These are my little bits of Saturday Happiness:
1. I went to a new place today - Interiors Galleria. For those of you in NWA - it's in Rogers behind Sportsman's Warehouse and the Pleasant Grove Wal-Mart. It is SO neat. It's a HUGE place filled with interior stuff and also cute baby stuff. There is also a crumpet tea room in there that is really nice. Had NO idea!
Anyway - I was looking for something to put on my side table but of course every floral arrangement was between $100 - $300 and I decided to do it myself. So I went to Hobby Lobby where God's goodness shone down on me because floral stems were 1/2 off - so I made this arrangment for about $30. Not too shabby!2. Since we started our "healthy eating" on Monday - I have lost almost SEVEN pounds!!! It's amazing (and embarrassing) how just dropping sweets and fast food can make such a difference. The really good thing is I haven't been wearing jeans much because just in the last few weeks - I couldn't get them buttoned. And if I did - I couldn't breath. And there is no way I'm buying a bigger size. ha! This morning I put on my jeans and they fit great. Maybe even a tiny bit loose! Whoo hooo!!! I've been eating a lot - but just chicken and vegetables. And today is like spring time! It's January 5th - and it's 65 degrees outside. I'm going for a long walk after I tackle Wal-Mart.
3. And last but certainly not least:
I have been praying for three of my close friends to get pregnant for almost a year. I found out one was pregnant in October, found out the second one was pregnant right before Christmas and this week I found out the third is. And she had been told by a fertility center that there was "very little chance" for her to get pregnant. So she quit all the drugs and they were going to think about what to do next and it happened naturally!
So now everyone on my list is pregnant. I am focusing my prayers on Sarah so she better get ready to pick out baby clothes! :-) And I feel very encouraged that God is showing me His faithfulness and that He will remember me all in His perfect timing!
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
Congratulations on your 7 lbs! I am soooo jealous. I hope it happens for me that quickly! Oh, and I love the arrangement you made. You are still so crafty. I wish you lived closer so you could help me! :) And, I LOVE that table your mom got you. It looks perfect! You have your house decorated so pretty!
I just discovered your blog during the Christmas house tour. I have enjoyed following along since then. Thanks for sharing!
Wonderful answers to your prayers...congrats to your friends who are now pregnant. Many prayers for you & Scott while you wait for your turn.
Hi Kelly,
I'm another Kelly (from Michigan) and I found your blog after the Christmas tour also. I really enjoy it.
I just wanted to tell you, I went through 4 years of infertility and now have TWINS (they are 9 years old now) a great Scripure I prayed all the time was Psalm 113:9 He settles the barren woman in her home as a happy mother of children.
You have a good attitude about it, just keep praying. Also, I had the same test you did (where they "flush" your tubes) That helps a lot of women, maybe it will be the trick for you. :)
I'm praying for you, don't lost hope.
Kelly (your new bloggy friend)
I can't wait to check out the new store-I love places like that. Cute flower arrangement. It looks a lot like one I did recently for our bathroom--we have such similar tastes :) And congrats on the weight loss--that's a lot for one week, I know you're proud.
Love the arrangement. The feathers make it pop! And way to go on the weight loss!
That store sounds great! I need to check it out. My favorite part of your arrangemnt is the feathers! They really make it elegant!
You are truly precious beyond words. I promise you I am praying just as hard for you and Scott as I am Jon and I. All that I hope for regarding us, I hope and pray for you two as well.
Your arrangement is beautiful! I spent too much time and money in Hobby Lobby myself on Friday. I kept seeing these awesome greenery arrangements, priced way too high, and bought some stuff to do one myself. It's now sitting where our Christmas tree was and it is truly the ugliest thing ever. It looks like a fern that threw up on itself. But I am stubbornly leaving it up because I spent the money on all of that stuff!
Look at your new blog design! Love it!!
Congrats on all the goodness going on! Always praying for you.
And, that arrangement is beautiful! I so can't do that.
Beautiful arrangement Kelly! I love the feathers that you worked into it and the one on your sofa table! Adorable. It seems they have the coolest stores in Arkansas! LOL
Martha Stewart should be very nervous right now!
wow-7 lbs!! I was feeling good about my 2, but now I am more motivated to catch up to your progress. :) Congrats!
God is so Good! Isn't it amazing how many times miracles of pregnancy happen when you least expect it?! ;)
Love the arrangement!
My "diet" starts tomorrow!! If we lived closer we could hang out and make our arrangements all day! Yours looks great!!! I am so glad that Sarah has started blogging and has more "prayer warriors" out there like yourself praying for her. Being close friends with her, that means a lot to me.
What a beautiful arrangement you did!
And "you go girl in the weight loss".... I have been doing Weight Watchers for the last few of months. I've lost about 10-11 pounds. It's alot harder to take off after turning 40. But believe it or not, I even lost weight while eating all sorts of things through the holidays. I love it when that happens!
I even wore a belt today WITH a shirt tucked in.
It's been a LONG time since I would even think of that.
Congrats on your 7#s!! I have been to the Sportsman's Warehouse and I saw the Interiors Galleria but couldn't manage to drag my husband and brother-in-law in the store...I guess that makes for another trip with just me and my sister!! HA!
7 lbs? Are you kidding? That just isn't right! Here I am eating right, working out, and I'm lucky if I lose one pound a week! I might be mad at you over this! :)
Your arrangement looks great! Congrats on your weight lose! I have got to get really serious about it!
Wow Kelly, where to start? Okay, first off, congrats on your weight loss! You have motivated me to start up with WW again (that and looking in the mirror after "bath time" AND having to buy larger jeans this past year). Also, love, love, love your floral arrangement - you did a great job. The prices they put on the ones you buy already made up are unbelievable. I'm not very good with floral arrangements so I try and pick them up at HL or somewhere else pretty cheap.
I've decided to start my new WW program on Monday (I have about 1 1/2 hrs to go on Sunday night) so think I'll go have ONE MORE PIECE of pizza before then...see I'm such a sucker!
Love ya - Judy
I found four of your pounds last week. Thanks a lot. :) Kidding.
Did you read above? Twins? Stamps #1 and Stamps #2. How fun would that be?!! You would never sleep again.
Love the arrangements. You have skills, sister.
I would so pay you to make me a cute arrangement like that! Very talented!
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