Can you believe that tomorrow is OCTOBER???
This year is flying by. We got home this weekend and all of our neighbors had their fall decorations up so I thought I better get busy.
I'm not buying any clothes for Harper because she already has been given a closet full but I do want to get a few special outfits for next year. One of the things I can't wait for is to dress her up next fall and take her to a pumpkin patch for a photo session. I want to take her picture in a pumpkin patch every year because fall is my absolute favorite.
Speaking of pumpkin patches - if you live in NWA - do you have any suggestions on a good one? Not for me (this year) but my a guy I work with wants to go to a good one that has the whole cider to drink and the whole experience. I'm not sure if there are any like that or not so if you know of any -drop me a comment and let me know.
Ohhh, those outfits! And the bows! I keep saying Blake will be born with a bow. :)
Fall is my favorite too (yet rarely do I decorate for it other than the mums and wreath as well). I asked Jon if he thought a 10 month old could appreciate Boo at the Zoo (a neat kids thing in LR) next year...decided WE will appreciate it for sure!!!
I love the outfits!!! I hope you plan to buy a TON of bows for Harper...they are too cute!
There is a pumpkin patch in Prarie Grove. We were going to take our Pre K classes there but we ended up not doing it because it was such a far drive from the school, so I don't know exactly how good it is but I do know that the rest of the school is still going so I figure it is worth the drive out there! Let me know if you want the number for it. I think I still have it!
Those outfits are so precious!
Love the outfits and the wreath!
oh love those outfits. I think you need to do both because they are too sweet!
You don't know me and I can't remember how I found your blog, but I love it! Congrats on little Harper. I will caution you not to buy clothes for too far in advance because you never know what size she'll be. My daughter was the world's largest and fastest growing baby. At 3 months, she had outgrown her 6 month clothes, at a year she was almost out of 18 months, etc. A friend has a little boy who is too small for the size he should be in and she has a lot of summer clothes to give away because he never grew into them. For some reason, we (pregnant women and moms) think that sizes are a RULE in kids clothes and that they'll automatically fit at the right age . . . but they don't always! I don't want you to have all of these adorable, custom made clothes that fit in the wrong seasons!
Lindsey in Georgia
Those dresses are absolutely adorable! What fun it will be to dress her up and take her to a Pumpkin Patch next year!
I don't have many fall decorations, either. I like other people's...but it's not my thing either.
I forgot to mention earlier that I think we have the same door mat at our front doors....too funny!
Seriously? The dresses (especially the second one) are ADORABLE!!!! She's going to be the best dressed girly girl on the planet!
I'm like you - I don't do a lot of seasonal decorating... a wreath here, a pumpkin there... but when Christmas comes, watch out! lol
You know, fall is one thing I really miss!!
I don't know of any pumpkin patches in NWA but if they are willing to drive about 2 hours north, there are some great ones that are south of KC. is one of them - you could spend an entire day/afternoon there. is another one (not as big) that is owned by one of my friends there.
Precious dresses! Did you make your wreath? I'm like you...just a few things out for fall and I'm good.
I love Fall, too! I have a few decorations inside. Tomorrow I'm going to buy pumpkins to put on my front porch. :) I have pictures of my kids at the pumpkin patch since they were babies. I love taking them and they love going. We usually go several times in October.
The little dresses are too cute...we also love the pumpkin patch and taking Emma there. My latest post shows her at the pumpkin patch last year, you will have to look at how much she has changed in a year. It is amazing how quickly they grow. Little Harper is going to be so cute in one of those little dresses and bows picking out her first pumpkin. Only 15 more weeks and you will be holding that sweet baby girl in your arms forever!
I LOVE that denim dress!!! Harper would be so cute in that! :) Where do you get all these cute monogrammed clothes?
I think I heard my womb cry out when I saw that second dress and bow. SOO precious!! Harper is definitely going to be a style icon amongst the baby population. :-)
I gave you an award on my blog, check it out!
Those dresses are too cute! Love them! :-) I love reading all about you, little Ms. Harper and of course FOOTBALL! :-) I spent two weeks this summer while we were out of school reading your blog from day one and now I love keeping up with you. Please know that all three of you are in my prayers as well! :-)
hi kelly, i thought i would de-lurk because your last post has been on my mind. the pic of your friend's little one who was premature...and your comment about that is the size of harper and you cannot believe that is inside of you. i know exactly how you feel and it made me just want to pray for you, little harper, and a safe and healthy delivery. m husband and i dealt with infertility for a few years before our mirable baby was conceived. she is now 4 years old but will always be our baby!!! the pregnancy, delivery and still to this day was so surreal. it was like i knew i was pregnant but i couldn't fathom a PERSON was growing inside of me. when she was born i couldn't even cry or say anything, i just stared at her. it was so incredible and shocking... God is so good!! we were blessed with her and hope to be blessed again someday. we know it will probably have to be through adoption but we don't care. we just hope to be able to raise more of God's children in our home. You have a miracle growing inside of you (i know i don't have to tell you that :) ) congratulations, you are in my thoughts and prayers as the day gets closer that you get to hold that sweet miracle in your arms!!!!
