So - there is a LOT going on today!
Today is Super Tuesday. I went this morning and voted in my state's primary. I hope you voted if your state is having a primary today. I will never talk politics on here because I'm not comfortable ever discussing politics but I do love my country so much and I consider it a privilege to vote and I do believe every vote counts!
This is not something I really celebrate (as Baptists - we barely know what it means) but I lived in New Orleans briefly when I was young and I still remember getting beads at parades and eating King's Cake and hoping to get the baby in the cake! I love cajun food so much. If we had stayed down there - I would probably weigh 300 pounds because I could go nuts on cajun food. I usually always get a king's cake for my office every year but this year with trying to vote and doctor appointments - it just didn't work out. But I did get a box of Krispy Kremes - hey it is Fat Tuesday! :-)
Thank you for ALL of your sweet prayers, comments and e-mails. My procedure this afternoon went well and now we start the waiting period. I should know in about 12 days - but I won't let you know for about 8-10 weeks if it's good news! :-) Romans 4 talks about Abraham's faith and right now I'm just praying to have that kind of faith - 20 Yet he did not waver through unbelief regarding the promise of God, but was strengthened in his faith and gave glory to God, 21 being fully persuaded that God had power to do what he had promised.
Now it's off to the couch and my pj's and my favorite night - American Idol AND Biggest Loser.
I hope you all have a wonderful night!

Now it's off to the couch and my pj's and my favorite night - American Idol AND Biggest Loser.
I hope you all have a wonderful night!
I too, think it is important to vote! Glad to hear it went well. Still keeping you in my thoughts and prayers!
I made a king cake one year and it was awful! I need to try it again sometime!
I'm excited about TBL! I hope I stay awake to watch it. I'm pretty sleepy!
OK, so that's why the SLP across the speech pod from me had on Mardi Gras beads today...I had no idea...St. Louis goes all out with Mardi Gras, but since we moved here, I never know when it is...I guess I'm a true Southern Baptist girl at heart :) Have a fun evening-it's perfect weather for pj's on the couch!
Honey, I would 500 lbs if I lived in New Orleans, so I would make you look skinny even if you did weigh 300 lbs!! : ) Ha!
I unfortunately am not registered to vote in Benton county yet! :S I will register SOON to make sure to vote in November though. King Cakes are great! There are sooo many different kinds. We have family that live in Lake Charles and they used to send King cakes to us during Mardi Gras. We will watch Biggest Loser too! Praying for you, Kelly!
I just finished eating some cream cheese King Cake! :) It was yummy!
I'm so glad to hear that your day was better and the procedure went well. I have to admit, that I have no clue about infertility or the options. You have got me curious though and I just might have to do some research to better understand things. I will just continue to pray! :)
Mmmmmm, doughnuts! A box of Krispy Kremes makes for a happy day.
I'm glad the procedure went well. I will be about 2 weeks behind you!
It's funny that you commented on praying for faith, I've had that very conversation with 2 different people regarding this in the last 24 hours. It's so hard to know what to have faith FOR, I think, at least for me. Faith that it's going to be okay? Absolutely. Faith that I'm going to get a big fat positive? Not so much. Then I worry that I'm not having enough faith so then God won't honor my faithfulness, and now I won't get pregnant for sure.
It's a scary place inside this head. :)
A box of Krispy Kremes sounds yummy! There was a KK across the street from my hubby's office for about 3 years. It closed a few months ago and I'm still sad about it!
I so hope we have to wait 8 to 10 weeks to hear good news!!! I'll be praying hard for y'all!
Oh my gosh, I haven't had King cake in years. There was a teacher at the last school I taught that used to bring in various New Orleans goodies all the time. LOL I had to stop going in the teacher lounge. :o)
Keep the faith girlfriend, God is Great!
I'm so glad you had a better day today, Kelly! I'm praying hard for you! King Cake IS yummy! Cajun food is near and dear to my heart too, since my Dad is from Louisiana...he can cook some mean jambalaya and gumbo!
I love your way of celebrating fat tuesday!
What is a king's cake??? what does it taste like?
Hey Kelly!
Loving BLCouples and American Idol, too. Are you a reality TV junkie like me?'s a vice. :)
God has a plan in your struggle, girl. Just hang on.
Lisa :)
I love that you are a true Cajun girl!! I fully took advantage of FAT Tuesday down here (and Wednesday, Thursday, and now Friday!)
Praying that we'll hear good news soon!!
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