Thursday, September 04, 2008

Love Like This!

Tonight I got to eat dinner with 4 special girls - Laurie, soon-to-be bride Hillary, Emily and Sarah Kate. We went to Olive Garden. Yum! Scott HATES OG so I can only eat there with friends. I stuffed my big belly silly.

Emily and I cheesing ! :-)

So I have an exciting give away!!!

Ayiesha Woods was a nominated New Artist of the Year at the Dove Awards this year and she has a new CD coming out on 9/9. You will love this CD - and you can check it out for yourself here and listen to the songs. If you love Christian music (or if you don't) - this will be a great CD to add to your collection.
The nice people at Gotee Records (maybe you have heard of Jennifer Knapp or Sonic Flood (love them)) are letting me give away one CD to a lucky reader! Just leave me a comment and let me know you'd love to win. Maybe listen to a few songs and let me know your favorite. (Hint: "Refine me" - LOVE IT) :-)
On Monday - I will use the random integer generator to draw a number and I'll send that person a free CD - what a deal!
And if you don't win - her CD will be available at Target as well as on-line!!!


Laurie said...

Oh Kelly-I like her music! She has a WONDERFUL song out called "You make Me Happy" Pick me , pick me!
Tonight was lots of fun!

Anonymous said...

Definitely the song "Refine Me"! You don't know me Kelly, but I came across your blog through Baby Bangs. You are such a great encourager!
God Bless!

Anonymous said...

whoops forgot to leave my blog info!

TriciaNae said...

love her voice!! very cool give away. oh...and olive garden...YUMMIE!

Anonymous said...

I would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win! :-) I'm a huge fan of Christian music! :-) I'm also a huge fan of yours! I think you are precious and enjoy reading your blog...every single post. :-)

Leigh Ann said...

Pick me, pick me, pick me!!! Please!

Francine said...

add me in please.. i would love to get this...
I think this is the first time i have ever left a comment on your blog but i just love reading your blog and I am so thrilled you are going to have a little girl. Harper is a very lucky little girl!!

Allikaye's Mama said...

Woohoo! I love this!! And be checkin' your mail soon...

His Doorkeeper said...

Love the song, "Refine Me"! She has a great voice.

Looks like you and your "lunch ladies" had a great time!

The Barnes Crew said...

I would love to be entered in your contest...Ayiesha Woods has a great, unique voice! I'm slowly building my Christian music collection and this would be an awesome addition! (My hubby just downloaded Selah & Nicol Sponberg for me tonight...yea!!)

Meredith said...

Oh my goodness! I would love to be in the drawing also!!! Olive Garden is SO good!

Martha said...

What a great giveaway! I would love to enter! I've been reading your blog since you found out you were pregnant, but I haven't been leaving many comments! But, just wanted you to know I love reading your blog! God bless!!

TheFancyFritter said...

Oh how fun! I love giveaways! I love her voice!! Put me in! :) Thanks!

Jenna said...

Love the OG - almost as much as I love those pics of those cute girls!!! Looks like ya'll had a wonderful time!

And speaking of love - I am loving me some Ayiesha Woods! Her voice is awesome. Honestly you had me at "Jennifer Knapp" - my all-time favorite. And hearing Ayiesha's remake of JK's 'Refine Me' bout had me squealing! I feel like I am destined to win this cd. haha! ;-)If I don't I will definitely be purchasing it! Thanks girl!

Jill said...

Hey Kelly,

Your friend, Becca told me about your blog. Love it!

I see you guys tried for a couple of years before getting pregnant. This will be our 26th month of trying. I'll go back and read more of your blog but it's always encouraging to read when someone else finally gets pregnant after trying for so long.

Congrats on the pregnancy and I look forward to reading more!

StephanieG said...

i'm always excited to hear new music...not familiar with her. Pick Me Pick Me!

discovered you a few months your blog

Jerri Lynn @ Southern Sassyness said...

Now THIS is my kind of give-away! I love music - especially good Christian music. I'm not familiar with her, but will definitely go check her out.

M.E. said...

Ooh, cool a giveaway!! I have to check her out!
Love your blog, I check it daily!

Yoli said...

