We are under tornado watch right now and I'm freaking out a little bit. Tornados scare me to death. I always want to immediately get in the closet and hold Dawson under a pillow. Scott wants to stand out in the yard and stare at the sky. We are watching the National Championship game and I'm trying not to freak out.
And the worst part is that today I went to the doctor for an ultrasound (thank you for your prayers - I had three big eggs - which makes me feel like a chicken when I discuss them) (like I've been laying eggs this afternoon) and tonight because of timing I have to have a shot after 9:00. There is NO WAY that Scott could do it - he's so squeamish. So thankfully - I have a very sweet friend who is a nurse and she agreed to do it for me. BUT that means I have to drive over there at 9 - while we are under tornado warning. Scott is going to drive me but still........I'm so scared that we'll have to take shelter in a ditch. They only live a couple of miles from us so it should be okay.
I guess it's time for me to repeat the verse from Psalms that my mom taught me to say when I'm scared "What time I am afraid, I will trust in Thee".
Update: After holding Dawson in "our safe place" and praying .......the storm passed so I went and got my shot and we are back home! And if all goes well - I'll be able to tell my baby (or maybe babies) that I had to go out late at night in a tornado to get a shot so I could have them. :-)
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
I'm so glad you have a friend to give you the shot! You'll be in my prayers tonight!
Oh no!! I've been worried about you in Bentonville! While watching the game the EAS message came up and I immediately thought of you! Email me at work tomorrow so I know, Scott and Dawson are ok! I'm praying for a baby!!!
That is the same verse my mom would make me say!
I'm praying for your eggs!
Praying for your eggs too! Oh, the shots...
Could you close your eyes and try it yourself? I never thought I could, but after the first or second time I learned to mamane.
Stay safe!
I am laughing because I came back over here to respond to your comment and saw my first one...I have no idea what I intended to type when I wrote "mamane." I mean, absolutely no idea what I meant...That's what I get for watching TV and typing at the same time.
Anyway, just going to tell you that self-injecting hormones is MUCH safer than being out in a tornado. :-) Have a great night...
mamane? Really? :-)
I'm laughing because your last post was about eggs too- just the omelet kind! : ) Cute!
I know- the wind is howling out here, but I think it has passed over us. All of us in NWA are watching 4029 for sure! : )
Well, it's 9:50 now so hopefully, you're okay...either in a ditch or back at home! Praying for you girl!
Oh you sweet thing! I HATE HATE HATE tornados too....growing up in AR you can't help but hate them.
My kids are worried about our weather tonight....so far so good.
Praying for you, the weather, your shot and your big ole eggs! :)
Love ya~
9:55p...hope you're okay. Scott is going to have to work on not being squeamish for the delivery room someday soon! :) Prayed for you on my way home from the gym tonight!
Kelly!!! I'm saying a prayer right this minute for you! Wouldn't this be a funny story to pass on to your kiddos one day!!! Cute blog background by the way!!!
Thinking about you!!!
Okay, do you realize that this is the second post in a row about eggs? *smile*
Will definitely be praying for a baby! And yes, you will have a funny story to tell one day about tornados and shots and conquering your fears.
I am terrified of tornados. Terrified. Thankfully, we don't see too many out west.
I am terrified of tornadoes, too.. I have unfortunately passed this fear onto our dog, Tatum. Several years ago, we were under a severe tornado watch. The weather man even gave coordinates and my street address in his warning. Jon was at work so I officially freaked out. I put Tatum in the bathtub and pulled a queen sized mattress in on top of us in our tiny apartment bathroom. Fortunately, the storm passed and with the exception of hail, we were fine. However, I couldn't pull the mattress back out of the bathroom. It was stuck! My adrenaline must have gotten it in there! So now when it rains, poor Tatum starts shaking. She knows my fear and I passed it on to her.
I'm glad you're in the clear. I've been praying for you and God's blessing of a baby. His timing is perfect. Have a peaceful night...
Praying for you and your eggs! Keep believing...God will bless you!
I worried about you last night when I saw on the news that all the bad weather was in your area. I'm glad you are okay. I'm praying for you. That last part got me all teary-eyed!
I'm so glad that you guys are okay, and you were able to get your shot! Praying for you everyday!
Praying for you and the eggs!!! You will definitely have a story to tell!
So glad you survived the storm last night. We are under a tornado warning right now, and the Princess is at school. This is a little freaky. She will be so scared if they have to go out in the hall.
Praying for you!!!!!!!
Keep the faith!! Sending up prayers for you and your eggs!
Keeping my fingers crossed for you.
We have a bad storm headed our way from Arkansas. I am praying for you and I am sure I would have to have gone out at 9:00 at night in bad weather too. :)
Praying so hard for y'all! That will make a great story!
Glad you made it there and back safely! Praying for you!
We had the same thing today. Tornado warning during parent teacher conferences. We had to get the late bus kids (middle school and High school) off the bus until it passed (1 hour). It just confirmed why I teach Kindergarten and not teenagers!
we were watching the sky today too. i hope all goes well with the little eggs.
Found your blog through Boomama--and her post on clip boards ;o) I've been lurking for a little while but wanted to say that hope everything goes well and praying for the eggs!
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