Monday, October 13, 2008

27 weeks

27 weeks
I'm officially 7 months pregnant and in my last trimester!
Harper is the size of an eggplant (she's about 2 lbs now!)
Every week I think I'm so huge and then I look back a few weeks - and when I thought I was big - I was really not. I'm a little scared of what I will look like in 12 or 13 more weeks! Yikes!
I'm so glad I have taken these pictures every week - because it's fun to watch how I've grown. (I'm sorry that it may be a little much for all of ya'll) ha!

Nursery Update:

Obviously - those ugly black curtains aren't there to stay (they are just for privacy) - I have pink ones on order and we are going to put blinds in - but you can see how the room is starting to look.
There is one side of the crib - I think it will stand out nicely against the chocolate walls. It's going to be warm and cozy in there and I love it.

Okay - I love Harper's name because it is different but not wacko like "moonbeam" or "apple" ......and not many people have used it. But I'm a little sad today to find out that Lisa Marie Presley (love her dad and his music and especially his movies - I've probably seen "Blue Hawaii" 100 times)(but I think she is crazy - I mean she was married to Michael Jackson once - hello?) named one of her twin girls Harper. The other one is Finley and I love that girl name too. Yuck! One of the Dixie Chicks named her baby girl Harper this summer. I don't want the name catching on - especially among crazy celebrities. As long as Britney Spears doesn't get ahold of it.........
Have I mentioned my new love affair with Wal-Greens. Everything above was on my Wal-Mart list (the candy is not for me - I'm trying to stock up for Halloween - we get a million trick or treaters) (Okay - I might sneak a FEW 3 musketeers) and I managed to get it all at Wal-Greens after coupons and register rebates for NINE dollars!!! This is a $30-$35 value. WHOO HOO!!!!


Anonymous said...

The nursery is looking gorgeous!! Can't wait to see the end results!

Amanda Ledford said...

I love your weekly pics and you are seriously the cutest pregnant girl ever! I may steal the idea of posing with a visual object when my time comes, if you don't mind.
I LOVE the nursery! I can't wait to see it finished. The white and chocolate looks fabulous together!
I have noticed that Harper seems to be gaining popularity, but I still think it is a beautiful, unique name.

kinsey said...

i know how you feel about not wanting harper's name to become too popular...i always think about that with the names i like for our future children! i love having a unique name and i want my kids to have that too. without being the crazy names...ha. but i love 3 year old niece is harper ;-)

Pastor Steve said...

Kelly, could you not find something more appetizing for your pictures? There is something not right about trying to visualize my grand daughter like an egg plant! Now, a pound cake, that's what I'm talking about!
Love - Dad

Anonymous said...

I thought of you today when I saw that Lisa Marie had named one of her twins Harper. I thought "Oh No! That skank stole Kelly's name!" It's still uniquely yours, though! The room is looking super cute!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Your dad's comment is funny. (: You did some serious bargain shopping at Walgreens...I need to get my plan together for this week! The nursery is looking fabulous!!! It must be so exciting for you to see it all coming together.

Staci said...

Kelly-you look great! You're all belly. I bet you can't even tell you're pregnant from the back.

I love your veggie pics, too. I'll never look at an eggplant the same :)

Jill said...

Yea -- you look super, and the nursery is going to be just perfect!

The Garners said...

The nursery does look so warm and cozy! You're going to love spending time in there!!!

Those Milky Way bars made me hungry. I made the mistake of buying a bag of mini-Twix a few weeks ago--they tasted soooo good! I didn't share with anyone--ate the whole bag myself in a matter of a few days. :(

MEGAN said...

Kelly, you do not look big AT ALL! You look really, really great. And, the nursery is coming along quite nicely.

R said...

ok, how cute is your daddy?! :0)

and i know what you's so hard to pick a unique name that's not too popular! that irritates me that those celebs picked it. :0)

Julie said...

Wow!!! 91 days to go!! It is going by way too fast!!! You look fabulous in this picture. You do look pregnant and your are a perfect size!! So cute!!

I have to confess when I first saw the curtains I thought they didn't quite match!!! Happy to read you are putting in pink!

I laughed out loud over the useage of Harper's name. Those girls are just copying you, that's all!!! Harper Brown Stamps will be way beyond those girls!! :)

Moriah @ Please Pass the Salt said...

That 'Moonbeam' comment made me laugh, out loud.

Rachel said...