Wow! A give away! How fun! I'm not familiar with her, but would love to be!! Thanks in advance! tee hee!

Lianna Knight said...

What fun!! Count me in :)


petrii said...

YAY!! I love OG and a good CD!!

Love your blog dear one,

Anonymous said...

My Ipod really wants this CD! :)

God's peace,
Kelly S. (Michigan)

The Writer Chic said...

Kelly, what a fun giveaway! I always LOVE to see who gets nominated as the New Artists of the Year....we've ahd SO many good musicians come to light in the last several years -- she is no exception. =)

Anonymous said...

I somehow found your blog through way of Angie Smith's Bring the Rain blog. I think it's so cute how you have your 'baby buddies' on the side!

And would love to enter the giveaway... :]

Blessings on a great day,
Kayla Grace

Anonymous said...

What fun! Count me in the random drawing to possibly win a great CD! :) Happy Friday!

Rachel said...

Glad you had a good time at Olive Garden, and the CD looks great. It's been a LONG time since I actually got a CD - I guess that's what mp3s and the ipod does!

Hillary said...

I had a great dinner! Can't wait to eat the left overs tonight!! I'm gonna miss you!! But I'm still not talking about that yet!

I DO like her music! I hear it in KLRC all the time! I want it!! :)

Anonymous said...

I'd love to win!!!!

tRacY paRty oF 4 said...

Woohoo! Pick me! My coworker A Belle and Her Beau got me started reading your blog. Love it and congrats to you and Scott on Baby Harper!

Beth Roberts said...

I LOVE her voice!!! So unique sounding!!

Love reading your daily updates!!! :)

tbmroberts @

Avery & Hailey said...

Love reading your blog.

Jennifer | GraceLikeRainBlog said...

Hey Kelly, I'd like to win a CD!

I found your blog through Bring the Rain, but then I realized that I also know your hubby. I'm originally from Magnolia and my parents live right down the road from Scott's parents.

Jill said...

I was fortunate enough to hear Ayiesha Woods perform with her brother at my church a couple of years ago. I immediately downloaded her song, "You Make Me Happy," onto my iPod to make working out a little happier. Love her! And, would love to win...

Anonymous said...

Nothing brings us lurkers out more than a give away! ha!

I love this music and would be thrilled to have this cd.


Deana in Lubbock, TX

Danielle (Life with the Hewitt Family) said...

I would LOVE to win this CD. Thanks for the suggestion, I love to find new artists. Thanks!

Kelli said...

Loved Refine Me and One Day!

Kristin said...

I could use a new CD :)

Rebekah said...

Ummm..I think you should pick me to win the CD! I Love her! I didn't know there was a new CD coming out! Good to know!

Heather said...

I'd love to be the proud owner of a new cd too!!

Pam said...

I love good Christian music. Pick me!

Megan L Hutchings said...


I am so glad you had a delicious dinner with some of your dearest!

Megan said...

Well I always love a good giveaway...Glad to see you also enjoy Olive Garden. It never fails: the salad, the breadsticks. Always amazing!

duchess said...

I would love to have her new CD.
Thanks for thinking of us.

Allison said...

ooh I'd love to win! What a fun giveaway!

The Hickmans said...

Count me in- I love a contest!! Be checking my blog for one in a few weeks. :)

Lindsey said...

Oh how I would love to win! The girls and I would so enjoy it:)

Glad you had a fun lunch date:)

Have a great weekend and WAR EAGLE!

Anonymous said...

I would love love love to win this CD.

Anonymous said...

Hi Kelly,

I read your blog every day. You are a blessing and an encouragement. You make me smile, and often, I've wished I lived closer, cuz' I would just love to hang out with you :-) I also love the sounds of your church and your church family. We are currently looking for a new church (in Michigan :-) and boy, can it be a difficult task. Anyhow, I would love to win this CD - so please pick me, pick me!! :-) Have a great day, and hug Harper today from me!

Amanda Ledford said...

Oh, pick me, pick me!
Looks like you had a great dinner with your girls! It makes me want some OG tonight! Haha!

Rathi said...

I love the song New Beginnings!! what a great song!! By the way, love OG too. Glad you had a good time.. Have a great weekend!!!

Mom to 2 Angels said...

