I love Wednesdays. It's hump day. The middle of the week. And I have choir practice on Wednesday nights which I love. And then I get to come home and watch American Idol - which I love! Tonight was extra fun because Julie and I ate at chili's with four of our 10th grade DNOW girls before choir and youth church. They are such sweet girls and it was their idea! I can't believe they wanted to eat with old women but they did. They make me feel young and old all at the same time. Aren't they CUTE?????
Okay - haven't watched the girls yet (thank you DVR!) but my favorite guys are little precious David, the Australian, the guy with dreadlocks and the rock guy who has some red streaks in his spiky hair (kind of reminds me a little of Chris Daughtry). Obviously I have not learned all their names yet but I am just an American Idol FREAK!
Update: So the girls were pretty good. My favorites are the Carrie Underwood #2, sweet Brooke and the little asian girl - Ramiele - I just want to put her in my pocket she is so cute.
The thing I can't figure out is what is up with this hair:I mean it's like she has a bleach blond bob with a black wig on top? It freaks me out and I just don't like her at all. I don't like Carly either. I guess I'm just not into girl rockers. And also - did anyone else think that Paula was wearing a bad wig tonight?
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
I know what you mean about feeling young and old at the same time! My husband and I teach a newly married Sunday School class at our church and I love those girls so much. I feel like they are my friends and we have the best time together, but they are so much younger than me!!
You are so fun, Kelly! I know your DNOW girls must just love you!!! And I heart Wednesdays too!!
Who are you calling old...???!!! :) I just love those girls so much!
Those guys are my favorites too. I missed the girls tonight. :(
I especially like the guy with the dreadlocks!
Just wanted to let you know I made the cupcakes tonight and they are the bomb! My nieces were over and they LOVED them! Thanks for the great recipe! Also, I thought you had a chicken and veggie recipe on your blog that you said you fix a lot?? I can't find it and it looked yummy. Hope you are having a great day!!
I don't blame them for wanting to hang out with you! When are you coming to LR? We need to get together!!!
Chili's yummy..we get take out from there quite often. Their salsa is the best!! My mouth is watering. :)
I am making the cupcakes next week when Jamie, R & A are here visiting.
OK, Here are my Idol picks:
Top 3 guys:
David Archuleta
Jason Castro
Michael Johns
Bottom 3 guys:
Colton Berry (Ellen D. look-alike)
Danny Noriega (Sanjaya wanabe)
Chikezie Eze ('nuff said)
Top 3 girls:
Ramiele Malubay
Brooke White
Asia'h Epperson
Bottom 3 girls:
Alexandrea Lushington
Amy Davis
Amanda Overmyer
So far, this season has the best group of finalist as far as talent goes..
Now for the judges...
Where does she come up with the comments? I mean, she told one of the guys "Don't be afraid to be courageous" Where did that come from???
And someone please teach her how to clap! She looks like a seal waiting for someone to throw a raw fish into her mouth! I keep thinking Simon is going to throw a beach ball up and see if she can balance it on her nose!!!
Wednesday's are great! It's like half-way to the weekend! :o)
I'm with you on that hair.......it's a little freaky.
My husband and I have been trying to figure out how her hair happens - bleach and wig must be it! I can't wait to tell him I have solved the mystery!
I am starting to feel old too! I am in graduate school and when I am on campus with the younger girls I feel so much older. I guess because I am in my mid 20's that is going to start happening now ...
Amanda Overmyer is from my home town!!! She does look a little scary but she is growing on me!!
Of course they invited you girls to eat with them....you all are so fun!!!!!!!!
Bless that girls heart...the one with the hair... I haven't watched A.I. so I am just now getting introduced to her. does she have a good voice??
You are amazing! How do you have time to do all that you do! What a mentor you are to those younger girls.
I did not watch the girls last night. However I have watched it enough to say that I think Amanda Overmyer might be my least favorite. I think she can only sing one type of song. But in her defense, I did not watch it last night. I'm just going by the previous shows. She kind of scares me. :)
I wish I had a DVR!!!!!!!!!!!
The AI guys really disappointed me Tuesday night, so I didn't even watch the girls lastnight. And I'm a huge Big Brother fan. Did you DVR BB? I'll start faithfully watching AI when the numbers get lower.
Paula's hair....talk about BAD hair day. It's either totally in her eyes or like last night, flat to her head. The comments are too drawn out, like she can't remember what she wanted to say, and then that clap, I agree...seal like!
Hi! I love your blog and I can't remember whose I found it from or I would give them credit. ;) My hubby and I are totally into American Idol also! I was so bummed that I had to work last night & missed it! Guess I'll have to catch up via the website. Have a blessed day!
I am so glad that someone else is bothered by her hair!! Everytime I see her, I tell my husband, "I can't look at her and take her seriously, that hair is insane!!" Hopefully they will have some stylist intervene!!
Hey! Love the pic from Chili's! Of course those girls would want to hang out with ya'll!!
Sorry that I tagged you and you had already done that list! Oops! I followed your link and loved reading it though. I hate talking on the phone too. I even get my husband to call and make DR appointments while he is at work and I'm at home! I just hate it for some reason!
I haven't watched AI this season at all, but seeing that girl's hair, I just might have to check it out! :) I know the young girls must really admire you. Fun dinner!
PS-You really should make another video--I haven't laughed that hard in ages! ;)
Ya'll look so cute! What a great opportunity you have in those girls lives. They'll remember you forever.
I'm trying my best to boycott American Idol this year. We'll see if I can hold to that.
That's great that you and Julie had fun with the youth girls! How fun! EEEK about that contestant's hair! It is disturbing!
That hair is freaky-licios!! Horrible!!! Oh, how I would love to get my hands on it!!
I can't agree with you more about AI's "rocker chicks" - weird - and not my style either! I'm glad your keeping us posted on your thoughts - and it's fun to read the other comments! Yay for Kelly!!
her hair is o.o.c. (out-of-control!) and i am happy to say that our dog and baby get along so well. thanks for asking, you are too sweet!
It IS a blond whack-a-'do with a black wig. At first I thought maybe it was due to her car wreck, b/c she did say she had staples in her head... so I'm sure it messed up her hair... but then I saw in her audition, it was just as crazy. I could deal with blonde and black hair... but a wig that isn't pulled down all the way? That is just weird.
LOL...I am laughing so hard right now...you said EXACTLY what I have been thinking......just wanted to stop by and say thank you for all the sweet birthday wishes...
Have a blessed and wonderful day...
smiles, kari (& kijsa)
THANK YOU! It is just horrible!
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