I've never commented to you but I do follow your blog. I have wanted to many times but feel like I'm a stalker until today. (We do know some mutual people so I'm not a complete stalker) But today your blog "spoke" to me- I can totally relate to the Lisa Marie name thing. I have a little girl named Finley and my 2nd girl name NO Kidding is Harper. Love Love Love it!! I heard it a long time ago and loved it so when you said that that was your name I was so excited. Then I checked and there was the headline... FINLEY AND HARPER??? WHAT??? out of all the names!!! I've only heard Harper maybe 2 or 3 times, which I love, but this past weekend I heard a little boy called Harper, which is cute too but it is kinda funny?? Good luck with little Harper and I'll be cheering for you the rest of the way.... thanks for being an inspiration!

Gracie Beth said...

I so thought about you today when they announced that Lisa Marie named one of her twins Harper!

Hailey said...

The nursery looks great.
Harper's name is beautiful. I am all into celebs and didn't even know about Lisa Marie or the Dixie Chick... if it makes you feel any better.
And excuse me... all that for NINE DOLLARS. Hello... we are going to have to start going to Wal-Greens.

Anonymous said...

You are the cutest thing ever so please don't worry about getting bigger...focus on the fact that you are just that much cuter and you are Harper's Mommy! :-) She is doubly blessed with a mommy that is super beautiful and has such a kind heart! :-)I have to admit...I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the name Harper and thought about "stealing" it myself...but I live way in Texas and I don't even have a husband shouldn't worry too'm not at all crazy! :-)

Tanya said...

Love your looks very warm and inviting! And way to go on the Walgreens bargains...I have just started doing rebates there. Free stuff is cool!

I know what you mean about names "catching on." When we picked our kids names -- Grace and Jack -- they were not at all trendy or all that popular. Grace was a family name, and I had never known another child named Jack or Jackson. Now it seems like every other child is named that! Oh well?

Marci @All Things Wonderful said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Marci @All Things Wonderful said...

I think you look adorable. Harper's nursery will be perfect. Thank you for hosting the nursery was a blast!

Faith said...

It's looking good in there! Can't wait to see it continue to come together!

Basham said...

So I just had to comment...I was just on FB looking at Holly's pictures and I totally know Hillary (from the recent wedding). We went to elementary school together with Holly. Just had to say its a small world..and you look super super cute!

Stephanie said...

Kelly, I love your weekly pictures! You are looking great girl!! You've got a long way to go before I'd use the word "huge" to describe you!! The nursery pics are adorable, I can't wait to see it all pulled together. Also, I LOVE YOU FOREVER for putting the nursery tour together!! I've been loving all those nursery pics and now my mind is on overdrive with ideas! It's so bad, I'm dreaming about the nursery almost every night!! But, I am so glad you did that. What a fun thing for all of us who are pregnant! Hope you have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

ok, are you having a preggo brain moment? :) Don't you mean you are 6 months pregnant and beginning your 7th month?
The room looks adorable and so do you. You took forever to even look pregnant, so enjoy it :) I'm just wondering how long shoes like that are gonna last... I'd been out of them long ago!

Ashlie said...

You are so cute pregnant! I love the weekly veggie/fruit pics. I never would've thought to do that. And Harper's room is beautiful!! It's going to be so luxurious when you get it all done. Are you excited to meet your little girl? It's getting close now!!

Jacquie said...

Pay no attention the man posting as "Dad" ... he has NO appreciation for the fruit/vegetable theme... besides he won't hardly even eat a fruit or a vegetable unless it's coated in chocolate! You look O SO cute! Your updates have been a weekly blessing for me... I've loved getting to enjoy your pregnancy with you and your parents! Takes me back to the good ole PG days!!

When I named Tyler, it was April 1989. I didn't know any Tylers at the time... but at the end of the year the name "Tyler" was the number #1 name for the year 1989!! Ugh! (come to find out... it's kind of a curse to be named Tyler - ha!)

Thanks for the update. Your nursery (with the exception of the black temp curtains) is coming along so well!

Anonymous said...

You are not big- at all! You look great. And I love your veggie/fruit pics. You'll be soooo glad that you did that.

Martha said...

I love your weekly updates! You are gorgeous! The nursery is looking really great!

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

You look beautiful, your nursery looks beautiful, and I'm digging your savings at Walgreens. A Walgreens just opened in my town and I'd love to know where you get the scoop on deals.

Jenna said...

The nursery is looking SO good!

And obvioulsy Lisa Marie reads your blog and totally copied Harper. Well, we all know who had the name first and that is the sure-to-be adorable Miss HBS!

P.S. You are looking radiant as ever, my friend!!

Scrapper Mom said...

You look as cute as last week...oh, I mean even cuter!!

I posted a baby blanket my mother did on my blog. Look if you get a chance.

Luv that nursery.

The Golf Widow said...

Harper is a perfect name for a girl, strong and sweet.

