Our Sweet Pastor's wife is having surgery this Friday to remove thyroid cancer. Please pray for her. God has gifted her with the most beautiful voice and this Sunday in our church service - our music minister had her sing one of my most favorite songs "Breathe on Me" because he thought it would be a fitting song for her to sing. When we practiced it last Wednesday night - I don't think there was a dry eye in the room. Not only because we thought of her -but because I think this song can speak to you in whatever you are going through.
I've had a very tough last week trying to be patient and wait on God's timing to give us a baby. I truly do trust Him but at the same time, it's SO hard to understand why it's so easy for some people to get pregnant and so hard for others. I'm thankful that God put several infertile women in the Bible to encourage me. (Sarah, Hannah, Elizabeth, Rachel). I love how it usually says "God remembered her and gave her a child". I'm just ready for God to remember me. Not that I think he ever forgot me. I know He has a plan and I know it is perfect. But I have really struggled with sadness this month. If you want to know what I'm going through - read this blog. She writes about everything I'm feeling and thinking in such a funny way.
The words of "Breathe on Me" come from Psalms and this part has encouraged me so much this week - I have been singing it a lot. I found this you tube video of the song. Ignore the cheesy Easter egg outfits. :-)
I will say of the Lord - He is my strong tower. My rock and my fortress in whom I trust.
In time of the storm and in tribulation. He is my help and my salvation.
Psalms 18:2
A Month Gone.
3 years ago
Kelly-I'm so glad you posted this. I've been wanting to post about it on my blog just so people would be praying for you! As you already know, I'm PLEADING with the Lord on your behalf! I trust Him to bring you and Scott a baby in His timing! Like I've told you a million times, I don't understand it either. In fact this weekend I was praying about it and I just begged the Lord for some peace throughout the waiting and the lack of understanding. You're a WONDERFUL blessing in my life and I know Harper/Hudson will be a blessing in my life too!! I can't wait!
Hi Kelly! I only know you through this blog & although my husband and I have jumped right into the adoption process, I can not say I know how you feel as far as trying to birth a child. We haven't even tried that avenue because God has called us in a different direction. I can say that my close friend Hannah and her husband have been trying for a while now. I often beg God for a sign. Not neccessarily for me, but for Hannah. She doesn't mention much about it but when she does, I can always tell it is really bothering her. All I can say is now that you have mentioned it here, each time I pray for Hannah I will for you guys as well. I always think that one day, it's gonna be so funny when we have a chance to hear from God and see how perfectly His plans worked out for us individually although we might not realize it in "the moment." For in these times and during specific struggles, it is often hard to accept much less try to understand that His plans are not our own. It was definetly not my plan to wait 2+ years to have a child. Who knows, if we tryed to conceive we might be able to have one more quickly but at this time we know that God has a greater plan. It is hard to wait but we know that in the end...the blessings will be immeasurably more than what we might imagine! (((((((((((Hugs))))))))))) & Prayers coming your way today Kelly!
Obviously, I don't know you other than just reading your posts here. But, I applaud you for posting about this. It seems to be a situation that affects more people than we would ever know. I will pray for your peace while waiting on the Lord's perfect timing.
I know we "technically" don't know one another, but through your blog I know you are an incredible woman of faith. I know there are many, many women who read your blog and they must surely be blessed to hear some one as candid, open, and honest as you! I know in God's perfect timing all will work out! Praying for you and admiring you!
I also don't "really" know you but feel like I do through this. I am so glad that you are so honest with what you are going through because it's really an inspiration to people going through the same thing. You're always in my prayers!!
Hey Kelly...
I want to encourage you by saying I have been there and have walked that road that you have. We now have 3 beautiful children, but it has been a journey. I miscarried our 1st pregnancy...I was 26 and devastated. I then had the 2 older boys and then knew I wasn't finished and wanted one more....just one more. And it took a solid year. It was the most trying thing for me. And, the scary thing was I did not have the faith I have now or the belief or the relationship with Jesus that I have now. My gratitude has come much later.
He'll bless you when the timing is right. I can look back now and see why things didn't happen the way I wanted and I thank Him for that. I couldn't have handled it on my time and what happened upon our life. THANK YOU JeSUS!
I'm praying for you. I want His peace and love to cover you and your hubs. I know the anxiety you may feel. I pray your faith and hope increase by the day. Cling tightly to Him Kelly.
Also, praying for your friend too.
Kelly, thanks for being vulnerable and sharing your heart with us. I am praying for God to SEE you, and praying for you to continue to trust Him even though there are more questions than answers right now.
Your honesty is so refreshing!
Kelly, thank you so much for posting this!! You are so sweet and my mom would be so honored to know that she is mentioned on your blog! I want you to know that I'm praying for you and God is faithful to those who serve Hiim!
<3 Hannah Smith
This made me cry! In the sweetest, most touching way! God is so good to give us the support we need...I am praying for you and your husband with the same intensity I'm praying for me and my husband! I don't wish this upon anyone, but it's so comforting to know that someone with the same values, same beliefs, and same faith can relate. Know you have a blogger friend praying her heart out for you!!!
I was putting on make-up yesterday and just out of the blue your name came to mind and I felt like I should pray for you about the pregnancy situation the whole time I was getting ready. I want SO badly for the "perfect timing" to be NOW!?!? Although my struggle was different, I know how heartbreaking it is to hear "wait". It didn't take us very long at all to get pregnant, but with two miscarriages, it was almost 2 years between when we started trying for the second baby and when sweet Alexee arrived. I'm praying for you, and I'm so glad you posted this...
Many prayers are going up on your behalf. We'll never understand the reasons or the timing, but we know everything will be ok according to our Father! Lots of love and tears coming your way. Have a blessed day and know lots of people care for you and pray for you each and every day!
I will also be praying for you two. Thank you for sharing...I know that it is not easy.
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