25 weeks
Harper weighs the same as a head of cauliflower
Ya'll remember I told you last week about a former co-worker who's granddaughter was going to be born at 28 weeks? Well she sent me this picture today.

And I started freaking out a little bit because this baby is 1 lb 14 oz and 13 inches long. According to the baby websites - Harper is 1 lb 6 oz and 12 inches long. So almost this size. I was looking at this picture and thinking - THAT IS WHAT IS INSIDE ME!!!!!!!! I mean I know there is a baby in there but I just imagine this tiny little creature and then I get this visual and it's unbelievable to me. Pregnancy is so amazing. No wonder I feel Harper kicking so hard all the time - look how big she is!! Those fruits and vegetables I hold up each week don't do it justice. Only God could make a miracle like this! And through God's providence - this baby can be born this early and live and be a healthy girl!

I got the most amazing package on Friday from a fellow blogger -
Natalie! She sent me these two precious outfits and I can't wait for Harper to wear those and I'm going to take her picture!

She also had a friend make me this frame and it's pretty much the cutest thing I've ever seen in my life. It goes PERFECTLY with the nursery and I can't wait to hang it on the wall and fill it with a picture of my two favorite people in the whole world - Scott and Harper.

Look at the side of the frame - it's done in my pink and brown tiger print. I love it!!! Her friend has a
web site if you want to check it out - she's got lots of cute, cute things!
P.S. The baby in the picture's name is Jadyn and please do pray for her. It's not a great situation to start with - her parents are two 19 year old kids who aren't married and the father works an entry level job. The baby will have to be in NICU until December and the mother is still in the hospital with high blood pressure problems. Not only are they facing physical difficulties but imagine the financial difficulties they are starting out life with. The best compliment anyone ever gives me is to call me or e-mail and ask me to pray for them because they know I will. I would like for this family to see the power and love of God. They are going to need Him to lean on.
I can't even imagine how surreal it must be to see that picture. I am definitely putting that sweet baby on my prayer list! You are looking too cute with your cauliflower this week!
What a precious frame! Kelly you look great.
I get to take care of those little miracles every day, I feel so blessed. That little one still has a long way to go, and her road will be rough... I pray your little Harper will swim for as long as she can!
I told your Dad I love Mondays... cuz it's update Monday! You are looking so cute - belly and all!
I just knew you'd enjoy all that comes with pregnancy. It's living a miracle daily and it's the most amazing journey.
You're not going to have to buy a thing for this child - she'll have enough clothes to get her to her teen years.
I'm SO glad you loved it ~ it was so fun picking out those darling little girl clothes. My baby girl is 6yrs old now and I loooooved to dress her!
How adorable are you with the cauliflower?! Girl, she will be here before you know it!!
We'll be praying for that little baby girl that was born early!
Kelly, it is amazing to think that a little girl just like that is in your belly. If you really think about it, it is truly amazing. Only God can do it. Makes me want to love him more.
Hey, visit my blog for an update, but pray for our pastor and his wife. They are currently in Liberia adopting three sibling children.
Kelly you look adorable as always and those gifts are soooo cute! I know it must be hard to believe that your little Harper is almost the size of the baby in the picture. How AMAZING is God?? I don't see how anyone could look at something so tiny and perfect and not believe it's a miracle! I will be praying for the "early arrival" as well as you and your family. Take care!
You look so pretty with such a pretty tummy! You have nice friends!!
You could not be any cuter!
Oh my! That picture of that sweet baby girl had the same effect on me! I cannot believe I have a perfectly formed little baby in there either! Blows my mind. It is a miracle that babies can make it so premature. I will pray for her!
I am so glad you love the picture and I wanted to say thanks for putting my link on your blog.
More importantly I wanted to let you know I will be lifting that precious little girl up in my prayers. God is good all of the time and we need to remember He is the ultimate healer. Please keep us posted on her status.
Yes, please let us know the little girl's name so we can pray specifically for her!
You are looking great! And how cute is that frame?! I bet Scott can't wait to have a picture of the two of them in there!
You look great! Such cute gifts!!I love the Daddy frame!!
Kelly you are so blessed to have so many blogger friends who love you so much! It seems like every week someone is sending you something and I love to see what all they give you! What a blessing :)
Oh, what a sweet baby in the picture. Praise God. He is wonderful!!! : )
