So it's time for my hair-u-mentary as Lindsey called it. Beware: this post might not be suitable for young children - it's pretty scary! :-)
I'm not starting too young because my mom fixed me up pretty cute until I started to have a say in it.

Nothing screams the 70's like a terry cloth jump suit and the Dorothy Hammil haircut. You know you had it too if you are anywhere near my age!

I like this look - braids and no tooth. It worked for me. And my preppy izod shirt! This was a good year - maybe the peak!

This was a typical look for me when I was young - my mom would roll my hair in those pink sponge rollers and I would sleep in them - pretty much every night for about 8 years. We are a totally 80's family in this picture.

Oh yes - the bi-level hair cut (mullet) and the big glasses. Nothing like being 12/13 and awkward. Just wait until I added braces and head gear in the mix (no pictures of that)

Then I decided that wearing big bows in my hair was the way to go. This continued on into college. WHY?

This was the beginning of big hair. My hair was still straight but I would hold the sides out, spray a ton of aqua net and then hold the blow dryer on it so it would stay out that way. Who else out there did it? It was genius!

I don't know what concerns me more about this picture - my humongous hair or these bubble suits that we used to wear. I had a ton of them. And I wonder why I didn't have a lot of dates in high school. ha!

These are 2 of my best friends from high school. Obviously I reigned supreme with the big hair. It's why they had to put me in the middle.

These next 2 pictures got out of order but I'm rolling with it. This was college. Shorter but still big hair and oh yes - the beginning of the poofy dresses. I had a ton of these dresses with the big shoulder pads and the bigger bows. Really - what were we thinking?

Do not adjust your screens? There are no shadows in this picture - this is all of my hair! This was first thing in the morning before it "fell". And I think I may have fallen into a bucket of make-up. WHOA!

This was at a college function as I began to grow the big bangs out. It was a big step for me. I remember thinking that was one of the coolest shirts I had ever worn. I borrowed it from my suitmate.

This was me working at a church camp in the summer of college. I actually like my hair here except I look kind of like I should be Miss Georgia 1992. (It just kind of screams pageant hair to me). (and no I haven't watched Miss America yet - it's on the agenda for tonight)

Me and my dad at OBU homecoming my junior year. My hair is starting to tame down but it's really dark (my natural color)(it just seems dark to me now).

Here I am in my early 20's with a short do - I remember really loving that velvet-ish outfit.

Whoa pink lipstick. And my hair seems exceptionally dark there. That was one attempt at growing my hair out.

This is one of my favorite looks because it was at my wedding rehearsal with my bridesmaids and I was tan and blonde and so excited! And I love my friends!