The name just sticks out now that you know she's a girl. I had a friend that named her daughter Ava Elizabeth right before Reese, Heather and every other Celeb named their daughters A.E.! She was nuts about it but come to find out she actually never personally met another baby Ava that was her daughter's age.
You can go on the SSA birth certificate website and it will tell you how many Harpers were born per year. It's pretty fun!I had an Olivia before it hit the top 100 names and a few years later she hit top ten! It just proves it's a great Name!
You look great! And I adore Walgreens Too!

Marc and Charity said...

I have 2 good friends, each have a little names Finley and one named Harper. Funny. I think they are both cute names!

However, living in the UK, Finley is a boy name. I guess it goes either way, but I've never met a female Finley here in the UK.

Your nursery is looking cute!

Deidre said...

I love the color of the nursery walls - so soothing! I can't wait to see the rest, Kelly!

Lauren said...

You look great! That color is gorgeous!! Can't wait to see it all put together!

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

you look so cute! your dad's response cracked me up about his grandaughter looking like an eggplant!

Anonymous said...

You will be so glad you took so many pregnancy pictures....its so fun to look back on and it goes by so fast!

The Allens said...

Kelly, I love the brown walls and I loved the nursery tour!

Rebecca Jo said...

I can really see you growing in this picture! You're still look adorable!!!

I've been hearing alot about Walgreens & coupons & rebates lately - I'm going to have to check it out myself!

Julia said...

I love that color and can't wait to see the rest! And girl you are NOT big. I work with a girl that gained 50 lbs. when she was pregnant so don't worry! I have gained about 13 or 14 lbs. and when I stress Hayden has to keep reminding me that I AM PREGNANT. haha!

I've been seeing all these blogs talk about Walgreens, I am going to have to try that out this weekend after I get the paper with coupons! We're such a Wal-Mart family, Hayden might think I'm crazy, haha!

Rebekah said...

Man, I did not know that about Lisa Marie. We actually like the name Finley...luckily we like some other names better. She is looney!!! The brown walls are so pretty! Can't wait to see it all finished!

Rebekah said...

I am curious to know how you know what to buy at Walgreens?!?! I need to start doing that. Walgreens is the closest store to us!

Megan L Hutchings said...

I think it is really neat that you have posted pictures each week. Afterall, that is what the blog is for ;)!

The nursery is coming along GREAT...can't wait to see the final pics!

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

Harper will be here before you know it! I have loved seeing how your have progressed through your pregnancy.

I have recently started playing the Walgreens game and it is so much fun! I love finding good bargains!

Billie said...

LOOK at how cute you are!?!?!?

Suz said...

The nursery looks great! Although I will say I'm glad the black curtains aren't there to stay! ;)

Okay, I am going to have to get in on the walgreens savings! Toilet paper alone would have cost at least $9... Nice savings!!!

Anonymous said...

Harper Lee is a famous author...we forget. It is a classic! Don't worry, your Harper will be much cuter!

Fran said...

Yep...this might be the fastest pregnancy ever!!! Its flying by!
I love seeing the pix of you and that adorable nursery!!

Have a great day Kelly!!

Mary said...

Kelly you are a long way from Britney. Rest assured your Harper is a long way from her kids :) My son shares a birthday with her younger sister called me "Britney" for about a week after he was born!

Lisa said...

You look so great, and yes, I remember thinking, 'how can I possibly get any bigger than this!?' It happens, but for a good cause! :)

Anita Pope said...

Love the nursery! It will be so cute when it is all finished. I am going to have to start going to Wal-Greens...those are great savings! You are looking great for 7 months pregnant!!!
Thanks for looking at the blog. I'm super excited to do the cards.
Anita :-)

Kendra said...

Sorry I had to be the one to deliver the bad news yesterday!! But I saw that headline on and thought NO WAY and had to make sure you knew...I mean, this was serious business here. Lisa Marie Presley?!? Michael Jackson's ex?!? But, imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, and I am sure Lisa Marie must read your blog...=-)
You look adorable girl!!

Heather said...

You look SOOO pretty and I can't believe you're in the 3rd trimester!!! Lovin' the nursery! It looks great!

Melissa said...

Your Harper will be the cutest. :-)

Maybe this is a sign for us to pray for Lisa and The Dixie Chicks....


Kara said...

Kelly the nursery looks FAB and so do YOU! You wear pregnancy so well! I love the chocolate brown color you picked and it looks like it will be such a great place for Miss Harper! I know you must be so EXCITED and READY to meet her! Oh, and don't worry about the name getting used by all the celebrity wackos! Your Harper will be a star all on her own! Take care & God Bless!!

