Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Busy Night

So Scott and I have a VERY busy night planned:

Thanks to the writer's strike - I am over whelmed with reality TV to watch. So tonight we have
It's on from 7-9
It's on from 7-9

and Big Brother 9!!! This is normally a summer show but they bumped it up and it's on 3 nights a week. (Plus a new bachelor is starting in a few weeks and Lost is back on - how am I going to keep up with all these shows?)
So somehow we are going to attempt to watch all of this and you can only DVR two things. (Well - Scott won't watch BB9 - so I'm on my own there)
This is our dinner at least two nights a week. I got the recipe from Jennie several months ago and I just love it. It's easy and fairly healthy. We are having it tonight. Yum!

6 tablespoons olive oil
2 lemons, 1 thinly sliced, 1 juiced
4 cloves garlic
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground pepper
3/4 lb green beans
8 small red potatoes, quartered
4 chicken breasts

Preheat oven to 450. Coat a large baking dish with 1 tablespoon olive oil. Arrange lemon slices from 1 lemon in a single layer on the bottom of the dish. In large bowl combine remaining olive oil, lemon juice of 2nd lemon, garlic, salt and pepper. Add green beans and toss to coat. Using tongs, remove green beans and arrange them on top of lemon slices. Add potatoes to same olive oil mixture and coat. Arrange on inside edge of dish on top of the beans. (I think it’s so pretty!) I also add a lemon pepper mixture on top of everything. It adds a lot of flavor.Place chicken in olive oil mixture and coat. Place chicken in dish. Roast for 40-50 minutes. Remove chicken and continue roasting potatoes/beans if necessary.

I use canned cut green beans because I love canned beans. Put I'm sure fresh or frozen would be just as good!


Hillary said...

YUM! Looks good and pretty healthy! I need more of those recipes!
I'm all cozied up and ready for The Biggest Loser! Woohoo! I might have to eat a snack while I watch though. Is that bad?!?

Staci said...

I watch all the same shows!! I'm SOOOO pumped about BB!! And I'll have to try that chicken dish. Yummy!

Mandy said...

I am such a bachelor junkie, I can't wait for it to start again! Your dinner looks delicious!!

Mrs. Shelton said...

I will have to try that! Thanks for the recipe! :)

His Doorkeeper said...

Do you use fresh green beans??

His Doorkeeper said...

For Valentine's Day your Dad is doing a small wedding at church for an older couple who has never been married. And I am doing the photography and her SS class is doing the reception! How's that for low-keyed and easy?? Dad's favorite kind of wedding!! har

Fran said...

That looks divine!! We had Pizza Hut and I wasn't real happy. I wanted some grown up food. You got any leftovers?! :)

Happy tv!

Stephanie Kay said...

That looks and sounds delicious!! I'm going to have to try that recipe. I'm guessing you use frozen green beans, not canned?

Anonymous said...

Looks yummy!! Thank you for the recipe!

RachelM said...

That looks sooooo good! I love it when people post recipes!
I'm defintely going to write that down and try it out.
We also love Lost and I love American Idol but I'll have to watch it DVRed. Kirk's been obsessed with politics lately so I never get to pick what we watch...

Lisa Sherrill Roach said...

I didn't even realize BB9 was coming on so soon. I was flipping through my channel guide and got so excited. I read about how they are pairing up the contestants this time. I'll be glued to the tube!

Allikaye's Mama said...

Hi! I have been hooked on your blog for the past few weeks! I just love how you share your faith, struggles, daily events, and fashion (already got a GAP dress)!! I told my mom that we would definitely be friends in "real" life!! Heehee - except I'm way in Colorado! Well, I thought I would finally comment because I love all those shows too! And my hubby won't watch BB9 with me either!! Ha! Thanks, Kelly!

Candy said...

I love Big Brother! Guess I'm probably missing it right now though.
The chicken looks great!! Thanks for the recipe. :)

Anonymous said...

So, I cannot tear away from American Idol!!! I usually switch back and forth from AI and Biggest Loser, but I can't tonight! I'm for sure going to try that tasty recipe! Hope you enjoy the rest of your night!