Most adorable pregnant girl in the history of the WORLD!
Adorable frame, and you look so good!
Too too cute!! The Lord is quite amazing...isn't He:) You have been so blessed and I look forward to seeing the pics of your precious little one soon!!!
You look great! And I love that adorable frame.
Oh you look so wonderful!!!!!! you are glowing!!!!!! just beautiful kelly!!!!!! i will pray for this young family!!!!!! i will i will!
I will absolutely be praying for this tiny, precious lamb!
That *is* amazing when you look at that tiny baby and know that is what is inside your womb now. It's so hard to imagine until you see something like that! You look so cute, Kelly, in your leggings!
Hey cute thing....I remember when my first son was born and I just stared at him thinking "You were inside me! Hmmmm" Its just almost too much to get our brains around sometimes.
Have a great day!
You look so cute!! That picture is incredible and I hope that your friend's little girl continues to grow and get stronger. I too have trouble realizing there is an actual baby in there kicking me. God is amazing! I appreciate your shout out to the Tide. We have a very tough road ahead of us. The SEC is looking great this year!
Beautiful post. I love your heart for The Lord.
Looks like Harper is coming along nicely. :)
Kelly, I made Kacy's Banana Pudding Cheesecake this weekend for our trip to Oklahoma and Arkansas. It was WONDERFUL. It was very easy, too. It was time consuming like Kacy said, but well worth it!
I have to say - that cauliflower you have in your hands dont look too small! But I can see where it bring reality to you to see the baby. That baby is all stretched out though - your baby is still in that little tight ball (I love when they do that when they're born & you snuggle them - precious!)
And you look FANTASTIC by the way!!
Seeing that precious Jadyn puts things in perspective, doesn't it? I am guessing things are kind of surreal for you right now. You look great!
Again you look great in the pic.. Harper's frame is so adorable.. Can't wait to see how the nursery turns out.. Will keep baby Jayden in our prayers as well! Have a great day!
From a previous post about what people would say about you at your funeral, I think everyone would say, "Wow, she loved God, she loved all people, and her love for God encouraged me to love God more."
It is SUCH a miracle to think about what a baby starts out as, and in 9 months a living and breathing PERSON comes out. It is amazing. I can't wait to see pictures of Little Harper.
Will definitley be praying for this new family.
Love that frame!
You look AMAZING!!! I will definitely pray for the family of that sweet tiny baby.
Oh- and that frame is adorable! Can't wait for nursery pics!!
Hello Kelly, What a sad way to start out with such a tiny little baby girl,Jadyn that has health problems with such young parents. I will pray for them & this sweet innocent child. I love all your gifts from your blog friend thats so sweet of her. Can't wait to see photo's of how your nursery is coming together. Your looking so cute, fruit, veg's & all, ha!!! Where is little Dawson? I love Bichon dog's. They are such people doggie's. Best wishes. K.Barnes
Isn't it amazing what is inside of us?! Your gifts are great!!
You are such an adorable preggo woman! =-) Love the frame too, can't wait to see nursery pics!!
Please pass along my prayers for Jaidyn and her family. I commented last time that my niece was born Aug of 2007 at 26 weeks weighing 1 lb 11oz. My sister has kept a blog throughout the whole year that might serve as a real encouragement to this young woman...the address is http://therowanblog.blogspot.com/. God is good, miracles DO happen!!!
I'm saying a prayer for that little girl right now...
Unfortunately, I see babies just like her all the time at work. And her parents' situation is all too common as well. It makes me so sad to take care of all these babies who will go home to unwed parents and single moms. This generation is missing out on the heritage God intended for them.
Wow, God is soo good! It is amazing to see Him bring this tiny little human into this world and allow her to grow in Him. I am praying for them as i type.
Also, You SOOOOOOOOO need this bag I sewed up this week for Harper that's pictured on my blog!
I also did one some time back that is soo cute with polka dot ribbon accents that's pictured on there too!
Just thought of you when I saw the print!
God Bless
I can understand why that picture would be scary. My son, who is now 14 was born at 28 weeks. I too freaked when they showed me a picture of him. But it is amazing how much they bounce back. The first year is the hardest.
I had preclampsia (high blood pressure, this is why my baby was delivered so early).
I was in college when my son was born, older than 19 but young nonetheless this couple has a long road ahead of them.
But now after being married for 15 years I can look back and it feels like another time and place. You just live through the hard time, but live with the knowledge God has a special plan for your baby.
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