1. So Julia wanted to know about my favorite childhood memory?
(Jill is a college friend of my friend Julie. She was in the same "sorority" as me - so we are "sisters" ha!)
2. Jill wanted to know how long it takes me to read all the blogs I have linked to?
Well, Jill, I have seriously thought about quitting my job and staying home to just read blogs all day because I could make a career of it. I spend WAY too much time. I subscribe to bloglines but I'm too impatient to wait for that e-mail every day to alert me to who has updated. I feel the need to click on every single one and look for something new. I like ya'll all WAY too much. And I read a ton of blogs that I don't have linked on my blog because I felt like if I had 300 links - it might get a little overwhelming. It's a sickness.#3: Strawberry Rose asked me 2 questions - 1. Where did Scott and I go on our first date? and When and why did I decide to go blond?
Scott and I met for a blind date in Little Rock (halfway between both of our homes). WE had an ALL DAY date. We met at the mall and walked around in the morning and then got lost several times trying to find somewhere to eat lunch.......finally just ended up at Applebees around 2 and then went to a movie. I don't even remember what the movie was. I just remember that I thought he was the cutest boy I had ever met and I laughed a lot.
My dad and most of his family went gray in their late 20's/early 30's and I took after them. My hair started going gray in college. I started out with just a few highlights to cover the gray and as the years have gone by - I have just gone completely blond. My hair is 100% gray and it's easier to cover with blond because the gray roots would show a lot more on dark hair. I never imagined I would one day be blond - but I have to say I love it!
#4: Lena (she is a very cute newlywed that is so sweet) asked me what a typical day is like for me and to be specific?
Right now - I get up at 5 and Scott and I go to the gym. I come home and do my quiet time, check blogs and e-mail, shower and get ready for work. I leave for work around 7:45 every day. I stop by Sonic EVERY morning for a vanilla diet coke (I've dropped the vanilla for weight watchers) and get to work around 8. Every day for lunch I either meet friends for lunch, eat lunch out with the girls from work or shop or run errands. It depends what day it is for what I do next. I have Bible Study on Monday nights, choir on Wednesday nights, TU & TH - I'm going to a kickboxing class. I would normally cook dinner for us and try to do a little laundry and a little cleaning every night. I also check blogs at night. And Scott and I watch DVR'd shows every night also. We go to bed early - around 9 or 9:30 since we get up so early.
#5: JKW wanted to know where I buy most of my clothes?
On this one - you will have to come back on Friday. I'm participating in Big mama's Fashion Fiesta so I will cover it all then!!!!
#6: Katie (a BEAUTIFUL girl inside and out who is best friends with my friend Hillary) wanted to know what time I get up and what time I go to bed?
#7: Becca - a blogless lurker - wanted to know how the self tanner worked out?
I have to tell you - the color was great! But it stank!!!!!! I wish self tanner didn't stink so bad. I was just talking to my friend Elizabeth about this last night.
WAY to go getting up so early and working out. I couldn't do it. I'm impressed!!
haha! Self tanner does stink doesn't it?!?!?! Thanks for answering some of the questions, I'll tune in for more. Let me know if you can't find that Crowder song. I can email it to you if you can't...since you have a Mac that would be easy. Our Mac's can talk to each other :)
Love the question answer post!!! =)
Good Luck with weight watchers! I joined about 5 years ago and lost 40 pounds...It's all coming back! I've been off it for about 4 years...I'm really trying HARD to get back on it without the meetings!!! I think the meetings are key...you really need that group support to PUMP U UP! =)
Kelly, you need a google reader! http://www.google.com/reader . It's free and I just keep it open all day and you load all the blogs you read into it and then you can read the updates right there on the reader and if you want to comment you just go to the blog. It will make blog reading SOOOOO much easier! :)
fun stuff! i can't believe your hair is gray. you look natural as a blonde.
Self-tanner DOES stink--that's my big gripe with it!
p.s. this was such a fun post idea--loved reading your answers!!!
loved reading these! Can't wait for more. :)
Can't wait until Friday!!! Have a great week:)
This is such a cute idea! I wish I could have asked a question. I am a little behind on checking blogs.
Great idea! I love reading your blog! Can't wait for more. :)
I love all the questions. I can't believe you get up at 5am and workout! Way to have determination! I could not do it! ALthough, I need to, too. Swim suit season is rapidly approaching and it arrives even earlier in Texas!
2. ok, favorite bible study that really challenged you or changed your way of thinking??????
I love the question and answer blog!! My question would have been where you like to buy your clothes so I can't wait until Friday!!!
I loved this post!! What a great idea to take questions. It helped us get to know you even more.
I read the blog on the WW products but didn't get a chance to comment. I love the oreo ice cream dessert! It is the best!!
Also, there is a slight possibility we may be visiting some family in Bentonville, AR around 4/19. Are you close to there?
Hi Kelly. I have a question for you! I just love when you show pictures of your house because it's beautiful. Where do you get your inspiration for decorating and do you enjoy decorating? Also, do you decorate for every holiday?
Sorry, I guess that's 3 questions! : )
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