We have had a great weekend (and it's not over yet!)
Last night we went over to our friends Guy and Julie's house and ate dinner and watched a movie.

Julie cooked a delicious healthy meal for us. She even used fresh herbs from her herb garden - she is chopping them here - they smelled so good!

While I helped her get dinner ready - Scott and Guy played Nintendo

We cooked
tilapia and vegetables in parchment paper packets and then had brown rice and a delicious peach cobbler for dessert! Thanks Julie - it was all so good. We watched "Dan in Real Life". It has Steve
Carrell in it so you expect it to be funny but it wasn't. It was interesting. It was a fun relaxing night with friends.

This morning I got to meet a sweet fellow blogger,
Julie and her husband Bryan. I realized later that every blog friend I have met - we have eaten at Mimi's. That's where we had brunch this morning. It was so good and the company was even better. Julie and Bryan were so very nice and we had a really good time with them. Scott really liked Bryan and I already knew that I liked Julie. She has such a sweet spirit about her.

We came home this afternoon and pulled weeds and put down fresh mulch. That's always a lot of work and I am wiped out from it.

I got this picture out of order - but I wanted to show you what Julie gave me this morning. I thought it was so thoughtful that she brought me a gift. She gave me the Willow Tree figurine of hope. She also gave me a pink bookmark that says Hope (you can't see it in the picture) and such a sweet card about Hope. I thought that was so incredibly sweet for her to give me such wonderful
encouragement. I'm going to put that figurine in our nursery. I may keep it on my nightstand or desk until then so I can look at it and remember to have hope!

Tonight Scott and I did NOT have Ruth Chris for dinner. OH NO - we had an equally delicious lean cuisine frozen meal. YUM YUM! I have not done as well on the diet this week because I've had so many fun meals with friends instead but Scott and I are back on the kick. The countdown is getting very close so we have to BRING IT! :-)

What else do we ever do on Saturday nights but go to Sam's. Scott was checking out some Muscle Milk. :-)
Have a great week! I'll be back a week from tomorrow with a post about my week! I will miss you so much (I will also miss TV and the
Internet)(boo) but it's good to take a break from the things that start to take WAY too much of your time and focus on the important things!
I am glad you are having a fun weekend! The tilapia looks delicious!
My friend gave me the willow tree angel of hope too. It is for me to use while I study for the CPA exam. I thought it was such a sweet and thoughtful gesture.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend!
Fun weekend! You can't go wrong with Mimi's! It's the best!
That Willow Tree is so sweet, and what a precious reminder to never lose hope! I'm glad that y'all had a great brunch! I wish we had MiMi's around here!
That Tilapia looks DELICIOUS!! Dan in Real Life is good, and funny too! Your weekend looks like it has been fun so far...hope the rest is just the same!
The fish and veggies look so healthy! Way to go! We went to Sam's tonight also. Don't you love that place? Have a wonderful week "off!"
We have a Mimi's here in Atlanta, too. If you're ever down here, let me know and we can meet up there :)
Have a good time next week!!
Mimi's is one of my favorite places to go! Have a great week!
P.S. Check out my blog...I've got a little something over there for you!
I'm going to miss reading...even if it just a week! Have fun with your hubby and enjoy all your time together! Hope you have a WONDERFUL week!
WHAT in the world is Muscle Milk? I will miss you next week and will look forward to hearing about your week. I have been off the wagon, too, but I'm renewing my focus for Operation Diet next week! I haven't lost anything in weeks! :(
I love Dan In Real Life!! I've watched it like 3 times. I think it is really funny though. :) His expressions and the things he says make me laugh so hard. What a sweet "Hope" gift from your friend!
I will miss ya this week - but respect you for taking a breather from all the crazy things! Have a wonderful week - and I can't wait to hear how it was! By the way - cute red dress!!!
So glad ya'll are having a great weekend! And what a sweet thing for Julie to give you--I love those Willow Tree figurines so much! That was such a thoughtful and perfect gift.
I will miss keeping up with you so much! Can't wait for your recap next weekend. :) I'll be praying for God to show Himself to you in a BIG way this week! Love ya!
That is the sweetest gift. How thoughtful. When I was told I would never have children - all I had was HOPE. There were many days I wanted to give up trusting in God - many. Now, we have 2 gorgeous little girls. I still can't believe God thought enough of me to give them to me.
I praying for you, Kelly! Cling to that Hope!
We were at Sam's too! Actually we need to go back tomorrow b/c I forgot a couple of things. It's snack day at my daughter's school and it's my turn, no better place to get little individual bags of goodies. :)
Have a great week!
1. Your yard looks great!
2. We really enjoyed dinner with ya'll Friday night!
3. We also went to Sam's yesterday, although we didn't buy any muscle milk....
4. Mimi's brunch is one of my favorite things, too.
I had to comment on the DAN IN REAL LIFE.
I was sooo excited to see this movie, expecting to laugh my head off, but I didn't ...and I was so bummed it wasn't very funny.
BUT...the best part of the movie was:
the only two funny parts in the whole movie
well....maybe the aerobics in the front yard too.
Have a good week off.
Kelly S. (Michigan)
So funny because I'm sitting here next to Justin's huge bottle of Muscle Milk. It makes me laugh every time I see it. I've been packing for our move today and my mind is fried!
Hope you have a wonderful week away. I will miss your posts but can totally relate to the necessity of taking a break to restore.
We will miss you!!!!
Yes, we will miss you! I love the Willow Tree Hope...it is so sweet and brings a great reminder to press on in trials. What a sweet friend to give that to you! I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing and fun week!
I want to come eat at Mimi's with ya:)
I will miss you next week but I know it will be a week of rewards for you.
Hey...we were in arkansas this weekend and the weather was perfect. It made me miss those beautiful mountains.
Ok..you might have blogged this but sometimes i miss info...where are you guys going in Kauai?? we went a couple years ago and saw the best sunset of all time. we picked up dinner on the way there and it was perfect. let me know if you want directions...hopefully i can find them. I still want to move. :)
also...i'll miss reading your blog this week but that is a great reason not to blog. Happy quality time!
I hope you have a blessed and relaxing week with your hubby...I'll be thinking of how you're not watching LOST while it's on!!!
I'll miss you this week! I hope you have a wonderful week. I'll be praying for you.
Hope you have a wonderful week!! :)
Enjoy your break! By the way, I love Lean Cuisine's vegetable eggroll, and their potstickers. If you're in the mood for something Asian...it does the trick!
I just saw your comment on Melissa's post over at LPM. I thought you were taking a break? Ha! Just kidding...
When we USED to workout, we drank Muscle Milk, it is the only protein drink I liked. Goodluck on your dieting!
The doctor put me on the same thing Becky was just put on. I'm taking "Metformin" too. It's so weird that we live in different states, have different doctor's, and were prescribed the SAME thing about a week apart. I guess that's why were twins? I hope this stuff will help with PCOS & help regulate us. Has your doctor checked your testosterone? If it's higher than normal, maybe this stuff can work for you to? But, I don't know your whole story...I will have to read some archives! Have a good day Kelly!
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