What a difference a day can make.
Something that has always helped me in hard times is to remember that the seasons always change. Every year we have a winter. But after the winter, Spring ALWAYS comes and brings life and hope. I'm in a cold winter right now but I feel spring starting to break - both literally and figuratively.
Today is another cold, dreary day (after a stretch of warm sunny days). It's been a good day to stay home and just read magazines and watch DVR'd shows and put songs on my ipod and just catch up on life.
I'm not much on decorating for the seasons. I like to spend money on things I can display all year - except Christmas - I love to decorate for Christmas. But I don't have anything for Spring. So I broke down yesterday and got a couple of things.
Today is another cold, dreary day (after a stretch of warm sunny days). It's been a good day to stay home and just read magazines and watch DVR'd shows and put songs on my ipod and just catch up on life.
I'm not much on decorating for the seasons. I like to spend money on things I can display all year - except Christmas - I love to decorate for Christmas. But I don't have anything for Spring. So I broke down yesterday and got a couple of things.
I've spent most of the afternoon painting my TV Trays. So far the black looks great! And when it finally dries - I'm adding our lime green monogram. I'll put up pictures when it's done. No matter what - it will look better than what it did and make meals more fun!
On another note - I found a new blog this week. This beautiful girl, Angie, is the wife of a singer in the Christian group Selah. They have three precious girls (including twins) and she is pregnant with their fourth daughter. They have been told that this baby will not survive when she is born. I can not imagine the pain they are enduring. She wrote the most beautiful post I have ever read here. Her post portrays EXACTLY how I feel about trusting God in the midst of my pain. I wish I was as eloquent as she is. Please go read it - but take a box of kleenex with you. I hope it inspires you as much as it did me.
Kelly, I just love getting to know you through your blog...we share a mutual friend, Jamie. I love how you share your heart in your blog. Through your blog, you encourage and inspire me...just wanted you to know...and where did you get that cute bunny with bow?!
Melody Pengelly
email ldrn418@comcast.net
Kelly,I just was so touched by the link you added (Angie's blog and post, "A Different Miracle.") I just wanted to cry when I saw that her baby's name is Audrey Caroline...I just buried a stillborn little girl in August, Ava Caroline...she had some defects as well...this touched me so and I felt like someone else is saying the words I have been...thanks for adding this to your blog. Melody
Whew! I can barely type through my tears. What an phenomenal post! So glad you gave the link.
I hope you are feeling better. Still lifting you in prayer!
Your post reminded me of the verse "Though the sorrow may last for the night, the joy comes in the morning!" On another - not so serious - note...you should let us know what songs you are putting on your Ipod! It would be fun to share! I haven't read the blog you recommended, but I definitely will! I love Selah - and love encouraging stories from God's Girls! Thanks, Kelly!
Okay - I read Angie's post. Wow! That made the tears come quick! Thanks for sharing!
Cute bunny! I'm going to check out her blog right now.
I like the spring selections. Can't wait to see the tv trays. Sounds like my kind of color combo.
I have been praying for you.
WOW, thanks for the link to her post. What a wonderful perspective on trusting God. It is so hard and uncomfortable at times, but after hearing these stories, it makes it easier!
I want to see pics of the trays...you are inspiring me to be creative!!!
Thanks for sharing this other blog. She, like you, is a great writer. You both express your thoughts so vividly and wonderfully.
I love the green bunny with pink ribbon. Please share where you got her.
And, I, too, would love to hear what songs you have put on your iPod. I'm working on my iTunes list and am trying to gather different playlists. :o)
Thanks for sharing that post, Kelly. It does inspire me, and you inspire me, too!
Kelly, I'm sitting here with chill bumps all over because of Angie's blog. It was just as beautiful & moving as you said. What's more, I commented on her site that I felt God had ordered the way I checked blogs today. You see, before I came to yours, I had looked at a woman's from my church who is a professional photographer. She volunteers for the Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep Foundation. This organization provides families with beautiful photographs of still borns or infants who are expected not to live long after birth. I thought it was so amazing that God led me to knowledge of this group so that I could make her aware of them! I don't know if she will use their services but if she does, I hope it is a comfort to her. If you want to check out their website it's:
Be sure to have a Kleenex nearby!!
Thanks again for sharing this with us. And I'm still praying for you...I don't believe in "coincidences" either. How could anything happen by chance when our Father knows and allows all that happens around us?
Take care...
I have never left a comment before, but have followed your blog. My friends have you on their links and I was wanting to add you to mine. Is that ok? I know others that will find your blog through mine will lift you up in prayer. You are just the sweetest thing and I pray that the Lord will bless you and your husband with a healthy pregnancy very soon!
Keri Campbell
Hey Kelly,
Glad you are doing good! God's mercies are new everyday, and you are right, a day can make a world of difference.
I love the things you got for spring! Especially the bunny...I love anything with ribbon on it! Also can't wait to see the tv trays...that is right up my ally!
Praying for you and the appointment tomorrow. Excited to see what God has in store for you!
P.S. I joined blogworld! http://walkwithmebyfaith.blogspot.com/
Kelly - I love your little touches of spring. So cute! And I can't wait to see the TV trays. I'm sure they'll be perfect :)
I love your spring decorations. The bunny is so cute.
Love the bunny and the bird's nest. I have a bird's nest on my jewelry tray, and I love it.
And I read your last post, and I'm so sorry. I have a friend that has been through the same fertility treatments as you, and the same struggles, and she is FINALLY pregnant now. I know your time will come, and God has it all planned out. Praying for you!
Still praying for you. And for Angie & Todd. Your post title today made me think of the Tree63 song, "Sunday"..."It's Friday, but Sunday is coming!". (hear it here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5hyv_nYcSmk) Right now, in the valley, it's like Good Friday...and it appears that hope is lost, and that death has won. But Sunday...Resurrection, celebration, new life, Easter is coming. God's mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness!
Her blog is beautiful. Just beautiful. What peace I had reading it...knowing that My God has given her that peace. HE IS A GOOD GOD. Her faith has encouraged me today!!!!
Praying for you will everything I've got!!!!!!
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