I listened to a few of the songs and I love her voice! I had heard "You Make Me Happy" before but didn't realize she was the artist. Thanks for sharing the link. I'll be heading to Target on the 9th if I don't win!

Anonymous said...

She has such an awesome voice! I'd love to take this cd off your hands! :)

Lauren said...

Count me in on this chance to get CD :) Be blessed and have a great day!


Outnumbered 4 to 1 said...

Wow! Kelly how do you pick just one favorite! OKAY so if I have to choose I would say Fight! With everything going on in my life I want to curl up in bed and stay there but I can't I have to stand up and fight just like the song says.

I would LOVE to win

lwalk said...

Thanks for the fun giveaway. There's nothing better than a new CD while you're driving!!

Virginia said...

I agree, Refine Me is awesome. 56 sounds like a good "random integer". :)

Nichele Lynn said...

Pick me!! I LOVE her!!!

Mrs.D said...

I'd love to win the CD. Refine Me is great (as well as all her others). Thanks for offering this fun giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love Ayiesha Woods! I saw/heard her for the first time last September when I took a group of girls from church to the revolve tour in Columbus, OH and I just saw her again at Women of Faith. Count me in on the drawing please!

MMM said...

I would love to win. Can you throw that precious shirt in with the CD? =) Ha, Ha! Where did you get it? I LOVE it!!!!! BTW, I bought the old navy dress in black and it is so fabulous and flattering. I think we need a Kelly's pregnant wardrobe update so I can steal some more of your cute (and most importantly--affordable) fashions. Happy Friday!!

We've Got Scents said...

Would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win! But, if I don't, this is one I'll have to purchase! 'Refine Me' is awesome! Blessings to you always,
Matthew 21:22

Immeasurably More Mama said...

I love Ayiesha's song "Happy" and I'm sure her new C.D. has some great songs, too!

Adrienne said...

Me too! I wanna win. I have loved Jennifer Knapp forever and I'm gonna have to listen to the remake of her song!!

Katie said...

I'm on board! I would love the cd!

Trina said...

You know are you big time when record companies start letting you give away CDs :)

I would love to win :)

Julie said...

Where have I been!!!! Have I been stuck back in a cave?? I have not heard of Ayiesha Woods!! I have spent all morning listening to her!!! She is awesome!!!! I couldn't pick a favorite song!! I loved the beat of "Fight" loved the intro to "Because of You" Liked the message of "New Beginnings" and loved the words and prayer built within "Refine Me" Even if the machine doesn't pick me I'm going to by this, but I'll wait until the drawing!!!!

Anonymous said...

I have been reading your blog for a long time but have never left a comment. You are inspiring and seem so sweet. Every time we visit NWA(hubs is from Springdale and I went to JBU)I think of you as we pass Doe's and Mimi's. I would love to win this CD!! Didn't Ayiesha sing with Toby Mac for a while?

Anonymous said...

For some reason, by blog name didn't's

Heather said...

LOVE Olive Garden and love Christian music! Thanks for the giveaway!
OH yeah-and GO HOGS!

Anita Pope said...

I would love to win! Bloggy Giveaways are the greatest!!
Anita :-)

Natasha said...

I love Ayiesha Woods and the song, "Refine Me". I'd love to win the CD!

Rhonda said...

Hey Kelly,
What fun, a great give away!! Let me just say I LOVE learning about a new Christian artist that I have not heard of yet. So, of course I would love to be the random # picked for the CD. Even if that does not happen I will certainly down load her music, thanks for the introduction to a new artist.

Hope you have a great weekend,

Faith said...

I want it, I want it! LOVE her good!

Betsy said...

I want to play!!

Michelle said...

LOOOVVVEEE YOUR BLOG! I'm a faithful reader! It's hard to pick a favorite from her CD! I like different ones for different things in my life. "Happy" Refine Me", and "FIGHT!" Maybe "Fight" is my favorite?

Elizabeth said...

Pick me! Pick me! I would love some new music!

Mommy to those Special Ks said...

ME ME ME!! I always love new music! :)

Denise said...

I would love to be entered into the giveaway! I would also love to be at Olive Garden right now! I adore your blog but I've never actually left you a comment before. I'm so happy for you and Scott. Harper will be so blessed!