Thanks so much for the cute note! It made me smile! : )

Anonymous said...

I think this is my first comment on your blog but I read daily. I think you're adorable. I really enjoyed the nursery tour as well. I enjoy your recipes also. I'm fairly new to the blog world and I hope you share the " Walgreens Game" I'm not familar.... Have a great week !

Anonymous said...

Harper is such a unique and classy name, I wouldnt worry too much...and her room looks great!!!

Elizabeth said...

The nursery looks very cute. I love the brown. Oh, and what a great deal at Wal-Greens!

The Nashville Nosher said...

I love your 'food" pictures!! I can't wait to do the same when I have a baby (not anytime soon though since I'm not married!!)

I had an idea...may be good or may not be...what if you cooked a meal using the food of the week each week for you and your hubby to eat? Anyway, just a thought. I'm thinking eggplant parmesean sounds good! But then again I know that pregnant women can be particular about their food!! :)

In His Army said...

Whew, I was worried about the curtains! Only kidding, the color looks great and it will be the perfect place to bring her home to!

As for the whole naming thing, I feel ya! Nothing makes me cringe like hearing, "Oh, ____ (fill in the blank with celebrity) has a child by that name!" Ugh!
Oh well, I loved picking names and Harper is a beautiful name so don't be too bothered!

beckylbranch said...

Kelly you look so good! You've really started to "pop" these past few a GOOD way :)
The nursery looks so pretty. I also noticed that today about Lisa Marie's baby, it is crazy b/c I'd never heard the name before you had it. But don't think anything of it b/c your Harper will always be EXTRA special!

Lianna Knight said...

I love the white crib against the chocolate walls...I agree, it will look beautiful when you have everything looks great NOW!!

I agree about Harper's name...I love my name because it's different and spelled different...but not too crazy. But I agree with the Britney comment...let's hope she doesn't have another baby...who knows what she'll name that one :)

And I must admit that I laughed for a good 5 minutes over your dad's's funny to hear what mean actually think :)

Anonymous said...

Uh Oh! Well let me start by saing I am not a celebrity, so don't be upset. I am unsure of what we are having at this piont, but LOVE the name Harper!!!! My husband and I are huge Ben Harper fans and after seeing him a long time ago in concert, we always had the name in mind.
If it is a girl, her name will be Mia Harper, hope you can think of it as a compliment =)
My best friend Angela loves your blg and has shared it with me, you are so sweet and creative!!!! Loving the nursery, we are too early for that, but I have some ideas in mind.
I'd like to add my name to your expecting mommy list, how do I do it? Thanks and keep up the awesome blog!!! Jessica

Leigh Ann said...

The nursery is going to be ADORABLE, and you are ADORABLE in that picture! That was such a good idea to take your picture every week. I think there is only one picture of me pregnant with EG. Seriously. I just didn't have time while Derek was gone. I am going to have to go back and find out what you are doing exactly to save so much cash at Walgreen's! That's amazing. I know what you mean about the name thing. I thought Ella was so original but not crazy, and now it seems we run in an Ella all the time. I specifically didn't name her Emma for that reason, and then it seemed like Ella caught on just as fast. We'll probably for sure call her Ella Grace in school so she doesn't become Ella H. Oh well! I still love her name even if there were five Ella's on our street. :)

Anonymous said...

ahh, you look so pretty! cute belly.

Anonymous said...

When I saw what Lisa Marie Presley named her twins it threw me for a loop. My daughter's name is Finlee and I thought that it was so unique until a couple of months after she was born someone else around the area that I live in named their daughter Finlee. Same spelling and everything. OBTW, even their middle name was the same. I will always say that they stole that name from us.
You look so cute pregnant and you also have to best accessories. I can't wait to see the completed nursery.
God Bless,

Meredith said...

The nursery is going to be gorgeous. That day bed is FAB! I love your weekly belly pics. Can't believe you are already 7 months! :)

Jennifer said...

You look so cute!Enjoy your belly...I miss being pregnant and having Brody with me all the time!

So apparently Josh secretly reads your blog because he kept the coupons for Walgreens from our Sunday paper and told me I needed to figure out how to "play the game" because he had seen it on your blog!! haha!!!

The Hickmans said...

Ohhh! I love the nursery so far- can't wait to see more!

suzannah | the smitten word said...

i love the name harper. i think i started liking it when i saw "angels in america"--and harper lee, of course.

i feel ya on not wanting to be super trendy. my daughter is named dylan, and right before she was born (and we'd already named her--like you), desperate housewives added a female dylan, and then so did another tv show. but, i have yet to meet a little harper or a little (girl) dylan in real life.

blessings to you in your final trimester!