A few years ago - I started wearing my hair curly

Then last year - I cut if off and added bangs

And this is where we are today.
I'd love to see everyone out there make your own hair time line. It's fun to see all the styles (hair and clothes) that we have gone through. PLEASE don't let the 80's/early 90's come back - I urge you!
Loved the walk down memory lane. Wow lots of old memories tied to the picture of you, Pat, & Jenny. She was almost my sister in law I think. hahaha Just imagine the bubble suit in blue and take the big V collar off that one dress you were wearing and you have the outfit I wore one of the days for homecoming when Chris escorted me. hahaha Ahhh, what were we thinking?
Great Hair-u-mentary! I don't know if I could find enough pictures to share. I have to say that the one of you in the senior shirt is probably the biggest hair I've seen and I had some pretty big hair myself. Too funny!
Thanks for sharing.
I for one love your denim overalls and your funky looking jumper! Great!! And I always enjoy your hair photos. Thanks for sharing! That picture of us at your rehearsal looks NOTHING like me! My how things change!
I'm with Hillary--the denim overalls were awesome. As was the bubble pant suit. I think I had a few of those. And I remember a red and white horizontal striped dress I had with jumbo shoulder pads, a large sailor collar as long and pointy as our FBC choir robes, and a huge red bow--it was the most beautiful grown-up dress I had ever seen. I also like the Tri Chi pictures. We need to pull all our Tri Chi pictures and look through them sometime--that and watch Tiger Tunes!
Oh this is the funniest thing! The other night I found my 5th grade school picture and could not stop laughing. I had a hard time deciding which was bigger... The gap between my teeth (pre-braces) or the gap in my bangs (that I obviously didn't know how to fix)! I remember crying many times after haircuts in my childhood years... And lets not even mention the first perm. Oh goodness gracious! But, by the way... Your hair is looking very cute these days! :)
WOW. I think that's the biggest hair I've ever seen!
That was pretty funny! I totally admire you! I'm not sure I'm ready to show that yet! :) I had TONS of those bubble/bloomer outfits in 5th and 6th grade. I had the bangs and wings, braces, AND large glasses! And I honestly couldn't figure out why boys didn't like me in middle school!
What a hair-u-mentary! ha! My sister had one of those bubble suits too!
Those pictures are too funny! I had several of the same fashion "don't"s that were so cool at the time. And I have vivid memories of my mom rolling my hair in those pink foam rollers at night. :) Your hair looks so cute now, and I also liked the curly look from that other not too long ago picture.
Kelly, I have laughed and laughed. Not at you, but at the fact that I've been there, done that! I do LOVE the bubble suit picture and you really were pretty as Ms. Georgia! Oh, I loved it and told Derek to get the scanner out. I'll do a hair-u-mentary, too!
Sponge rollers were the worst! I have one of those Senior shirts where everyone signed the numbers. NOW you look familiar to me from OBU. = ) Thanks for the walk down hair/fashion memory lane.
I love these pictures! How fun! I don't think I am brave enough to do this. I had big hair, braces, and big glasses!! I forgot about the big puffy outfits and the shoulder pads. Thanks for the memories! :)
This completely made my day! SO FUNNY! I remember those bubble suits, too. My sister and I had matching ones...very stylish!
Most of this hit very close to home! We called those bubble outfits rompers and I was so lucky to have about 20 of them!!
This was great!!! I also slept in sponge rollers when I was a kid. Always on Saturday nights so it would be curly for church! I CANNOT go a day without washing my hair. I have tried and tried...but I feel like a grease ball by the end of the day. I use SO many hair products....shampoo, conditioner, heat protectant spray, leave in conditioner, spray mist gloss (on dry hair), hair spray........crazy how important hair is to us huh?!?
Kelly, just be grateful you inherited thick hair from me and my side of the family or you could have had hair like Pap-pa's....very thin and very little of it!! Har
Actually, I really like your hairstyle in the picture with just you and Laurie and sortof curly! Very cute! MOM
Kelly, I'm falling out of my chair laughing at the memories of your "hair-raising" adventures! Your post reminds me of my daughter's hair days...I don't think I could ever post my pics. Anyway, I've tagged you to post how you met your husband. Sandi at Fabulous Fluff Stuff tagged me and I just kind of followed her lead (check out her or my blog for ideas). I've also tagged your mom cause I thought it would be neat to have a mother-daughter tag!
Love ya - Judy
oh this is hilarious. the bubble suit with the big, giant hair, sorry but it looks so clownish. i'm sure i have some similar photos.
i love your hair when you started wearing it curly. and i do think blonde really looks good on you.
GREAT post! You are one courageous girl! I'm too chicken to make a hair-u-mentary!
By the way, you look great as a blond!
Love this..great pics of the "big" southern hair!! My mom put the pink sponge rollers in mine and my sister's hair too.
I love it! I remember the bubble suits all too well. My mom felt like she had to make my clothes and cut and perm my hair. The bubble suit was a pattern that she unfortunately mastered! I had a closet full of them! Put that with permmed hair that was already naturally curly and I was something to see. I'm pretty sure I still have some emotional scarring from it all! :)