Love, Denise

Julie said...

I love your blog and am a faithful reader. I like her songs Happy and The Remedy. I would love to have her new CD.


beckylbranch said...

OH! I have heard of a couple of her songs...but I'd love to listen to the whole cd! :)

Staci said...

How fun!! I LOVE her and would love to have this CD :)

Thanks Kelly!

Kristen said...

Very cool giveaway! I'll have to shoot over and sneek a listen :)
Have a great weekend!

The Inside of Our Nest said...

What a great giveaway idea. Who does not love music? Thanks for added me to the list of people who would love to win.

Nascar88_20 said...

What a great CD - from a quick listen, my favorite was New Beginnings - but I liked them all.

Melissa said...

I would love to win this CD. I have not heard any of her songs but will try to very soon. Keep the blogs coming, I love reading about your life and can't wait til lil' Harper Brown is here! I am still praying for a baby of our own. I know HE will be good to us too! Hope to hear from you soon saying I won!!
Have a great weekend! Oh, I LOVE OG!!!

Renee said...

Count me in, the cd sounds good. I had never heard of Ayiesha before, but enjoy listening to contemporary Christian music. I have never commented before now. I found your blog from Angie's and have enjoyed following the exciting news in your life and you have such an adorable family. I am very happy for you and Scott and was excited when you found out it was a girl. Harper will be a very blessed baby girl.
Renee from SC.
Go Gamecocks!...and TN Vols - had to throw that in there for my husband who is a TN grad.
PS - Can't wait to see your nursery pics.

Reese Family said...

I am another one of those readers who you don't know, but I really love to read your blog. Congratulations on your baby girl! I have a 17 month old girl and our son is due in November. Email me at denise dot reese at yahoo dot com if you'd like to check out my blog since it's private.

I would LOVE to win this CD by the way!

Julie said...

Hi Kelly,
I would love to win!
I read your blog everyday!
I love it so much!
All your clothes are beautiful and your Mom really seems so sweet!
Congrats on your little Harper- very pretty name!

Mrs. McDaniel's Class said...

I would love to win that CD! I have an 8 year old little girl who would also love it!

Amy said...

I would love to win it! I am so not a lucky winner type. I was just telling my pregnant girlfriend tonight at our girls night about your idea to post a belly picture with the pieces of fruit, I just love that idea

Melissa said...

Hi Kelly,

You girls always look like you have so much fun together. Nothing like wonderful friendships. :-) Yes..I would love to win this cd. It looks great!


Laura Ann said...

I would love to add that CD to my IPOD. Count me in, please!

Krazy Klingers said...

This CD is great! I Love it!

HBee said...

Cool give away! I wanna win! ;)

Rebecca Harber said...

I would love the chance to win this CD. I'm with you on the song "Refine Me". I've been a lurker for a while and I meant to email you and tell you that I loved your Spinach Dip recipe. I made it for a baby shower and everyone loved it. Thanks for that. Please pick me my IPOD would love this CD too. I teach sign language through music for a ministry team of teenagers at my church and I could definitely use that song. I'm always looking for some great Christian music that teenagers and adults can fall in love with and truly worship.

LeeAnn said...

I would love to win. I only listen to Christian music!
By the way, congratulations!!

Amy said...

Kelly, I'm very excited about your give away! I'm not familiar with Ayiesha Woods, but I REALLY hope to win this CD!

Have a great weekend!

Tammy Lou said...

Cool giveaway!!!!Pick me..Pick me...I read your blog everyday
Tammy Lou

Jackie said...

I can tell that I would LOVE this CD. Thanks, Kelly! :)

sadietalk said...

I love the first song and the refine me song that you like. I have never heard of her before so I am glad you mentioned her on your blog. I hope I win the cd. Thanks so much, beth

Joni said...

I would love to enter!!!

MamaBear said...

What a fun giveaway! Sign me up!

Amber said...

Pick me, Pick me!

Twice as Nice said...

Count me in!!! Would love to win :o)

Mary said...

Pick me Pick me! I'd love to hear her!

sugar said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. What a beautiful CD. Or album as we called it in my younger days. Thank you for doing the giveaway.