This is the first year I've decorated on the inside, but outside, I love a big wreath, mums, and a lot of pumpkins! The 2nd dress is my favorite! I love it! She is going to be the best dressed baby girl in Arkansas! Haha!
Love the dresses! Where did you fine them?
I love those dresses. McGarrahs has moved from Lowell to Pea Ridge and there is a corn maze up in the edge of Missouri. I found them thru google search.
I love Fall! I have boxes of decorations that I drag out every year with excitement and then make my husband put them away just in time to blow up the house with Christmas.
Growing up in Illinois and now living in Florida I so miss the seasons changing. That's definitely the thing I miss the most, not the colder than cold or hotter than hot, but the Fall and Spring! With your front door pictures and the floral arrangements you showed a fews weeks back you inspired me to give a tour of my house on my blog. I had lots of fun doing it although my girls now think I'm crazier than before but who cares right? Thanks for the nudge.
P.S. Having two girls and a scrap-booking addiction, I vote for the denim dress it's more Fall-Pumpkin Patch casual and will photograph great.
Please keep my mom's etsy shop in mind. She has a cute little pumpkin jumper with bloomers there now and will be available when Harper grows into one as well. She does baby things too such as changing pads, diaper bags, etc. and they can all be monogrammed. You can link to it through my blog site.
At least give her a look. Just b/c it's not listed doesn't mean she doesn't make it, so just ask if you are interested!!
Oh, and she is a perfectionist so her stuff is very high quality!
I love your fall decorations and those dresses are ADORABLE!!
I love the polka dot pumpkin! You have great taste and Harper will be the best dressed baby on the block! If you get a moment, will you leave me a post and tell me where you found the polks dot dress? I want to order some for my precious girls to wear nest year. We do the pumpkin patch every year and it is a favorite memory.
I absolutely love that second dress! That would look so cute on Harper next year!
I love the second dress ;)! SO CUTE!
We usually go to Ranaldi's produce out towards tonitown... its a old farm store that has a million pumpkins and decorations outside to take pics in and such, its not the whole experience though, there is one in Lowell on 71 where you can pick pumpkins and have a tractor hayride.... not too great, but the only ones i could really find! Love the dresses, that is just my taste also... :) Pretty soon I will blog about the dresses Sassy made the girls for halloween, you will love them!:)
I love decorating for Fall. I love your wreath and mums! So pretty! And the outfits are sooo cute!!! Love them!
What sweet little dresses! Harper is going to be a doll especially with little bows in her hair! Oh so fun!!!
There is a place in Lowell that has a pumpkin patch right of 71B, not sure about the cider, but it's still pretty fun!
Too cute! I love those little dresses! Oh and pumpkin patches...I need to talk to you about that. There aren't any great ones that I'm aware of right now but there is going to be a wonderful one soon.
Those outfits are adorable!!!! I love them! I'm thinking I need to find something for Taylor now! Can't wait to see Harper in one of these!
Cute dresses!!! has a ton of cute little girl dresses! And they are all home made so they are so different!
God bless that sweet little baby!
Those dresses are so cute. I love the name Harper!
Those dresses are precious! :)
hey kelly- I found your blog several weeks ago and love seeing how excited you are anticpating your sweet babies arrival! She is so blessed to have a mama so excited to have her! I live way North in Indiana. We've got lots of patches up here. Fall is really in the air! Leaves changing and high of 55 tommorrow...So if your game for a trip-maybe an ND trip:)...I know some great B&B's.
cute dresses! I'm just gonna warn you about buying too far ahead in sizes. I did that with J, thinking that I'd be so prepared but she didn't grow like I counted she would as far as the clothes sizes and the seasons. So I would get clothes out for her to wear and the wouldn't fit or be the wrong season because she grew off the normal schedule. Just a thought--I'd hate for you to buy those adorable dresses and them not fit her next fall! You just never know how they're going to grow...
oh and there is a pumpkin patch in pea ridge, we're trying it out this Saturday, I'll let you kno....
You have a beautiful blog. I love the fall decorations, they are my favorite!
Those dresses are sooo cute, I love the second one, and if it comes with the bow, well then it's definitely a must buy!
Adorable dresses! Just so precious plopped in a pumpkin patch!
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