I can so relate to your years of hair and fashion! You are such a joy to read about - I miss the OBU days of hanging out with you!
Amy Compton
Kelly, this is SOOOOO funny--I remember you with a lot of these "styles". My favorite has to be the big hair and bubble suit combo though! :) Your hair looks great how it is now--you always look cute and stylish! Have you scanned in all your old photos? I need to do that, or have them put on a cd??? What's the best way to do that?
oh wow! That is hilarious! Not just the hair but the outfits too! I'm going to try to do a "hair line" too b/c you have inspired me now! This was a great post!
This was fantastic! Wow, your hair was a force to be reckoned with...I'm just in awe!
I have to add that your transformation is amazing. You were very pretty the whole way through, but I'd never ever guess those earlier pictures were you.
All I am going to say is that I remember the pink lipstick!!!!
All I am going to say is that I remember the pink lipstick!!!!
OH MY GOODNESS!!!! That was so funny and I am only laughing because I am the daughter of a high school math teacher (mom) and football coach (dad). In the 80's i was little but they took us to all the high school dances to play. so you were wearing all those balloon jumper things, big bangs, big hair so was I but on a little girl... i looked crazy!!!! I think my hair was bigger that my height!!!i will have to find some pictures and post them!!!!! I thought i was so cool looking like the high school girls did! hahahahahah
You are so funny
Oh my word, the bubble suits. I forgot about them. What were we thinking???
And, yes, I had "wings" going on too.
I agree, let's keep the 80s and 90s in the past!!!
Hi, Kelly, oh that was funny! I too have some major big hair pics I could share. That might be a fun post! I had SO much hair back then it was crazy & I didn't even have to tease mine or use Aquanet. I have less hair now (thank goodness) and I'm with more 70's or 80's hair or clothes. Things are much better this decade.
P.S. Thanks for the laughs! You really look like a natural blonde, so I was surprised to see how dark your hair really is.
I loved looking at all of your pics and the change throughout the years. I can't believe that we wore some of the things that we did!! I also have memories of sleeping in the sponge rollers (ouch)! I need to go round up a few pictures at my parents house and do the same thing! This is fun!
This was hilarious! I can't get over the bubble suit and the overalls...oh man, those were the days! I must say, I love your blonde hair, it looks great on you! I have dark hair too and I once died it blonde for awhile, but it just didn't look good on me. I started only washing my hair every other day about 6 years ago (when my hair was dyed blonde). It has been the best thing ever and saved me so much time. You will be so glad when you have a baby, that you trained your hair to skip a day now!
Hi Kelly - I'm not sure how I got to your site, but I love this post! I, too, had BIG HAIR in 80/90's! Fun to see how it all transpired with you.
Oh wow...not at you. At the fact that I had bubble suits too. I remember them coming out and being ALL over the wall at Dillards! Not only did I have them, my favorite one was black and white polka dots!
I am coming out of the shadows because I just had to say that my mom had my hair cut JUST like hers. Picture 8 year old with a GRANDMA perm!!! I refuse to look at those photos anymore...
Is that one picture of you (curly hair) with Laurie when we went to New York? I think that's my green purse she's carrying.
I had so much fun reading about Big Mama's hair. When I clicked over and saw that you had done a hair timeline too, I was so excited. (Funny how hair excites me so!)
Anyway, you shouldn't be so hard on your hair, it was lovely. You couldn't help the trends, you were just a victim. Haha.
I really love the short curly look, so cute. And your dark hair isn't that bad, you look like an exotic beauty. Of course your hair is so gorgeous now with the cut and color.
Happy Hair Days! Thanks for sharing!
I love the picture of you in the bubble suit! I so remember those! You actually had to be really skinny to pull of the ol' bubble suit, so kudos to you for being so skinny (even though your hair wasn't!) : ) Maybe if we bring back big hair, it will make our hineys looks smaller? What do you think? Ha!
Girl, now that is some hair. I think you might be my official big hair rival.
The bubble suit? The poufy dress? The big bows? Why did we do that?
And the blonde suits you. You're so pretty!
I laughed out loud at the bubble suit! I had one or two myself!!! So funny!
I like your hair blond too, Big Mama is right, you are so pretty!
AMAZING!!! i can't get over this incredible journey. and i have to say i have always thought you had fabulous hair... i had no idea what an adventure it has had through the years!
Well, I agree...I think I may try to dig up some old pics and do my own! What a great idea! And I for one think you look good with dark hair!!!
It's funny you did a post on hair. I so love your's so cute & fits your style perfect. I think my favortie syle is the one where you are wearing your velvet outfit! Totally cute!-HA!
(How's that for some 80's talk?)
Anyhoo---love your blog and that precious Harper!
Oh btw---not sure how I came across your blog....but glad I did. I'm in the DFW area but have tons of family in the Northwest area of Arkansas.
That was just TOO awesome!! You are So pretty!
