I started out blogging by just reading a few friends' blogs. Then I branched out to their friends' blogs and their friends' blogs and so on. And soon I just found a lot of stranger's blogs that I connected with and feel like I have made so many friends.
But the REALLY neat thing is what an extremely SMALL world we live in. There are so many blogs I read of complete strangers and I have found out that I have connections with so many of them. I thought it would be fun to share a few of them and I'd love to hear of the small world connections you have made!

Sarah (who I met this weekend) also knows my friend Leigh Ann (my college suite mate) in real life.
I started reading Megan's blog and then realized we were both friends with Rebekah and remembered we had both been in her wedding!
I read Laura's blog and we found out not too long ago that she sings in the choir with a girl from my sorority in college - they live in Houston!
I found Tiffani through her sister Sunni and have loved reading her blog. I found out recently that she went to Baylor with my friend Hillary and was in tri delt with Hillary's friend Katie!
Are you confused yet??? Isn't it such a small world?
WOW...that is really funny!! It's that crazy "Arkansas connection" thing we talked about!!
That's hilarious. I've thought the same thing about blogging many times!
Since I live in a completely different part of the country than you folks I have no connection. But in my town we call it "Dutch Bingo" well because we live in Holland and somehow everyone knows everyone...it's a burden at times :)
Thanks for sharing your story! It was mind boggling!
that is so cool! what a small world
Small world! It is so funny how I feel like I "know" all of my blogger friends even though we have never met. It is fun that you have been able to meet all these ladies!
That is a trip! I also know Megan. She and I went to the same church when we were younger...same church where I met Derek. Oh, and thanks for your sweet comments about Evan. It means a lot to me.
I think it all just shows we were all meant to know each other! It's so cool how God can use modern day technology to create friendships. People might say it's just the power of technology, but I say it's God's hand in all of it! Yeah, He can do that! :)
Your comment CRACKED me up. I literally laughed out loud. "I can't have babies. Nowbuymesomething." :)
Wow! That's crazy!!
Wow! I can't believe all of the connections you have made. Crazy how small of a world it really is! I don't think I've made that many yet, but I'm still new to blogging!
I knew Sunni at Baylor, but I am going to have to check on the other Baylor girls!
I found Sunni's blog thru a stranger's blog...we went to school together and were in a wedding together. It was cool to reconnect thru our blogs.
Yes, we live in a small world, where we're all connected. Can't gossip about anyone!! I am too excited to have made your blog!
That is so funny! I love stuff like that.
Craziness!!!!! It is quite a small world!
I wish I were in Aussie with The Biggest Loser!
What a small world!
Okay, it was alittle confusing but how great that you have made all these connections just from blogging. It is a very small world!!
that is so crazy how those dots are all connected. I haven't really met anyone by blogging that I know or someone I know, knows them.
Blogging is so awesome!! I have reconnected with several people that I knew and have met lots of great people that I didn't know!!
Wow, all those connections were great! Thought about you tonight when I watched American Idol. David Cook's haircut looked MUCH better...now I don't feel so bad thinking he's cute when he sings! :-) ha!
That is amazing!! Beth Moore's blog was the first blog I read, and that's where I found your blog. I'm new to this blogging thing, but I hope that some day I, too, will get to make some awesome blog connections.
That's too hilarious! If it helps, my husbands entire family on his dad's side all live in Arkansas...I'll have to check out those blogs and see if I know anyone! haha
Oh, and I found your blog through Bakerella...did you hear that she's going to be on Martha Stewart Thursday?!?!?!
How funny! Just tonight I found a blog that was reviewing a book written by my former co-worker. I had no idea that this co-worker wrote a children's novel because I have not seen him in almost 9 years. It is also funny because I just wrote a children's book. Hmmm, I use to live in Texas Kelly, so who knows, maybe we know some of the same people.
How fun... I don't remember how I found you; but I am so glad I did. It is a small world indeed. When we lived in Washington, I was at Wal-Mart (where else) and a girl came up to me and asked if I was from Arkansas and if I went to FBC. I said, "Yeeaahh!" She then told me she lived in Fayetteville, had been to the church I attended at the time and saw me singing in the choir... It was the WEIRDEST thing!
that is so cool
That is so neat! Small world!
I just came across your blog and noticed that you went to OBU. I went there and was an EEE. Also, Candy (who left a comment also) was the sub where I teach when I was off with my first little girl and I know her. I wonder if you knew her before blogging... What a small world!
Sorry-I forgot to say that the big thing is that I didn't get to your blog from Candy's!!!
that is hilarious!!! Blogging is such a small world!
I agree with you! I've met so many GREAT people that I have so much in common with!
This is hilarious - and so true!
THAT IS CRAZY!!!!!!!! so much fun
WOW! That is so cool....and confusing! :-)
That is so funny! Such a small world!
Hey Kelly! I am finally making the time to post on your blog, since I told you @ choir that I happened on your site through Amanda's blog. I've been reading her & her Mom's blog's for quite a while.
I LOVE your blog!! You are one gifted writer/blooger chick! ONE of these days...I'll start my own, but life is waaaaaay tooooo busy right now. In the meantime...I hope that you don't mind if I stop by, post a comment...and keep you in my prayers!! Friend...the Lord WILL bless you and His timing is PERFECT!!!!
By the way...this is the blog I told you about in choir:
She is absolutely comical and you will grow to love her blog since you have that same slap-stick humor!!
Talk to you soon! Love - Angie
It's a small bloggy world, isn't it? LOVE IT! It's so fun to think, without these blogs, none of us would even know we all existed!
You know that I found you by looking at Boo Mama's Christmas tour of homes. I loved your house so read a little bit and could so relate to all of your fertility struggles. Then as I browse your blog I see a picture of my cousin Elizabeth!! (Really my cousin's wife but I claim her as blood!) Then to find out my uncle is your pastor, it was such a coincidence. I know God has His purpose in bringing me to your blog, so that I can pray, share your feelings, and share in the rejoicing that we will experience as your family grows!
How fun! I love all of the connections! It really is a small world!
It is such a small world, and I love it! I think it makes God smile when we have friends like that in common. All part of His incredible plan that is so vast yet so detailed as well. :)
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