Summer is just my favorite time of the year. I love everything about it - the hot weather, the humidity, summer vacations, snow cones, ice cream, flip flops, sundresses, fresh cut grass, picnics, family reunions, etc.
And I know that summer has really just begun......................but today I've been dreaming of my next favorite time of the year (and sometimes my VERY favorite) - FALL!
Today it's been pretty cool for June - it stormed all day yesterday so this morning it was 60 degrees and now it's sunny and beautiful with no humidity and in the mid 70's. And it just feels like a perfect, crisp fall day. It even smells like fall to me. And then I was listening to ESPN radio (yes - when I'm not listening to David Crowder at work - I listen to sports radio) (I'm weird) and they were talking about college football and I just started getting so pumped up and wishing for fall to hurry and get here.
There are 81 days until the first Razorback football game and I can't wait. That means I have 81 days to start planning my outfit! ha!
What is your favorite season?????
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
Spring is my favorite season. Well, at least it was until this year. We've had so many storms and tornadoes, I'm hoping summer is better!
I love fall too! And I'm glad I'll get to see you some this fall at Ronald W. Reynolds Razorback Stadium!!!
Summer is my favorite. Definitely Summer.
Summer is far and away my favorite! Give me a hot, humid day in the south, and I'll call it Heaven! I love all the seasons for different reasons, but my heart is in summer always!
Oh, if only that football fever would rub off on husband would be one happy man... I have TRIED, I mean TRIED & TRIED to love it, even like it...okay, even understand it. I've had every opportunity, what with my parents, my friends, and my husband loving football. This past season was the first I really gave it an effort, and I am going to try even harder this year. I love everything that goes along with it...the clothes (not what the players wear, but the outfits I get to wear that make me look like I know what the heck I'm watching), the tailgating, the crowd, the sounds, the fight song, and so on. I just gotta find my love for the game, right? ;o)
I love fall. I love the colors. I love the smell of the air. I love the cool temps. I love putting all the summer furniture away and having it get dark at 5:30 p.m. I love the fireplace!
You are so funny!
I LOVE fall! My absolute, hands down, favorite time of the year.
I LOVE Fall! It is my absolute favorite time. The weather, the leaves, and the football!
Its hard to beat Fayetteville in the Fall! Go Hogs! I am friends with Hillary and found your blog through hers. Kelly, I love your blog!
Fall is absolutely my favorite season. LOVE. IT. Got married in November & had a fall-themed wedding. Hate sweating. Love the crispness of fall air. Love back-to-school and football season and pumpkins and apples. Just love it.
This, however: Today it's been pretty cool for June - it stormed all day yesterday so this morning it was 60 degrees and now it's sunny and beautiful with no humidity and in the mid 70's. And it just feels like a perfect, crisp fall day. It even smells like fall to me.? That just makes me mad! :P It's stinkin' hot down here in TX, and nowhere near fall-like! Sigh. Enjoy it, Kelly!
Hey Kelly!
It is so stinking hot right now in South Carolina that I am ready for FALL! I think my favorite time of year is the Spring/Fall. They are both beautiful times of year.
I am also looking forward to football season as well...GO COCKS!! We go to all the Carolina home football games & we travel to at least one away game a year. I am trying to talk my husband into going to the Arkansas game next year. I have another objective in mind...I want to go to the Oops store. Both you and Shannon have me wishing I lived in Arkansas.
Enjoy your day!
Spring and fall! I used to love winter when I lived at home and we rode 4-wheelers in the snow and went sledding, etc. But snow is kinda boring when you live in LR (and are a grown-up!) :) I love the colors of spring and fall and the cooler temperatures.
Fall is definitely my favorite season. I love everything about it - the weather, the pumpkins, the leaves, the apples, the chili, the football games, Halloween, Thanksgiving............
Check out your local Hobby Lobby store. I went yesterday and they have all of their fall decorations out - pumpkins, pilgrims, you name it!
I'm a fall/winter girl. I too crave football season, more for the party planning and outfit fun than the actual game! To me the social part of football season is the best. :)
I'm really having envy problems with your 70 degree weather!! It's 90 here right now and that is cooler than it's been all week!!
100% Fall for this south Georgian girl! There's just so much to love about it!
I do enjoy some Summer weather as well, but I also like breathing which is hard to do around here in those months. Although, put me on a beach and Summer magically becomes my fav. :)
I love that you listen to sports radio at work. You're coolness cannot be measured, my friend!! I can't wait for football season either!
Fall! Football season (Boiler Up!), bonfires, crisp days, mums, orange and red and yellow everywhere! The start of school, perfect days spent in the autumn sunshine. It's my favorite. I feel like I might start to love summer more in the future, but for now, fall is where it's at!
I love the fall. I love the feeling of the cool, crisp air. I love the beautiful trees. I love the thought of sweaters, football games, hot cocoa, halloween, and my birthday!
While I do enjoy Summer and all of it's festivities, I LOVE Fall!
p.s. YOU ARE NOT WEIRD! We listed to Sports Radio at our work all of the time!!!!
