Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Going to the Chapel and Roll over the Tide!

I had my glucose test this morning and it went just fine. I got to have fruit punch and it was actually pretty tasty! ha! Most importantly - I heard Harper's heartbeat and it was 150 and she sounded just wonderful in there. :-)

This is my last post for several days because I have a VERY EXCITING few days coming up! This pretty couple above is getting married on Friday night in an awesome setting and I can't hardly wait! All of us girls are headed down tomorrow afternoon (after a much needed color and cut for my hair in the morning) and we will have the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner tomorrow night followed by the (ooh-la-la) lingerie shower. Then Friday we have the Bridesmaid Brunch and the wedding!!! I'm so excited to see how beautiful my friend Hillary will be and I know we will all have so much fun. Get ready for LOTS of pictures on Sunday.

I have to leave Saturday morning from there and hustle home in time to get to a BIG game we have with BAMA on Saturday at 11:30. I'm pretty sure we will be crushed but the first SEC game of the year is always excited. We are having such awesome fall weather right now that it will be a perfect day! GO HOGS - BEAT the TIDE! (Sorry Julia) ha!

And finally - I got the sweetest package in the mail today. Ashley made me these little blocks for Harper. They will look so cute in her room! They are perfect - pink and brown and animal print! I love them!

Have a great rest of the week! I'm looking forward to a few days off, wedding cake, laughing with friends, dancing at the wedding, being jealous of Hillary's hawaiian honeymoon and cheering on the hogs!


Anonymous said...

With this awesome weather I am totally jealous you will be at the game....we sold our tickets hoping Kaleb will come!! I love the blocks!

Jenna said...

How fun!!! I can't wait to see pictures of the wedding! I know ya'll will have SUCH a great time!

Oh and I LOVE the blocks! They are perfect!

Have a wonderful weekend, friend!

Anonymous said...

Have fun!

The Garners said...

I wish I had a wedding to go to this weekend just so I could eat wedding cake--yum! I hope Hillary has a very special weekend (and you and everyone else, too, of course!). Those blocks are precious--how are they made...painted? with scrapbook paper? etc. I might want to try to copy that idea--very cute!!!!!!!! Have a safe weekend! Glad your glucose test went great--good thing you didn't have it Monday after the wedding cake! :)

Heather said...

It is GREAT football weather! I am going to tell my hubby to look for you at the game!
And those blocks are so precious!!!
Happy wedding time and early weekend!

Immeasurably More Mama said...

Oh,my! You are going to be BUSY this weekend but it sounds like a lot of fun! Have a great time!

I also want to say that Hillary looks gorgeous in that photo!...she will make a very beautiful bride. (:

pinkmommy said...

Go Hogs!!! I will be in NW AR, but the Prince and I aren't going to the game. My little cheerleader yells enough for all of us, though.

Cortni said...

Those letter are adorable!!

Hillary said...

You're so sweet!!! Can't wait to see you tomorrow! You'll have to cheer extra loud for the Hogs on Saturday since I won't be there with you!
Cute blocks!!!

Anonymous said...

Hope you have fun! Congrats to Hillary!!! Wish I were headed to an island..ahhhh!

Kendra said...

Sounds like lots of fun!!!! =-)

Gracie Beth said...

Sounds like you are going to have an eventful weekend! Have fun!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Oh, I just had to chime in about the football game! I'm a Bama fan by hubby lives & breathes AL football, so I have to be.

Roll Tide Roll! Just hadda say that..ha-ha..I'll stop back by after we win on Sat.

Staci said...

I have a wedding next weekend with all the same festivities! I can't WAIT!!!

Lovin' the blocks! I might have to copy them for my new niece :)

Katie said...

Congratulations to your friend that is getting married! Many blessings for a happy, blessed life for her and her husband! Have fun, and be safe!

Kristen said...

Harper's blocks are too cute! I love the pink and animal print!
Have fun this weekend with your gals! I do love a wedding with good friends...laughter and catching up is the best! Be safe!

Caroline said...

have lots of fun!!!!!!!!!!!! and give us a play by play on the wedding!!!!!!

Kristy said...

LOVE the blocks!!
I agree... probably will have a loss, but I am being optimistic!!

Lianna Knight said...

What ADORABLE blocks!!! I have been saving all the ideas and links you have shared with us...I can't wait to plan and do all these things for my sweet baby one day!

Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend!

Allikaye's Mama said...

Yay! I am so glad you like the blocks!! It is the least I can do for you providing all of us such a fun blog to read everyday!! I am selling those blocks on Etsy now too - they are fun to make!
Have a great fun wedding!!

Kelli said...

Those blocks are TOO cute and HOORAY for wedding cake! I am contemplating wedding crashing just so that I can have some! JK :)

Fran said...

Praying for Hillary!!! What a darling picture of them above. I can't wait to hear about it.

Have a blast!

Laura said...

Sorry, but I just have to say it, "Roll Tide!!"

MEGAN said...

Oh my goodness, those blocks are so cute, and such a great gift idea!

Anonymous said...

Somehow I came across your blog!

I am also a HOG fan! I live in central AR. My husband and I attend ALL Hog football games...Home and away!

Love the block letters!

Kelly said...

Have a great time this weekend. Sounds like lots of good times and memories will be made. And no guilt about eating a large piece of wedding cake this time around. That is the best part, ey?
Just wanted to comment on tuesdays post as well...GO DAN. I am a huge BB fan and have been rooting for Dan for some time now. Though I was hoping Keesha was sitting next to him. Can't win them all.
Cute letters for Harper. I am sure her room will be perfect.

Brandi said...

Those are two of the greatest things about weddings! Cake and Dancing! Yay! Have a great weekend!

Love the blocks, those are adorable! I love all your ideas! I hope the day we have a baby I can use some of these wonderful ideas!

One last thing for the weekend! GO HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Julia said...

Girl...I have the feeling ya'll just might roll over us too! For real! Did you SEE what happened to Auburn last week? That was sad! I really hate Tennessee AND Florida so I just hope they beat each other up!

Patty said...

This is my first time to comment and I come here via my friend Fran's blog. I love your blog and your love for the SEC. I am not a HOGS fan but I do have a friend who is a BIG HOGS fan. I LOVE the SEC and I am a Tennessee VOL fan. I am sure that made you cringe. ;)

I will be rooting your team on and my team plays the Gators. Talk about a pounding, I am sure we will get beat as usual. lol

I have been praying for Harper and have a great time at your friend's wedding and at the game!


Joni said...

Love the blocks--too cute!
Can't wait to see pictures from the wedding!

amy (metz) walker said...

As an Auburn fan, I'm not a fan of the Tide either, so take em out! Have a great weekend!

Jamie said...

Have a great time!

I feel like I know all of your friends just from reading your blog. Best wishes to Hillary.

Trina said...

Sorry you guys lost! ROLL TIDE :)

Unknown said...

The wedding looked beautiful from the pictures. Sorry that you guys lost. We did too. Actually, we didn't lose, we were slaughtered. (30 -6). The band is always one of my favorite parts of going to the games Have a great day!