Thursday, February 28, 2008

Running around like a chicken with my head cut off

Cruella DeVille - what did you do with the 100 dalmations?
Today is one of those crazy days - I have nothing but meetings and appointments all day. I had to go to an off site meeting this morning that luckily was shorter than normal and I'm about to run home and meet the termite man at our house for our annual inspection. Then I'll run back to work and then it's off to another off site meeting this afternoon and then I'll leave that and scramble to get to a hair appointment I have tonight. Thank goodness my roots will be gone after today - it is WAY past time. And I have some frazzled ends that need to be cut!
So I will be glad when I get home later tonight and can relax and try to figure out what is going on on "Lost" and see who is going home on AI? (I think we know who I think it should be from the picture above) ha!
No time to cook tonight - Scott will have to make himself a turkey sandwich. But the good news is that tomorrow is Friday! Who else is excited about that??? And we have a low key weekend planned and I have a mini reunion with some college friends scheduled for Sunday lunch so I can't wait for that!


Caroline said...

I LOVE FRIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! crazy day for you..deep breath. deep breath.....
Have fun at the salon. I love getting my hair done!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

Yeah for Lost. Whoa!!

Hillary said...

I'm frazzled too today! As if you couldn't tell by all the emails I've sent you this morning!! At least you get to end your maddess with good hair and some good TV. Although, as much as I love Lost it stresses me out. I woke up last Friday wondering out Katie ended up with Aaron! I have some ideas but knowing this show its some weird obsure randomness that worked it out!

Hillary said...

Ok...typ-o! I meant "how" instead of "out" and "Kate" instead of "Katie." I need a nap!

Vonda said...

OK, so who is leaving the AI party tonight?
2 guys -
2 girls -

not sure on this one but I have my ideas.

Now for LOST!
Who's in the coffin? Ben? Locke? Anyone???

How long has Sayid been working for Ben? Is Kate somehow involved?

Did Jack do something on the freighter that caused Claire to be killed and that's why he can't face Aaron knowing he is responsible for his mother's death?

Too many questions!!!

Can't wait for tonight's episode.

Nicole said...

I love Friday. It makes me very happy, plus it is jean day at work... I don't have anything to say other than WOW. What is going on this season on AI?

Angela said...

Oh, I love getting my hair done! Have fun and a good relaxing Friday.

Serah said...

My husband said the same thing when he turned on AI last night! Too funny!

I'm looking forward to the weekend, too. Have a great one!

Mandy said...

I love that you called her Cruella..I have been calling her that since the beginning. I actually go back and forth between that, and skunky!! I can't wait to see who goes home tonight. Have fun getting your hair done, that is one of my favorite things to do!!

Julie said...

I missed AI last night. But can I just be a little mean and say I did not have to hear Cruella to say she needed to go a long time ago. My friend and I call her Janice Joplin.

I heard the little sweet David was excellent!!! I missed him to. I'm behind.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see who is going home tonight! I'm ready for the real competition to start showing up!!!! Have fun getting your hair "did." HA!

Meredith said...

Yeah, umm im just wondering....Why doesn't she try out for 103 Dalmations! She would get the part! Okay that was kinda mean, but goodness! HA!

Robyn Beele said...

I am soooo glad it is Friday! I too am so lost after watching Lost. I really don't know why I even try keeping up, but love it I do! The dalmatian girl has got to go. She was terrible and very scary looking. Praise God for weekends! Have a great one.

Huse Yo Mama said...

yeah, I'm not even sure I remember what song she sang last night. I couldn't get over the frock. I know they have stylists (who should obviously be fired) but at what point do you look in the mirror and say "yeah, I think that looks good." Maybe she liked it because it matched her pants?

Anyway, sorry today was so busy, hope tomorrow is better.

Enjoy AI tonight. Can't wait to talk about it some more!

Stacia said...

TGIF have a relaxed evening!

Lauren said...

Ok, seriously... Does that chick own a mirror?! I mean... REALLY!! Bless her heart! Oh, and I am so excited to watch TV tonight... The suspicion is killing me!! And yes, so very glad tomorrow is Friday!

Jennifer said...

I am SO ready for the weekend. I have plans to go to the mall to pick up some ballet flats and TRY to find a men's vallet for hubby.

I wonder if this girl really liked the way she looked when she looked in the mirror?? Hmmmm

Unknown said...

I'm sooooooooooooooooooooo glad it's the weekend!!! =)

Have fun getting your hair done!!!

The pic you have up...CRACKS me up!!! Love the, " Cruella DeVille - what did you do with the 100 dalmations?"

hayden said...

I was busy doing my stability ball during AI (see my blog :) so I didn't totally see the crazy hair and these awful pants...which I thought at first were chaps...but I definitely heard the awful off-pitch singing!!! Send her home!!!

Megan said...

I've missed AI this week. Yes, TGIF.

Tiffani said...

I always seem to miss AI, but last night I saw it & I saw THE HAIR. I want to take her by the hand & lead her to a salon with a good colorist (or whatever you want to call them)! I give you a WORD on tomorrow being Friday. Also, thanks for the tip on Jergens Natural glow lotion...I think I may have to buy some!

Allikaye's Mama said...

Hey! I just saw a mug shot of the "rocker chick" taken back in 2006 (from Entertainment Tonight)- and her hair was the same?!!! Ah! crazy choices people make - now don't go crazy on us - and get blonde stripes with dark black hair at your appt!!! :0)

Leigh Ann said...

I can't get over how her hair makes me think about a skunk. I can't believe she was safe tonight!

Melissa said...

What a crazy day for you!! So what do you do for a living??

Stephanie Kay said...

My initial thought about that picture? OH, MY!! Your mini-reunion sounds like lots of fun. I'm a little bit jealous. It's been 3 years since I had a mini-reunion.

Hillary Jordan said...

Thanks for commenting on my blog. I'm just now getting around to reading your's. You're too cute! I think I have a new read...

Jessica said...

Happy Friday! : )

CAMoore said...

Yeah!! I am glad you found me!! I have been watching your blog too- but too afraid to comment! I think that's funny that we were thinking the same thing about Crela Deville! HAHA!
Hope your Eggies make it!! Good luck!

Rebecca (Sam's wife) said...

so i am just not getting caught up with the blog! i was so not happy that cruella did not get voted off! that other girl rocked on wednesday. anyways AI is sucha popularity contest.