I'm with the majority....Fall is my favorite time, too. AND I listen to sports radio at work! Can't wait for the Bama v. Clemson game on 6th!! Roll Tide!!
September 6th, that is. Sorry! Gotta little TOO excited!
Fall is my very favorite! The first Razorback game is on my birthday I think!
I think I am biased since I am a teacher but I just love Summer! I don't care how hot it gets in Texas, I'd rather be hot than scraping ice off of my wind shield!
funny you posted about this...i was passing Hobby Lobby the other day, thinking that it was June and that meant that Christmas decor would emerge in the store in a couple of months! crazy.
espn radio...i love it! i have AM sports programmed into my pre-sets, too. and i love college ball!
Fall is definitely my favorite season. I love the changing trees and weather and just the anticipation of all the holidays. I love it! And I'm ready for it, too! :)
Autumn! As lovely as the leaves are in the Ozarks it's nothing compared to New England. Unfortunately, we don't have Hog Ball, but we do have the Patriots, URI Rams and assorted other college teams... but I'm a Razorback girl at heart.
I'm with you and, well everyone else! Fall is the absolute BEST season there is. The pretty leaves changing color, the crisp coolness in the air and sweaters! I just love it!
I thought it was summer until this week when I've been sweating(I mean glowing) thru baseball games in 102 degree heat.
It's still up there but fall & spring are climbing the charts.
I adore Fall. From the beginning of October through New Year's...I love it. I love football season too. Something about getting the girls dressed in their Auburn cheerleader outfits. Sounds like such fun, doesn't it??
There are aspects of all the seasons that I love. I love the warmth of summer and getting outside and going to my favorite place...the beach. I love the coolness of fall and its beautiful colors. I love the coziness of winter...being inside and the holidays too. For spring..I love seeing things turn green again. It is new life and just reminds us of Christs resurrection. Unfortunately, we haven't experienced a good Spring in so long least in the goes from cold to HOT...
Definitely love Fall the best! We have the razorback countdown going here in our house, too! (And I listen to sports radio sometimes, too....there is just a lot to talk about when it comes to the Hogs!)
Oh, I LOVE fall... The smells... The colors... The decorations... And most certainly, Razorback football!! Can't wait for this season with Coach P!
Hold on there fabulous... us teachers would like to enjoy summer long and slow! Lol! I LOVE spring... but I do love Fall too! There is nothing like gearing up for football games - thinking about it gets me excited too!
Fall is a close runner-up, but my favorite is definitely summer. I love the sun, the warmth, the growth, the water, the grilling, the garden. And here in Minnesota, it's a short season. So I have to love it fast.
I listen to Sports Talk at work everyday from 1-4! It is the best part of my day!!! :) Fall is definitely my favorite season. I can't wait...Go Hogs!!!!
Summer is my favorite time of the year, but I am so ready to hear the band play the fight song for the first time this season and to see those hogs run onto the field! I get chills every time!
I love the fall! Nice weather & no pollen in the air!
Fall is my favorite. Love fall outfits and KU Football!
Btw, sorry, I've been lurking for awhile and haven't taken the time to leave a comment.
Love your blog and I enjoy reading your updates! I'll try to be better about commenting more often! :)
It's funny that you posted this because just two mornings ago, I was laying in bed dreaming about fall (one of my favorite seasons, along with winter and spring). With the smells of the outdoors, the sounds of football on TV, and the cooler days, it delights my heart SO much! I can't wait!!
Summer is probably my most favorite. I love our trips to the beach, wearing cute, summer clothes, and B grilling yummy stuff for dinner. Oh, and all of the fresh fruits & veggies!!
But, I do heart fall too...
I'm a summer girl...I love the sun...even though it doesn't love me! I don't like the cold what-so-ever!
I love flip flops, shorts, tank tops! I love the summer for MLB! I'm a huge Braves Baseball fan! =)
I love Spring and Fall. Summer comes in 3rd. I love the temperatures in Spring, 60s-70s, and I love the newness, the fresh grass and the bright flowers. I love Fall because of the change in the leaves, the temperatures, and OU FOOTBALL!!! I love to watch college football! I cannot wait for the first OU game!!
I can find something to love about each season...but my total favorite is the last part of fall/first part of winter...from just after Halloween until New Years. I LOVE the holidays so much, I love the music, decorating, the football, the spirit of the season. I just love love love it!!!
Roll Tide!!!
I don't know why, but my favorite always seems to be the season that is coming next? :)
Girl...I'll see you at the football field!! :) We try to take our boys to a LR game when we can. I'm like a giant kid when it comes to Hog ball!
My sister in law is in Rogers AR today shopping near some fine outdoors mall. I'm jealous. I thought of you too. Go figure.
One more thing...head East and it will be 98 degrees real quick!
Have a great day.
Hi Kelly-
I found your blog one day and I love reading! Fall is definately my favorite time of the year. I'm from Michigan but am currently living in North Carolina. I'm dreaming of fall right now - these 95+ degree days are killer!
What I wouldn't give for no humidity and weather in the 70's {sigh}
My fav is Fall, for sure! I love the weather, the trees, the clothes, my birthday and so much more!
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