I figured I better post because my mom called me this afternoon to see if Laurie had been in labor because she figured that was the only reason I hadn't updated my blog. ha!
I haven't posted much this week because it is Wal-Mart shareholders week which is a big deal in NW Arkansas. There is a big meeting on Friday and concerts all through the week. I didn't make it to any of the concerts but Carrie Underwood and Keith Urban sang last night. (it's free).
Our company flies in our president and several other people who work with Wal-Mart and we had a meeting yesterday afternoon followed by a dinner last night. I got home and crawled into bed because I had to leave my house by 5 this morning. The Wal-Mart meeting starts at 7 but doors open at 6 and a few of us always go early to save seats for the rest of our company. (Which don't get me started - I hate saving seats).
The meeting is a lot of how Wal-Mart is doing but it also is pretty entertaining. Queen Latifah was this year's emcee.Jennifer Hudson sang - she did a great job. Joss Stone also sang but I didn't take her picture.
The highlight for me was of course DAVID COOK!!!!!!!!!!!!! He was even better in person than he was on TV. He sang two songs - the American Idol song they wrote for him that is on the radio now and the Collective soul song he sang on the final night. It was awesome. I WILL go see him in concert and buy his CD when it comes out this fall. I filmed with my little camera. I'm trying to upload the video - if I can - I'll add it on later.
And then Tim McGraw sang. He just sang two songs also but I'm a big fan of him and Faith.
So I'm exhausted. I woke up at 3 with a storm coming through and couldn't go back to sleep (had to get up at 4 anyway). We went and ate lunch at a new place, Crabby's, after the meeting and then we could go home. I wanted to check e-mail and now I'm going to take a nap.
Hope you have a great weekend!!!! I'll do better at blogging next week!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
I have to tell you that my hazel eyes are slightly more green now ;) But, that's OK, because I still love you anyway! You got to see David Cook. How awesome. I have to admit, I like Joss Stone, too. So cool. If I got up at 3 am, I would need to go somewhere called Crabby's for lunch! Have a great weekend!
That's so funny...I was just thinking you'd been really quiet this week. Sounds like you're worn out from all the fun!!
How was Crabby's? I've wanted to check it out!
Well, they certainly bring out the big guns for you guys, huh?
I remember being amazed a few years ago that there was a direct flight from Denver to XNA. Seriously, I was amazed until my dad reminded me that people are always flying into NW Arkansas because of Walmart. And then it all made perfect sense.
Hope you get a nap and get caught up on some rest this weekend!
Wow they had some really great people there. I am so jealous you got to see David Cook!!!
I know!! It is crazy around here, right? I am avoiding Fayetteville all weekend. : )
WOW! I am so jealous. I would have DEFINITELY had to go see Keith Urban. Oh, how I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE him. :) Sounds like a great time. Sounds like a busy week and more to come. Have fun! Thanks for sharing.
Sounds like so much fun! I'm glad you had some awesome entertainment for the meeting.
Have a great weekend.
Sounds like a ball. What exactly do you with the company?
TOO fun! Oh, David Cook--what a great way to start off a morning (sorry it had to start SO early, though - yikes!). And oh my gosh, saving seats is the bane of my existence. SO stressful!!
Hope you have a nice, relaxing weekend after such a busy and tiring week!
That is so cool!! What fun you've been having (well, except for getting up at 3am and having to save seats for people...hate that too!)
Hope you're weekend is filled with rest and relaxation!
Oh Kelly...to live your life :) This is very exciting!!! And now that we know where you've been and what you've been doing...how on earth could we be upset for no blog???
You're job is awesome!!!
I hope you have a great weekend, and I just wanted to let you know also that God put you on my heart a lot today and I prayed for you tons :)
David Cook was GREAT this morning! I thought he was such a natural entertainer - even when he was talking about going to Wal-Mart in college. I could listen to him sing the phone book!
Glad you had fun! Enjoy your nap and your weekend!
I was down at the square this week when all the tour buses came through. Between the construction and the buses it was a nightmare. My sister got to go see the concert last night... She said it was really good! I had no idea that David Cook was going to be there...
What a great perk!!! I would have loved that!
David Cook--I'm jealous! I just bought People magazine (which I never buy), mostly to read the article about him.
Wow, that is too cool!
Please, please upload that video of David Cook! I would have freaked out to see him!
Did you know ahead of time who the performers were?
Seriously? I have never had a "work" function quite like that! ha! Sound fun, even though it was work! Have a great weekend!
Wow! Wal-Mart seems to know how to throw a party! I hate the early meetings! You need a nap...a nice long one...with Dawson by your side!!
Hey! I went to the Carrie/Keith concert and saw David Cook there. I was wondering what he was going to do this week. I would have loved to see Tim McGraw!
I'm so glad that you got to see the Idol himself in person. I have the same question about Crabby's. I'll be in NWA later this month, and would love to know if its any good. Thanks girl, and have a good weekend!
Whew! I'm exhausted just reading that! BUT, it sounds like a ton of fun!
Try to take a long Sunday afternoon nap...unless of course there is a friend's baby trying to make their debut!!!
Hi Kelly! I thought the exact same thing... you look SO familiar. Matt & I were at OBU from 94-98. And yes, I was an EEE. We're good friends of the Sanders (Becca may have been in your graduating class?) It has been a long time but I thought your name & face were familiar & I love your blog. You've been doing yours a lot longer than I have. One of these days I'll post more than just another picture of my crazy kiddos!
Enjoy your weekend! Jaime
ps- I'm a huge David Cook fan too!
shut up shut up shut up!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love all those people !!!!!! fun fun fun fun fun fun fun!!!!!!!! hope you are having a good rest of your weekend!!!!!!
Shareholders was always my favorite time of year when I worked at Wal Mart! I haven't missed a shareholders meeting in years....and now this year I did! I would have given anything to see David Cook sing! What a year to miss, right??
Sounds like you have been having some great fun! How awesome it would have been just to see David Cook! And Tim McGraw! That is quite a big deal in AK, isn't it? Look forward to hearing more from you next week after you get some much-needed rest.
Wow!! Walmart never ceases to amaze me! What a fun perk!!
Fun concerts..you did have a busy week. We've seen Tim McGraw and Faith and they were both great. She and her singers sang It is Well With My Soul acapela(?? spelling) at the concert in Seattle. SEA is one of the most unchurched areas in the country and you could hear a pin drop in that arena. I had goose bumps and tears in my eyes..it was beautiful!!
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