I don't know about where you live - but here in Arkansas - the weather is CRAZY! To recap the last week - it snowed Thursday and Friday and was in the 20's. Then it warmed up over the weekend and Monday it was 75 degrees and sunny. Yesterday we had severe thunderstorms and deadly tornados and today it is 25 degrees. Talk about not knowing what to wear. ha!
Tonight in choir we are having a party to celebrate our music minister's five year anniversary at our church. It should be fun - we are having cake, punch and a video! He does such a great job with our music. I have just absolutely loved singing in the choir. I was scared to death to do it and I'm still scared to death someone is finally going to hear me sing and ask me to quit but in the mean time - I am loving it! Congratulations Brother Ken! (I don't know why I'm writing that - he doesn't read this. ha!) I got this dress at the Gap today for over 50% off. I love brown. I think I've said that before. Tomorrow night my friends and I are having a girls night out and going to eat and to see "27 dresses" so I believe I will wear this on GNO!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
Our weather is crazy too!!
LOVE the new Gap dress and proud of you for getting it on sale! I'm telling you NEVER pay full price at that store. Ha!! I just have a hard time buying things from there and from Bath & Body because I used to get such great discounts working there! :0
Have fun tonight!! Let us know how the movie is.
Okay, my sister & I had the conversation last week that we love that you only wear dresses! I think between the two of us, we own like 3...and I don't even like the one I own. Maybe this summer I'll be inspired to start a dress only wardrobe, but I have to wait until I can wear flipflops...I'm not big on heels or boots, although I'm envious of those that wear them because they are super cute!
Yes, this weather is nuts! I've been freezing today!!!!!!!!!! I'm officially ready for spring!
Cute dress! You'll look fab for your GNO!! :)
It's been crazy weather here too. Monday it got so hot I finally caved and turned the a/c on. In February!
I know!! When it flurried a bit today, the kids thought we might get out of school! Ha! Fat chance! : ) Have fun at GNO!!! Coming to the Fayetteville theater?
OK, so now I know where you've set the bar for what to wear tomorrow night, so I'll have to plan accordingly :) Although, it's always a safe bet that you'll have on a really cute dress! Can't wait--I've been wishing GNO was tonight instead of tomorrow all day today!
I love that dress! I wish I had more reasons to wear dresses. :) I pretty much live in jeans and stretchy pants-ha! You're going to love the movie. Have fun!
I'm having a girls night out tonight (Wednesday. OH! I just thought that might be odd to some folks; our church doesn't meet on Wed.). We're going shopping some I'm wearing comfy clothes. And then we'll eat half-priced appetizers at Applebee's until the restaurant closes! FUN TIMES!
I love that dress!! I also love to wear brown.
We have had crazy weather here in Alabama too!
I'm sure you will look absolutely adorable in that precious dress!
Another cute cute dress! The weather has been crazy--I'm so ready for spring!
That is a very cute dress! Enjoy your GNO!
Ooh, I love the dress!
OK, and I forgot to say that I laughed out loud that you put a picture of Bro. Ken on your blog. We might have to have a blogging intervention--you're out of control!! :)
So the dress is adorable and the movie is great...I laughed all the way through it! A good laugh is always fun to find!
Cute dress! I'm not a dress person normally but this is a cute one. :o)
BTW, did you get my email from me? I had asked about your ear candling that you mentioned on Meredith's post. :o)
Here in VA we get weather like that all winter....one day it snows the next it's in the 70's or 80's..LOL
Love the dress...
I've only recently found your blog but really enjoy reading it.. I LOVE your house...we are planning to build soon..and I've saved pics of yours to use as inspiration when we build ours.
Also wanted to let you know I've tagged you with a meme...you can see the details at my blog.
Love the dress and I bet you will love the movie. It is so cute. Hope you have a good GNO!
Cute dress...I might have to head to Gap!! I saw 27 dresses last weekend and it is so cute! I have a new love for the song "Bennie and the Jetts." You will see that in the movie!! Have fun!
That dress is so adorable!! You have definitely inspired me to pull out my dresses and wear them more than just on Sunday morning! :) By the way...when you are preggo this summer, you will look absolutely adorable in those maternity dresses! :)
I think I started reading your blog when you joined the choir & I have been hooked ever since! Work has been busy so I haven't been able to get my blog reading in, but I just went back & read all about the past weeks. You are such a fab blogger. I just love reading it! I especially LOVED the timeline of hair...so great! Just want you to know that I am praying for you guys. One of my favorite words...FAITH!
I hope you have a super fabulous GNO..I'm going to see the movie and have coffee with a friend tonight. Love the new dress!!
Love that dress! I've been keeping my eyes open for some cute springy dresses that I can get by wearing now with tights or leggings! Even though I have an office job doesn't mean I have to dress boring! :)
GNO sounds FUN! Have a good time!
Girls night out sounds like so much fun!! I can't wait to see that movie!
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