I have to compliment you on your big hair era -- I am Italian and from New Jersey and am very impressed! Wow!
Loved this - can't wait to do mine (well, I can wait a little...)!
Girl. Girl! Those outfits are something else. Funny thing is I can remember being so jealous about some of them b/c my mom said they were "too old" for me! When I was in high school I volunteered at the local hospital. Looking at the ID picture now-- my hair is cut out of the picture it's so big!
That was AWESOME! What a fabluous idea! I definitely like your hair the best now;-)
You are so beautiful! I loved your hair journey and believe everyone woman has one!
Oh my stars! I can't quit laughing. We are almost the same age and I can relate to SOOO many of these photos.
First of all, I'm so proud of you for posting them. I don't think I could have done it. Secondly, I nearly fell out at the "bubble suit". I am so glad someone else wore those too. Wasn't that a Laura Ashley thing? My mom made me some and I just thought they were so great.
I also had something similar to the "faux sailor" dress with the big shoulder pads and massive bow (and thought it was great looking too...then, not now).
Oh my, thanks for the trip down memory lane and the laughs. It's always such a comfort to know others shared in the big hair (how did we get it that big anyway? Aqua Net?), former dark hair, glasses, braces, shoulder pad, acid washed denim, bubble and big bow wearing stage of life.
P.S. Just for the record, I love your hair now. And I think hair tucked behind one ear is adorable! (I clicked here from the Easter 09 link)
This was great!!! You look natural as a blonde. I think your hair always looks nice in the pictures you post on your blog.
I loved looking at your pictures! I totally had a ton of those one piece jumpsuits! Wow. How bad were they? I have to say that I think your hair is way cute in the pic where it is long and dark with the two girls in red. And I LOVE the blue necklace in the pic where your hair is short and curly!! So cute! But for the record, I think you're hair is pretty just the way it is now! I can't believe that someone would complain about your hair! People are rude!
That was sooo funny! I remember the big poofy hair, the big bows, and the bubble suits. I must say...I would have never thought you weren't a natural blond. It looks really good on you! Thanks for hair-u-mentary. Maybe I'll do one some day. LOL!
Oh Kelly,
I am laughing so hard! I graduated from high school in 1990 and I had the biggest hair! Right before my senior pics, my mom took me to get a perm at her cousin's salon. I wasn't too worried about having someone cut my hair that had never done so before.....until she started blow drying my freshly permed hair! My hair blew up so big and frizzy. I am almost embarrassed to even look at my senior pics now. I am sure that I was "cool" back then though. Right?
Anyway, thanks for the memories and the laughs! :)
wow kelly... you really have so me courage to post these... they are so cute though =]
OMG!!! I can't believe your hair was so big in that one pic!!! I can't even top that!
You made my day! I am still laughing.
For me it would be my eyebrows-they are Brooke Shield huge and over the years my attempts at controlling them have been Good, Bad and Ugly!
You on the other hand are darling! Blessings on your day!
I Loved your walk down memory lane. I was born in 1967 and have many photos of a similar vintage. I think I have a few big hair/ too much makeup photos too, but I'm not game to post them on the world wide web!
Good on you Kelly! It was a fun and gracious way to deal with those annoying comments. Your hair is great as it is. My favourite photo you posted is the last one of you with dark hair, when you grew it out. Lovely shot.
God bless you
I would never have guessed that your natural color was that dark. Your pictures remind me of my own. We need an eyebrow-umentory! I have the same thick, dark eyebrows. Thank goodness I learned how to pluck them!
That is hilarious. I love the big hair, I have a few pictures of myself like that. You do look so natural as a blonde. I am struggling with always having been a blonde until I had my kids and each one that I had my hair got darker and now it is dark brown, UGH, just can't get used to it. Thanks for sharing those.
wow, now that was some hair. Oh my word! and may I say you look like a different person with you dark, natural hair color! I am a stylist... and I love you as a blonde! The only thing that I could suggest to you... is when you find a great stylist... stick with her/him... they are always really hard to come by. Both my sisters have amazingly huge and thick hair... growing up they looked similar to your photos... that much hair! Now they are just glad that I do hair... every time I see them I take out a ton of hair for them when I thin it out. Have you found a stylist near you that thins hair well? I remember you writing that you changed stylists because the one you were seeing was too far away... comment at my blog if you would like...! Oh, and don't look at my hair... it's been months since I have done anything with it! I never have the time to get my own done!
absolutely hilarious! a picture really is worth a thousand words! i think this inspired me to do a hair-u-mentary too! fun times!
Oh Kelly! I absolutely love your pics down memory lane!! Several of those I would have sworn I was looking at myself! Although I was never able to get as much body out of my hair as I didn't have the curls. When I get around to starting my own blog I will definitely have to do this, too!
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