Saturday, June 14, 2008

Going to the Chapel

Can I just tell you that this weekend has been a lot of fun but I am WORN OUT!

Friday night was the lingerie shower and it was a lot of fun. Here is our table full of yummy goodness. Some of Mandy's friends made all of the food and everything was so good. We had fruit salsa - so yum! I will get the recipe and post it soon!
I made the punch and got the petit fours. Aren't these the cutest bra and panties cakes you have ever seen? I thought they turned out so cute!!!!
This is the groom's sister, Aimee, and her best friend Jennifer. We were tri chis together at OBU and they had to throw up the X's for me for old times. We were hoping we would get to join up in the tri chi circle and sing the song to Mandy (who was a tri chi too) but it didn't happen. So sad.
Jennifer, Kenley and Elizabeth. A fun thing happened to us - while most of the girls were in the kitchen after opening gifts I looked behind my couch and saw this ENORMOUS toad. I mean huge. I was too shaken up to take the picture. I screamed at K&E to come help me and brave Elizabeth (the most girly girl I know) scooped it up in a bag and took it outside. I spent the rest of the night wondering how on earth such a HUGE frog got in my house and I was VERY concerned about it. I found out this morning from the Mother of the Bride that one of the groom's friends put it in a bag that was coming to the party as a joke - hoping it would jump out at Mandy. Well, the joke was on me.
The girls playing a shower game
The bride and some of her OBU friends. Thanks for all of your great shower suggestions - I found the cutest nightgown at Old Navy. It covered all the basis for me. She got a lot of really nice stuff.
Here is the bride and groom today - Mandy looked so beautiful
Her huge, beautiful cake
I thought this was a neat groom's cake
My sweet friend Elizabeth and I ended up being in charge of the food somehow. It was a very stressful job. Pretty much our entire church came to the wedding and it was a huge job trying to get all the food and drinks out and staying replenished. We were pretty much in the kitchen the whole afternoon. I told her at one point that I felt like we were Laverne and Shirley trying to set up a wedding reception (if only you could have seen us and some of the things we were trying to do). She made it fun.
This is our "we are EXHAUSTED" pose! I got to meet a sweet girl, Rachel, at the wedding. She reads my blog and I wanted to give her a shout out! I wanted to take my picture with her so I could post it on here but it never happened.
Scott and I got Shogun to go (one of our favorites) and I am about to go get in bed and read magazines! :-)


catherine said...

those petit fours are adorable! and that wedding cake was unbelievable!!!!!

The Garners said...

Wow! CUTEST petit fours ever! You throw the best parties!

And the wedding cakes--bride and groom--were amazing!!!

I knew (of)--didn't know well--Aimee and Jennifer at OBU. What a small world!

Katie said...

Oh my stars...that is a HUGE wedding cake!! Oh my!! And I thought the guitar cake was a real guitar! haha! Y'all look so pretty at the wedding...and the bride was gorgeous! I love weddings!

And, ohhh, those petit fours...look scrumptious! But almost too pretty to eat...But I'd do it.

me said...

i am so pumped to have made it to the blog. it was so great to meet you. maybe when aimee comes over to play, we can all go to lunch. take care! rachel

Leah said...

1. Those wedding cakes were AMAZING...especially the brides. Although, I did a double take on the groom's table. I thought that guitar was real!!!

2. What was served with the fruit salsa? I have a great fruit salsa recipe and love it and I'm always curious as to what people serve with it. One time I found cinnamon/sugar Wheat Thins.

3. Can't go wrong with Old Navy pjs. I've seen some cute stuff there recently.

MiMi said...

Looks like it was a wonderful shower and wedding. I also thought the groom's cake was a REAL guitar! Mandy is truly blessed to have friends like you! This has been a very exciting and busy weekend for you! Get some rest and have a great rest of your weekend.

Meredith said...

Great the petit fours...they are adorable! I jump in every once in a while to see what God is doing in your life and it would seem to me that he is blessing your family! I have to say you look great holding the sweet little Sarah Kate..... you do know you now have the official "baby cooties" and therefore you ARE next!! Praying for you in that realm and believing for your miracle to be coming soon! God Bless.....

RRR said...

Cute lingerie shower! Old Navy is the best! I love the dress you were wearing at the wedding! Such a cute neck line!

Charla (SHar-la) said...

Does Elizabeth blog? She looks SO familiar to me! CUTE petit fours!

Amanda said...

Bless your heart. I can't imagine a more stressful task than doing the wedding food. I will probably have a nightmare about that tonight! You had me cracking up over that toad.

Betsy said...

Ok-those petit fours are the cutest things ever!! And you have had a crazy weekend!

I did the food (along with a few other girls) for a friend's wedding not too long ago and it was extremely hectic trying to keep everything flowing...I know you must be soooo tired. (Especially after getting up at 6:30 to go see the baby!)

Sleep tight! :)

Preppy Mama said...

Those petit fours are adorable!!!!
PS-I tagged you!!

Anonymous said...

I loved that wedding cake!!! it's funny cause my sister and I just helped out at a friends wedding. We were in the kitchen and made sure the food trays were full. It was very hard work but my sister and I made it so much fun. I didnt know the work that goes on behind closed doors and to think all we did was just put the food out. Oh the memories we made. Susie H

Heather said...