Jenna said...

Yay for this wonderful night of reality TV. And oh my goodness, I forgot the Bachelor would be returning soon! What would we do without the Bach to keep us busy during these depressing times in the world of TV? He helps bring joy to our time of writer's strike sorrow.

Y'all's dinner looks amazing! Pretty and delicious--my kind of meal :)

Jennifer said...

I like all of those but have to add Dancing with the Stars! I'm not into Lost but the others are great! :o)

Is it snowing there?

Jessica said...

We had a roast tonight, and your recipe reminded me of it with the potatoes. I am a meat and potatoes girl! Yummy!

Lindsey said...

Dinner looks great! I'm all for a new chicken recipe! I'll definately try it out! Thanks for sharing!

a boy a girl and a pug said...

I love Big Brother! It's really throwing me for a loop that it's on in Feb. though!

Angela said...

Add me to your list of women whose husbands won't watch Big Brother. It's probably for the best...there is too much skin for my sweetie to see.

The recipe looks yummy, fresh and healthy. I'm sure your house smells wonderful when that is roasting.

Linda said...

Watched Biggest Loser! Very touching to see those grown men cry. Ususally watch American Idol towards the end and I did take a peek at bb9. I had no idea it was on. The dinner looks delicious!
Have a great night.

mer@lifeat7000feet said...

Yum-o! Your dinner looks delicious!

Caroline said...

This is why i hate having class on tues nights,.......no biggest loser for me!!!! yuck yuck. I love that show. I use to jump on my little trampoline while I watched it

Megan said...

Your chicken recipe sounds good. I am a huge fan of BB! We'll have to dish about it.

CG said...

I was excited about BB coming back on. What did you think about it?

The Proctors said...

I'm in the same boat as you. There are so many shows on TV right now or coming on that I want to watch. I'm such a TV junkie...and mostly reality shows. I like BB too, but Kyle really won't watch it with me. I end up DVRing it and watching it when I can. I haven't seen last night's episode due to AI so I'm excited to watch it! I think it comes on tonight too!

RRR said...

I've been reading your blog for about a week now and I love your taste in movies and in TV! I LOVE Big Brother and am so happy to have it on now so I don't have to wait until summer! Also, I'm about to get married so I'm really excited to find new recipes that I can make easily after work for us!

Leigh Ann said...

That looks YUMMY! I'm definitely trying this one!

Anonymous said...

I haven't made that dish since I posted it on my blog, but I'm glad you reminded me about it! I think I'm going to brown the chicken first a little bit the next time I make it. Sometimes the lingering fat that turns white freaks me out a little bit (do you know what I'm talking about?).

I had Bunco last night, so I haven't had a chance to watch any of the 3 shows you mentioned. I was so sad that I had to make a choice about which one to not record...I chose Biggest Loser because I figured it would be easiest to catch up on that one.

Julie said...

I have never watched a Big Brother show but it sounds like I am missing out. Maybe I can catch it next week. I missed AI last week and this week. I'm getting together with my great friend Brooklyn tomorrow night to watch the AI she has on DVR. I know it is Valentines Night but her husband (who is a PA) is working and my husband is studying (working on his Masters in Engineering). I'm going to grab Subway for us. I can't wait to try your recipe. I have all the ingredients at my house now. Maybe I will make it for Monday's meal.

destiny said...

That looks sooo yummy!! I'll have to try it out!! Thanks for sharing!

Heather said...

Recipe looks really good..I will definitely try it. I can't wait to watch BB9 too.

Anonymous said...

I wanted to thank you beacause I tried this recipe last night and it was great:) My husband loved it and thats always good!

"J" said...


April S. said...

So, I am finally coming out and admitting that I have been reading your blog for a while now and I LOVE it(I found you through Kimberly H.'s page). I made this dinner tonight that you posted a while back and my husband LOVED it. I also have everything to make the Chicken Breast Supreme later this week. Thanks for posting easy recipes that even I can make taste good. Keep them coming!