the neatest thing I have ever seen!! I am SO excited for you and Scott!!

Lindsay said...

Amazing! Great news.
And I just LOVE that Stevie Wonder song!

The Williams' said...

She is so sweet! Those ultrasound machines show amazing things huh? Congrats!!

Guy and Julie said...

I know you must be SO excited!

I am cracking up at the fancy leather chair they had for you to sit in--wish they had that at my doctor's office for all those ultrasounds :)

Lianna Knight said...

So fun! Those ultrasounds re just amazing!!! They are just so REAL! She is LOVELY!!!

Pastor Steve said...

What amazing pictures. She definitely has my head. All I can say is, "Harper, Jesus loves you!"

Leigh Ann said...

She IS precious! Ok, I just saw you dad's comment because he is right above me typing. That is so sweet. I'm teary now!

We did the 3-D with Ella but I don't think we knew about it with Evan. It is just amazing to see them in there, a living little person. When we had Ella's done, she was all snuggled up in the placenta. She was even licking it! I'll definitely have to share that with her when she gets older. ha! It was still the most precious thing I had ever seen. Who knew placenta licking could be so cute! ha!

Thanks for sharing a glimpse of Harper. I love her already!

Meredith said...

The 3D u/s never cease to amaze me. What a wonderful day!

Katie said...

Oh! God bless her little heart!

Lauren said...

Oh, how sweet! She is PRECIOUS! I am so thrilled for y'all!

Mary Avery said...

What a miracle! She does look like you!

Stacy said...

awww!!! she's beautiful!!!!!

Francine said...

Oh kelly.. I am so happy for you. Harper has no idea how lucky she is to have such a wonderful mom and dad. I wish you all the best..

Pam said...

Oh she is just precious! Such a happy day! Congrats to you and Scott.

Jennifer said...

How fun! I can't wait until she gets here so we can see who she really looks like!!

Jacquie said...

She is lovely!! Those little lips and sweet nose!!! Just precious!

Kara said...

What an amazing and awe inspiring gift from God she is. I am so happy for you, and the tears, they are a flowin'! I know you must be even more anxious now to meet your sweet baby girl! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!

Anonymous said...

That is such a neat thing to be able to see! Thank you for sharing it with your blog readers. How exciting!

Robyn Beele said...

That is just the neatest thing ever! I glad she was doing great!

Candy said...

HOW AWESOME!!! I'm so excited for ya'll!!! :) I've never had a 3d ultrasound, maybe this time... :)Ya'll have a great weekend!

Amanda Ledford said...

She is sooooooo cute! I bet you really can't wait to see her now!!!!

Jenny said...

WOW!!! How amazing! What a precious blessing from the Lord!

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful!!!

Mary said...

Oh she IS lovely!! She has the cutest little nose!!

Rebecca Jo said...

That is CRAZY how clear the pictures are of her!!!! She's beautiful! She does have the cutest little button nose!! Does that make it more real to you now? OHHH - I bet you cant wait to hold this angel in your arms!!!

Thanks for sharing the pics & video - what an exciting time in your life!

Shannon said...

Wow!! How cool is that?! She is so cute! I bet you are even more excited now to see her!

Caroline said...

crying......she is lovely and her mom is lovely too! Overjoyed ...overjoyed...
he makes all thing beautiful in His time!!!!love you friend!

Fran said...

Ok, I'm crying. :) She IS lovely and loved so much.

Hugs Kelly!

The Proctors said...

The 3D ultrasounds are just amazing!! I'm so happy for you guys! Harper is so precious!

Anonymous said...

She's beautiful!!!

The Allens said...

That's amazing and wonderful!

Megan L Hutchings said...

She is LOVELY and she is WONDERFUL ;)! I know your heart is leaping with joy, excitement, and praise.

Julie said...

This was so amazing to see. Thank you for sharing it so I could see it.

God continues to amaze me with His miracles and His power.

Amanda said...

How precious, Kelly! I am sharing your joy!

Jerri Lynn @ Southern Sassyness said...

Precious, precious! That is so great and wonderful to see! I also don't care to watch Oprah anymore - for the same reasons you stated. She has really lost it, in my book. I can't wait to vote - am praying fervently for this election!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Sherri said...

Harper is Precious!
Thanks for sharing this with the internets!

Melissa said...

Wow Kelly!!!! I am so excited for you and Scott. God is so amazing....isn't He???


Rathi said...

What a sweet post!!! Have a great Friday and a Happy Halloween!

Heather said...

SO LOVELY! Congrats, Kelly! Thanks for sharing this with us! She will be here in real life before you know it!

Mary Kate said...

So precious Kelly!! She is beautiful!! Aren't the 3Ds amazing!! We are getting close...all these babies will be here before we know it!! Congrats!

Robin said...

That is so amazing!! I'm so excited for you!

Chelsa said...

my little guy looked just like he did in his 3D ultrasound (minus the squished up look from being so confined!) also, the tech told us he was bald, had no hair or very little... while i was pushing they were saying "we can see his hair" and i thought they were all lying to me b/c she told me he had no hair... he came out with a HEAD FULL of hair! i'm not talking "a little" a whole head full! lol, so they can be wrong on that I KNOW!! lol

MEGAN said...

So special! I thought she looks like Scott, especially her lips...either way she'll be a cutie pie!

Kaitlyn said...

Oh how amazing, she is gorgeous!

Lauren said...

Congrats! So happy for the two of you, I want one of those chairs!! Thanks so much for sharing your excitement with us!

The Garners said...

The 3-D ultrasound pictures always give me chill-bumps! They're so amazing! I loved getting a little sneak-peak at Harper! She's beautiful and I can't wait to meet her!

Jennifer Mills said...

Such a precious baby girl! What an adorable little button nose! :) So happy for you guys!

Ashlie said...

Oh, I just love these pictures!! I love looking at the 3D ultrasounds. They always look like a painting of the baby and it amazes me that you can see so much detail! You have a precious little girl, Kelly! Congratulations and thanks for sharing this with us!

In His Army said...

Her fcae is so precious!!!!!!!! We never had 3D ultrasound done, but I am amazed at how well you can see! She is a doll!

Kim H. said...

That is amazing! She is adorable!

Kendra said...

She IS lovely. And made from love =-)

The Mrs. said...

Lost you and found you again!!!! I'm preggers too! Looks like you're doing great!

MiMi said...

Yes, she is lovely! Thank the Lord for this precious little healthy baby girl! Can't wait to see her!

Alicia said...

Harper is adorable! She looks just perfect! Thanks for sharing the 3D's. We saw baby Burke in 3D about six weeks ago. Not the ideal time, but he was still perfect! We get to see him again at 32 weeks(a perk to being high risk)...I can't wait! Have a great Anniversary!

CAMoore said...

What an exciting day! Getting to see your baby girl!!!

You look cute by the way in your outfit.

Naturally Caffeinated Family said...

Ahh that is soo awesome! You look adorable and so does she! We had one person that was so sweet and did a 3D sono for us and we noticed that after our BabyBoy was born he was still doing the same things we saw in the sonograms (like they way he had his hands near his face :))! Sooo sweet! And so exciting! It looks like you guys are enjoying every moment, that's so great!