No wonder you're tired!!! Hope you're taking it easy today- you've earned a lazy Sunday!

Rhoda @ Southern Hospitality said...

Awww, a wedding! How fun! My friends are all past the wedding thing and I had my share of weddings, showers, & all of that. It's a fun time in life.


Anonymous said...

Hey girl! It was great to see you this weekend, and relive some old times. :) Thanks for all your help with the shower. Your house is adorable! When I come back over I want to go to some of those decorating stores. Still upset we didn't get to sing the TC song. I wonder if there really is one? Loved your shout out to Rachel. It made me laugh!!

Anonymous said...

1. Cute shower! I want to meet Mandy some day because for years, Nathan has told me she looks like me!
2. That Elizabeth, isn't she amazing? She'll take care of almost anything for you (including toads I guess) and do it with such pizzaz! I can picture y'all doing the food and having a great time in the midst of it.
3. I think I'm going to have to move to Bville because it looks like you have so much fun.
4. I've been hearing cute Emily stories from Hannah this week and now I know I'm going to have to meet her too.
Rest up from all the festivities!!

Meredith said...

Oh what a fun lingerie shower! Those petit fours look so cute! And Mandy looks so beautiful! That wedding cake is very elegant! WOW!I know you must be very tired!

Faith said...

You must be worn out!! Looks like so much fun though. Love the shower pics...and oh my word, I would have been FREAKING OUT over the frog!! I'm so glad you found out where it came from so you won't keep worrying about it!
That wedding cake is unbelievable! You and Elizabeth look so cute!
Hope you get some rest today!

Allikaye's Mama said...

That party looked fun! I love the little bra cakes! Ha!

Mandy said...

It looks like the lingere shower was great!! That story about the toad is so funny!!

The bride's cake is gorgeous!! She was a beautiful bride!! Definitely post that sounds like something I might like :)

Megan L Hutchings said...

LOVE THE PETIT FOURS!!!! You are such an amazing friend to so many ;)!

Meagan said...

What a great weekend and a cutie-cute shower! I loved the way you did the table of food!!! Great fun!!!

Julia said...

Looks like you had a great weekend, love the panty and bra petite fours!!!

Bonnie said...

You should be a party planner Kelly! That all looks so beautiful!

Bonnie :)

Julie said...

1. Cute Cute Cute shower. I loved the bra and panty treats!

2. She will love the Old Navy gown.

3. Hillarious to have the toad in your house! I wish I cold have seen your reaction.

4. Love the dress you wore to the wedding!

Shelley said...

HEY - Throwing an X out there with JC and Plummer!! Pledge class of 95!! T R O U B L E

Great shower - and wedding! I just photographed a wedding this weeked - STRESS!! WHOOOO. I needed a lazy Sunday as well! Didn't happen.

And Aimee - there is a song - I wrote it back in the day, and Jason Greenwich wrote the music (couldn't tell you how it went now!). It didn't get "published" until after our time - but the girls now sing it at all weddings! I had to find someway to get all those pledges to memeorize my name!!

Anonymous said...

well goodness... when you said "she's marrying the media guy whose sister went to OBU with me" I didn't know you meant CHAD. Ack. Chad whom I've known since he slept at the foot of his parents bed! ha... yes, you can tell him I said that.
I haven't seen him in forever though. Thanks for the pictures!

Stephanie said...

Those were the cutest little petit fours!!! I LOVED that! Sounds like you had a busy, but fun, weekend too! I love the picture of that wedding was beautiful. Hope you have a fabulous week!!

Lauren said...

Mandy does look beautiful! And those petit fours... MY, MY! I'm sure they tasted even better than they looked. I could live on those alone...

David said...

Your friends are so blessed by you!
The little cakes you got are adorable!
The toad: Would have KILLED me. Seriously.
I hope you rested after serving food at the wedding. What a heart of service you have!!

Jenny said...

What a fun weekend! I loved the picture of the petit fours. How cute!

Megan said...

Her cake is beautiful. I canNOT believe the story about that toad! Really are kidding me?

Staci said...

The little petit fours are ardorable! But I'm definitely coveting the pretty glass drink dispenser!! Where did you get it?

Jessica said...

I just gave my best friend's personal shower and decorated it in pink, black, and white also! I had cupcakes made, but the petite fours were cuter by far!
And by the way...that wedding cake was nothing short of AMAZING

Kristen said...

I have to know where you found the glass container you served the punch in???!!!!


Meredith said...

What a chic shower! You know I love the zebra. :) Now I want Rick's petit fours-those are adorable!! Looks like you girls had a great turnout and a fun time. She was a beautiful bride.

Heather said...

Wow, you had a big weekend. Your bestfriend had her precious little girl and hosting a fabulous shower at your house. Those petit fours are the cutest!! I copied your idea and bought a punch thingy (what do you call that?)..I love it and can't wait to use it.

Anonymous said...

The food looks great. Could you tell me where you got that great black stand in your dining room? Love it.

Snappy Casual Snippets said...

those really are the cutest petit fours I have ever seen. I usually see them with a little flower.